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05x10 - Return to the Fright Zone

Posted: 12/10/23 08:33
by bunniefuu
Mermista, Spinnerella and Scorpia
are wreaking havoc across Etheria.

If we wanna stop Horde Prime,
we have to neutralize them

and figure out how to free them
from their chips.

- [yelps]
- Leave this to me.

I've been keeping track
of every Princess' weakness.

I've discerned the best tactical strategy
to overpower every one of them.

Spinny's weakness is obvious.

Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Real obvious.

And, um, ahem, what is it exactly?

[sighs] Everyone knows
she twisted her ankle when she was a kid.

If you keep her off balance,
her injury will act up on her.

Next time we fight, I'll target it,
subdue her and un-chip her

and save her and remind her of it
every time she tells me

- it's my turn to clean.
- Right.

But could we circle back

to your not-at-all-weird-and-very-detailed
theories on our weaknesses?

Yeah, not all of us will be as easy
as a twisted ankle.

Oh, you don't believe me.

That's... That's fine.
I'll just demonstrate.

- Entrapta's weakness: tech.
- [Entrapta crashes]

Mermista's: fire.

Frosta's: also fire.

Adora can't act to save her life.

Also, extreme hair-envy with She-Ra.

Glimmer: crippling self-doubt
mixed with overwhelming hubris.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's, like,
really personal compared to fire.

Oh, oh, do me. Do me next.

Perfuma: fire.

And an inability
to unleash your full power

due to your overwhelming fear
of hurting the people you care about.

Some might say
that's actually a positive quality.

It's not.

Bow's weakness...


You've spent a lot of time
thinking about this, huh?

Contingency plans are how you win,
and I always win.

Okay, we get it.

Princesses are easy to take down.

You and your files don't have anything
on real threats, like me.



♪ We're on the edge of greatness ♪

♪ Turning darkness to light ♪

♪ We're right beside you ready to fight ♪

♪ We're gonna win in the end ♪

♪ We must be strong ♪

♪ And we must be brave ♪

♪ We must be brave ♪

♪ We gotta find every bit of strength
That we have ♪

- ♪ And never let it go ♪
- ♪ Oh ♪

♪ We must be strong ♪

We need to stop the chipped Princesses
before they hurt anyone else.

We've lost track of Spinnerella
after Erelandia,

but there is good news.

We know where Scorpia is.


[clears throat] Uh, Bow?

Huh? Oh, uh, right.

After wreaking havoc
on a town along the coast,

Scorpia returned to the Fright Zone.

If Scorpia went back to the Fright Zone,
that has to mean something.

There's probably a part of her
that remembers it's her home.

That pile of junk isn't anyone's home.

Scorpia saved me.

She stayed behind so the rest of us
could escape the Enchanted Grotto.

If anyone can resist Horde Prime's
programming, it's Scorpia.

Her heart's too strong.
She'd never hurt her friends.

Yeah, she's not great at standing up
to authority figures, trust me.

Your negative vibes
aren't appreciated here, Catra.

Look, all that matters is the chip.

Going for the back of the neck
is how we take out Prime's clones.

And the only reason that Adora, you know,
saved me or whatever,

is because the chip got damaged first.
That's how we free them.

You think you know how to save Scorpia
better than I do?

I know all about how you treated her
back in the Horde.

Things are different now. Scorpia knows
the kindness of a true friend.


Hoo. Hmph.


Hey, we all want to save Scorpia,
so, let's work together to do it.

If we make our way through the desert,
we can enter the Fright Zone through here.

Catra, Melog, we'll need you to cloak us.

Bow, are you okay?

Yeah, yeah. I'm fine.


It's your dads, isn't it?

I know they're probably fine.
The Library is really well hidden,

but I haven't heard from them
since we got back.

We should go check on them.
I'll teleport us there.

But, what about the mission?
Scorpia and the others

are controlled by Prime
and your dad might be with them.

Bow, Adora and the others
can handle Scorpia.

This mission is just as important.

We have to make sure your dads are safe.

I'm really worried about them.

Then let's go.

Wherever they are, we'll find them.

It's weird, isn't it?

Being back.

- So many memories here.
- Most of them bad.

