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01x06 - Leap Frogs / Bedfellows

Posted: 12/11/23 17:23
by bunniefuu
[flies buzzing]


♪Rocko's modern life♪

♪ Rocko's modern life.

♪Rocko's modern life♪

MAN: ♪ Rocko's modern life.

[whistling and buzzing]



♪Rocko's modern life♪

♪ Rocko's modern life.

That was a hoot!

[melodramatic music playing]

MAN [melodramatically]: Your eyes-- so full and round and supple.

Give yourself to me now!

WOMAN [melodramatically]: Oh! I'm so confused.

My heart says yes, my head says no.

Oh, help me...

Iwillhelp you.

You are a man like no other.

Kiss me.


Ed, honey.

We should take another cruise.


I'm waxing my lips here.

Ed, honey.

Come to bed, dear.

[squishing noises]

Ed! What, you fall in?


Yes, Ed?

We're almost out of mouthwash.


[cupid panting]


[lovebirds chirping]

[bird twitters]

[birds crash]

[door slams]


Oh, Ed, am I that uninteresting anymore?


What do I have to do to get your attention?

To get you to notice me?

Am I not a beautiful woman?

A woman with needs?

I just want to be loved!

Is that so wrong?

A girl likes to feel attractive, that's all--

just a little attention from a man once in a while.

A little attention from a ma... ah!


[dog howling]

Oh, you're doing such a nice job

with your yard, Rocko.

I was wondering

perhaps you'd like to earn a few extra bucks

helping me with some odd jobs.

I could really use a man around the house today.

Well, actually, Mrs. Bighead,

I've got quite a lot to do around here

and I've only...


Now's good.

This VCR isn't working.

I'm embarrassed, but I'm just so dumb

about these things.

[static crackling]

Eh, I think I've found the trouble, Mrs. Bighead.

Oh, I knew you would.

Oh, boy-- documentary.

Yes, why don't you join me?

[frogs chirping]

Frank, get away from me.

Very educational.


Uh-oh, looks like it's on the blink again.

Wait here.

Darn, stupid thing.

Never given me any trouble before.

Hey! Where do you think you're going?


[tape rewinding]

Rocko, darling,

can I interrupt you for a moment, sweetheart?

There is a spider in the bathroom.

Would you mind shooing him out for me, dear?

Don't worry, Mrs. Bighead.

I'll get rid of him.



What is this, a sideshow?

Now, now, you just sit and relax a moment

and enjoy some refreshing, ice-cold lemonade.

[cheering] Arriba! Arriba!

[growling sensuously:] Ooh!

Here we are, dear.

Thanks very much, Mrs. Bighead.

Oh, you're welcome, dear.

I hope it's not too tart.

Uh, no.

It's fine, thanks.

No, you just hold on, dear.

I'll see if I can find some more sugar for you.

No, really, Mrs. Bighead, I'll just have a glass of water.

No, no, no, I insist.

You stay put.

I will find you some sugar.


[flies buzzing]

Hey, Mr. Fly.

What's red and green and goes miles an hour?

I don't know, Mr. Fly.

What's red and green and goes miles an hour?

BOTH: Yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk, yuk.

Yoo-hoo, Rocko.

Could you come upstairs for a moment, please, dear?

Would you zip me up, darling?


Oh, that tickles.




Oh, Rocko, don't you like my eyes?


Uh, yes.

They're lovely.

Touch them!

Yes. Oh, my-- very soft and veiny.

Oh, you always know exactly what to say.

How about a foot massage?


Hey! You come down from there!


You shaved!

For me?



Rocko, you little party animal.

You don't look so well, Mrs. Bighead.

Maybe you should sit down.

Oh, that is so silly.

I feel fine.



Eh, okay, Mrs. Bighead, I'll be going now.

I'll just pick up my shirt later.

Here's a couple of bucks I owe you.

Uh, uh, Mr. Bighead, uh, it's not what you think.

I mean, I was, um, and she...

but I... and, uh... you know.

[chuckles nervously]

You saw my wife in her bathrobe?!

Isn't it awful?


Mr. Bighead, this is quite a Mrs. Bighead you have here.

Why, if I weren't the gentlemen I am

I would just... well... uh...

[puckering loudly]

Uh, good-bye.



[dog howling]

Bev... I'm sorry.

Not so fast!


Oh, Ed!

Bring out the plates, Bev.

The plates!



BEV: Oh, Ed!


BEV: Ed?


[lips puckering, Ed snoring]

[audience laughter]

MAN [on TV]: Oscar, Oscar, Oscar.

OSCAR: Get out of my life, Felix.

Hey, Mom and Dad.

Wow, what a workout!

Heffer, there's something

your father wants to talk to you about.

Yeah, Mom, after dinner.

Dear, don't you think you should say something?

I'll talk to him later.

♪ Dum, dum, dum...


VOICE: Hey, bub, coming through.


Oh, honey, it's beautiful.

Well, sugarplum, it will be

after we put a little work into it.

