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02x05 - Career Day

Posted: 12/11/23 08:29
by bunniefuu

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family
and friends, that's the start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ Maya and miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ Maya and miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister,
maya and miguel ♪

Hola, amigas.

Hey, maya,

what do you
want to get?

What do you mean?

Get for what?

Earth to maya?

Career week.

We all get
to go to work
with someone's parent

and learn about
different jobs.

I hope to get
keisha's mom.

She's a lawyer!

Where were you
on the evening
of april 17,

miss santos?

Pretty good,

Or oscar's dad.
He's a dancer.

Maybe I can be
in a broadway musical!

So, what do you
want, maya?

Gosh, I haven't
thought about it!

Well, I'm going to
be a dancer this week.

I can feel it
in my bones!

Telephone repairman?!

I have to
spend all week

with a telephone

Cool! That
sounds like fun!

You'll probably get
to take all kinds of
neat things apart

and rewire them.

Oh, no, it'll
never work for me.

Why not?

Two simple words:

I think that's one word.


what's your job?

Bus driver.

Man, I was hoping
for something like
brain surgeon

or nuclear scientist.

And what did you get?

Well...It looks
super boring.

Spill it, santos!

I'm hanging out
with an engineer.


in this school

has a dad
who's an engineer?!

And you get to spend
a week with him?!

That's not fair!

Chill, theo.

At least
you're not maya.

She got
insurance salesman!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Do you even know
what an insurance salesman
does all day?


But you don't,

Yes, I do.

He, uh, well...Ok,

but I bet it's
gonna be great.




Paco: awk! 131.

Where's 112?

Here it is!


"salesman of the month.
Salesman of the year.

of the decade"!

Wow! This guy can sell!

Si. ¡Excelente

Man: are you here
to fix the computer?


Don't worry.

That thing's

Anyway, the computer's
been giving me
error messages.

Boy, you techies
are getting younger
every day.

Oh! Ha ha ha!
I'm not a techie.

I mean, I'm here
for career week

to learn
all about your job.

¡Su trabajo!

Oh, yeah!

You're in my grandson
ralphie's class.

Ha ha!
Carrot-top ralphie!

Carrot-top ralphie!
Ha ha ha!

Uh, not that
we call him that.

I'm maya!

Awk! ¡Y yo soy paco!

and this is paco.

I hope it's ok
that I brought him.

Sure. Morton palmer,

senior sales

We can't wait
to learn about
your exciting job,

mr. Palmer!

¡Su trabajo!
¡Su trabajo!

You're excited about
selling insurance?

Well, sure!

Do you even
know what it is?


Awk! No clue!

Shh, paco!

[clears throat]

protects you

if something
important gets lost
or broken.

That way, you can
replace it or fix it.


All right, well,
let's get started.

Awk! ¡Es vendedor!
¡Vamos a vender!

He's a very smart

So, um, is this
what you do all day?

Oh, sorry!
How rude of me.

Do you want a turn?

Mr. Myers, sir,

I just
want you to know

that I'm not exactly
the fix-it-up type.

See, I'm going to be
a broadway dancer.

All right, there,

Put this on
and hold on tight.

But my hair!


Isn't it a thrill?!

No one ever forgets
their first time up!


Hey, I can
see my house
from up here!

If maya could
see me now!





There goes that
error message again.

Guess that's all
the tic-tac-toe
for today.

Are we going to sell
some insurance now?

Not quite yet.

Let me show you
what we need to do next.

This is an important
part of my job.

A perfect
hot chocolate.

I love these
tiny marshmallows.

I'm sorry.
Don't you like

You want
some milk instead?

There are cookies
in the vending

Awk! Birdseed! Birdseed!

That's ok.

I'd rather see
what your job is like.

Awk! ¡Su trabajo!

Eh, pfft.

But you were
salesman of the year,

of the decade!


That was
a long time ago.

Hey, you want
to check out
the supply room?

They got a lot of
cool highlighters.

Ralphie loves
the orange ones.

They match his hair.

I'm looking for
dr. Jo rodriguez?

Well, I'm
dr. Jo rodriguez.


Ah, you thought
I was going to be
a man, didn't you?

No. No, I mean...

Uh, well, yeah.

Ha ha ha!
Don't worry.

I get that a lot.

You must be miguel,
from mrs. Langley's class!

I'm beto's mom.

What kind of
engineer are you?

Aerospace engineer.

Aerospace engineer?

Like...Outer space?
Like an astronaut!?

Ha ha ha!
Si, un astronauta.

Just call me
payload specialist

I'm scheduled
to go up soon.

¡Un astronauta!

Theo's going to be
so jealous!

[horn honks]

ok, theo, my man,

ready for
bus driving 101
with bobby d.?

Well, um...

Well, you probably
wanted to be

an astronaut
or something.

That's cool.
Every kid does.

But you've never
ridden a bus
with bobby d.

So, theo, my man,
watch and learn!

