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02x10 - Junk Junkies/Day of the Flecko

Posted: 12/11/23 17:44
by bunniefuu
(Buzzing )

(Rattling )

♪ Rocko's modern life

Rocko's modern life.

♪ Rocko's modern life

Rocko's modern life.

(Whistling and buzzing )

(Splat! )

(Screaming )

♪ Rocko's modern life.

Rocko's modern life.

That was a hoot!

(Rings )


(Mumbling )

Yes, I understand.

I'll take care of it.

I'm sorry.

Can I have a little more time?

(Dial tone ) hello?

Heff, that was pizza face pizza.

They claim we owe them money.

$.-- I don't have that kind of money!

The pizza guy said I have to pay up today

Or I'll have to deliver pizzas.

Relax, they're not serious.

They're just joking.

(Car screeches to halt )

We're responsible for this bill.

We've got to pay.

Where are we going to get $.?

I know, let's start a club, like that diuretics guy.


Hey, how about we rent our bodies out

For scientific experiments.

Heff, you remember what happened the last time we tried that.

But you know, you're right.

There's got to be something we can sell.

Ow, rocko, when are you getting rid of all this junk?

That's it, you've hit the nail on the head.

We'll make money by having a garage sale!


Hey, heff.

I've got a real cash cow here, rocko.

Great, heff, let's see.


What is it?

G.i. Jimbo!

He survived eight tours of duty on our kitchen stove.

No one's going to buy that-- it's broken.

What do you mean?

♪ G.i. Jimbo

♪ He's gonna destroy everybody for you and you ♪

♪ And you and you, and you. ♪

(Imitating g*ns )


(Imitating bombs falling )


(Glass shatters )

Cool pogo stick.

You'll get a couple bucks for it.

Oh, that's not for sale, heff.

Why not?

That stick has been in my family for decades

Passed down from generation to generation.

It was given to me by my grandpa...

(Drowned out by pogo boings )

I just don't think I could sell it.

You know what I mean, heff?


Business seems kind of slow, heff.

Hey, look.

That airplane is writing your name.

Jeez, heff, this is serious.

Where is everybody?

Hmm. Oh, yeah, almost forgot.

Wow, rocko, this is great.

Look at the crowd.

How much for the plutonium?

Gee, um, five dollars?


Hey, do you think this looks all right?

Looks great.


It's going really well, wouldn't you say?

Yeah, even I've got a prospective buyer.

Oh, rocko.

Rocko, what do you want for the toilet seat?

That's cents, mr. Bighead.

Cents?! Do I look like a fool?!

I'll give you cents.

Sorry, mr. Bighead.

What'll you take for the furniture?

What furniture?

Well, that stuff in there.

Oh, that stuff.

Gee, uh, I don't know.

Make an offer.

H cents and not a fraction more!

That's my final offer.

Mr. Bighead, cents is the price.

You can buy it for that price and that price only.

It's a fair deal.

Cents and not a penny more...


It's, it's the pizza guy.

Boy, those guys are persistent, don't you think?

Mr. Bighead?

Mr. Bighead?


Rocko, I just made ten dollars!

That's great, heff, what did you sell?

Um, you know, this and that.

That gives us $-- we need $ more.

Hey, do you work here?

I'll give you $ for this piece of scrap.

Um, sir, wait.

Excuse me, uh...

I'm sorry, I'm afraid that's not for sale.

You see, I'm a bit sentimental about it.

You want to play hardball, huh?

$-- No one else is going to give you that.

Um... No, I'm sorry-- memories, you see.

It means too much to me.

It means too much? What do you mean?

It's just a pogo stick, nothing more.

It's the memories we attach to it that are important

Not the pogo stick itself.

I'll tell you what--

I'll give you... Big ones!

My final offer.

Big ones.

How do you like the smell of that, kid?

Well, I guess I could.

Well, that about does it, heff.

I don't think we're going to sell anything else.

But hey, we reached our $ goal.

We can pay the pizza bill.

Yeah, you really caved in easy to that antique dealer

I thought you were going to hold out on the pogo stick.

I'm going to scrape that pizza off the lawn.

Gee, maybe I shouldn't have sold it.

Ah, it's only an old piece of junk.


Hey, heff, you there?

(Shrieks )

Who are you?

What, you don't remember?

I'm mr. Onion head, your favorite childhood toy.

But, but what do you want?

Why are you here?

On account of you selling your beloved pogo stick.

You spent hours

Gleefully bouncing around the outback.

You outran dozens of crocodile bullies on your pogo stick.

You met your first girl on that stick.

You were pretty much inseparable.

Would you do the same to me?

Remember the hours of fun we had together?

I love you, mr. Onion head.

You're... You're right.

I should have never sold it.

