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02x05 - Boob Tubed/Communted Sentence

Posted: 12/11/23 17:25
by bunniefuu
(Buzzing )

(Rattling )

♪ Rocko's modern life

Rocko's modern life.

♪ Rocko's modern life

Rocko's modern life.

(Whistling and buzzing )

(Splat! )

(Screaming )

♪ Rocko's modern life.

Rocko's modern life.

That was a hoot!


Big screen.

Look at this, look at this, rocko.

We need one of these.

Don't be ridiculous, heff

It's much too large for us.

I'm looking for something

Much more... Sensible.

Come on, heff, don't stand too close.

It's bad for your eyes.

Heffer: hey, what's that?

We could get one of these.



I don't think so, heffer.


Look at all the buttons.

Watch this.





Eject, close.

Eject, close, eject, close, eject, close, eject...

(Popping and burning )

Hey, look at that over there.

Wow! I wonder...

Oh, rocko, it's beautiful.

I think I'm going to cry.


Hello, I'm on tv.

My name is heffer

And I would like to be your special television friend.

(Laughing )

(Imitating mr. Ed ): wilbur...


Rocko: heffer! Heffer!

I found something!

Come on, heffer!


Enter your checking account number

And social security numbers.

Enter your selection now.

Heffer: press "e," press "e."

You have selected option e, mr. Sensible.

Rocko: that's the one I picked out, right, heff?

Please press okay to confirm your selection.

Well, go ahead, press okay.

(Beeping )


You have purchased a hibachi big-screen tv

With intelliview onscreen programming.

A total of $ has been debited to your account.

Thank you.

Heffer, I didn't order that.

I ordered mr. Sensible.


Press it again, quick.

(Beeping )


You have just purchased a hibachi entertainment monopoly

With tv surround-sound speakers.

A total of $,. Has been debited to your account.

Thank you.

(Shrieking ): that's not right!

That's not right!

Press cancel.

Press cancel!


You have purchased a hibachi super-duper monopoly

With video game interactive and popcorn dispenser.

Rocko: hey, hey, hey!

I'm not paying for this.

I ordered mr. Sensible.

Mr. Sensible!

I can't believe you got me into this mess.

I wanted mr. Sensible.

Heffer: look at it this way.

It's only a dollar a month

For the next years.

Okay, here goes.

Let the tv party begin.

(Screen blasting )

(Wind howling )



The remote!

Ooh, whee!

That was a hoot!

Filburt: yes, you're nailed.

Yes, yes, yes.

I'm crushing you.

(Screaming laughter )

You are dead.

(Bell ringing )

(Clanging )

(Filburt hysterically laughing )

Want to play again?

(Car pulling in and honking )

Oh, boy, that must be heffer with the videos.

Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.


And now, for your viewing pleasure

, Of your favorite videos.

♪ Let the tv party begin!

Night of the shaved kittens.

(Laughing )

(Chain saw buzzing )

(Cat screeching )

Maria, este libro, este tarde

Voy a la biblioteca.

(Police sirens wailing )

(g*nf*re )

Pull over!

(Sirens, g*nf*re )

(All laughing )

Oh, boy.


Last video.

That was great.

Well, that about does it for tonight.

What do you mean?

We still got channels of cable to watch.

Heff, haven't you had enough?

What do you mean?

It's tv.

(Chanting enthusiastically ): tv! Tv! Tv!

(Droning woodenly ): tv, tv, tv, tv...

Tv, tv, tv...


Tv... Tv... Tv... Tv...

(Snoring ) (snoring )

Rocko: heff, haven't you had enough?

Filburt: don't sit too close.

(Eerie music )



(Screaming )

Guys, I'm stuck!


(Crying )

(Snoring )

Crikey, filburt.

Why don't you drool on heffer a while?


Oh, there you are.

What did filburt say about sitting so close?

Come on, buddy.

Let's go get some breakfast.

Go to the petunia at once, corn cob.


