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01x06 - The Spirit of Kale

Posted: 12/10/23 17:08
by bunniefuu
(epic music)


- Kalem is here.

- Alvar, no!

- Hey, what are you doing?

- Magic.

- What sort of magic?

- Sit down and you'll find out.

Close your eyes.

- Stupid.

- Tread carefully!

Tell's here somewhere.

- What?

- Aruna, is that you?

- Stop laughing at me.

- What have you done to your face?

- It's to make her look beautiful.

- Beautiful?

- So she can get a husband.

- Oh, Aruna with a husband.

- How dare you laugh at me.


- Warriors.

Quickly, form the circle.

- Warriors, how near?

- Too near.

Form the circle!

- [Warrior] Commissioner! Over here!

- Well, what have you found?

- It was here.

- Put this fool in chains.


- Kalem, what happened?

- I've been foolish.


- How?

- Kreel is hatching a new plot

to destroy your resistance to him.

- What kind of plot?

- I don't know.

That's why I was spying on him.

I thought my powers had grown strong enough.

- He saw you?

- Worse.

He used Shaytana's Eye.

I have to get to the Crystal Stream in the Snow Mountain.

- You're too weak to go anywhere.

- Here, Kalem, drink this.

- No, no I must drink the crystal water.

Before it's too late.

No, please, don't touch me.

- Give in, Kalem, give in.

- She can't make it.

- She's dying, isn't she?

Well if Kalem dies, what's gonna happen to us?

- Vanished?

William Tell's shelter just vanished into thin air?


Tell is not a magician.

- It did, my lord, I swear, I saw it with my own

- Silence.

You dare to contradict the Lord Xax?

- I will not have people's minds

poisoned by such defeatist rumors.

Throw him in the pit, commissioner.

- No! No! No! No!

- And let his fate be a lesson to other people

who would seek to glorify the legend of William Tell.

- Of course, the man may be telling the truth.

Such sorcery is not beyond Kalem's power.

- Meddling witch.

- It would explain why commissioner Estres'

raiding party could never find Tell.

- Because he has a shelter that vanishes?

- Formidable defense.

- Well you're supposed to be the equal of that hag.

Why don't you do something about it.

- Not the equal, the master.

- Then prove it.

- The Snow Mountains are treacherous William.

I should come with you.

- No Leon, your strength is needed here to protect Kalem.

- I'm ready.

- Ready for what?

- Well, mountains need climbing

and you're gonna need some help.

But of course, if you wanna go and fall to your death,

I'm sure Leon won't mind taking over as leader.

- Take care.

- Oh, this is too much.

I should not have to put up with this.

I was nurse to Princess Vara.

- So you're always reminding us!

- My lord Kreel.

You gave us a fright.

- Gwendel, isn't it?

Forgive me, but you don't seem happy in your work.

- Oh my lord, I am the royal nurse.

I was trained as the royal nurse.

No one ever said anything about laundry.

I've never even heard of a Heraclean being a washerwoman.

I'm not meant to be doing this.

I am nurse to Princess Vara.

- Of course you are.

Princess is no longer with us.

You have William Tell to thank for that.

He kidnapped the princess.

You remember that, don't you?

- That villain!

William Tell?

That kidnapper!

If he has harmed one hair on my poor Vara's head,

I'll, well I'll

- Perhaps Lord Xax should send you to k*ll tell,

rather than his warriors.

- Well he could do worse.

- Tell me, do you still have the portrait of the princess?

- Why, of course I do.

I keep it by my side always.

- How touching.

May I borrow it?

- Don't worry, Kalem isn't gonna die.

- How do you know?

- I feel things, like Alvar, here.

- You don't feel anything now?

- Nope.

Hey, look at Alvar.

- I feel frightened.

Kalem protects us all from Kreel.

- Don't be afraid, Vara.

Will will save Kalem.

- William.

- Gwendel.

- You will take good care of it, my lord.

It's all I have left of my little princess.

- For the moment, Gwendel.

Thank you.

- Maybe I should go on myself.

Or perhaps you'd like a ride on my back.

- Aruna, if I've upset you, I'm sorry.

- Upset me?

What in the name of Germander makes you think that.

There's a cave we can shelter in just up here.

- It's all right.

It's all right, it's just the wind.

- William.


- Will's not here, Kalem.

He's gone to the Snow Mountain to get your crystal water.