I made a horrible mistake.

Rocko, you in here?

Over here, heff.

What's the matter?

Heff, I got to get that pogo stick back.

I shouldn't have sold it.

Come on, let's go.

Hey, mr. Onion head.

Where'd you get it?

Heff: jeez, bucks.

Man, did you get ripped.

How are you going to pay the pizza bill?

You spent all the money.

It's time to face the music.

Don't worry, rocko, your old pal heffer's here.

(Earth-shaking footfalls )

You rocko?

Yes, yes, sir.

You come quietly, wise guy, got it?

Now, listen, you're a bill payer and supposed to pay bills.

We can't have citizens like you goofing up the pizza business...

(Growling )

(Large growl )

(Fierce growl )

It's, it's... Brilliant!

Absolutely brilliant!

I, I must have this.

It's exquisite, subtle, strangely satisfying

Supple, although angular, condensed yet sparse.

Excuse me, excuse me!

I must have this.

I must, I must, I must have it!

Just look at it-- the humanity!

The anger!

The pain!

Oh, yes, I see it. Very nice.

I'll give you $ for it.

That's my final offer.

Sold, thank you.

I'll be taking that.

That should cover what you owe me.

Wallace, go back to the truck.

(In high, meek voice ): but, boss...


Can i...

The truck, wallace!

(Wailing ): I don't get to do anything!

You got lucky, twerp, this time.

Come on, bighead, let's move it.

Get your fat butt in gear.

Yes, sir.

Move it, bubble butt.

Yes, sir.

It's frenetic, yet calm

Emotional, yet slightly pragmatic

A never-ending twisted enigma of pain and joy.

We did it, old buddy.

And you have your pogo stick.

Thanks to your g.i. Jimbo, heff.

♪ G.i. Jimbo saved the day again ♪

♪ Because he's the strongest guy and nothing can k*ll him ♪

♪ Nothing!


Yes, rocko?

Where is all the furniture?



Where... Is... The... Furniture?!

Want to order pizza?

Don't tell me you sold the furniture.

You must be happy to have that pogo stick back.



What a week!

Almost time for me big camping weekend.

Rest and relaxation in the great outdoors.

Come on, come on.

Ah, freedom.

Not so fast.

Quiz time.

What's this?

Uh, bunnyman?


And the fly?

Bunnyman vs. The fly, issue six, volume four.

Very good, einstein.

Now what's wrong with this picture?

Uh, bunnyman's got three whiskers?


But everyone knows bunnyman has four whiskers.


So fix them!

All of them!

Yes, sir.

Don't forget to lock up.

(Sighs )

Thank you.

(Laughter )



Must get sleep.

Must... Get... Sleep.



(Banging )

(Door bell ringing )

Ready to go camping?


Sorry, heff, forgot.

You don't look so good.

You should get some sleep.

(Raucous alarm )

Wake up, wake up, shut off that stupid alarm.

(Clanging, banging )

(Alarm fades, then stops )

(Sighs )

(Cawing )

(Snoring )

Chirp, chirp, chirp!

Shut up!

(Rooster crows )

Rise and shine.

Can't I get some sleep?

(Snoring )

(Bugs shrieking )

(Snoring )

(Yawns )



Flecko, you're beautiful.

Another great day for being a fly.

Mmm-mmm, fresh garbage.

(Barking angrily )

(Snarling )

(Frantic barking )

(Whimpering )

We'll play later.

Next week.

Good night, everyone.

(Snoring )

Wow, quite a honker you got there, pal.

(Whistling )

Dang! My trick eye popped out again.

Hey, man, you got my eye up your nose.

I'm taking my eye back, jack.

(Loud gulp )

(Moaning in frustration )

Water here, boss.

Man, only days to go breaking boogies on this chain g*ng

And then I'm out of here.

How about you, friend?



Uh, it's a living.

Hey, look, a diamond!

It's mine!

That ain't no diamond, stupid.

Just a glass eye.

Worthless junk!

Man, that's better.

Now, out of this hole.


You were in my nose.

Well, yeah?

What are you doing?

I need sleep, you woke me up.

(Groaning )

Now, now wait a minute, big guy.

You don't want to do that.

I got kids.

Millions of them.

They'll be orphans.

Never getting a chance to play catch with old dad.

Nobody to tuck them in at night.

Please, mister.

Please, please, stop.

I can't take any more.

You're free to go, mr. Fly.

Run along and take care of your family.

(Screams )

You were gonna k*ll me, big jerk!

(Jackhammer )



I don't want to sleep.

I don't need sleep.

I am the walking living!

(Crazed laughter )

Oh, brother.

What a day!

The old sack sure looks good tonight.

(Snoring )

(Banging )

Ready to go camping?

Flecko? Flecko?