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04x03 - Miguel's Wonderful Life

Posted: 12/11/23 15:22
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family
and friends, that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister,
Maya and Miguel ♪

The holidays.

¡Las navidades!

[Paco grunting]


MAYA: Sorry.


What's the big idea?

I love the holidays.

The problem is that some people
love them a little too much.

¡Feliz Navidad,

Maya, it's not
Christmas yet.

I decided to make you
an early present--

breakfast in bed.

So get back in bed, OK?


Maya, we have school!


I went through
so much work

to make you
this breakfast.

But that's OK
if you don't want
huevos rancheros

with fresh-squeezed
orange juice--

¿Huevos rancheros?

Your favorite!

A la cama, Miguel.
¿Por favor?


All right.

♪ La la la ♪

Under the covers.

That's it.
All the way.

And pull up
the blanket.

Right. Like that.

It's got to be here

Yuck. P.U.

Maya, are you
snooping around
for your present?

Me? Snoop?

Miguel! How could you
think such a thing?

Why can't you just wait
for your present

until noche buena
like everyone else?

No estoy buscando
mi regalo, Miguel.

Now, here's
your breakfast.

¡Feliz Navidad,


Oops! Sorry!
I'll clean it up!

No, Maya!
That's my book report!

Oh. Sorry.

PACO: ¡Feliz Navidad!
Merry Christmas!

I said I was sorry.

Besides, Mr. Nguyen
will understand.

It's the holidays.


We need to innovate.
Red is boring.

It's not boring.
It's traditional.

MAGGIE: In Milan,
they're wearing

Oh! We're not
in Milan!

Amigas, amigas.
Don't fight.

It's the holidays.

You two are best friends.

How about candy cane?
Innovative and traditional
at the same time.

You're right, Maya.

¡Las tres amigas!

We are ready
for the holiday!

So did you two finish
your book reports?

Uh, that's
a touchy subject.
Heh heh.

PACO: ¡Feliz Navidad!

[All talking at once]

MR. NGUYEN: Class! Class!

I have a small

This semester,
we had a student
who got a perfect score

on every single assignment,

and I'd like to recognize
his achievement.

Theo, congratulations!



Hey, guys.
Don't tease him.

I think it's great
that Theo is such
a fantastic student.

You're right, Maya.

Sorry, Theo.
We were just
having fun.

Yeah, buddy.
You're cool.

Oh, and, Mr. Nguyen,

we also want you to know
how much we appreciate you,

so we got you
a little something.

It was all
Maya's idea, really.

It's a...a...
what is it?

Birdbath spray.
For your parrot!

It revitalizes damaged
feathers and split ends,

leaving plumage softer,
fluffier, and more vibrant.

Thank you, Maya,

It's nice
to be appreciated.

We brought a pinata, too.

In Mexico,
and for Mexican-Americans,

it's traditional
at this time of year.

That's nice, Maya,

but there's not
really any place
to hang it.

¡Eso es!

What if we hang it
from the lights?

I don't think
that'll work.

ALL: Aww!

Please, Mr. Nguyen?

Miguel can climb up
and hang it.


He's a fantastic

Miguel can do anything.

Right, Miguel?

I don't know, Maya.


OK. Just be careful.


OK. Let's see.

There you go.

Aah! Whoa! Whoa!





Hey, the pinata
cracked open!


ALL: Candy!


PACO: Merry Christmas!

MAYA: We're home!
¡Feliz Navidad!

In here, ninos!

MAYA: Tamales!
My favorite!

let us help.


Oh, this is tiring.

I think maybe
this is the last year--

No, Abuelita!

No te preocupes,

Abuelita says that
every year.

And then Maya
begs her
and begs her

until she agrees
to do it again.

¿Por favor, Abuelita?

Your tamales
are my absolute
most number-one

best favorite thing
to eat of all time!

And that's why
I make them, mijita,

but it's a lot of work.

Come on. Let's go
give out presents
around the neighborhood.

Uh, no.

Not unless
you promise

not to have
any big ideas.

OK, Miguel.

I prom--

Well, actually,
I do have one
little "big idea."

It's too big, Maya.

It looks so cute!

And it really shouts
"holiday spirit!"

The pants
won't stay up.


Paco helps!

¡Gracias, Paco!

The best-looking Santa
this neighborhood
has ever seen.


Why me?

Relax. I'll fix it,
and it'll be good as new.

No, Maya. I'm not
wearing this.

No, no, no!

Ho, ho, ho.

PACO: Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas,
Gus, Celia!

Ho, ho, ho.

Come on, Miguel.
Like you mean it.

Ho, ho, ho!

Merry Christmas,
Mrs. Salviati!

Thank-a you all.

Ho, ho, ho!

Merry Christmas,
Senor Obregon!

Ho, ho, ho!

Happy Hanukkah,
Mrs. Tucker!

