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03x03 - Lost in Chalk/Asleep at the Chalk/If You Can't Beat 'Em, Eat 'Em/Scat

Posted: 12/09/23 14:38
by bunniefuu
♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk,
chalkzone ♪

Oh, hi, penny.

Hey, check out
my personalized

sausage train.

Rudy designed it
to help his dad

win the blue ribbon
at the meaty meat fair.

Wow! It's
mighty meaty

and mighty minty,
Mr. Tabootie.

Thanks. You know,
Rudy's gonna be
my sausage-bearer

and help me carry my train
down the runway.

He's so proud.

Where is
that boy anyway?

comrade blocky.

Check it out!

No, snap! You're
not supposed to see!

Aw, come on,

One little

No way, snap.
This is your special
birthday surprise.

All right.
All right, already.

Gee, I can't believe
it's been 2 whole years

since Rudy drew me
and erased me in the chalkzone.

Impressive, comrade.

Thanks. Hey, when we
pull open the curtains,

these candles will ignite

and give snap the surprise
of his little blue life.

Ah, most ingenious.

Rudy! Come on.
It's time to leave

for the meaty meat fair.

Rudy: I know. I know.
I'm coming.

Rudy, where
are you going?
You can't leave!

Don't worry, snap.
I'll be back.

I wouldn't miss
your party for the world.

Yeah. Ok.
If you say so.

Rudy, the meaty meat fair
is an hour away.

How are you going to
make it back and forth in time?

Oh, I have my ways.
Check it out.

I'll just draw a line
to the meat fair.

Then we'll slip back
into chalkzone

and follow it
to snap's party,

then follow it back
to the fair again.

See? Easy.

Oh, yeah.
Uh-huh. Easy.

♪ Turn right
at the light ♪

♪ I know
a shortcut ♪

This is just great.
We're late.

I've still go to sign up
for the competition.

♪ Got to love
that shortcut ♪

Whoo. I made it
just under the wire.

I'm dead last,
number 78.

Announcer: Sporting
the new lean look,

this braised shank
is perfect for any occasion.

Next up, number 6.

Oh, it's gonna be
a long meaty day.

Hello, tabootie.

Ready to eat my gristle
again this year?

Well, if it isn't

the steer king.

I suppose
you're bucking

for your 13th blue
ribbon in a row.

Yes indeedy dootie,

My tri-tip is so beautiful,
I'd marry it...

If I didn't
already have a wife.

Ha ha ha ho!

Don't count your ribbons
before they're pinned, morty.

Me and Rudy here
got an entry

that will run links
around your old pot roast.

Hey, dad,
is it cool

if me and penny
go look at the booths?

Well...ok. Just
make sure you're back

by the time they call
our number, son.

I need you, you know,
if we're gonna...

Tenderize morty here.


Ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

[Laughter continues]

I wonder where
our line ended up.

Huh! Uh!

Get away!
Shoo! Shoo!

Get back!

I better Mark down
these balloon farm

to add to our map
of chalkzone.

Good thinking.
Are you ready
to rock and reel?

Ha ha ha!

This must be

where dad turned around
at the high school.

Yeah. It's
a biology class.

Look! Mitosis!


[Goats bleating]



Goat: Hey!
What's the big idea?

[Bleating angrily]

Penny: This
is fascinating!

The line is taking us
underground and--


Aah! Ugh!
Get it off of me!

Get it
off of me!

Snap: Hey, how's it going?
Looking good.

Thanks for coming. That for me?
Oh, you should have.

Can we move
this thing along?

I got somewhere else
I got to be.

This is fun!

But it's
almost time...

Together: For us to get
our heads examined.

And I got
a whole orchestra

waiting to rehearse
my new show.

So let's get going.

And a 1 and a 2
and a 3.

♪ Happy birthday
to you ♪

♪ happy birthday, snap ♪

♪ happy birthday-- ♪

Snap: Come on. Hold on!
Hold on, everybody!

We can't do
any official birthday stuff

till Rudy arrives.

Ok, ok.
Ok, ok.

Announcer: And here
we have number 21.

Glazed with a robust
Rosemary sauce,

these hams know exactly
what they want.


That's a good score.

♪ And when it came
to winning blue ribbons ♪

♪ you must have shown
the other meats how ♪

Bang! Boom! Ha!

You'll be singing
a different tune

when you see what
Rudy and I have planned!

Where is Rudy anyway?


Rudy, you made me--

[Chomp chomp chomp]

That giant hamster
ate our line!

Now how are we
gonna find our way?

Well, I'll tell you.
Ha ha!

