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04x10 - Puppy Love

Posted: 12/12/23 06:37
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next ♪

♪ You never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure,
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their
family and friends,
that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ And Miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ And best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister ♪

♪ Maya and Miguel ♪

MIGUEL: Everybody knows you're
supposed to do good deeds.

Hey, watch this!

A triple kick
flip ollie!

Awk! Triple kick
flip ollie!


But once in a while,

a good deed can turn out

not quite the way
you expect it to.







Oh, man!

Miguel, are you OK?

I'm OK.

Paco OK!

Paco OK!

Cool trick, Miguel!

Yeah, let's
see it again!

Wow. That dog came out
of nowhere!

[Arf arf]

Oh, she's so cute!

You call that cute?

I call it...



Paco adorable!
Paco adorable!

Aw, is she lost?

It sure looks
that way.

Lost. Hmm.

We need to help her
find her way home.

She's licking me.

Look, she's
really friendly!

Look, there's
a tag that says she
had all her sh*ts,

but there's no information
about her owner.

We'll have to
ask around.


Come on, doggy!


Ohh! Ha ha ha! Aw.

Come on. Let's see
who you belong to.

Oh, wow, you're
heavier than you look.


See you guys

What are we going to do?

They don't allow pets
in our building.

Awwk! Paco allowed!

Si. But you're family,



We can't leave her out
in the street!

Ella tendra fria
y hambre.

Paco cold.

Ok, we'll get
you home, Paco.

We can't keep her,
Miguel, but maybe...

Hey! ¡Eso es!
That's it!

Well, got to run!

Me, too!
See you later!

MAYA: Wait!

Can't one of you--

My cat will
freak out

if I bring
a dog home!


Sorry, my dad's

But look at her.
She's so--Hey!

[Dog whimpering]



Remember, we
promised to
help abuela

and not make
any extra work

while mama
and papi are away.

I wish we could
keep you,
but we can't.

I hope you find
your way home.

Pack your bags,
doggy! Bye-bye!

[Arf arf]

Come on, Miguel.

[Arf arf]


Go on.
You have to go home.

We can't keep you.

I'm sorry. Go on.

Don't look
at me like that.


I can't do it!

I just can't!

OK. Just for a minute

until I find out
where you live.

ABUELA: Miguelito,
is that you?

Yes, it's me, abuela.
I, uh...

tienes hambre?

No, abuela.

I'm not very
hungry right now.

Miguel, have
you put on weight?

Me? Oh, this!

This--well, what can
I say, abuela?

I'm a growing boy,



Oh! You know what?
I guess I am hungry.

They say, "listen
to your stomach,"



Standing here
talking to you

really works up
an appetite!

Bueno. Why don't you
come into the kitchen,

and I'll fix you

I, um, forgot
to wash my hands.

Never eat without
washing your hands
first, right?

I'll be right back!


What happened?

I couldn't leave her
alone out there.

What? Why not?

She looked at me
with those eyes.


Huh? Huh?

[Paco groans]




Look at me!

Awk! It's me--Paco!

Look at that face!

How can you say no
to that face?

She's all
warm and comfy.

She is so cute!


She looks like a little,
round, fluffy osito.

What about me?
Oh, brother!

Yeah, she does look kind
of like a fluffy bear,
doesn't she?

Are you
a little osito?

That's what we should
call her--Osito!

Yeah! Until we find her
real owner, that is.

You hear that,

You can stay with us
for a while!

Until we make
some calls

and find out
where you live.

[Arf arf]



OK, we need to ask abuela if
the dog can spend the night.

we promised her

we wouldn't cause
any problems

with mama
and papi away.

And if she says no?

We'll cross that bridge
when we come to it.

Now I'll stay here
with Osito,

and you go ask


Come on, Miguel!

You are so good
at stuff like that.

I am?

Hey, you brought
her home, right?

Ok. I'll be right back.


You stay with Maya.

Come on, Osito.

