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Magic in Mistletoe (2023)

Posted: 12/12/23 05:25
by bunniefuu
(air whooshing)

(dynamic music)

Does Harrington Davis, author

of the worldwide phenomenon,

"Magic in Mistletoe,"

hate Christmas?

The famous prodigy

was just 18 years old

when his first novel,

"Magic in Mistletoe"

hit blockbuster status

and skyrocketed to the top

of the best seller list,

igniting the Christmas

spirit around the world.

The characters of

Marty, Sully, Misty,

and of course, the

Christmas Fairy,

became household names and

heroes to fans far and wide.

But fame and fortune proved

too much for the famous author,

and Davis retreated

from the public eye

and into a life of seclusion.

Davis's publisher announced

that "Back to Mistletoe We Go"

will be released on

Christmas Day this year

and fans were eager to

stuff their stockings

with the sixth and

final installment

until the author revealed

on social media

this shocking post.

"There's no magic in Mistletoe.

Christmas is a joke.

It's all about money."

I love your books,

but if you really feel this way,

why'd you bother making

us all fall in love

with the world of Mistletoe?

I mean, honestly,

Harrington, why?

The post, which has now

gone viral has fans wondering,

is the Christmas King

really just a Scrooge?

Was the "Magic in Mistletoe"

just a cynical sleight of hand?

And is this the end

of Harrington Davis?

This is bad.

(phone vibrating)

(playful music)

This is really, really bad.

(April exhales sharply)

(phone beeps)

Hi, Mallory.

Did you see the

segment (sighs)?

(chuckles) I did, and

I realize it's a problem.

Uh, a problem?

Okay, it's a huge problem.

Just tell everyone to relax

because we have a plan.

[Mallory] Which is?

Well, I've got about

three and a half miles

in an Uber to figure that out.

See ya soon.

(gentle music)

Thanks, everyone.

I know it's early,

but there's still no

word from Harrington,

so this is where we're at.

It is December 12th,

and we have planned

displays in hundreds

of bookstores

across the country.

So, if we don't fix this,

we're gonna have

about a million unsold

hardcovers on our hands.

With one post,

Harrington has managed

to alienate his entire fan base.

We can't just un-ring this bell.

So April, what do we do?

Well, ring a louder

bell (chuckles).

I need to go get

him and convince him

that he needs to

do an apology tour.

An interview.

"Good Morning America,"

maybe prime time is better.

It needs to be more personal.

Up close with the fans.

The Mistletoe

Christmas Festival.

It's been a tradition

for generations,

long before Harrington

was even born.

But ever since his first

book was published,

it's become a destination event.

Fans from all over the

world at Christmas time,

head to Mistletoe

for festivities.

But Harrington hasn't

been back for five years.

We need him there,

back home where

the magic started.

"Back to Mistletoe We Go,"

the title of his sixth book.


I've already spoken to

the head of the festival

and she's thrilled

with the idea.

And once she gets the green

light that Harrington is coming,

she's gonna make him

the guest of honor.

Let's get working on this.

(April chuckles)

Great plan for three and

a half miles in an Uber.

Thank you.

I do work best under pressure.

Speaking of pressure,

have you thought

about how you're gonna

get heritage to show up?

Not yet, but I have

about 2,000 miles

in business class

to figure that out.


Hi, Mom.

Are you baking again?

(chuckles) Just making

some peppermint brownies

to take over to

the senior center.

Ugh, I could go for

a brownie right now.

Oh no.

When you want brownies,

it means you're stressed.

Well, I'm on my

way to the airport.

So soon?

I thought you weren't coming

till the end of the week?

I'm really sorry, but

I don't think I'm gonna

be able to come home

for Christmas this year.

Oh, no.

(sighs) Is it work?

Well, it's more like disaster

management at this point.

[April's Mom] Is Harrington

Davis being canceled?

Where did you hear that?

It's all over

the internet, dear.

Wow, you're actually going

to meet Harrington Davis.

Are you nervous?


No time for nerves.

I got a job to do.

Well, I am very proud of you,

and your father would be too.

Are you sure

you're gonna be okay

to spend Christmas alone?

I mean, I've been home

every year since dad died,

and I don't want

you to be lonely.

A, there's a first

time for everything.

B, I won't be alone.

I've got lots of

friends and support.

And C, yes, I'm sure.

I'll miss you, but I'll be fine.

Thanks for understanding.

But listen, I should go.

I've gotta come up with a plan

to convince Harrington

to do something

he definitely will

not want to do.

Well, how can he

say no to my girl?

He's a writer.

I'm sure he'll

think of something.

Bye Sweetie, and good luck.

Love you.

(April exhales)

So, you're gonna

meet Harrington Davis?

Yeah, I am.

Ever since my

daughter was five,

I've read this book to

her at the holidays.

Aw (chuckles), that's sweet.

Yeah, not anymore.

Guy's a fraud.

(light music)

Peppermint tea with one sugar

for America's saltiest author.

There he is.


You saw my post?

I saw the reactions

to it (grimaces).

Forgotten about

by tomorrow morning.

You know, I actually do

a little writing myself.

[Harrington] Ah.

Mostly feel good stuff.

But if you ever need

somebody to look over

your posts before you hit send.

Thanks, Debbie.

I write alone.

Maybe that's your problem.

Joy and laughter

Fill the streets

with so much cheer

Excuse me.

Hi (chuckles).

Can I get your autograph?

You sure you

want my autograph?

You are Harrington

Davis, right?

That's exactly why I'm asking.

Prodigious author

of the world famous

"Magic in Mistletoe" series.

Why wouldn't I want

your autograph?

Well, when you put

it like that, sure.

You got a pen?



Looks like you've read

this copy a few times.

(chuckles) Oh, it's

actually not mine.

Someone gave it to me.


Can I sit down?


To be honest, he

didn't give it to me

so much as throw it away.

Yeah, he used to read

it to his daughter

every night around the holidays,

and he just doesn't want

to anymore (grimaces).

(April chuckles)


Sorry, what was your name?

Oh, you can make it out

to April Collins


from Silver Spark Publishing.

Got it.

[April] Hm.

How'd you find me?

I put out PR

fires for a living.

Helps to know where the fire is.

This is about my post.

It is.

- And there's a fire.

- Blazing.

How big are we

talkin', one alarm, two?

- What's the most?

- I don't know, five.

Then it's six.

Well, you know what they say,

there's no such thing

as bad publicity.

My specialty is

publicity, Mr. Davis,

so if that were true,

I wouldn't have a job.

Fair enough.

It'll blow over.

Not likely.

And definitely not

before Christmas,

which is 10 days

away, by the way.

And I'm not sure

you realize this,

but we did time the release

of your new book

for the holidays.

Oh, I see, that's

what this is about.

Silver Spark is afraid that

the book is gonna t*nk.

This isn't even

about Silver Spark.

This is about your

millions of loyal fans.

Oh, it's about the fans?

You're here on

behalf of the fans,

not the publishing company.

Got it.

Starting the spin already.

That's impressive.

Mr. Davis, this

is your life's work.

You've inspired people

all over the globe

with your imagination.

Do you really wanna

throw away all

of that goodwill on a

single ill advised post?

Ill advised post,

I stand by it.

Christmas is an opportunity

for people to spend

and make money.