Makes a great meat substitute for undershorts.

(Shrieking )


I warned him about sitting too close.

What's happened?

I've seen this before.

(Clanking against metal )

Oh, oh, no.

We're too late.

It's taken his brain.

It's all my fault.

This wouldn't have happened

If I had stuck with mr. Sensible.

We'll have to go in there and get it.



Let's do it.

(Sniffing )

(Yapping )

He's got the scent.

Yes, spunky, yes.

(Cracking whip )

Rocko: so this is what it's like in a tv.

Do you think we should have left heffer alone?

Filburt: where could he go?

(Loud banging )

Rocko: look, he's still got the trail.

Filburt: there, there's something out in the distance.

Mush, spunky, mush.

(Yapping )

Filburt: tv central.

Heffer's brain must be inside.

(Beeping )

Soap opera over here, dumb adventure show here.

Filburt: should we go in?

Well, we've come this far.

And spunky seems to smell something. good of a job as I do.

Re-run, re-run, re-run.

Don't people get enough of that stuff?

(Growling )

Um, pardon me, sir.

Let's see, commercial over here...

Um, sir?

(Screaming )

Don't creep up on me like that.

Well, out with it.

What the heck do you want?

Well, um, we, we actually have a rather odd request.

You see...

Don't tell me.

You've come to get your buddy's brain.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'll be glad to give it back to you.

Help yourself.

(Gurgling, slurping )

Man: I wish you kids would stop sitting so close.

(Pipe rattling )

They're brains, all right.

We better get started, filburt.

I wonder what heffer's brain looks like?

Cluck, cluck.


Cluck, cluck.

Well, this is the last one

And it's definitely not heffer's.

(Sniffing )

(Barking )

What is it, spunky?

Spunky's found something.

Filburt: it looks like a fruitcake.

Together: heffer.

(Wind blowing )

We did it.

I can't believe we made it.

Yeah, but where the heck is heffer?

Heffer: buck, buck, buck-caw!

Buck, buck, buck-caw!

Rocko: well, it's good to have the old heffer back again.

How you feeling?

Okay, except...

This sunburn on my butt is k*lling me.

And so is this entertainment.

And here is my impression

Of an inflamed man fleeing an automobile accident.

(Shrieking )

Well, it may be boring, heff

But it's a heck of a lot safer.

...because this is conceptual and there's a dog barking.

Bong, bong, bong, bong, bong.


This is firb mcgiggins, your fly in the eye traffic reporter

And as usual, it is a mess down there.

Might as well just park and walk.

Man: firb, if I may interrupt

Who is flying the helicopter at this moment?

Well, dale

I, uh,, that...

Duh, i...

(Shrieking )

(Crashing )

(Static )

And now for... Wait! This just in.

Commuters can expect longer delays than usual this morning

Due to an accident on route one involving a... Helicopter?

I'm going to be late again.

Mr. Smitty is going to k*ll me.

Oh, cobblers, minutes till :.

I'll never make it.

What could be causing all this traffic?

Excuse me, officer, what's the problem?

One of those little reflective bumps came unglued.

We've got a crew working on it.

Uh, anyone got any glue?

Well, I made it.

Now, if I could only find a parking space.

Bonza! Right out in front.

Hey, I was backing in.

Oh, mr. Smitty.

(Laughing nervously )

How'd you get here so early?

The traffic was terrible.

I just live next door.

(Cackling )

But I can't find a parking space anywhere.

Try five blocks over

In the high crime area.

(g*nf*re and screaming )

Hope my car will be safe.

(Panting )

(Siren wailing )

(Bells ringing )

Well, well, well.

Late again, I see.

Come with me!

What is this, huh?

A clock?

And what does it tell us?



And how do we get a clock, hm?

Go to a clock store?

And? Buy one?

With what?




So, anymoron

Can see...

That time equals...




I can't hear you!



Money, sir!

Time is money!