I'll make up
a bed for you.


All right, Osito, which
blanket would you like?


Osito, where did you go?

Osito, Osito.

We left the door open!


MIGUEL: Abuelita,
I have something
to tell you.

What is it, hijito?

Well, I just
wanted to say...


That you look really
nice today!

¡Gracias, hijito!

¡De nada!
See you later.


How could you lose her?

Where'd she go?

It's not my fault,

I went to make up
a bed for her,
and she was gone.

She must've gotten

She could've said


Oh, hey, Osito.


MIGUEL: Puppies?!

Awk! Oh, no!

One dog
was enough.


Oh, look!

How cute!

Wow! How many are there?

Oh, ho ho.

So now what
are you going to do?

I think we have
to tell abuelita.

Maya, if we tell her
about the puppies now,

she'll have to do lots
of work to help
take care of them

and help find
Osito's owner.

Hmm. I didn't
think of that.

And we did promise her
we wouldn't cause
any extra worry

while mama
and papi were away.

All right. So let's
give ourselves
until tomorrow

to find the real
owners, OK?

If we can't return
Osito by tomorrow,
we'll tell abuela.

Ok! Now why don't you
feed the poor dog?

She is hungry!

Aw. There you go.
You must be
so hungry.

She is hungry!

She has
a big appetite!


There you go again!

Look, she's
saying, "thank you."

[Paco squawks]

Aw. Paco says,
"thank you," too!

Ok, Miguel and I will
stay here with Osito
and the puppies.

Would you guys please
pass out these flyers?

Oh, he's so cute.

Come here, puppy.

Osito, Osito, Osito.

ABUELA: Maya, Miguel!



hi, abuela!
This book is great.

It's so funny.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

So is mine.

Que bien.

Whales can be really

[Arf arf]

Uh, "Arf! Arf!" said
the dog in my book.

PACO: Abuela!
¡Mira! ¡Mira!

Yes, look at us read!



Paco, what are
you doing?

You'll get us
in trouble!


Wow! She sure
puts it away!

Someone's coming!

Hi, abuela!

Hola, hijo.


May I come in?


May I have
the password?

The what?


That's it!

the password!

You're good, abuela!


I'm just trying
a new hair style!


I'm not sure
if I like it.



Look over there!


Don't you like
Maya's new hairdo?

Well, it's different.

Awk! Abuelita!

¡Mira! ¡Mira!

Mm. Keep trying, Mayita.

¡Abuelita, escucha!

I am listening.

Ay, Paco,
you're so dramatic!

Come on, Miguel.
I think these little
puppies are hungry.



Eww! Pee-eww!

They sure like
to make a mess.



These puppies sure
are messy eaters.

Ha ha ha! Yeah!

PACO: Awk! Check me out!
Check me out!

Play with me!

Those puppies
are boring!


Miguel, are you
hungry again?


Miguelito, remember,

tomorrow your
parents come home.

I want your room
and Maya's to be


Don't worry.

I'll help you clean.

Uh, thanks, abuelita.
That's OK.

Well, no luck
finding her owner.

Nobody knows anything
about a lost dog!

Ohh. There's no way
we can hide

these guys
another day.

I'm already exhausted!

Just think.
If we tell abuelita now,

she'll be up all night
helping us,

and we promised we wouldn't
make more work for her.

And now she wants
our rooms clean

for when mama
and papi come home!

How are we going to
do this, Maya?

¡Tengo una idea!

Oh, no.
She has an idea.

What else is new?

Theo, Chrissy, we can have
a sleep-over tonight.

You can help us,
so Miguel and I can
get some rest!

I'm game.

And if we don't find
the owner by tomorrow,

we'll tell abuela.


So Miguel and i
want to know

if Theo and Chrissy
can sleep over.

And did you ask
your parents?


They're going to call
you just to make sure

it's ok with you.

Well, all right.

¡Gracias, abuelita!

All right!

You guys,
get some rest.

