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03x13 - The Smudges/Tiny Pirate Problem/Curse of the Werefrog/Magic Carpet Ride

Posted: 12/09/23 14:34
by bunniefuu
♪ Chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk,
chalkzone ♪

Snap: Well,
here we are,

rapsheeba's new place.

I hope she's ok.

Did she say what
the problem was?


She just said get
over her quick

with a moving Van.


It appears that only
13% of this house

is in day zone.

Rapsheeba: Don't
go in that way!

Come around the side!

All righty!

Whatever you say,

I'm so glad you're here.

You've gotta get me
out of this house fast!

But you just moved
in a month ago.

Yeah, you said you
loved this old house.

Yeah, well, uh...

It's not big
enough for me.

Not big enough?

It's enormous!


Don't open that door!

What are you so
jumpy about, sister?


You might as well know.

They're trying
to drive me out.

I need to move 'cause

the night zone part
of the house is haunted.

All: Haunted?!


How extraordinarily

Let's check it out.

Snap: Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa!

Hold up there,

You never know
what kind of evil

might lurk
in night zone.

Aw, come on, snap.

Where's your sense
of adventure?

There's nothing
to be afraid of--

especially when
I've got this.

Let's go catch
us some ghosts.



Beat it!

Beat it!

See what I mean?

There's got to be

a logical explanation
for all of this.

See? Nothing
to be afraid of.

Beat it!

Beat it!



Who's that?

Who's there?

It's them!

It's the smudges!

Oh, yeah.


A smudge is a form
of chalkzone ghost.

It's what you get
when a drawing

is not fully erased.

Half of it comes
into chalkzone,

but the other half
stays in real world.

But why would they
be out to get you?

Snap: Who knows.

But smudges are very
common in chalkzone.

They're usually around
only a few seconds

till somebody erases
the rest of them.

Then the drawing's

But these smudges
have been around

a long, long time.

Their other halves
never showed up.

And they've been trying
to scare me away

ever since I moved in!



Both: Get out!

This is our house!

What's going on?!

Smudges: UN, ooh, eee!

[Smudges laughing]




Don't worry,

I'll draw something
to break your fall!

I'll catch you, rapsheeba!



Hoi calloi!

[Playing jazzy tune]

♪ Get out of my face ♪

♪go away ♪

♪ and just leave
this place ♪

♪ you gotta do it ♪

♪ oh, do it today ♪




Are you ok?!

We gotta get out
of this house!

Well, I won't let
you be driven out

without a fight.

Nobody messes
with my friends.

Both: Whoa!


Both: A flyswatter?!


Oh, you want some of this?!


One down...


Ok, let's get
out of here!


Rudy, later we're gonna
have a little talk

about that
flyswatter thing.

Do they want us
to leave or not?!

Oh, we gotta
get back
to day zone.







do something!

Yeah, before
that giant throat

swallows us whole!

That's enough!

Oh, thank you!

Rudy: Oh, no! The chalk!

How are we
gonna get out
of this now?

Snap: Ok.

That was weird.

I wonder why
they stopped.

I think they're trying
to tell us something.

We better follow 'em!

Check it out!

It's their
other halves!

"Help us."


Now it all makes sense!

They want us to unite them

with their other halves!


Then they'll be
complete in chalkzone

and happy enough
to leave me alone.


I wonder what's on
the real world side.

Hmm. That's weird.

There's something
in the way.




Great gumballs!

Ha! You're not gonna
believe this!

Time for sweepy,

Teddy-weddy boo-boo!

Mr. Wilter?

Mr. Horace wilter?!

No way.

Horace! Horace!


Well, we gotta get
'em out of his room

so you can get in there

and erase the rest
of these guys.

Ok, here's the plan.



Huh? Zibble! Blotz!

My childhood drawings!

Am I dreaming?!

Oh, what are
you doing here?


You've come back
to haunt me!



Now you're really
not going to
believe this.

He knows them!


Snap: Hello.


Come on.

We have a little job
for you to do.



Why are you torturing
me like this?

I drew you!

It was my father
who erased you!

He said you were imaginary.

He said I couldn't
be your friend.

He called you
rude drawings.

Not me! Not me!


The horror!



More ghosts!


[Speaking gibberish]


We're complete.
We're complete.

Now I've seen

Both: Bye-bye, Horace!



Wait! Wait!
Where are you going?!

What's this?!

They're gone again?!


Just keep this
between you and me.

[Playing upbeat music]


Wilter: Oh, the horror!

[Snap panting]

Wow! The "queen mergatroid,"

chalkzone's posh-est
ocean-going vessel.

Oh, boy! I can't believe
we're going aboard!

What did the captain say

he wanted to talk
to you about, Rudy?

I don't know.

He just sent
me this note.

"Urgent, please come on board

"before we sail this morning.

Signed, captain stable."

Man: Attention,

Before we embark,

I must issue
a warning:

On this voyage, we'll be
sailing through waters

where we've been

a tiny pirate problem.



I'm ruined!

Wiped out!

Rudy: No, you're not,
captain stable.

Oh, ho ho!

Rudy tabootie!

You came!

I was going to ask
you to make this
voyage with me

for protection,

but now, with
no passengers,

there won't be
any voyage.

Aw, nonsense!

We're not gonna let
a tiny pirate problem

destroy the great
"queen mergatroid,"

are we, mates?

No way!

I mean, how bad can
a tiny problem be?

We'll defend you!

After all, Rudy's
got the chalk!

Well, then,
come on!

All hands on feet!

Mind the mizzenmast!

We've got
an ocean to cross!

[Singing "popeye" theme]


Pirate ship off
the starboard bow!