That's it.

It's a scam.

A scam?

So then everything you have

ever written is also a scam?

I guess.

- I don't believe you.

- Well, great.

I don't think you

believe yourself either.

I think you care

about your writing.

I think you care

about your reputation,

and I think that you

care about your fans.

All right, for the

sake of argument,

let's say that's true.

What do you want me to do?

Write a mea culpa, apologize?

For starters, but I don't

think that's gonna help much.

I do have another idea, though.

Oh, I bet you do.

And why do I get the suspicion

I'm not gonna like it that much?

What's not to like about

going back to your hometown

for the Mistletoe

Christmas Festival

to show all your fans how

much you care about them?

What's not to like?

What's not to like?


Well, some of it.

No, all of it.

Definitely all of it.

That's cute.

But like it or not, that's

what we're gonna do.


Thanks, but no thanks.

I'm not going back to

Mistletoe to apologize

to the world for being

honest, I'm sorry.


You don't want

me to sign the...

You know what?

I don't know if it's

ego or self pity,

but the least you

could do is respect

the people who helped to

get you to where you are.

(sighs) I'll see

you in Mistletoe.

No, you won't.

I didn't agree to go.

Okay, that's fine.

I just hope you have

good legal counsel.

Excuse me?

Well, as per your contract,

you are required to attend

all promotional events

that Silver Spark

Publishing deems necessary.

You've never required

me to go before?

Well, you have never put

us in this position before.

So what if I don't go,

you're gonna (chuckles),

you're gonna sue me?

Oh, I don't know.

Is that what happens when

someone breaches their contract?


(Harrington sighs)

(light music)

(music continues)

(bell dings)

Sorry, this is

a private event.

Oh, I'm supposed to

meet the Mayor here.

Oh, you must be April.

Hi, I'm Lisa Moore,

AKA, the Mayor.

Oh, I'm sorry.

(chuckles) It's so

nice to meet you.

Oh, no problem at all.

I'm sure where you're from,

the mayors don't wear

Christmas sweaters.

Not usually, but I love it.

I just wanna thank you

for convincing Harrington

to come back this year.

We have asked him to be our

special guest so many times.

I'm just glad

it all worked out.

He is here, right?

His plane arrived

this morning.

And he was on it?

(chuckles) I'm sure he was.

(chuckles) Good.

I mean, because there's

just been so much buzz.

I mean, how could he

not show up, right?

(April laughs)

(Lisa laughs)


So, just before I forget,

we are having a

special kickoff dinner

for the town residents that

volunteer during the festival,

and we would just

love it if Harrington

could join us, you know?

And of course, you (chuckles).

Oh, well I wouldn't miss it.

(chuckles) Good.

Well, we'll see you tonight.

Welcome to Mistletoe.

Thank you.

(Lisa chuckles)

[Mallory] Did he

confirm with you?

Just a thumbs up emoji.

Well, that's

better than nothing.

Actually, it was

a thumbs down emoji,

but at least he responded.

Okay, well, I'll be flying in

for the Christmas Eve Banquet,

so good luck until then.

And let me know if you

need anything, okay?

Will do.

(light music)

(gravel crunching)

(music continues)

(intercom beeps)

[Chis] Hello, can I help you?

I hope so.

This is April Collins.

[Chris] Yeah, of course.

Come on up.


(gate creaks)

(bright music)

Ms. Collins.

Oh, April, please.

Oh, April.

Chris Massey, old

friend of Harry's.


Oh, right.

Harry, that's just what

his old friend's call him.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

You know, I sat behind Harry

first day, first grade.

Now it's 30 years later.

(chuckles) That sounds a lot

like Marty's witty friend

Sully from the books.


(April laughs)

Wow, this house.


Harry's childhood home

was donated to the town

and it's now the Magical

Mistletoe Museum.

Oh (chuckles).

Yeah, I look after

this place when he's gone

and when he's home, we hang out.

It's been awhile, though.

Well, he's here now.

He is here now, right?

That is a good question.

I've just got back here myself.

I volunteer as a driver

for the festival.

But he wouldn't just like

not show up, right (laughs)?


Uh, I mean...



Yeah, this will be fun.

Huh, I don't see his bags.


I'm gonna check upstairs.

I'll be right back.

- Okay.

- Hey, Harry!


I'm just gonna

take a look around.

(mischievous music)

(April exhales)

(sighs) I shoulda handcuffed

him and brought him myself.

Then I wouldn't have gotten

to see that look on your face.

Mr. Davis, how are ya?

You all right?

I'm great. Fine.


You sure?

You seem a little flustered

like maybe you thought

I wouldn't show?

(snorts) Not at all.

[Harrington] No,

not even a bit?

Not even whatever

is less than a bit.

That's good because I

don't need a babysitter.

Good, 'cause I'm

not here to babysit.

I'm here to make sure you don't

have any more tantrums.

Sounds a lot

like a babysitter.

Which is exactly

what he needs.

[Harrington] Well,

what do you know?

(laughs) Come here, man.

How are ya, man?


[Chris] Oh, it's

so good to see you.

[Harrington] You

too, you look great.

So do you.

How was your flight?

Oh, it was all right.

Little jet lagged.

Hm, I don't think

that's jet lag.

I think that's I don't

wanna do this lag.

Oh (chuckles).

Gonna be an eventful week.

It certainly is.

Speaking of, I made a

few minor adjustments

to your itinerary of

the myriad appearances

you signed me up for.

I will appear at three events.

Exactly three.

No more, no less.


Does one of them happen to

be the kickoff party tonight

for the volunteers?

I think I'm gonna

sit this one out.

You know, let's get settled in.

[Chis] Okay.

Okay, I'll be here at 10 a.m.

Ah, but will I?

(playful music)



- Hm?

- Jokes.

I'm joking.

We're so serious.

I can't wait.

[Chis] Hey,

welcome home, Harry.

I missed you.

He's a funny guy.

- Yeah.

- Hm.

It's not you, okay?

It's just Harry bein' Harry.

If he really didn't like you,

he wouldn't speak to you at all.


(scoffs) I think this definitely

will be an eventful week.

[Chis] Hm.

(bright holiday music)

(singers vocalizing)

(music continues)

There she is.

Hi, you must be Ms. Collins.

We've been expecting you.

Here, let me take

this (chuckles).

Thank you.

I'm Marcus.

- Marcus.

- And I'm Sue.

- Sue.

- Welcome.

Thank you.

April, please.

Hi, April.

So, you're the one

who publishes the books?

Well, I'm just in charge

of publicity at Silver Spark.

Oh, well that is

just as important.

Harrington and his books,

they mean so much

to everybody here,

especially at the holidays.

How 'bout I take this

up to your room

while you two finish?

[April] Thank you.

And if you could

fill this out for me?


I can't believe how

much this place looks

like the Stargazer

Inn from the movies.


Honestly, this place,

well, we were all struggling

before Harrington,

but after the first movie, we

got this surge in customers.

So, we changed the name to

Stargazer Inn to match the book,

and then the rest is history.


So, Harrington's books have

really helped this town?

Oh, hun, Harrington and

his books saved this town.

That's why we're so excited

that he finally came back home.

I mean, we miss him and

his wonderful parents,

may they rest in peace.

