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White Sheik, The (1952)

Posted: 12/11/23 20:08
by bunniefuu
"The white sheikh" was restored in 4K

by Cineteca die Bologna as part of the
"Fellini 100" project

in collaboration
with RTI-Mediaset and Infinity.

It was restored using
the original camera negative,

the picture positive produced in 1993
and the original sound negative,

all provided by Studio Cine.

Over time, the negative has undergone
several integrations

with second and fourth generation images,

which have been replaced here by frames
of a 1st generation positive copy.

The restoration was carried out in the
L'Immagine Ritrovata laboratory in 2019.



- Porter!
- Porter!

- Porter.
- Porter.



The express from Viterbo
is now arriving on platform 12.


Be careful! What kind of manners are
those? Were you raised in a barn?

Wanda! Hand me our bags!

Give me the hatbox first. The hatbox.

Take the hatbox.
She's handing me the suitcase.

Give me the suitcase. Careful!

Careful, the contents are fragile.
Stay close to me, please.

- Come. Get down this way.
- I'm coming.

Come, dear. We've arrived.

Slowly. Careful, don't fall.

- Where to?
- Hotel Tre Fiori.

Tre Fiori? Let's go, Blanchè!

- Cavoli?
- No, Cavalli. Cavalli, Ivan.

And the lady?

Wanda Giardino, now Cavalli.

Furio, honeymoon suite 5, third floor.

- Would you like a postcard?
- No, maybe later.

- I need to make a call. May I?
- Over there. Fifteen lire.

I'll call my aunt and uncle now.

Here you are.

Thank you, dear.

Excuse me, Father.

It's Ivan!

We just got here.
I called you immediately.

Yes. Yes, with my bride.
She's very eager to meet you.

- Ma'am.
- I'll put Wanda on the phone now.

She wants to say hello and thank you.



- Excuse me.
- Yes?

It's across the hall.
You can go that way, too.

- Excuse me.
- Yes?

- Is Via XXIV Maggio far from here?
- Via XXIV Maggio?

May I?

There it is, down there.

At the end of that street.
You can get there in 10 minutes.

- It's at the end of the alley, then turn...
- In ten minutes?

In ten minutes.

There you are!
Is this your idea of a joke?

Is that your idea of a joke?

- Where's the hatbox?
- Over there.

I must say, I was taken aback
when I didn't see you.

I was telling Uncle
that you wanted to say hello to him.

But the porter called me to the elevator.

The porter! The porter! A woman shouldn't
be alone in an elevator with a porter.

I didn't know how to explain it to Uncle.

He's used to being treated with respect.

He has an important position
at the Vatican. He's very powerful.

Who do you think you're dealing with?
He's very powerful.

If he snaps his fingers in Rome,
all of Altovilla Marittima jumps.

I intend to be on the town council
before two months are up, you know.

What's more, he's arranged
an audience with the Pope for us

at 11:00 in the morning.

We're to see the Pope at 11:00!

Will I have to speak?

No, I don't think so.

That's right. I hadn't thought of that.

No, I don't think so,
there'll be more than 200 couples.

In any case, I'll do the talking.

Now, my dear, if you don't mind,
I'd like to remove myjacket.

The timing for our audience
is most satisfactory.

It fits in nicely with my plans.

In fact, if you think of it,
it completes them perfectly.

I've got each minute of the day planned.

7:00 a.m., arrival in Rome. Right?
Rest in the hotel until 10:00.

From 10:00 until 11:00, meet the family

and get to know each other.

At 11:00, see the Pope,
followed by lunch with Aunt and Uncle.

From 1:00 p.m. to midnight,
we won't have a single free moment.

We'll be seeing the Pantheon, Coliseum,
and Roman Forum with Aunt and Uncle.

We'll meet our cousins and together
with them proceed to the Appia Antica,

the catacombs, Cecilia Metella,
and finally back to Rome.

And tonight,

all lit up,

the Altar of the Nation.

Then, of course,

we'll have an intimate supper,

followed by a restful night.

Your towels.

The maid.

If you want to take a bath,
we'll need half an hour's warning.

Oh, yes!

- A hot bath?
- Naturally.

- Is there a surcharge?
- Two hundred lire.

Yes, there is time, my dear.

It's 9:00 now. Aunt and Uncle
will be here at 10:30. Perfect.

