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04x01 - Do the Twitch/Day of the Living Mall/Bulky Blocky/Piece of Cake

Posted: 12/10/23 07:24
by bunniefuu
Rudy's got the chalk.

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk ♪

Rudy's got
the chalk.

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

Rudy's got
the chalk.

♪ The chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

Rudy's got the chalk!

♪ The chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalkzone! ♪

penny: Ok, Rudy.
Let's try it again.

And back and close,
turn and close.

Back and side--ow!

Oh, did I step on
your foot again, penny?

No problem, Rudy.

I'm sure you'll have
all the steps memorized
perfectly by tonight.

Tonight?! Ugh!
I'm gonna be sick.

You mean "slick,"

You're gonna be

Now, where were we?
Ah, yes.

And back and close.
Turn and close.

Back, cross, side.

Ugh! I blew that
twirly thing again,
didn't I?

See, penny?
I told you i'd
let you down.

Really, I'm no good
for you.

You'd be better off
with Boris rhemus.

I'll make you look
like a total idiot.

Wait, Rudy!
You can't back out now.

The winning couple gets
a big mystery prize.

Yeah? Like what?

I don't know.
It's a mystery.

Yeah, well, it'll
remain a mystery to me.

I'm not going!

Rudy, come back.
You'll be...



What does she want
from me anyway?

I'm an artist,
not some dancing bear!


I mean, really!

♪ Duh duh duh
da-da-dance ♪

♪ duh duh duh
da-da-dance ♪

♪ duh duh duh
da-da-dance ♪

♪ duh duh duh
da-da-dance ♪

♪ duh duh duh
da-da-dance ♪

♪ duh duh duh
da-da-dance ♪

Ha ha ha!
Did you see me move?

That was great.

Rudy: Bravo!

Hey, bucko, check out
this new gadget

that just got
erased into chalkzone.

The twitch o' matic.

Some real world
mad genius must have
invented it.

It sort of takes
control of your body

and turns even
the biggest klutz

into a knock-em-dead dancer.

Here. You need
to wear your
twitch medallion

for it to work.

[Dance music plays]

Hey, ha! Whoo!
Hoo! Hey! Ha ha!

Whoo! Ha!

Would you look
at you?

♪ Twitch it, work it ♪

I love this!

Best moves
I've ever seen.

Didn't know
you had it in you,
did you, bucko?

I don't, but with
this gizmo here,

hey, I could really
kick up some dust
at the school dance.

Yeah! Wait till penny
gets a load of this!

[Dance music playing]

Ok, brothers and sisters,
we've seen the funky dance
stylings of couples number one,

and two, and it's
just about time to see

the spicy salsa moves
of penny Sanchez and...

Boris rhemus?

Lucky thing I'm here
to be your new partner,
huh, penny?

I'll bet we'll
win the prize.

Yeah, Boris.
We're a shoe-in.

Penny and Boris
will be dancing to
the smooth sounds

of amoroso.

[Salsa music plays]

Come on, penny.
Let's go cut a rug.


What's going on here?


I hope this works.

Ready to twitch, bucko?

Let's do it!

♪ Duh duh duh
da-da-dance ♪

♪ duh duh duh
da-da-dance ♪

♪ duh duh duh
da-da-dance ♪

♪ duh duh duh
da-da-dance ♪

♪ duh duh duh
da-da-dance ♪


♪ Dance!
Twitch it, jerk it ♪

♪ it'll be worth it ♪

♪ you know you got something
to prove, so move ♪

♪ twitch it, work it ♪

♪ really berserk it ♪

♪ twitch it hard
and twitch it smooth ♪

♪ twitch it, jerk it,
it'll be worth it ♪

[Cheers and whistles]

That's an interesting
movement pattern.

♪ Twitch it hard... ♪

♪ Twitch it smooth ♪

[Disco music]
♪ ooh...Twitch it ♪

♪ ooh, ooh ♪

♪ wiggle, squirm your digits,
twitch it ♪

♪ ooh, ooh ♪

♪ now beware the groove ♪

♪ twitch it ♪
♪ ooh, ooh ♪

♪ I'm scratchin', itchin' ♪

♪ ah, ah, it's your move ♪

♪ twitchin' ♪

♪ we're forever twitchin' ♪

♪ twitchin ♪

♪ everyone moves ♪

♪ twitchin' ♪

Look out!

