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01x05 - Rhymes with "Gato"

Posted: 12/12/23 06:41
by bunniefuu
♪ It's maya ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure
they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together
is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family
and friends, that's the start ♪

♪ They make a great team
as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ Maya and miguel ♪

♪ What they will do next
you never can tell ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ It's maya ♪

♪ And miguel ♪

♪ Maya and miguel ♪

♪ Brother and sister
and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister,
maya and miguel ♪

you ever have
a misunderstanding,

even a teeny, tiny one?

It can be really embarrassing.

Like when miguel thought
he was going to soccer tryouts--

I told him it was
on washington boulevard,

but he went to
washington avenue.

Welcome to
the auditions for
the junior ballet.


Maya, voice-over:
or when you're
thinking one thing,

and the other person

had a totally different
thing in mind....

Like when maggie
cooked a whole turkey

instead of doing a report
about turkey--the country.

Ha ha! Oh, well,
everyone makes mistakes.

But the worst time was
with chrissy's new cat.

Like this chico santos...

A real phenom...

Soon to go pro!

No hay problema,

Careful, miguel.

Paco: careful!

Sorry, paco.

Rosa: I'd be delighted
to take tito.

Por sup--miguel!

You can become famous
outside, superstar.

Adios, teresa.

Nice footwork, mama!


Rosa: ¡Mama! ¡Maya!
¿Donde esta maya?


These are going to be
the best bunuelos ever.


maya, miguel,
your tia teresa
has to work

and asked me
to take tito

to the birthday
party in
the courtyard.

So, mama,
can you look after
these two

for a few hours?

It'll be
two times the fun.

Mis dos angelitos!

Awk! ¡Angelitos! Angels?


Muchas gracias.

I almost forgot.

The landlord,
sr. Gutierrez,

is coming by
to fix the faucet.

Maya: hi, chrissy!

Ooh! Your new cat!
¡Un gato!



Hi, everyone.

This is yo-yo.

this is everybody.

Ooh, so soft and tiny.

¡Que lindo gato!

Chrissy, I'm sorry,

but our landlord
is coming by,

and our new
building rules
say "no pets."

Oh, mama!

He let us
keep paco, right?

Yes, but it
wasn't easy

getting him
to agree.

If he finds
any animals
besides paco up here,

we could
get in trouble.

Sorry, sra. Santos.

I'll take him home.

Paco: awk!
Take him home!
Take him home!


gracias, chrissy.

Adios, everyone.


Hola, everyone.

Hola, theo.



Ok, everyone,
who wants to come
in the kitchen

and try
my bunuelos, ay?


I do! I do!


Oh, be careful.

They're still
quite hot!

[paco squawks]

yo-yo, you want
to try some?



Theo: yo-yo!

[kids all calling at once]

where are you?

Hello, everybody.

Uh, the front door
is open.

Awk! The door's open!

¡La puerta esta abierta!

My cat! He's gone!

Don't worry, chrissy.
We will find yo-yo.

I promise you.

is it all right

if we go downstairs
to look for the cat?

Si, go ahead.

Let's go look,


Yo-yo! Yo-yo!

Chrissy: maya,
this isn't working.

Listen, chrissy,
we're going to find him.

All we need is...
Un plan!

Oh, please, maya,
not a plan.


¡Eso es!

Guitar lessons?

What do, uh...

We'll make posters!

You take this end
of the block, miguel.

Theo, will you ask
if you can put them
in store windows?

So, "lost cat"
in spanish
is "pato guerdido?"

Mm-mmm. "perdido,"
maggie, "perdido."

Don't worry, chrissy.

He couldn't have
gone far.

Perdido. Got it.

Pato perdido,
pato perdido,
pato perdido.

Let's go, everyone!

We've got a cat
to find!

Se llama "yo-yo."

His name is yo-yo.

He's a calico
and really cute.

If you find him,

please bring him
to my dad's pet shop
down the block.


¿Necesita ayuda?

Si. Es un pato

Se llama yo-yo.

Un pato perdido.

¡¿Un pato perdido?!

Heh! How unusual!

Si, si.
Un pato perdido.

Ok. I'll look.

Maya, voice-over:
uh, let's rewind that
for a second.

Un pato perdido.

¡¿Un pato perdido?!

Heh! How unusual.

Si, si.
Un pato perdido.

Maya, voice-over:
see, maggie didn't know

that "pato" means
something different
from "gato."

"gato" means "cat,"
but "pato" means...

A duck?!


where did you come from?


how could someone
think this was ours?

The sign says
"lost cat." oh.

I even told people
in spanish--

"lost pato."


That means duck!

But I even
asked you, maya,

and you said
it was pato.

Ay! I was so busy talking,
I didn't listen carefully!

I'm so sorry!


First we lose a cat,
now we find a duck!

[duck quacking]

this duck
has total attitude.

Oh, theo,
he's a sweetheart.

He's lost, that's all.

We just need
to find his owner.