A hot bath for my wife!

Perhaps tomorrow
I'll take one myself. Okay?

And now,

while you take your bath,

I'll have a nice little nap.

Enjoy your bath, dear.

Thank you.

- Mr Fernando Rivoli, please.
- Who?

I'm here to see Fernando Rivoli.
I must give him...

Fernando Rivoli never comes here.

He only comes in for his salary
on the weekend.

You'll have to wait until Saturday.

But I'm leaving tomorrow.

- May I leave this here?
- Put it on the desk.

- Good morning, ma'am.
- Good morning, ma'am.


Excuse me, dear. Hold Antonio.

What's this?

Nothing, ma'am.
She has something for Mr Rivoli.

- A fan...
- l wanted to give him...

...and therefore a friend.

Take these to my office.

- What's your name, dear?
- Passionate...

- What?
- Passionate Dolly.

How delightful!

- I am Marilena Alba Vellardi.
- Marilena Alba Vellardi.

The Starry Abyss, Tortured Souls,
Hearts in the Storm,

Sin in Damask, Swept Away by Love.

I wait all week for my issue
of your magazine to arrive on Saturday.

I pick it up at the station, run home
and lock myself in my room.

That's when my real life begins.
I read all night long.

Real life is the life of dreams.

Oh, yes.

I'm always dreaming.

There's nothing else to do there. What do
you expect? The people are so vulgar.

Young men don't know
how to speak to a girl, you know?

When you take a walk on the street...


No, thank you, I don't smoke.

But may I keep it as a souvenir?

Of course.

I'm afraid I must be going.

No. Please, sit down.

Dear girl, you're right.


One must seek refuge inside oneself,
like the Countess Lucilla...

- In Love and Destiny.
- Good girl! You remember?

I remember all your characters:

the Countess Lucilla, Felga the Gypsy,

Raniero the Adventurer,
and what's-his-name, that guy...

But most of all, the White Sheik.

Fernando Rivoli is sublime!

What a face!

- Good morning, ma'am.
- Come in, boys!

We just need a moment.

We've just finished the layout
for the latest episode.

- Finished?
- Yes, of course.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

An elegance that's more refined every day.

- Do you like it?
- Very much.

What a dear!

Three letters to Rivoli,
and now you've come to see him.

My dear, you are indeed lucky.
He'll be here any moment now.

But it's very late. Too late.
I merely wanted to...

What's this, a photograph? May I?

What is it? Let me see, see, see!

Did you draw this yourself?
It's a very good likeness.

Look, ma'am. Look what a masterpiece!

It's wonderful!

His turban is perfect!

Such spirit, and a painter, too!

You'll see, Fernando will be ecstatic.
Such a generous, sensitive heart!

- What about the pages?
- The director needs them right away.

We're working on it! Just a moment.

Has Mr Fernando Rivoli arrived?

Nando? He's downstairs.
We've got to get going.

Oh, shut up!

What was I saying?

Let's see.

This line could be...

Listen. My dear?

If you were in the desert at night,

and you knew your sheik was
in danger, what would you say?

Who, me?

If I were Fatima,
alone in the desert at night?

I'd say... I'd say... I'd say,

"My word, but I am distraught."


- Wonderful! Good girl!
- Wonderful!

An exquisitely human line.

- Really?
- I'll write it down immediately.

It's simple, just like life.

- Tell them you'll be right down.
- I'll take care of it.

Dear girl...

Okay, boys. We'll be right down.


Here you go, young man.
These are for the director, Mr Fortuna.

And take this young lady
to see Fernando Rivoli.

Go, dear! Your sheik is waiting.

What happened here?

What happened?

- Augurio, come and see this mess!
- Where is my wife?

Where is my wife?

My wife! Where is my wife?

How are we supposed to know
where our guests go when they leave?

Would you like a postcard?

She asked me how to get
to Via XXIV Maggio,

so she must have gone there.

- What's on Via XXIV Maggio?
- Furio! What's on Via XXIV Maggio?

What's on Via XXIV Maggio? Beats me.


Tell me what's on Via XXIV Maggio.

What's there?

There's the Palazzo Reale.

- Where is it?
- That way.

- Wait here. I'll go and get him.
- All right, I'll wait.

Get moving! We're leaving!