I hope it won't be necessary

To have this little chat again, hm?

Just be on time!

"Don't even think about parking here."

Ah ha.

Caught you.

Oh, no, officer.

I was, uh, thinking of something else.

Oh, yeah? What?

Uh, well, i...

Yeah, right.

Tell it to the judge.

(Yelling unintelligibly )


A parking place.

It's going to be a great day.

(Whistling )

It's for you, rocko.

It's your car.

My car?



Rocko, I've been impounded.

You got to come bail me out.

(Laughing )


I've come down to bail out my car.

It's that red one.

The other cars call him "pantyfenders."

Term of endearment, I'm sure.


Now, let's see.

X , carry the four

That'll be $,.

But I don't have $,.

Then he'll have to remain here

Until he's paid his debt to society.

Don't worry, car.

I'll save some money and get you out.

Heffer: gee, rocko, they towed your car?

I need to earn money to get him out.

But if I keep showing up late

Mr. Smitty will fire me.

If you don't have a car

That means in order to get to work...

Yeah, heff, it means I'll have to try...

(Dramatically ): public transportation.

Where to?


(Coughing )

(Hacking )

Kind of a-lot-o comics.

Second and th.

Hey, read sign.

No barfing.

You know, you look like a nice boy.

Kind of like my son, except he has no money.

Hey, get out of the way!

Always, "dad, give me money, dad give me money.

"Give me, give me, give me.

Want, want, want."

You, you look like that man.

Actually, uh, I don't have much money.

In fact, I was wondering how far $ would get me?

Uh, with tip?

You pay very quickly.

Uh, uh...

Here you go.

Um, would you happen to know..

The bus schedule...

Would you...?

(Rocko screaming )

(Snoring )

Hello, excuse me.

Uh, excuse me.

Excuse me, please.

Excuse me, excuse me

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.

(Screaming )

Woman (on loudspeaker ): ladies and gentlemen, we're sorry for the delay

But the train has stopped due to police activity.

Police activity?

And today's police activity is...

Arts and crafts.

(Horn blowing )

Hey, I'm painting eggs here.

You know, since I got laid off from the post office

I've been feeling a little... Hmm...


Whoo, whee!

Now I got some swinging room.

(Dog barking )

(Screaming )

(Dog snarling )

I can explain.

I have tolerated your tardiness for the last time.

If you are late again

Consider yourself




I've got to find a way to get to work earlier, heff

Or mr. Smitty's going to give me the sack.

If I lose my job

I'll never save enough money to get my car out.

I wonder how he's doing.

We need a new way to get you to work.

Public transportation is so dangerous.

I think it would be a lot safer to get sh*t out of a cannon.


I got it!

I don't know, heff.

This is a bit drastic.

No, it'll work, rocko.

Here, pretend you're this watermelon.

We just put you in this end

Just aim it at the comic shop


Of course, you'll be wearing a helmet.

Oh, oh, gosh, oh, oh, ow...


One minute till :!

I can still make it!

(Watch ticking )

(Screaming and crashing )

Oh, good morning, mr. Smitty.

Am I on time?

Actually, you are on time.

On time to be...


Without a job, I won't be able to get my car out.

And he was counting on me, too.

Sir, I couldn't help but overhear.

If you're looking for work

I know of a job that would be right up your alley.


You going to buy that or what?

Hey, that's my car!

My car!


Hi, mr. Smitty.

I've got a new job.

And you've parked in a new tow-away zone.

But, but, but, but, but, but...

You can pick it up at the impound lot.

Well, that's the last one.

You've made enough to get your car out of impound.



You sure we can't persuade you to stay?

No thanks.

My work here is finished.

This is your eye in the sky, back from the hospital

And months of painful rehabilitative therapy.

Lighter commute this morning.

There is hardly anyone on the road.

But it's a different story over at the impound lot.

I want my car back and I want itnow!!

Let's take a look at this chart, shall we? Hm?