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03x10 - The Big Question/The Big Answer

Posted: 12/11/23 18:09
by bunniefuu
(Buzzing )

(Rattling )

♪ Rocko's modern life ♪

Rocko's modern life.

♪ Rocko's modern life ♪

Rocko's modern life.

(Whistling and buzzing )

(Splat! )

(Screaming )

♪ Rocko's modern life. ♪

Rocko's modern life.

That was a hoot!

(Rattling )

My darling...

I love you more than anyone in the whole darn world.

Will you marry me?

(Kissing )

Mmm... No!

Why, you big rotten...

(Fighting ) come on, guys...

Knock it off.

Oh, come on, rock.

We're just playing, see?

You're just stalling.

Now, pick up the phone...

Take a deep breath...

And call her.

(Phone ringing )

Hutch: hello?

Oh, hello, turtledove.

(Filburt jabbering )

Uh, what's that?

Well... No, i, I can't, mmm...

My high school reunion is tonight and, uh...

An old friend is in town and, uh... How about tomorrow?

'Kay? Bye-bye.

(Laughs nervously )

Maybe tomorrow.

Tomorrow, nothing!

You're ready now.

We're driving to dr. Hutchison's

So you can catch her before she leaves.

Oh... I've never been this nervous

In my entire life.

(Chuckles nervously )

(Tinkling )

That's her place, up on the left.

(Both laughing )

Stop the car!

(Tires squealing )

Rocko: gee, filburt...

Looks like you have some competition.

Get down!

(Hutch laughing )

Who's the guy?

Oh... That's just an old friend of hers

From high school.

Oh, then it's probably nothing to worry about.

(Chuckles nervously )

Pretty convincing, rocko.

(Laughing )

(Groaning )

(Loud stomping ) what I mean to say is that...

(All screaming )

It's the widow hutchison!

Turtles and cats together... That's not right!

I may be old and ugly

But I still know when my daughter is in love.

That high school hunk is the real thing.

You stick with your own kind...

Sniveling pet shop sap!

(Hissing )

Is it gone?

Wow, what's wrong withher?

(All screaming )

Now get off my property!

Please put us down, mr. Crab!

We're sorry!

Rocko: what you're doing is illegal, mrs. Hutchison!

(All screaming )

(Whistling )

(Screaming )

(Horns honking )

(Hutch laughing )

Follow that motor scooter bike thing.

(Tires squealing )

Faster! Step on it!

She's getting away! Faster! No, slow down!

(Both talking at once )

Hey, hey, hey! If you don't like the way I drive

You can drive yourselves.

I'm coming, hutch honey!


(Heff whooping )

Rocko: they're going into the mall!

Look out!

(All screaming )

(Elevator dings )

It's hopeless.

I've lost her forever.

On this day of all days.

(Groaning )

Fifth floor-- underpants, fluffernutters, artificial noses.

Don't see them!

You know what it's like

To love a woman

Until your very soul burns

Like a thousand suns?

Th floor-- potatoes, pig warmers, candied yams, underpants.

Don't see them.

Oh, what have I done?

Now, now, fil, there will be others.

You fool!

There will never be another woman for me.

Third floor-- underpants, bridal boutique...

There they are!

Filburt: oh, my gosh!

All right, filburt, this is it.

Ask her to marry you.

Go on, go to hernow.

(Sighing )

Oh, boy, oh, boy...

Go, filburt.come on, fil.

...oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.

I always hate this.

(Hissing )

You don't have a chance with my daughter, shell boy!


(Laughing )

Hey, four eyes!

Hutch is withme now.


You don't have the courage to ask hutch.


And besides...

She wouldn't marry you anyway.


No! No! No!

All right, that's it.

I love her more than anyone in the world

And I'm... Going to... Marry...


Filburt, come out!

Dr. Hutchison

I love you more than anyone in the whole world.

Will you marry me?

Where is she?

She left without seeing you, thank goodness.

Probably at the class reunion by now.

Class reunion?!

I've got to go after her!

(Spy show music playing )

Turtledove to mr. Beef.

Come in, mr. Beef.

Mr. Beef here.

You are loud and clear.

All right, we go in

You get that tiger away from her for two minutes

I pop the question, we get out.

That's a go, turtledove.

Turtledove to rabbit ears.

Come in, rabb...

Hey, I got a great parking spot

Right out fron...

Are you out of your mind?

This is a highly sensitive area.

Highly sensitive.

And where's your disguise?


(Chuckling nervously )


Let's rock and roll.

(Lively conversation )

Target sighted.



All right, we're phase two.

Rabbit ears, what's the code name?

Can I have a different name?

Say the code name! Say the code name!

The code name: table five.

Let's move!let's move!

Oh, tiger, you're a nutball!

(Both laughing )

You'll never change.

We have target proximity.


Proceed with extreme caution.

