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03x05 - The Thing You Drew/That Sinking Feeling/Insect Aside

Posted: 12/09/23 14:41
by bunniefuu
♪ Chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk! ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalkzone ♪

Woman: And now, students,

hygiene gene will review
the 64 easy steps

to cleaning
between your toes.

Thank you,
principal stringent.

Step one:

Choose the right tool
for the job.

A flexible cotton swab
will help you

remove accumulated

Insert the swab
between digits "a" and "b"

and rub...

Vigorously, thusly.

I wonder what's up
in chalkzone today.

Rudy, there's a bunch
of chalkzoners

you've got to
check out!


Cool beyond belief!

Come on!

Man: You want fries
with that? Great!

Moon pie for you?
Got it.

There they are, bucko.

Watch what they do.
Just watch!

[Swing music playing]

Rudy: Wow!

I bet I know who
created you.

My favorite comic book
artist--drew yerface!

See, I just bought
his latest issue

of "modern mutations"!

Like, yeah, man.

You're right! He's
the cat who drew us.


He draws us all
with morph-ability.

Ain't it the most?

That's pompo.

My name, dora.

How nice
to meet you.

I'm Rudy,
and this is snap.

We're huge
fans of the guy
who drew you.

Well, you're in
the lucky, Rudy-o,

'cause drew yerface
just entered
his chalk-phase.

And everything he
draws in chalk

gets erased
right here.

Wow! You guys
are, like,

the coolest things
ever drawn, ever!

Uh, yeah, thanks
so much, bucko.

right here,

working fine.

Uh, uh, I meant
not drawn by me.

Drew yerface must live
close by in real world.

I wonder where.

You got
the chalk. Why
not take a look?

Yep, I'm going to
my hidden mountain retreat

for inspiration.

I need some
fresh ideas, man.

Got to start drawing
some new stuff

if I'm gonna broaden
my fan base.

For the last time, Larry,

I can't tell you
where it is.

That's why it's my hidden
mountain retreat.

Yes, siree.
No phones, no roads,

no motor cars,
not a single luxury.

For the last time, Larry,
I can't tell you.

For the last
time, Larry, I
can't tell you.

Rudy: Jimmy's pizza

Oh, that's just two towns
over from plainville.

That gives me an idea.

Well, here goes.


Hey, kid. What do
you want?

Mr. Yerface, sir?

Hi. I'm Rudy tabootie,
and I'm your biggest fan.
And I've collected, like,

every issue of your
comic "modern mutations."

And, you know,
when I grow up,

I want to be a comic
book artist, too!

How'd you get to be such
an awesome artist?
And how do you--

wow! So,
you're really
a big fan, huh?

What can
I do for you?

Um, uh...Can I see you
draw something?

Oh, sure.

Here you go, kid.

That's amazing!

I can't believe
you did that so fast.

[Deep voice]
That's right,
kid, I'm fast,

fast on the draw!

Ha ha ha.

[Regular voice]
I just wish there were
more kids like you

who really liked
my stuff.

There are! I bet
at my school

you've got tons
of fans--

or you would
if they
saw you draw.

You know what
would be awesome?

If you came to put
on a presentation

at our weekly


You might be on to
something there, kid.

Might be just
the ticket I need
to reach new fans.

Cool! Go ahead,
set it up.

Really? Uh, I
mean, sure!

I'll get
everything ready

for you to come
to school a week
from Friday--

after you come back
from your wilderness
cabin retreat.

Uh, how do you
know about that?

Uh...all great
artists have

Wilderness retreats.

And you've
loaded the car.

Oh. Yeah, I did.
Ok, sounds good.

See you a week
from Friday, ok?

I sure hope
principal stringent

will let me do this.

[Bell ringing]

Man: Ms. Stringent,

I can't believe you've
agreed to an assembly

features cartoons!

Oh, get over it, Horace.

It'll be a welcome
change of pace.

Impressive, Rudy!

I've never
seen a student

put so much effort
into a school assembly.


Tomorrow's the big day,

and drew hasn't answered
any of my messages.


what a blizzard.

Rudy, I haven't
been able to

get ahold of your
artist friend. I need
to touch base with him

if this assembly's going
to happen.


I'll have to bring back
hygiene gene.


Mr. Yerface!

Oh, he never came home.

I'd better investigate.

Hey, guys,

I'm really worried
about drew.

Any new
drew drawings
show up lately?

No, Rudy-o.

No one new has been
erased from the cool spot

in a while.

Yeah, daddy-o. But there
has been a new drew cat

on the scene.
Check him out.


Rudy: Wow.
Look at him.

Why would drew
draw someone
so cold and hungry?


Who's there?! What do you--
what do you want, kid?

I'm Rudy tabootie!

And I need you to
take me

to the place
you entered chalkzone!

Will you do that?

Are you mad?!

You expect me
to go back there,

mountain yadda yadda--

the coldest, harshest
region in chalkzone?!

I froze up there!


I starved up there.



Ok, I'll take you.

But I warn you,
be prepared to face

the yadda yadda yeti!

Dora and pompo:
Oh, no!

Not the yadda yadda yeti!

It'll eat you alive!

