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03x09 - Maya Quixote and Miguel Panza

Posted: 12/11/23 15:20
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family
and friends, that's the start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister,
Maya and Miguel ♪

Welcome, ladies, gentlemen,


ay--and parrots

to yet another exciting
book club meeting.

Today we have
a very special guest,

my granddaughter Maya,

who will introduce
the book of the month,

"Don Quixote De La Mancha."

Yes! Yes!




Hello, everyone.

Maya, your note cards!

Awk! Oh, no! Sorry!

I am Maya Santos,
and this is my helper Paco.

We're here to--

[Feedback screeching]


Uh, blow out your eardrums?


Ay, mi nieta.

She's so funny.

And look at her
up there, so sure
of herself.

She took a lot of notes
to give this report.

I'm sure it will be
very informative.

I'm here to tell you about
"Don Quixote De La Mancha,"

one of the greatest
works of literature.

Don Quixote was an old man
with a big dream.

He wanted to become
a great knight like El Cid

and travel around,
fighting lots of giants
and stuff like that.

So along with his noble
sidekick Sancho Panza,

he put on his rusty armor
and went off on adventures,

riding a beautiful white horse.

Chapter one begins in a part
of Spain known as La Mancha.

So along with
his noble sidekick...

In chapter 23,
we meet a wild hermit.

Don Quixote wants to
find the man,

but Sancho Panza...

In chapter 38, we meet more
travelers arriving at the inn,

including a beautiful
noblewoman named Lela Zoraida

and a man known as...

In chapter 52,
Don Quixote and Sancho Panza

go back home,
and that is the end...



of part one.


Now on to part two.

In chapter one
of part two,

Don Quixote wants to go
on another...

Don Quixote returned
home at last,

finally reunited
with his friends and family

after his adventures.




Bravo, Maya!

[Feedback screeching]

Great speech!

Don Quixote
would be proud!

MAYA: I heard you snoring.

Who, us?

Not us, you.

Don't worry about
them, mijita.

Wrestlers have no use
for "Don Quixote."

We do, too!

Wrestlers live by
the Don Quixote code:





Si. Honestidad.
Honor. Valor.

Quixote was a man
who believed

in truth, honor, courage
in the face of adversity.

He never gave up,
no matter how difficult

people told him
it would be.

I see the same
in you, mi angelita.


Maya, your
"Don Quixote" talk

was good,
but we have to go.

It's time to meet
Miguel at Chepito's
Shake Shop.

You win
big time?

Yeah, Miguel,
did you win?

We super crushed
them: 10 goals to 3.

Well, mijos,
this sounds like cause

for an ice cream fiesta.

Did I hear someone say
"ice cream fiesta"?

¡Si, Senor Dominguez!

In soccer, Miguel scored
even more goals today!



Is this true, Miguel?


Sounds like you've earned
a free triple hat trick

mega goal sundae.

cream in one cone!

Ha ha ha!



So what flavor can
ol' Chepito get you, huh?


super chunky gorilla
chocolate deluxe miracle!

No, Miguel,
it's too powerful.

When eating it, a guy
couldn't stop smiling
for a week!

It's OK, Tito.

It's Miguel's favorite.

Um, sorry, Miguel.

That flavor has
been discontinued.

We won't be
making it anymore.

Maybe it's the heat
from the match.

What did
you just say,
Senor Dominguez?

Super chunky gorilla
chocolate deluxe miracle
is being discontinued.

No. That flavor
has always been
there for me

through thick
and thin,

the good times
and the bad times.

[Whistle blows]


I do!

MAYA: Miguel?

Miguel! Miguel!

I thought super chunky
gorilla chocolate
deluxe miracle and I

would grow old


I'm sorry, Miguelito,
but you don't understand.

The price of marshmallows
has skyrocketed,

and super chunky gorilla
chocolate deluxe miracle
is full of them.

I understand.

I just...can't...
bear it.


Can it get
any worse?

It's not the end
of the world.

There will be
other flavors.

Maybe, but not
like that one.


¡Eso es!


What we need right now

is truth, honor, courage,
and a few other things.

And we can't give up,
no matter how
difficult it gets.

How difficult
what gets?

Channel 11's Maria Roberta
Consuelo Del Monte here
with breaking news!

It's the hottest day
of the summer,

reaching a scorching

Will this heat wave
ever end?

Tune in tonight
at 10:00 to find out.

MAN: In sports...


¡Ninos! Did you
find what you were
looking for?

