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02x07 - Wonders Never Cease

Posted: 12/11/23 15:31
by bunniefuu



♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Mr. Russell is expecting me.

If you'll come this way, sir,
Mr. Russell is in the library.

Mr. Tate.

I thought it was your
father I was here to see.

I hope I'm not a disappointment.

But there is to be a
reception at their home,

which the president will attend,

and Mrs. Roebling will be the hostess.

- Isn't that enough?
- No, not nearly.

Mrs. Roebling has been
managing construction

of the eighth wonder of the world.

She took orders from her husband,

and she will be thanked for
it by the mayor at the opening.

Mr. Roebling has been
convalescing for years.

He couldn't have given
directions every day,

even if he wanted to.

To reveal now that the Brooklyn Bridge

is largely the work of a woman

would make men afraid to cross it.

[SCOFFS] She told me you'd say that.

I cannot endanger the whole event

out of pity for Mrs. Roebling.

That's disappointing to hear.

♪ ♪


The men are back to work, and the mills

are running at full production.

You sound surprised.

I'm not at all surprised,
given the offer you made.

More safeguards, medical
care, children's park.

It was a list from a fairy tale.

Don't forget the pay raise.

You joke, but you've broken
your word to the others.

I have only done what they
will all do sooner or later.

- You mean give in?
- Not quite.

I've offered a modest raise
on a six-month contract

to the tradesmen, and
only to the tradesmen.


It will split the union down the middle.

And when it does, we
will reassert our control.

- So you've tricked them?
- I prefer to call it tactics.

By the time the contract lapses,

the craftsmen and the
laborers will hate each other,

and everyone will hate the
Catholic immigrants and the Jews.

In the meantime,

get Henderson back to New York.

We'll have a photograph
taken of my shaking his hand.

- To celebrate your victory.
- Certainly not.

For now, he must look like the winner.

♪ ♪

I'll have one more,
please. They're quite tasty.

- Are you all right, Miss Armstrong?
- Yes, why?

Well, you said something nice.

I can't compliment Mrs. Bauer's cooking?

Oh, you can, but it's
just so unlike you.

I give praise when it is deserved.

- Oh, John.
- Yes, Mr. Bannister?

I have a friend coming
here this afternoon,

a Mr. Schubert.

I wrote to him about your predicament,

and he's agreed to meet you
to see if there's anything

to be done about your patent.

But they turned me down.
Isn't that the end of it?

Well, Mr. Schubert will know.

He's the secretary of the
Uhrmacher Verein der Stadt New York.

- Do you speak German now?
- What does it mean?

The Watchmakers' Association
of the City of New York.

It was founded by
some German clockmakers

at the end of the w*r,

and now it wields
considerable influence.

Why would he bother with me?

- As a favor to me.
- How exciting.

Shouldn't you take the silver up?

Right away.


You sure you feel up to going?

I do. It's Marian's engagement.

She'll understand. I
can represent us both.

There's no need to put
yourself through it.

I intend to keep living
my life while I can.

I just worry that if you go over there,

Agnes will try to persuade
us again to move in with her.

I'd rather we stay here.

I won't leave your side.

You may tire of me, but
I'm not going anywhere.

I will never grow weary
of you, Mrs. Forte.

- What do you think of this one?

It's pretty. They're all pretty.

It just feels wrong,
when Uncle Luke is so ill.

Mrs. Forte won't grudge it.

She's glad you're engaged.

They wouldn't come to
the luncheon otherwise.

Was I right to accept him?

Well, only you can answer that.

- But he seems a nice man.
- He is nice.

And kind, and a good father,
and all of those things.

Are you trying to persuade yourself?

Not at all.

I am persuaded.

Then enjoy your luncheon in peace.

[LAUGHS] Yes, I will.

I thought you'd be overjoyed.

To be honest, I'm stunned.

Well, I've pulled a lot of strings,

and I'm afraid I've pushed others aside

to get you to the top of the list.

For which I'm grateful, of course.

Wasn't a box at the Academy
what you've always wanted?