Oh, I didn't

realize they'd passed.

Oh, Lawrence Davis, he passed

away almost nine years ago.

His mom, Tilly, she left

us four years later.

They were such wonderful people.

They never left this town.

Even after their home had was

getting all of these visitors,

and Tilly, she would go out and

offer them Christmas cookies

and cocoa while they

stood outside hoping

the Christmas

Fairy would arrive.

Oh, that's sweet (chuckles).

Right this way.

(bright music)

(all chattering)

- Ms. Collins.

- Ah.

[Lisa] So glad

you could make it.

Please call me April.


Well, so where's

the man of the hour?

(chuckles) I

need to apologize.

Mr. Davis needed his rest,

but he's very excited

for the festival.

I understand.

Well, let me make the rounds

and mingle and enjoy yourself.


- Okay?

- Thank you, I will.

[Lisa] Yes.

Go with the Mistletoe Punch.

Oh (chuckles).

The Starry Night,

bit of an aftertaste.

No offense.

And the nog might as well

be called Hangover Nog.



But the Mistletoe Punch

is actually pretty good.

Looks like I'll be taking

a Mistletoe Punch, please.

Make that two.

(April laughs)

Thank you very much.

- Thank you.

- Cheers.


- I'm Lindsay.

- I'm April.

I'm from Silver

Spark Publishing.

- Oh!

- Mm hm.

Okay, so you're

here to wrangle Harry.

(laughs) You two

must be old friends?

Wait, I mean, yes.

But what gives you

that impression?

Well, I met Chris

today and he said

that only friends

call him Harry.

(Lindsay laughs)

Okay, well, Harry and Chris

and I were absolutely thick

as thieves when we were kids.

So, you know, whole Three

Christmateers thing.

- Ah ha!

- Yeah.

Does that mean that

Misty is based on you?


You have to ask Harry that.

(chuckles) Well, by the way,

I'm not here to wrangle him.

I'm just here to make sure-

- He doesn't make any

boneheaded remarks?


Something like that.


(April chuckles)

I get it.

He just forgets his words

have meaning sometimes.

His words actually mean

a lot to a lot of people.

I tried to tell

him that ages ago,

but, well, you've met Harry.

He can be a little bit stubborn.

Ah, that is the

understatement of the year.

(Lindsay laughs)

He called me a babysitter.

Oo, ouch.

Although that does sound

a little bit like Harry.

He's pretty good at paper cuts.


Do you have any

intel that might help

me get him to warm up to me?

Mm hm.


Well, I mean, I'm sure

that you are doing great,

but he's a little

bit of a prickly guy,

so you know, if he's being

a little standoffish,

you're probably on

the right track.

And you know what?

Just own up to your mistakes.

He's a straight sh**t.

- Hey, Linds.

- Hey.

How are you?

Oh, great.

How are you?

April, this is Susan.

She owns Miss Muffin's Bakery.

Miss Muffin's Bakery?

It's a real place?

That's me.

It's been in my

family for years.

[April] Ah.

In fact, Harrington

used to be a regular

when he was a kid.

Oh, yeah.

He always loved his cinnamon.

- Mm hm.

- Just like Marty.

Excuse me, everyone.

As always, thank you so much

for your tireless

work this year.

This is gonna be our

largest turnout yet

and I know that everything

is gonna be spectacular.

So, as a token of

our appreciation,

please come up and get

a Christmas ornament,

grab a pen, write

down a Christmas wish,

and put it inside the ornament

and hang it on the

Christmas tree.

Merry Christmas, everyone.

I love that.

Okay, I'm gonna do one.

Yeah, sounds good.

[Susan and April] Bye.

Shall we?

- Oh, I couldn't.

- What?

I mean, you single-handedly

got Harry here

for the holidays somehow.

Come on.

You of all people deserve

a Christmas wish (laughs).


(gentle music)

(all chattering)

(music continues)

(group laughs)

(music continues)

(music continues)

(music continues)

(music fades)

[Harrington] Hope you

haven't been waiting too long.

[April] Good

morning, Mr. Davis.

Peace offering.

Oh, I don't drink coffee.

Peppermint tea.


But I take it with-


- Well, aren't you prepared?

- I try.

Must be that mistletoe magic

'Cause I'm seeing you in

such a different light

Lantern lighting

seems like a big deal.

Mm hm.

I'm excited to see it.

It must be pretty great if

you put it in the books.

Fan are you?

I've read them.

Couldn't properly do

my job if I hadn't.

You know, lantern lighting

used to be something to see.

Now it's just another

gimmick in town.

You know, they used to

give 'em out for free.

But now, oh boy, now you can buy

special "Magic in Mistletoe"

lanterns for the right price.

Of course.


It's just another lovely

Christmas tradition

that they managed to ruin.

There's nothing

wrong with the town

benefiting from your success.

Everyone that I've

met is grateful.

Maybe we should go over

some talking points.

Mm hm.

Panels can be tricky.

I've come up with some answers

in case any thorny

issues come up.

I think I can handle it.

Please do not mention

the social media post,

unless someone else does.

If they do, just say it was

regrettable and I'm sorry.

Like I said, I

think I can handle it.

No offense, but I don't think

we can really be sure of that.

Oh, come on.

It was one post.

Oh, so you think

it wasn't a big deal?


Honestly, no, I don't.

Then why are you back?

Because you

threatened to sue me.

Well, now you're here,

why don't you just

make the best of it?

Oh, I am making

the best of it.

This is me making

the best of it.

This is the best,

like it or leave it.

You know what?

(chuckles) I get it.

You are a sullen author who

loathes his own success,

but your fans have traveled

from all over the

world to see you.

And this town that

you apparently hate

has worked tirelessly

to honor you

because believe it or not,

they actually love you.

So, I don't care if you like me,

but you will dazzle this

crowd because after all,

"Christmas is more

than just magic."

Yes, that is a quote

from your books.

Can you just pretend to like

the books that you wrote,

and I will pretend to like

the author who wrote them.

(playful music)

Oh what fun it is to ride

in a one horse open sleigh


Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

How tall do you think

Harrington is now?

April, good morning.

Where's Harrington?

He's still in the car.

We had a bit of-


Ah, Harrington.

(Harrington laughs)

Suppose I should

call you Mayor now.


What was in that tea?


Look who finally came home.

Last time I saw you

it was in my rear view

beatin' you in the 400.

(Lance imitates engine rumbling)

(all laughing)

April, this is

Lance Lightning,

Mistletoe's favorite DJ.

[Lance] Enchante.

Thanks again, Harrington.

The moment that we

announced you were coming,

tourism skyrocketed.


Can you imagine if you came

home every year (chuckles)?

We'd have to build new

hotels so that people

wouldn't have to stay

in neighboring towns.

I'm so sorry to interrupt.

But according to the schedule,

the children's choir

is about to finish up,

followed by Lance's introduction

and then Harrington's Q&A.

(audience applauding)

Wow, you were

right on the money.

Let me go warm this crowd

up for you, Harrington.


Let's go.

(light music)

(audience applauding)

Give it up for our

Mistletoe Christmas Choir.

Weren't they fantastic?

(audience applauding)

I'm Lance Lightning.

I'll be your MC for tonight.

(audience applauding)

We all know what

we're doin' here.