It sure is
gonna be great

when Rudy gets here.

where is he?

Yeah, let's
cut the cake.


Cake, cake cake!

Rudy, where are you?

where are you?

A casual meat

for the drumstick lover
on the go,

tender with just
the right amount of sauce.

I don't see
the kids, Joe,

but they must be around.

Rudy won't let you down.

Maybe if we could
see where we are

in relation
to the real world,

we could tell which
way snap's party is.

Oh, that's a good idea.


So it has to be
in the real world to work.

How about drawing
a compass?

Of course.

We know plainville
is south of the meat fair.

So we should be able to...


Peculiar. It's supposed
to point north.

[Christmas jingle plays]

Why do kids
have to draw

so many pictures
of the north pole?

That's enough,

I got to get going.

Me, too, snap baby.

I'm really sorry.

I wanted a piece
of cake, but...

Yeah, time to go,
you know.

[All talking at once]

Ok, ok. Look, don't go
splitting just yet.

I mean, I know
Rudy's not here,

but why don't we open
the curtains anyway

and see the surprise.


Amazing cake!

[Fireworks exploding]



Oh, Rudy, bucko.
Oh, boy.

You really
came through for me.

But...where are you?!


Can anybody
hear us?

We're lost!
We're lost!

We've passed that
sign for boot hill

3 times
already, Rudy.

Oh, this is
all my fault.

All I wanted to do
was give snap a great party

and hold my dad's
sausage train so he'd win.

I let everyone down.

I know you
meant well, Rudy,

but right now,
we really need to--

[fireworks exploding]

Those are my "surprise snap"
birthday candles!

The party must be just
on the other side
of boot hill!

Yeah! Come on!

Hey, birthday boy,
better make a wish

and blow out
those candles

while there's still
something there to blow.

Yeah...i guess
you're right.

I wish my best pal
Rudy was here.




I got
my wish!

Happy birthday,

♪ Happy birthday to you ♪

♪ happy birthday,
snap ♪

♪ happy birthday to you ♪

♪ happy birthday,
snap ♪

And number 77,

blue-ribbon winner
every year,

morty the steer king
with his tri-tip extraordinaire.

Oh, jeez, Millie!
Where is that boy?

I'm next!

I need my son to carry my train
if I'm gonna win.

There, there.

I'm sure he'll be here
any second.

Announcer: Aw...

This candy-cane
sausage train

makes a most
unique display

by the tabootie
father-and-son team.


A perfect score!
We did it, son!

Yay! Way to go,
Mr. Tabootie!

Ha ha, Rudy!

Ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Penny: It's mighty meaty.

Television: You, too, can have
the super gymflex 5000.

Call now.


Hey, wake up!

Huh? What?

Coming up next
on the popular network,

that really great movie

everyone will be
talking about tomorrow--

long night's journey
into day.

Cool! The late, late,
late, late, late, late,
late, late, late movie.






it's past
your bedtime, Rudy.

You fall asleep
in class as it is.

You need
to get to bed.

Aw, mom. I missed
hairballs last week

andfunky mcwunky
the week before that.

You got to
let me stay up
to watch this one.




Ok, ok.
I'm going to bed.

But I'm not
going to sleep.

I'm old enough to stay up
all night if I want.


Snap: Hey,
wake up, bucko!


How's about coming
to night zone,

where you can
stay up all night
24 hours a day.

Night zone? Yeah!

Huh! Ah.

Day zone? Uh-uh.

Tonight, I'm a night-zoner
all the way!


I'll be just fine
at school tomorrow.



Hey, bucko.

Not used to
seeing you here
this time of night.

That's because it's
"past my bedtime."

I hereby declare
an end to bedtime!

That's the night
zone spirit.

But you know, Rudy,

you might want to
give yourself some
more stylin' duds.

Oh, yeah.

Much better.

This is gonna be
an all-night jam!

All righty!
Then let's go!

[Music playing]

♪ It's an all-night ♪

♪ jam ♪

♪ it's an all-night ♪

♪ jam ♪

♪ it's an all-night ♪

♪ jam ♪

♪ it's an all-night ♪

♪ jam ♪

Snap: Bingo!
Oh, yeah!

Wow! That
was amazing!

Let's do it again!

You want to go
again, Rudy?

Uh, Rudy?


Aw, bucko.

How could you
sleep through that?

Huh? Oh...Yeah.

And just a little
mayonnaise on the back.

Huh. Some night owl
you turned out to be.

Come on.
I'll take you home.

Ok, just for laughs,
how about a little help here?

After all, you're
the 3-dimensional one here.

