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02x07 - Hut Sut Raw/Kiss Me, I'm Foreign

Posted: 12/11/23 17:31
by bunniefuu
(Buzzing )

(Rattling )

♪ Rocko's modern life

Rocko's modern life.

♪ Rocko's modern life

Rocko's modern life.

(Whistling and buzzing )

(Splat! )

(Screaming )

♪ Rocko's modern life.

Rocko's modern life.

That was a hoot!

Rocko: ♪ hut sut raw...

(Humming )

Now, where's me flashlight?

(Sniffing )

Give me that.

(Electrical hum )

(Crash )

Ah, yes, can't forget me new fish-o-matic.

This'll be great.

(Whimpers )

(Growls )

(Rocko shrieking )

Knock, knock.

(Rocko shrieking )

I'm ready for our camping adventure.

Whoa, whoa...

(Crash )

Oop, i, I'm okay.

Hi, guys, I'm all set.

(Crash )

Got all the essentials.

Marshmallows, potato chips, pasture puffies, cheese...

Where's your sleeping bag?

What, there's no beds?

Ah, the great outdoors.

Smell that mountain air, boys.

(Inhales deeply ) mmm.

Actually, that's my pine air freshener for the tent.

All: ♪ hut sut raw, and so on, and so on... ♪

(Tires screech )

Rocko: this is it?

Heffer: cool.

Park it.

And here we see the mighty redwood tree.

Oh, fred, isn't it lovely?


Okay, boys, let's go camping.

This is a leaf from some kind of tree.

Hold it, I got to get a shot of that.

And this is an actual rock.

They are found in dirt...

Much like the kind around here.


Oh, I just love nature.

(Engine starts )

(Horn blows )

(Crash )

(Screaming )

Man on t.v.: A short yardage...

This is the lightweights' camp--

Sissies, tourists, couch potatoes.

Great, so we can drop our stuff here?

No, we're not any of those things.

I think I'm getting a rash

From this pack.

Come on.

Man: experience the great outdoors

In nature-o-rama...

This way, guys.

Oh, oh, oh, I'm dying.

(Chomping noisily )

(Amazed ): ooh...

(Delighted ): oh...

(Dejected ): oh...

Hermetically sealed nourishment.

And food.

Are you done yet?

Yeah, I guess so, I'm out of quarters.


(Toilet flushes )

I'm feeling very refreshed.

Look, this isn't camping.

It's more like walking around in a mall.

We're supposed to rough it.

So what do we do?

I say we get off this sidewalk

And head for the hills.

(Birds chirping )

Hey, rock, where are we going?

To a big lake.

Right here.

(All panting )

Filburt: I shouldn't be straining this.


All: wow.

We're camping here.

(Groans )

Oh, my dogs.

(Creaking )

(Pop )


(Sniffs )

(Bell tolls )

(Groans )

(Sniffs )

(Lamb bleats )

(Screaming )

Why did I say I would put up the tent?

This is the hardest job, I'm so stupid.

I will go and fetch some water.

(Croaks )

(Burps )

(Buzzing )

I'll always love you, baby.

Ick, this water is disgusting.

(Horn honks )

(Horn honks )

(Crashes )

Did you get water?

We can't drink that water.

Why not?

Fish are dating in it.

(Rattling )

Whoa, I did it.

Now to put these stakes in.

(Wind blowing )

Hey, I wanted to sleep

Under the stars anyway.

I'm starving, you want anything, filburt?

(Coughing, bugs buzzing )

No, thank you.

(Filburt coughing, bugs buzzing )

(Burps )

(Gasps )

My food!

You are such a glutton.

(Farts )

We're going to starve!

Hey, I've got freeze-dried food.

(Wind blows )

(Laughs nervously )

(b*llet ricocheting )

(Tires skidding )

No worries, guys

We'll get our food like real outdoorsmen

With my trusty...


Watch closely as I catch us a succulent fish dinner.

All this water

Makes me have to go.

Where's the bathroom?


How unsanitary.

I'll hold it.

(Groans )

No food, no tent...

Maybe we should head back.

This way.

All (slowly ): ♪ hut sut raw....

Heffer: ♪ slippin' on... Weasels.

These rocks look awfully familiar.

