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04x08 - After School

Posted: 12/11/23 08:26
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next ♪

♪ You never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure,
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their
family and friends,
that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

MAYA: My friend Maggie is
the most perfect person I know.

She knows almost everything.

An astronomical unit
is the mean distance

between the earth
and the sun.

MAYA: She's good
at everything.


I love it!


MAYA: And she does
everything with style.

But the reason she's my friend
isn't because she's

good at so many things.

It's because she's
lots of fun.


Awk! Parrot! Parrot!

I know what you're saying--

"Nobody's perfect."

Paco's perfect!

Well, try telling
that to Maggie.

Sounds like...

Awk! Bird!

"Jane Eyre"!

That's right!

How did you get
that so fast?

She was doing "rain,"
which sounds like "Jane."

Ah. What can I say?

Charades is my thing!





That's a book.

No, it's not.
It's a movie.

But it started
as a book.

Actually, it started
as a series of stories

printed in a newspaper.

No, it's not.
It's a movie.

You guys, stop it!

I--Maggie, what's this?

It's from last year,
but my parents just
got it framed.

"My award certificate
for perfect punctuality
and attendance."

Oooh! Shiny!

I work hard to keep
my perfect record.

Well, nobody's
perfect, right?

I mean, what if
you get sick?

I won't.

What if you're late?

No chance.

You could oversleep.


What if your
alarm clock breaks?

I have two
just in case.

Wow. You really
are serious

about keeping
a perfect record.



Pigs can fly.
Ha ha ha!

[Clocks ticking]

Maggie honey,
did you oversleep?

Nope. Right on time. Ohh.

Uh-oh. Looks like
someone forgot

to set her clocks
forward an hour
this weekend

when daylight
savings time began.

You know. "Spring
forward, fall back."

Spring forward?

That means it's



I'm an hour late!

Maggie honey,
there's no need
to get like that.

It was just
a simple mistake.

But, Mom,
I'm never late!

Everyone makes

Not me!

Oh, please, let
me not be late!

Oh, please, let
me not be late!

Oh, please, let
me not be late!

Oh, please, let
me not be late!

Oh, please, let
me not be late!






Does anyone know
where Maggie is?

Hmm. Uh-uh.

[Huffing and puffing]

All right then,
let's get started.

Everyone turn to page 21,
and we'll go over the--

I'm here!

Oh, hello, Maggie.

Have a seat,
and we'll get started.

Please don't put this
on my record.

Mmmaggie, why don't you
have a seat

so we can get started
with the lesson?

I'm never late.

Have a seat.

But I'm never late.

Have. A. Seat.

Mr. Nguyen, please
just tell me

if you're
marking me late.

We can discuss it
after class.

You are!

But it was daylight
savings time!

You're interrupting
class, Maggie.

But you're not
listening to me!

This is your last
warning, Maggie...

But my
attendance record...

or I'll have to
ask you to stay...

has been absolutely...

after school.


Did you just say
"after school"?


Ohh! No.

So you see, Mr. Nguyen,
it really was all just

a big misunderstanding!

Years from now,
we can look back
on this and laugh!

Ha ha ha!

Perhaps. But you
still need to stay
after school.

Mr. Nguyen, you
don't understand.

I can't get
an "after school."

May I ask why?

Well, I've never gotten
an "after school."

There's a first
time for everything.

But--but--I have
a really good reason.

Family honor.


I know you've had
a perfect record

up until now,

and you're definitely
a dedicated student,

but the rules
are the rules.

You were late,

and you
interrupted class.

I'm afraid
the after school stands.

But I have
a perfect record!

Can you believe he still
made me stay after?

What I can't believe
is that you used

that "family honor"
line on him.

Ow! Why are you
kicking me under
the table, Maya?

Ow! Quit doing that!

I don't know one
single person

who's gotten
an "after school."

[Clears throat loudly]

I got an "after school"
once for talking in class.

And I got an "after
school" for telling Maya

not to talk in class.

Oh, well.
My whole future is ruined.

High school! College!

Fashion designer school
with a side degree

in marine biology!

I think you're
making too big
a deal

out of this, Maggie.


I'm going to prove
to Mr. Nguyen

that I don't deserve
to stay after school.

How're you going to
do that?

I don't know,
but maybe you could

take a break from
your math homework
to help me.

Huh! ¡Eso es!

he's a teacher!

And what do
teachers like?

I know exactly what
you're thinking!

Thanks, Maya!

So you see, Mr. Nguyen,
my report successfully shows

that we should never have
abandoned daylight savings time

by setting the clocks forward.