- What?

- No!


- What kind of danger?



- [Kalem] My defenses, the elements.




Danger, William.

- Vara.



Come to me, Vara.

- Kalem?

- Princess, come to me.

- [Kreel] My little one.

- Come to me.

- Come to me.

- Gwendel!


Is that you?

- The way is clear.

- No Gwendel, don't leave me.



- Vara?

You were having a bad dream.

- No, no it was Gwendel.

- Gwendel?

- My nurse at court.

She always looked after me.

She wants me to go to her at the Citadel.

- But you can't.

- Gwendel will take care of me.

She always did, she'll save Kalem.

- Vara, it's impossible.

Please go to sleep now.

Leon and I are here with you.

You're quite safe.

Sleep now.

- I'm tired, Aruna.

- Then go to sleep.

- No, that's not what I meant.

I mean I'm tired of all this.

The running, the fighting, the hiding.

- Well it wouldn't end, I'd keep fighting.

- Yes, I know you would.

You're more of a wildcat than a woman.

- And what's wrong with that?

- Well for one thing, you don't need

to go painting your face to get yourself a husband.

- Really.

- No man in his right mind would marry you.

- Well that suits me just fine.

I've no use for men anyway.

- No, Aruna, I just meant that,

the way our lives are at the moment, that no man would


- Will, Will wake up.

- Aruna, what are you doing?

It's the middle of the night.

- No, no it's not, look.

- Where's the entrance?

- Gone.

- Don't be ridiculous.

- Vara!

Well there's no sign of her.

- Of course, she's gone to the Citadel.

That's where she's gone.

- Don't be ridiculous Drogo.

- But she has, she's gone to her old nurse.

She had a nightmare about her last night.

- You're making about as much sense as Alvar.

Vara wouldn't run straight into Kreel's clutches.

- She has.

Kalem needs you Leon.

I'll track Vara and bring her back.

- Drogo!

- [Kalem] Earth.

- Stop, stop young lady!

Old Zark will not harm you.

Nor Slood.

- Please, just let me go.

- Let her go, Slood, let her go.

Are you lost?

- No.

I'm going to the Citadel.

- The Royal Citadel?

- Yes.

- And what business have you there, young one?

- Nothing, really.

- What's your name?

- Aruna.

- Aruna.

Arborean name.

But you're not Arborean.

Now, Kalian, royal Kalian!

- Earth.

- It's no use.

It's as though the earth's taken us prisoner.

- Well I suppose finding the crystal water

was never gonna be easy.

It's Kalem's life spirit,

she's bound to have evoked the elements to protect it.

- But this is us, Will.

We're on Kalem's side.

- Looks like the powers up here don't know that.

Come on, let's try the tunnel.

- You sent for me, sir?

- Gwendel, tell me, is Princess Vara's room prepared?

- Prepared, sir?

- To receive our beloved princess.

- She's coming back?

My Vara, coming home?

- Within the day.

- Thank the mighty power.

My little princess is coming home to her Gwendel!

- But Gwendel, this knowledge is for you and I alone.

- Sir?

- It's our secret, no one else must know.

- What sir, not even Lord Xax?

- Especially Lord Xax.

- [Slood] Keep up, your royal highness!

- You're wrong, I'm not the princess, really.

Look, you mustn't take me to Lord Xax.

Please, you don't understand.

- Understand?

We understand all right.

We understand reward!

- Just wait, stop.

I'll reward you, with jewels!

It's true, I have hundreds of jewels.

I am the Princess Vara.

- We know.

- Then stop.

Release me.

I command you as your sovereign.

I'll have you horsewhipped.

- Get me out of here!

Slood, get me out!

Slood, get me out.

Come back here Slood, you coward!

- Drogo!

Am I glad to see you.

Let's go.

- [Zark] Don't leave me! Don't leave me!

- Help me Kalem.

I've given my life to the quest.

I need your strength and your guidance.

We're nothing without you.


Don't abandon us.

- This isn't the way.

- Yes it is.

- No, this leads to Xax's Citadel.

- I know, I'm going to find Gwendel.

- No you're not.

- Yes, Drogo.

- I came to take you back.

- Well I'm sorry you've wasted your time.

- Vara!

- Princess Vara.

- Don't start with that again.

- I am your princess, and I'm going to find Gwendel

and bring her back to Kalem.

