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01x14 - The Paper Trail/Bath Time

Posted: 12/10/23 14:17
by bunniefuu
♪ Wherever I go ♪

♪ I see things that I want to

know ♪

♪ Wherever I am ♪

♪ I find things I want to

understand ♪

♪ Go and explore ♪

♪ Listen and see ♪

♪ Just follow your curiosity ♪

♪ Elinor Wonders Why ♪

♪ Why do birds sing? ♪

♪ And how do they fly? ♪

♪ Elinor Wonders Why ♪

♪ Why do ants march? ♪

♪ And where do they hide? ♪

♪ There's so much to learn ♪

♪ Wherever you turn ♪

♪ Just listen and see ♪

♪ And follow your curiosity ♪

♪ Elinor Wonders Why ♪

♪ Ask a question ♪

♪ What will you find? ♪

♪ Elinor Wonders Why ♪

♪ Just listen and see ♪

♪ Come and wonder with me ♪


Let's see our story so far.



[Clearing throat]

Once upon a time in the

enchanted forest, there was a

big, beautiful tree.


Ari, where is the rest of the


I ran out of space.

I'll start again.

And in this tree, a bird had

made a nest.

Hmm... I don't like how the

bird's wings turned out.

I'm going to redo it.

One day, an ogre came

stomping through the forest.

Boom, boom, boom.

He wanted to push down all the


An ogre?

I thought it was going to be a


Is there a difference?

Yeah, a giant's a lot bigger.


Poor trees!

Okay, I'll draw him as a giant.


Uh, we're out of paper.

Let's get some more!

Hi, Mom.

Can we get some more paper from

the drawer?

Sure, Elinor.

Help yourself.

How's it going with your



It's about a bird who has to

protect the trees from a giant.

Ah, well, trees do need


ELINOR: Mom, there's no paper



Well, we must have run out!

Run out?

But this is where paper comes

from-- the drawer.


Well, before that, it comes

from a store.

Yeah, Mr. Hippo's store.

I knew that.

Well, we can't finish making

our storybook without paper.

Maybe we could go to the store

and buy some more?


This should be enough money for

a pack of paper.

Thanks, Mom.

We won't be long.

[Bell jingling]


[Mr. Hippo continuing to hum]

Hi, Mr. Hippo.




We're having a sale.

Fifty cents?

Oh, come on.

I'm worth at least a dollar.

[All laughing]

Mr. Hippo, we're making a

storybook, but we ran out of


Ah, paper.

You can find it at the front of

the store, by the window.


There's no paper.



But how can a store run out

of paper?

This is where paper comes from.


Oh, no.

Stores usually don't make the

things they sell.

Everything here was made by

someone else.


Then who makes the paper?

Mr. Beaver, and it looks like

I need to ask him to bring some


Why don't we go and ask him

for you?

Then maybe we'll get to see how

he makes the paper.

Oh, yeah, okay.

Yeah, definitely.

That would be so fun.


Well, that would be fine.

Thank you, kids.





[Birds chirping]

We're here!

[Man humming]


MAN: Oh, come in!

Well, hi there.

What brings you to my paper

factory this fine morning?

Hi, Mr. Beaver.

We're looking for paper.

We were making a storybook, but

we ran out.

We went to the store to buy

more, but Mr. Hippo's out of

paper, too.

Ah, so he sent you to me.

Well, you came to the right


I was just about to make some.

Ooh, can we watch?

We want to know how you do


Of course.

It all starts... with this.

A piece of wood?

What does that have to do with




Paper is made from wood.



That is so interesting!

We need more observations.

Ah, then you'd better put on

your observation goggles--

[Olive grunting]

--for safety.

Thank you.


Well, go ahead.

Now, first, I grind up the wood

into little pieces.

[Machine whirring]


Mmm, wood chips.

[Smacking lips]

Then I mix the wood chips with

water and cook it.

Cook it?

