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05x11 - Every Day is Earth Day

Posted: 12/11/23 08:33
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next ♪

♪ You never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure,
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their
family and friends,
that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

♪ Swimming, swimming,
swimming ♪

♪ Going to the pool ♪

♪ Big bird now ♪

MIGUEL: School's almost out.


Awk! Las tres!
Time for swimming.

One more minute, Paco.

Earth Day is next week,

and each one of you is expected
to work on a project.

I loooooooove Earth Day!

Tell us why, Maya.


Because it's all about
caring for the environment

and endangered species
and nature

and about learning
about the ozone layer
and global warming...


...and taking care
of the fishes

and taking care of
the butterflies.

It's about preserving
our beautiful rainforests...


...and about all the future
generations who come after us

who need to have
the earth taken care of

so that they can enjoy
fresh air and clean water

and beautiful mountains...

[Bell ringing]

and lakes and rivers and...

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Hold on, class!

Maya isn't finished!

[Class grumbles]

Go on, Maya.


We'll never
get out of here
at this rate.

And let's not forget,

Earth Day is also a time
when we can do what we can

for the future of the planet!




[Class grumbles]

it's our responsibility
to do what we can

so that future generations--

Sorry, Maya.
We appreciate your passion,

but we're out of time.


[Bell ringing]

Just a minute!

[Class grumbles]

You can do your projects alone,
or you can work in teams.

But you must
announce your projects
by the end of the week.

MAYA: Mrs. Langley,
may I say just one more thing?



I can't take it anymore!

I just want to wish everybody
good luck on their projects!

Ooh! I just looooove Earth Day!

ALL: We know!

We know.

Thank you, Maya.
Class dismissed.

[Kids murmuring]

There are so many
cool things we can
do for Earth Day.

Hey, what if we adopted
a rainforest animal?

That's a great idea!


You got to share, Paco!

Hey, I was playing
with that.


Pick a hand!

Ha! Funny toucan!

Smart toucan!

Smart toucan?
Smart Paco!

Awk! No! No toucan!

Um, we didn't say anything
about a toucan, Paquito.

What about creating
a worm farm?

Worms are great
for gardens.

[Paco humming]

WORM: Geronimo!



Hey, bird,
I'm sticking with you.


Hey, Pa, is there room
in there for me, too?

Come on down, sonny!


Worms? ¿Gusanos?



Worms are people, too!

worms are nematodes.

You know what I mean!

Ba da, da!


[Objects clattering]

[Maya gasps]

[All gasping]

Hey, when did
this empty lot

get so full of trash
and stuff?

I hadn't noticed
how bad it looks.

It's like the only place
in the neighborhood

that looks that way.

My mom said
it's had so many
different owners

that nobody
takes care of it.

¡Eso es!

I smell trouble.

You know
what we should do?

Go back to
the worm farm idea?

We should clean it up!

Clean it up?

Clean it up?

¡Sí! It can be
our Earth Day project!

that's a great idea!

I just looooove Earth Day!

Maybe this is
too ambitious...

There's always
the worm farm!

¿Qué les pasa?

What happened to
your Earth Day spirit?

No se.

Maybe I left it
in my other coat.

Oh, come on.
We'll be heroes!






Take that, you trash monsters!

Hmm. This looks like a job
for the Earth Day legionnaires!


Ha ha ha!



Watch out, Theo!

[Robotic voice]
Robotheo, activate boomerang.

Mission complete.


Ba da ba!


BOTH: Superfabuloso power!

MAYA: Good job,
Earth Day legionnaires!

Now on to our next assignment!


This is going to be so great!



Great news, class.

Our school
has been chosen

to be visited by
the Global
Earth Day Committee,

and they will select
a project to be featured
on their Earth Day website!

Which means your project
could be seen by people
around the world!

Around the world?!

[Kids chattering]

Around the world?

I've never even been
to New Jersey!

So who's ready to
present their project?

MAYA: Mrs. Langley!
Oh, Mrs. Langley!


Go on, Chrissy,
tell them about
our project.

We've adopted
an empty lot--

A real fixer-upper!

It's been neglected
and needs to be cleaned up--

And who better
to clean it up!?

Go on, Chrissy.

We're going to separate
the recyclables--

And send them to
the recycling center.

And we're gonna
pull out the weeds
and cut the grass...