We'll have to
risk it. Your
creator's life

and my school assembly
depend on it.

let's get going, then.

Oh, ha ha ha.

Oh, boy!

Yeti or not,
here we come.

Are we near your point
of origin, mountain man?

Yep. I reckon I came
about 20 paces

this way after

near the back wall
of this cave.

[Booming footsteps]

It's the yeti!

Yadda yadda ya-hoo!


Yadda yadda yow!

My toesy-woesy!

She's not mean
and fearsome,

she's in pain!


Yadda yadda

I have something stuck
between my toesies,

and it hurtsy-wortsies!


I know how
to solve this.

It's number two
of hygiene gene's

64 easy steps
to cleaning
between your toes.

Come on, snap!

This hygiene stuff
comes in handy.

Next time, I won't
duck out of assembly.

A pickle dog!

[Ruff ruff]


I thought
you ran away!

Aw. Can I pet him?

This is the spot.

I materialized
right here!

[Teeth chattering]

Must keep warm.

Must not freeze to death.

Must not
starve to death.

Oh, my gosh!


Aah! Who's there?!
What do you--
what do you want?!

Mr. Yerface,
are you ok?

Huh? Hey, hey,
you're Rudy,

that kid I met just
before I came up here.

What happened
to you?

Oh, man, everything.

Blizzard snowed me in,

ran out of food
two days ago, man!

Broke my glasses
looking for wood.

Can't see a thing
without 'em,

so I didn't dare try to
make it down the trail.

Not cool! Not cool!

Hey, how the heck
did you find me?

Oh, uh...

The power
of imagination.


That's heavy, man.

Hey! Is that
my creator?!

Pipe down,
will you?

I'm just dying
to meet him!

Let me shake
the hand of the guy--

[muffled speech]


Who's that?

Oh, that's uh...
The rescue team.

Just some of those
fans of yours

I was telling
you about.

Oh, I don't

this window
being here before.

Uh, uh, sure, you do.
You're just weak
from hunger.

Come on, let's
take you home

by the special
path we've prepared.

Yadda yadda, you
look coldsy-woldsy.

Now you'll
be warmsy!

Gee, thanks! I can't--

bucko, ain't
you nervous

about bringing this guy
into chalkzone?

Nah, look at him.
He's blind as a bat.

Ok, Mr. Yerface,

we better get going
if we're gonna get
you cleaned up

and fed in time for
my school assembly.

Are you ready, yeti?

Oh, yessy-wessy!

Since you helped me
with my feetsie,

I'll carry you anywhere!

Yadda yadda!

[Crowd cheering]

And I especially
want to thank

my buddy Rudy tabootie

not only for setting up
this whole assembly,

but for saving my life

and helping me find
my inspiration!

Thanks to Rudy, I have a whole
new bunch of characters:

Cotton ball cutie,

the fuzzy pickle,

Mr. Mumbles,

and the wild blue wonder!

You're the man, Rudy-o!



Ain't it the most?

Penny: Rudy, not here!

When I said you should
go get more magic chalk,

I didn't mean
right now!

No time like
the present. Whoa!

Reggie's got
the chalk!


Oh, no! That's
my last piece.

give it back!

Return Rudy's chalk
this instant!


I am tired

of playing chalk chase.

It's time to play
chalk smash!


Reggie: No more
chalk drawings
today, Rudy tabo--



What's the big idea?

You caught something, snap!

My leg!

What is happening?!

I'm being pulled down!

the magic chalk
into the blacktop

seems to have created
a puddle portal

into chalkzone!

Reggie: Get me out!

I know that voice!

That's Reggie!

He's the bully
who tried to beat me up

when I was in
the real world.

And we've got his leg.

Ha ha ha!

What you doing,

I'm gonna get
some kicks! Watch!

Ok, Linda lure,
do your thing!


Oh, it tickles!

Stop it!
Stop it!

What's all
this shouting about,
Reggie bullnerd?

Oh, oh, oh!

Good gracious!

[Horace grunting]

Get the school nurse!

Call the fire department!

Who's holding Reggie
in chalkzone?

And what are
they doing to him?

Whatever it is,

snap's probably
on the scene.

Our only hope
is to get him to push
Reggie's leg out

and then toss me
more magic chalk.

Fellow zoners!
Get ready for some
fancy footwork

with Tchaikovsky's immortal
"1812 overture,"

oh, performed by moi!


♪ Da da da da
da da da dum dum dum ♪



♪ Da da da da
da da da dum dum dum ♪


Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!

♪ Da da da da da da
da da da da dum ♪





I have a feeling
snap's pulling
Reggie's leg.

I know. And I've got
to make him stop.

Mr. Wilter?
nurse Jenny?

If the firemen can't
get Reggie out...

I've always wanted to
try the procedure.

Uh, I think you
need a note

from Reggie's
parents to do that.


Stand back,

We're gonna hose
this boy down.

Penny: No!

Uh, well,

how would
that help?

Why don't you
use your ax

to break up
the pavement?

My ax. That's an idea.

I almost never
get to use my ax.

Chief spark,
don't you need

an excavation
permit before

you can start
digging up
town property?

No, no, i--

yeah, I do.