All: ♪ hut sut raw, slipping on weasels... ♪

(Jungle animals screeching )

(Wolf howling )

Filburt: hey, rocko...

I think we're lost.

Rocko: okay, maybe we are lost.

We're all going to die!

I'm hungry.

I'm starving.

My back teeth are floating.

We'd better split up

And look for food.

Heffer: ♪ hut sut raw!

(Humming )




(Growls )

Um, excuse me, mr. Ape

Where did you find that banana?

Can I have some of your banana?

(Branch cracking )

Look, monkey boy, I want that banana.

Rocko, look what I got.

Let's eat.

Heff, those are rocks.

Rocks? I thought it was bread.

Really stale bread.

What happened to you?

Monkey bites.

(Owl hooting, crickets chirping )

Oh, I'm so hungry.

(Wolf howls )

This trip is a disaster.

What else could go wrong?

I'd k*ll for a clean toilet.

Did you guys hear something?

(Growling, wolves howling, owl hooting )

(Rooster crowing, birds chirping )

♪ Hut sut raw

♪ Hut sut raw...

(Rocko babbling )

(Woozily ): and so good for you.

Beef, real food.

(Bell rings )

Man: order up.

Back off, man, I saw him first.

Don't make me use this, cow.

(Heff and filburt snarl )

Boys, boys, get a grip.

We're friends, remember?

And friends don't eat each other.

Right, heff? Fil?

(Both gnawing )

There, there, it'll be all right.

I'm still hungry.

Here, buddy, eat me.

I hope I'm good.

(Crashing )


(Gasps )

It's raining steaks.

We're saved!

That's the last of 'em.

(Tires screech )

(Growling )

Where do you suppose these steaks came from?

Maybe they're somebody else's.

(Rustling )

They ate our steaks.

Let's get 'em, boys.

All: shrew!

Ow, ow, ow...

(Shrews snarling )

(Crickets chirping )

Now,this is good eating.

(Toilet flushes )

I'm a happy camper now.

This sure beats getting chased by shrews.

Rocko: how about a campfire song, eh, boys?

All: ♪ hut sut raw, biting on a monkey ♪

♪ And so on, so on, so on

♪ Hut sut raw

♪ And so on, so on, so on...

Have squirrels taken up illegal residence

In your secret places?

Say nuts to filthy rodents with "squirrel away"

The most effective de-squirreling device on earth.

Oh, look, the house before we fixed it up.

We were so lucky

To find a place like this.

(Thudding )

And, so I says to 'em

Rock 'em, sock 'em.

(Laughing )

Mmm, well, filburt

I have surgery in the morning.

All right, doctor.

(Laughing )

Good night.

(Man laughing )

According to my papers

I'm to arrange your deportation

Effective immediately.

It's a mistake.

I'm in this country legally.

Ah, nope, I got your file right here, and...

That's you...

So you got one week left.

Case dismissed.

(Laughing )

(Continues laughing )

(Tires screech )

All: surprise!

Heffer: hey, hey, rock...

(Heffer running )


We're all so proud of you, dear.

You... You want me to be deported?

Don't you?

No, i, I want to stay here.

With all of you.

(Clears throat )

Um, what do you mean by "here"?

Yeah, where are you going?

(Door bell rings )

Um, hi, department of immigration.

(Giggling ): remember?


(Giggling ): we made a mistake.

A mistake?

Well, you don't have to leave in a week.

I don't?


You have to leave now!

(Laughing )

(Jet engine humming )

(Giggling )

(Sadly ): well, I guess this is good-bye.

Good-bye, rocko.

Wait, you're not going anywhere.

Oh, I'm afraid he is, mr. Cow.

(Giggling )

No, he isn't...


Our rocko here is going to be...


(Giggling )



Wait a minute, who's the girl?

Hmm... He is.

Uh, she is.

She is

Aren't you, filburta?

Call me... Ophelia.

But... Oop.


You and her?

That's the best.

And what a lovely young lady.

You mean I can stay in the country?

The government wouldn't interfere with true love.

Of course, you'll be under observation.


Ah, don't worry.

I know the real thing when I see it.

Good luck, kids... Rocko, ophelia.

(Laughing )

(Door slams )

You've got to be kidding.

Rocko, welcome

To the united states of america.