[Clears throat]

Oh, and Miguel,
Theo, and Andy are
part of the team, too!

Isn't it the greatest
project on earth?

Oh! Pardon the pun.

It's a very good
project, Maya.

I'm sure
the whole neighborhood
will appreciate it.

Thank you.

Oh, and have I mentioned

I looooove Earth Day?

ALL: Yes!


Yes, Maya.

Now who would like to go next?


Excuse me.

Our team is going to do
a scientific study
and analysis

of how much trash
our school produces in a week.





Hey! We're picking up trash.

My project is a windmill
which will provide power
for the fish-t*nk pump!

[Class oohing]


That's great!


That's terrific!

Oh, man, these are
some good projects.

Now, even though
we can only have
one winner--

Oh! Um...

Yes, Maya?

We forgot to mention

that we have a whole
second part of our project

that will definitely make it
the coolest project ever!

Um, after we clean up the lot,

we're going to, um,
plant a community garden!

¿Un jardín?

We are?

Uh-huh. Of course we are!

A community garden?

That's great!

[All talking at once]

A community garden?

I just loooove--

ALL: We know!

THEO: Ooooh!

Heh! Sorry.

MAYA: So, what do you
think, guys?

Wasn't that
a fabulous idea?

THEO: Uh...

Uh, a community garden?

¡Sí, un jardín!

I mean, why clean up the lot

if you're not going to
do anything with it?

It's hard enough
to clean up the lot.

We don't know how
to make a garden.

would we begin?

I am so glad you asked!

I found this on the Internet.

It tells us everything
we need to know

about creating
a community garden.

Paco! Ooh!


I can't imagine anyone will have
an Earth Day project

even close to this good!

See you tomorrow!


Why did he take a bag

if he was just going
to throw it out?

Oh, no! That's litter!

Come back!


OK, guys,

we're going to
have so much fun.


Awk! Earth day is fun!

We can do this!

If you say so.

Earth Day team members,
let's move out!

[Blowing whistle]



All right!





I'm not trash!

Oops. Sorry.



Paco, come here!

This is not a game!





Hola, Tito.

Hola, Gus.

Can I ask you a question?

Por supuesto.

How come you use
paper bags, no plastics?

Good question, Tito.

You see, paper bags
are much better
for the environment.

In fact,
the best thing to do

is to bring
your own bag from home
and re-use it.

¿Por qué?

That way, we don't waste


Did you know, Tito, that
in the United States

we use over 300 billion
plastic bags a year?


If you piled up
all those bags,

they would reach
from here

well, I don't know
exactly how far
it would reach,

but it would be
very far!


Gracias, Gus.

You give me good idea!

Tio, look!

These were thrown out
by your customers.

We use over 300 billion
plastic bags a year.

Try to use paper
or bring your own!

Every little bit helps.

No plastic bags!

Try to use paper,

or better yet,
bring your own instead.

Thanks, Tito!

That is so smart.

Good job!

We have to take all of this
to the recycling center!


Whoa! These are
heavier than I thought.


I knew we should have
done the worm farm.

Maybe we need some help.


We need help.
But where?

[Car horn honks]


¡Eso es!

That's it!

Gus López has
a pick-up truck.


You asked for it!

Hi, Gus!

Are you, um, busy?

No, just the usual--
wrestling some dough!

Well, we're working
on an Earth Day project.

Hey, so is Tito!
I helped him with it.


Well, we need
some help, too.

We're cleaning up
the empty lot
down the street.

¿De veras?

¿Lo van
a limpiar?


Vertical velocity!

Yes! Isn't it great?

I noticed that lot
the other day.

I thought about
cleaning it myself,

but I haven't found the time.

Wow, man!


Es mucho trabajo.

Well, you see, Gus,

we've already
sorted the recyclables,

and all we need now
is a pickup truck.

¡Qué coincidencia!

I have a pick-up truck!

You don't say.




Great job, everybody!

The lot looks great.

Ha ha ha! Good job!


Thanks, Gus.


OK, the Global Earth Day
Committee will be here tomorrow!

Now let's start the garden!

Ooh! I can't wait!

I just--

loves Earth Day!


I hope your Earth Day projects
are coming along.

I look forward to
seeing all of them.

Oh, and I almost forgot--

the Global Earth Day Committee
will be here

to take a look
at your projects
later this afternoon.

This afternoon?!

