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03x01 - Draw and Let Draw/The Towering Wilter/Snapsheebah/Flashlight

Posted: 12/09/23 14:35
by bunniefuu
♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk,
chalkzone ♪

Ha ha ha!

Who are you,
and what have you
done with penny?

Ha ha, Rudy!

They're souvenirs.

County chalkathon
is over.

Everyone else has left.

Are you ready to go?

No, not yet.

I need a few more
minutes to fix these
last few drawings

before Mr. Brushes
over there erases them
into chalkzone.

Fix them?

Yeah. See?

A sea monster's trying
to put the bite on
these poor sailors.

Now the monster can't
reach the boat.

I don't know if
you should be fixing
other kids' drawings.

How do you know
what the artist's
original intention was?

Oh, I've got a sixth sense
about these things.

Like, remember the time
those chain saw beavers

turned the candy cane forest
into a minty-fresh dam?

Oh, it took me forever
to redraw those,

and the tulips are still
trying to lick the dam away.

And the time some kid decided
it should rain cats and dogs?

[Barking and meowing]

Or how about when someone
drew a humongous ear of corn

next to a giant sun?

Or the kid who drew
that hair creature,

and it happened to land
in the lollipoping village

on the windiest day
of the year?

We had to shave that poor guy,

and he never was quite the same.

I've been fixing
all the drawings

so they won't cause
problems in chalkzone.

Uh-oh. Here's one that
could use my help.

If this moose falls
off the building,


This way, he'll bounce
and be safe,

instead of hurting himself.

And this won't lead
to trouble?

Aw, come on, penny!

I am the protector
of chalkzone, after all.

Well, I guess you know
what you're doing.

I'm going home.
You coming?

Aw, you go on.
I'll catch up
with you later.

Here's the perfect
chance to see my
handiwork in action.

Eh, that moose will
probably want to thank me.


Woman: Oh! My moose!

Save my moose! Help!


Man: Don't jump!
We're on our way!

Bystanders: Ooh!

My moose!

Get me out
of this crazy thing!

Director: Cut!

Bubby, come on!

What's with this
rubber ball get up?

This wasn't
in the script!

It wasn't my idea,
Cecil b.

He drew it on me!

No, I, uh...

How dare you draw
a rubber ball on
my leading actor!

You've destroyed
my movie,

"fly, moosey, fly!"


Oh, gee, I'm so sorry,
Mr. Cecil b., sir.

I didn't know you were
making a movie.

I was just trying
oh, put a sock in it!

You've done enough!

A complaint! That's
what I'm filing!

A complaint?

Hello. Is this the creator
complaints line or what?

Yeah, must wait till
I get my mitts

on the kid who drew
these mitts on me!

What have I done?

Snap: Ok! Ok!

Everyone remain calm!

Just fill out the complaint
form, and when I see Rudy,

I'll make sure all your
needs are taken care of.

Welcome to chalkzone.


I said welcome
to chalkzone!

I can't hear you
with these stupid
earmuffs on!

I mean, who would
draw a penguin
with earmuffs?

I thought his ears
would be cold.

Oh, brother!
There's another one.

Uh, will somebody
please show pengy here

to the end of the line?

Psst! Snap!

Back in 5!

Oh, Rudy, am I glad
to see you!

What is going on here?

A whole lot of griping,
that's what.

I got to warn you, Rudy.

The zoners on this line
are pretty upset
with you.

They all say you messed
with them up there,

and they're all coming
to me for help.

I think, you know,
they see me as your
first lieutenant

or something incredibly
important like that.

Rudy, you got to
help me out here!


Listen, everybody.

hey, that's the kid who changed
me before I was erased!

Yeah, he
changed me, too!

How could you have
done this to me?

Hang on! Hang on!

If you just wait your turn,
Rudy, the great creator,

will hear your complaints
one at a time.

[All shouting]

Ok, uh...

Remember us?

Sure I do.
You two cars were about
to crash into each other.

Well, duh!

bumper cars!

Both: We're supposed
to crash into each other!

Oh, gosh. Sorry.

Vampire: Look what
you did to me and
my little fufu.


Well, you're
a vampire, right?

You looked like
you were about to
bite that puppy.

What kind of monster
do you think I am?

I was just going
to open this can

of puppy chew for fufu,
with my teeth.

Now, my fangs--
they're useless!


And fufu is hungry.

Oh, man.
Rudy, don't b*at
yourself up.

Nobody could
have figured
that one out.


Ok! Ok!

Hey! Hey! Settle down!
Settle down!

The great creator
will fix you all!

Just keep
your chalk dry.

Keep your chalk dry?

Oh, no! Snap!

I got to get back
to the real world!



I have to remove
that leash I put on
the sea monster!

Leash? Sea monster?

Oh, this day
just keeps getting
better and better.

We've got to get
back to the portal.

Too late!

Move back!
Get away from here!

[Screaming and crying]

Wow. Maybe this fix
actually worked.

Parrot: Bwak!
Turn back. Turn back.

Frozen dessert
dead ahead.

Bwak! You're going
to crash.


All hands on deck!
We've lost control!