Hey, bet I can still
beat you to the forge.

Uh, because you always cheat.

[Adora & Catra laughing]

[Adora] Huh.

Well, it's different than I remember it.

Hordak and I may have had
a small disagreement

before we were taken by Horde Prime.

[Adora] Whoa.

[Perfuma] Scorpia?

What is she doing?

- Scorpia?
- Get back here.

No. Does no one understand
what stealth means?


[sighs] Your plans are just the worst.

[all yell]


What's she doing? Why isn't she attacking?

She recognizes us.
I told you she'd never hurt her friends.

[chuckles] Scorpia?

[Adora] Perfuma!

She must not be able to tell that it's us.




Scorpia... uh, it's me.

Look, about everything that happened...

I'm really... [yells]




For the honor of Grayskull!

Pretty sure she can tell it's us.

Yes, but I mean, it's Catra.

Can we really blame her?

[all scream]

Something doesn't feel right.

- [gasps]
- Whoa!

Prime Bots.

They're here, right by my home.



Hang on. I'll check the other rooms.


They aren't here.

What if Horde Prime has them?
What if he chipped them?

We don't know that.
Maybe they went somewhere safe.

All of Etheria is under Prime's control.
They can't defend themselves.

They're dads.
And now they've been taken by Horde Prime.

- Uh, Bow?
- I should've never learned archery.

I should've never left home.
Then none of this would've happened.



What does it say?

It says, "What did the First One say
when they burned dinner?

'It was ruined.'"

Uh, what does that mean?
I don't speak dads.

I know where they are.



That could've gone better.


Hey, I'm working on being a better friend.
That has to count for something, right?


[pipes rattling]

Scorpia's not alone.

Her positive energy is being blocked
by all of Prime's negative energy.

We need to... She-Ra, drop it.

Drop it.

We don't throw tanks at our friends.

Yeah, well, this isn't working.

Look at her.
It's like she doesn't even recognize us.

Perfuma, enough with the feelings.

You could be one of
the strongest Princesses if you'd just...

I am strong.

But I'm not gonna hurt my friend.

Oh, I really wish she'd stop doing that.

Scorpia, please stop.

You don't have to do this anymore.



Still trying to save everyone?

What a wasted effort.

This one's mine.

Netossa, wait.

Oh, so, she gets to throw tanks at us.

Oh, "It's ruined."

I get it. [chuckles] That's... terrible.
Why do you think they came here?

They were excavating it,
looking for First Ones artifacts.

It would've been
the last safe place to go.

[both gasp]


Oh, Bow!

Oh, and Glimmer. We didn't hit you,
did we? Sorry. We're so sorry.

I'm still teaching him
how to use this thing.

And I don't know how use it either.

- So, um, it's good you're here.
- You got our message.

[chuckles] I knew you'd "pun-derstand."

You will not distract me
with puns right now.

I've been so worried.

You haven't responded
to any of my messages.

Our tracker pad's been on the fritz.
And you know we're useless

with that kind of thing. We left a note.

You can't just work on ancient history
like nothing's happening.

You were the one who inspired us
to fight for what we believe in.

We're not hiding down here.
We found something.

Something that we think
might help everyone.

What did you find?

It's easier if we show you. Come on.


Hiding is pointless.

Show yourself
and kneel before Horde Prime's might.

Not a chance.

[both scream]


You're not going anywhere.

Oh, but you are.


You can't get rid of me that easily.

How can Prime do this?

Scorpia was so full of light and kindness.

And he stripped that away.

He... He erased her.
He erased our friendship.

[Perfuma crying]

[both gasp]

Oh, no.

[Perfuma screams]



Scorpia, please. We're trying to help you.

Come on.

Adora, what happened to She-Ra?

I... I don't know, I just... I lost her.

Come on, Sword.

[both gasp]

Ah, She-Ra.

Anytime She-Ra wants to come back,
that would be great.

You. What are you doing here?

It was long past time
that I saw for myself

what made Etheria so very special.

Starting with
my brother's amusing little stronghold.

I told you before,
you're not getting She-Ra.

Oh, my sweet child,
I have no need for you.