Yes! A knight's helmet!

Huh. And what are
you going to do
with that helmet?

We're going on a quest

just like Don Quixote
would do.

We are?


Bravo, Maya.

That's a great plan.

Ha ha ha!

MAYA: Sorry.

What's a great plan?

Somebody tell me
what's going on.

You want to save
your favorite flavor
of ice cream, don't you?

Well, yeah.

You know, everyone could
sign a piece of paper

and give it to Chepito.

It could say that you want
him to keep the flavor.

Una peticion.

Ahh, si.
A petition.

Yeah, a petition!

Good idea, Tito!

Why don't you and abuela
go get people

to sign your petition,
while Miguel and I

suit up to be knights!


Yes. Caballeros.

Like Don Quixote
and his loyal sidekick
Sancho Panza...

we're going to save super
chunky gorilla chocolate
deluxe miracle! Grr!

[Paco laughing]



Maya, that sure doesn't
look like a white horse.

But at least it
sounds like one.


Wait! I couldn't let
the two noblest knights
in all the land

go on a journey
without a proper lunch.

Quesadillas de pollo,
an apple, a bottle of water,

and a food that even
Don Quixote couldn't
live without.

The roasted head
of a wild boar?

A granola bar.

Gracias, abuelita.

Ahem. Miguel.

I mean, thank you,
noble dame.

This food will do us
well on our quest.

See? I think you're
getting the hang

of this knight
thing, Miguel.

I'll try anything
to save my favorite
ice cream flavor.

Just remember, all knights
must be in bed early.

No exceptions.

Not even if we fall
into the clutches

of a vicious

Not even.
¡Vamos, caballeros!

Miguel Panza!

You heard the lady!

To the shake shop, donkey!

That maiden can't cross
that sea of wild boars!

You mean
Mrs. Salviati

trying to cross
the street?

We have to help her!

What about
the shake shop?

A knight helps
all those in need.


MAYA: Oh, fair
maiden, how can we
be of service today?

Do you wish to cross
the peril-filled

Maya? Miguel?
What cute costumes.

Is it Halloween already?

What are you supposed
to be, a robot?

Dona Salviati,
I am the noble

Dona Maya Quixote,

riding atop
my noble steed.


and this is
my noble squire,

Miguel Sancho Panza,

riding atop his
noble donkey.

Oh, that's nice.

I was a princess mummy
for Halloween once.

Oh, I don't have
any candy.

How about this
lipstick instead?

Dona Salviati.

As honorable

we are not allowed
to accept payment

for our good deeds.

We are here
to serve!

So then maybe

Mmm! Crackers!

No, Miguel!
We are knights!


Excuse me,
the light is green.

We can cross now.


Step, ball, change,
shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.

Thank you!

Step, ball, change.

Farewell, fair maiden.

Buenos dias.

Would you like
to sign our petition

to save my cousin's
favorite flavor ice cream?

¡La peticion!

Oh, are you
trick-or-treating, too?

You must be--oh--
a little pirate.

What a cute parrot.

Pretty bird.

I have crackers.


Paco wants a cr*cker!


My purse!


[Paco squawking]

Sign my petition?

Being a knight
is such hard work.

My helmet
is cooking my head,

but nobody said a noble
quest would be easy.

Ohh! Someone
needs our help!





Toro, toro, toro.



Toro. Toro.





That is very
impressive, Miguel.

Oh, yeah!

MAYA: Miguel,
watch out!

Whoops! Oh, no!



Sign the petition?

MAYA: Thanks
for helping out, Paco.

We have a mission
to accomplish!

[Paco squawking]

Thank you, Paco.

[Both gasp]


MAYA: Sire! Sire!

Halloween in June?! Oh!



Awk! It for you.

It's your mom!

[Woman talking


There it is,
the giant's fortress!

Maya, that's just
the shake shop,

and that's just
Senor Dominguez.

He's taking out
the trash.

Senor Dominguez is
the villain responsible

for getting rid
of your favorite
flavor of ice cream.

Well, yeah, I guess so.

And he's bigger
and stronger
than I expected.

We can't
do this alone.

We must ready
the troops!

Troops? We don't have
any troops.

We'll have power
in numbers.

No, wait, Maya!

noble Miguel Panza?

Every time we try to do
some noble knight thing,

it backfires.

At first, maybe,
but we kept trying,

and everything
worked out OK.

We have to
keep trying!

¡Ser caballero
no es facil!

Yeah, that's it!
I could try another
ice cream flavor!