♪ Whatcha gonna do? ♪

P-P-People, you g-got to watch
where you're t-twitching.

Is it j-just me,
or is it getting faster here?

♪ Oh, it's your move ♪

♪ twitch it ♪

♪ wiggle those digits,
twitch it ♪

♪ everyone's groove ♪

♪ twitch it... ♪

Penny: Rudy?


Rudy! Oh!

♪ Yee-haw ♪

♪ twitch it, jerk it,
get up and work it ♪

♪ you know you go something
to prove, so move ♪

♪ twitch it, work it,
go berserk it ♪

♪ twitch it hard
and twitch it smooth ♪

[Brays like a donkey]
Rudy, stop it.

embarrassing me.


It won't s-stop,
I tell ya!

It w-w-won't stop!
Stop stop stop!

Everyb-b-ody take off
your t-twitch medallions.

♪ Twitch it, twitch it... ♪

Something's smells
jerky about this.

Rudy, are you
all right?

No! I can't stop

I'm controlled
by a machine
in chalkzone.

Go back to chalkzone
and stop the machine!

I can't!

I'll help you!

♪ Twitch it, twitch it,
twitch... ♪

♪ Twitch, twitch, twitch
twitch, twitch, twitch ♪

♪ twitch, twitch, twitch
twitch, twitch, twitch ♪

R-Rudy, you got
to d-draw something!

Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

Rudy! Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

Hello? Hello?
Is this thing on?

Well, I don't think
we're gonna get anybody
to top that dance display.

Let's see if we can get
lightning legs tabootie

to come back out here.

Lightning legs!
Lightning legs!

Lightning legs!
Lightning legs!

Lightning legs!

[Music whining]

P-Penny, help!

Pull this medallion
off me!

Uh-uh, Rudy.
You got yourself
into this mess.

You can get
yourself out.

But you better hurry.
Your public is demanding
another look

at lightning legs.

L-Lightning legs?

Ohh! Lightning.
That's it!

[Music ends]


[All moaning]

I never want
to dance again.

I got a bunion.

Nice chalkin', bucko.

That was very clever,
Rudy, very clever.

Hey, are you two
dancin' fools

coming out to claim
your prize or not?

Um, I don't think--

sure. We'll be out
in just a sec,
principal stringent.

Rudy, you can't accept
a prize that you didn't--

I know.
I just wanted
to impress you.

Oh, Rudy, i--
come on.

Let's go face
the music.

Lightning legs! Rudy!
Lightning legs! Rudy!

Lightning legs! Rudy!

Well, here they are,

the king and queen
of our dance contest,

penny Sanchez
and Rudy t--

no no!

We can't accept these.


What you saw wasn't
real dancing.

It was just
some tricks I learned.

Well, they were some
mighty fine tricks, huh?

king and queen.

And now for
the mystery prize.

[Plays fanfare]

You two terpsichoreans
have won a private tour

of Mr. Wilter's rubber
band ball collection!

This is just one
in a collection
of hundreds.

Ohh! Hey! Get over here!
Hey! Help me.

Well, I guess that's
the prize I deserve.

And now our king and queen
will select the dance
of their choice.

[Children cheering]

Amoroso, please.

[Salsa music plays]

Uh, quick reminder here,
I don't know how to dance.

Oh, relax.

After everything
you've been through,

this'll be
a cake walk.

And back and close
and turn and close.

Back, cross, side.
Ooh, yeah.

That's it!
You're doing fine.
I'm doing it.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

No twitch o' matic

Ha ha!
See, I told you
that you could--



Penny: It's a mystery!

-== [ ] ==-

[Footsteps running
up stairs]


What got into you?

What do you mean?

I mean the town
council meeting.

Your dad says
you single-handedly

k*lled the super
mega mall project.

No way!
I had to use
both hands.

