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05x08 - Shot in the Dark

Posted: 12/10/23 08:32
by bunniefuu
[static crackling over comm]

Anything yet?

Adora, I'm trying, but no one's answering.

- They're gone.
- [computer beeps]

Uh-oh. I think I found the blockade
Perfuma was talking about.

That's a lot of Horde ships.

How are we going to get through that?

If I could use magic,
I'd teleport us past it.

I've never felt such a lack
of magical energy in my life.

Why does space hate me so much?!

Our friends need us.

Magic or no magic, we're going home.

So, your plan is to, what?
Ram through an armada of ships?


Maybe! We have to try.

You heard Perfuma. They're waiting for us.

They're going to catch us.
And if they do...

Take it from someone
who's defeated you guys, like, a lot.

- Charging in without a plan won't work.
- Okay, well, heh, you didn't defeat us.

Adora, Catra's right.

That felt weird to say.

We barely made it out last time
we tangled with Prime.

We need to figure out another way
to help our friends.

Catra, you were with him.

Does he have any kind of,
I don't know, weakness?

What, you think he'd tell me?

- [Wrong Hordak] You are correct, brother.
- [all scream]

We do not discuss Horde Prime's weakness.

Uh, heh,

so, that means
Horde Prime does have a weakness.

No. Horde Prime is all-powerful.

- You just said...
- We do not discuss Horde Prime's weakness.

We do not discuss Krytis.

What's Krytis?

[Wrong Hordak] Krytis does not exist.
And if it did, we would not discuss it.

It's a place.

A planet.


- [keys clacking]
- [Entrapta] Krytis, Krytis, Krytis.

Hmm. There's something here,
but it's locked.

We need administrator clearance
to access it.

Darla, show us.

A-ha! According to Darla's records,
it's located here. Not too far from us.

In... In... In... Incorrect.

It is located nowhere,
because it does not exist,

- because Lord Prime destroyed it.
- I know what I saw.

Prime's trying to hide something,
and it has to do with this planet.

[Adora] There's something on Krytis
Prime doesn't want us to know about.

And we're gonna find it.

Set course for Krytis.

♪ We're on the edge of greatness ♪

♪ Turning darkness to light ♪

♪ We're right beside you ready to fight ♪

♪ We're gonna win in the end ♪

♪ We must be strong
And we must be brave ♪

♪ We must be brave ♪

♪ We gotta find every bit of strength
That we have ♪

♪ And never let it go ♪

♪ We must be strong ♪

[wind whistling]

Prime was definitely here.

But something made him leave.


[Entrapta] Hmm.

[Entrapta yelps]


[metal clatters]

This place should have
some log of the invasion.


[door crashes]

Maybe Wrong Hordak can connect to it
and tell us what happened here.

Good news.

My readings show
that the atmosphere is safe.

What? She's been wrong before.

A lot, actually.

If my helmet were that adorable,
I'd leave it on, too.

[gasps] Those ears.

It is not. [grunting]

[Adora sighs]

[shrieks] I'm picking up a heat signature.

There's someone alive on this planet,
right here, somewhere in this Spire.


Prime destroyed all life here
on this planet that does not exist.

Well, he missed someone.
And we have to find them.

Pulling up the Spire's schematics now.
We'll guide you through from here.

[Catra] So, wait.

The plan is to barge ahead
into the structurally unsound building

to find some mystery person
that we know nothing about,

in hopes that they somehow know
how to defeat Horde Prime?

- That about sums it up.
- Yep, that's the plan. [giggles]

Honestly, what did I expect?

You know,
we were just gonna recklessly blast

our way through that blockade
until you stopped us.

So, this whole thing
is basically your idea.

Yeah. It's kind of your mission.

No, it's not. [yelps]

[Glimmer & Bow, singsong]
Catra's first mission.

Catra's first mission.

- [growls] I'm going to k*ll your friends.
- Please don't.

[leaves rustling]

I came as soon as I heard...

What...? What do you think you're doing?

I don't understand how this happened.
Surely this can't be everyone who's left?

We... We need to find another place
to make camp.

They know we're here.
They could be back at any time.

So, that's it? We're going to hide?

Just until we figure out what to do.

Maybe we could go to Mystacor.
It has that invisibility spell.

[Shadow Weaver] That's not going to work.