Mistletoe's most famous

is in the building.

(audience applauding)

(audience members cheering)

Now, you all know him as

the magic behind the pen.

At the young age of 18,

Harrington Davis wrote

"Magic in Mistletoe,"

about a young boy named Marty

and his two best

friends, Misty and Sully.

Marty's wishes are granted

by the Christmas Fairy,

but once the wishes come true,

everything goes

haywire (chuckles).

But you all know this, right?

So, let's get him out here.

You know him as Harrington.

I call him Crush 'cause I

crushed him at every track meet.

(Lance chuckles)

(Harrington exhales)

Is this why he

didn't wanna come home?

So let's get him

out here, right?

What, this guy?

[Lance] And let's give

a big Mistletoe welcome

Nah, nah,

- to our own Harrington Davis.

- This guy's harmless.

Time to shine.

(audience applauding)

(light music)

This guy (chuckles).

This guy.

(audience laughs)

Hello, Mistletoe.

So Harrington, you've

created this magical world.

Tell us, what inspires

you to continue writing?

Funny thing, you know,

inspiration comes in

unpredictable waves.

Sometimes I wish I could just

plug my brain into a machine

and have it generate

ideas for me.

And I mean, that's...

(audience laughs)

I think the true

driving force behind

my love of writing

is my parents.

They gave everything to me.

You know, my dad loved to read,

so we always had a

house full of books,

and stories were very important.

And Christmas was my mom's

favorite time of year.

Together those two

were magic for me.

And to be honest,

it's been a lot harder

to find that magic

since they've been gone.

And as someone who

knew your parents,

I can tell you they loved you

so much, and we love them.

Unfortunately, that's

all the time we have.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,

whoa, hang on.

Think we might have one more.

Looks like the last

question's coming from a

little Christmas Fairy.

And I have to say,

you are the most

perfect Christmas Fairy

that I have ever seen.

Do we agree?

(audience applauding)


Mr. Davis?

Call me Harrington.

Mr. Harrington,

(audience laughs)

I was wondering, is the

Christmas Fairy real?

(Harrington exhales)

Let me ask you a question.

Do you think the

Christmas Fairy is real?

Of course I do.

Then that is all that matters.

(gentle music)

(crowd members murmuring)

There you have it (laughs).

(audience applauding)

(music continues)

Thanks again, Harrington for

taking the time to do this.

Tomorrow he's judging

the Christmas dessert

contest, everyone.

So, come on out.

Harrington, any final words?

I just want to say thank you

for this incredible

turnout today.

It means more than you know.

Thank you.

(audience applauding)

(gentle music)

(music continues)

(applause continues)

I gotta say, great job.

(music continues)

Look, I need to apologize

for my outburst earlier.

It was super unprofessional.

No, you were right.

You were right.

I was being a jerk.

And I wasn't seeing

the big picture

and you called me out on it.

I should be thanking you

for helping me see

what's important.

Wow (laughs).

I pretty much said

all of that before.

What changed?

I don't know, I guess I

didn't read like PR spin.

I mean, it was still

wildly unprofessional.

Yeah (chuckles).

But it was genuine.

I was about to say,

I was just doing my job

but that doesn't

seem right anymore.

Little late (chuckles).

I know that you didn't

want to come back here,

but I do think that together

we can really turn

everything around.

You know, I got all these

books just sitting here.

I guess I could sign 'em

and give 'em to fans.

That's a great idea.

You got a pen?

Oh, I have a gel

permanent ballpoint

and a couple of pencils.


(bright music)

I'm starting to think

that's Mary Poppin's

magic bag you got there.

(chuckles) It's not magic.

I just like to be prepared

for anything and everything.


You like to plan?

You a planner?

I don't like surprises if

that's what you're asking.

I get enough of those

in my line of work.

When was the last time

someone surprised you?

(April sighs)

(light music)

"To Collins."

That's Collins with a C?

Yeah, that's a C.

"My biggest fan."

(April laughing)

(music fades)

So, what's he like?


He's fine.

A prickly to be honest.

But I've been told

that if Harrington

Davis is acting prickly,

it's a good sign.

So, he likes you?

Well, he hasn't run me

outta town yet (chuckles).

But for a guy who's created

an imaginary world around

Christmas, he's pretty sour on it.


Maybe he needs to be reminded

why it was so important

to him to begin with.

That's good advice

as always, Mom.

But I do have some things

to go over with him,

so I should probably go.

Of course.

I know you have a job to do.

But just in case you

have some time to play,

keep your eye open for

a special package, okay?

Mom, what did you do?

Let's just say I didn't

want you to be unprepared.

Merry Christmas, Sweetheart.

(light music)

And we've got another

one here for you.

Enjoy, everyone.

April, it's great to see you.

You finally made it.

(April chuckles)

(Susan chuckles)

Oh, now that I'm finally here

I can't believe I

waited this long.

So, this was your mom's spot?

Oh, I practically

grew up in here.

So what can I give for you?

Seriously, anything you want.

Well, actually, I'd like to

bring something to Harrington.

A little gift for a great panel.

I have the perfect thing.

Wait right here.

I'll be right back.


(light music)

Oh, he is going to flip

for these, I promise.

Thank you so much.

Enjoy, they're delicious.

- See you soon.

- Bye.


(light music)

(April knocking)

(jazzy holiday music playing)

[Harrington and April] Hi.

(April chuckles)

I had a feeling giving you

the gate code would

come back to haunt me.

(April chuckles)

Hope you're not here to go

over more talking points.

Actually, after today,

I think you might be

good on talking points.

I come bearing gifts.

Lump of coal

from an angry fan?

Come on in, sit.

(April chuckles)

Well, it's actually a bit

of joy, I hope (chuckles).

(jazzy Christmas music playing)

Hold on.

Is Harrington Davis

listening to Christmas music?

Oh, barely, it's jazz.

Christmas Jazz (chuckles).

Next thing you know,

you'll have decorations

in here, maybe a tree.

And seriously, you need a tree.

Nope, I don't do trees.

Not even a little one?

Not even a twig.


What do we got?

Oh, come on.

How did you know?

Susan from Miss

Muffin's Bakery.

(exhales) Well, we're

gonna need to make a fire.

Well, we're gonna

need to make a fire.


(chuckles) You're supposed

to make it golden brown,

not send it into the afterlife.

Come on.

That's fine (laughs).

All right, all right.

All right, okay.

(April laughs)

Here we go.

All right, easy.

Lay it on there.


This is the secret ingredient.


Not too much.

Steady, steady.

(April laughs)

And you're up.

- Oo!

- Yeah, perfect.

Okay, give that a try.


(s'more cracks)

(gentle music)

Mm, mm.

What is happening?

Is that cinnamon sugar?

Cinnamon sugar.

- Mm.

- Mind blowing, right?

After seeing all the other

desserts at Miss Muffins,

I thought she would

maybe give us something

a little more spectacular

than s'mores, but wow!

Telling ya.

(April chuckles)

You know, Susan knew

just what to give you.

This place is really special.

Why did you write that post?

(sputters) Honestly,

I don't know.

I mean, I have all

these amazing memories

of Christmas as a kid,

filled my books with them,

and then the movies and the

costumes and the lanterns.

It's like, I wrote this

love letter to Christmas

and it turned into a

tourist attraction.

