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01x11 - The Labyrinth

Posted: 12/10/23 17:14
by bunniefuu
(upbeat music)

- The seeing, all-knowing Shaytan Azani, hear me,

my most obedient servant, grant my request.

By this staff, revealed with thy darkest prophecies,

entrust to me thy most beloved son.

Bring him forth into the world that he may do my bidding,

and I will serve him and honor him,

even as he honors me.

Bring him forth.

Bring forth the Memlock.

(wind whistling)


(glass breaking)

By the darkest powers, what have I done?

(seagulls cawing)

(gentle music)


- You should have k*lled me when you had the chance.

- k*ll my teacher, when I still have so much to learn?


- Leon, good to see you.

- Chow Chu, my oldest friend.

(wind whistling)

- Nobody move and you won't get hurt.

- Death to the oppressors.

(yelling and screaming)

- Anyone else want to try?

- No, no.

- There she is. - Me?

- That's right, you.

Come forward, don't be afraid.

We're not going to hurt you.

It's all right, your highness, you'll come with us now.

- Highness?

- The days of living as a sl*ve are over.

- What do they want with the girl?

- Any man trying to follow us will pay with his life.

- [Woman] Judd, Judd.

- Quickly, this way.

(horse neighing)

- They think she's Vara, why?

- [Will] Well, we can head them off,

I'll just go get my crossbow.

- Look, Will, sit down before you fall down.

Who is she, the servant girl?

- Don't know her name.

- But she was working for you, wasn't she?

- Only since this morning.

She's a stray, probably an orphan.

We see more and more of them.

Took pity on her,

never dreamt she was a princess in disguise.

- All right, now I've got one chance.

They're gonna have to go through the valley

to get to the citadel.

If I climb down the ridge,

I might be able to head them off at the pass.

What do you think?

(Will snoring)

Well, I guess that settles that then.

(gentle music)

- [Leon] Thank you.

- How's the food? - Good, you're not eating?

- Perhaps later.

- You must keep your strength up, Chu,

or next time I will beat you. (chuckling)

- I'm an old man, Leon, my teeth rattle in my head.

The sensual pleasures of food hold little for me now.

My spiritual path, that is all.

That and my boy. - Boy?

He's a grown man.

How is Sammi?

Chu, there's nothing wrong, is there?

- I hear very little news of him.

I worry.

See the foolishness that comes with age.

We become sentimental.

Tell me your news.

Is it true what I hear?

Is Xax winning the w*r?

- He has been gaining some ground.

But the greatest prize still eludes him.

- Princess Vara.

Last remaining link with the old kingdom.

Her capture would secure his victory.

- She's safe. - But for how long?

We know each other too well, Leon.

What's troubling you?

- Lately, I've begun to see a weariness in the people,

born of fear.

After all this time, they're not sure

whether the cause is lost.

They're afraid it may be too late

to turn the tide against Xax.

- What do you think?

- I understand how they feel.

I get scared sometimes myself.

- And William Tell?

Is he also afraid?

(frogs croaking)

- Kreel, ha, there you are. - My, lord.

- Where have you been all day?

I've been looking for you.

- I've been looking for William Tell.

- Rather cold in here, isn't it?

- Yes. - What's this?

I don't remember this being here.

- It's a labyrinth.

I had it copied from some ancient manuscripts.

It makes me curiously restful.

- I don't like it.

It reminds me of a spider's web.

- Spider web, yes, that's exactly what it is, my lord.

- You're up to something, Kreel.

What is it?

- There's no hiding from you, Lord Xax.

- Well?

- I'm setting a trap, spinning a web you might say.

Princess Vara, Tell, and all the others

will be delivered to you before sunset tomorrow.

I guarantee it.

(birds screeching)

- Hurry up!

(horse whinnying) - Shh.

- [Man] Hey, they're getting away.

- Leave it, let them go.

(seagulls cawing)

- It's quite beautiful.

You can almost see the world turn from here.

- [Chow] Sometimes you can see too much.

- Why did you summon me here, Chow Chu?

It wasn't just to ask me about the w*r

or tell me about the view.

- I fear to show you this, but I must.

- What is it?

- I was working in the archives

of the Museum of Kalion History,

translating documents from ancient tongues,

when the curator handed me this.

No one had been able to decipher it.

- That doesn't surprise me.

What language is that?

- Nordishicam.

It took me many months to figure it out,

but when I did, I could hardly believe what I read.