I think that if we kept
the clocks the way they were,

we would be less
sleep deprived.

Therefore we would prevent
traffic injuries

and, more importantly,
prevent crime.

So I ask you,
if I want to observe

daylight savings time
year round,

should I be punished
for my beliefs?

You make an interesting
case in your report,

but you broke
the rules.

You still stay
after school.

OK. If the facts
won't convince you,

perhaps this routine
I wrote

and choreographed

♪ Didn't mean
to sleep so late ♪

♪ Or come to class
at half past eight ♪

♪ So please don't
keep me after school ♪

♪ I didn't mean
to break the rules ♪

♪ Oh, Mr. Nguyen,
act really cool ♪

♪ And don't give
me an "after school" ♪


That was fantastic,

Oh, thank you, Mr. Nguyen.
I knew you'd--

But you still have
to stay after.

Report to room 3A
tomorrow afternoon.


He didn't like
the song and dance?

Just no pleasing
some people.

So what else do you
have for me, Maya?

What do you mean?

I need to get out
of this "after school"!

You're Maya Santos!

Thinking up inventive
schemes to help friends

is your specialty!

Well, that is true.

Huh! ¡Eso es!

What? What?

This will
get you out
of staying after!

[Whirring and clanging]

[Toilet flushes]

New Maggie!


How is that going
to get Maggie out

of staying after?

Don't you see?

Mop Maggie will stay after,
and you won't!

No one will even
know the difference!

That's the lamest
big idea you've
ever had.

Uh, you can't
force genius.

[Door opens]

Hmm. Don't worry.
I'll think of something.

I smell trouble.

I know! What if you
got something tall,

uh, like
a broom or--

I know--a mop,

and then you dressed
the mop to look

just like you?

That way the mop can stay
after instead of you!

Good idea, thought
of that already.

Great minds think alike.



¡Eso es! That's it!

What? Hopscotch?

No, instead of spending
recess time with us,

you can help Mr. Nguyen.

Maybe he'll reconsider
your "after school."

And when I'm done,
I can clap out
the erasers,

and then
if you want,

I can wipe down
the desks

and alphabetize
the class library.

I appreciate your
helping out, Maggie.

You're so welcome.


Say, oh, Mr. Nguyen,

I was thinking
about that
conversation we had,

you know,
the one about--
what do you call it--

oh--"after school"?

Maggie, if you think
doing me some favors

will get you out of it,
you're mistaken.


Do you mind if I go
back to recess now?

Of course not,

but first let me
give you

notification form.

What's this?

You need to get
this form signed

so we know your
parents have been

about your
"after school."

It's because you'll
be coming home
a little later.

Huh! Parents?!

Maggie honey,
what's wrong?

Wrong? Oh, nothing.

Why? What've you heard?

You're picking
at your food.

You only do that
when you're upset
about something.


Nothing's wrong.
Mm! This is delic--

So did anything
interesting happen
at school today?


Honey, you should
eat more slowly.

You don't want
to choke.


No, no, no!

Oh! No!

No! Ohh! No!

"After school."

Ohh! No!

[Chains jangling]

MIGUEL: She used
to be perfect,

but now she's
gone bad.

All right, kids.
It's time to
clean up...

the kindergarten!



WOMAN: Maggie...


Don't disappoint me.

I don't want to live
alone on your wall.

I can't stay after.
I just can't!

Mom, I need to
tell you something.

What is it, honey?

Well, see, I got...

I got a blister
from those new shoes

I wore yesterday.

Why don't you put
a bandage on it?


Um, Dad? There's
something I need
to tell you.

Is everything OK?

Well, see, after
school today
I might have to--

School newspaper
again, huh?

No problem.

It's great you're
so involved

in extracurricular

Ah. That's my girl!


Heads up,

Hey, Maggie, are you
gonna eat that?



You can have it.

I won't need it
where I'm going.

as we know it is
officially ruined.

[Clock ticking]



[Bell ringing]

Bye, Mrs. Langley!

See you tomorrow!

Bye, Maggie.

Don't worry.
Staying after

isn't as bad
as you think.

You'll be fine.


Oh, well.

My whole future
is ruined!


Are you here for
your "after school"?



Here you go.

Oh, my favorite!

Awk! Paco wants
a taco!

Sorry, Paquito.

Birdseed for you.


[Knock on door]

[Doorbell ringing]

Who could that be?

Too early for the mail.

And too loud.

You have to hide me.

Maggie? Aren't you
supposed to be

staying after school
right now?