We can't steer!

Help us, Sally, our
guardian sea monster!

Save us!

All: Save us!

Save us, Sally the
sea monster! Save us!

I would save you,
if I could.

I would leap ahead of you

and eat that frozen
dessert on a stick,

but I can't get loose!

Aah! Help! We're
in over our heads!

I must save them!


Oh, no!

This is terrible!

If only I hadn't messed
with other people's art.

Rudy, you got
to draw something!

You're right, snap.

[Inhales deeply]

I can't give up now.

There are too many
people to protect.

Help us!

Sally: I'm coming!
I'm coming!

Here I am!
Ooh, hold on, darling!

Sally's here!


Nice chalkin', bucko.

Ok. Who wants
to get refixed?

Rudy: Oh, it took
till after dinnertime
to get it all done.

Boy, my drawing arm
sure got a workout.

Well, I guess you just
have to let people draw

what they're going
to draw.

Please, penny.
Take me home.

Stop me before
I draw again!

Oh, there, there,
great creator.

[Teddy bear screams]

Cecil b.: You've
destroyed my movie!

[School bell ringing]

Penny: This is

[Students shouting]

Why is everybody so mad?

I get fs all the time.

Mr. Wilter:
Rudy tabootie,

just what do you
think you're doing?

I'm using my instant camera
to document injustice.


Oh, I see.

You're still upset about
failing yesterday's test.

Maybe you'll study
next time!

We did study, Mr. Wilter,

but the assignment
on the board said

to study chapter 11,
not chapter 12.


As sure as my name
is Horace t. Wilter,

I know I wrote
study chapter 12,

along with my name and
the date, like I always do.

Like he always does.

Of course! Mr. Wilter!

Rudy tabootie!
Sit down!

Mr. Wilter,

what if I could prove
that you wrote,
"study chapter 11"?

And how do you
intend to do that?

With a photo,
just like this one,

of the assignment
on the board.

And just where might
this incriminating
photo be?

Uh, I don't have it
with me, but I can
get it at recess.

Ha! If you can
do that,

and it's not one
of your cartoons,

I'll give
everyone as!

And let us do
volcano experiments for
the rest of the week?

Students: Ooh!

All right,
Mr. Tabootie,

on one condition.

If you can't deliver
your photo by
the end of recess,

not only
will everyone
keep their fs,

but you'll all lose
recess for a week!

[Students gasp]

It's a deal.

Reggie: You better be
right about this,

It's tabootie.

Yeah, well,
if you're wrong,

your name's not the only
thing I'll rearrange.

[Bell rings]

Rudy, how do you expect
to find the erased

Because Mr. Wilter
drew a box around
the assignment.

Anything inside a box
appears in chalkzone
completely intact.

All I have to do is
take a picture of it.

You want to come?

Sorry, but I need this
extra-credit photo
editing project,

to offset the "f"
I just got.

Don't worry, penny.

By the time I'm back,
we'll all have as!

[Trash truck reverse beeper]

Oh, boxy...Boxy...
Boxy, boxy, boxy?


Oh, great wilter boxy!


Snap: What a dump.

Oh! Cleanies!

Oh, come, pretty box.

You and push
got to recycle!

Oh, how are we going to
find the assignment
in here?

Uh, that's the tricky
part, bucko.

This dump is where we
take all the letters
and numbers

that are constantly being
erased into chalkzone.

Otherwise, we'd be up to
our eyeballs in the stuff.

I just hope your assignment
hasn't already been

ground into land fill.

Land fill! Oh, man!

If it's been munched,

I'm going to get
crunched back at school!

Hey! There it is!

Aw, that's push.

He used to live behind
chalkdad's restaurant,

but then he said he
found his true calling
and moved out here.

Hey, push!
We need that

No! No! Not push's

Hey, wait!

He might not

You see, push speaks
mostly trash talk.

Oh, try push's
copyrighted move!

[Shouts and barfs]

Hoo-hoo! Cleanies
rolling now!


There's push!
Dead ahead!

Snap: He's running
towards that...

Both: Tower?

I don't believe it!

Rudy: That tower's
built entirely

out of Mr. Wilter's
assignment boxes!


Cruel cleanies!

Life work
go flotsam!

Uh...I'm not sure
I understand.

Uh, hold on there, Rudy.
He's talking trash.

I think I can
communicate with him.

Push can! Pal!

Clean Rudy and snap
blue just digging
for pretty box.

Oh, digging, huh?

Push thinks you dug!

Who's a fine tower now?

Fine tower clean
Rudy can rejoin.


Pal! You can fix his tower,
can't you, bucko?

Uh, sure, and if he lets
me take a picture of
the assignment box,

I'll give him
this photo of
the great wilter, too.

Come, box!

trash talk]

...great wilter?

Botch! And click,
click all push

for one click, click
push's pretty boxy.

Fine tower pronto.

Well, I think
I understand.

Push: Oh, clean Rudy!
You're oh-can.

Click, click now?

Don't mind if I do.

Penny, I got it!

Oh, thank goodness!
Recess is almost
over, and i--

oh, Rudy, this picture
isn't going to work.