Oscar, hurry up! We're leaving!

Felga, Oscar, let's go! We're leaving!
Come on, let's go!

Felga... Oscar... The Cruel Bedouin.

Hurry up. It's getting late.

Hurry up, get in!

- Where's the car?
- It's gone. Get in the truck.

- I'm not going in the truck.
- You'll have the car on the way back.

This always happens to me!

Excuse me.

He said for you to get in.

- He wants to speak to you.
- But where are we going?

Not far. Get in.

Come on, miss. Be nice.

Sit here.

Come on! Let's go! Take off!

Out of the way!

Excuse me, is this all of Via XXIV Maggio?

- Yes, it starts there and ends here.
- But... But...

Dear Passionate Dolly

If, as you say, you will visit Rome soon,
come and see me.

We'll spend a few
unforgettable hours together.

Your white sheik

I'll take care of it right away.

Excuse me, is Mrs Cavalli in?

She hasn't returned.

Some people have been waiting for you
in the lounge for over an hour.

What is it? Are you all right?

What's the matter?

Take these.

What happened to you?

You're all dirty. What the devil!

There he is!

- I'll be right there.
- He's so elegant!

- Dearest Ivan.
- Dear Uncle.

- You had to get married to come to Rome.
- Dear Aunt.

- Dear Ivan.
- Dear Rita.

- My fiancé.
- The accountant, Mr Mevaglia.

- A pleasure.
- A pleasure.

- Even Aroldino is here.
- Dear boy!

Dear lady.

- What are you doing?
- No, the lady is not with us.

She is a guest at the hotel.
My apologies, ma'am.

- So, my dear Ivan, it would be...
- How is Grandma Carolina?

- Splendid!
- What about Oreste?

- Splendid!
- And how is Teresina?

- Splendid!
- How about poor Pasquale?

- Splendid!
- But he's dead!

Ivan, we should get going.

Go tell your bride to come downstairs.

- Sandra.
- Wanda, Mother.

Shall we go?

- My purse.
- You're in luck. Today is a national holiday.

The city is
all dressed up and full of colour.

It's a historic day for our nation.

You hear that?

Come, Ivan, let's go.

- The sugared almonds.
- The sugared almonds!

- Long live the newlyweds!
- Sugared almonds.

- Congratulations! Thank you.
- Congratulations! Thank you.

Thank you, Ivan.

Thank you.

Now, Ivan, shall we go?

Let's go.

- Shouldn't we wait for your bride?
- Shouldn't we wait for Wanda?


Wanda isn't feeling well.

A terrible headache.

I told her to take an aspirin

and she did.

It was no use.

I told her to take another aspirin,

and she did.

Lots of them.

Where did Auntie go? Auntie, stop!

- Which is Mrs Cavalli's room?
- Number 35, third floor.

Auntie! No!

Auntie, wait a moment!

Stop the elevator! Stop the elevator!

Auntie, wait! Wait, Auntie!

Auntie, stop, I need to speak to you!

Stop! Auntie!

Auntie, stop!

Furio, stop the bucket!

What's going on? Amalia, this is crazy!

What's going on?

- Here we are.
- But, Ivan...

What's going on?

Nothing. Everything's fine. Wonderful.
Wanda just fell asleep.

She was up all night.
We should let her sleep, right, Rita?

- We'll go see the Pope tomorrow. Let's go.
- Hold on.

Is she coming to lunch?

Lunch? Of course she is. Now, let's go.

Where are we?

My goodness!

Come on, everybody out!
Let's not waste time!

Where's that Rivoli? He's never around
when you need him. Where's Rivoli?

- What is it?
- I'm sorry, I've caught a cold.

- Could I work with my shoes on?
- A Bedouin with shoes?

- Listen, ma'am, I have to get back to Rome.
- Why tell me? Just go.

- Let go, you'll rip my costume.
- Please!

Out! Out!

Just look at the sea! Let's go swimming.

- Try it and you lose your pay.
- Go swimming and you don't get paid.

- Please! Please!
- What do you want?

I have to return to Rome immediately.
Please help me, sir!

- Oh, sir...
- Again?

Listen to this.

- She wants to go back to Rome.
- What?

- Have to get back right away.
- We all have to get back.

Quick, to makeup! Get dressed.

Harem girls, go over there!

Everyone report to the beach!

