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02x10 - Professor Fritz / Two Tutu Friends

Posted: 12/10/23 12:19
by bunniefuu
♪ It's a brand new day

♪ So come on and play

♪ In a world that's waiting

♪ For you

♪ We're about to begin

♪ So come on in

♪ There's so much

♪ To do at school

♪ And you can do anything

♪ If you try

♪ With friends like timothy

♪ By your side

♪ There's a new adventure

♪ In everything we do

♪ We'll all be together

♪ And you can come too

♪ When timothy goes to school

♪ Anything can happen

♪ Anything can happen
♪ when timothy goes to school

♪ When timothy goes to school

I have some

Exciting news, children.

On friday evening,

Hilltop school will

Be having an open house.

An open house?

An open house?
What's that, mrs. Jenkins?

What's that, mrs. Jenkins?

An open house is for parents

And friends of hilltop school

To come and visit us.

They're coming here?

To see us?

Yes, and I'd like

Everyone to make a science

Project to show them.

Mrs. Jenkins?

Yes, lilly?

I have a plant

That eats flies.

Can I bring that

To the open house?

Yes, that sounds very

Interesting, lilly.

I can show everyone

How to make rainbows.

I'll do something

With snakes.

I'm going to make

An experiment that shows

How a rocket works.

A rocket?

A real rocket?

One that flies

Into outer space?

It won't go that far,

But it can fly up in the air.


I can't wait to see it.

That'll be great.

Fritz knows

Everything about science.

He's going to be a professor.


Professor fritz.

Hmm, professor fritz.

Hmm, professor fritz.
I like that.

I like that.








Are you making a cake, mom?

Uh-huh, it's chocolate fudge,

Your favourite.

Don't you need

Eggs to make a cake?

Yup, two of them.

Here, mom.

Oh, thank you.

Are you working on another

Experiment, dear?

How did you know?

Oh, just a lucky guess.

If you need me

If you need me
I'll be in my lab.

I'll be in my lab.

I'll be in my lab.


And now, professor fritz's

Special rocket fuel.

First, some baking soda.

First, some baking soda.
And then some vinegar.

And then some vinegar.

Professor fritz to space

Professor fritz to space
control, all systems are go.

Control, all systems are go.

Control, all systems are go.
[Horn honking]

[Horn honking]

Hi, fritz.

What's in the box?

It's my science project.

Wow, that's a big

Science project.

I'm starting mine today, too.

I'm all finished.

You're finished?


I started working

On it after school yesterday.

You can see it

At show and share.

That's when I'm going

To have the test flight.

Test flight?


I can't wait.

I can't wait.

I made the launch pad

From an egg carton.

This is the engine where

The rocket fuel burns.


Rocket fuel.

Well, it's not

Real rocket fuel.

I'm using baking soda

And vinegar instead.

This is the fuel injector.

It sends the fuel into

The rocket engine.

And this is the rocket.


First, I have to add

First, I have to add
some fuel to the engine.

Some fuel to the engine.

Five, four...




blast off!

Blast off!


Oh, no!

Oh, no!
It looks like a safe landing.

It looks like a safe landing.

It looks like a safe landing.
Looks like a failed landing.

Looks like a failed landing.


I am a rocket.

I am a rocket.


I am a rocket too.


That was funny, professor fritz.


I wonder who it will

Land on at the open house.


Let's all pretend

We're rockets.

We're rockets.


Come on, professor fritz,

Come on, professor fritz,
pretend you're a rocket too.

Pretend you're a rocket too.

Professor fritz.


No more professor fritz.

No more professor fritz.

We need help,

Professor fritz.

Yeah, we need help

Making our science project.

I think you should

Ask someone else.

My ideas don't work.

Hey, lilly's going

To feed her plant.

Come on.

I want to see that.

I want to see that.
I do too.

I do too.

What are you feeding it?

Muffin crumbs.

I couldn't find any flies.

Muffin crumbs?

Your plant likes

Muffin crumbs?





It likes muffin crumbs.

Yeah, it is really hungry.

Can we feed it?

Okay, but don't

Feed it too much.

I want it to be hungry

For the open house.

Come on, lilly.

Let's go see yoko

Make a rainbow.

Make a rainbow.


I don't see anything.

Neither do i.

Look up there,

On the ceiling.

Nora: there it is!

Yoko: when the light shines

Through the prism,

It makes a rainbow.

That's pretty.

I like rainbows.

That's a wonderful

Project, yoko.

Project, yoko.
Thanks, mrs. Jenkins.

Thanks, mrs. Jenkins.

This can be our wind.

Mrs. Jenkins, look

At the weather vane that

Claude and I made.

It points in the same

It points in the same
direction that the wind blows.

Direction that the wind blows.

Wow, excellent work,

Wow, excellent work,
claude and grace.

Claude and grace.

What are you doing, charles?

My project.

It's about magnets.

It looks great.

Can I try it?

Can I try it?


Hey, what did I do wrong?

A pencil is made of wood so

A pencil is made of wood so
it doesn't stick to the magnet.

It doesn't stick to the magnet.

But this dime is metal,

So it does stick.

It's magnetic.