Right, kids?

BOTH: Sure thing, Daddy.

HEFFER: Mom, Dad!


There's vermin in my room!

Yeah, yeah, they signed a lease.

Signed a lease?

Understand, Son...

All right, everybody listen up and listen good.

I have been laid off.

Times will be tough.

This family will have to make sacrifices.

Son, you're just not pulling your weight around here,

so we rented your room.

But, Dad...

Oh, don't have a cow.

Your Mom fixed up the tree house for you.

Peter, get me another soda!

Guess this will be okay.

I had some good times up there all by myself.

Smaller than I remember it.

♪ Be it ever so...

[branch cracking]



[doorbell ringing impatiently; Rocko exclaiming in pain ]]

ROCKO: Sorry, Spunky.


Blazes, Hef, it's : in the morning.

:, actually.

Ooh, leftover pizza crust.

Hef, what's going on?

Well, my parents rented my room.

Gee, Hef, that's a tough break.

I'm hitting the road.

Would it be cool if I stayed here a couple of days?


You can sleep on the couch.

Thanks, Rock.

Good night, Hef.


Now listen here, tanker tush!

You can park your thunder cheeks in someone else's face

'cause I deserve better than this!


[whispering]: Rocko.



What in the...?

Hef, what now?

Your couch ran away.

Can I sleep with you?


Okay, but just for tonight.





Oh, well, I guess this'll have to do.


[snoring grows louder]

MAN: Man, alive, somebody's dying!

What the heck is that noise?!


[snoring stops]


[snoring resumes]

I knew this would come in handy.

[electricity crackling]




[clock ticking]

[alarm ringing]


Nothing like a good night's sleep.

I had this wild dream.

Electric eels were biting my butt.


Time for my beauty bath.

[water running]

[Heffer imitating electric guitar off-key]


Nothing like a hot shower to start the day.

Bathroom's all yours.





I-It's a night... nightmare.

M-Must g-get d-d-d-dry.



[brakes squeal]

[rock music blaring]

Oh. Hey, Rocko.

What... what have you done?

Pretty cool, huh?

Gave all your dull old stuff to charity.


Thank me over dinner.

I made us my specialty.


The Heffer deluxe.

Hef, this is bonza.

What's in it?

Well, let's see...

there's pickled banana shavings, gym socks,

canned haggis, beetle bladders,

real processed head cheese, saltpeter,

reconstituted corn sweat,

the finest barley and hops...

Now where was I?

Potash, sulfur, monosodium glutamate

and vegetable cartilage as a binding agent.

Eh, eh, no dessert until you finish your meal.


Now, time for dessert.


Hey, this smells delicious.

What is it?

Heffer soufflé...

a la flambé.


[phone ringing]

Don't get up.

It's probably for me.

Hey, I did dinner, so you do the dishes.


Yes, it's me.

You want me home?

Extra meals?!


The fact is, Mom, my new home is here with Rocko.

I'm going to stay forever...

[echoing]: and ever and ever...


[dog barking]

[brakes squeal]




There you are.

Hey, Rocko.

Boy, Hef...

you're... you're...


Hef, wait!

Where do you think you're going, bub?

Out into my backyard.

Not like that, you're not.

Oh, yeah?

Out of my way!

Oh, cobblers!


What's going on?!

VOICE: Nice Buick.


What's going on?

Rocko, living here has allowed me

to explore new facets of my personality.

I am a nudist.

Bev, I can't believe it!

Do you know what that weirdo next door is up to?

Oh, shut up and mind your own business, Ed.

Bev, they're, well...


Oh, Ed, you're right.

Oh, yes! This is disgusting!

Quick, Ed, get the telescope out of the hall closet.

I want all you nudists out of here this instant!

And stay out.

At least I have my dignity.

Heffer, you listen and you listen good.

This is my house

and you've taken advantage of my hospitality

for the last time...

HEFFER [thinking]: Oh, boy, am I hungry.

Gee, he sounds a little angry.

Maybe I should tell him now.

Hef! Hef, are you listening to me?

Uh... no.

Sorry, Rock, but there's something I need to tell you.

Now don't take this personally, but I've come to the conclusion

that you're just too difficult to live with.


Rocko, I hope you're not disappointed.

We're still friends, aren't we?

We'll always be friends.


[gasps]: Dad?

I knew it!

This place is a pigsty.

Your dear mother insisted I come here

and bring your big, beefy, bovine buns back home.

Okay-- be right with you, Pop.

Well, old pal, till our paths cross again.

See you tomorrow, Rock.

[chuckling]: Hey, put some trousers on, you crazy kid, you.


Ah, Spunky, I'm glad that's over.

Now for a peaceful night's sleep.

BEV: All right, time to party, you animals!

[partygoers talking]

Spunky, it's Mrs. Bighead...

and... and the nudists!

ED: Bev, what are all these freaks doing here?!

BEV: Oh, shut up, Ed, and get your trousers off

and join the party,

because we are going to boogie till the sun comes up!