Excuse me, can you please tell me
where the station is? I have to go.

There's no station here.
The station is in Rome.

- What do you mean, in Rome?
- Hey!

My God!

Little boy, where is there a telephone?

The White Sheik!



Good day.

Mr Rivoli.

- Mr Rivoli?
- Yes.

- Fernando Rivoli.
- Do you know me?

I am Wanda Giardino.

- What's this?
- It's for you.

- I made it.
- For me? What is it?

What is it?

Is it something sweet to eat?

- It's me!
- Yes.

You're very good. Very well done.

Passionate Dolly...

- Dolly... You wrote me a letter!
- Three.

Three. Three letters. I remember.


Oh, yes.

No, not at all.

It's beautiful. Thank you very much.

May I... May I... May I buy you a drink?

There's a stand over here. This way.
After you.

Here we are, in any case.

How strange we should meet like this.

It gives me a feeling...

A strong feeling.

It's unreal, believe me.

- Are you Fernando Rivoli?
- Yes.

Would you please sign my book?

It would be my pleasure. Please.

How will the White Sheik end?

Why do you want to know?
It would ruin the romance of it.

I really hope he marries Felga.

Let's hope so.

Excuse me, I have company.

- Please.
- No, thank you. Don't trouble yourself.

- I must get back to Rome right away.
- To Rome?

What's that?

The music.

I, too, must return to Rome.

Let's go back together.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

May I?

- Excuse me, are you making a movie?
- Sort of.

Come on. Don't make me yell!

I don't want to yell!
I'm having a bad day!

Giovanni, hurry up with that!
The weather is changing!

Andrea, move it.

We have to get going!

Gather round, people! Gather round!
Listen to me.

"The chief of the desert marauders..."
What are you doing here?

Excuse me,
I'm an admirer of the tenth muse.

Well, you can't stay here. You have to go.

"He conceives a ferociously brave plan."

Felga, please!

"Oscar, the cruel Bedouin,
lands on the beach near the harem

"with his legendary Moorish ships,

"well-known the length
of the African coast,

"and leads his demonic army
against the White Sheik."


"It was the dead of the African night.

"In the harem of mystery,

"the beautiful harem girls slept
languidly, dreaming of the White Sheik.

"Only Felga, the mysterious Greek,
golden girl of the harem...

"Only one other soul was wakeful...
Fatima, the faithful sl*ve."

My word, but I am distraught.
Who threatens my Sheik?

Do it more Oriental!

Move it. We paid you.
We're not here sunbathing, you know!

Bring me the tiara!


My word, but I am distraught.

- Do you think I'm up to it?
- Certainly, my dear.

"And the ill-fated ship sailed on

"to destruction, death and love."

Everybody ready? Let's go! Ready, Rivoli?

Ready. My cape!

Quick, or we'll lose the sun.

Hurry up with the makeup!
Is the first camera ready?


- Second camera ready?
- Ready!

Places, everyone! Let's go!

Let me see.

Come on, get on the camel. Come on. Up.

Come here. Take her in your arms.

Come on.

Back up.

Back up. Okay, stop.

Look right at me. Like that.

How's that, Professor?

The Bedouins further back.

Professor, the tape.

Thank you.

The megaphone.

Places, everybody!

This horse is going
to throw me. I know it.

What are you talking about?
It's practically a statue.

If anything happens to me,
you're all out of a job.

Get rid of those umbrellas!
Get rid of them!

Oscar, where are you?

Places! Places!

Ready for the duel?


Everyone ready!

Drag the harem girl!

Bring the camel forward!

Move that animal forward!

Forward! Move that camel.

- Rivoli, take the sword out!
- Is this okay?

Bring the camel forward. Forward.

Stop right there. That's enough.


Stop! Stop right there!

Who is that idiot?

Hey, you! Get out of the way!

You idiot, get out of here!


- Ready.
- Hold it... And sh**t!


Don't laugh! Don't laugh!



It's Ivan.

Get well soon, dear Wanda.

It's cousin Rita wishing you well.
What? You send your thanks?

What cousin? This is Furio, the porter.

- We're going to the theatre later.
- Ask her if we can come up.

You're not coming?

That's too bad. Uncle got us tickets.

That is, Rita's fiancé,
the accountant, got them.