But you were
all for the mall
this morning.

You were dying
to do the bowling,
miniature golf,

the 2-story
I know. I know.

What could possibly
have changed
your mind?

I went mano a mano
with a real monster mall,

and that changed

You did?
Tell me about it.

Ok. First, let me
set the scene.

I was documenting
the council meetings,

you know, for
that civics project
wilter assigned us.


Man: The mall
will be terrible!

The mall will be

Order! Order!
Pipe down!


Rudy, voice-over:
Bruno bullnerd really
wanted to build that mall.

Are we finally ready
to vote "yes" on
the super mega mall?

Man: Not so fast,

That mall will
drive my restaurant
out of business...

Rudy: Other council members
weren't so sure.

Penny: You and your
father disagreed?

Yeah. I thought he
was gonna disown me.

I felt really bad
about it.

Now, now, now!

There are those of us
here who are still
making up our minds.

Man: You're out of
your minds if you
approve that mall.

The mall you'll get
won't look a thing
like this.

It'll be a voracious
monster that'll swallow
up small shops

like the beef b*at
and my comic book store.

It'll devour or crush
anything in its path.

Hey-hey-hey, get away
from that board.

This isn't a forum
for performance art.

Penny, gasping:
Mr. Bullnerd erased
that monster

into chalkzone!


Luckily, bullnerd
called a recess right then.

That gave me a chance
to go into chalkzone and--

hiya, bucko!

Check out the friendly
and convenient

shopping facility that
just dropped into chalkzone.

Hot dogs!
Get your yummy
hot dogs here.

It's got everything
under one roof.
I'm gonna do all--yipes!

Good gracious!

The mall just
mauled that lady.

No! Don't get
too close.

That mall is
a monster.




It's eating
the stick figure bakery.


What is happening?

Man: My purse is
in my dressing room.

This isn't gonna look
good in tomorrow's reviews.


Rudy: It turned
the globe theater
into a multiplex.

Monster: Mall! Mall!
Yum! Yum! Yum! Yum!

Rudy, you've got
to draw something!

Penny: Yes, but what?

What could you
draw to stop such
a horrible creature?

Exactamundo again!

I tried digging
a trench around the beast.





[Car alarms beeping
and honking]

Oy galoy, Rudy!

You've got to draw
something else.

Oh, uh, ha ha.
I see you already did.

Ah, ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!


Rudy: You are a blight
on our community, mall!

Leave now or face
the fury of my
mighty mace!

Leave now!
Wow, Rudy!

This is too cool.

Why don't you draw
stuff like this
more often?



What's Rudy doing?

Oh, no!

I'm bashing the people
I'm trying to save.


Snap: Your drawings
sure pack a wallop, bucko.

[Mall growls]


How are we gonna
stop that thing?

If we were
back home, we coul
just vote it away.

Wait a minute.
That's it

where you going?

Hey, mall, why don't
you pick on someone your--




Witch: We have no idea.
No idea.

Ok, everyone,
listen up.

This mall was drawn
to be voted in or
out of existence.

It can only exist
if you want it to.

So I say we vote it
out of its misery.

What the--?

Trust me.
This'll work.

All in favor of
the mall, say "aye."

think so.

Those against,
say "nay."

All: Nay!

[Mall roars]


Hooray for Rudy!
Hooray for Rudy!


Penny: So, that's
what inspired you

to become
a political activist?

For oe night at least.

I got back to
the council chambers

just as they were
about to vote.

Uh, I may be just a kid,
but I know for sure

that this mall
will destroy everything
we love about our town.

And, well, I, uh,
I hope you vote no.

How eloquent.

Yes, yes,
very eloquent.

But I think I got
my "aye" votes lined up
during the recess.

Ha! Let's take
the doggone vote already!

All in favor,
say "aye."


Rebecca, remember
what we talked about.

I mean, contempt
of order.

I mean, point of--
I mean, the rules say

you can't reopen
discussion once you'vec.

Penny: Rudy,
that was brilliant.

Oh, he's right, Bruno!

You have to complete
thevote once
it's begun.

All those opposed?




What can I say?