With Micah controlled by Prime,
Mystacor is already compromised.

How did the Rebellion lose so many
of our finest members

and yet we're still stuck with you?

We're wasting time here.

We need to seek out the Horde
and get my brother back.

I lost him once.
I'm not gonna lose him again.

Oh, we need to get out of here.

We need to make sure
the rest of the Rebellion is safe first.

If you want to help Micah, come with me.

You can't seriously think
I would ever go anywhere with you.

[Shadow Weaver]
You don't have a plan. I do.


But if you try anything,
I won't hesitate to strike you down.


That's weird.

Cool. Maybe this planet chased off
Horde Prime

with poorly planned architecture.

[Entrapta] Why'd you stop?
Go through the door right in front of you.

Entrapta, there's no door.

Well, the schematics show a door
right where you're standing.

- Data never lies.
- [gasps]

The logs say Lord Prime
retreated from this planet?

Oh, this cannot be.

Lord Prime does not retreat.

He is the almighty conqueror.

His dominion is just and eternal.

I don't know how many times
I have to repeat myself: Data never lies.

- [bawling]
- [feedback squeaks over comms]

[Entrapta] Uh... I mean, there, there?

Ah, whatever. We need a door?

[Catra grunting]

There's your door. You're welcome.

Uh, we don't know
what we're dealing with here.

Maybe you shouldn't just smash stuff.

Do you wanna find whoever is here or not?
Let's just get this over with.

It's some sort of mineral growth.

It's eating away at the Spire.

You have an arrow
that turns into a magnifying glass?

I can't believe
we were losing to you guys.


- You okay?
- Uh, I... I don't know.

I have a weird feeling about this place.

It feels strange.

Entrapta, this floor is clear.

- Where to now?
- [Wrong Hordak bawling over comm]

- Entrapta?
- [Entrapta] Sorry.

Seems Wrong Hordak
has begun to question the meaning of life.

[Wrong Hordak] Who am I
if not an exalted brother of Prime?

[Entrapta] But don't worry.
I've got it totally under control.

Okay, any sign of those life readings?

[Entrapta] I'm picking up something
on the next level.

[Wrong Hordak continues bawling]

Upstairs. Let's go.



Aw. That's your sneeze?

- What?
- It's just so cute.

It's a normal sneeze.

I can't believe the whole time
you were trying to k*ll us,

you had the cutest sneeze of all time.

I am not cute.

The angrier you get, the cuter you are.


- [screams]
- Catra!

Get me out of this thing.

[all scream]


I think the feeling I had about this place
is a bad feeling.

Don't look at me like that.
You could slow down, you know.

- Where are we going?
- There's no time. You need to keep up.

You said you had a plan.

The only reason I'm following you

is because if anyone would know
about mind control, it's you.


Mind control? Is that what they told you?

No, my gifts were always far subtler.

Then you're wasting my time.
I'm going back.

You never held a candle to Micah's power
as a sorcerer.

Neither did I.

We both know how dangerous he is now
that his magic is controlled by the enemy.

We won't be able to stop him.

He could do irreparable damage to others,
and to himself.

So, what is your plan?

[Shadow Weaver]
We make ourselves stronger.

What was that?
Why did that wall try to eat me?

- Isn't this where we started?
- [growling in distance]

You guys hear that, too, right?

The energy signature is just ahead of you.

Go through the door on your left.

Door? What...? What door?

We're not really going through that,
are we?

Well, Entrapta says this is the way,
so, let's go.

How have you guys stayed alive this long?

[Entrapta] Adora, are you there?

Wrong Hordak downloaded
the rest of the records

from Prime's occupation of Krytis,
and guess what.

This planet was once a First One's colony
like Etheria.

It looks like Horde Prime
and the First Ones

were fighting for control of this planet,
and Horde Prime won.

But something on the planet drove him away
before he could conquer it.

He tried to erase all records
of his failure.

Horde Prime lied to us.

He is not all-powerful.

See? We're on the right path.

But we have to get out of here first.

And that door
still isn't getting any closer.

- [Entrapta] Sorry, what door?
- What do you mean "what door?"

- The one you told us to go through.
- [Entrapta] That wasn't me.

This is the first time we've talked
since the last floor.

I knew it!
I knew this was a terrible plan.