It's them!

Neptune save us!
It's them!

They look to be
a few miles away.

That gives us plenty
of time to prepare.


Captain, we're
being att*cked

with marbles!

Not marbles, my dear.


And flaming
torches, too!

Will those
villains stop?!

Hey, hey, calm down!

This is child's play.

Man: Avast, ye lubbers!

And prepare
to be boarded!

Snap: Tiny pirates!


So, that's what
you meant by

a tiny pirate
problem, captain.


This is no time
for joking!

We're under attack!


[Men yelling]

You'll never get
away with this,
red facial hair!

We'll see about that!

I'm taking control
of this vessel!



Stop! Hey!

I've had enough!

That's a mighty dull sword
you got there, laddie!

Sharp enough to cut
you down to size!

Prove it!

You'll rue the day

you crossed blades with
me, red facial hair!

Huh? What? Hey!


Nailed you
that time!

Penny: Rudy, watch out!

He'll whittle your
chalk down to nothing!

Don't worry, penny,
he's history!

So's your chalk,


Avast, ye curs!

From now on, you're
all me slaves!

And you'll be doing
pirate laundry forever!

Now remember,

make sure ye
separate the whites

from the colors,
not too much starch,

and I like me
undies rolled up

into tight
little bundles!

I'd rather
spend eternity

in Davy Jones' locker

than scrub your dirty
undies, red facial hair!

How dare ye
be insulting
me underwear!

Just for that,

I'll see you
walk the plank!

It would be
my pleasure!

Oh, this just keeps
getting better and better.


Farewell, my friends!

Oh, promise me,
whatever you do

don't tell these scurvy
pirates about the map

to the buried treasure!

All: Buried treasure?!

I want that map!

Where ye
be keeping it?


We don't know anything
about buried treasure!

Oh, yeah?!

Tell that to
the cat-o'-nine-tails.

Ar, ha ha ha!

[All laughing]



Oh, that tickles!

I don't know
anything about...

Buried treasure!

Me, neither!

Is everybody comfy?

Can I get you some
more lemonade?



You won't talk, eh?

We'll leave you 3

to stew in your juices!

Come on, sea rats!

[Men grumbling]

[Rudy grunting]


You're all right!

Are you here to
save us, bucko?


Ok, here's
what you do...


[Snap screaming]

I can't take being
a hammock anymore!

Oh, I'll talk!

The map is...

On my cape.

Well, I'll be
a shark's whisker.

He's telling true!

All right, ye sea rats,

we be sailing to
buried treasure island!

Ok, turn right
at the clown nose.

This must be it!

Left at the second
balloon tree,

by the black rock!

"X" marks the spot!

This is it!
Start ye digging!


Did you hear that?

Sounds like
buried treasure!

We're rich,
rich, rich!

Hoist it up,
ye lazy dogs!


What the...

"Ahoy, mates.

"You just pulled
the plug on...

Buried treasure island."



Oh, brother,
what a great gag!

They're going
down fast!

I just have one
more job to do.

Man overboard!

Red facial hair: Swim!

Swim to the ship!

Ye cowardly curs!

We'll be sending you
to Davy Jones' locker!

Pirates: What the...?


Let us out,
ye snobby wimp!

Let us out!

[All yelling]

[Yelling muted]


Captain stable:
Neptune, save us!


This should be amusing!


[Ribbit, ribbit]

Here we are, blocky.

Soggy swamp.

Time for a little
night fishing.

Ok, snap.

Oh, you'll be
all right

as soon as we get some
light on the subject.


Come on, blocky,

show some guts.

We gotta have
night crawlers

if we're gonna
go night fishing.

See? Look!

Nothing to be afraid of.

There's a cricket.


And there's
a little froggy

on a Lily pad.

Ribbit! Ribbit!


See, blocko,

there's nothing at
all to be afraid--


Ow! Get him off me!

Get him off me!

Get him
off of me!


You ok,

Let's get
out of here!

Ha ha ha!

That was weird.

But it was just a frog.

I still say there's
nothing to be afraid--




Ribbit! What's
the matter now?!

You changed!


Great gumballs!

That's me!


Must ribbit!


Ribbit! Awoo!

Ribbit! Awoo!



No, snap! Stop!

Hoi calloi!

I can't believe I
almost ate my friend!

What is the matter
with me?!


You've been turned
into a werefrog.

From now on,

whenever there's
a full moon
in night zone,

you will turn into
a vicious, snarling frog

and do unspeakable things!


Unspeakable things!

never do--


ribbit! Awoo!

Snap, no!

You're doing
an unspeakable thing!



The only way to turn
snap back to normal

is to have him bite
the frog that bit him!

Get him, snap!












you're the man!

That took courage.

Oh, and I got my
awesome blue bod back.


Oh, well!

Thank you!

Doggone that stinky
witch and her spells!

Stinky witch
did this to you?


Well, one good bite
deserves another.


Snap: I never liked her.

♪ Magic carpet ride ♪

♪ it'll sweep you
off your feet ♪

♪ magic carpet ride ♪

♪ it's a trip
that can't be beat ♪

♪ it'll ride ♪

♪ so high up in the blue ♪

♪ magic carpet ♪

♪ nothing else will do ♪

♪ oh, what a spell
it weaves ♪

♪ the magic carpet ♪

♪ lifting you up so high
above the town ♪

♪ and if you just believe
the magic carpet ♪

♪ never will let you down ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪ ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ magic carpet ♪

♪ makes your dreams come true ♪

♪ magic carpet ♪

♪ nothing else will do ♪

♪ chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪the chalk, the chalk ♪

♪ chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