Penny Sanchez,
I'm impressed

you know the town
bylaws so well.

These have to get
snap's attention.

And this little piggy

cried wee wee wee
all the way home!



Oh, I hope snap performs
let the leg go next.

Reggie's still stuck!

I don't know how
much longer I can
stall them out there.

I'll try sending
a homing bacon to biclops

to get him
to free Reggie's leg!

Are you sure you
don't mean
a homing beacon?

My dad always
called it
homing bacon

because no one can
resist the smell.


I smell bacon.
What's this?

Follow me.
Rudy's in trouble.

Bring magic chalk.

Follow me.

♪ La la la la la la la
la la la la la... ♪


[Crowd talking excitedly]

What are you doing?!

Can't you see
that Rudy tabootie
is in trouble?

Rudy in trouble?


No idea.

Blocky, didn't
I keep telling you

we have to let
the leg go?!

Ok! What kind of mess is
my boy in this time?

I do not know what
is happening.

As Reggie's

and town council

we need your
to excavate

this part of
the playground

to free your
son's leg.

I'm ready to go.

Me, too!

Well, if that's

what's got to happen...

Rudy: Wait!

We don't need
to resort to
tearing up

the playground
now that Reggie's
dad is here.


The strength of
a father's love for his son

can overcome all obstacles!

[Reggie crying]

It can?

If we harness
the strength

of Bruno bullnerd's
fatherly love,

I believe we can
pull Reggie out!

The kid's right.

I bet I can
get Reggie out!


Let's do it!
Let's give it
a try!


1, 2, 3!

Crowd: Whoa!

[Kids cheering]

Oh, my!


[All talking excitedly]

What were you
stuck in, son?

I do not know,

But someone
was messing
with my foot.


Uh, we probably
need to spend

some quality time--

just father
and son.

Blocky: You caught
something, snap!


Snap: Well, there it is--
the lava lounge--

chalkzone's smallest
swinging night spot.

But they don't
let us big folk in.

That's why I asked
stinky witch here
to help us out.

Think you can get
us small enough to
catch the show?


But remember,

the smallness
spell wears off

in a big hurry!

What do you say,

Put a spell on me,



Man: Hidee-ho, and welcome
to the lava lounge,

where tonight we are
tickled to bring you

the swinging,
stinging sounds of

mo squito and the skeeters!


♪ Da Dee da da
da da da da ♪

♪ da da da ba ooh ♪

Oh, boy! We're
just in time for
the headliner!

♪ Da Dee da da da ♪

♪ da da da da ♪

♪ well, I put on my pants ♪

♪ 3 legs at a time ♪

♪ just like
everyone else ♪

♪ just like
everyone else ♪

♪ there's floors
I got to cross ♪

♪ and walls I got to climb ♪

♪ just like everyone else,
whoa ♪

♪ just like
everyone else ♪


Oh, brother!
Is he ok?

[Music playing]

♪ There's nothing
special about me... ♪

[Crowd cheering]

♪ And all my
pain don't mean a thing ♪

♪ there's nothing
special 'bout me ♪

♪ I'm just an insect
who can sing ♪

♪ and here's my
favorite song ♪

♪ da Dee da da da da ♪

♪ da da da da Dee Dee ♪

♪ da da da da Dee da ♪

♪ da Dee da da
Dee ba doo ooh ♪

♪ da Dee da da ♪

♪ Dee Dee ♪

♪ da Dee ba ba Dee Dee ♪

♪ da Dee da da
Dee Dee ♪

♪ da da da doo ♪

♪ well, even big celebs ♪

♪ like him ♪
♪ get caught
in spider webs ♪

♪ aah! ♪
♪ just like
everyone else ♪

♪ just like
everyone else ♪

♪ well, I could end legs up ♪

♪ in a coffee cup ♪

♪ just like
everyone else ♪

♪ just like
everyone else ♪

♪ there's nothing
special 'bout me ♪

♪ though I've been
called the ento king ♪

♪ entomology ♪

♪ there's nothing
special 'bout me ♪

♪ I'm just an insect
who can sing ♪

♪ oh, yeah ♪

♪ I'm just an insect
who can sing... ♪

Yeah, man!

♪ Well, feet try
to crush me ♪

♪ just like they
try to crush you ♪

♪ you know the feet
I'm talking about ♪

♪ you might not believe it ♪

♪ but I've got feelers, too ♪

♪ whoo-hoo ♪

♪ there's nothing
special 'bout me ♪

♪ well, just in case
you're wondering ♪

♪ there's nothing
special 'bout me ♪

♪ so what do fame
and fortune bring? ♪

♪ There's nothing
special 'bout me ♪

♪ I'm just an insect ♪

♪ I'm just
an insect ♪

♪ I'm just an insect ♪

♪ who can ♪

♪ sing... ♪



[Singing stops]

[Crowd gasps]

Oh, sorry there, mo.

[Chuckles nervously]

The spell wore off.


[Crowd cheering]

[Crowd chanting "mo! Mo!"]

♪ Chalk, chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk ♪

♪ chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk, the
chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone... ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk, the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk... ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk,
the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got
the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalkzone ♪