The people here

don't feel that way.

They love the world you've

created and they love you.


I wish the rest of my

fans felt that way.

Well, that's why we're here.

Oh, speaking of which,

can we go over some of the

press schedule for tomorrow?

Do you just carry that

with you all the time?

(April chuckles)

Can't we just live

in the moment?

It's on my mind.

Can you indulge me?

I can, sure.

You know, it's pretty low tech

for a high powered executive.

Oh, well.

I still like writing on real

paper and reading actual books.

There's something about

[April and Harrington]

the feel of the page.

(April chuckles)

I'm the same way.


- Love it.

- Hm.

Can I show you something?


I have spent many an hour

up here staring at the wall.

This is the creative

center of the home.

[April] Wow.

But this is what

I wanna show you.

My mom gave me this journal,

and it has every single

idea in it I've ever had

all the way back

to the beginning.

I take it with me

everywhere I go.

It's my favorite thing

in the whole world.

[April] Oh, I can see why.


There he is.

There's Marty.


(April chuckles)

(Harrington chuckles)

Kind of reminds me of my charm.

My dad gave this to me for

Christmas when I was seven.

He was a literature professor.

His office was my favorite

place in the world.

Just floor to ceiling books.


He used to read to me

every day growing up.

Sounds like my kinda guy.

(April chuckles)

I miss him.

I know how you feel.

(sighs) You know, you're

not so bad, Collins.


Is that how it is now?

(smirks) Seems to be.

(April chuckles)

Gotta admit, when we first met

and you threatened to sue me,

I wasn't the biggest fan.

I didn't notice.

But if you hadn't,

I wouldn't have come.

I'm glad you did.

Me too.

But I should be honest,

Silver Spark never

would've actually sued you.

I mean, it'd be a

terrible look for us,

especially after your post,

just vindictive and petty.


So, in other words, you lied?

(sullen music)

Are you leaving?

This is your house.

I'm aware of that.

I'm opening the door

for you to leave.

Can we talk about this?

You wanna talk about it?

All right, let's talk.

You lied to me.

You lied to my face.

You tricked me into being here.

I bluffed you into being here.

And if I hadn't-

If you hadn't,

if you hadn't, I...

We'll never know will we?

No, fair.

We won't.

Listen, that person

who bluffed you,

she is a very

ambitious PR executive

and she cares

about her job a lot

and sometimes it clouds her

judgment and she makes mistakes.

Why is she talking about

herself in the third person?

Because it's

easier than saying

I shouldn't have misled you.

I was wrong, and I'm sorry.

(gentle music)

(music continues)

I don't want this

either, you know?

Want what?


I don't wanna be here this week.

I have been home for Christmas

every single year

since my dad passed.

I should be snuggled

up on the couch

with my mom watching

Christmas movies

and eating her

peppermint brownies.

But no, I'm here in

mistletoe with you trying

to save your writing career.

So, can we please just get

through the next few days

and then I will fly home and try

and salvage what is

left of my Christmas,

and you can get back to, you

know, whatever it is you do.

My mom used to,

she'd come home

from Miss Muffins

with these cinnamon,

peppermint, chocolate things

and we would sit on the couch

and watch Christmas

movies as well.

And when she passed, I

felt really isolated.

Success has a funny way

of doing that to you.

And you're never entirely

sure who to trust.

And honesty becomes

really, really important.

And when someone

breaks your trust-

- Harrington, it

won't happen again.

I promise.

I guess I'll-


Hey, Collins?


Thank you for the s'mores.

(April chuckles)

I do appreciate what you're

doin', you know, for me.

See you tomorrow?

See you tomorrow.

(door creaks)

(gentle music)

(light music)

We'll see you then.


- April.

- Hm?

This package came

for you this morning.

Oh, Mom.

I can take it up to

your room if you'd like?

That'd be great, thanks.

Oh, you're welcome.

Have a great day.

(gentle music)

I was surprised you wanted

to walk to the theater today.

Somebody's gotta give

you the grand tour of town.

It might as well be me.


Did you ever think your work

would inspire

Christmas displays?

(Harrington chuckles)

You know, it's okay to like

some things about your books.

Oh, it's not that.

I just wish the focus

was more on Christmas.

Harrington, your books

are about Christmas.

(Harrington chuckles)

Yes, I realize that.

But there's more to the

holiday than my books.

You'll see what I

mean on Main Street.

This festival used to

be all about Christmas.

You know, people selling

stuff that they made

with their bare hand,

games and activities.

That was the best

part of my childhood.

Now it's a-

- Don't say that word.

What word?

You were gonna say joke.

I wasn't gonna say joke.

I was gonna say something

much more eloquent,

like farce or circus.

(upbeat holiday music)

You wanna know what I think?

I think you're gonna

tell me regardless.

I think that

it's weird for you

to be from here and see

the impact that you've had.

You want everything

to be as it was.

We all do, but things change,

and we change things too.

Yeah, well, not

always for the better.

Look at those kids' faces.


And them, don't

they look happy?

Okay, that's two.

That's fine.

- All right, okay.

- How about

- everybody in here?

- All right, all right.

These kids don't have to have

the same experience you did.

You know, they're here

to celebrate this season,

which like it or not

includes your books.


(April chuckles)

Oh, wow.

It really is you.

You're Harrington Davis.

Yeah, yeah.

I can't believe

it really is you.


Can I get an autograph, man.

- Oh yeah, sure.

- Okay.

Oh my gosh.

[Crowd Members]

Harrington, Harrington?

- Harrington?

- Wow. Okay.

Hi. Hi.

- Let's-

- Oh my gosh, thank you.

Sorry, everyone.

Hi, hi.

Oh, hi, hi.



Yeah, hi.


I don't think this

is a good idea.

Yeah, hi.

Hi, oh.

(horn honking)

- Oh, oh, oh, oh.

- Oh, hi.

- Harrington?

- I'm sorry.

- Hey, guys!

- I'm so sorry!

Come on, let's go.

Jump in.

(crowd clamoring)

[Harrington] Woo!

(April exhales)

[Chis] Are you guys okay?

That just got outta

hand really quickly.

You're like Christmas Elvis.

I swear,


sometimes he forgets

he's a celebrity.

But we should be

more careful next time.

Are you starting to

care about me, Collins?

I think she's startin'

to care about me.

(April chuckles)

Okay, we should go.


Buckle up.

(crowd clamoring)

(gentle music)

(crowd clamoring)

(music continues)

(soft music)



Oh my gosh.

It's been way too long.

It's been too long.


And who might this be?

It's Bree, silly!

That's impossible

because my Bree

is about this big and I

could put her in my pocket.

What happened?

I grew up.

I can see that.

I'm gonna need to

get bigger pockets.

(all chuckling)

It's good to see you too.

You too.

Wait, you two know each other?

Yeah, we met at

the welcome party

that you refused to attend.


- Ah.

- Mm hm.

- Mm hm.

- I mean,

we're basically

best friends now.

Ms. Collins, we

got what we need?

Wait, what do we need?

Oh, just a little

somethin' from the company.

Ah, shall we?

(light music)

What's up, Mistletoe?

(audience applauding)

What's Christmas without

some jolly baked goodness,

am I right?

So let's find the best

treat of the season.