It was.

And now you have it.

So can we put this
Metropolitan business to rest?

I must discuss it with Mr. Russell.

I think he'll be very pleased for you.

I should be on my way.

There's so much to do for the opening

of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Mr. Russell is one of the trustees.

We're watching the opening itself,

and then we'll go to a reception

that Mrs. Roebling is giving.

Yes, I know. I'm helping her with it.

She's never entertained
for a president before.

- Quite a responsibility.
- I suppose.

President Arthur is a nice man,

and I believe he was
successful as a lawyer.

But his origins are
not exactly inspiring.

You know him then?

We meet in the way of things.

I'll present you, if you like.

- I should be honored.
- That's settled, then.


Will I be seeing you at Mrs.
Fane's charity committee this week?

- You will.
- Might you have spoken to Mr. Russell

about the Academy box by then?

- I should think so.
- Good.

I'm sure he'll be delighted, my dear.

♪ ♪

Your carriage is ready, ma'am.

Excuse me, everyone.

I want to thank you all for coming,

and praise my daughter and
her editor, Mr. Fortune,

for taking up the cause.

- Mr. Fortune.
- Yes.

Now, these attempts to
denigrate our teachers

and close our schools will be fought.

"The Globe" will publish articles

stressing our teachers' merits.

Would that be enough to
keep the schools open?

Not that alone.

I've spoken to some other educators,

white educators, and the fact is,

we need to increase
the number of pupils.

Specifically, we need
to enroll white students

in our schools for
the board to even care.

We don't want integrated schools.

But if it's the only
way to keep them open,

do we have a choice?

No. Mrs. Garnet is right.

I work with these people
every day in my drugstores.

The only reason they ever
trusted me in the first place

is because a white
pharmacist told them to.

Well, what does that have
to do with the schools?

Well, "The Globe" can
praise our colored teachers

to the heavens, but none
of those white parents

will send their children to our schools

unless they are persuaded
by someone white.

And we may have to recruit
some white teachers too.

- Oh.
- I don't like that.

I don't know how we're
going to manage that.

I may have an idea.

So, Marian and Dashiell, I
can only wish you the happiness

that your Aunt Ada has brought me.

- Here, here.
- Cheers.

Oscar, before I forget,
Mrs. Astor has invited you

to the Academy for the opening night.

I don't know if I'm free.

You're free, and you're coming.

And now we should begin wedding plans.

We've not been long engaged.

And I'd like to see you married

as soon as we can arrange it.

We should get the dress started.

- That will take the time.
- Oh, yes.

- But I...
- Don't try to argue.

I should tell you that
Frances is determined

to be a part of the preparations.

[LAUGHS] I'm to allow
a 14-year-old girl

to plan Marian's wedding?

I think Frances would insist on it.


Mr. Montgomery...

Are you still being good to Miss Beaton?

Please say yes.

I'm sad you think so little of me.

I thought she might be here.

She's in Newport for a few days.

She has an aunt there who's been ill.

But you have nothing to worry about.

We're going to the
Brooklyn Bridge festivities.

And I mean to propose,

if that will put your mind at rest.

Well, if that's true,
I'm relieved. [LAUGHS]

And so glad.


Oscar, you need to escort
the bride down the aisle.

I'd be delighted.

Aurora and I are
hoping you will allow us

to give the wedding reception.

- Oh!
- It would be our pleasure.

Oh, how very kind. Thank you.

And the service will be
at St. Thomas, of course.

It will be an honor to marry you.

♪ ♪

- Oh, Mr. Fortune.
- Oh, hello.

We are so pleased we could
finally meet you in person

and thank you for the
opportunity you've given to Peggy.

Of course, you should be so proud of
her accomplishments at "The Globe."

- We are.
- She helped me immensely in Tuskegee.

Oh, I read the article.

I noticed that only
you two were credited.

How many others went with you?

Mother, we shouldn't take up any more

of Mr. Fortune's time.

Thank you for coming.

- I'll see you all tomorrow?
- Oh, you will.