Ok. So remember,
don't brake too hard.

Keep an eye
on your left mirror.

And most importantly,

don't forget that
every rider matters.

Hey, mr. King,
nice to see you.

Mrs. Yates,
you got your hair cut!

It looks great!

How're the kids,
mr. Digiorgio?

Good, good.

You know
all their names?

Oh, yeah,
we get a lot
of regulars

on the old 17.

Ok, folks,
grab your hats,
grab your coffee,

because we are

[horn honks]

so you take
a pink eraser
like this

and some push pins

and then draw
a little face.

It's a pig.

Awk! Paco bored!


That's really neat,
mr. Palmer.

Ralphie loves it.

Hey, paco,
give that back!

Don't worry,
I'll get it!

Paco, give it
to me right now!

Maya: paco!

Paco! Come here!

Excuse me,
mr. Palmer.


Paco, come here! Paco!

Paco, come here!
Bring that eraser back!

Paco! ¡Cuidado!

[paco squawking]

awk! Here you go.

Maya: ah, ha ha!

Paco and I will
have this cleaned up
in a jiffy.

Miguel: and dr. Rodriguez
promised to send me
an e-mail from space!

Isn't that awesome?

There's nothing
more awesome

than a huge bus
with over 100 people
on board

and my man bobby d.
At the wheel!

That's nothing.

Someone should write
a broadway musical

about working
for the phone company

because it is
so much fun!

In fact...Maybe
I should write it.

Then I could
star in it, too.

Well, it can't be
as fun as being a lawyer.

I went out on a real
power lunch today.


what's the matter,

It's mr. Palmer,
mi vendedor de seguros.

Is it boring?

I don't even know
if it's boring.

He won't even try
to sell insurance.

He seems kind of
down in the dumps.

I feel bad for him.

Oh, too bad
he can't go up in
the phone company crane.

It makes you feel like
you're on top of the world!

Or maybe he should go
even higher,

like to outer space!

Thanks, guys,
but I don't think

I can send
mr. Palmer to space...


¡Eso es!

Stop right there,

put the brain
gently in reverse,

and back it up slowly.

I need to find
mr. Palmer a new job!

And I need your help.

Maya: mr. Palmer,

today is the first day
of the rest of your life!

Let me get some
hot chocolate first.

Awk! Birdseed!

I don't mean to be
rude or anything,

but, you know,
you don't seem happy
with your job.


it's just, well,

I've been
an insurance salesman
for a long time,

and, well,
sometimes I think
I've lost my touch.

And that's why I think
maybe it's time
for a change.

Don't listen!
Don't listen!


What have you got
in mind?

Oh, nothing big.

Spend time with
some of my friends,

look for a new job.

A new job?!

I don't want
a new job, maya.

Selling insurance
is all I've ever done.

Well, what if
you just try it?

It's got to be better
than sitting around

making farm animals
out of office supplies.

Well, if you
put it that way,

I guess it
couldn't hurt, right?

next stop coming up!


Yo, maya!

Welcome to the fabulous
number 17 crosstown!

You're really
getting the hang
of it, theo!

Can I drive the bus now?


Bobby, this is
my friend maya

and morton palmer.

This is bobby d.

[paco squawks]

can't forget paco.

Awk! Can't
forget paco!

Can't forget

So, morty, my man,

you want to be
a bus driver, huh?

Honestly, i--i never
really thought about it.

Driving a bus
takes a lot of skill.

I mean, you can't
brake too hard.

You got to keep your eye
on the left mirror.

And most important,
every rider matters.

Ok, mort,
next stop is all you!

Now easy
on the lever.

Mort: like this?

Boy: hey, bobby d.

Woman: hi, theo!

Hey, bobby d.

Hey, theo.

Now can I close?


wait! My coat!


I'm sorry!

Great. I really
messed that up.

Aw, don't feel bad,
mort, my man.

That lever
is really old.

It breaks down a lot.


[car horns honking]

what's this
all about?

This is my friend maggie

and mr. Myers
the telephone repairman.

I need you to step up
into the basket, sir.

What for?

You'll see.

Here you go.

Hold on to your hat!

Maya: how's the view?

what do you see?

Wh--what are you doing?

Ha ha ha!
Isn't it great?

No one ever forgets
his first time up!

I don't really like heights.

Get me down, please!

Get me down!
I don't like squirrels!


hmm. It's stuck!
Something's broken!

Heh! No! Eh...

Heh heh!


Ooh! Eh!


to the left!

No, the right!

There! No, no, no!

Sometimes this old machine
acts up a little bit,

but don't sweat, buddy.

We'll have you down in a jiff!

Awk! For the birds!
For the birds!

[bucket whirring]



that was off the hook!

Ok, mort,
your turn!

¡Le toca a paco!

You know, I don't think
I'm cut out to be an astronaut.

Maybe I'm too old.

Don't be silly!

Senator john glenn
went into space
when he was 77.

You're a lot younger
than that, mr. Palmer.

