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01x08 - Scary Monsters / Lifesaver Lilly

Posted: 12/10/23 11:54
by bunniefuu
♪ It's a brand new day

So come on and play ♪

♪ In a world that's waiting

For you ♪

♪ We're about to begin

So come on in ♪

♪ There's so much

To do at school ♪

♪ And you can do anything

If you try ♪

♪ With friends like timothy

By your side ♪

♪ There's a new adventure

In everything we do ♪

♪ We'll all be together

And you can come too ♪

♪ When timothy goes to school

Anything can happen ♪

Anything can happen ♪
♪ when timothy goes to school

♪ When timothy goes to school


Sounds like scary monsters

Have come to hilltop school.



That's the biggest

Dinosaur yet.


Until this one.


Wow, we certainly

Know our dinosaurs.

Mrs. Jenkins?

Yes, timothy?

I can't wait to go

See the real dinosaurs.

Can't we go to the museum today?

Tomorrow will come

Soon enough, timothy.


Hey, what are you doing, nora?

Hey, what are you doing, nora?

Um, I dropped my pencil.

You can use mine so you don't

You can use mine so you don't
miss any of the dinosaurs.

Miss any of the dinosaurs.

Miss any of the dinosaurs.





Charles, windows please.

Charles, windows please.

Charles, windows please.


Thank you, charles.

We've certainly learned

A thing or two about

Dinosaurs this week.

How about we draw a picture

Of our favourite dinosaur

To take to the museum tomorrow?

I know which dinosaur

I'm going to draw.

I'm going to draw.
Me too.

Me too.

I know lots of dinosaurs,

But I think t-rex is the best.

He's the king of dinosaurs.

Diplodocus was

Like a submarine.

He could stay underwater forever

Because he had a nose on

Top of his head.

I like pterodactyl.

She can fly and she sleeps

Hanging upside down.

I like stegosaurus.

Yeah, he had the brain

The size of a meatball.


Brachiosaurus had a really

Stretchy long neck to reach

The highest trees.

Which dinosaur do

You like best, nora?

Um, well, i, uh...

Mrs. Jenkins: recess!



There's also patagosaurus,

Camarasaurus, ichthyosaurus,

Allosaurus, albertosaurus,

Diplodocus, deinonychus,


Claude does know

A lot about dinosaurs.

Frank: hey!

Frank: hey!
Look at this!

Look at this!

Timothy: wow, these are

Dinosaur tracks.

Let's follow them.


What if it's a mean,

Angry dinosaur?

I know what kind of dinosaur

Made these tracks.

Made these tracks.
Come on.

Come on.


it's a henry-o-saurus.

It's a henry-o-saurus.

Great dinosaur tracks, henry.

Thank you, timothy.

I love dinosaurs.

They stomp.

They stomp.
Dinosaurs rule!

Dinosaurs rule!

[Timothy growling]

Guess who I am, nora?

Guess who I am, nora?


Um, can't stay.

Um, can't stay.
Got to go.

Got to go.

Nora doesn't want

To play dinosaurs.

But nora loves to play games.


Guess who I am, timothy?


It's a triceratops.






How's the fossil dig

Coming along, fritz?


You're doing a fine job.

[Frank growling]

[Frank growling]
oh, dear, how ferocious.

Oh, dear, how ferocious.

Oh, dear, how ferocious.


What's that?

It's a pretend-o-saurus.

It's a pretend-o-saurus.
She's very friendly.

She's very friendly.

She looks friendly.

What does she eat?



I like your pretend-o-saurus

I like your pretend-o-saurus
much better than real dinosaurs.

Much better than real dinosaurs.

How come your picture hasn't

Got any dinosaurs in it?

They're hiding.


I see.

There's one in that cave,

And, oh, there's another

One in that bush, and there's

One in that tree.

Let's see.

Where else could one be?

There's one,

And there's one.

And there's one.
They're everywhere.

They're everywhere.

Goodbye, children.

Goodbye, children.
Thank you for a wonderful day.

Thank you for a wonderful day.

And thank you

For the dinosaurs.

You're welcome, timothy.

Remember to give this to your

Parents to sign so we can all

Go to the museum tomorrow

And see real dinosaurs.

Oh, boy!

Now, don't lose it, lilly.

The first thing I'm going

To do when I get home is

To get my mom to sign it.

How many dinosaurs do you

Think live at the museum,



Maybe hundreds.

Maybe hundreds.

There you go.

I wish you were coming

To see the dinosaurs too, dad.

I'd like that.

I'd like it too, nora.

We could bring

Jack and mom too.

I'd like that even better.

I promise we'll go

See the dinosaurs again

After your school trip tomorrow.


Bath and bedtime, nora.

You have a big day tomorrow.

You have a big day tomorrow.



Jack's being gross.

I'll take care of

It in a minute, nora.

I know you've all been learning

About dinosaurs all week,

So I thought we'd give this

Dino crunch cereal a try.

Mom, can I please have

Mom, can I please have
something different?

Something different?

[Horn honking]

Hurry up, nora.

You don't want to miss the bus.