♪ La la la la ♪

Um, Feliz...

MAYA: Papi, can we go
have a parranda
for the Okris?

¡Por supuesto!
Go have fun.

Come here, Maya.

Did you get
that information
I needed?

Yeah. This is
just what Miguel
wants, all right.

Good work, Maya.

Make sure you
get that exact model.

Jimmy, Freddy, Cesar,
come on!

We're going to give
the Okris a parranda.

What's a parranda?

It's a holiday tradition
from Puerto Rico.

You'll see.

[Music playing]

ALL: ♪ Les canto esta noche ♪

♪ Noche de parranda ♪

♪ Abran la ventana,
y cantamos todos juntos ♪

MAYA: Happy holidays,
Mr. and Mrs. Okri!

♪ Les canto esta noche,
noche de parranda ♪

♪ Abran la ventana... ♪

MIGUEL: ♪ Y cantamos
todos juntos ♪

♪ Y cantamos todos juntos ♪


MAYA: I'll make it up
to you tomorrow,
I promise.

We can get
some rosca de reyes

at Senor Lopez's

and then you
and I can wrap
presents together,

and then, after dinner,

we can try to stay up
to see Santa together.

Come on,
won't that be fun?

Yeah. I guess it will.

Last year,
we almost did it.

That's the spirit!

You just had
a little bad luck

Now let's go see
how the tamales
are coming.

Uh, you go ahead.

I have to go check
something in my room.


MAYA: Miguel, oh,
you have to taste these!


que fantastico!

Oh, let me see.
¡Por favor!

OK, but stay
on that side
of the room.

You act like
I'm a jinx.

I want to see.

What is it?

It's my present
for mama and papi.

It's amazing, Miguel.

Look at the detail,
all the brushwork.

Hey, hey, hey.
A little further
back, please.

Oh, they're
going to love it!

ABUELITA: Miguelito,

Don't touch it, OK?

Look at this, Paco!

Miguel is really
talented, huh?

Hey, does my nose
look funny?

Yo, Andy, what's up?

Huh? Where?

Right there.
Do you see?


Oops! I didn't know
it wasn't dry.

Shh. I can fix it.

Just a little brown.

Yeah, I had a whole plate
of huevos rancheros

dumped on me in bed
this morning.

You know, one of
Maya's big ideas.

Oops. I need
a lighter color.

That reminds me.
Maybe I'd better
go check on her.


No. Hmm,
is that a shadow?

Oh, no. Where's the blue?

¡Que horror!

OK. Now that's

You got it, Andy.
OK. Call me later.


So how's
my masterpiece?

What are you doing?!


Ehh! Um, Miguel,
I can explain



It was an accident.

It's always
an accident!

You and your big ideas--

they always lead
to trouble!

Maya, I wish--I wish--

I wish I never
had a sister.


I mean it!


But, Mig--

PACO: Awk! ¡Buenos dias!
¡Buenos dias!


Morning, Paco.

Where is everyone?

Well, papi is getting
ready to open the shop,

and mama is
drying her hair.

You're pretty chatty
this morning, Paco,
aren't you?

So where's Maya?

Uh, who?

Maya. Ponytail,
hair bobs,

always yelling,
"Eso es."

Doesn't ring a bell.

Very funny, Paco.

Did Maya put you up
to this?

I don't know anyone
named Maya.

Is she like your
imaginary friend Pepe?

She's my twin sister!

She messed up
my painting yesterday!


You mean
that painting?


Wait a minute.

Maya's not in the painting.

And look!
My book report--
nice and dry!

Wait a second.

This doesn't
have anything to do
with that silly wish

I made yesterday--

the one about not wanting
to have a sister.

I was just annoyed
because she messed up
my book report

and made me hang
something up at school
and I fell

and ruined my painting,

and I didn't really think
it would come true, but...

Paco, are you sure
I don't have a sister?



Paco, this is going
to be the most relaxing
day of my life.

No big ideas,
no wacky plans.

No one begging me
to do ridiculous stuff.

I feel

Good morning,

It's a beautiful
day, isn't it?

Huh? Oh, hi, um,

what's your name again?


Right. Hi, Miguel.

Ahem. Your locker door
is in my space.

Maybe you should move
your space, then, hmm?

What's going on
with them?

They're supposed
to be best friends.

Them? Oh,
they had a fight

about what color hat
to wear.

But that was just
a little disagreement.

Maya got them to do
a striped hat instead.

Oh, right. "Maya."


Well, at least I don't
have to make excuses

to Mr. Nguyen about
my book report today.

Hi, Mr. Ngu--


Now open your
workbook to page 44

and answer
all the questions.

Where's Mr. Nguyen?

And what about
our holiday party?

Awk. Oh.

Mr. Nguyen
quit teaching.


Because he didn't
feel appreciated.

Not appreciated?

Maya always...
made him feel appreciated.