The accountant is out, and so is his wife.
There's nobody here.

- No, what's important is that you feel better.
- Let's go up and see her.

We'll come by later.

No? Sure you don't need anything?

You don't want Aunt and Uncle to...

All right, I'll call from the theatre
later to see if you're... Bye.

Bye, Wanda!

Rita says goodbye.

Bye. I'm sending you a kiss.

- Is she coming to the theatre?
- I don't know, but I don't think so.

She's not hungry right now.

Perhaps some broth...

Absolutely not. She needs to fast.

A strict fast.

Yes, that's what I think, too. Yes, yes.

You're right, Uncle. She should fast.

Ivan, I was telling the accountant
that you're very good with poetry.


Let's hear the poem you composed
for your fiancée.

The one that goes,
"She is graceful, sweet and teeny"?

- Yes.
- It's an ode.

A sonnet.

"She is graceful, sweet and teeny,

"and everyone calls her..."

Here's your fettuccine!


A hearty, invigorating dish.


I was actually looking
for my handkerchief, but thank you.

Is that Fernando's new girlfriend?
It takes all kinds.

Do you like her?

I like you.

Knock it off!

- Haven't you eaten?
- No.

- Do you want it?
- Don't mind if I do.

The sea calls to me.

I hear a voice.
Even as a child I heard it.

I was supposed to be a captain,

but, instead...

- Get in.
- What are you doing?

Don't worry.

Professor, Nando is taking the boat.

Nando, where are you going with the boat?

Come back!

Rivoli, come back!

Where's he going with my boat?
That's my boat!

He'll ruin it.

Rivoli, come back here!

I'm so confused.

How strange.
I don't feel like myself any more.

I feel the same way when I'm on the water.

A strange, melancholyjoy
takes over my entire being.

A seagull.

Dear little seagull. Dear little seagull.

It's a joy that comes from remembering a
previous life. Afterlife.

Previous life or afterlife?


Who knows who we were then, you and I?

Perhaps I was a pirate,

and I bet you were a mermaid.

How silly of me!

I feel like crying, and yet I'm so happy.

I'm crazy and happy. Do you believe me?

Come sit over here.
Do it for me. Come here. Come here.

My child.

Hold this.

My child.


- Afraid?
- No.

- Disgusted, maybe?
- No.

- What, then?
- I can't.

- Why not?
- I just can't.

- Then why did you lead me on?
- l can't surrender to you, Fernando.

Some things are larger
and more powerful than we ourselves.


What's wrong?

I'm not free.

What, you have a boyfriend?

So what?

I'm married.

- Married?
- Married.


You're disappointed.

Don't be jealous. I don't love that woman.

Don'tjudge me harshly.
You don't know the truth.

- That woman ruined my life.
- Really?

- Tell me, Fernando.
- No, don't ask.

Please! Please!

The fact is...

It's a long story.

I loved another, named Milena.

- Milena.
- She was so beautiful.

Beautiful like you.

You're much more beautiful.

I was going to marry her,
but on our wedding day,

using vile treachery
and a magic concoction...

- A what?
- A magic concoction.

The woman who is now my wife
put me in a deep sleep.

Oh, my goodness!

A sleep close to death.

She made me lose my memory.
I swear, I lost my wits entirely.

When I came to,
I discovered Milena had disappeared.


- She may even be dead!
- Dead!

Who knows?

Poor Milena. A magic concoction...

Let's not think of these things any more.


am I worthy of your love?

Oh, yes!


Now that I've met you,
what does anything else matter?

The past is forever lost. Give me a kiss.

Kiss me. Give me a kiss!

Oh, my God! My head! The rope!

- Encore!
- Encore!

- Where is the telephone?
- Downstairs.


Quiet. Quiet.




- This is Mr Cavalli.
- Who?

- Is she back?
- l told you she's not!


She's still not back?

Please sit down. Please sit.

Sit down.

What's this "delicate matter"?

I'm listening.

Will my statement end up in the papers?


I have important relatives in Rome,

and I am very well-known
in Altovilla Marittima.

"A delicate matter." Well?

This morning

a lady left the Hotel Tre Fiori

at around 9:30.

From the Hotel Tre Fiori

she went to Via XXIV Maggio,

and she has yet to return.

A letter was found
that doesn't indicate...

- What?
- It doesn't say.