Like wood soup?

[Mr. Beaver laughing]

Exactly, until the wood gets

all soft and mushy.

Then it's called pulp.

Now, I pour the wood pulp over a

screen, squish out all the

water, and ta-da!

One piece of slightly wet

handmade paper.

Well, go ahead.

Peel it off.



That's so cool!

[Mr. Beaver laughing]

I'll hang it up to dry.

I can't believe I thought

paper just came from the drawer.


Just about everything we use

is made somewhere else, and it's

all made out of something.

Like wood.


Now, I know you came for paper,

but unfortunately, that was my

last piece of wood.

I need to ask Farmer Bear to

send over some more.

We know where Farmer Bear's

farm is.

If you want, we can go and ask

her right now.

Well, that would be a big


We're on it, Mr. Beaver.

See you later!

Oh, watch out for the--

ARI: Ah!

[Mr. Beaver chuckling]

--uh, wet paper.






[Continuing to hum]

Hi, Farmer Bear.


Well, if it isn't Elinor,

Ari, and Olive.

What are you sprouts doing here?

Mr. Beaver sent us.

See, we need more paper to

finish our storybook.

But Mr. Beaver can't make the

paper without wood.

So we came to help you pick

more wood.

Hmm... pick the wood?

Yeah, doesn't wood grow on


Hmm... not exactly, Ari.

Wood doesn't grow on trees.

Trees are made of wood.


What do you mean?

Wood comes from the trunks

and branches of big trees.

We have to cut them down to get

the wood.

You have to cut down trees to

get wood?


Oh, oh, but don't worry.

For every tree I cut down, I

plant two new ones.

That way, there will be plenty

of trees in the future.

Let me get this straight.

To get paper, first, you get

wood from a tree.

Then the wood goes to a

factory to be made into paper.

Then the paper goes to a

store, where we buy it and take

it home?

Mm-hmm, that's it.

It sounds like you figured out

the whole paper trail.


♪ You're on the trail of paper ♪

♪ And this is what you found ♪

♪ It all starts when a tiny tree

is planted in the ground ♪

♪ The tree grows tall and mighty

until we bring it down ♪

♪ And then we make some nice

wood and take it into town ♪

♪ The wood goes to a factory ♪

♪ To grind and mix and blend ♪

♪ Whoever knew that paper would

come out the other end? ♪

♪ The paper travels to a store ♪

♪ From there we take it home ♪

♪ Oh, every piece of paper has a

story of its own ♪

Well, I guess I'd better get

some wood for Mr. Beaver.

ELINOR: Wait, Farmer Bear.

I know that having paper is good

and that we have to cut down

trees to get it.

But maybe we don't need more

paper yet.


But how else can we finish our


I think I know another way.


We still have lots of paper in

the recycling bin.

But it's used.

Only on one side.

We could still draw on the other


Now that we know that paper

comes from trees, maybe we

shouldn't waste so much of it.

Good idea.

That makes sense.

So, where were we?

Protecting the forest.


Oh, yeah.

What if the bird takes one of

her feathers and sneaks up on

the giant?

Oh, oh, oh, and tickles the

giant's feet!

The giant laughs so hard that he

doesn't want to push down the

trees anymore!

[All laughing]

And they all live happily

ever after.

Including the trees.

[Birds chirping]

Hey, kids.

What are you doing?

We're making animals out of


You know, this reminds me of

a story I heard about the

invention of paper.


Paper was invented?

And you'll never guess where

the idea came from.

