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01x02 - Carnival Knowledge/Sand In Your Navel

Posted: 12/11/23 17:05
by bunniefuu
[Buzzing and chirping]


Good as new.

♪ Rocko's modern life ♪

Rocko's modern life.

♪ Rocko's modern life ♪

Rocko's modern life.




♪ Rocko's modern life. ♪

Rocko's modern life.


That was a hoot!





Heffer, we're mates, right?

Is this about the money I owe you?

Hey, what's going on

Over at the sewage treatment plant?

It's a carnival.

Oh! I love carnivals.


Step right up, folks.

A mere $ buys you fine food, fast rides

And some, uh, challenging games.


That's right, kangaroo boy.

Win yourself a big prize.

I never won a prize before.

Well, today's the day.

Trust me.

No one leaves without a smile.


Whoa! Another satisfied customer.

Can you loan me bucks?

[Glass breaking]

Thirty bucks for this?

Here you go, buddy.

Hit the target and win a prize.

How about a ride?


That one?



[Whistle blowing]



Oh, it started already.



Oh! Oh!

Let's ride that one over there.


Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Big boy, you're a little too hefty for this ride.

Safety first, eh?

Thirty bills?

What a rip-off.

I told you.


[Evil laughter]

Watch your step.

Eh? No, you don't, bub.

Get back in there.

How about we play some games?

Let's just hit the merry-go-round real quick.

This beaver looks safe.





Pick it up, man!


I keep going by the same place many times.

I love circles!



Fun, huh?

Want some?


Here you go, rock.

Gee, heff, I don't know.

You said you wanted to play the games.

Yeah, but I never win anything.


Nobody ever does, kid.



It's got your watch.



[Giggles nervously]

Let's ride the ferris wheel.

That way we can see thewholecarnival.

Looks a bit shaky to me.

Right over here, gents.

This seat's on the house.

That's it.

Watch your step.


Safety first.


See? Nothing to worry about.

Perhaps you're right, although these shackles

Seem to be cutting off my circulation.

[Pulse thumping]

Stop it at the top!

Aye-aye, captain.

Don't rock the boat, heff.

Whoa! Look over there!

sh**t stuff with live a*mo.

Please, heffer.

And over there, the oil spill ride.

Sit still!

I'm so happy, I could dance.

Oh, oh, oh.



[Coins clinking]

I love this ride.

There's a prize with your name on it, kid.

[Cash register dinging]


So close.

I hit it dead-on.

No, you were a little off.

[Register dinging]

That's the spirit.

Come on. Come on.

Easy there, nolan.

Plenty more where this comes from.

[Register dinging]

Nice try.


My mother knocks them over no problem.

[Register dinging]






The saw mill!








Ooh, boy.

That was great.

Try your luck, folks.

Flip the little froggy onto his lily pad and...

Win a prize.


Oh, boy!


Here, rocko.

You give it a try.

How about it, kangaroo boy?

Looks like your kind of game.


Frog: come on, you wimp.

You stink.

Oh, real scary.

Mister tough guy with a mallet.

Oh, such a strong man.


Let's go, junior.

We don't got all day.

Oh, brother.

Easy on the bladder, meat.

What the..?



Thatwas one rude frog.

Bumper car riders

Board your vehicles.

Here you go, kangaroo boy.

Buckle up.

Remember. Safety first.

Yeah, I know. I know.

Wheel's stuck!

[Siren wailing]

Both: hup, hup, hup, hup.

Hup, hup, hup, hup.



That's it, heff.

No more carnival.

We're out of here.

Oh, come on.

Don't be such a wimp.

Besides, we can't leave until we ride...

The nosebleed.

[People screaming]

Sorry there, heff.

Looks like I've got to sit this one out.




Frog: loser!





[Accordions playing]

That wasn't so bad.

Come on, heffer.

Let's go.

I think I'm bleeding internally.

Okay. We'll come back tomorrow.


Frog: you stink! You stink!

You stink!

Lucky shot.


[All gasping]


It's... A miracle!

Here you go, you big cheat--

A state-of-the-art designer chinese finger trap.


For a second there

I thought those carny games were rigged.

Not everyone's out to rip you off, heffer.

You have to learn to trust people.

[Finger trap snaps]

It broke!

Hey! Guh!

[Fly buzzing]


Man, it's hot.

Spunky, we're running out of ice.

What in the blazes?




Perhaps what we need

Is a different approach to this heat.

Sand, surf, bikinis.

The only solution to our misery

Is a trip to the beach.

Let's go, spunky.

Come on, spunky, let's get a move on.


Ow, ow!


[Horns honking]

Kind of looks like our house, mate.

Isn't it lovely, spunky?

Excuse me.

Pardon me.



Good as new.

Excuse me.

Beg your pardon.


Hey, hey, hey!


Excuse me, kind sir

Would you mind buttering my back?

I always have trouble with those hard-to-reach places.

Ooh, you're a darling.

Kind of cute too.


My, those lenses are lovely.

How dare you!

[Bell ringing]

I think she likes me.

Boy, you've got a buoy in your pants.

Yeah, spunky, that's the flat-footed

One-eyed royal brown pelican.

The king of his realm.

There's no other bird more graceful.

No greater fisherman.

Watch him

As he swoops down

And gathers food for its young.

A pleasure doing business with you.

There you go, spunky, old pal.


Excuse me, sir.

Could I have my frisbee back?


Thank you.

Spunky, well, I guess we'd better find a hose to wash off.

Or maybe just some iodine.

Hey, spunky-- volleyball.

I got it.

Que bueno.

Muy bien.

Hi, fellas. Can I play?



Spunky, you're my true and loyal friend

Aren't you?

Look, spunky.

Come on, boy, fetch the stick.


Good dog. Good dog.

Go get it, spunky.


[Rhythmic beating]

[Maniacal laughter]

He's alive!

I'll give him the heimlich.

In with the good air.

Out with the bad.

Hey, someone to rescue.

Hup, hup, hup...hup, hup, hup...

Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup...

Hup, hup, hup...

Hoy mi colito mi pica!





Let go of him, you fish-chewing freak.



Excuse me.

Pardon me.



How dare you!


George, did you hear something?




Come back with my dog.


Oh, my.

Oh, my loyal friend

Will I ever see you again?



Hey, old pal of mine.

Man: hey, you

I paid good money for that dogfish.

No dough, no dog.

Oh, spunky, let's go home.

Never wander out of my sight again, spunky.

This world's full of one-eyed pelicans.

Well, at least you got cooled off.

It's better than being completely sunburned.