- But you can't, you'll be caught!

- I won't.

I'll use the secret passage that Alvar found.

- Vara, they'll have sealed that off long ago.

- They haven't.

Gwendel told me it was clear, in my dream.

- Vara, it was a dream, it wasn't real.

Vara, no.

- Thank you for saving me.

Now I'm going to find Gwendel.

You may accompany me if you wish.

- It's the special celebration

to give thanks for your birth.

- Yes, well they can celebrate without me Kreel.

- The people expect it.

It keeps them happy, gives us a certain measure of control.

- They will do what they're told, Kreel.

- You must appear, let the people see you,

acknowledge your power.

They recognize you as their savior.

How can you deny them your presence

when it gives them such profound pleasure?

Something they will cherish for the rest of their lives,

something they will tell their

grandchildren about for years to come.

- Where is it, Kreel?

- The canton of Froo.

You can be back by evening.

- Yes well, I suppose I could let them see me.

It'll give me an opportunity

to show off my new tailored outfit.

- Excellent.

- Wind.



Protect the source.

Protect the life source.

- Will, look.


Go on!

- No, I can't leave you Aruna.

- You have to reach the Crystal Spring.

Go on, before it's too late!

Go Will.

Kalem needs you, she's dying.

(intense music)

- Look, the sooner we find Gwendel, the sooner we can leave.

- We shouldn't be here, Vara.

- Stop whining Drogo.

You're starting to sound like one of your wolf friends.

- No, they'd have the sense not to come here.

- Look, we're perfectly safe.

I know all the hiding places.

Come on, help me, give me a push.

- Aruna!

- Kalem?


- Drogo, come on.

- Gwendel?

- My little princess! My little princess!


I can't believe it!

- [Gwendel] You're alive!

Oh, you're home, you're home!

- The whole Citadel could hear.

- And who is this, your highness?

- He's a friend, Gwendel.

He's one of William Tell's band.

- William Tell?

- Don't worry, he won't bite.

Drogo, meet Gwendel.

- Look, I've put special silk sheets on the bed,

and I've laid out your favorite dress.

- But Gwendel, you didn't know I was coming.

- Oh I do it every day, your highness.

Every day since you've been taken.

Hoping, and now you're home,

back home where you belong.

- No Gwendel, I'm not staying.

- Of course you are, your highness.

- No, I've come back for you, to take you with me.

- What? Out there?

- Yes, to William Tell.

- Oh no, I couldn't, not with

Your highness, a word?

William Tell and his g*ng are criminals.

They're evil.

- No we're not!

- It's no use whispering Gwendel.

Drogo has the hearing of a wolf.

- Xax is the criminal.

- Lord Xax?

- Gwendel, please, listen to me.

Drogo is right.

Now would your Vara lie to you?

Gwendel, we need you.

Kalem needs you.

- Kalem?

- Kalem, where is it?

- Gwendel, you must come back with us.

I've come all this way to find you.

- Please please please.

- We're far to busy to look after a princess properly.

And you're just the kind that knows how.

- Oh yes Gwendel.

You wouldn't want me turning into a savage, now would you?

- But out there in the woods

with no proper bed, no home comforts?

- Gwendel, you must be brave, for your country.

For your princess.

- Yes, I will.

- Oh Gwendel!

- William.


- Your highness, this is most undignified.

- Gwendel! Not now.

Come on Drogo.

- Kalem, I have you now.

- Will!


Will, Will, Will, here.

- Aruna?

Am I dreaming?

- No, no the flames died down and I followed you here.

What happened?

- Crystal Stream.

- What?

- Kalem's life spirit.

Here, take the water, get it to Kalem.

- But I can't.

- Aruna, listen.

Kalem must not die.

You have to leave me, just take it to her.

- But Will, I can't.

- That's an order!


- Vara was here and you let her go?

Have you lost control of your senses, Kreel?

- Listen.

- You must have.

You're completely deranged!

By the powers, I have a good mind to

- To what?

Do not forget yourself, my lord.

- You knew Vara was coming here, didn't you?

You'd planned it, hadn't you?

- You must understand.

Trying to k*ll her didn't work.

We must regain our little princess

and convert her with Shaytana's Eye.

To do that we must rid ourselves of Tell

and the power that sustains him.

- Why was I not informed?

- Kalem is weak, I can sense it.

Now is the time to strike.

