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05x01 - Cupid

Posted: 12/11/23 08:31
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next ♪

♪ You never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure,
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their
family and friends,
that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

Doesn't Paco look cute
in the sweater I made him?

Paco loves outfits.

There are only 24 hours
before the big day.

Actually, Maya,

it's only 18 hours,

and 37 1/2 seconds.

Yeah, don't remind me.

GIRL: Did you make
your valentine?

SECOND GIRL: Did you get
a valentine yet?

I got 4 valentines--

BOY: I bet you
I'm going to get

This is going to
be so cool!

I'll see you after homeroom.



Vamos, Miguel!

You can't
honestly tell me
that you forgot

Valentine's Day!

It's only the biggest
holiday of the year.

Well, second only
to my birthday.


GIRL: Yay!




I'm not
the biggest fan.

You have some confetti
in your teeth.




I just love this new
heart-flavored juice.

It tastes like I've always
imagined love would.


You want one of these
heart-shaped cookies?

The box says:

"The taste of
Valentine's Day

in every bite."

I think I'm going to gag.

Mmm! Cookies!

"Mi amorcito,

have a great lunch
filled with love!

Carino, Mama."

BOTH: Love, Mama.

Please stop.

Giggling's bad
for my digestion.

So what would be
your perfect
Valentine's Day?

I'll give you a hint.

It has a flower theme.

What about you?

You know...

you know, the usual.

What about you, Miguel?

I have a fantasy
all right.

[Evil laughter]

My plan to destroy
Valentine's Day
is almost complete,

and I shall replace it
with International
Comic Book Day!

[Laughing maniacally]

What's he doing
in my fantasy?

[Cackling continues]

What's wrong, Miguel?

It's like you don't
like Valentine's Day.

Si, Miguel!

Why don't you turn
that frown upsid--

Into a heart!

Actually, I don't think
that's possible, Maggie.

Oops, I'm sorry.

Don't forget to vote
for this year's Cupid,

our school's official
Valentine's Day messenger!

It's tradition!

It's really,
really important!


Looks like someone
woke up on the wrong side
of the rainbow.

Andale, Miguel!

Que pasa?

There's no reason
to be such a grump.

It's just some silly
greeting card holiday!

It's not a real holiday
like Christmas
or Dia de Los Muertos.

People give each other

because they feel like
they have to,

not because
they want to.

"Happy day before
Valentine's Day!

"Love, your beautiful,
smart, adorable,
twin sister

"who you cannot
live without

and who's probably
sitting right
next to you smiling."

[Kids cheering]

my energetic helpers.

[Cheering continues]

I just wanted to
announce that everyone
can go home early today.


Only kidding.

But now that I have
your attention,

it's time to announce
who will be this year's
Valentine's Day messenger.

Yo no, yo no, yo no!

Please be me!
Please be me!

Please be me!

Please don't be me.

Please don't be me.

Please be me!


Que mala suerte!


Me? My life is complete!

Today I become a man!

This is for you, papi!

No, no.

The other Miguel Santos.

Oh, no!

Miguel, please
come up on stage and
collect your costume.



Was I just dreaming?

No, you weren't.

You just passed out.

Oh, no.

Why me?

Please, can I have
your autograph?



Where am I?

What is this place?




Hey, despierta,
Senor Cupido!

Rise and shine!

I was dreaming about
a giant heart.

Never mind.

Me siento mal!

I think I have
that one disease

where I'm so sick
I can't go to school.

Cupid can't get sick on
Valentine's Day.

See, Miguel,
it's your destiny.

You are so lucky.

You get to make
everybody happy!

I wish they'd picked me
to be Cupid.

That makes two of us.

MIGUEL: Oh, no.

Let's go!

Que guapo!

Yes, you're very
handsome in that,


be supportive.

Oh, right.

Miguel, que es eso?

Is this some of that
hip-hop clothing?

It's very colorful.

No, papi!

Miguel was picked
to be the school's

official Valentine's Day

It's his duty to deliver
valentines to all
the kids in the school.

Es algo muy importante!


It is important.

See, Santiago,
Miguel is going to help
spread happiness

through the entire school.

happiness through
the entire school?

That is a big job.

Not too big
for my twin brother.

Why me?



You look so cute,

I wish I was picked
to be Cupid.

I want to make
everybody happy.

You can make me happy!

Please, Maya, please!

Rescue me!

I would never wish
this outfit on anyone,

not even that dog Toro
that chases me around
the neighborhood.


Sorry, Miguel.

The rules are
you're not allowed
to switch.

This is for
your own good.

See you later,

We're off to make...

ALL: Valentines!

I'll draw you a picture
if you trade spots with me!

You can have my milk money
for a month!


A year!


Two years!

Get away
from me.

Until I'm 80!

My winged boot,
take it!

It's yours!

Just free me
from this prison!

There you are, Miguel.

You have a lot of work
ahead of you.

Orders for valentines
were almost triple what
they were last year.


Happy you know what.

[Imitating monkey]

Here's another one.


Here you go!

Here's one
for you.

Knock yourself

Guess what.

Here you go.

What a beautiful day!

Oh, Paco,
Miguel is spreading
so much joy.

I wish I could be Cupid
for a day like him.

Be Cupid, like him!

Eso es!

That's it!

I'll be Cupid, too!

But not just
for the school--

for the whole

And you'll help me, Paco.

I will?


