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02x11 - A Little Culture

Posted: 12/11/23 08:22
by bunniefuu
♪ It's maya ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family
and friends, that's the start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ Maya and miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ Maya and miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister,
maya and miguel ♪


[car honking]

ok! Coming!

Hmm. There's still
something missing.

[car honking]



So are you excited
to see the movie?

It's not
just a movie, papi!

It's "return
of the space nebula
elf prince."

It's a once-in-a-lifetime
cinematic event!

Yeah! It's the sequel to
the "space nebula elf
prince: the prequel."

Actually, it's
the second film

in the middle third
of a planned nonology.


They say we'll be
watching these movies
when we're in our forties!

Well, it sure
sounds like you guys
are excited.

This is the first show
on opening day!

Excited is not
the word.

More like absolutely
over the moon,

freaked out,
at the mouth.

The special effects
are so cutting edge!

And it's got heroes
and warriors and villains--

it's a mega-adventure!

Well, I like
the romance with
princess lerulani!



It's so nice of you
to bring us

all the way downtown
to see it, papi.

Yeah. Gracias, papi.

Yeah. Thanks,
mr. "s."

Oh, de nada.

a museum exhibit
I wanted to see

down here anyways,

but, um,
is theo ok?


he's just in
the meditative trance

of the hephaestan king
right now.

I think he's
coming out of it.


Now all I need is
a large popcorn,
a soda, and I'm there.

So, I'll be waiting
right out here when
the movie's over, ok?

Right after I take
a look at this exhibit
on ancient cultures

at the natural history museum
across the street.

Muy interesante.

Great, mr. Santos.
Have fun!

I'll just wait
until you kids get in.


Look at that line!

Those poor people
must not have
any tickets.

Ok, maya.
Give the man
our tickets.


Don't be funny,

Yeah, come on.

What do you mean?
Don't you have
the tickets?


Remember, last night,
you said you were
staying up

until midnight to call
the ticket line?

Oh, yeah.
Now I remember.

I guess I fell asleep.

Sorry, guys.

If we hurry,
maybe we can buy

some tickets
before they...

Sell out.


This isn't

If only we had
the technology

to warp
the time-space continuum

and turn back the clock!

¿Que paso?

Somebody forgot
to get the tickets.

Oh. Ouch. I see.

I'm sorry, maggie!

Ah, well,
that's too bad.

I guess we should
just head back
home, huh?

What a shame.

You kids were really
looking forward
to that movie,

and I was really
looking forward

to my exhibit
on ancient cultures.

Papi. ¿Eso es?

We can go with you?

You will?

We will?

We will?

We will?

I mean, sure
we will, mr. "s."

Of course.
It sounds great.

That's terrific!

I'm never, ever going
to live this down, am i?

Um, probably not.

This is going to
be great!

I'll get
the tickets!

Ha ha ha!

I'm sure there
are plenty still


oh, I hope so.

Maybe we should have
called 777-bore
before we came today.

Oh, come on you guys.

I bet this will be
really, really fun!

And if you keep
saying that,

maybe you'll start
to believe it.

Ok! Here we go!

So, who wants to
check out rome?

Greece? Egypt?

Come on, guys!

This is exciting!

We can get
a little culture

and become,
well, cultured!

I wonder
what color dress

princess lerulani
is wearing

in the opening

Why don't we do
the buddy system?

Miguel, you and maya
stick together,

and, maggie,
you and theo.

And if you need me,
I'll be right over there
at the aztec exhibit. Ok?

Hmm. Ok.



This is really bad,

I've got to do something
to make it up to them.

But what?

I don't know.

For theo,
the "elf prince's"

is bigger than
his birthday,

and the fourth
of july

rolled into one.

And maggie--
well, she likes
gift shops.

¡Miguel, eso es!

They've got to
have a gift shop
in this place, right?

I heard that
android k4

gets turned
into a man at the end!

Maybe he's the one
that the princess
is destined to marry

to the ancient

I guess we'll never know.


I mean, what are we
going to do

staring at dioramas
of west africa

a gazillion
years ago?

West africa?

A lot of my mom's
ancestors came
from there.

Hmm. Those warrior kings
could be interesting.


Maggie, look!

They have things
on ancient china.

Double yawn!

Theo, you're not
going to leave me
here, are you?

I'm allergic
to dust.

What? Is everything
in here all about
ancient civilizations?

Yeah. I think
they're cool.