We may never have a better chance.

- Why was I kept in ignorance like a little child, Kreel?

If you don't trust me, Kreel

- It's not a matter of trust, but of temperament.

Your powers as a warrior are beyond question.

- What you're saying is that I am a hothead!

- Merely impatient with the labyrinth of subterfuge.

- Slow-witted then.

- A great warrior who will rid the land

of the scourge of the legend of William Tell.

- Leon!

Leon, we're back!

And look, look who we've brought with us.

- I am Gwendel, sir, the royal nurse.

The Princess Vara's nurse.

And I have come to look after her.

- We do not often receive visitors from the Citadel, madam.

- Oh Leon, you have to let her stay, please!

We need her, she'll help us.

I've told her about Kalem and she knows

lots of things about medicines.

And she's always looked after me.

- Her highness is right, sir.

I'm not without knowledge of the herbs.

- She's in a fever, I think.


She had a kind of fit or vision some hours ago.

Since then she hasn't moved.

- Your highness, boil me some water.

- Here, Will, come on Will.

Here Will, stay with me Will.


Come on Will.

It's gonna be okay, Will.

- Kalem? Are you all right?

- Kreel.


- No it's all right Kalem, we got away.

We're back, safe.

- Danger.


- Will should be back by now.

Drogo, perhaps you and Alvar should look for him.

- Leon, my dear, I can look after your friend.

In fact, it would be best if I was

left entirely alone with my patient

so I can get on with my job.

Go on, all of you.

Shoo, shoo, leave it to Gwendel.

Now my dear.

- My lord protector.

- Ah, Commissioner Esdras.

Are my Xaxian Guard standing by?

- Yes my lord.

- And have you told them to prepare for the finest hour?

- Indeed I have, my lord,

and they're all deeply proud to have been chosen.

- Yes yes yes.

Now Commissioner, I wonder if you

could tell me what I should wear.

- Wear, my lord?

- Yes.

Yes, for the finest moment in the history of Kalar.

The birth of the legend of Xax.

- I sure hope Will and Aruna get back soon, Leon.

Oh Gwendel, how's Kalem?

- Well, I gave her a sleeping Draft.

- Oh Gwendel, I'm so glad you're here.

I feel safe now.

- Oh, I like that.

As if I'm not strong enough to protect you.

- Kreel, what news?

- Patience, my lord.

Posterity awaits.

♪ Lullaby to you ♪

♪ God bless your little dreams ♪

♪ To you a lullaby ♪

♪ Sleep tight, sweet dreams, good night ♪

Am I disturbing you?

- No, no.

Vara and Kalem, are they resting?

- Like lambs.

May I sit with you sir?

- There's no need to stand on such ceremony

with a fellow Heraclean, my lady.

You seem sad.

- My poor mistress.

She shouldn't have to live like this.

She's a princess.

- We don't want to live this way, Gwendel.

But until Xax is defeated, we have no choice.

- Lord Xax is not such a bad master, you know.

He can be very kind.

- Tell that to the people he's destroyed.

The thousands he's put into sl*very, butchered.

- I have not heard such stories.

I never leave the Citadel.

- Well you have now.

And believe me, those stories are true.

- Yes.

I have left, haven't I?

The Citadel was my home.

- Do you regret it?

- No, no I have my little Vara.

And there are other compensations.

- Really?

- Well as you say sir,

the company of a fellow Heraclean.

Will you take a drink with me, sir?

You may remember this.

The harvest bitter.

A special Heraclean brew.

- I think we're going to enjoy having you around.

- What is the delay, Kreel?

Esdras is already out there waiting for us.

- There is still no news.

- I thought you said you had it planned.

- Patience.

- If I hear that word one more time,

I shall have it banned from the Kalian dictionary!

- Patience my lord.

- Will.

- Patience is about to be rewarded.

- [Kreel] Gwendel.

Gwendel, is all prepared?

- Yes, yes sir.

- Then let us proceed.

- Yes, sir.

Forgive me Leon.

- Gwendel.

Gwendel, you do have it, don't you?

- Yes sir, I have it.

- Good, then hold it out to me.


Now Gwendel, concentrate, concentrate.

- Remember your promise sir.

Title for me, and no more long

- Concentrate!

- What?

- I didn't do anything.

I didn't! I didn't, look.

- Is that it?

A piece of their shelter?