And so is this paper clip.

Wow, I didn't know that.

Can I see your project?


I still have one more

Snake to do, but I ran

Out of green paint.

Come on, I'll help

Come on, I'll help
you look for some.

You look for some.

Look, timothy,

That's fritz's rocket.

That's fritz's rocket.
Why is it in the garbage?

Why is it in the garbage?

Fritz, why is this

In the garbage?

You can have it.

I don't want it any more.


Why not?

I'm working on

A different project.

I'm going to show how

A bean sprouts instead.

But we already

Did that in school.

That's why I'm doing it.

I know it works.

But your rocket

Experiment was great.

If it was so great,

Why did everyone laugh at me?

We weren't laughing at you.

Yeah, we were laughing

At the balloon.

Well, I don't want it to

Happen again, especially at the

Open house with the whole town

Watching, and my mom, too.

But everyone wants to see

Your rocket launch.


They'll just have to watch

My bean sprout instead.

What was your rocket

Supposed to do?

It was supposed to go

Straight up, all the

Way to the ceiling.

What went wrong?

It went crooked.

Well, how does a real

Rocket go straight up?

A real rocket has

A real rocket has
fins at the bottom.

Fins at the bottom.

Like these.

Too bad you can't

Too bad you can't
put fins on a balloon.

Put fins on a balloon.

Wait a minute.

Maybe I can.

Maybe I can.
Thanks, guys!

Thanks, guys!

What did we do?

What did we do?
I don't know.

I don't know.

This is a garter snake.

I found one just like

It in my backyard.

This snake is sticking its

This snake is sticking its
tongue out to taste the air.

Tongue out to taste the air.

And I made this rattlesnake

Out of clay.

It's lying in the sun

To warm itself up.

Well done, timothy.

We learned a lot about snakes

This evening.

This evening.


It looks like nora is

It looks like nora is
ready with her project.

Ready with her project.

With this tube,

I can move water from

One glass to the other.

It's called a siphon.

You can use it to change the

Water in a goldfish bowl.


Excellent demonstration,


Thank you.

Our next presenters

Are frank and frank.

I can make a balloon

I can make a balloon
stick to the curtain.

Stick to the curtain.

I can make a balloon

I can make a balloon
stick to frank.

Stick to frank.


Thank you for showing us the

Effects of static electricity.

And our last presenter this

Evening is fritz.

My experiment shows

How a rocket works.

How a rocket works.
He's going to do it, charles.

He's going to do it, charles.

First, I have to add some

First, I have to add some
fuel to the engine.

Fuel to the engine.

Five, four,

Three, two,


Blast off!


Oh, no.

Not again.


That's what happened the first

Time I did the experiment.

Then, I figured out

What went wrong.

The rocket needed some

The rocket needed some
fins to help it go straight.

Fins to help it go straight.

Five, four...

]...three, two, one,

]...three, two, one,
blast off!

Blast off!


well done.

Well done.

Great launch, fritz.

Great launch, fritz.
You mean professor fritz.

You mean professor fritz.

Mrs. Jenkins: quick

Sticks, children.

It's time for in the spotlight.

Charles: I love

In the spotlight.

Yoko: I wonder

Whose turn it is.

[Piano ♪]

Is mrs. Jenkins

In the spotlight today?

In the spotlight today?
Look, timothy!

Look, timothy!

Look, timothy!



She's good.

She's good.
That's beautiful.

That's beautiful.

That's beautiful.



Well done, grace.

Lilly: I liked that.

That was beautiful.

Wasn't that beautiful?

Thank you, thank you.

Thank you, thank you.
Thank you.

Thank you.

I really liked

Your dancing, grace.

Thank you, doris.

You must practise a lot.

Yes, I do.

I think you could do a whole

Talent show all by yourself.

Do you really think so?


I can't wait to

See you dance again.

Well, you could come

To one of my dance classes.

Wow, really?


Thanks, grace.

Thanks, grace.

I can't believe I'm really here.

I hope you like it, doris.

I know I will.

I know I will.
Teacher: positions, everyone.

Teacher: positions, everyone.

Let's start with some steps

Let's start with some steps
we learned last week.

We learned last week.

We learned last week.


Very good, everyone.

Now, we'll try a new step.

Follow me.

Plie, pirouette,

Plie, saute.

Plie, saute.
Now, we'll take a short break.

Now, we'll take a short break.

Are you enjoying

The class, doris?

Yeah, I liked that

Jump you did.

Which one?

Well, uh...

It went sorta like:


Oops, sorry.

That was kinda loud, wasn't it.

If you bend your knees

More when you land,

More when you land,
you hardly make a sound.

You hardly make a sound.

It worked!

Wow, my first dance step.

I've never seen anyone jump

As high as you, doris.


Now, try it with a pirouette.

Now, try it with a pirouette.

Now, try it with a pirouette.
Careful, doris.

Careful, doris.





Dance class has never

Been this much fun before.

I'm having fun, too.

Thanks for inviting me, grace.

Do you want to come again?


It's nice having

A friend here.

A friend?


Wow, thanks grace.

Wow, thanks grace.

Wow, thanks grace.
[Horn honking]

[Horn honking]

Hi, doris.