This place is weird and unnatural.
We need to get out of here before...

By the way, who's your new friend?

What are you talking about?

- It's just the four of us.
- Hate to disagree,

but there's a definite heat signature
right behind you.

[all scream]

[Catra screams]

[Catra screams]

[Adora] Catra! Catra!

Adora, I'm down here.


- [Adora] I'm coming.
- Hurry.


Adora, what do we do?

I don't know. Just... Just nobody move.

- Glimmer, what are you doing?
- Hang on. I have to try something.

Illusions. These are all illusions.

Then that means...

I knew I was feeling something
about this place.

I thought it was bad, but it's not.

It's magic.

- [creature roaring in distance]
- Catra.



Ah... ah... [sneezes]



[all yelling]

Catra, hold... on?


Are you... Are you petting the thing
that's been trying to k*ll us?

I'm trying something here,
if you didn't notice.

It's just so cute.

It's not cute!

- [creature growling]
- [yelps]

- Get away from her.
- No. Don't.

I'm sorry. I got angry.
It's something I'm working on.

Ohh. You are?

Yes. Now can you please...?

Yes, I am.
I think this thing responds to emotions.

So, can you not give me a hard time
right now?

No. Sorry, sorry. Do... Do your thing.


It's okay.

We won't hurt you.




You're... You're magic, aren't you?

- [hisses]
- Me, too.

[Adora chuckles]


Uh, what's it doing?

Uh, guys?

Can you hear it talking, too?
Please tell me you can hear it talking.

- [continues mewling]
- Uh...

It must have imprinted on you.

It... trusts you.

Well, it shouldn't.
Why is everything with you guys so weird?


It says its name is Melog.

It's been here...

by itself for a long time.

It thought we were enemies like, um, like
the ones that came to take its magic?

They dug into the ground, built machines.

The First Ones.
That's what they were doing.

They were mining this planet's magic,
just like on Etheria.


[Catra] But they took too much.

And then...

"the one who destroys" came.


He tried to conquer this place
but couldn't.

The magic of Krytis
was too wild for Prime.

He didn't understand what it was.

He couldn't use it,
couldn't defend against it.

Magic is Horde Prime's weakness.

Melog drove Prime off
but couldn't defeat him.

And now it's the last of its kind.

I'm sorry for what happened to you,

but we're gonna make sure
it never happens again.

Our planet has magic, too.

It might be the last place in the universe
that does.

If you wanna come with us,
I think you'd really like it there.

Entrapta? We're on our way back down.
And we're bringing a friend.

That's great. And I'm happy to report

that Wrong Hordak's existential crisis
has resolved.

Brothers, Horde Prime lied to us.

He is a false ruler.

We must rise up against him
and free the universe

from his unjust reign.

- That's the plan.
- [Bow] Uh, Adora?

We still don't know
how we're gonna get back to Etheria.

Hmm. About that,

I think I might have an idea.

I can't believe I fell for this.

You don't care about Micah.

All you've ever cared about
is getting more power for yourself.

Well, I'm putting a stop to this
right now.

[snoring softly]

Everything we were taught
in the Sorcerers' Guild was wrong.

The First Ones didn't enhance
this planet's magic with their tech,

they weakened it.

Etheria isn't a w*apon.

It's a living creature, and its magic
has been here the whole time, slumbering,

waiting to be awakened.

Prime has taken our strongest fighters,

but he does not yet know
what this planet really is.

We can destroy the restraints
the First Ones built,

set the magic of Etheria free
and use it against him.

[Castaspella scoffs]

You just want to take the magic
for yourself.

[Shadow Weaver] I want to save Micah.

I owe him that much, at least.

Come with me.

Help me undo
what the First Ones did and...

stop me if I try
to take the power for myself.

You better believe I will.

Coming up on the blockade around Etheria.
They'll have visual on us soon.

We sure this is gonna work?

Only one way to find out.



So, just to make sure I get it,
we're running through a Horde blockade

while relying on the magic
of a creature we just met?

That about sums it up, yes.

Punch it, Darla!

[all screaming]



It worked.

It worked. Ah!

Melog did it!

[all cheer]


- Mwah!
- [growls]

Catra saved the day.

- Aw, come here. Best Friend Squad hug.
- [grunts] No. No. Absolutely not.

[door opening]

We made it.

We're home.