Coming, dad.

Here's your lunch.

I put a special surprise inside.

What is it?

No peeking.

Thanks, dad.

I love surprises.

Hurry up, nora.

We're going to see

We're going to see
the dinosaurs today.

The dinosaurs today.

All right, everyone.

Before lunch, I want

Everyone to buddy up for

Our trip to the museum.

Miss appleberry is here to help.

Remember to look out for your

Buddy and to look out for me

Or mrs. Jenkins or a security

Guard if you need help.

But most of all, remember to

Have fun meeting the dinosaurs.


Hey, nora,

Want to be my museum buddy?


I'd like that, timothy.


Lunch boxes out and

Open, boys and girls.

I'm going to eat my lunch

As fast as I can so we can get

To the dinosaurs sooner.

There's a surprise

In my lunch.

What is it?

What is it?
No peeking.

No peeking.

Wow, it's a dinosaur




Trade you!

Trade you!

You like egg salad more than

A great dinosaur sandwich, nora?

I don't like egg salad.

Then why did you trade?

Because I don't like

Dinosaurs even more than

I don't like egg salad.


But everyone loves dinosaurs.

Not me.

They're big and scary,

And I'm very small.

I really want to like them,

Timothy, but--

Don't worry, nora.

We'll think of something

We'll think of something
to make you feel better.

To make you feel better.

Nora's frightened of dinosaurs.


Of dinosaurs?

Yes, and she needs our help.

I'm frightened of spiders.

Will that help?

Spiders can't

Hurt you, doris.

And neither can dinosaurs.

They died a long time ago.

I have an idea, timothy.

Look at this.

Way to go, yoko!

Way to go, yoko!
Everything is going to be okay.

Everything is going to be okay.

We're here, children.

We're here, children.
Quick sticks.

Quick sticks.

Mrs. Appleberry: one, two,

Three, four...

Oh, boy!

The museum.

I can't wait to go inside.

I can't wait to go inside.
Everyone, find your buddy.

Everyone, find your buddy.

...nine, ten.

Oh, my, we're one short.

Someone's missing.

Where's nora?

Here she is.

Come on, nora.

I really want to go, timothy,

But I'm scared.

Timothy, nora,

Is everything okay?

It's okay, mrs. Jenkins.

If nora wants to stay behind

On the bus with henry,

Then I'll stay too.

But timothy,

You love dinosaurs.

You should go.

I'm not going

If you're not going.

If you're not going.
[Children gasping]

[Children gasping]

Okay, if you promise

To hold my hand.

To hold my hand.
I promise.

I promise.


Off we go to

Off we go to
see the dinosaurs.

See the dinosaurs.

Wow, they're even

Bigger up close.

I can't look.

Come with me, nora.

There's someone

I want you to meet.

Nora, meet megazostrodon.


That sounds big and scary.

That sounds big and scary.

That's it?

He's so little.

Just like you.

I'm bigger than him.

He's not big and scary at all.

That's what yoko thought

Too when she found his

Picture in a book.

Hi, megazostrodon.


Want to go meet some

Other dinosaurs?

Other dinosaurs?


That's right!

Then we saw tyrannosaurus rex;

He's as big as our house.

Can we go see the dinosaurs

Again, dad, can we?

My favourite's megazostrodon.

Oh, I don't know, nora.

That sounds big and scary.

That sounds big and scary.


[horn honking]

[Horn honking]

Hi, henry.

Hello there, lilly.

Do you have all your things

For school this morning?

I think so.

Got your scarf and your

Got your scarf and your
mittens and your pencils?

Mittens and your pencils?


And your lunchbox?


And my lunchbox.

That's a girl.

Hi, lilly.

Hi, timothy.

I left a surprise in

Your classroom this morning.


What is it?

He won't tell us.

He won't tell us.
Oh, you'll soon find out.

Oh, you'll soon find out.

Hello, little fish.

Hello, little fish.
Hey, where'd it go?

Hey, where'd it go?

Oh, there you are.

This must be the surprise

Henry was talking about.

Henry was talking about.
He's beautiful.

He's beautiful.

Do you think we

Get to keep him?

I hope so.

Me too.

Lilly, you left your

Lunchbox on the school bus.




All right, class,

All right, class,
settle down.

Settle down.

I hope you've all

Noticed our new addition.

Hey, a fish.

That's right, fritz.

Henry brought it over

From the library.

It's closed for a month so we've

Been asked to take care of it.


What's its name?


Hi, goldie.

Hi, goldie.

Taking care of a pet

Is a big responsibility.

I suggest we each take turns

Caring for goldie.

You mean like walking it?

Yeah, and giving it a bath?

Um, it's a fish.


No bath.

No bath.



All right.

Who wants to go first?

Oh, I do, I do!

I will.

Lilly and claude

Both want to go first.

I suggest we take a vote.

It should be claude.

Lilly's forgetful.

She wouldn't remember

She wouldn't remember
to feed him.

To feed him.

Lilly always remembers

Jokes and stuff.


All right, class, let's vote.

How many of you think

Claude should take care

Claude should take care
of goldie first?