You were enthusiastic
today. What was that about?

Well, it's a good
cause, a righteous cause.

And I'm supporting my wife.

Oh, my word. Am I hearing right?

Peggy, can we coax you
to come back with us,

or do you have to take the ferry?

I can stay.

By this time next
week, Peggy will be able

to cross the Brooklyn Bridge
to visit us in no time.

You have to come back for the opening.

The Wyatts are throwing a party
on their rooftop to watch it.

- I'll see, Mother.
- No, no, no, you'll come.

So it was born of necessity?

- That's it.
- Hm.

I figured the problem
was with the escape wheel.

The escapement.


It seemed like the
old oil was congealing

and slowing it down.

Yes, I have suspected this before.

So I constructed a new kind of wheel

that runs without oil.

How ingenious.

- And it works?
- Every time.

Well, Mr. Trotter, I
will see what I can do

in terms of your membership.

My membership, sir?

Of the Uhrmacher Verein
der Stadt New York.

You clearly know more about clocks

than many of our members.




- Ah, Bannister.
- Yes, ma'am.

Mr. and Mrs. Forte are leaving.

I must go as well.

I hadn't realized the time,
and Frances is waiting.

- Well, please tell... oh!

Oh, Luke!

My darling, are you all right?

That settles it. You're staying here.

Bannister, will you fetch John?

We should get Mr. Forte into
bed and send for Dr. Lewis.

- Right away.

I'll have John fetch the doctor.

What was that for?

I can't stop thinking about Pittsburgh

and what could have happened
if they started firing.

Well, they didn't.

Are things under control now?

- I think they will be.

I thought the opera w*r
was under control too.

But Mrs. Astor has made me an offer,

and now I don't know what to do.

What sort of offer?

A box at the Academy of Music.

- And?
- I must consider it, George.

She obviously went through a
lot of trouble to get it for us.

Of course she did. To buy you off.

So you think I should turn it down?

Your argument for a new
opera house holds good.

The Academy is too
small, too unambitious.

And it excludes the people
who are making the city great.

Why would you give up your goal now?

My goal was always a box at the Academy.

At the Met, you'll be a founding member,

and you can reign supreme.

You don't need to be
in Mrs. Astor's shadow.

You make a good case.

It's your case. I'm just repeating it.


I feel a bit better today.

That's good, isn't it?

- And I had a little breakfast.
- Good.

- Send for me if things change.
- Mm.


Dr. Lewis, may I take him home?

He looks better, and he
has his appetite back.

- I would not advise it.
- What does that mean?

I'm afraid at this stage,
it's out of my hands.

We can only pray.

That's a clever way to
shirk your responsibility.

I will check on him again.

Thank you, Dr. Lewis.

Ada, you look ragged.

- I don't care.
- Go and lie down.

- I'll watch over him.
- No.

- My place is here.
- Ada, go and lie down.

I can sit with Luke.



Mrs. Garnet has an excellent curriculum

and committed teachers.

Anyone would be lucky to teach at

or attend one of these schools.

With your help, we can
make the board realize

they have to keep them open.

Thank you, Miss Brook,
for coming out today

and supporting our cause.

If there are teachers who have
not registered their interest,

please move to the back of
the room where you can do so.


You did well.

- Do you think so?
- Mm-hmm.

I just hope enough people sign up.

Excuse me, ladies.

Mr. Hastings is another pharmacist.

And a member of the school board.

I wanted you to meet a friend
of mine, Mr. Patrick Ryan.

- He is a teacher.
- Where do you teach?

Nowhere just now.

Irish teachers and students
face our own set of prejudices.

Would you consider
coming to work with me?

I've been impressed this
afternoon by Miss Brook.

I've been looking for work for
some time, and I'd like to join you.

Also there are plenty of others,

and I think I can convince
some of them to follow me.

I hope so because one white
teacher won't be enough.

That's one more than we had yesterday.

Once I bring the other white teachers,

the white pupils will come.

Don't you see? This
may be our way forward.

We'll have the mix of
children that we need.