Theo and I will take
care of the dogs.

Yeah, Chrissy
will keep watch,

and I'll stay close
to the puppies.



Come on, Maya,
you need to get
some rest.

Good night.

Good night.

Good night.


Miguel, do you have
a good book I can...



Hey, come back here,
you little pup.


Come back.

That's not right.


It's all gone.

I bought plenty yesterday.


I love tortillas.

I love tortillas.



Stop that. Ha ha!
That tickles.


Let's see how
the little ones
are doing.

Oh, that's good,
the dogs are gone.


Osito?! Puppies?!
Where are you?!

Huh? What?

What, what, what?

Theo, where are
the dogs?

Uh-oh! I must've
fallen asleep!

Maya, you have
to wake up!


The dogs are gone!

Chrissy! Wake up!
The puppies
are gone!

What? How? Where?

What are we going to do?

We have to clean
our rooms today,

and abuela will be
in here any minute!


Puppies, are you
in here?

que estas haciendo?

What am I doing?
What am I doing?

Oh, just thinking
of making
some breakfast.

Ohh! Abuela!

¿Que paso?

Did I tell you how
nice you look today?


Well, got to go!

What about breakfast?

Oh, i'm not hungry,

Maya, what are you

Heh heh heh.


Are you all right?

Hey, look!







Hey, cutie,
get over here.


Awk! Awk! Awk!

Paco, stop that!


Osito, where
are you going?

Osito, what are you
doing in here?

The puppies!
The puppies!

There you are!


Chrissy, what are
you doing in here?

Oh, um, just holding
the laundry basket!

Ah. That's very nice
of you.

Can you hand me
the clothes
in the basket, please?

Sure. Here you go!



Hey, um, here's
the detergent!

Thank you.

Oh, Chrissy?

¿Si, senora Elena?

Please tell
Maya and Miguel

that their parents
are coming home early.

They'll be here
in an hour.

In an hour?!

That's what she said.

Well, at least we have all
the dogs in one place.

Um, actually, there's
still one missing!

ABUELA: Maya, Miguel,
are you ready

to clean your rooms
for your parents?


Hide the puppies
and Osito!

MAYA: Oh, no!

ALL: Good morning, abuelita!

Let's see.

Where should we begin?

What do we have here?

[All sigh]


Heh heh heh!

There goes
my stomach again!

I'm always hungry!



Oh, don't whine,

We'll get you
some food.



I think I have
a cough.


Chrissy, that is
so not funny!

Miguel's not
feeling well!

Stay still.

Abuela, Theo is learning
how to break dance!

Show abuela, Theo.

Whoa! Unh! Unh!

Go Theo! Go Theo!

[Chrissy laughing]


Maya, Miguel,
is there something
you want to tell me?


¿Que es esto?

How many are there?

I'm sorry, abuelita.

We should've told you
in the first place.

You are right.

You should have
told me.

Sorry, abuela.

But we promised
not to cause you
more work...

and puppies are
a lot of work.

I just have one question.

Are you missing something?

ROSA: Hello, everybody!

We're home!

You know, you should
have told abuelita
right at the beginning.


Well, we were going to,
but then Osito disappeared...

and then we
found her...

and then she
had puppies...

and we promised not
to give

any problems...

and we thought it would
only be for one night

because we
put up flyers,

and we thought
the owner would call...

and we couldn't
turn her out
onto the street!

Please don't be mad!


We won't be too mad,
but we want you to know

how important it is
to tell the truth.

And if you have a problem,
you tell your parents

or your grandmother.

Si, papi. We're sorry.

Ok, now let's see these
cute little puppies!

Not her, too!

Later that day,
Osito's family

saw one of the fliers.

It turns out her real
name was Tiny.

They were all happy
to see each other,

and even though we were
sad to see Osito
and the puppies leave,

we were happy she
found her real family again,

and no one was
happier than Paco!

Ha ha ha!

Awk! Bye-bye doggies!

And don't come back!