This lady's husband
can't tell who sent it or from where.

He is certain she knew no one in Rome.

Now... Now...

Based on these facts, we should know,
the authorities should determine why.

Why what?

Why this lady left the Hotel Tre Fiori

to go to Via XXIV Maggio.

No, please. Leave it with me.

"Dear Passionate Dolly,

"If, as you say, you will visit Rome soon,
come and see me.

"We'll spend a few
unforgettable hours together.

"Your White Sheik."

- So, are you "Passionate Dolly"?
- Me?

Right. Right. Right.

- Just answer one question.
- Of course.

Did you find this letter
on the lady in question?

No, in a puddle of water on the floor.

Apparently the bathtub overflowed,

and I saw the letter
floating in the water.

One can only suppose that the lady
was about to take a bath.

A logical supposition.
That explains everything!

- You really think so?
- Of course, Mr...

Mr Cavalli. Ivan Cavalli.

Ivan Cavalli.



- And your father's name?
- What does my father have to do with it?

- Your father's name!
- Don't yell.

I'm not yelling.

- Your father's name?
- Luigi.

Luigi Cavalli.

The lady's name?

That's really not necessary!
That's not necessary!

If it makes you feel better,
I've been expecting you. Rather...

Just yesterday I was saying,
"Why doesn't Mr Cavalli come in?"

- And now, the lady's name?
- Giardino, Wanda.

Is her married name Cavalli?

This will ruin me!

No one must know. My father is a
veterinarian and councilman.

My uncle works for the Vatican.

I understand. All very noble sentiments.

Now, then. Is her married name Cavalli?

My career! My family's honour!

Is it Cavalli?

Yes, it's Cavalli.

Just give me a couple of minutes.

You just wait here. Wait here.
Have a cigarette.


Please, have one.

Wait here and try to calm down.

Remember, don't be nervous.

You'll see.
We'll teach that sheik a lesson.

You'll see.

- Call Mr Bonanni.
- Okay.

What is the world coming to?
Everyone's going mad!

Young man,
could you please give me a hand?

Thank you very much.

Cavalli, Ivan!

Ivan Cavalli!

You reckless hooligan!
We've been waiting for three hours!

We've wasted the whole day!
You ruined everything!

I'm cancelling your contract!
I created you and I can destroy you!

Go back to being a butcher shop boy!

- You hear him?
- That's where you belong!

No, don't say anything! Don't say
anything! Keep quiet!

You have no conscience!
You're completely unprofessional!

Look at that clown!

You're an idiot, just like all your fans!

- Don't try to talk your way out of this!
- It wasn't my fault.

- It was her fault. It was this idiot's fault!
- You'll never work for me again!

Forget about him.

Professor, let me explain.

- Can you believe that guy?
- He's entirely right.

I've been waiting for
four hours, you idiot!

- What do you want?
- You bum!

Rita! When did you get here?

We were kidding around.
I took the boat out.

But I'll never do it again!
I'll never take the boat out again.

I got hit on the head.

I was just fooling around.
The sail came loose,

and the boom hit me on the head.

Look, I have a bump here.

This is our new actress.
She's very talented.

- My wife.
- How do you do?

Suddenly I'm freezing cold.

I'll get dressed,
and then we'll go straight home.

Hey, you.

- Who, me?
- Yes.

Come here.

- Whore.
- What?

You whore!

- Rita, behave yourself.
- I'll take care of you later!

You slut!

Yes, I know...

Leave him alone. I know all about it,

how you tricked him into marrying you.

- You shouldn't have done that.
- What's she talking about?

That was a low trick.
He loved another woman.

Another woman?

But you gave him that concoction
and kidnapped him from the church.

What are you talking about?
Are you trying to ruin me?

Where did you get that nonsense?

She's making it all up,
'cause I certainly didn't say it.

She talked like this on the boat.
I thought she was crazy.

Rita, I don't even know her.

Rita, the scooter's ready.


I've looked everywhere,

- but I can't find her.
- But you can't find her.

- What's her name?
- How should I know?

- Fernando knows.
- Don't look at me.

So you don't know?

- Passionate Dolly, she said.
- Passionate Dolly.

He said her name is Passionate Dolly.

Passionate Dolly!

- Rita, let's go.
- Leave me alone.

Give me a kiss.