I'm really starting to think we may win.

God bless you, Mr. Ryan.

♪ ♪

That should do it.

Thank you, gentlemen. Right this way.

Press is declaring this
a victory for labor.

They praise your spirit
of moderate compromise.

- Is that so?
- Mm-hmm.


But we both know better, Mr. Russell.

The tradesmen will enjoy a

What's wrong with that?

You know it'll set the
laborers against them.

And almost all our skilled craftsmen

are American born and bred.

Your terms leave the
immigrants on the outside.

They'll benefit too. The
workplace will be safer.

Their health will be in good hands.

They'll even have a park
where their children can play.

But you don't intend
to recognize the union.

Not yet.

Carriage is here, Mr. Henderson.

Shall I tell you why
I accepted the terms?

Because you didn't allow
them to fire on the men

when you could have.

You've made the right
decision, Mr. Henderson.

All I want is for the
workers to have decent lives.

And you've managed that.

He knows your plan is to divide them.

Of course he does.

But it won't matter in six months.

At which point you'll
reduce the payments.


But I hope you noticed something.

You thought we'd lost when I ordered

the militia to stand down.

It seemed weak to me, I confess it.

They opened fire in the
railway strikes of '77,

and all that did was garner
sympathy for the strikers.

Anyway, you heard him.

My moment of tenderness turns out

to have been my trump card.

♪ ♪





♪ ♪

Can I help you, ma'am?

Is Mr. Watson here?

- Yes.
- Straight away.


♪ ♪

Mr. Watson?

Flora. What are you doing here?


come this way.

Why are you here?

Have you come to order me
to leave for California?


Do you no longer want me to go?

I never did.

You were supposed to have gone

before I knew anything about it.

My husband thought he was protecting me,

but he was wrong.

And then I found your letters to him.

- Shh.


Everything's going to be fine.

Just tell me, what do you want me to do?

Whatever it is, I will do it.

I want you to stay.

Here in New York.

You will have an apartment
with whatever you need,

and you'll be a retired
banker called Collyer.

Which is exactly who you
are, no word of a lie.

I suppose I must relinquish my job.

I hope I may see you and
the children sometimes.


And you'll meet our
friends and be in our world

as my father.

♪ ♪

I'll write tomorrow with a plan.


We'll be all right, you and me.


What are we to make of that? Did
Mrs. McNeil bring good news or bad?

The best.

The very best.

I'm glad.

It seems I'm to have a life after all.

♪ ♪


Where's Ada?

I hope she's sleeping.


You're right. I hope so too.

I'm glad to have a
moment alone with you.

It gives me a chance to
thank you for your restraint.

I know you never wanted the marriage,

and now you've been proved right.

I was selfish to take her on at my age.


You have given my sister
a taste of the kind

of happiness she had never known.

I see that quite clearly.

Only to desert her now,

when she's hardly got
used to the sensation.

It has been too brief, certainly.

But for the rest of her time on Earth,

she has only to think
of you to feel warm,

and cherished, and deeply loved.

You have changed her life.

That is generous of you, Agnes.

I know how generous.

It is the truth.

Can I ask you to help Ada when I'm gone?

Well, of course I'll help her.

She's my little sister.

Now go back to sleep,

or you'll get me in trouble.


♪ ♪


- Mr. Russell!
- Papers!

- Sir, would you like a paper?
- What's that?

I was just saying hello.

Hello to you, Mr. Van Rhijn.

I don't want things to
be awkward between us.

I assume you're referring to Gladys.

Yes, and the matter with the railway.

I don't follow you.

As it turns out, I'm a
substantial shareholder

in the Casterbridge Pacific company.


The company that bid against you
for the Chicago and Atlantic line.

Well, you're right that
we bought the railroad,

though it hasn't been announced yet.

But I've never heard of
the Casterbridge Pacific.

I don't understand.
Might you be mistaken?

I make it my business to know
every major player in my industry.

If I've not heard of them,

they cannot be of any consequence.

Good day to you, Mr. Van Rhijn.