Hello, children.

Hi, mom.

Evening, widow hutchison.

Call me mom.

(Both laughing )

Mr. Beef, initiate diversion tactics.



Is he gone?


Oh, rocko!

I'm so nervous!

(Groaning )

I know, filburt, but don't give up now.

This is your biggest moment!

You are about to embark on a wondrous journey.

A journey shared by two people who...

That's enough of that!

I think I'm going to be sick.

(Clanging and clattering )

Cut the cake!

Cut the cake!

All: cut the cake! Cut the cake!

All: cut the cake...

(Beeping )

Cut the cake! Cut the cake!

If you'll excuse me.

Certainly, your majesty.

Cake detonator is armed and in place.

Good work, mr. Beef.

Cake detonator?

Didn't you read the mission profile?

Uh... No.

Mr. Beef?

Thank you.

As you are aware, the class reunion cake

Is cut by the prom king.


You got it, fuzzy.

The cake is rigged with a cake detonating device

Which will cause it to explode the moment it is sliced.

Goodness gracious!

Hey, that's some cake, huh?

(Cheering and applause )

The resulting expl*si*n covers the subject with frosting

Rendering him completely helpless.

Allowing me time to pop the question.

Why don't you just ask her now?

She's alone.


Um... We will not deviate from the mission outline.

Filburt, quit stalling!

Ask her!

Ask hernow!

Do you think that tiger fellow

Would pass up an opportunity like this?


No, he wouldn't.

And youlove her, don't you?

Yes! Yes, I do!

Then go to hernow

Or you may never have another chance!

Move aside.

I will not keep my lady waiting any longer.

(Crunch )


All right, so without further ado

It is my honor and privilege as your prom king

To cut the class reunion cake...


Hutch! accordance with school tradition.


School tradition?

(Groaning )

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your prom queen.

(Cheering and applause )

O-town high, this one's for the girls... 'Kay?

(Girls cheering )

(All gasp )

(Echoing: ) no...!

(Beeping )

(Steady tone )

(expl*si*n )

(Bubbling and gurgling )

(Chuckling nervously )


Filburt? What are you doing here?

Pop the question. Pop the question!

Will you marry me?


Hey... But what about...?

Aren't you, you know, with... The guy...

That thing... With the...


Who? Tiger?

(Laughing )

(Laughing )

(Both laughing )

(Both laughing )



You've come back!

Hold me!

Wait! Come back!

Without tiger's encouragement

I never would have had the courage to propose.

Oh, wait, I have something for you, too.

Oh, filburt...

That's the most beautiful engagement hook I've ever seen!




Widow hutchison: darling!

(Bubbling and gurgling )

Three cheers for the happy couple.


All: hooray!

I love you, dr. Hutchison.

I love you, too, filburt.

(Kissing ) (laughing )

(Slide projector clicking )

Man: the turtle

The blacksmith of the animal kingdom.

A shelled, lethargic reptile

With a timid disposition.

The turtle's head.

When it comes to love for the turtle

The last companion you'd want for your friend

Is a cat.

(Roaring like a tiger )

Because everyone knows that cats and turtles

Are savage enemies.

That's just the way it is

And has been for centuries.

(Yowling )

Well, your wedding dress is finished.

Oh, mom, I had the most horrible dream.

I'll call that horrible turtle

And tell him the wedding is off.

When are you going to stop trying

To come between us?

When you get it through your thick head that

Both: "cats and turtles don't mix."

I know, I know.

I've heard it more times than I care to

From you and the rest of the family.

We're just concerned for you, paula, honey.

We want you to be happy.

Why, if your father were here today...

I'd smack him right in the head.

Mom, you were in love once.

Can't you see past filburt's species

To all the wonderful things he has to offer a girl?


(Metal door creaking open )

Rocko: blazes!

How much did you want to borrow?

Only about, uh, four dollars.

Well, okay.

But you know I'm not comfortable

Loaning money.

Filburt, where did you get all these cans?

Oh, here and there.

(Quietly ): so this is why he never works.

Thanks a lot, filburt.

Well, tomorrow's the big day, hey?


Walk me to my car?


Uh, well

Gosh, I don't know.

Uh, tradition?

Well, okay.

(Everyone screaming ): bachelor party!

Oh, boy.

(Whooping and crashing )

Filburt: I protest, unhand me.


Heffer: we get the loot?

Rocko: yep. Let's show this bachelor the time of his life.

Filburt: oh, boy.

Heffer: whoo! What a party!


♪ Bachelor party ♪

♪ Bachelor party, bachelor party! ♪


This is the best bachelor party ever.

(Sputtering ) (whooping )

Who arethose guys?

(Loud burping )

Heffer: more ice cream!


We need more ice cream over here!

Waiter! Take it easy, hef.

Heffer: whoo!

What's in here?


