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01x17 - The Good, the Bad and the Tigre

Posted: 12/10/23 10:01
by bunniefuu
Announcer:miracle city:

A spicy cesspool of crime and villainy.

This is the story of manny rivera

Better known as:

[Manny roars]

Manny: el tigre!

Son of the legendary hero:

White pantera: white pantera!

Grandson of the evil supervillain:

Puma loco: puma loco.

["El tigre" theme plays]

Crowd: el tigre!

[Sirens wailing]

[Cheering]: el tigre.




Crowd: el tigre!


Papi, can't hold on.

He has defeated us.

I never believe he do this.

He destroy his own family?

We are doomed!


[Crickets chirping]




Officer: sartana of the dead.

[Cackling] [whinny]


Woman: is white pantera.

Officer: and el tigre.


[Both scream][sartana laughs]

Manuel pablo gutieérrez o'brien equihua rivera.

I told you I would stop sartana.

She is far too powerful for a child to handle.

Plus, it is a school night.

I'm not a child

And I was gonna skip school tomorrow anyway.

I said that out loud, didn't i?


Well, since you're here...

[Tires screech]


Shh... Shh...shh...

Uh, sorry?

Watch it. Excuse me.

Oh! Pantera: so sorry.

Villain: ingrown toenail.

El tigre: ooh, my bad.

Villain: you'll pay for that.

Just be a moment now.

Frida: sweet entrance, dude.

Frida, what are you doing here? [Slurping]

Didn't you hear? Sartana is...

Villains of miracle city...

And white pantera.

I am retiring.

[All gasp]

I've had a good run of evil over the past few hundred years

But these old bones need a rest.

It's time someone else ruled my empire.

On that note, please welcome my grandson:

Django of the dead.



My fellow villains...

It is time to bring evil to the st century.

The old ways are dead.

[Crickets chirping]

Um... Well, eh...

That is to say, um...

When I take over from my grandmother, i...

You'lltake over myempire [laughs]?

It is far too powerful for a child to handle.

Wow, good thing your family doesn't talk to you like that.

Yeah, uh...


My successor will be

One of you.




Tomorrow I will hold a tournament

Beneath the miracle city volcano.


The winner will receive

My mystic guitar.


My skeleton bandido army...

[Strums guitar]

And a three-month's subscription

To "villain's quarterly".

Yes, yes, yes, magnifico[laughing].

What? Is good magazine.

Get some rest, my comrades in evil.

You will need it.

[Maniacal laughter]

[Crowd chatter]

That django got a raw deal

You're feeling sorry for a guy

Whose last name is "of the dead"?

Get a grip.

What you ought to be thinking about

Is entering that tournament.

Me? Really?

Dude, just imagine having all of sartana's power.

I don't know.

Imagine it!

Frida: we'll rule the school.


Rule the slopes.

Both: whoo-hoo.

[Crowd cheers]

Frida: and rule the sky.

Both: yee-hah.

Ohh... Jetpacks.

I gotta win that tournament.


Mijo,you are much too young.

But dad, I've beaten most of those villains already.

Manny, this only for grownups.

When you older, then you can be evil overlord.

Or a heroic overlord.

But...both: you are too young.

You and frida run along to movie

So you don't get hurt while we train for tournament.

Here a quarter.

[Tires screech]

Granpapi: ok, be good.

Can you believe them?

No, in what century did movies cost a quarter?

They think they know everything just 'cause they're old.

Well, guess what I'm gonna do?

I know.

Disguise yourself as a zookeeper and steal a giraffe

And teach it to roller-skate and this isn't even close, is it?

I'm gonna enter sartana's tournament

And I'm gonna win.

Manny: this I swear.

[Crickets chirping]

There's my dad and granpapi.

Once they go in the coast is clear.

What is your dad wearing?


That's his disguise.

I am black pantera.

A villain from out of town.

Boy, I sure love evil.

Can't get enough...

...of evil.


[Loud thumping footsteps]

Ok, now's our chance.

Both: ooh.

Hey, what gives?

Come back when you're older.

You're darn tootin'.

We don't want no kids in the tournament.

Kids like I am not...

Hi, frida.

Sartana's guitar is no child's toy.

Django: and neither is mine.

Whoa... Whoa...

You're pretty good... Kid.

You too, child.

That was awesome.

I'm, sorry... El tigre.

I know, your name gets around.

I'm django.

Guess we'll be up against each other in the tournament.

Dude, you already got

A swee-hee-eet mystic guitar.

Why do you wanna win sartana's?

I'm sick of nana sartana treating me like a child.

I'm gonna show her she's wrong.

You wanna really show her she's wrong?

Ok, disguise yourself as a zookeeper and steal...

I totally know what you mean.

We'll show all of them that they're wrong about us.

If I don't win I hope you do.

All those old dudes are the past, tigre.

You and me are the future.

Come on.

We can hang out up here till the last minute.

That way your dad won't see you.


You will all compete in a series of events designed by me.

If you lose even once

You will be eliminated...

[All gasp]

...from the tournament.

[All sigh]


The last competitors are here.





Ew, man.

Sartana, he shouldn't be here.

He's just a child.

He still drinks from a sippy cup.

Dad, I do not.

He's right.

That el tigre varmint should be kicked out.

But the blue-haired she-goddess, she can stay.

I'm a what now?

Sartana: silence.

Anyone who is here can compete.

Because no one leaves the volcano until the tournament is over.

No one!

You would hold us prisoner?

I didn't pack a lunch.


I have to return these dvds by :

Or I get charged for another day.

The competition begins now.

The last one left in the circle

Will continue on in the tournament.

I call this event...

"King of the skull".

The competitors are:

Alebrije monster.


Giant robot sanchez.

El mal verde.


And... El tigre.