So, what's "A

little somethin'?"

You'll see.

To honor the 15th anniversary

of Magic in Mistletoe,"

Silver Spark Publishing has

something special to say,

so let's hear it

for April Collins!

(audience applauding)

(audience cheering)

Good afternoon, Mistletoe.

I'm so happy to be here.

And because we're so proud

to bring you "Magic

in Mistletoe,"

each contestant will

get a special package

from Silver Spark and the

winner will receive $5,000.

(audience applauding)


I wish I was a contestant,

but then I can't

even bake a potato.

But I can eat.

(audience laughs)

Come on out, Harrington!


Mistletoe, let's

take some treats!


(gentle music)

Looks like somebody

got through to him.

(chuckles) Yeah,

we hit a speed bump,

but now we're in a groove.

Your advice really helped.

Oh, I'm so glad.

It seems like a really

positive change.

It's good to see.

Got a decision to make brush.

I know, but

they're all so good.

All right, first of all,

I know I have to

make a decision here.

I will get to that.

I would like to say

all of these desserts

are insanely delicious.

Congratulations to

our three bakers.

I couldn't achieve this,

so congratulations.

I'm gonna be honest.

I don't think I can make

the decision on my own.

I'm gonna need to call a friend.

I'd like to bring up Bree.

Get up here.

- Yeah!

- Get up here.

(Lindsay laughs)

(April laughs)

We're calling in

the experts, folks.

Bree knows more than

anybody about desserts.

Go ahead, Bree.

Will it be the peppermint cake?

The eggnog brownies?

Or Christmas

cranberry cheesecake?

(anticipatory music stops)

It's out of my hands.

All right, come here.

My colleague and I would

like to confer for a second.

(anticipatory music continues)

I'll be back.

All right, Harrington,

what'll it be?

We have a decision

and the winner is...

The brownie!

(audience applauding)

(bright music)

Congratulations to all of you.

Incredible job.

Come over here, kiddo.

Look at that.

(audience applauding)



Do it again.


Someone's had her

sugar quota for the day.

Yeah, thank you for

that, Uncle Harry.

Uncle Harry, that

was so much fun.

I know.

Uncle Harry, are you coming

to the Christmas costume

dance tomorrow night?

Oh (chuckles), do you already

have your costume, Bree?

I do.

It's gonna be so much fun.

I don't think so, kiddo.

There's gonna be a

lot of people there.

[Bree] Aw.

That's okay, right, Bree?

Because we are gonna

see Uncle Harry

at the Lantern

Lighting Festival.

- Right?

- You're gonna see me

at the Lantern

Lighting Festival.


You look happy.

- Do I?

- Hm.


It won't happen again.

(April chuckles)

I don't know.

I guess I'm havin' a good day.

Hm, glad to hear it.

Imagine what you'd be

doing if you weren't here.

Oh, I'd be home doom scrolling

about the end of my career.

Yeah, this seems

a little bit better.

You ready?

Press junket is set up inside.

If I must.

(laughs) Come on,

it won't be that bad.

Wait, you smell that?

(April sniffs)

(playful music)

What is that?

It smells delicious.

Oh, this day just keeps

getting better and better.

(music continues)

(April sniffs)

Sue, I knew it.

Is that what I think it is?

Oh, Harrington, I can't

believe you actually remember.

How can I possibly forget?

You have to try these.

May I?

Oh, no.

They have to be roasted yet.

The first batch is over there.

Ms. Collins.

Harrington, the

press is ready.


You know what?

Change of plans.

You can interview me in here.

What about the guests?

They can ask

questions as well.



(gentle music)

It's a Christmas tradition

here at the Stargazer

to enjoy a very special treat.

[Marcus and Sue] Cinnamon

roasted pralines (laughing).

Aren't you full?

You just had enough dessert

to last you until

next Christmas.

There's always

time for dessert.

Okay, okay.

We're gonna start now.

All right, I

guess floor is open.

So Harrington,

do you wanna share

with your fans any clues

about finding the

Christmas Fairy?

I suppose it couldn't hurt,

if you don't mind that glue

being wrapped up in a riddle.

I found the fairy in the place

where the light

sparkles brightest,

where you can get

lost in the sky

and find yourself in the woods.

Well, all right.

That will keep them guessing

for a very long time.

(reporters chuckling)

Harrington, I'd be

remiss if I didn't ask ya

about the social media post

that was heard around the world.

I'm sorry, we're

not fielding those.

You know, it's okay.

Harrington, do

you really think

that your hometown

just cares about money

and is attending this

event really just to ploy,

to salvage the release

of your new book?

Look, I will make no

excuse for what I said.

There is none.

It was selfish and

thoughtless and reckless

and people were

really hurt by it,

and for that, I'm

truly, truly sorry.

If I can take it back, I would.

I guess what I would

want you all to know

is that Christmas means the

world to me, as do all of you.

And the next time

I'm feeling ornery,

I will put my phone away.

(audience laughs)

(audience applauding)

Yes Sir?

I'm confused.

Is the Christmas fair gonna

come this year or not?

Hm, that's a good question.

A really good question.

I'll tell you what.

Come here.

Come here, kiddos.

That's a great question.

Thank you for asking that.

What's your name?


Luca, all right.

Here's the deal, Luca.

See, me and the Christmas

Fairy are pretty tight.

She told me to tell all of you

that as long as you have

the spirit of Christmas

in your heart,

she will always be there,

even when you can't see her.

(Luca laughs)

(all laughing)

(gentle music)


Thank you.

(sighs) Well, this place

hasn't changed a bit.

The shop is full of

memories, isn't it?

I don't suppose you have any

of those scones with cinnamon?

I always do.

It's really good

to see, Harrington.

[Harrington] You too.

(light music)

[April] Harrington.

Hey, come on in.

Just doing a little

looking online.

Looks like I'm

gettin' some traction.

That blogger from Hit Beat

posted his piece and it's good.

It's really good.

The comments are

mostly positive, too.

Looks like your

plan is working.

What is this?

Oh, I picked up some scones.

I figured we could

take 'em with us.

[April] Oh, there's

nothing on the agenda today.


This isn't on the agenda.

May I have your keys?

What? No.


Because I'm taking

you on an adventure.

Keys, please.

Okay, but only

because you said please.

(upbeat music)

Ah, Mason.

It's been too long, man.

[Mason] Sure has.

Welcome home, friend.

Thank you.

April, Mason Long.

He's an old friend.

Oh, nice to meet you.


Thank you so much

for letting us do this.

We won't stay too long.

Take your time.

I'm making a delivery in town.

Just close the gate

when you leave.

You got it.

[Mason] All right.


So we're at a tree farm?

Oh, not just any tree farm.

Come on.

(gentle music)

Oh, Harrington,

this is so beautiful.

- Isn't it?

- Hm.

You know, this used to be

my favorite place

to come and write.

I would just wander

through the trees,

and get lost in my own world,

and then it became Marty's.

Could you imagine

growing up here as a kid?

You know, jumpin' creeks

and running around Christmas

trees, exploring caves.

Wait, caves?

Like where Marty meets

the Christmas Fairy?

Just like it.

I mean, in the books.

Can I tell you a secret?


I didn't actually meet a

Christmas Fairy in a cave,

but she is based

on something real.