♪ ♪

- Congratulations, Miss Scott.

Remember, it's only the first step.

Now, that's true.

It's a shame most of the
new white pupils are Irish.

That doesn't sound like you.

Yeah, I'm just not sure
the board think much better

of the Irish than they do
of the colored children.

In this bright new democracy of America.

Let me write an article about it.

Let me shame the board into
making the right decision.

Fighting talk. That's
what I like to hear.

Let's mark your resolution with a toast.

[LAUGHING] All right.


To the survival of the schools.


And to the new integrated students.

And down with the Board of Education.

- Mm.
- Richard, I'm taking off.

See you later.

Whew. [LAUGHS]


I should get going.


I'm staying overnight in Brooklyn.

There's a rooftop party
for the bridge fireworks.

Ah. It's a big moment for our city.

My father even decorated his storefront,

which he never does.

I'm having Stephens cover
the bridge story for us.

Let me go down with you to hail a cab.

Oh, no need.


Excuse me.

♪ ♪

Goodnight, Mr. Fortune.




♪ ♪

What are you doing here?
The building is closed today.

What happened to Casterbridge Pacific?

I don't know what you're talking about.

This is their office.

Mr. Crowther... I met with
Crowther right in here.

Who owns this place?

I don't know who rents what,
but the office is empty.

No, no, I was here last week,

and I met a man named Crowther.

♪ ♪

Casterbridge Pacific was
the plaque on the wall.

I'm sorry, sir, but it would
appear that you are mistaken.

Now I must ask you to leave.

♪ ♪

Where is she?

- Who?
- Miss Beaton.

Maud Beaton! I need
to see her immediately.

There's no one here by that name.

But this is where she lives.

This is the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore.

That doesn't make any sense.

Is there something wrong, Bevan?

I must see Miss Beaton.

- Who?
- Maud Beaton!

I've collected her from
here and brought her home.

Only my wife and I live here.

No, that can't be true.

I'm going to send for the police.

There's no need to send for anyone.

I'll go.

♪ ♪

Are we all here?

Shall we begin?

I invited Maud Beaton, but
I never heard back from her.

I suppose she must still be in Newport.

Well, I'm afraid I haven't
been much use recently.

I've been very busy
helping Mrs. Roebling

with her reception for the
Brooklyn Bridge opening.

How festive the decorations
are, all over the city.

- I suppose you're going, Bertha?
- We'll be there.

It seems right to celebrate
with the Roeblings.

After all, he built the bridge.

I look forward to seeing
you there, Mrs. Russell.

And we must arrange a time for you

to come and inspect
your box at the Academy.

You've taken a box at the
Academy? How can that be?

I thought you were leading
the Metropolitan charge.

Happily, I was able to
secure a box for Mrs. Russell.

She's waited long enough.

And Carrie will be thrilled
to see you there, my dear.

I can't believe it.

Have you waved the white
flag in your opera w*r?


I'm grateful to Mrs. Astor
for her kindness, of course.

But I can't change horses now.

My place is at the Metropolitan.

I don't understand.

Isn't a box at the Academy
what you've always wanted?

I'm sorry, but I've thought about it,

and I want to stay loyal to the Met.

You'll regret it.

In fact, I feel sorry for you,

making a fool of yourself
in public like this.

It was you who decided to do
it in front of an audience.

Because I could not have imagined you

to be so deluded as to turn me down.

- Good day, Mrs. Fane.

But we haven't started the meeting.

Well, I cannot stay.

- Can someone fetch my carriage?
- Of course.

Mrs. Astor, I'd hate to embarrass you.

That's the last thing
I would want to do.

Well, you have a funny
way of showing it.


♪ ♪


Is she here? Maud Beaton.

I invited her, and she never arrived.


Who is she?

How did you meet her?

I can't remember exactly.

She was just a part of our group.

She's deceived all of us.

She's deceived me.

There must be some mistake.

Yes, and the mistake is mine.

♪ ♪

- This is really thrilling.


Oh, Marian. Where were you?

Walking Pumpkin.