♪ Long long ago ♪

♪ And far far away ♪

♪ People didn't have paper ♪

♪ Like we use today ♪

♪ People would write ♪

♪ On plants and sticks ♪

♪ But it was rough ♪

♪ And kind of thick ♪

♪ They say an inventor ♪

♪ Named Cai Lun ♪

♪ Wanted to write ♪

♪ On something smooth ♪

♪ Sometimes the best ideas ♪

♪ Can be found ♪

♪ When you go outside ♪

♪ And search around ♪

♪ Lun saw some wasps ♪

♪ Make their nest ♪

♪ By chewing up plants ♪

♪ And getting them wet ♪

♪ When the nest dried ♪

♪ It was very smooth ♪

♪ Was this an idea ♪

♪ He could use? ♪

♪ He chopped some plants ♪

♪ And poured water in ♪

♪ Squeezed it, dried it to make

paper smooth and thin ♪

♪ Sometimes the best ideas ♪

♪ Can be found ♪

♪ When you go for a walk ♪

♪ And search around ♪


I didn't know the idea for paper

came from wasps.

And check this out-- a paper


Get it?


Here comes Super Robin,

flying through the air!

Whoosh, whoosh, whew!


Ari, it's getting late.

Time to take a bath and get

ready for bed.

Aw, Dad!

But I'm having fun playing with


He's my favourite toy.


Tweet, tweet.


Can't I skip my bath, just this

once, please?

I mean, what's the point of a


You get wet, and then you get

dry again.

I'm already dry.

Mm... I don't know.

I suppose it's okay for tonight,

since you're having so much fun

playing with Robin.


Can you believe it, Robin?

No bath!

And extra playtime.

I mean, what could be better?



Good morning, Robin!


That's right.

I skipped my bath last night,

and I feel great!

This is amazing.


From now on, I will never take a

bath again!

[Kids laughing]

[Door opening]

Hi, Elinor!

Hi, Olive!

Hi, Ari.

Notice anything different

about me?

Well, you look really happy.

But you always look happy.

I'm extra happy today-- for a


Last night, I skipped my bath.

[Both gasping]

And guess what?

Nothing bad happened!

I mean, look at me!

I'm fine!

I even got extra time to play

with Robin.



Hello, Robin.

Welcome to our class.

ARI: Tweet, tweet.

[Robin squeaking, both laughing]

WOMAN: Good morning, class.

Let's do some painting today.

I'm going to bring Robin next

week for the big show and tell.

Sometimes, I skip baths, too.

It's pretty fun.

I know!

But I'm not just talking about

skipping one bath.

No, no, no.

I'm going to skip baths forever.

Ari, you can't do that.

Everybody needs to take baths.

Or do they?


I mean, look at Ari.

If he skipped his bath and he's

doing fine and you skipped baths

before, too, how important can

baths really be?

Good question.

I wonder... why do we have to

take baths?

And what happens when we stop?

I never thought about it before.


I know!

I remember I read in this nature

book about how lots of animals

stay clean.

It might say why it's important

to take baths.


Does it tell what happens when

you don't take baths?

Hmm... I'm not sure.

I'll keep reading.

Well, we're going to find



Ah, another day without a bath.

Ari, you still haven't taken

a bath?


It's been two days!

Are your parents letting you do


For now.

They said I should learn for

myself what happens when I don't

take baths.

At least until after the big

show and tell next week.

Then I really have to take a




I'm skipping baths, too.

[Both laughing]

Well, I learned something

really interesting from this

nature book.

It says that some birds use

their beaks to stay clean.

When birds get little bugs in

their feathers, they use their

beaks to pick them off and eat


If they didn't, their bodies

would get full of bugs.

Well, there are no bugs on



But there is jelly.


Are you going to wash it off?


That would be like taking a


I think it looks good right

where it is.

This way, if Robin gets hungry,

he can just lick my arm.

Here you go, Robin.


Anyone want some?

Uh, no, thanks.

Uh, ew, no, thanks, Ari.

I-- I'm good.

I guess that's more for you,



[Smacking lips]

[Kids laughing]

Ah, another day without a bath.

How long has it been now,


Three days.

I have so much more time to play

now that I don't have to take



[Gasping, blowing]


I am getting a bit sticky,



This is so interesting!