- I'll strangle you.
- Knock it off.

Goodbye, Professor. So long, everyone.

So long, Rivoli.

So long, Nando.

Are we leaving, or what?
I've been waiting for an hour.

What about her?

She probably went back to Rome
on her own. Let's go.

Where can she be?

All aboard!

Professor, this guy says
they stole his clothes from his car.

- I told you, I know nothing about it.
- What do you mean?

I know nothing.

If you had locked your car,
no one would have stolen your clothes.

What? Are we among civilised people
or are we in the jungle?

- Shut up!
- No. I'm going to the police.

- Go to the police, just get out of our hair.
- He who laughs last laughs best.

We're not afraid of you, fatso!

This is not the last of it.
This is not the last of it.

Criminals! Thieves!


What are you doing here?

- Where are the others?
- The others?

They searched for you for hours
and finally left.

Is this your coat?
I found it on the beach.


Yes, thank you.

- How will you get back to Rome?
- I don't know.


The window's dark.

- Wanda must be asleep.
- Of course.

Well, I think that's enough for one day.

Tomorrow, then?


10:00 sharp at the hotel.

- At 10:00.
- Yes, here.

The Pope expects us at 11:00.
I was able to postpone the visit.

- You and Wanda, of course.
- Yes, of course. Here, tomorrow.

At 1:00 we're having lunch
with the De Pisis family.

Then we'll see the Palatine, the Senate,
the Parliament and the new subway.


- Come on, let's go home.
- Keep quiet.

Good night.

Wish Wanda good night,
as we have yet to have the pleasure.

Good night, Uncle. Good night, Aunt.

Nothing. Good night.

- Good night, Professor.
- Good night, Ivan.

Good night, and thank you
for a wonderful day.

- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

To Piazza Vittorio.

- Good night.
- Goodbye, Ivan.

Please don't worry.
Wanda will be fine tomorrow.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Cover up or you'll catch cold.

Good night, Auntie.

Good night.

Remember, right here at 10:00.

Yes, right here.

Good night, Ivan.

You're such a romantic, pining away.

- Good evening.
- Is she back?

No, she's not.

Pardon me, but what happened?


The end of the first part was amazing!

He asks her, "Do you love me?"
She says, "Yes."

"Then dance with me!"

And they both start dancing, like this.

I should have been a dancer.


That guy's really drunk.

Is he crying?

He's crying!

Are you crazy? Let's go, Cabiria.

Hey, you. Are you going to k*ll yourself?

Come see! Come see!

What's the matter?

My wife ran away.

His wife ran away!

The poor guy's miserable.

Here, mister, have a cigarette.

Assunta, give me a match. Take this.

Take it, sir.

Poor guy.

Some of us women aren't like those others.

Why did she take off? Did you beat her?


Did you beat her?

Were you a naughty boy?

This morning...


We arrived this morning without a hitch.

Right on time. We took a carriage.

- What did they take?
- A carriage.

We went to the hotel. It was all arranged.

- We were to see the Pope at 11:00.
- The Pope?

Yes, the Pope.
One of my cousins went to see him.

He was expecting us.

We had plans to see so many places.

The Altar of the Nation, the Coliseum.

I woke up.

Wanda, why?

Where has she gone? Where has she gone?

Sugared almonds! Can I have one?

You mean you were on your honeymoon?

Yes, our honeymoon.


She ran away with her lover.
It was all planned.

Maybe she had an accident.

No, this was no accident.


Was your wife young and pretty?

Yes, very pretty. Look here.

How old is your wife, 13?

This was her First Communion.

This is April of last year,
when we got engaged. She's 20.

She's a cutie! Look.

She's beautiful!

Here she is in first grade.
She got all As.

- A good student!
- Except in penmanship.


Two years ago at the beach.

Pretty. Your wife looks good
in a bathing suit.

Here she was six months old.
September 1932. She was just born.

How sweet!

- Look who's here. Arturo! Arturo!
- Who's calling me?

- It's Cabiria.
- Cabiria?

Come on, let's see you spit fire.

I'm exhausted.

No, you're not. Come on. This man...

Let's go to your hotel so you can rest.

Do you like me?

Watch this!

Shall we go? You need some rest.

Don't you like me?

Watch this! Where are you going?

Bye, Cabiria. See you tomorrow.