There are so many.

What about truth,
honor, courage?

I haven't heard
about those flavors,

but sure,
I'll try them.

Miguel, we've
come this far!

We cannot give up!

That new cherry
chocolate swirl looks
kind of interesting.

No, Miguel.
It's too late
for that.

We are going to
storm that fortress!

honor y valor!




MAN: Honor!

MAYA: Courage!

Your abuela Elena told us
you were headed into battle.

ALL: We want super chunky
gorilla chocolate
deluxe miracle!

You like super chunky
gorilla chocolate
deluxe miracle, too?

Who doesn't?

Even I love it,
and I hate

and puppies.

Besides, we refuse to
give up without a fight.

But we can't win.
There's only

So? We just
can't give up.

Maybe more people will be
inspired by our quest

and come join us.

What is going on here?!

Maya?! Is that you?!

Why are you dressed
like that?

I am Dona Maya

a noble knight
of this noble

And this is my
noble sidekick,

Miguel Sancho Panz--

where's Miguel?


Are we on?

Let me get this focused.

OK, go.

We interrupt your
regularly scheduled program,

"The Gomez Gals,"
to bring you this
breaking news live!

The expl*sive rumors
have been confirmed.

It's still hot,
and it's getting hotter.

So hot, in fact, that
people are literally
cooking on the cement.

Stay tuned for more updates
on this heat wave.

Back to you, Francisco.

Uh, uh, Ms. Reporter,

I've got a story for you!

Kid, we're a little
busy covering
this breaking news.

But this is
super exclusive!

It's a story about
truth, honor,


And super chunky gorilla
chocolate deluxe
miracle ice cream.

Lead the way!

So what's with
the funny costume?

[Crowd murmuring]

You are taking
away something

that makes the whole
neighborhood happy!

This noble knight
cannot let that happen!

I think the heat
wave is getting
to you, muchachita.

There you are!

Sorry, I was
trying to find a--

CAMERAMAN: We're live
in 3, 2, 1...

We bring you totally
exclusive breaking news

from the "You Know It"

Holy wacky taffy

Despite major controversy
and a huge, picketing crowd,

this local shake shop
is putting to sleep

one of its most
popular flavors,

super chunky gorilla
chocolate deluxe miracle.

Ay! Wait a second.

That's what all
this crazy hoopla
is about?

Senor Dominguez!

Super chunky gorilla
chocolate deluxe miracle

is my favorite flavor
of all time!

You can't just
get rid of it!

I admire your

but the point is,
that flavor

is too expensive
to make anymore,

and I just don't
have the business
I used to have.

But I come here
all the time.

Me, too!

I've never been
to a better shake
shop in my life!


Oh, muchacho,
I do appreciate it,

but there are only
a few people here.

I couldn't afford to keep
making the flavor

unless the whole

promises to come back.

TITO: Excuse me.
Excuse me.

No somos los unicos, senor.

It's everyone!

The whole neighborhood
signed this petition.

¡La peticion!

The petition! Yes!

Sweet mother
of silky vanilla!

The whole neighborhood,
you say?

That's a lot
of ice cream lovers!

Si, senor.

I think you should
sign it, also.

Only one more spot,



OK, OK, you win!

From this day forth,
Chepito's Shake Shop

will offer super chunky
gorilla chocolate
deluxe miracle for good!


Thanks to the courageous
efforts of local twins
Maya and Miguel Santos

and their cousin Tito--

and their

And their grandmother--

PACO: What about me? Awk!

And their pet parrot,

super chunky gorilla
chocolate deluxe miracle
was saved from retirement.

To celebrate,
Senor Dominguez

gave the entire neighborhood
free ice cream.

He did?


He did.

Awk! Freezing!

Sorry I didn't have

super chunky gorilla
chocolate deluxe

for everyone.

I'm going
to make more.

But I do have one
last scoop left,

and I want you to
have it, Miguel.

Muchas gracias. Hmm.

For me? But why?

Your petition saved super
chunky gorilla chocolate
deluxe miracle

for the whole neighborhood.

Don't worry.
Later today,

there will be
a fresh batch,

enough for everyone!





Ice cream!

Ice cream!

Stop the celebration!

Channel 11 is canceling
my favorite TV show,

"The Gomez Gals."

We have to save that
television show!

And we won't
give up until we do!

And so, another
quest was born.

The most important part
of the story is

that we never gave up.



MIGUEL: Hey, Maya? Next time,
I pick the book report!