I'll change my
name, cut my hair,

move to Fiji,
but I'll never stay
after school, never!

Uh, OK. Come in
and have a snack
with us, you know,

before you move
to Fiji.

We're having tacos
and milk.

I'll get you some.

Awk! Paco wants
a taco!

Sorry, Paco.

I said birdseed.

Please, Maggie,
sit down.

for the bird. Awk!

I couldn't help
but hear that you're

planning on
changing your name
and moving to Fiji.

Senora Elena,
it's a long story.

Hey, bop, bop, bop.

Not so fast, Paquito.

You need to listen
to the rules.


You can tell me
anything, Maggie.

Well, you see,
yesterday in school,

I got an-a-a-a--

A what?

Don't worry.
You can tell her.

Senora Elena,
I was late for class,

and I interrupted
the teacher,

so I got an-a-a--

I had to stay
after school once
when I was a girl.

You, Senora Elena?

Yeah. That's news
to me.

You don't know
about me, kids.

Yes, I had to stay
after school once.

I talked in class,
which was against
the rules.

[Both gasp]

Hey, that's how I got
an "after school," too!

But you're so perfect!

Nobody's perfect,

We all make

but it's important
to admit them

and learn from them.

What did your
parents say

when you
told them about
the "after school"?

I--I, kind of
haven't told them yet.

Boy, you're really going
to be in trouble now--


You see, Senora Elena,
my parents think
I'm perfect.

If I tell them
the truth,

they'll be
disappointed in me.

I don't think so,

I'm sure they'll love
you no matter what.

Are you sure?

Es cierto.

Yeah, I'm perfect
to Abuelita,

right, Abuelita?

Hmm. Perfectly


Maybe you're right,
Senora Elena.

Maybe I just need
to face up to my mistake,

tell my parents,
and do my "after school."

I mean, it's only
one day, right?

Si, mijita.

[Paco squawking]

Victory is mine!

Paco got a taco!



Good news, Mr. Nguyen.

I'm ready to do
my "after school."

I broke the rules.

I was late,
and I held up class.

I can admit that now.

I'm sorry,
and I'm ready
and willing

to take
my punishment.

I'm so happy
to hear that.

You've done
the right thing,

since you skipped

your "after school"

and didn't bring
the notification form

by your parents,

school rules dictate
that I extend

your "after school"
to one week.

One week!

Maggie honey,
how was your day?


How did the newspa--

Fine! Everything
went great!

bothering you,
isn't it, Maggie?

You've seemed

for the last couple
of days.

No. Everything's fine!


Mom, Dad, I have
something to tell you.

I've been trying to tell
you for a couple days,

but it's been hard.

Now, this may come
as a shock to you,

but I got an "A"
on a math quiz,
won a spelling bee,

and got an "after school"

and was given a gold star
in music class.

Dinner looks delicious.

You got
an "after school"?

So that explains it.

Now you know the truth.

I'm not perfect.

Maggie honey,
we already knew that.

What?! You didn't think
I was perfect?

Heh heh heh.
Nobody's perfect.

Remember your
first attempt
at fashion design?

You drew that dress.

Oh, it was awful,
all pink and frilly

with a big yellow bow. Oh!

I stuffed the drawing
in a drawer.

Oh, darn!

Ohh. Ohh!

it wasn't perfect,

but you didn't quit,
did you?


And you got better.

If you quit because your
drawing wasn't perfect...

Then I wouldn't have
gotten better.

So maybe being perfect
isn't so important, is it?

Maybe not.

Thanks, Dad.

Besides, staying
after school

for one day
isn't such
a big deal.

Oh. About that.
It's not just one day.

Uh, hi. I'm reporting
for "after school."

Hmm? Speak up,

"After school."

I'm here
for "after school."


I know how to spell
it, thank you.

Please sign in
and take a seat.

Uh, excuse me?

What am I supposed
to do here?

Read or study

That's it?

That's it.

But do it quietly,

Time's up.

Ahem. Maggie?
You can go.

Your "after school"
is over.

But it went so fast.

I even got
all my homework done!

I'm so lonely
on this wall.

I'm sorry.


Well, what if I get
something else to go
up there with you?

What did you
have in mind?



Hee hee hee!

So, Maggie's good
at lots of things,

but she isn't perfect.

Nobody's perfect.

Well, except for me.

I am perfect
at charades.

"Old McDonald had
a farm!"

Huh! No.

Oh, oops.

I guess I have to
keep trying.





Throw rug!

Marching monkey!


[All laughing]