Uh! Aw, never mind.


The fireworks?

Oh, I forgot
about the fireworks.

Change of plans,

We'll get you home
after this.

No, snap.
I got to go to bed.


You can sleep later.

You can't miss
these fireworks.

They are,
without a doubt,

the most amazing
pyrotechnic display

you will absolutely
ever see!

Hey, Rudy, you think
you could draw us
a couple of chairs?

Sure thing, penny.

Ok, Picasso.
Abstract thing.
Very nice.

But can we
just sit down?

I've seen cozier things
growing on a cactus.

But I guess these
will have to do.



Somebody lit the fuse!

It's heading
for the fireworks!

We're not ready
for the show!


Uh-oh. When clowns
run scared,

you know
you're in trouble.

Rudy, wake up!

s'il vous plait.

Dad, are you
snoring again?

Rudy, you got to
draw something.

Ok, mom, in a minute.

No, Rudy. Right now.

You got to draw
something right now!

Draw, um...Water.

Draw something
with water.

Water balloons.


What's going on?

Oh, I got to fix
this mess...

And then get to bed.




Everyone in here, quick!

I knew you'd
come through, buddy.

This is great.

Say, how's about we get together
tomorrow night and, uh...


Aw, good night,
sweet prince.


♪ Rudy ♪

♪ time to get up ♪

You don't want to be
late for school.

Oh, I recorded

long night's journey
into day for you.

And since it's Friday,
I'll even let you

stay up late tonight
to watch it.

Hey, wake up!

Hey, you guarding
buried treasure
or something?


This spot is
directly under

a chalkboard
at a real-world
burger joint.

Watch this.





It happens
whenever they erase


Hey, stick around
for a while.

Maybe you'll
get lucky.

Hmm...come to think of it,
I am pretty hungry.

Here, burger,
burger, burger!


Well, it's definitely
not a light lunch.

But who's gonna argue
with this kind of service?

Ooh. "Bubba's
special burger.

The burger that begs
to be eaten."

Oh, that must be
the restaurant's slogan.

Ha ha! Sounds good to me.

Whoo-hoo! I'm
heading for heaven!

Aah! Who said that?

Oh, I must be hungrier
than I thought.

I could have sworn
you were talking to me.

I am talking
to you.

I'm Boris
the burger,

and I was groomed
to be consumed.


I was created
to be masticated.

Let's not quibble.

Come on,
take a nibble!



Hey, come back!
Come back! Come back!
Come back! Come back!

Come back!


Hey, my skin's
a little dry.

Could I
get you to rub

some sauce here,

This can't be

The sauce makes me
taste so good!


Come on!
Wait up!

Come on!

Whew. Maybe
I'll be safe here.

Voices: Eat your fruits
and vegetables.

We're really
quite delectable.

There's nothing
more acceptable

than eating fruits
and vegetables.

Doesn't anyone draw

regular, nontalking
food anymore?


If this keeps up,
I'll never eat again!

Eat your fruits
and vegetables!

We're really
quite delectable!

There's nothing
more acceptable

than eating fruits
and vegetables!

We're really
quite delectable!

There's nothing
more acceptable

than eating fruits
and vegetables!

We're really
quite delectable!

Boris: Quiet!

Now listen up.

This stomach ain't big enough
for all of us!

I found him first, and i'm
gonna be his meal, understand?

So, you-all can kiss my bun
and back off.

Well! I never.


Eat your fruits
and vegetables.

We're really
quite delectable.

And stay out!

Ha ha ha! I guess
I showed them a thing or 2.

Not so fast.

You again? What now?

I made those chatty
snacks disappear.

The least you can do
is return the favor.

Oh, no! No, sir! Uh-uh!
Negatory, good buddy!

Thanks for playing.

Just say yes!

I was destined to be
in your intestine.

Don't make me whine.
Go on and dine.

I'm nice and greasy,

but I won't
make you queasy.

All right!
All right!

But you got to
stop rhyming!

I just want
a quiet dinner for 2.


I said be quiet.

Sorry, man.


Here. I'll make it
easy for you.

Well, if you can't
beat 'em, eat 'em.

Wah! Ha ha ha ha!


Boris: Thanks, man.

Hey, come back!
Come back!

[Singing scat]

♪ And that's that ♪

♪ we're snapping fingers
and singing scat ♪

[Snapping fingers]

♪ There's no words ♪

♪ you just sing a tune ♪

♪ and make whatever sound
your mouth drops around ♪

[Singing scat]

♪ That's how it goes ♪

♪ chalk ♪

♪ chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