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01x18 - Otis VS Bigfoot/Pecky Suave

Posted: 12/11/23 19:37
by bunniefuu
I'm just heading to the fields, duke, I'll be back.

[Animal noises]



All right!


Man: ♪ from the haystacks up to the hilltops ♪

♪ We go on dancing...

[Animals cheering]

♪ ...through the night

Ow, ow, ok, ow.



♪ Do-si-do your partner, now

♪ Gonna party now till the morning light ♪

♪ Do-si-do and don't you know ♪

♪ It's just the way we animals roll. ♪

[Engine revving]



Otis: ok, buddy, looking good, looking good, keep your eye on the prize.

Remember, stick and move, stick and move.

Pig: and watch the jab.

Pip: yeah, watch the jab.

And keep dancing, they can't touch you if you're dancing.

Uh, guys, I appreciate it, but I really don't think...

Round one.[Yelps]

Get in there.all you, buddy.

Ok, come on, let's go, do what we said.

What you guys doing?

Oh, hey, abby, uh, we're helping peck talk to a lady.

Ok, I'll see you later.

Ok, bye. Bye.

[Sighs] ok, peck, you can do this. [Clears throat]

Uh, hanna, would you g...

Man: ♪ paradise is in your eyes ♪

Would you g-g-go out, go out with m-m-m... [Choking]

Condition red, get out of there, abort, abort.

No, I think it's going well.

Uh-oh, we got a choker.

Well, hello, little lady.

You are looking mighty fine.

Yeah, yeah, keep your shorts on.

Here's a ticket to tonight's show.

Don't be late, baby.

All right, all right, I heard you.

Is that his tongue?gross.

Here, let me help you with that.

There, I saved your life, now go away.

Yep, that's right, girls, you saw it.

Root is a hero.

Peck, did you want to ask me something?

Wow, that was pathetic.

Well, duh, you're going about it all wrong.

[Laughing]: oh, is that a fact, miss expert?

And just what would you suggest?

Just let peck be himself.

Hanna likes the shy, bookish type.


Women don't want guys like that.

They want suave guys with big muscles who eat fear for breakfast.

Take it from dr. Love, all peck needs is a little vitamin "c" for confidence.

I thought vitamin c was an ascorbate

Vital to essential metabolic reactions in mammals and plants.

And confidence.

Come on, guys, I have a plan.

Step right up for dr. Otis's ego elixir...

Guaranteed to make the puniest pipsqueak pop with power.

What'd you put in this stuff, anyway?

I don't know, apple cider, earwax, some weird stuff that was caked in my hoof.

Ooh, here comes peck, get ready.

That's it, step right up.

Now I'll need a volunteer from the audience.

You there, sir, we've never met before.

You look like a hapless wiener on the bottom of life's failure bucket.

Come try a swig.

Oh, no, I am too shy and timid.

Your timid-id-idity will melt away after you drink dr. Otis's ego elixir.

I like your pitch.

I will try it.

Excellent, son. [Gulping]

No, pip, really chug it.

But you said there was...

I know what I said, just drink it.



Now how do you feel?

Strong and fearless.

Even in the face of this venomous snake?


Snakes are nothing to me now that I drank this juice.



That's just sad.

What kind of a gullible ignoramus would believe in a stupid potion?

I'll take a bottle, give me a bottle.


Good man, peck.

Now, at this very moment, dr. Otis is infusing your every cell with manly confidence.

I... I...

I don't feel anything.

Otis: are you sure?

Hey, uh, if you're not gonna finish that... Ow.

Well, thanks anyway, otis.

Peck, that tonic is surefire.

It just hasn't done anything 'cause it's, uh, time-released.

Yeah, yeah, come on, guys, let's leave peck alone while the potion kicks in.

Oh, right, kicks in.

Yeah, kicks in.

Come on.


I am such a lo...



Whoo-hoo-hoo, whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo...


[Crowing echoes]

[General conversation]

So how many horses do we got in here tonight?

Put your hoof down, donkey.

Folks, if you need another seat for your ears, you're probably a donkey.


Stupid donkey.

Hey, hey, guys, has anyone seen peck?

He was supposed to meet us here.

Nope.haven't seen him.


He has a lot of confidence.

Who's that? Wow. the name to seal the deal.

And what's up with that?

Let's see, what else is in the news?

What the... Well, looky here, the world's skinniest penguin.

Sorry, penguin, no fish up here.



Then I must've been smelling your act.


Hey, who is that guy?

It kind of looks like peck.

Aw, it can't be peck, this guy's brimming with confidence.