Hey, guys, look!

I'm a dive bomber madman!

(Humming like a motor )

(Sirens blaring )

Call off the chimes!

Get out of there!

(Engines roaring )

(Screaming )

Okay, let's try again.

Come here, honey.

Paula? Honey?


Up on the roof?

What's the matter with you?

Nothing, mother, I'm perfectly fine.

And tomorrow, before family and friends

I'm going to marry the turtle I love.


(Distant screaming )

Oh! Well, kitten, I've arranged your wedding

I've made your cake and I've sewn your dress.

You'd think I'd be okay, wouldn't you?

Well, frankly, I'm not!

I'm your mother

And I will do anything for you

Even if it means allowing you to throw your life away

By marrying that shellboy.

Disgracing yourself

Your mother and your entire family!

But I will never

Ever,ever be okay!


(Sobbing )


(Whooshing )

(Heffer imitating machine g*n )

What's going on?

This plane wasn't supposed to fly!

Strap yourselves in, we're out of control!

Calm down, fil.

Try to radio the air force or somebody.

May day, may day!

We're going down like a lead rake

And we can't fly!

We ate too much ice cream

And my friend's from australia!

Wait a minute, this is a pig.

(Oinking )

I don't think I can handle this.

My nerves are completely shot.

♪ Oh, the yellow rose of texas... ♪

Heffer, knock it off!


Hey, what's going on back there?

Filburt: ow.

(Engines whining )

(Loud crashing )

(Sizzling )

(Groaning )

My head.

(Burping )

Good morning!

(Slurping and burping )

How about a little hair of the dog?

Oh, not so loud.

I'll never eat ice cream again as long as I live.

(Slurping )

What time is it?!



(Organ playing bridal procession music )

Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.

Heffer, come on, we've got to get to the park!

(Everyone jabbering )

Filburt: oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.

Woman: ♪ sometime... ♪

Dr. Hutchison?

Hi, honey!


I'm up here.

It's a great view, come on up.

Hang on.

(Footsteps getting louder )

(Panting )

What are you doing?

Oh, thinking.


About the wedding.

Filburt, i...


(Screaming )

(Both screaming )

(Laughing together )

♪ Sometimes... ♪

No, wait-- filburt?


I... I...

I can't do it.

Oh, fish sticks.

Widow hutchinson: where are they?

They arelate.

I knew this would be a disaster.

Let's call it off.

(Tires squealing )

Where's filburt?

I don't see filburt!

I don't know.

Rocko: hello, nice to see you.

Hi, there.

(Laughing nervously )

Here we are.

(Laughing nervously )

Where are they?

I'm sure they're on the way.

(Crowd whispering )

Filburt said the families might not get on very well.

What'll we do?

Let's just keep the groups separated

And cheerful.

Hey, g*ng, how about a sing-a-long?

I know a joke that you folks

Would just love!

♪ The yellow rose of texas ♪

♪ Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh... ♪

Where's my seat?

All right... Oh, no.

Crazy aunt gretchen?

I'm an old woman, for pete's sake.

(Yowling )

That's right.

Here we go.


Heffer! I'm having a bit of trouble.

Could you help me?

Yeah, well, maybe you wouldn't

Have any trouble

If your turtle friends

Would stay on their own side.

Crowd: stay on your own side, you shell-heads.

Heffer! What are you saying?

That I bet my side could lick your side

Any day of the week.


Why don't you all go back

To the filthy, stinking pond you came from?


Now, now, everyone, please...

(Shrieking )

That does it.

(Screaming )

(Screaming )

Nice going, heffer.

I was only trying to...

Excuse me, young sir.

I'm colonel h

Of colonel h's barnstorming ice cream parlors incorporated.

Eh, yes?

Well, you see, I believe you all got my airplane

On your front lawn.

Oh, uh, yes, well, uh...

(Car approaching and honking )

They're here!

(Tires squealing )


Well, now.



Both: hutch's dad is a turtle?


Hey, hey, hey!

Let me look at you, daughter.

Daddy, this is filburt

My new husband.


Filburt, what's going on?

We went and got hitched.


We decided it was better

Not to get the families involved.

To keep things simple.

Both: simple?

All right, now.

Aren't you both a pretty sight?

Stand back and let me take a picture.

What a lovely pair, yes, indeed.

My goodness.

It's your mother.

(Snarling )

Still in mourning, I see.

Shut up.

Now if you all will excuse me--

Hold my camera, son--

There's a battle going on.

Charge, magnolia, charge!

Frankie, wait, I still love you!


That was weird.

Man: ♪ in a smelly swamp, we'll dine on slugs ♪

♪ With pond scum for dessert ♪

♪ Come crawl with me, oh, let's crawl away ♪

♪ Come crawl with me, yeah, let's crawl away ♪

♪ Let's crawl away, yeah! ♪