And you can control it with this?

- Yes.


- Tell me where it is, Kreel.

- In a moment.

Kreel, my men are standing by

ready to destroy Tell and his rebels.

- Something else, something very strange.


- What?

- Kalem.

Her powers are greater than I'd thought.

This shelter is a projection of her psychic energy.

- Yes, how very interesting Kreel.

Now why don't you tell me just where it is!

- Don't you see?

Don't you realize?

The shelter is Kalem's spirit!

- So?

- So, my impatient friend,

if I can get inside it, I can destroy

her and the forces of light forever.

The eternal battle will be won for all time!

- Aruna? What's going on?

- Praise be to Germander, you're alive.

- What happened? Where are we?

- We're safe.

You were dying from the cold.

I had to find shelter and warm you somehow.

- Crystal water?

Kalem's life spirit?

I told you to take this to her.

- If I'd have gone you would've died.

- But I ordered you to take this to her.

That's more important than anything.

- I couldn't leave you to die.

- So you deliberately disobeyed my order.

- To save your life, Will.

- You stupid girl!

You don't even realize what you've done!

What if Kalem has died?

The whole kingdom will be lost.

- I'm sorry, I just couldn't leave you.

- What you have done has jeopardized

everything we've fought for all this time.

Some leaders would have you banished for less.

I mean, you put the whole kingdom at risk, for what? Me?

I'm not worth that Aruna, nobody is.

- You know, you're right.

You're not worth it William Tell.

You're nothing but an arrogant, ungrateful,

selfish bully, and I should've left you to die.

- Aruna, I got too weak.

You go on ahead, take this.

- But I

- Just go, quickly.

I feel like we're running out of time, go.

- Hold fire.

- We've got Tell's camp completely surrounded, sir.

- Is there any sign of life?

- None, sir.

They must still be asleep.

Shall I give the order to attack?

- No.

The order is to wait for the lord Xax.

So that he can take the glory.

- Aruna?

- Xax's men have surrounded the camp

and there's no way through.

I'll divert them and you get back to Kalem.

- No, it's too dangerous, I'll go.

- Is that an order?

- Yes.

- Well it's another one I'm disobeying.

- No, Aruna!

- Look, you can banish me when I get back.

- If you get back.

- There she is!

Get after her!

- Kalem.


- You sure that sleeping draft you gave her

isn't going to k*ll her?

- No.

My lord Kreel said to just keep

her asleep until he arrived.

- Gwendel, how could you?

How could you betray me?

- I'm not betraying you, I'm saving you.

Look at you, you're nothing but a savage.

- Lying, treacherous

- Leon.

- You have lived for too long

with the likes of Xax and Kreel.

You are no longer a member of any tribe of mine.

- No, no Leon, listen to me.

I meant what I said.

I have all your best interests at heart.

I can put in a good word with Lord Kreel.

He's gonna give me a title, the Lady Gwendel.

Think of it, Leon.

You could be my consort.

They could grant you a pardon.

- A pardon?

- We could live at court together.

We could marry.

- Marry you?

Marry a traitor?

I'd rather be hung, drawn, and quartered by Xax himself.

- Well then you will be, you foolish man.

You will be.

- Drogo!


- We're hiding over here.

- Come on.

- There's no one here, my lord.

- No matter.

Kalem, I have you now.

Prepare to die.

- Where's Aruna?

- Don't ask.



- Kreel.

- Come, dark one, conquer the light.

Come, dark one, turn day into night.

- It's working, it's working.

- Dark one, conquer the light.

Come, dark one, turn day

- You did it Kreel!

You did it!

You destroyed them all!

William Tell, Kalem, the whole lot!

I am now the supreme ruler of Kalar!

- No, you're not.

It was Kalem, she did it.

- My lord Kreel!

My lord Kreel!

It's me, Gwendel! Sir?

Sir! Sir!

- Kalem, you're a marvel.

- [Kalem] True.

- Careful Kalem.

It was your arrogance that got us into this, remember.

- Then it's a lesson for us all.

- Princess.

- Poor Aruna.

- Did someone call me?

- Aruna?

I thought you were dead.

- Don't you remember, Will?

Cats always land on their feet.

- Aruna!

What happened to you?

- It's a long story, Drogo.

- Did you get Xax?

- Come inside, I'll tell you all about it.

- Tell me now!

- Okay!

(epic music)