Look here.

- What?

Some sort of maze?

- A labyrinth of lost souls. - What?

I thought that was just a legend.

- According to the book, it is real,

and located deep in the woods not far from here.

This passage tells you how to find the entrance.

- That's unbelievable.

But why did you fear to tell me?

- An impenetrable maze, Leon,

from which no one has ever returned.

- Well, don't worry.

Why would I want to go in there?

- Because here in the center is the light of all creation,

the source, Leon, you understand?

- Are you saying what I think you're saying?

The Crystal Arrow?

Chow Chu, are you telling me

that you have found the Crystal Arrow?

(gentle music)

- Well, sometimes I'm allowed to go out by myself,

but in disguise and only if Drogo's with me.

- Is he your boyfriend? - Of course not.

- Well, I see you two have met already?

Good morning. - Good morning.

- Well, you feeling better after your ordeal?

- Yes, much better.

And I'd like to thank you.

I shoulda thanked you last night.

- Oh, you were in no state.

Anyway, there's no need.

Any enemy of Xax is a friend of ours.

- We're rebels.

- They called, they called me highness.

- They mistook you for Vara.

- What do you mean?

- Vara's the rightful queen of Kala.

- I am not, I told you I'm a rebel like all the others.

This is Aruna.

- Pleased to meet you.

And your name is?

- Arabella, her name is Arabella.

(gentle music)

Will, you look terrible.

Are you ill? - Water, I need water.

- I'll get it. (dog barking)

- Alvar, no.

- [Vara] It's all right, Alvar, it's only Arabella.

(dog barking)

- Thank you.

You're the girl from the bar last night.

I don't remember rescuing you.

- That's because you didn't, I did.

- Ah, right, it's all coming back to me now.

- You've all been very kind, but I should go.

- Go where?

She can't go, Will, not with Xax's men looking for her.

- Well, we haven't really got much room, Princess.

- Well, that's all right, she can share with me.

Oh, please, Will.

- Thank you, all of you,

but I've intruded far too much already.

I really should go.

(gentle music)

- Will!

- Just.

- Arabella, Arabella.

Arabella, wait, Arabella.

- I'm sorry, Highness, I don't wanna cause any trouble.

- You're not, honestly.

Please stay.

- Here. - Thank you.

- So, Arabella, do you have any family?

- Only my father, but I haven't seen him in awhile.

- Will?

- Welcome aboard. - Yes.

- My name's William Tell. - The William Tell?

You can't be. - But I am.

- I'm sorry, I thought William Tell was a--

- A hero?

- Will. - Leon.

You look exhausted.

She's a new recruit for the cause, I'll explain later.

- I need to talk to you, it's urgent.

(dog groaning)

(gentle music)

- This is it.

My whole life has been in preparation for this moment.

With the Crystal Arrow in my possession,

I can take on Xax in my own terms.

No more hiding, no more waiting for the right moment.

- You've still gotta get it out of there.

- How hard can that be?

You said the book would guide us.

- I have translations.

We only have to follow those directions.

- [Will] Well, then.

- Something tells me it's more than just a maze.

It all seems too easy somehow.

- You trust Chow Chu, don't you?

- With my life, but I don't know.

He seemed a bit nervous.

- The labyrinth's a dangerous place.

- Well, we have to be cautious as usual.

But I have to go in here,

you understand that, don't you?

Come on, read me Chu's directions.

- At the entrance turn left, proceed, then right.

- Right, left, right again, and there you are.

They're simple when you know how.

Who could resist such a challenge?

Certainly not the vain and pompous William Tell.

- It's all very interesting, Kreel,

but I have better things to do than play children's games.

- It's not a game, my lord.

- Where did this maze spring from?

Or is it one of your creations?

- Oh, no, the labyrinth has been in existence

since ancient times.

I merely rediscovered it, rekindled its dormant spirit.

- And you expect Tell and his outlaw friends

to simply walk in there?

- For the Crystal Arrow, they would walk through fire.

- If you're so sure, Kreel, why don't we just head them off

with an ambush?

- What, miss half the fun?

Oh, no.

In the labyrinth, Tell will suffer a fate

worse than anything you can dream up.

- Try me.


What are you laughing about, Kreel?

- You have the fury in you in abundance, my lord.

But when it comes to the incarnation of evil,

you are as an innocent child.

- Where are you going? - For a walk.

- Why? - What do you mean, why?