Rudy's passionate
speech won me over.

Pretty impressive,

Today plainville
town hall,.

Tomorrow the world!


Come on.

Let's go down
to the comic store
on main street.

Bullnerd: Very eloquent.

[Women vocalizing]

[Laughter and chatter]

[Seagulls cawing]

♪ Oh, gee,
what'll it be? ♪

♪ What fabulous fishy
is waiting for me? ♪


I caught one!


A bottle fish?
Oh, brother!

I can't eat this.

Hey, wait!

It looks like
theres something inside.

Uhh! Uhh!

Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!

Is it some kind
of message?

Hiya, snap!

What the heck are
you doing in bottle?

Butch biceps
put me there.

Butch biceps!

Oh, tha bully!

Where is he?
Let me at him!

Stick figures:
Hey! Stop it!

[Butch laughs]

Snap: Oy galoy!

Somebody's got to teach
that butch biceps a lesson.

And that somebody is you.

Me? Why?

Because he shoved you
in a bottle.

Oh, no, snap.

I liked when butch
put me in the bottle

and threw me into
the wait n' sea.

and you liked it?


I got to see all
sorts of fishies and
seaweed and kelp.

Where's your dignity,

Where's your

Where's your muscles?


You don't have any.

But that's all
about to change.

Yay! I'm gonna
get dignity!

♪ Dignity, dignity ♪

♪ I'm gonna get me
dignity ♪

No, blocky.
You're gonna get muscles.

And then you'll teach
that butch biceps a lesson

he will
probably forget.

Snap: You got to give me one
billion percent there, blocky.

One billion peent!

Anything less,
and you're cheatin' yourself.

[Blocky grunting]
This is...Awful.

Not enough, blocky.
It's not enough.

You got to pump
that granny.

Pump that granny!

Ok. Let's add
a little more ohh!R.A

snap: Punch that
meatball, blocky.

That meatball is
butch biceps,

and you're gonna turn
him into a meatball.

Ya hear me?
Come on. Punch! Punch!


Run, blocky, run!

Come on, blocky!
It's only been, what,
a measly 12 hours?

Show me what ya got!

What are you a wimp?

You gonna let
a little,000 steps
slow you down?

[Blocky panting]

Look at me!

I'm bulky blocky!


Ha ha ha ha!

Let's go pay us
a visit to butch biceps.

[Pounding footsteps]

Hey, kid.
Can I play?!

did you ove
my friend blocky
in this bottle?Ch! ♪

Yeah! You wanto make
something of it?

Oh, no.
But blocky does.

["Rocky" style music plays]

Man: He's
a muscle machine.


Grr!a[loud grunting]

Blocky: Hey, snap!

Could you throw us
into the ocean?

I want to ow butch
the sea creatures!

Yeah! Can't wait.

Be my guest. Uhh!

Blocky: Oh, looky,
butch, seaweed!

Don't you love seaweed?

Butch: Oh, yeah.
It's my favorite.

This could be
the start

of a beautiful

Granny: This is awful!

♪ Piece o' cake ♪

Looking at you
is something I find
so easy to do♪

♪ piece o' cake ♪

♪ and cutting a slice ♪

♪ is something I jumgt want♪

♪ piece o' cake ♪

♪ and taking a bite is something
that somehow seems so right ♪

♪ piece o' ca...Ake ♪

♪ piece o' cake ♪

♪ I don't know why, but you are
twice as easy as pie ♪

♪ piece o' cake ♪

♪ and I don't knowhen,
but I know pretty soon
you're coming back again ♪

♪ piece o' cake ♪

♪ 'cause haven't you heard? ♪

♪ I always come back
for seconds and thirds ♪

♪ piece o' ca...Ake ♪

♪ I want to get lost
in your frosting ♪

♪ make you my abode ♪

♪ to top it off, my new battle
cry is a reveille a la mode ♪

♪ piece o' cake ♪

♪ piece o' cake ♪

♪ piece o' cake ♪

♪ piece o' cake ♪

♪ piece o' ca...Ake ♪

♪ piece o' cake ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ udy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone... ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalkzone! ♪