Can this wait till I'm taller?


Give up, make excuses.

Say you color blind.

Flat feet, scurvy.

No, I won't quit.

You know what they say.

The bigger they are...

The more likely they'll cause internal bleeding, I know.



[Crowd laughs]

Mal verde don't think this is funny.

♪ El mal verde, I declare, I can see your... ♪

They were a gift!

[Gasps] [gasps] [gasps]

They were a gift!

[Loud rumble]

[Loud belch]

Stick and move, pop and lock.

Stay uncrushed.

Oh, so he shouldn't stay uncrushed?

Tigre, mal verde has a cavity in his front tooth.

You even worse than she is.

["El tigre" theme plays]


[Screams in pain]: ow.


Not my day, man.

[Bell dings]

El tigre wins.

Uh, go figure.

And to ensure that no one leaves

All losers will be shackled.

Nobody shackles mal verde.

Anyone else got a comment?


Seems clear.

We love you.

What's a comment?


You will all be freed once we have a winner.

Now prepare for your events.

Way to go.

Well done, my boy.

I will totally gonna say that tooth thing.

See, I told you there was nothing to worry about.

Of course, there is something to worry about.

The next event.

Villains of miracle city...

And white pantera.

Man: who is this white pan...

May the worst man win.

Sartana: the high dive of doom.



[Bell dings]

Sartana: the rodeo of ruin.

[Bull bellows]


[Bell dings]

Hot dogs, get your hot dogs here.

Sartana: hoops of horror.


[Bell dings]

Sartana: speed skating slaughter.

[b*llet ricochet]

[Bell dings]

Sartana: rhythmic gymnastics.

Shackle ointment and back scratchers, $.

Sartana: golf of bore.


[Bell dings]

[Giggles] hey, man.

Sartana: cobra clash.

[Bell dings]


Sartana: arm wrestling.


Ok, didn't see that coming.


All right.

Sartana: we have our four finalists.

El tigre.

White pantera.

Rodolfo: black pantera.

Oh, black pantera.

Puma loco.

And my own little djangi-wangies.



Django of the dead.

Well done,mijo.

There's not a minute to lose to make our plan.

Plan? Yes.

Our plan to work together in the finals.

So I can win... For good.

You go funny in the head?

He work with his...

...beloved granpapi.

For evil!

But i...

Not now, manny.

Your granpapi and I are deciding your future.

Why don't you go play with your little evil skeleton friend?

He's my son. He my grandson.

I have earned his respect.

I bought his respect, is faster.

Listen to them.

They don't care what you want.

Are you in this for them or for yourself?


You think I'm just some kid you can boss around?

I'm not on your side

And I'm not on your side.

I'm onmyside.

And if you don't wanna get hurt

[Menacing]: stay out of my way.

This is your fault. Your fault.

Your fault. My fault?

But you're fault. I pick you.

Sartana: the final event.

Whoever wins inherits my empire.

You must knock your opponents off the platforms.

I call this challenge:

"Knock your opponents off the platforms."





Now, manny, whoa...



Nice shot.

I was only trying to...

Good form, there.

I was trying to...

Keep that elbow straight- I was just...

Enough, sorry for the grabbings

But you getting you carried away with that...


Can't hold on.

He has defeated us.

I never believe he do this.

He destroy his own family?

We are doomed!


I warned you to stay out of my way.

And you're like one foot off the ground.

Yes, well...

You still very mean.

[Solitary hand clap]

See? He has chosen power over family.

I told you he was a true villain.

Django? What...

He is indeed worthy.

El tigre, join us.

With you and django by my side

We will rule the world.


You said you were retiring.

Yes, but i...fibbed.


A fib? It can't be.

Never trust a villain.

Your plan worked perfectly, django.

Your plan? Yes.

I devised this tournament as a way to get

All of grandmother's evil competition in one place

And destroy them!

[Strums guitar]

That is one complicated evil plan.

He truly is an artist.

I would applaud if he weren't destroying me.

Wait, so that's reallava?

Papi, your rockets.

No working.

Your son break the controls.

El tigre, you can join us and rule the world

Or join them


Well, you know.


What you doing?

Django, I really appreciate this.

The offer to join us?

No, you sticking out your hand like an idiot.

El tigre!

I wanna rule the world as much as the next guy

But not if I gotta dump my family.

Sartana: django, get him.

Yes, nana.

Look out.

[Django screams]


Guys, I have lava intolerance.

Got it, let's go.

Heh, hey, there.

Sorry about, django, huh?

Don't worry, he's a fast healer.

[Strums guitar]

El tigre...

You will pay!

Get ready for play catch, lava bone boy.

No, this is my fight.

But manny...

Papi, manny was right.

He's not a child anymore.

We must let him fight his own battles.

Oh, it's on.

Manny, red hot lava.

Getting close, but no pressure.

One chance, django.

End this now and you can walk away.

I'll end it... By ending you.



Just wait till your mother hears about this.



Eh, he, ah, uh...

Uh, aren't you gonna, you know, disintegrate or something?

No, remember...

I have my own mystic guitar.

Well, that was stupid.



[All cheering]

You riveras may have saved us

But it changes nothing.

Of course.

Tomorrow we'll all go back to being mortal enemies

Sworn to destroy each other in a savage frenzy of v*olence.

Great, I just wanted to be sure that was clear.

Sorry to interrupt.

Dad, granpapi...

I'm sorry, i... You know, kind of turned on you.

Well, obviously you were only pretending to fight us-

To trick sartana and django into revealing their plan.

Eee... Exactly.

Well, your family's never gonna doubt you again.


Oh, yeah, here.

That's ok, I've got a spare at home.

[All scream]

["El tigre" theme plays]

[Kids cheering]

Manny: ohh... Jetpacks.