Oh, you can't

Sit here, timothy.

Sorry, but I'm saving

It for grace.

You can sit with me, timothy.


Thanks, lilly.

I went to dance

Class with grace.



It was so much fun.

Did you dance?

Mostly I just watched, but

Grace did show me one thing.

I jump up in the air

And then I spin around.

Oh, then I bend my knees.

That sounds hard.

It wasn't so hard

After grace helped me.


Over here.

I saved you a seat.

Good morning.

]Hello, grace.

Grace is the best

Dancer in her whole class.


She always remembers the

Steps, and she does them all

Just right, maybe even better

Than just right.

Than just right.
Oh, thank you, doris.

Oh, thank you, doris.


I'm going to eat you.

Lilly, that's a brontosaurus.

It's a plant eating dinosaur.

Oh, okay.


I'm going to eat your salad.

I know a good

Game for us to play.


Follow the dancer.

How do we play that?

Okay, I'll be the leader,

And you do what I do.

And you do what I do.
Okay, I'll try.

Okay, I'll try.

Not so fast, grace.

You have to keep up.

You have to keep up.


What an interesting

Picture, doris.

It's grace.

She's helping me learn to dance.

She's backwards because

She's backwards because
she's spinning so fast.

She's spinning so fast.

Um, actually, my leg should

Be a little straighter, doris.




And who are

You painting, grace?

It's doris, dancing.

She's jumping very high.

Well, I'm glad you both

Have a special dance friend.

Me too.

So am i.

My mom says I can take

Dance lessons with you, grace.

She's buying me a new outfit.

She's buying me a new outfit.
Oh, I can't wait to see it.

Oh, I can't wait to see it.

Oh, I can't wait to see it.
Well, what do you think?

Well, what do you think?


It's nice,

But maybe we could bring

This down a little.

That's better.


I made up a game we could play.

What is it?

Guess the dance.

We take turns pretending to be

Something and the other person

Has to guess what it is.

Has to guess what it is.
All right, you go first.

All right, you go first.

Uh, a swan?

No, white and fluffy,

Falling gently from the sky.

Oh, a snowflake.


Now, it's your turn.

Now, it's your turn.

I know, a frog.

A frog?

No, something beautiful.

No, something beautiful.
Something with silvery wings.

Something with silvery wings.

A butterfly?


I like this game, doris.

It's fun.

Do you really think so?

Thanks, grace.

Teacher: all right, girls.

Teacher: all right, girls.
Girls, let's begin.

Girls, let's begin.

Girls, let's begin.




Oh, my goodness.

Oh, grace.



Are you okay?


Dancers don't fall like that.

How do you usually fall?

I don't.

I'm so embarrassed.

Maybe you hit a slippery

Spot, grace, that's all.

Yes, I think you're right.

You're still the best

Dancer I've ever seen.

Thank you.

I need a partner

For the next dance.

Will you dance with me, grace?

Will you dance with me, grace?
All right.

All right.

Mrs. Jenkins asked grace and

I to dance a duet for the class.


Uh, no.

I'm not good enough yet.

But maybe when

I know more dance steps.

I'd like to see that, doris.

I'm glad grace invited

Me to her dance class.

Sometimes it's hard

But we laugh a lot.

Guess what happened yesterday?

What happened?

We had to do a jump, but then

Grace slipped and fell right

Into a huge pile of costumes.

You should have seen her.

She was covered in clothes.

And she was so mad.

Ha ha, it was so funny.


Grace fell.

That's funny.

That's funny.
Nice one, grace.

Nice one, grace.

Doris, you are

A blabber mouth.


Well you're a--


You're a cry baby.


I'm not going to sit

With a blabber mouth.

I'm not going to

Sit with a cry baby.

And I don't want

To dance with you either.

To dance with you either.





Teacher: now, we'll have

Some free dance time.

Choose a partner, please.

Melanie, would you

Like to be my partner?

All right.

Do you want to

Be partners with me?

All right.

I have a great game we can

Play called guess the dance.

Guess the dance?

Guess the dance?


What am i?

Come on, guess.

I don't know.

A butterfly.

Fun, huh?

Okay, now you go.

Let's just practise

The demi-plie.

First position, doris.

Oh, okay.

Oh, okay.
This was more fun with grace.

This was more fun with grace.

Uh, melanie, you're supposed

To do what I do.

That's why it's called

Follow the dancer.

I'd rather practise my jumps.


This was more fun

This was more fun
with doris, anyway.

With doris, anyway.

With doris, anyway.


well, this isn't any fun.

Well, this isn't any fun.

Grace, can you hear me?

What is it, doris?

I don't really like it when

We're mad at each other.

Well, I don't like being

Called a cry baby.

But you called

Me a blabber mouth.

You told everyone I fell

And they laughed at me.

I was so embarrassed.

But grace, you just slipped.

It's still not funny.

I'm sorry I told everybody

What happened, grace.

I didn't mean to embarrass you.

I like being your friend.

I like being

Your friend too, doris.

Do you want to dance?

Well, I'll have

To think about it.

All right.

But don't step on my toes.

But don't step on my toes.