But I thought
it was tomorrow!

It was, Maya, but the committee
has another contest to judge,

and they need to get here
earlier than expected.

But--but we have
a whole garden to plant!

And if it's not finished,

the committee will never
put us on their website!

Well, Maya, just do
the best that you can.

That's all that matters.

oh, we--but...

Face it, Maya.

We'll never get
a whole garden
planted in one day.

Never say never, Maggie.

We are going to be
on that Earth Day website--

I just know it!

But the committee
is coming
this afternoon!

Well, we just have
to take things
one step at a time.

Step one:
The plan says

to clear the soil
of all weeds.

Ha ha!

No problem!
Hee hee hee!



Oh. Unh!



ALL: Pull!

[All yell]

Awk! Weeding is for the worms.

MAYA: "Step two:

Prepare the soil for planting."

The plan may look

but just be creative.

It's going to be great!

Theo, you start
at that end,

and Andy,
you start over there.

I'll start here.

We'll make sure

every little rock
is removed.

This is
so much better, guys!

Soooo original!

ALL: Yes!

MAYA: "Step 3:

Dig holes for
any large trees or shrubs."

Unh! Ohh!


Awk! Miguel!

I can't believe
how well this is going.

Yeah, we've got
the first place prize
in the bag!

No more plastic bags
at the pet store!

I brought
my own bag, Sr. Obregon.

Did you know that
in this country,

we use over 300 billion
plastic bags a year?!

No bags, thank you!
I have my own today!

Thanks to Tito.

Good job, guys!


I have to admit,

I didn't think
we could pull it off!

But I think we're going to!

All it takes
is a little teamwork!

[All talking at once]

Nothing can stop us
from winning that first prize!



Nothing! Except rain.


And so the windmill
provides the power

for the fish-t*nk pump.


What are we
going to do?

Look at
all this rain!

Let's face it.

We're never
going to win now.

No! We can't stop now!

We can do this!

It'll be easy, right?

I hate to say it,

but I think even you
can't pull this one off.

Come on, Maya.
It's pouring rain.

One big mud puddle.

Hey, what happened to
your Earth Day spirit?

I don't know.

I guess it's stuck
in the mud somewhere.

Stuck in the mud?
Stuck in the mud...

Well, let me
tell you guys something
about stuck in the mud.

When we started cleaning up
this lot, it was a mess,

totally forgotten,
uncared for, unloved.

And we decided we were
going to change that.

And we worked,
and we scraped, and we dug,

until we finally started
feeling proud of this place.

And you're going to
throw all that away
because of a little rain?

But, Maya,
this lot looks worse
than when we started.

We'll never
win first place.

First place?!

This isn't about
winning a contest, Maggie.

This is about doing something
for our planet

and our environment
and our neighborhood.

Come on, just another
hour or so, what do you say?

Sorry, Maya.

It's just
a little too...wet.




¿Y tú, Miguelito?

I don't want
to give up, Maya,

but I think it might be
time to go.

Bye, Maya.




[Spitting and coughing]

You came back!

I guess I just
loooove Earth Day!

Let me help you
with this.

We want to help,
too, Maya.

We might not
win this contest,

but we're gonna
finish our garden,

come rain or shine!



There's one last project
you should see.

They've been working very hard
on a community garden.



Heh heh!

Welcome to
our community garden.

It's a work in progress.

Tito was able to
convince several people
in the neighborhood

to switch from plastic bags
to paper bags

or bring their own
reusable bags!

Good job, Tito!

Good job,

Right on!

Thank you!

Tu jardín.

I am sorry
about your garden.

Está bien.

I'm glad you won,

You deserve it.

¡Tú también!

Even though we can only
have one winner,

all of you
did a great job.

I know some of you
weren't able to finish

due to circumstances
beyond your control.

Yes, Maya?

We weren't able to plant
our community garden,

but we are going to
finish the garden
this weekend,

rain or shine!

We are?

But Earth Day
is today!

But we should
celebrate Earth Day
every day, right?!

Very true, Maya.

Oh, and, um,

could I add just one
itty bitty little thought?

We know, Maya!

We love Earth Day,

[Gus grunting]

get the garden finished,

with a lot of help
from everyone.

And even though
it took a lot of water
to get the mud off...

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Our community garden
looks great!

And we all...

KIDS: Loooove Earth Day!