Look, buddy, the exit is right over there.

Good, then enjoy the fresh air, cockadoodle-doofus.

Root: whoa![Crash]

On the downbeat, boys.


♪ Hey, I got a song that I'm singing, and this is the tune ♪

♪ I never sang it till just now ♪

♪ But it's gonna be a huge hit, jack ♪

Thank you, thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

Hey, porky, where you from?

What, me?

Uh, that stall over there.


Well, walk home, you need the exercise.

It's true, it's true.

Hey, I kid 'cause I love.

Round of milk for the table.

Well, here are a couple of beautiful ladies.

Tell me, do you believe in love at first sight?

No, not really.

Then wait here, I'll walk by again.

♪ And that's why, that's why the rooster ♪

♪ That's why the rooster is a star... ♪


Good night, I'm pecky suave.



[All talking at once]

[Clears throat] well, ladies, what do you think of dr. Love now?

Old pecky suave's got hanna eating right out of his hand.


Bessy: oh, yeah?

Well, it looks like your patient's about to come down with a bad case of butt whup.

Looky here, you little runt, you...

Nobody talks to me like that.

Back it up, pally, or I'll back it up for you.

Hey, guys, guys, stop arguing.

I'm sure we can settle this in a calm and orderly fashion.

Bingo, baby.

Like with a rooster rumble.

Tomorrow at dawn.

Both: you're on.

No, but that's not what i... Oh, milk me.

Hey, where'd he go?

I wanted him to sign my thigh.

All: rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble...

Where is that skinny ninny?

It's time for his beat-down.

Otis, you can't let peck fight root.

Yeah, he'll get creamed.

Relax, guys, I'll smooth this all over... With my words.

Root, excuse me, root, can I talk to you for a sec?

Ok, this is an awesome story, and you're gonna laugh.

This was all a hilarious misunderstanding.

How about we just forget about all this silly...

[Clears throat]

Let's do this.

He's kidding with... Always with the jokes and the funny...

[Laughing] this one...


What's the hubbub, udders?

What's going on?

Well, let's see, it's like this...

Otis's potion is a fake.

You're a horrible fraud.

Root's gonna yank out your gizzards at the rooster rumble.

What the rat said.

You guys, always with the yuks.

You're nutty, baby.

Seriously, peck, there's nothing magic about this potion.


[Chokes] see, nothing.

Look, pip will drink it too.

No, not again... [Gulping]

Hey, hey, I want to show him too.


All right, now, look.

I don't care what you say.

That potion was not a fraud.

Guys, guys, I've been nominated for a barney award

For my role as the vicious snake in your phony-baloney potion show.


So it's true.

The potion was a fake.

Oh, otis, how am I gonna get out of this fight?

Good luck, peck, I'll be watching. [Kiss]

Well, off to the rumble.

Peck, no.

You'll be torn to delicious pieces.

True, but at least I won't look like a coward in front of hanna.

Now... If you'll excuse me...

All: rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble.

[Bell rings]

[Both yell]


We got a rooster rumble in sector seven.

I'm moving out.


[Grunting] hey, take that, huh?

Ow... Ok, that does hurt, ow...


[All baaing]

Chicken activist!

Run in varying directions!


Chicken protection squad, wings where I can see 'em.



Don't worry, I'll handle... [Grunts]

I should've known there'd be a woman involved.

Sorry, sister, you're coming with me.

Hanna, hanna!

Peck, I'm down.

It's up to you to save hanna.


Otis, I don't know how to save anyone.

Now, you listen to me.

You're pecky suave.

It wasn't some potion that created him.

He's somewhere deep inside you, and what you gotta do

Is you gotta get up and you gotta get out there...


But... But...

Hanna... Otis is right.

I've got to channel my inner pecky suave.



Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, baby.

Whiskers, we'll need thumbtacks.

Rabies, round up some smoke bombs.

Two-eyes, whip up some heavy cream.

Ham hock, mop my brow.

Pip: all right.whatever you say.

Am I ham hock?

Oh, a brave guy, huh?

Wait for him, freddy baby.

...wait for him.


Aah, can't see.

Aah, aah!

Lights out, spanky.






Man: aah!


[Gasping] peck, you risked your life to save me.

Way to go.pip: yeah, way to go.

That was amazing.

I saw the whole thing, my brother.

You're all right in my book.

Aw, thanks, rooty mctooty.

Yeah, don't push it. Sorry.

You did it, peck.

I knew you had it in you.

You were right, otis.

I didn't need some stupid potion.

I had the power in me all along.

And I'm gonna use it to ask hanna out.