'Cause we're sick of being cooped up in the shelter.

- I'll have to come with you.

- Oh, no you won't.

- Will said. - I don't care what Will said.

We don't want you trailing around after us.

- We won't be long, Drogo, honestly.

We just want to stretch our legs.

What's the matter?

We'll just be over there,

and we can call you if we need you.

- Well, then, I suppose it's all right.

- Thanks.

(dog snarling) (girls laughing)

(gentle music)

- Nothing, must have taken a wrong turn.

- We followed his directions to the letter.

This is the exact location according to Chow Chu.

- Well, either Chow Chu's mistaken,

or it's just a legend after all.

- [Aruna] Well, maybe it's invisible.

- What's the point of that?

An invisible labyrinth?

- I don't know, but it's the only way it could be here,

and yet not here at the same time.

(loud whoosh) (Aruna yells)

(Aruna panting and grunting)

- Not the only way after all, huh?

Well done, Aruna, you found our labyrinth.

(upbeat music)

- It's no wonder they mistook you for me.

We're so alike.

Just think, you could be on the throne of Kala by now.

- It must be very difficult for you,

this new life you're leading.

After everything you've grown up with.

- The hardest part is being on the run the whole time,

and never quite feeling at home.

But then in other ways, I prefer it to my old life.

I remember looking out of the high windows up in the citadel

and to seeing all those other girls playing and riding,

and just wishing I could be like them,

no servants, no responsibilities.

- No food in their bellies?

- I know, it sounds like I'm ungrateful.

- No, it doesn't.

Really, I understand.

- You know, Arabella, you're the first real friend I've had.

- I'd like to be your friend, Highness.

- Well, the first thing you can do is stop calling me that.

Just Vara, or we won't be friends for very long.

- Vara. (laughs)

(dog growling)

(door creaking)

- [Aruna] Easy to get in.

- Impossible to get out.

- Leon, give me the book.

- Why, I thought I was navigating.

- Look, if anything was to go wrong in there,

Vara needs someone to take care of her.

I'm going alone. - Don't be a fool.

- No arguments.

You two go back and stay with the others.

I'll be all right.

The Crystal Arrow will protect me.

- I'm coming with you. - No.

- I'm coming with you. - Aruna.

- I'm coming with you even if I have to knock you out

and carry you in there.

- She's coming with me.

Now, look, you're needed back at base.

Don't worry, we'll be fine.

(upbeat music)

(dog groaning)

- May the powers shine upon you both.

(horses whinnying)

- My mother died giving birth to me.

My father's poor, and we live off whatever we can hunt.

- Where's your father now?

- We were separated after Xax att*cked our village.

- Did he get away? - Yeah.

Yes, I'm sure he did.

- He must be so worried about you.

- Step down from the thrones.

- What is it? - I hate Xax.

I'm going to find your father, Arabella.

Just as soon as Will returns, we'll defeat Xax

and reunite you with your father.

That's a promise.

(gentle music)

- [Will] Left.

- Don't you take your eyes off that book.

One mistake and we're lost.

- [Will] Completely lost, I'm aware of that.

- So, how are you feeling? - What do you mean?

Ah, better, thanks.

- It's strong, that local brew, isn't it?

- Only if you drink too much of it.

- As you would, say, in a competition.

- It was a local custom.

If I'm to understand those people,

I have to understand their customs.

- Oh, of course.

Hey, ya know, it occurred to me

that Kalem might have been able to help us with this.

- That occurred to me to.

I couldn't summon her. - Why not?

- I don't know why not.

I tried before I left the shelter, but she didn't respond.

(wind whistling)

I don't know, it's not for us to question.

Straight ahead.

(dramatic music)

(horse neighing)

- Drogo, where's Vara?

- Walking by the river with Arabella.

- You let them go alone?

- I tried to stop them, but they ganged up on me.

They said they didn't want me around.

- Well, that's the first time I've seen two lambs

get the better of a wolf.

- It's that Arabella.

She's trying to take Vara away from us.

- Away where?

- I don't know, but I don't trust her.

I think she's spying for Xax.

- Is there something wrong?

- Nothing at all.

I was just telling Drogo how we found the labyrinth.

Will and Aruna are investigating it.

I thought I told you not to leave the camp.

- Why are you being so horrible?

Can't we even go for a walk?

- I'd rather you didn't.

- It was my idea.

I'm really sorry.