You should get one of
the servants to do that.

- Where were you earlier?
- I was helping Miss Scott.

[SIGHS] Have you heard from Oscar?

- No.
- What can be keeping him?

Well, it's practically
impossible to get a cab.

- The streets are so busy.
- That's no excuse.

He should be with his family now.

I don't understand either one of you.

Well, I'm here now, Aunt Agnes.

What is going on down here?

Your voices are carrying.

I was scolding Marian for going out.

I wanted her to.

There's nothing she can do here.

There's nothing any of us can do.

How is he?

Dr. Lewis has told me
to find a clergyman.

It ought to be Tim, Luke's curate.

I'll send John.



- Gould, please.
- Either you're a liar, or you're a fool.

Gould, please.

Gentlemen. Gentlemen!

I have not given in to
the workers' demands.

- You've given them a raise!
- A modest raise to the tradesmen

for a short contract, that is all.

And I have not recognized the union.

But you forced us to follow suit.

In six months' time, the tradesmen

and the common laborers will
be at each other's throats.

And we will have the
upper hand once again.

But in the meantime, we must install

absurd and expensive safety
measures in order to compete.

A reputation for safety
is good for business.

We owe them that much.

But we do not owe them
a share of the profits.

- We're agreed on that.
- Say what you like.

You failed us, Russell.

We were to be united against the union.

But you've gone off on your own.

I've done what was
sensible for my business.

But I've set my own agenda.

And I'd advise you to do the same

before your workers set theirs.

Well, you're on your own now.

You put us against you.


We must make a plan.

No. First, we wait and see.

Why are you cooking all that food?

No one has any appetite.

People could be coming
by the house when he...

It's a waste, if you ask me.

No one asked you, Miss Armstrong.

I can't help the Reverend or Miss Ada,

but I can cook.

Let me take those.

Jack, take up the tea.

Yes, Mrs. Bauer.


Ma'am, Mr. Montgomery.

Sorry, Aunt Agnes. It's only me.

Oh, Dashiell. At least one man
in this family heeds my call.

Where is Oscar? You
haven't heard from him?

He's been held up.

I'm sure he'll come as soon as he can.

John, you delivered the note?

I gave it to his man, but
Mr. Oscar wasn't home, ma'am.

Perhaps he's having trouble
getting about the city.

People are out everywhere,
all because of the bridge.

The truth is, my son is no
good in times like these.

Perhaps that's why he stays away.

Dashiell, please do sit down.

Marian, get him some tea.


Remarkable, don't you think?


The money's gone.

They must have cashed the check
the moment I left the building.

And nobody questioned it?

They asked the manager.

But since he knew my writing,
and I'd made no complaints,

he let it through.

What about the police?

I'll report it, but it could take years,

and it's unlikely I could prove
a crime had been committed.

They'd say they tried their best,

but the company went under.

I'm so very sorry.

The sad thing is, I really liked her.

I'm not pretending I
was in love or anything,

but she was good company.

She made me laugh.

I really thought we could be happy.

You mean happy enough.


Why aren't you out making
merry with the rest of the city?

I never thought you'd
be here when I came.

I didn't want to fight with the
whole of Manhattan to get a cab.

And now I'm glad I stayed home.



You're the only person I could think of

who might be on my side.

I'll always be on your side, Oscar.

- You must know that by now.
- [SOBBING] Oh, God, John.

I've ruined everything.


♪ ♪

"In my Father's house are many mansions.

If it were not so, I
would have told you.

I go to prepare a place for you.

And if I go and prepare a place... "

I'm sorry.

♪ ♪

"If I go and prepare a place for you,

I will come again and
receive you unto myself,

that where I am... "

"There ye may be also."


Cheer up, Tim.

We of all people can be
sure I'm going to my reward.

And so you are.




♪ ♪

Excuse me. The president is arriving.

I'll give the first speech,
and then it's you, Mr. Russell.

Thank you.

I look forward to meeting him.

♪ ♪

- Mr. President.
- Thank you.

- Mr. President.
- Glad to be here.