Yeah, that's it... Go do it, you can do it.


[Clears throat]


Yes, peck?

Will you go out with... [Choking]

The boy's choking again.


I'm going to leave now.

Yeah, pretty much.


Pig: oh!


Man: we interrupt the afternoon movie for this special report.

Hold on to your hats, friends.

We're getting word that the mysterious legendary creature known as bigfoot

Has been sighted in our county.



All: bigfoot? Huh?

Local police are in pursuit of the shaggy behemoth

Who was last seen headed for the woods off route .

Wow, good stuff.

Guys, do you know what this means?

Yes, if bigfoot's real, then mud pixies must exist too.

We're all going to be devoured.[All yelling]

Whoa, whoa, whoa, guys, we're not all gonna be devoured.

Just abby, 'cause monsters always attack the girl.

But don't worry, abby, I'll protect you.

Oh, please, otis, I can take care of myself.

No need for fake bravery in the face of your impending death.

I'll capture this vile creature for you.

That's right... Um, how?

I don't know.

To the woods!

[All screaming]

[Bigfoot groaning]

If I could capture bigfoot, I'd be a hero instead of the town kookaburra.

Let's do this thing.



Otis: stay sharp, guys.

Remember, his favorite food is faces, and he can take the form of dirt.

Otis, are you sure that's right?

Uh, how many bigfeet have you captured?

More than zero?

I thought not.

[Rapid beeping]

Sweet cud, my hastily constructed bigfoot-o-scope is whooping.

Wait here, abby, it's far too dangerous for someone as frightened as you.


Wait a minute, I could handle an army of bigfoots with one hoof tied behind my back.





[Abby screams]

It's abby, she's being eaten alive.

[Abby screaming]

Abby, abby!

A... Abby?


Otis, look, I found bigfoot.

Abby, be careful, before he jumps off his end of the seesaw while you plummet to the ground!

It's a classic monster move!

Otis, no, I was right about bigfoot.

He's peaceful, kind, and a good conversationalist.

Abby... Friend.

Are you crazy?

He's an evil, shaggy engine of terror.


[All screaming]


[Bigfoot muttering]

Hey, cool, he can do origami.

Pip: I want one.

I saw bigfoot first.

I love origami.

Can you do a swan?

Otis, can bigfoot come and stay with us, please?

All the humans are out hunting for him.

Are you serious?

No way, he's vicious... Plus he sheds.

Dude, what part of "free origami" don't you understand?

Yeah, come on...

Please, please, please?

Pip: don't be a jerk.

All right, all right, I'll go along with this charade for now.

But I'm watching you, buddy boy.

Otis friend.

Aah, my beautiful spine!



Yay, bigfoot!

[Baaing]: awesome!

Now, there goes one luscious hunk of man-beast.

Not like you, mama's boy.

What, I could do that.

Boy, that bigfoot, he's like a member of the family now.


Oh, yeah, everyone loves him, especially abby.


Please, no way abby likes that smelly manimal.

Hey, bigfoot, who wants grooming?


Oh, yeah, she's into him.

I can't believe you people.

Can we please focus on the fact that he's just gonna

Eat our faces off and beat up what's left?

Heh-heh, admit it, o, you're jealous of bigfoot and abby. [Chuckles]

That is the most ridiculous sentence I have ever heard.


Oh, bigfoot, that's so sweet of you to say.

♪ Abby and bigfoot, sitting in a tree ♪

Come on, you guys.

All: ♪ k-i-s-s-i-n-g...


Hey, did that just come out of my mouth?

Uh, pretty much.

Pip: yeah, I heard, like, a big, big... "Bigfoot!"

Hey, lady, you can't be out here.

The bigfoot alert has been elevated to yellowish-ish orange.

But officer... Oh.

I'm hot on his trail.

Stick with me and you'll make lieutenant by nightfall.


Just tell me what you need me to do.

Grab the softness of my forearm and I'll lead you forward.


Grab it!

[Imitating abby]: oh, otis, bigfoot's nice.

He's a gentle giant.

His hair's all soft.

Pig: bigfoot, no!

What are you doing?

Sweet heavens.

I knew it.

He's chopping pig into edible chunklets.

Hang on, pig!

Bigfoot, no!

That's way too much cilantro.

Why, why?



Oh, hi, otis.

Bigfoot's just showing me how to prepare saffron risotto.

Yeah, as a tasty side dish to these victims he's microwaving.

Otis, I wouldn't do that.


So show me again how you chop that cilantro.



Bigfoot's on the rampage!


Wow, thanks for helping us redecorate, bigfoot.