- [Vara] Come on, Arabella.

- Vara's been through a lot, Drogo.

It's good that she's got someone her own age,

another girl to talk to.

I don't think she's spying.

Look, I'm going back to the labyrinth to check out things.

While I'm gone.

- Stay with Vara.

(upbeat music)

(bird screeching)

(thunder clapping)

- [Aruna] We must have walked for miles.

- [Will] Well, we're going around in circles,

but we're always getting closer to the heart of the maze.

- You sure about that? - No, left.

And then, right.

(dramatic music)

- It's a dead end. - Yes.

- Will, it's a dead end.

- Well, it's not supposed to be.

- Yeah, so we went wrong somewhere.

We could be lost in here forever.

- Look, let's not panic.

- You said so yourself, we can't go back.

We'll never find where we went wrong.

- Aruna, just listen.

I promise I'll get us out of here.

Just do exactly what-- - What's that?

- What, I didn't hear anything.

(loud growling)

- That.

- Chow Chu.

- [Kreel] You warned him, didn't you?

You warned the Heraclian.

- No, I said nothing.

- Liar. - Please.

I did what you asked.

- Is that true? - Yes, I swear. (choking)

- Then you betrayed your best friend, old man.

I wonder how you can live with yourself after that.

- The Crystal Arrow is as powerful a force for good

as Shatana's eyes for evil.

- Shatana's eye, and that belongs to Lord Kreel.

- Yes, except we don't call him lord.

Kreel and Xax just took those titles for themselves.

- And what does this eye do?

- What does it do?

- I mean, can it k*ll you?

- Of course it can, it can do anything.

It charges up the warrior's death wands.

Well, not that Xax needs a death wand to k*ll anyone.

I mean, most of his prisoners are k*lled within days.

(Arabella sobbing)


Arabella, what's wrong?

- I'm sorry, Vara.

I don't deserve your friendship.

- Oh, what do you mean?

Why not?

- My father didn't escape.

He's a prisoner of Xax.

I don't know if he's dead or alive. (sobbing)

(dramatic music)

- It's getting closer. (low growling)

What is it? - I don't know.

I'm not gonna wait to find out.

See that wall curving out of sight?

It's on a steeper curve than before.

I think we're getting closer to the center of the maze.

Our only way of getting out of here

is to find the Crystal Arrow, right?

You ready?

Come on.

(bird cawing)

- Chow Chu?

- You could have told us.

Why didn't you?

- After Aruna risked her life to save me?

How could I tell her that I was glad to go with them?

I would gladly die if it meant seeing my father again.

- You mean, if we hadn't stopped you this morning,

you would've gone to the citadel and surrendered?

- I've got nothing to live for.

- Now?

- Oh, Vara, I don't know what to think anymore.

- Well, Drogo, say something.

- You should wait for Will.

- Will? (chuckles)

- What's the matter?

- Will can't help me.

He's tricked you, Vara.

He's not the chosen one.

He can't be.

- Drogo tell her.

- I'm sorry, Vara, goodbye.

(gentle music) (bells tinkling)

- Leon. - Who did this to you?

Kreel? - Leave me.

- The labyrinth?

It was all a trap.

- My most gifted pupil.

Don't you know I would die a thousand deaths for you?

- It's all right, you're gonna be all right.

- It's too late for me, but Sammi.

- Sammi?

He's holding your son?

- I was afraid. - I'll free him.

I give you my word.

- No, listen to me.

There isn't much time.

The Memlock. - Memlock, what is that?

- A creature of darkness summoned by that madman.

It takes many forms, but once unleashed,

it destroys all before it.

- How do we stop it?

- Only Kreel can reverse what has been done.

Tell William, I'm sorry.

- Chow Chu? (dramatic music)

- Take your hands off me.

I'm a princess, remember?

- I thought you were a rebel like us.

- I'm only going to see she gets there safely.

- You're going with her to the citadel.

There'll be warriors everywhere.

- I'll be careful.

Drogo, let me go.

I don't care what she said about Will.

I can't stand by and watch my best friend walk into danger

without trying to help.

- Your best friend?

- I don't mean to hurt your feelings, Drogo.

It's just that I could never talk to anyone

like I can talk to Arabella.

And besides, maybe what she said was true.

Maybe Will isn't the chosen one after all.

- Vara!

- Well, he's always saying he doesn't want to be.

- Even rebel leaders need to have fun sometimes.