Again. Again!

- There's the Hotel Tre Fiori.
- Please, don't drive any closer.

Sure you don't want to come over
for a plate of risotto?

There's no one home, you know.

They're all in Cortina.
You could get some rest, too.

- Let me out!
- Too bad.

No risotto, then?

Thank you, but please don't insist.

Go jump in a lake, you tease!

Hotel Tre Fiori.


Is Mr Cavalli in?

The key isn't here.
Wait a minute, let me call him.

No, don't call him.

Let him sleep, poor man.

Just tell him not to wait for me.


Tell him that evil fate
caused me to sully his name.

I have sullied his name,
but I am innocent and pure.

Tell him

that I have been cast in the mud,
and he will never see me again.

Let me write this down.

Yes, life is a dream,

but sometimes that dream
is a bottomless pit.

A bottomless pit.

What? Bottomless? Is that "B" like banana?
Could you repeat that?

Who's there?

What are you doing? Get out of there!

Mr Cavalli,

there's a note for you.


I must speak with you.

The name of Cavalli...

Hotel Tre Fiori.

Mr Cavalli? Just a moment.

Phone for you, Mr Cavalli.

You can take it here.

Hello? Yes?

Yes. Yes.


Mr Cavalli?

Come on, come on.

Careful, careful!

We should call a doctor.

We have to call a doctor?
He just fainted, that's all.

Let's get him into bed.

Open the door.

Take it easy.

Stop! Let me go!

Let him get up. Let him be.

Everything's fine, really.

Nothing's happened.

Go on. You can all go now.

Come on, let's all go see the Pope.

Wanda's ready. She's fine.

Wanda, hurry up, dear.

We're all waiting for you.

She says she's coming. You go on ahead.

You mustn't frighten her.
You go ahead to St Peter's.

To the Pope.

We'll catch up with you
in half an hour under the colonnade.

Sorry. We've already agreed.

We'll see you in half an hour
under the colonnade.

Ivan, man to man, what is going on?

Wait for me downstairs!

Go on, go!

- Go!
- You talking to me?

- Go!
- All right.

Talk to me.

I swear to you on our family name,
nothing's wrong.

Believe me. Go to St Peter's.

- Half an hour.
- Yes, at St Peter's.

- Half an hour.
- Yes, under the colonnade.


- Where can I get a taxi?
- That way.

- Wait here a minute. Don't move.
- I want my money first.

Let go of me! Let go of me!

- Pavilion 5, please.
- That way.

You lunatic!

Mr Ivan Cavalli?

This is Mr Ciriola. He rescued your wife.


It was 2:00 in the morning,
and I was sleeping in my shack...


Hello, Mr Cavalli.
Didn't we say we'd find her?

We'll find the sheik, too.

Your wife is inside.
Stay calm and don't be too alarmed.

Go on.

The Pope is expecting us at 11:00.

You have five minutes to get dressed.

I don't want to know anything now.
Our family's honour comes first.

Get dressed!


Here are your shoes and your veil. Here.

Get dressed right now.

Right now!

- Where are you from, my dear?
- Caprarola.

Good. Good.

- You, too?
- Yes, sister.

Fine air in Caprarola.

Come on, hurry up. It's time.

- Ettore, they're going in!
- What can I do?

Father, a quick word, please. Father!

Father, they're coming!

Here we are, Uncle!

Come on. Come on.

Fix yourself up.

No, not like that.

- My coat.
- Her coat!


This is my wife Wanda.

- Dear, dear Wanda.
- She's so pretty.

- This is Aroldino. See?
- Hi.

Finally! Dear Wanda,

how do you do? Have you met my fiancé?

Let me have a look at you.

That bully Ivan never let me
come up and see you.


But I have just the medicine for you.
Something special.

You're so pretty.

- Where's my money?
- How much?

Ivan, hurry up, we have to catch up
with the other couples.

Thank you.

And good luck.

Ivan, are you done paying? Come on.

Come on. We have to hurry.
The others are already going in.


Take off your raincoat
and give your wife your right arm.

All right. Are you ready? Let's go.

Behave yourself.


I didn't do anything wrong. Believe me.

It's true, you know.

It was just cruel fate.

But I am pure and innocent.

And I am, too.

You're my White Sheik.

Let's pick up the pace! Pick up the pace!