But I was legal already.

I'm a bride.


♪ Dooh...

♪ Wah...

♪ Sometimes...

(Tires skidding )

(Crash )

(Moaning, groaning )

(Gasps )


Woman: do you, rocko, take this woman

In sickness and in poverty

Till death do you part?

(Giggling )


(Creaking )

Go ahead, rocko.

I do.

Oh, there you are.

And do you take rocko

To be your lawfully wedded husband?

I do.

Over here, honey.

Oh, hello.

Oh, I love that voice, say it.


Oh, that's so cute.

All right

I now pronounce you husband and wife.

(Filburt laughing )

(Vacuum cleaner running )

Good morning, sleepy head.

Filburt, what the nut is going on?

Oh, just tidying up.

Why don't you go hop in the shower

While I get breakfast ready?

There are fresh towels in the linen closet.

Filburt, don't take it so seriously.

Remember why I'm doing this, so...

(Gasps )

Uh, be down in a minute, uh...honey.

Here we go.

How about a foot massage?

Eh, no thank you, dear.

Mustn't be late for work.

I packed a lunch, sweetheart.

Thanks, filburt; eh, don't call me sweetheart

I think maybe you're taking this thing a little too...

Good-bye, my darling ophelia.

(Giggling )

He's a good man.

A bit high strung, but a good man.

Turn the page, wash your hands.

Turn the page, wash your hands.

(Phone rings )

Turn the page, wash your hands.

Kind of a-lot-o comics.


Uh, hi.

What're you doing?


(Beeping )

Hang on...



Hold, please...

I got to go.

Turn the page, wash your hands.

Turn the page, wash your hands.

(People talking )

(Phone rings )

Kind of a-lot-o comics.


(Annoyed ): hello, again.

How's work?


Okay, sorry.

All right, that's it.

He don't appreciate me, fine.

I won't appreciate him.

(Clinking, clanking )

Filburt: uh, what are you, loose?

Ah, oh yes you will.

Lousy, rotten muffler.

Hi, filburt.


I'm home.

(Burps )

When's dinner?

Man (on tv ): ♪ squirrel away...

Hey, where's my fish sticks?

I got a hedgehog who's hungry.

Dinner's ready.

Well, it's about time.

I've had better.

Pass the clam juice, please.


That tears it.

(Bell clangs )

All right, here's round one

Of filburt and rocko's first fight

And it's quite a turnout.

You insensitive, selfish...

And filburt is down, he's...

No, he's getting up, and he looks mad.

You, you big...

Dummy head.

Ooh, rocko takes a dummy head

To the face.

You lousy, good-for-nothing...

Oh, yeah? Where's your pouch, pal?

(Blows whistle )

(Phone rings )

Yeah, what happened?


(Yelling ): quit calling here!

You're mean.

(Pop )

Both: now where we?

All I was trying to do

Was be a good wife.

Yeah, I know

But you were trying too hard.

I know, I got carried away.

That's okay, you meant well.

But if this marriage breaks up our friendship

I'd rather be deported.

You're really a good friend.

(Doorbell rings )

Both: what in the hel... Lo...

Congratulations, you're in.

Here are your new papers

And a green card.

I'm a citizen.

I'm legal... Again.

I'm an american.

Be a good one, son.

(Laughing )

I, I'll see you.

Hey, filburt?


You want to do something later?


How about some fish sticks, eh, spunk?

(Barks )

(Whistling nonchalantly )

(Arguing )

(Scraping )

Next. Will that be all, sir?

Both: oh, hi.

How've you been?

Oh, fine.


Oh, fine.

(Scraping )


I thought you were a surgeon.

Well, I was but...

But I just couldn't cut it.

(Laughs )

(Both laughing )

Oh, my, my.

Oh, boy.


(Kisses )

Both: ♪ sometimes...

Both: oh, excuse me, i...

(Fly buzzing )

(Squirrel swats fly )

Hey, you got a rat on your head.

(Laughing )

(Church bells ringing )

("Here comes the bride" playing )

"To activate, bite head off squirrel grenade."

(Grenade ticking )

(expl*si*n )

(Balloon deflating )


(Flies buzzing )

Did you feel a draft, fuzzy lips?


(Kissing )