- I can't wait around for Will.

Arabella needs me now.

You can come with me, or you can stay here.

It's up to you.

(upbeat music) (Drogo snarling)

(loud whoosh)

(dramatic music)

- Magic power, about to do good.

To restore the kingdom to its true glory.

- Yeah, well, I'm still scared.

Can we go now?

- We can use the book to find the way out.

And the Crystal Arrow will protect us.

Come on.

- Memlock, come to me.


- [Aruna] It's gaining on us.

- What is that strange sound?

You. - My lord?

- What do you know about mythology?

- Mythology, my lord? - Absolutely nothing.

Well, mythology teaches us many things,

but most of which are completely and utterly useless,

except for one which I've never had any use for until now.

That is, how to get out of a labyrinth.

You, hold onto this.

You, come with me.

And whatever you do, don't let go of the end.

- We can't outrun it.

It must be following us out.

Come on, oh.

(dog whining)


What are you doing here?

- Memlock, come to me.

Fetch your precious cargo home to your master.

- Arabella, Arabella.

Arabella, Arabella.

- Vara, you shouldn't have come.

- I had to.

Please, don't do this.

We'll find a way to free your father.

- I can't ask your friends to help someone

they don't even know.

- You can ask me.

- I admit, I'd feel a lot safer if you were by my side.

- Then I'll come with you.

- I can't let you do that.

- Xax can't hurt me.

He wants to marry me and rule the kingdom.

- But that's not what you want.

- I'll do it, if it means saving you and your father.

What other choice do we have?

- Vara, I won't let you. - Why not?

Frightened Leon will scold you?

- It's not that.

You've been tricked.

She isn't what she says she is.

- How do you know? - I just know.

- You're just jealous because Arabella's my friend.

- Vara, you go on ahead.

I just wanna talk to Drogo for a moment.

There's nothing you can do.

But don't worry, I'll look after her.

- She doesn't need looking after, she's with me.

- Not anymore.

- You're father isn't really a prisoner of Xax, is he?

Who are you, anyway?

- You don't really wanna know.

- Vara, ah!

- Vara, wait for me.

- [Aruna] I thought he'd gone with Leon.

- [Will] So did I, poor Alvar.

He could smell our scent but he couldn't see us.

- [Aruna] We're lost again. (sighing)

- Boris, go.

(gentle music)

- You all right?

What happened? - Arabella.

She's a monster.

- First a spy, and now a monster?

Drogo, jealousy's a waste of time.

- Look at this.

There's a claw where her hand should be.

- It takes on many forms.

Once unleashed, it destroys all before it.

- Which way did they go?

Come on.

(Aruna panting)

- It's Xax.

What's Xax doing here?

Will, Will, Will?

(guard yelling)

- Tell.

(Xax grunting)


- Vara, I didn't want to involve you in all this.

I was afraid you might get hurt.

You've taught me that our two destinies are one.

As long as we're together, nothing can harm us.

You do believe me, don't you?

(gentle music)

- What do we do, walk in through the main gate?

- I suppose so.

(dramatic music)

- Tell.

Where are you?

What's the matter?

Are you afraid to face me?

- No, Xax, I'm not afraid.

- I have been waiting for this moment for quite some time.

- So have I. - Brave words,

considering I'm the one with the death wand.

- I have something far more precious.

And more powerful.

- (chuckling) You still don't understand

what's happening, do you?

Look again. - What do you mean?

(Xax laughing)

- [Vara] I suppose I must do it, mustn't I?

(horse neighing)

- Stop. - Leon.

- What do you think you're doing, Vara?

- It's all right, Leon.

She didn't make me come here.

I wanted to.

- She's not a girl, Vara.

She's not even human.

- And what would you know, wolf boy?

They're just jealous, Vara,

jealous of our friendship, that's all.

- We have to be together, it's our destiny.

- Is it?

Tell me, what do you hope to achieve, Vara,

by delivering yourself into the hands of the enemy?

- You might ask yourself the same question.

- Three prisoners for the price of one.

- Arabella, what do you mean?

- Not Arabella.


(dramatic music)

- Shh, shh, quiet, it's me, it's me.

I think we lost him for now.

- Where's the arrow? - Gone.

And this book is obviously false.

It's all Kreel's handiwork.

I can't believe I fell for it.

Come on.

- [Aruna] What does this mean?

- That means we're free.

This is Xax's lifeline to the outside.

- Well, which way?