Good to have you here, sir.

- Mr. President.
- Welcome, sir, this way.

Welcome to New York, Mr. President.

- Betsy, Mabel!
- I am so glad you're here.

We sure have missed you. Look at you.


When I looked over and
saw it was Peggy Scott,

well, you could've knocked
me over with a feather.

It's been too long.

We've been keeping up with
your work at the newspaper.

Thank you. How are you both?

Mabel, are you and
Daniel still together?

I'd say so, since now they have twins.

Congratulations. I'm
so happy for you both.

Oh, we're going to
have a party next month.

- I hope you can join us.
- Oh, you must.

I will. And now I can come
by way of the Brooklyn Bridge.


- Peggy.
- Excuse me, my mother's calling.

Thank you for coming.

Thank you.

Mr. President, Mr.
Roebling, Mrs. Roebling.

May I present His Grace,
the Duke of Buckingham.

Pleasure to meet you, Mr. President.

- Did you know he was in New York?
- Of course not.

He told me he was arriving
the day of the opening.

Yes, I'm glad to be here.

Do you think she plans
to steal him away?

Mrs. Astor won't steal him.

If she wants him, she'll
buy him fair and square.

Mr. Martin studied at the Institute too.

So you have that in common.

- How did you find your time there?
- Oh, I loved it.

The Institute inspired
me to become a teacher.

I just hope we can keep the
schools open, so I can work.

Well, we'll continue
to expose what the board

is trying to do in "The Globe."

I have an article on
it coming out next week.

Oh. I look forward to reading it.


[CHUCKLES] Oh, excuse me.

I see my cousin.

He's nice-looking.


- What is it, Mother?
- I'm only going to say this once.

Don't spend all your time writing

about other folks' lives
and forget to live your own.

[LAUGHING] That's not what I'm doing.

Can you just watch the fireworks?

It's why we're here.

Well, you're not covering this
for "The Globe" too, are you?

No, Mr. Fortune assigned
another journalist.

Like he had another
journalist in Tuskegee?

That is what you told me, isn't it?


Wasn't true, was it?


Mr. Fortune is obviously
quite taken with you.

- He respects my work.
- Which I pray is the extent of it

because I raised you better than that.

Ah, here they are.

You seem very earnest.

What are you talking about?

Peggy's work at "The Globe."

That's very important, of course.

But I think tonight, we
should just admire the bridge

and give thanks for what man
has achieved in our lifetime.

Quite right.

I think that is right.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Can I get you anything else?

What time is it?


I don't know. Why?

Do you have an engagement?


That's nice.


To see you smile.

My darling,

it's all right if you

go now.

I'll be fine.

Being loved by you has made me strong.

Thank you.

For what?

For loving me back.

How could I not?

And now that our distinguished guests

have declared the New York
and Brooklyn Bridge open,

we can take the time to acknowledge some

of the great New Yorkers
who worked behind the scenes

to create New York's latest miracle,

including our trustees, most
of whom are here tonight.

Mr. Russell, may I invite you to speak?

I am glad to be here
and to salute all of you.

But my son, Larry, will speak for me.


Mr. President, gentlemen, ladies.

My father asked me to
oversee our interest

in the Brooklyn Bridge project,
which I was happy to do.

Like most of you, I too was in awe

of the grandeur that was once a dream

and has now become a reality.

I know I speak for us all
when I thank you, Mr. Roebling,

for your vision.

But what most of you do not know

is that after an early injury,

while Mr. Roebling was out of action,

his wife, Mrs. Roebling,

a brilliant engineer in her own right,

is the one who enabled
construction of the bridge

to continue in her husband's absence.


Yes, that's right.

Mrs. Roebling took over the
creation and finished it.

I would like us all to raise
a glass to Emily Roebling,

to thank her for her
enormous contribution

to the creation of the Brooklyn Bridge,

a new wonder of the world.

- Hear, hear.
- ALL: Hear, hear!

Thank you.


♪ ♪

Do you have plans this
evening, Mrs. Bruce?