I knew I could
count on you.

Last stop,
the Santos pet shop.

Here you go.

Gracias, Miguel!

I love you, too, bro.

Finally, done.

Adios, Cupido!

And good riddance.


Hola, Abuela!

Buenas tardes, Maya!

What's this, mija?

Well, Miguel gets to
spread happiness
to the kids at school

with Valentine's Day cards,

so I thought
I could spread it
to the whole neighborhood!


How much for a card?

I made them!

They're free!

Well, mija, you just got
your first customer.

Gracias, Maya.

This is a mighty
fine thing

you're doing for
the neighborhood.

these cards is a job
for an army,

not just one person
like yourself.

Good luck!

What am I going to do?

Well, Paco,
you did promise to
help me today.

We'd better get busy!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Gracias, Paco,

but we better start
stuffing these

Valentine's Day
is a holiday?

Yes, I know.

It's one of
my favorite holidays.

Paco doesn't work
on holidays.

you said you'd help.

I can't do this alone!


Well, I guess everyone
has a little bad luck.

And I guess bad luck
was in the forecast
for today.


Sorry, Maya!

How can you laugh
at a time like this?

We have to work,
and fast!

Reporting for duty!

The red cards go
into red envelopes.

The pink cards go
into pink envelopes,

the yellow cards
into yellow envelopes,

the blue cards
into blue envelopes.

You get the picture,

Yellow? Blue?

They all look red to me.

Red card
in the red envelope,

red card
in the red envelope,

red card
in the red envelope...



Finally finished.

Everybody's going to
be so happy.

[Chattering angrily]

How dare you send me
a valentine like this?

"Even though
you smashed chairs
on my back,

"poked me in the eyes,

"cheated me
out of the title belt,

"I still appreciate
our friendship,

you old rascal."


I didn't send that
to you!

What is this about me
smelling like flowers
and watermelon candy?

I meant skunks
and tamales!


That's just crazy talk!

No, you didn't!

You call this
a Valentine's Day gift?

A card filled
with birdseed?

I don't know what
you're talking about!



Guess you didn't
like the card.

Oh, boy.

What did
Paco do?

What's going on?

The people don't like
the valentines.

MAN: Yo, that girl!

WOMAN: We've been

I think we delivered
the wrong valentines
to the wrong people.

No worries, Maya.

We can take them!

[Angry chatter]

we must have put
the wrong cards

in the wrong


Where do you think
you're going?

I didn't know.

Si, Maya!

You've got some
explaining to do!

I was just trying to
make everybody happy!

I didn't mean it!

You'll have to
go through me!

Outta the way,

You'll have to go
through me, too!

I'll take care of this.

What are you doing
here, Miguel?

And why are you
still in that
Cupid outfit?

I saw what was happening

and I thought you might
need some help.

After all, isn't this
what Valentine's Day
is all about,

showing someone
you care?

This isn't the valentine
you were supposed to send
to my sweetie Celia!

Don't worry.

It's all under control.


"Gus thinks you are
one tough hombre."

Come here, you brute.

I'll take that.

I'll take that.

Thank you.

I'll take that,
that one.

This card is for you.

Papi says that
being married to you

has been like
the happiest fiesta
of his life.



Good job, son!

Paco wrote this poem
just for you.


Here you go.

This is for you.

Here you go.

Here's yours.

Here's another one.

Here you go.



Miguel, you're the best
Cupid I know!

Just doing my job.

You would have done
the same thing

if you had been picked
as Cupid.

So you don't hate
Valentine's Day anymore?

Except for the part
where the angry mob
came after you,

I guess it's OK.

Well, it's not over yet.

Tito, vamos!

Hola, Miguel.

Your sister tells me
you're a big
soccer fan.


Your sister has
been sending me

one letter a day
for months,

begging me
to come visit.

She said you were
my biggest fan,

and I was just
passing through,

so I certainly
couldn't miss out

on an opportunity
like this.

Wow, Miguel
can't say anything!


but I didn't
get you anything.

Sure you did!

You helped me bring
valentine happiness

to the whole

You don't have to
get me any presents.

Hey, Miguel,
when are we
going to play?

Thanks for coming,
but I've got something
really important to do!

Can you play tomorrow?

Yeah, tomorrow.

Open up, Miguel!

Come on, you've been
in there for hours!

MIGUEL: Un minuto!

One minute!
One minute!

Just a little longer, Maya!

Banana! Banana!

Hey, that's my sweater!

That's it, Miguel!

If you don't open up,
I'm going to--

I'm going to
count to 3.

Uno, dos, tres!

It's OK!

I'm ready!

Come on in!

What, my shoes?


What are you do--

It's my valentine
to you, Maya!

It's me, in fruit.

Muchas gracias, Miguel.

I mean,
I had no idea

that this is what
you were working on.

It looks so fruity.

Hey, have you kids
seen the bananas?

I'm sure
I went shopping
this weekend.

Oh, how beautiful.

Did you do this,

Si, si.

That's wonderful.

Do you mind?

Si, si!

I mean, go ahead.


You are the best
twin brother ever, Miguel,

no matter what I write
in my diary.


Can't be as funny
as what I wrote about you
in my comic books,

eh, Mayasaurus rex?

Mayasaurus rex?

How could you write
that about me?

Hey, I write what I see.

OK, "June 25th,
Miguel has a giant
crush on"--

Don't you dare!