Of goldie first?

And how many of you think

Lilly should take care

Lilly should take care
of goldie first?

Of goldie first?

All right, claude can be the

First one to take care of goldie

First one to take care of goldie
and lilly can be next.

And lilly can be next.

Did you like the little

Surprise I left in the

Classroom this morning?

I guess so.

Don't you like fish?

I love fish.

I even have a fish at home.

Then why are you so unhappy?

I don't get to

Take care of goldie.

They didn't pick me.

They think I'm too forgetful.

Well, if I were goldie,

I'd want you to take care of me,

And I'd let you take care of

All my fish friends as well.


You would?

You would?


[Horn honking]

[Horn honking]

Thanks, henry.

Thanks, henry.
You're welcome, lilly.

You're welcome, lilly.

I take care of you,

Don't i, treasure?

I always remember to feed you,

And I never forget to

Clean your bowl.


Maybe we'd better

Maybe we'd better
clean your bowl today.

Clean your bowl today.

There you go.

It's okay.

I won't hurt you.

There, there you go.

Into the net.

That's a girl.


You're okay.

You're okay.


Your home is all nice and clean.

Your home is all nice and clean.


I take good care of you.

I always remember

The things you need.


I wish they'd picked

I wish they'd picked
me to take care of goldie.

Me to take care of goldie.

Kick it here!


Timothy: go, lilly!

Lilly, wrong way.

I got it.

I got it.


All right!


We're only two...

...but that will do.

...but that will do.


You guys are beating us.

You guys are beating us.
The teams aren't fair.

The teams aren't fair.

Hey, claude.

You want to play ball?

I have more important

Things to do, timothy.

I'm taking care of goldie.

Oh, okay.

Oh, okay.



Now your bowl is all clean,

And the new water is exactly

The right temperature to put

You back in the bowl.

Students: ah!

Students: ah!


He's good.

He's good.
Yeah, he's very good.

Yeah, he's very good.

This is when his bowl will

This is when his bowl will
need to be cleaned again.

Need to be cleaned again.

You have to give it just

The right amount of food --

Not too much and not too little.

You are doing a very good

Job, claude.

Job, claude.
I knew he would.

I knew he would.

And here is where the

And here is where the
drum solo comes in.

Drum solo comes in.

Good, fritz.

And here's where the

And here's where the
tambourine solo comes in.

Tambourine solo comes in.

Good, nora.

Good, nora.
And finally, the recorder solo.

And finally, the recorder solo.


I forgot my recorder

At home.

At home.


That's okay,

We're done for today.

Try to remember your recorder

Tomorrow, okay, lilly?

Tomorrow, okay, lilly?
Okay, mrs. Jenkins.

Okay, mrs. Jenkins.

Maybe everybody's right,


Maybe I am too forgetful

To take care of goldie.

To take care of goldie.
Maybe I would lose him.

Maybe I would lose him.






Mama, mama!

What is it, lilly?

I lost treasure!

I lost treasure!

No, you didn't.


I thought I'd help you out

By cleaning treasure's bowl

For you.

Oh, but that's my job, mama.

I can take care of treasure

All by myself.

Of course you can, dear.

Of course you can, dear.
I was just trying to help.

I was just trying to help.

I was just trying to help.



[knocking at door]

[Knocking at door]



Do I have to get up now?

No, you can sleep a little

Longer, honey.

Okay, but please don't let me

Forget to take my recorder to

School this morning, mama?

I don't have to

Remind you, lilly.

You don't have to go

To school this morning.

No school?


Is it because I forgot

My recorder yesterday?

My recorder yesterday?
No, dear.

No, dear.

Look out the window.


School has been

Cancelled today.

The power is out

Because of the snowstorm.


No school.

I can play all day.

That's right, honey.

It would be too cold

For you in class.


Oh, mama, we have to

Oh, mama, we have to
go to school right away.

Go to school right away.

Lilly, your scarf.

Lilly, your scarf.
[Banging on door]

[Banging on door]

Hi, henry.

Oh, hello.

School's cancelled today.

Oh, we know.

Lilly just--


I'm sorry.

She said she had

To get something.

That's all right.

That lilly, always

That lilly, always
forgetting something.

Forgetting something.

Nora: hey, where's goldie?

Yeah, how come

He's not in his bowl?

I hope he's okay.

Claude was looking after him.

I don't know what

Happened to him.

Oh, dear.

The power was off all night, and

That water looks awfully cold.

Maybe he's--

Maybe he's--
lilly: 'morning!

Lilly: 'morning!

It's goldie!

And he's okay.


Oh, lilly,

How did you get goldie?

Well, mrs. Jenkins, I found

Out that the power was off and

I thought goldie would be cold,

So I brought him home to swim

With my own fish for the night.

Good thinking, lilly.

Lilly saved goldie!

Way to go, lilly.



I guess I should change the

Frozen water before we put

Goldie back.

Let's let lilly do it.

She's good at taking

Care of fish.

Oh, okay.

Yes, that's a great idea.



You forgot something, honey.

You forgot something, honey.

You forgot something, honey.