Plans? To do what?

Watch the fireworks.

The paper said it's to be the
largest fireworks display ever.

I've only ever seen fireworks once,

and that was a long time ago.

Would you like to see the
Brooklyn Bridge fireworks?


I have a plan, if you'll join me.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

I hope you don't mind I made
you the center of my speech.

Not at all.

I ought to thank you.

Well, at least now you'll have

the recognition you deserve.

I'm afraid these things are a
little more complicated than that.

They will print that
I was a wonderful wife

who served her husband to
the best of her abilities.

They will ignore the true
nature of my contribution.

That will be our secret.



♪ ♪


What do you think, Mrs. Bruce?

Are you pleased or disappointed?

Oh! Pleased, certainly.

These are the most spectacular
fireworks I've ever seen.

I thought you'd only
seen them once before.


Well, I suppose that's true.

But I can't imagine they
come much better than this.

- Oh!

♪ ♪


- Ah.
- It's incredible.

♪ ♪

Oh, wow.









Oh, my darling.



♪ ♪


It's all right.


I'm making my way to the depot shortly.

Are you sure I can't stay?

You've been kind to keep me company.

But you ought to get back to Frances,

to be there when she wakes up.

- Will you be all right?
- Oh, don't worry about me.

It's Aunt Ada who needs our attention.

I'll call you tomorrow.

It is tomorrow.

Then I'll see you later today.

Miss Brook.

How was your evening?

- Well, the fireworks were astounding.
- Oh?

You must have seen them from here.

Have you been crying?

My uncle died last night.


I'm so sorry.

Thank you.

It doesn't seem fair,

when Aunt Ada is such
a gentle, kind soul.

I mean, I wouldn't even be
here if it weren't for her.

She was the one who sent
for me from Pennsylvania.

I should thank her.

Heaven knows I never
would have been able

to manage Aunt Agnes without her.

Perhaps I should get you inside.

Oh, no. I can't go back in there.

Not just yet. [SNIFFLES]

Might a walk help a little?

Get some air?

Thank you, Mr. Russell.
You're a good friend.

♪ ♪

Will you tell me about the bridge?

It's magnificent.

- Morning, Mr. Griffin.
- Hello, Jack.

Here's one for you there.


♪ ♪

Bridget took up a tray, but
I doubt she's touched it.

I put it on the table. I
didn't know what else to do.

Poor Miss Ada. To wake up a widow.

I just hope she got some sleep.

Mrs. Van Rhijn never went to bed.

What can we do?

Our jobs.


- What is it?
- Nothing.

- I'll tell you later.
- Tell us now.

I got a letter from
Mr. Bannister's friend,

Mr. Schubert.


He's made me a member of
his Watchmakers' Association.

So now the patent office
will consider my application.

Oh, that's wonderful!

Doesn't mean they'll approve it.

It's good news just the same.

Well done, Jack.

♪ ♪


How long have you been here?

I've just arrived.

I sent word yesterday
that we needed you here.

What can I say?

I'm sorry.

You look terrible.

John Adams said much the same.

And you smell of day-old whiskey.

What is it?

Something terrible has happened.

Yes, your Uncle Luke has died.

That is quite enough for one day.

No, I'm afraid this mess is of my doing.

I've, um...

I've made a bad mistake.

Well, you're here now,
albeit too late to help.

My mistake involves you, Mother.


I made an investment

that paid a large
dividend in a short time.

So when I had the chance
to invest more, I did.

A great deal more.

Does this mean you've
invested the Van Rhijn money?

Well, how much?

How much of my money
did you invest, Oscar?

I've just learned that
the company doesn't exist.

None of it exists.

Casterbridge Pacific, Maud Beaton,

the woman who led me there...

I don't understand.
She's Aurora's friend too.

She was everyone's friend,
but no one really knew her.

She lied to us all.

And now she's taken our money.

Well, then you have to get it back.

- Go and get our money back!
- I can't!

There's no recourse. The
money is gone, and so is she.

How much did you lose?

Nearly all of it.




♪ ♪