And you actually need
all kinds of jobs
besides astronauts

to get someone
into space,

dr. Rodriguez?


Now, come on, mort,

into the simulator.

All right, i--
I guess it might fun, huh?

Go for it!

[bell ringing]


I'm going to
start this out
very slowly.



Awk! Beautiful!

Maya: paco!



Awk! Got it!

Got it!


mort: aah! Ohh!

Ooh! Aah! Aah!

[paco squawks]


Mort: maya,
stop this crazy thing!

Ooh! Ooh!


maya: I'm really sorry
about the space simulator.

It's ok. I owe you
some thanks, maya.


you want to be
an astronaut after all?!

No, maya.

I've realized
it's time to
hang it all up.


You mean hang up
all your salesman awards?


a figure of speech.

It means
throw in the towel,

pack it up,
call it a day.

I'm going to retire.


right after
this career week
is over.

Face it.
I'm not really good
at anything anymore.


So, maya,

does mr. Palmer
want to be an astronaut?

No way, santos.

He wants to be
a bus driver,
right, maya?

Oh, please!

I bet he's applying
for a job with
the phone company

right this second.

Sorry, guys.

He doesn't
want to do
any of those things.

He's decided
there's nothing
he can do.

He wants to retire.

He's got to be
good at something!

I mean, chrissy's right.

Everyone has something
they're good at.

They can even take tests

to see what type of job
they're good at.

Theo! ¡Eso es!

"how to cook
indian food."

"how to make
your baby sleep."

Oh! "how to scratch
that itchy spot

between your
shoulder blades."

Hey, here we go!

"how to find a career!"

¡Ooh, el senor palmer
busca una carrera!

You--you really think
this will help, maya?

Awk! No chance!

Don't listen to paco.

I bet there are
lots of careers

we haven't even
thought of!

Awk! ¿Muchas carreras?

Oh, look!

Here's a whole
shelf of books
on finding a career.

Awk! Awk!

Oh! Oh,
you want one more?

Oh! Oh!

Can you grab that?


Aah! Aah!

I think
we need a book

on how to find
a self-help book.

Ok. So we're gonna
do a few tests,

and when it's all done,

we should know
the perfect career for you.

And then we're heading
right to the kitchen

for my perfect
cup of cocoa?

What does this
look like to you?

Steam coming out of
a cup of hot cocoa.

Are you sure?

Ok. What is the man
in the picture thinking?

That he could use
a cup of hot cocoa.


Now I'll say a word,
and you tell me

the first thing
that comes to your mind.


Hot chocolate.





Hot chocolate.


What is 3/4 plus 3/4
plus 1/2?

That's on
the career quiz?

No, it's
my math homework,

but I figured
I could get some help

while we're here.

Ha ha! Two.


Ok. Last question.

If you could be
any animal,
what would it be?

Hmm. Does
hot chocolate count?


It, um...
Uh-huh. Ok. Ok.

It says here that
your ideal career is--

oh, no...A...A...

A what, maya?

A salesman.

See, that's why this
isn't working, maya.

What do you mean?

Maya, you have
everything it takes

to be
a great saleswoman.

You have energy,
you like people,

you know
what you're selling,

and you never say quit.

But you have to realize,

you can't
sell the customer

he doesn't want.

You mean
like a new career.

Like a new career.

See, take
that bus driver
we met yesterday.

that broken door?

I would have
sold him a policy

that would cover
all the wear
and tear

that comes
from driving
all those people

and making
all those stops.

Mr. Palmer!


¡Eso es!

What does that mean?

That's it!

I know just
what we have to do!

[horn honking]

mort: see,
we can offer you
a flexible policy

that covers
wear and tear

as well as
the big stuff.

That way,
if your door lever
needs fixing,

mr. Palmer's company
will take care of it.

No kidding? Really?

Mort, this is
my supervisor's

She handles
all this stuff

for the entire
city transportation

Mort: this way,
you're protected

if your equipment
ever breaks.

If I know my boss,

he would love to
take you to lunch

and hear what you
have to say!

You know,

I'm going to call
colonel waltondale
right now

and tell him
you can sell him
a policy

for all of
our training equipment.


I haven't sold
that many policies
in one day

since I was salesman
of the year.

So, do you still
want to hang it up?

Pfft. Not a chance.

I have a lot of selling
left to do.

Well, here we are!

Hi, mr. Palmer!

Hey there,
mr. Palmer.

[all talking at once]

sit a spell.

a seat.

Hi, kids! Ha ha!

for all the help.

How about a round
of hot chocolate?!

[laughter and cheering]

I wonder if you
can take this
into outer space.

Hey, how did you
do that to your helmet,

Mmm. Hot chocolate.

How about that
hot chocolate, huh?

Isn't that good?

Maya: so, going into space

and driving a city bus
and working on phone lines

and all that stuff,

well, it does sound like fun,

but I really think
I've got the best job of all.

Mort: mmm!
Great chocolate.