Did you know that chickens stay

clean by rolling around in the


Rolling in the dust?

Wouldn't that make them dirtier?

At first, but the dust rubs

the sticky stuff off their

bodies and gets little bugs out

of their feathers.


But how do they get the dust


It says here they just shake

it off.

Their feathers are smooth, so

the dust doesn't really stick to


Now, that's my kind of bath.


[Both laughing]

Hmm... the dust only made me


[Both laughing]

Ari, you're not a chicken.

> Oh, right.

[Ari grunting]

The dust doesn't fall off of

your fur like it does off a

chicken's feathers.

Now, do you want to take a

bath, with water?

Hmm... nah.

Ah, my fourth day without a


What are you looking at?

The little fish in the


They're nibbling each other.

[Ari grunting]

Oh, yeah.

Why are they doing that?

We read in the book that's

how fish keep clean.

But I thought fish were

always clean.

They live in water, which is

basically living in a bath.

The book says that fish can

still get dirty, even if they

are in water.

If they don't clean themselves,

then their scales get covered in

stuff that's not good for them.

Uh, Ari, are you okay?

Yeah, I've been feeling

itchier ever since I stopped

washing myself.

Does that mean you're finally

going to take a bath?


That's why I learned to scratch

myself with my fingers and toes.


[Both laughing]

Okay, class.

It's time for the big show and


Who would like to go first?

Ooh, ooh, ooh!

I would, I would, I would!


Uh, um, now, who are you?

Ms. Mole, it's me, Ari.

Oh, Ari.

I didn't recognize you.


Well, let's see what you


This is Robin.

He's my favourite toy.

He flies through the air during

the day, and at night, he helps

me fall asleep.

[Robin making choked sound]



ARI: Oh, uh...


I guess you can't tell what he


Uh, he's a bird!


Uh, I think this part is his

face, or-- or is it?

Uh, it's been so long since he

took a bath, all the dirt and

sticky stuff from our playing

has stayed on him.

He doesn't look the same.



Or smell the same.

Ms. Mole, can Olive and I do

our show and tell with Ari?


We learned why it's important

to take baths.

If you don't, all the dirty and

sticky stuff that gets on you

never goes away.

And you just get dirtier and



We learned from this book that

animals find all kinds of ways

to stay clean.

Birds clean their feathers with

their beaks.

Chickens roll around in the dust

to clean themselves.

And some fish even nibble

stuff off of each other to stay


It's part of nature to stay


Otherwise, you won't feel very


Yeah, I have been feeling

kind of itchy.


And a little smelly, and I can't

even recognize my friend Robin!

Yep, no matter what kind of

animal you are, it's still

important to stay clean.

You feel better and smell

better, too.


Robin, I think it's time we

took a bath.


Whoo-hoo, yes!

[Olive sighing]


♪ When you run and sweat and

play ♪

♪ The dirt builds up ♪

♪ The dirt builds up ♪

♪ You get grimy every day ♪

♪ 'Cause the dirt builds up ♪

♪ The dirt builds up ♪

♪ You get itchy and you smell ♪

♪ When the dirt builds up ♪

♪ The dirt builds up ♪

♪ Keeping clean means feeling

well ♪

♪ Since the dirt builds up ♪

♪ The dirt builds up ♪

♪ So maybe ♪

♪ When you start to clean

yourself ♪

♪ The dirt comes off ♪

♪ The dirt comes off ♪

♪ And it's better for your

health ♪

♪ When the dirt comes off ♪

♪ The dirt comes off ♪

♪ The dirt comes ♪

♪ Off ♪

Feeling better?


I learned it's fun to get dirty,

but sometimes, you got to get



Well, I have someone else here

that also took a bath-- in the

washing machine, that is.

ARI: Robin!



I'm glad you're not the kind of

bird that takes baths in the

dust, Robin.

And I'm not the kind of bat who

does, either.


Don't worry.

We'll get dirty again tomorrow.