Check it out--
colosseum salad bowl!

Perfect for caesars!

Don't they have
any cute t-shirts?

How about this?

"archeologists dig
ancient culture"?

Yeesh! I'm trying
to get them to
forgive me, miguel.

Ok. Just trying
to help.

Sorry, maggie,
but I need to find out

what's going on
down there.

Oh, whatever, theo.

Go ahead if
that's what you
really want.



"the mali were
master storytellers.

"one of the best examples
of this

is the epic of sundiata."

Who the heck is sundiata?

"long ago, there lived
an aging king.

"a son was born to him.

They told him to name
the child sundiata, lion king."


Hello, sundiata!

Lion king, huh?

You're so tiny,
you don't look

much like a lion
or a king.

Come to daddy,
little sundiata.

Come to daddy!

I'm gonna be 40
before I even walk.


he is 4 years old,
and he doesn't
even sit up!

How will he be king?

All in good time,
my husband,
all in good time,

or you could always use
some pillows.

Theo: "but the king's
older son, dankaran,

and dankaran's mother, sassouma,
they had other plans."

Go, dankaran, go.

Grab the crown.

Ha ha ha!

That is not yours!

Now go and play.



ah. Look at you,

Just like your father!

My king, I fear that
your second wife,
sassouma wants

little dankaran
to be the next king.

Don't worry.
As long as I am here,

I will protect you
and little sundiata.


Theo: "then one day
when sundiata was 10,

"the old king, his father,
passed away,

"and dankaran,
with his wicked mother's help,

pushed his way
to the throne."


It's our kingdom now!

This is not right!

The king himself said
that sundiata should
be the next king!

They call him
the lion king!

Lion! Ha!

More like
a little chicken!

Sundiata will be back,
and then you'll be sorry!

Maya: theo! Theo!

Do you think maggie
will like these?

They also have
a barrette shaped
like a ziggurat.

Not now, maya.
I'm busy.

I guess he's still
angry at me.


oh. I seem to have kicked
my nickel in that direction.

I'd better go and get it.

Well, since I'm here,
I'll just peek in.

It's probably not for....


Nice outfit.

"the ancient chinese
were great lovers

"of entertaining diversions
like theater.

"in this model,
a chinese audience watches

"one of the most popular plays
of the time,

"the romance
of the western chamber.

"a long time ago,
a young man named chang

"came to study
in the great city,

hoping for a better life."

Can't blame him for that.

"on his very first day
in the city

"as he was passing
the great temple, he saw her.

"her name was t'sui ying-ying,

and he'd never seen anything
so beautiful in his life."

I said, "you'd never
seen anything

so beautiful in your life!"

Ok, ok.

That's better.

"as she walked toward him,
it seemed as if his whole life

was contained in that moment."

"as she got
closer and closer to him,

"she knew something big
was happening, too,

something bigger
than both of them."

Ni hau.

Ni hau.

what are you doing?

You are the daughter
of the former
prime minister

to the emperor.

Look at that boy.

He's dressed
like a mere student!

I'll have you know,
everyone is wearing
this jacket

out in the western provinces.

Maggie: "but chang
wasn't giving up so easily.

"he got a job taking out
the garbage

"in the temple
where ying-ying's family lived

just so he could live
in a room near to hers."


You really like her, ok?

maggie! Maggie!

You think theo
will like

this colossus
of rhodes
night light?

That's a lot
of garbage!

Yeah. I guess she's
still pretty mad

about those movie tickets.

So, we're thinking it's
between stonehenge:
the jigsaw puzzle

and the fertile crescent

Yeah. Unless.

Unless? Unless what?

I kind of like

solid chocolate
easter island


But they don't even
stand up!

See? The statues
are supposed
to be solid.

Solid, miguel!

They need to have
some weight,

stand the test
of time.

That's the whole thing
with them.

Don't you get it?

The pieces
in the stonehenge puzzle

don't stand up either.

Yes, but, they're
not supposed to!

It's the whole point
of the puzzle.

no entiendes?

Deep breaths, maya.

Take big, deep breaths.

"since sundiata
couldn't walk yet,

"he couldn't hunt,

so his mother gathered
leaves for them."

"then sassouma and dankaran
even took that away from them.


where is
the lion king now?

Ha ha ha!

Theo: "then, all of a sudden"...

Nobody does that
to my mom!

What will you do?

Will you come over
here and bite me

on my knees,
little lion king?