Care to elaborate?

Maybe someday.

(April scoffs)

Truth is, there isn't a

single part of this town

that didn't find its way into

my book somewhere or another.



My dad would've been so

excited to see all of this.

He was a fan?

(sighs) Are you kiddin' me?

I was 15 and he came

out of his office.

He had just finished

your book and he said,

"April, this author is only

three years older than you,

and he's written a classic."

High praise.

Yeah, he was impressed.

What about you?

You read them.

I did.

You care to elaborate?

Maybe someday.


[April] It sure is

beautiful (chuckles).

Yeah, it's not so bad.

Come on.

(light music)

Okay, so tomorrow

is Christmas Eve,

which is the big honors banquet

and the lantern lighting.

- Yes.

- We've prepared you a speech.

It's in your email.

I'm a writer.

That's literally my entire job.

You don't trust me to

write my own speech?

My boss insisted.

All right.

I'll be here to

pick you up at six?


In the meantime, we have

the entire evening free.

Should we-

- No, sorry.

I'm going to the

Christmas costume dance.


- Oh, I didn't realize.

Yeah, no.


- Of course.

- Great.

I just assumed that

you wouldn't wanna go.

Yeah, no, no.

It's lots of people.

Lots of people.

Yeah, it's probably

not the best idea.

Not the best.

I shouldn't.


(playful music)

I mean, it does sound fun.

- It does.

- So (chuckles)...

Well, wait here.

I will be right back.

(Harrington chuckles)

All right.

(door closes)

(April chuckles)

(music continues)

Hi, Chris, it's April.

So, I was wondering if I

could ask you for a favor.

(bright music)

(soft holiday music)

(fire crackling)

(Harrington chuckles)

[April] Hello?

Hey, back here.

Wow, that was fast.

Ready to dance?

Oh, I don't know.

Let's see what we got.

A Marty costume?

Where did you even-


[Harrington] Oh, you're good.

I am (laughs).

I mean, it'll still

be pretty visible.

You think it's gonna work?


Book four, "Marty's

Christmas Catastrophe."

Marty wears a beard disguise.

It's gonna work.

Meet me at the town

hall in an hour.


Everyone's gonna be in costume.

How will I know it's you?

You'll know.

(gentle music)

(zipper zipping)

(soft music)

(doors creaking)

(gentle music)

(music continues)

(music fades)

That was a great song,

and I got one of your

favorites comin' up right now.

(upbeat music)

(music continues)

Joy to the world


- Decent turnout.

- Yeah, certainly is.

Half the people are

hoping Harrington Davis

makes an appearance, but

I wouldn't hold my breath.


- Oh, Harrington!

- Yeah, yeah, shh.

Oh my goodness.

Honestly, I didn't know that

you were planning to come.

Oh, come on.

I'm not that big a Grinch.

That is not what

I meant at all.

It's just, it's

a lot being here.

I mean, after your mom passed,

it was hard on all of us

so I can only imagine the

impact that it had on you.

So I understand why

you stayed away.

All of us do.

But I hope you understand

how grateful we are

that you made the choice

to be here this week.

Thank you.

It means a lot.

I think the real question

is, where's April?

(gentle music)


(music continues)

(music continues)

Well, this is awkward.


We both dressed as Marty.

Well, who wore it better?

I think you know the answer.

(April chuckles)

In my wildest dreams,

I don't think I

could've imagined

a more perfect Christmas Fairy.

You like it?

I, yeah.

Where did you get this?

Oh, well, you can't be in

my line of work without going

to your share of

conventions over the years.

I may have picked

up a thing or two.

- Uh huh.

- Mm hm.

[Harrington] And the tiara?

Oh, this is actually a gift

from my mom for Christmas.

She sent it to the hotel.

But the dress and

the wings are all me.

You brought this with you?

- Yeah.

- On an airplane?

Harrington has it

not yet become apparent

that I like to be

prepared for everything?

(Harrington chuckles)

Oh, it's become apparent.

(April laughs)

You know, I'd be lying if I said

I wasn't more than a

little disappointed.

What? Why?

Well, I've been to

dozens of conventions

and this is the first

time I'm seeing you.

(gentle music)

(April chuckles)

Well, are you just

gonna stand there

or are you gonna

ask me to dance?

I'm gonna ask you to dance.

Shall we?

I'd be delighted.

(upbeat music)

- Oh, sorry, wings (chuckles).

- (chuckles) Careful.

I wanna get

snowed in with you

Think of all the

fun things we can do

Uncle Harry!



How did you know it was me?

I saw April, silly.

Oh, that's so smart.

(April laughs)


So glad you get to spend

Christmas with the family.

You and me both.

I thought I was

gonna get deployed,

but Christmas miracle.

Don't have to leave

till after the new year.

I went with the candy cane.

Oh, it's perfect.

- Thank you.

- Yes.

What I wanna know is how did

you get him out 'cause this

costume was not his idea.

No, actually,

he wanted to come.

- Really?

- Yeah.

That's really good to hear,

and it's really

nice to see him out.

- Ladies.

- Shall we?

Let's go dance.

- Okay.

- Oh.

- Have fun.

- Hey, you,

you save me a dance.

(Harrington chuckles)

(Lindsay laughs)

(April chuckles)

[Harrington] Where were we?

Oh, yeah.


You know, I gotta thank you.

Thank me?

For what, a plaid shirt

and a very chic beard?

(Harrington chuckles)

(April chuckles)

Among other things,

but more importantly,

man, I was just, I

needed to stop seein'

the world in such

a negative way.

Hm, hm.

And you really

helped me do that.

There's so much

good around here

and if I hadn't come

I woulda missed it.

- Harrington?

- Yeah?

The truth is (sighs)...

Uh oh.

I love your books.

What (laughs)?


From the moment I read the

first page, I was hooked.

I mean, my dad was a fan,

but I am seriously

like a super fan.

Why didn't you

want to tell me that?

Because I'm here to work,

and I didn't want you to think

that I was just another groupie.

I wanted your respect.

You got it,


(laughs) Stop it.

(Harrington laughs)

(laughs) It's so glossy.

(Harrington chuckles)

I might have to

grow one myself.

You should (laughs).


What the?

There's somethin'

'bout December skies

What's all this?

(door closes)

You shouldn't have done this.

It was nothing.

I worked it out with Chris.

No, I mean, I really

wish you hadn't done this.

Harrington, what's wrong?

I said to you, I said

to you, I don't do trees.

Well, I was just trying to-

- I didn't want this.

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to upset you.

Can you tell me what's going on?

I need some space.

Excuse me.

(sullen music)

(phone ringing)


[Sue] Morning, April.

There's a special delivery

for you downstairs.



Would you like it to be sent up?

No, I'll come down.

I'll be there in a few minutes.

[Sue] Okay.



Oh (laughs)!

[Sue] So, what happened?

I'm not really sure.

I thought he would be happy

to see his family's old

Christmas decorations,

but instead he just

completely shut down.

It was a beautiful

thing you tried to do.

Harrington is a

really lovely man.

I'm sure he'll come around.

How do you know

he's a lovely man?

No way I could have afforded

this last minute flight.

Harrington set it up.

I can't believe he did that.

(gentle music)

I said no trees.

I said specifically,

"I don't want a tree."