- Well, no way of knowing.

- And if we take the wrong direction?

- We find Xax.

(suspenseful music)

- I almost feel sorry for them.

To be ex*cuted is one thing,

but those two are bound for the underworld.

- How do you know?

- I overheard Kreel.

He's gonna spare the princess so she can marry Xax.

The other two will be banished along with the Memlock.

- I thought he was gonna put that creature to work.

- No, it's back to the pit of hell,

and the sooner the better.

(suspenseful music)

(Aruna gasping and grunting)

- Are you all right? - Yeah.

- Hah.

- (chuckling) Insects.

And look, an unexpected, but welcome bonus.

Two of life's little irritants minus their stings.

Guard, bring in the other prisoners.

Memlock, you have done well.

I'm going to enjoy this.

- Sammi? - Leon.

(suspenseful music)

- [Guard] Ah!

(upbeat music)

(Xax laughing)

- Oh.

- Why the long faces?

I thought you rebels liked nothing better

than to die for your pathetic little cause.

Tell me something.

I've never understood this.

You always claimed you wanted a united Kala,

well, that's exactly what I want.

What's more, I shall shortly accomplish it,

when you, and the likes of you are all dead.


You may think I'm evil, perhaps,

but I assure you, you've seen nothing yet.

Destroy them.

- And after that? - What?

- After I've destroyed them, you destroy me.

- What are you talking about?

- Or send me back there, which is exactly the same thing.

But I don't want to go back.

I've decided I like it here.

- No, of course not.

You'll stay here, there was no question.

You'll serve me, as we discussed, in any guise you wish.

I told you. - What you told me was a lie.

- No. - As for my physical form,

it's true, I'm tired of this one.

From now on, I choose to be myself.

- No, no, no, get back.


No, ah!

- [Leon] Vara, the key.

- No, no.

- Go, go, go.

(chains clanking) (Kreel yelling)

(men yelling and grunting)

- There'll be more guards here soon.

- Leon, they have my father.

- He's not here, Sammi, I'll explain later.

- Hey, come on, let's go.

- You go, I have to go back there.

- With that monster?

You'll be k*lled.

(Kreel yelling) (glass breaking)

- It's a chance I have to take, Vara.

The Memlock is more of a risk

than Xax and Kreel put together.

Now go, go.

(dramatic music) (yelling and grunting)

(Leon yelling) (Memlock growling)

Shasana's eye, come to my aid.

(Memlock growling)

(laser whirring)

(thunder crashing)

- [Leon] I thought I told you to--

- We couldn't leave without you.

(gentle music)

- I don't know how I'm gonna tell everyone.

- Tell them what? - No Crystal Arrow.

- After what we've been through,

we're lucky to still be alive.

- There they are.

Leon, Drogo.

We have quite a tale for you.

- We have one for you.

- Relax, William, don't you recognize me?

I would've helped you in the labyrinth,

but there were more pressing matters to attend to.

(Drogo laughing)

- Thanks. - I still can't believe it.

- A pure, young, innocent girl.

In a way, it makes sense.

What better mask to conceal a monster.

- Drogo sensed it, so did Alvar.

I should have listened to them.

- You did well, Leon.

Who knows what havoc that creature may have created

if you hadn't stepped in.

- It's just a shame you had to save Kreel in the process.

- Luckily for me, he returned the favor.

I just hope he learns some lessons from all this.

It's Kalem we should really be thanking.

She's the one that turned the Memlock against its master.

- How?

- Same way I fooled you, as a Xax warrior.

I merely suggested that Kreel had plans to banish him.

- Did he?

- We'll never know.

- All that terrifying power and the Memlock's destroyed

by a little bit of gossip.

- Power is no substitute for intelligence.

(gentle music)

- I'm sorry about your father, Sammi.

- Thank you.

I'm just glad you all survived.

I know he would be glad, as well as sorry.

- Chow Chu did what he had to do to protect his only son.

There's no shame in that.

We're gonna redouble our efforts.

The Crystal Arrow is still out there somewhere.

We will find it.

In the meantime, we'll take the battle

to Xax every opportunity until this w*r is won.

- Speaking of Xax, I wonder what happened to him.

- Kreel, what are you waiting for?

Get me out of here.

Kreel, can you hear me?


Kreel, I am warning you.

(upbeat music)

(Kreel chuckling)

(upbeat music)

- You are learning, William Tell.

(gentle music)