Mother, today,
I am going to walk.

May i, sir?

So you can stand.

Alert the media.

[elephant trumpets]

oh, yeah.

And I'm starting
to feel real good now.

That--that could not
have been real iron,

could it, mother?

Oh, yes!
You better believe it, bro.

[elephant squeals]

listen, sundiata,
I'm sure we can work
something out here.

That doesn't solve
anything, you know.



that's my boy!

Ha ha ha!

Theo: "and his laughter shook
the whole forest.

"he knew that his adventures
were only beginning.

The lion king
had finally awakened."

Wow! And it looks like
there's a sequel.

Oh, no!
I have to go find maggie.

Maggie: "only one
thin wall separated them,

"and every night,
he would read her
the poetry he'd written.

First I take out

Now I have to
write poetry?

Hello, love story?

All right, all right.

Uh, let's see.

Cherry blossoms are pink,

mandarins are orange.

When I see you,
I can't think--

uh, I can't think
of anything to rhyme
with orange.

It's not
but it'll do.

Maggie: "it went on
like that for nearly a year

until one day"...

I am general sun fei-hu,

and I demand that you
surrender this temple

to my army and me at once!

Chang: cherry blossoms
are red,

the yellow river's yellow.

If I could only have you,
I'd be a--

woman: help!
Sound the alarm!


What's wrong,
mrs., uh, ying-ying?

I'd be what?
Finish the poem.

Not now, ying-ying!

Oh, my!
It's the temple!

General sun
has surrounded it!

He's surrounded us!

He's threatening
to destroy the temple

unless we surrender!

Hmm. That is a problem.

Thank you, oh,
honored scholar,

for that incredible
bit of reasoning.

You're welcome.

Listen. If anyone,
and I mean anyone,

might be able
to use their brain

to get us out
of this pickle,

I might let him
take ying-ying out

for, uh, dim sum
or something.



Maggie: "ying-ying was thrilled
at this awesome opportunity

"for chang to win her.

Plus she loved dim sum."

It's all bite size!

Wait a minute.
Do you mean me?


All right,
all right.

Actually, I think
I have an idea.

Theo: maggie?

Maggie! Maggie,
snap out of it!

We're supposed
to meet
mr. Santos now.

But--but I never
even got to hear

what chang's
great idea was

or the end of his poem
that rhymes with yellow!

Ok. I have
absolutely no idea

what you're
talking about.

Don't worry, maya.

I'm pretty sure you can
make some new friends.


Mr. Santos:
hola! Hey, guys.

This was great,
wasn't it?

No se, papi.

I spent the whole time
in the gift shop,

trying to find something
to bribe my friends
into liking me again.

Trouble, huh?

You could say that.

Maya, you know this will
all be fine.

No, papi.

I so blew it
this time.

My friends were
really counting
on me

to get
those tickets.

It was just
a movie, maya.

You can see it tomorrow.

No, papi.
Opening day

at "return of the space
nebula elf prince"

is a once-in-a-lifetime
cinematic event.

Maybe, maya,

but your friends
will get over it.

Trust your papi.

I think they care
about you

more than
any cinematic event,

no matter how big.

I'm sorry,
but I couldn't help

Do you need tickets

for "return
of the space nebula
elf prince"?

Because I got
the time wrong,

and I can't use them,
and you look so sad.

You can have them--

I'll take them!

Thank you so much.

You're very welcome.

I'm saved!

Guys! Guys!

Oh there
you are, maya!
Guess what!

This museum is actually
really, really cool!

It's cool?
But look--

haven't you seen
any of it?

No. I've been
in the gift shop.

Shopping? You've got
to be kidding!

Ancient china is the most
romantic place ever!

Yeah, and you have to hear

these thousand-year-old
african legends!

They've got heroes
and warriors and villains

it's a mega-adventure!

Wow! That does
sound cool.

Oh, I can't believe
I missed everything.

Hey, but guess what?

I just got 4 tickets
to the movie!

It starts
in 15 minutes.

How about we all
go to see it

and come back
to the museum again
next weekend?





Terrific! We can start
with the ancient maya.

Ancient maya?

Ancient maya?

Sure! There's
an ancient maya.

And then we can go

to the egyptian

Oh, and we can all
check out

the exhibit on rome.

Maya, voice-over:
so theo got a mega-adventure,

maggie got romance,
and I got my friends back.

Oh, and miguel got
a souvenir.