If you're gonna

blame anyone, blame me.

I thought it was a good idea.

Guilty party over here, too.

I thought it was really sweet.

Reminding me of

what I've lost?

No, I think she was trying

to remind you of what you love.

Yeah, we all were.

(gentle music)

You know, for the longest

time after mom died,

I was crushed by guilt.

I had been so wrapped

up in my own career

and my success and, you

know, all that nonsense,

I wasn't here for

her at the end.

Not in the way I

should have been.

She loved Christmas

more than anyone I know

and I think this just made me

realize how badly I failed.

[Chis] Yeah, we know.

But April doesn't.

(Harrington scoffs)

I was such a jerk.


Like really big one.

Big jerk.

I mean, huge.


- Massive.

- Maybe.


(Lindsay speaking indistinctly)


(Lindsay laughs)

Still three Christmateers?



(Harrington sighs)

Come on (chuckles).

You're the worst.

(chuckles) We love you.

(upbeat holiday music)

Mallory texted

that she's here.

We should try to find her.

All right, dear.

How are you feeling?

I'm just, I'm worried that

Harrington is still angry

and that he's not gonna show up.

Honey, pardon

me for saying so.

It's all right to be worried

about your

relationship with him.

But look, it's Christmas Eve.

We have tickets to the

best event in town.

Let's enjoy it.


- Ah.

- Ah, my miracle worker.

I'm so glad you made it.

Fabulous job.

I have heard nothing

but glowing reviews

on Harrington's time here.

Well, it's all

over the internet.

Oh, Mallory, this

is my mother, Lydia.

[Mallory] Hi, so

nice to meet you.

I have heard so

much about you.

You too.

[Lydia] We should

compare notes.

We should.

(Lydia laughs)

(Mallory laughs)

Mallory, I do have

something to tell-

(microphone feedback screeching)

Take your seats.

I wanna make sure the reporters

get Harrington's entire speech.

If he's here.

Welcome everyone

to the annual Mistletoe

Christmas Banquet.

(audience cheering)

(audience applauding)

It has become a time

honored tradition

where we bestow a

very special honor

to one of our residents.

And this year we are so proud

to have this resident back home.

Harrington Davis!

(gentle music)

(audience cheering)

(audience applauding)

Thank you.

Thank you.


Look at that, the

key to the city.

I have a few things that

I would like to say,

but in my own words.

What on earth is he doing?

We wrote a perfectly

good speech for him.

It's okay.

He's been writing his

own words his whole life.

You may be surprised

to hear this,

but I didn't want to be

here this week in Mistletoe.

I wasn't sure I ever

wanted to come back at all.

In fact, the only

reason I'm here

is because my publisher

forced me to come.

You know, when I first

wrote "Magic in Mistletoe,"

it was a tribute to

my favorite holiday,

and also a love letter

to my family, friends,

and to this wonderful town.

But somewhere along the way,

the magic disappeared for me.

And to be honest, I didn't think

I would ever find it again.

But being here this week,

I was reminded that the

magic was always here.

It was the town,

it was the people,

it was the excitement

and the anticipation

and the joy and the laughter.

It was all of you.

And it took a very persistent

and caring and wildly

over-prepared woman

to help me see that again.

And for that, I am

forever grateful.

So thank you, Mistletoe,

for not losing faith in me,

and to that very special woman

for helping me

rediscover the magic,

because she herself is magic.

Thank you, Mayor, for

this incredible honor,

and I promise that

moving forward,

I will make you all

very, very proud.

(audience applauding)

(gentle music)

(light music)

(group chattering)

[All] Hey.

Great speech, man.

Great speech.

Thank you.

Thanks, pal.



Had you scared for a

minute there, didn't I?

Mm hm.

There's some reporters

that want to talk to you.

Oh, reporters.

Speak to the reporters.

Of course.



You did it.

Oh no, really it was all him.

Are you kidding?

You did more than you know.


Harry's back to his old self,

and a lot of that

is thanks to you.

Well, it wasn't

a regular PR gig,

but I am happy with the results.

Excuse me, please

everyone take your seat.

After dinner we'll go outside

for the lantern lighting.

Enjoy your dinner.

You heard the lady,

dinner is served.

Thank you so much.

(Chris speaking faintly)


(gentle music)



You look, uh...

I'm at a loss for

words, imagine that.

(April chuckles)

Speaking of words,

I loved your speech.

Thank you.

There was something

else I wanted to add.

I'm sorry.

Your gesture was

really thoughtful

and kinda brought up

some tough stuff for me.

I reacted poorly, but

you couldn't have known.

I could have said something.

Anyway, I'm sorry.


Well, let's just call it even.

(Harrington chuckles)

(April chuckles)

[Harrington] Do you

wanna go sit down?

I do.

(gentle music)

(crowd chattering)

Are we ready?


Hello, Mistletoe.

(audience applauding)

(April laughs)

On behalf of Silver

Spark Publishing,

thank you so much for

allowing us to be a part

of this incredible festival.

And now, please welcome

Harrington Davis.

(crowd applauding)

(crowd cheering)

[Crowd] Harrington!

(cheering continues)

(applause continues)

I am so happy to

be here celebrating

with all of you

tonight and I am so,

we are so thrilled to be able

to offer you an early

Christmas present.

(crowd gasps)

We have copies of

the final installment

of "Magic in Mistletoe."

These are signed

special editions

to commemorate the Christmas

and Mistletoe Festival.

So come on up, get your copy.

(crowd applauding)

(light holiday music)

(crowd chattering)

It's time for the

lantern lighting.

May the magic of the

holidays fill our hearts.

Harrington, will

you do the honors?

I would love to.


(all chuckling)

(gentle music)

(crowd chattering)

(music continues)

(chattering continues)

I wanna show you something.

(crowd chattering)

(music continues)

Almost there, almost there.

What are we doing out here?

Just keep your eyes closed.

We're almost there.

So, it was Christmas

Eve, 12 years old.

I was walkin' back from

the Christmas tree farm

and it was getting dark

and I thought I was lost,

so closed my eyes

and I made a wish.

We're at a bench, turn and sit.

And when I opened my eyes,

open your eyes,

my wish came true.

Found my way home.

(sighs) Wow.

That is magical.


(April chuckles)

What do they look like?

(sighs) They

look like fairies.

Mm hm.

The Christmas Fairy?

The Christmas Fairy.

Is this where you

came up with the idea?

Mm hm.

Yeah, yeah, I went

home that night

and I started writing

what would become

the first chapter of

"Magic in Mistletoe."


And the evening

was so memorable

when I had the opportunity,

I bought the property,

and built a house and

the rest is history.

(April chuckles)

But everyone wants to know

where to find the

Christmas Fairy.

[Harrington] Mm hm.

Why did you tell me?

You're not everyone.

Gosh, this week has been...

Well, we've had our

moments (laughs).

Mm hm.

But I just, I want

you to know that for me,

it has all been worth it

because I got the chance

to know you better,

and believe it or not,

I really like you.

(Harrington chuckles)

I really like you, too.

For the longest time,

I didn't believe in magic,

but you changed my mind.

I think I've heard

that somewhere before.

Mm hm, book one, page 234.

(April chuckles)

Except I really mean it.

(gentle music)

(music continues)

(music fades)