Oh, no!
You're right.

It's black writing
on white.

Don't worry.
I have an idea.

Students, chanting:
Volcanoes! Volcanoes!



I still don't know how
you came up with this
picture, Rudy tabootie,

but it's my handwriting,
and it does say chapter 11.

You win fair and square.


Volcanoes! Volcanoes!

All right. All right!

Pour the vinegar
into your volcanoes.


Oh! Blasted volcano

They're even worse than...


Snap: What a dump.

Snap: Oh, boy!

The day is finally here!

You know, everybody's saying
that "buzz buzz buzz!"

Is going to be
the most incredabulous
queen rapsheeba show ever!

Ticket, please.
Sold out.

Sold out?!

What do you mean?
I got to see this show!



Oh, no! I can't miss
rapsheeba's opening!

There must be
some way I can--


I do not have
wilted leaves!

How can you say
that to me just
before a show?!

That's it! I've had
it with show biz!

Say, this gives me
an idea!


Ooh! Look at me!

I'm gorgeous!

All right!

This is going to
be the best seat
in the house!

Places, everybody.

Curtain up,
and flowers...Go!

♪ buzz buzz buzz buzz ♪

♪ buzz buzz
buzz buzz... ♪

Frog: Hello!
Ha ha ha ha!

Please give it up
for queen rapsheeba!


Hey there, zoners!

How's it hoppin'?

Hop, hop, hop, hop!

Hop, hop, hop,
hop, hop, hop!

♪ You know me,
I'm the queen bee ♪

♪ and my job is very clear ♪

♪ I'm a nectar collector ♪

♪ and I've got to make honey
from you flowers here ♪

♪ there's daffy dill ♪

Thank you!

♪ Rosey Rose ♪


♪ And black...Eyed...
Susan ♪

Hey! What are
you doing?

Get your butt
out there!

Snap: Whoa!


♪ Now the question
that is buzzin' ♪

♪ in everybody's ear ♪

♪ is which one
of these beauties ♪

♪ am I gonna make
my honey from this year ♪

♪ buzz buzz buzz ♪

♪ won't you buzz by me ♪

♪ buzz buzz buzz ♪

♪ I'm sweet
as can be ♪
♪ I see ♪

♪ buzz buzz buzz ♪

♪ please choose ours,
not hers ♪

♪ buzz buzz buzz ♪

♪ I don't know
the words ♪


♪ I will do a taste test ♪

♪ to see whose nectar
tastes best ♪

♪ buzz buzz buzz buzz
buzz buzz buzz buzz ♪

♪ buzz buzz buzz buzz ♪


♪ Dear daffy here
is sweet and perky ♪

♪ refreshing with
a bulbous nose ♪



♪ For taste
more pointed
and more perky ♪


♪ You can't go wrong
with rosey Rose ♪



♪ The black-eyed Susan sure
is cruisin' for a bruisin' ♪


♪ Buzz buzz buzz buzz ♪

♪ buzz buzz
buzz buzz... ♪


♪ I just can't decide ♪

♪ buzz buzz buzz ♪

♪ what to take back
to my hive ♪

♪ buzz buzz buzz ♪

♪ just one thing to do ♪

♪ queenie, let us fix ya
an elixir in a mixer ♪

♪ that's the ticket,
yes, sirree ♪

♪ how good will
my honey be? ♪

♪ Buzz buzz buzz buzz
buzz buzz buzz buzz ♪

♪ buzz buzz buzz buzz... ♪




Snap, what is wrong
with you?

You ruined
my opening show!

Now, nobody's going
to come tomorrow

or the day after that
or the day after--


Snap! My band!
We're a hit!

♪ Buzz buzz buzz buzz
buzz buzz buzz buzz ♪

♪ buzz ♪

Looks like I got
a whole new routine...

And a new
black-eyed Susan.


Snap: I'm gorgeous!

♪ Flashlight ♪

♪ flash your light on me ♪

♪ it's a new fashion,
flashlight flashin' ♪

♪ flash your light on me ♪

♪ flashlight ♪

♪ flash your light on me ♪

♪ it's a new fashion,
flashlight flashin' ♪

♪ flash your light on me ♪

♪ flashlight ♪

♪ oh, see the images
come and go ♪

♪ flash, you'll never know ♪

♪ flashlight ♪

♪ flash your light on me ♪

♪ flash it on
and flash it off ♪

♪ it's a new fashion,
flashlight flashin' ♪

♪ flashlight ♪

♪ ooh, you look so dashing ♪

♪ when I catch you
in my flash and we go ♪

♪ flash your light on me ♪

♪ flash ♪

♪ flash your light on me ♪

♪ flashlight ♪

♪ flash--flash
your light on me ♪

♪ flash ♪

♪ flash--flash
your light on me ♪

♪ flashlight ♪

♪ it's a dream when you dash ♪

♪ through a beam like a flash ♪

♪ what I've seen, what I flash ♪

♪ flashlight ♪

Captioning made possible by
U.S. department of education

captioned by the national
captioning institute

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk,
chalkzone ♪