Not anymore.

My little brother's research has given me
everything I need to know.

The technology of this planet
is familiar to me.

Ancient, crude, outdated.

It will be child's play
to bypass its defenses

and take the w*apon at its heart
for myself,

with... or without you.

[George] We unearthed an ancient secret,
long forgotten.

A rebellion from the time
of the First Ones,

fighting against a powerful tyrant,
just like we are.

Watch. Eternia.

Greetings, administrator.

What is your query?

Uh, that's cool, Dad,
but we met her a while ago.

She, uh, wasn't that helpful.

Oh, that's not it.

We found something hidden
in her programming.

- For the honor of...
- Let me do it this time.

- You always get to do it,
- I don't. You did it last time.

- Okay, fine,
- For the honor of Grayskull!

Oh, I love doing that.

- Your voice is amazing.
- Oh, thank you.

[Bow gasps]


We weren't sure what to think
when we first found this.

- We thought it must be a glitch.
- But then

we remembered that message
on your tracker pad

and how it used coded language
based on the star formations

of the distant past.

"Friend of..."

- Uh, not that one. It's just...
- I've got it.

"Mara." There.

Greetings, friends of Mara.


Mara wasn't alone.

She was working with a group of rebels
going against their First One's leaders.

There is one recording available.
Would you like to review?

- [Lance] Play it.
- [Serenia] This is our last transmission.

If anyone's hearing this,
you need to listen.

There is a fail-safe
for the Heart of Etheria.

It will allow you to destroy the Heart
and end this for good.

It's at the Arxia outpost,
but we lost touch with them a week ago.

If there's anyone's left out there,
you need to find it.

Mara bought us time,
but it's too late for us.

This is Rebel Squadron Grayskull.
And for the last time, we're signing off.

A fail-safe.

There's a fail-safe
to destroy the Heart of Etheria.

This could stop Prime
from using the Heart.

This could save the universe.

They said it's at Arxia?

What is that?

That's what we don't know.

The First Ones had different names
for everything on Etheria.

But in all our studies,
we've never heard of a place called Arxia.

We have to tell Adora.

If there's a fail-safe out there
somewhere, we need to find it.

[tablet rings]


- Whoa. Are you okay?
- Get us out of here, now.

What's going on?

This whole thing was a trap.

[screams] Why did I get
the Water Princess?

[Catra screams]

[grunts] You're lying. You will never
get your hands on the Heart of Etheria.

It is over, Adora.

You will not be able to stop me.

As always, your childish fixation
on saving your friends has distracted you.

It has made you vulnerable, weak.

You're wrong.

There's power, real power,
in love, joy and friendship.

And what could you possibly know
about real power?

Friendship isn't a weakness.

It's my greatest strength.

And it's Scorpia's, too.

I've heard enough. End this now.

Scorpia, you can break through this.

I know you can.

[growls] Submit yourself to inspection.

No matter.

They are insignificant.

The plan is under way
and the Heart will soon be in my grasp.

[Netossa yells]

It's almost over.

Let go. Give in to Horde Prime's will.


Don't you get it, Spinny?

I'm never letting you go.

Because, Spinny, you're my weakness.


[Glimmer, Netossa & Spinnerella appear]

[Perfuma gasps]

I got her.

[Melog mews]

So, I heard Scorpia dropped a beam on you.

Scorpia missed.

She missed on purpose.

How do you know?

I know because I believe in Scorpia.

I hope you're right.

Scorpia's really lucky
to have a friend like you.

It's hard keeping your heart open.

It makes you vulnerable.

But it doesn't make you weak,
and I have to believe it's worth it.

[giggles] If you want,
we can work through some guided meditation

to begin to unblock your
abandonment issues and your negativity.

Nah. Uh-uh. No, one thing at a time, okay?

[Adora] A fail-safe.

There's a fail-safe
for the Heart of Etheria.

Mara did it.

This could work.

We can still save everyone.

We can stop the Heart of Etheria for good.
Do we know what it is? Or where it is?

All we know is that it's supposed to be
in some place called Arxia.

Other than that... we've got nothing.

[Shadow Weaver] We know where it is.

We have to go to Mystacor.