Hmm. The party
was one of Maya's ideas.

Theo, I'd like
to speak with you
after class

about your

School is dumb.
I don't feel
like working.

But, Theo,
you're the best student
in the whole grade!

Miguel, Theo,
keep it down--
both of you.

Oh, Theo got teased
all the time for being smart.

He decided it was easier
to be a slacker.

Wow. I never
thought things

would be so different
without Maya,

and you sure know a lot
for being just a parrot.


Gotcha, Santos.
Ha ha ha!



Where is everyone, Paco?

Even without Maya,

people still
need to buy their
holiday presents.

You can order stuff
on the Internet,
you know.

It's easier without
all the crowds.

Pretty bird!


Hey, Mr. Nguyen!
Mr. Nguyen!

Don't you know me,
Mr. Nguyen?

Oh, yes.
You were in my class

before I started
selling real estate.

I'm Miguel Santos.

I wish
you hadn't left.

You were
a great teacher.

Thank you. It's nice
to hear


Say, do you know anywhere
that I can find some
birdbath spray

to revitalize
my parrot's plumage

and repair
damaged split ends?

Oh, yeah. Sure.
At my parents'
pet store.


No pet store.

Yes, Paco.

Mama and papi
own a pet store...

that used to be
right here.

Where this...
hardware store is.

No, I don't think
they carry it
at the hardware store,

but thanks anyway,

If this is
an April Fool's joke,

it's the wrong month,


Mama, papi,
what happened
to the pet store?

Pet store?
What pet store?

Our pet store.


I, uh, the one...

where we buy birdseed
for Paco.

Nice save.

ROSA: I think
there's one up on
Parsons Avenue.

Why do you
want to know?

I just kind of...miss it.

You know, all the cute
little kittens and puppies

and the kids in line
at the holidays

so excited to get
their first pets.

I think somebody wants
a puppy for Christmas.

it's against
the building rules.

Miguel, did I ever
tell you that papi and I

thought about opening
a pet store years ago?

But no one got very
excited about the idea,

so you decided to open
a hardware store instead.

Rosa, darling,
how much are
the socket wrenches?

I think we have them
on special this week.


PACO: Hello.

Hi. We're back!

the kitchen, mijito!

PACO: Oh, hello.

Hola, Miguelito.

Hey, how come you're
not making tamales
for Christmas?

Ha ha ha! Tamales!

Miguel, do you know
how much work that is?

To soak all the husks
and knead the masa...

Miguel, I haven't
done that for years.

But they're
everyone's favorite!

Who's everyone?

Well, me and May--

and, I mean,

my cousin Tito.

You mean Alberto?

Ernesto's boy?

Exactamente. Tito.

they live in Mexico.


They do?

Tito got very homesick,
and his whole family
moved back.

But Maya threw him a party
to cure his homesickness.


Have you replaced
Pepe with a new
imaginary friend?

Um, uh...

Paco, I didn't ask
for a world

without my uncle
and aunt and cousin!

Awk! If "Maya" really
did everything you say,

why did you wish her away?

This is too crazy.

[Santiago sighs]

Busy day
at the hardware store.

I'll say.

Ha ha ha!

Amigas, don't fight.
It's the holidays.


Hey, guys.
Don't tease him.

I think it's great
that Theo is such
a fantastic student.


time to open
your presents.

ROSA: Miguel,
you don't seem
very excited.

Oh, I'm just tired.
That's all.

¡Feliz Navidad,

Gracias, mama, papi.


It's underwear.

Oh, right.

Thanks. I love it.

I told you
we should have
gotten him the socks.

But, Paco,
mama and papi

always know exactly
what I want.

I dropped
so many clues

that I wanted that

Gee, I wonder
who could have made sure
they got the hint?


MIGUEL: Oh, Maya.

Where are you?

Well, it's bedtime.


Good night, everyone.


Good night.

Buenas noches.

Wait! Wait!

Who's going to stay up
with me and wait for Santa?

PACO: Sorry.
I got to get
some shuteye.


Why did I wish for this?

It was a big mistake.

The biggest...ever.

Awk! Could you
keep it down?

I'm trying
to sleep here.

I've had enough, Paco.
I want Maya around!

I really do!

What about the book reports
soaked with juice,

falls from high places,
ruined masterpieces?

That stuff
doesn't matter.

I want my old life back
just the way it was.

The pet store, Tito,
Abuelita's tamales...

and especially Maya.

Ha ha ha!

[Miguel coughing]


My painting!

It's still ruined!
It's still ruined!


[Knock knock]

Who is it?

♪ Abran la ventana,
y cantamos todos juntos ♪

¡Feliz Navidad,

Ha ha ha!



I managed to fix my painting
for mama and papi.

Look at this!

Ah, me gusta.
I like it!

And I even had time to
paint one more masterpiece.



Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you.

[Bell ringing]