Yeah, you know, that area rug really pulls the room together.

Run for your lives!

I'll hold him off as long as... I'm sliding!


So shall we look at color swatches?


Hey, psst, abby.

Hi, otis.

Since you remain bigfoot's prime target

I've decided to transfer you to an undisclosed location until he leaves.

Sorry, otis, no can do.

Bigfoot's taking me on a picnic.


Oh, you brought your ukulele.

This is gonna be so much fun.

Bye, otis.

[Both laughing]

Abby: oh, bigfoot.

Pip: ok, it's official, they're dating.

What are you, the gossip channel?

Oh, don't be jealous, otis.

Maybe you'll meet a nice unicorn girl online.


Am I the only one who sees through this monster?

He just wants to get abby alone so he can eat her.

Well, not on my watch.

He's so jealous.

Well, can you blame him?

Bigfoot's hot.


[Jabbering] ♪ moon

[Jabbering] ♪ june

[Jabbering] ♪ bubbles

Oh, bigfoot, that was wonderful.

Why are they sitting so close?

Doesn't she realize he's in mangling distance?

Oh, bigfoot, you're just full of surprises, ain't you?


He's gonna suck her face off!

I gotta save her!

Bigfoot, no.

We mustn't.


I'm sorry, but there's someone else.

Someone I really like a lot.


It's funny, but you remind me of him in so many ways.



Otis, what are you doing?

Rescuing your flesh.

Oh, yeah, it's on, bigfoot.


Come on.


Otis, stop.

You're being a total butthead.


I'm telling you, bigfoot does not want to eat us.

Abby, don't listen to your foolish lady heart.

All he wants to do is devour you and walk away and tell all his friends about it.

Now it's time to end this.


It's ending.


It is almost over.

It's bigfoot.

Quick, constable, take him down.

He's mauling that poor cow.

I can't get a bead on him.

Oh, give me that.


This is where I go from goofytown to heroville.

Eat tranquilizer, bigfoot.


Otis, no!


[Gasps] bigfoot!

I can't believe it.

Bigfoot took that dart for me.

And all this time I thought he was out to get us.

We gotta get him out of here, come on.

I should've figured the talking barn animals were in on it with him.

Call for backup.

Yeah, gertie, we got an - in progress.

Repeat, an unlicensed bigfoot on county property.

Jumping cashews, you're an exciting woman.

We mustn't.

I thought bigfoot was gonna eat us in our sleep, but he risked his life to save me.


Bigfoot says it's ok, otis, and that he knows you only did it 'cause you were jealous.


I was not jealous.

Don't deny it, otis.

Constable: attention, bigfoot, come out with your enormous arms up.

Breaking news.

Local resident nora beady has cornered bigfoot.

This may be the end of the line for the bloodthirsty behemoth.

Otis, we can't let them capture bigfoot.


Aah, take it easy there, big fella, you're anxiety-shedding.

Wait, that's it.

I found bigfoot.

So chew on that, everybody who thought I was crazy.



Oh, you're mine, buddy.



Oh, yeah, who's your daddy?

Who's your daddy now, bigfoot, huh?

Wait a minute, this isn't bigfoot.

This is a cow dressed up to look like bigfoot.

A shocking development.

Someone has pasted fur on a cow

To give him the appearance of bigfoot.

But who would pull such a cheap stunt just to get on tv?



The cow's in league with him.

He can tell you where bigfoot is.

You're under arrest for bigfoot fraud.

No, oh, my.



[Gasps] pretty colors.

Otis's plan worked, bigfoot.

You're safe.

[All cheering]

Bigfoot, you're safe.

Yeah, way to go, biggie.

I'm sorry I misjudged you, bigfoot.

You're welcome to stay at the barnyard as long as you like.


Bigfoot says thank you, otis, but as long as he remains here

He'll be a danger to the rest of us.

Good-bye, bigfoot.

You rule, big guy.

You taught us to love again.



Aw, he says he'll miss abby most of all.

Ah, you should stop moving your mouth.



Huh, didn't see that coming.

Bye, bigfoot.

Bye, bigfoot.bye-bye.

Bye, bigfoot.we love you, bigfoot.

Children: ♪ bigfoot, bigfoot

♪ Bigfoot is '", he taught us to love again ♪

♪ Bigfoot lives inside our hearts ♪

♪ Giant hands, lots of hair

♪ He is welcome anywhere

♪ He is strong like a tsunami

♪ He can make the origami

♪ Bigfoot lives inside our hearts. ♪


Man: o...

[High pitch]: mation.