But what about
my yo-yo?

Maya: we'll
find him, too,
I promise.

We'll return the duck
to its owner

and find
your sweet little cat.

Trust me.
Have I ever messed up?

Ok, wait. Don't answer that.

Maya, maybe we
should leave the duck
where we found him.

We can't abandon him!

He's scared and all alone!

He needs food
and shelter...

And lots of love!

Poor sweet, gentle
lost in the big city!

The dog wants
to make friends.

Good dog. Que buen perro.



duck on the loose!

Come on, everyone!
Don't just stand around!

Please get him!

Ayy, got you!


This way!


where could he
have gone?

Maybe he's with yo-yo.

That was awesome.

The duck ate the whole
watermelon in 10 seconds!




Maya: come back, duck!

Sorry about
the watermelon,

but he's not
our duck.

He just got scared.

He's not used to
the big city.





I think he might be
afraid of the dog.

¿El perro?


Look! A dog!

[people screaming]

aah! Hey!



There he is!

Maya: that way!

Help! Wild duck!

You kids
shouldn't let
a duck like that

run loose!

It could
hurt someone!

Yes. Uh,
we're very sorry.

You need to take
that beast home,

or I'll call
the authorities!

Shh, shh, shh.

¡Pobre pato!
Poor ducky!

You're safe with maya now!

So what
do we do now?

¡No hay problema!

take the duck

to papi
at the pet store,

and then we'll keep
looking for yo-yo.

Just one problem
with that idea.

That lady
with the begonias
on her head

is in there.

Theo: hey, look.

How about we
drop the duck off
at the park,

where there's
the pond, all right?

I mean, there
might be some more
duckies there.


we can't
abandon it!

It needs us.

Maya: all we need to do
is return the pato

and find the gato!

But we don't
even know
who owns the duck!

Tengo una idea.

You guys stay here
with the duck,

and I'll go upstairs
and ask abuela
what we should do.

You want us
to stay here
with this--

this--this beast?



that's a duck.
That's a nice ducky.

Easy now.

come back, duck!

maya, the duck!

You're not supposed
to be here.

[ding ding]


grab it!

Grab it!

That is one
seriously bad duck.



ok, I'll take
the next one.



did you see a duck?

Un pato?

That's "pato,"
not "gato."

With webbed feet.

Orange ones
like most ducks?

Unless you count
the genus aix,

or the common
wood duck--

it's a duck.
It looks like...

A duck!

not "gato."

It's on the elevator,
going down.

Thank you.


Eh! Uh, that's it.

I'm taking the stairs.





There he is!





maya: chrissy,
I'm sorry about
all this craziness

with the duck,

but I promise you
we'll find yo-yo.

Don't worry.

Can you guys
take the duck

Pets are not
supposed to be
in the apartment,


But, maya,

he won't let anyone
hold him except you!

Oh, that's not true.

You just have to
hold him firmly

and talk to him

Abuela: ¿Donde han estado?

Any luck finding yo-yo?


Uh...No, not yet!

get him!





How did the bunuelos
turn out?

Are you making
something else?

I really want to see--

well, come on.
I'll give you a taste.

Find that duck
and get him out of here!


Y albondigas
con salsa de tomate.

Mmm, meatballs.
They look--

hola, miguel.
¿Que haces?

Uh...Just, you know,

practicing some
soccer moves,

doing a duck walk.

I mean, a luck walk,
a good luck walk.

Ay, that boy!


Too much soccer,

where's the duck?

We can't find it.

One day, and we've
lost two animals.

¡Ay mi!

Ok, here's
what we'll do:

miguel, you stay
here with the duck,

and we'll go
and put up more flyers.


Maya, the last ones
didn't work very well.

Give it time, miguel.

We'll make
new flyers that say,

"encontrado: un pato--
duck found."

And while
we're putting them up,

we'll look for yo-yo.



But no way
I'm staying here
alone with that duck.

You're the only one
he likes!

Ok, fine.

Take these, and we can
stay in constant touch!



Ok. Now where's that duck?!


did you hear that?

Abuela: now you're
doing that walk,
too, maya?

Ha ha ha!

If you can't
beat 'em, join 'em.

Right, abuelita?


miguel, excuse yourself!


[doorbell rings]

ah! That must be
sr. Gutierrez!


We can't let him in.

Now is not a good time.

We are so
not ready for him!

Ready? He's here
to fix the faucet.

Ha ha!

Maya, are you nervous
about something?

Who? Me?

Well, um, i...

Uh... I am nervous

Because I have to
go to the bathroom!

Me, too! Perdon.

Senor. Gutierrez.

Please, please,
come right in.


Pase, pase.

Sorry to
keep you waiting.

Ahh, that's okay.

Now where's the drip?


uh, did paco just quack?

Oh, paco!

Oh, he's such
a silly bird!

[maya singing]

oh, nothing like
a little music

while you work, huh?

[cymbals clanging]

while I'm here,

I thought
I'd fix everything

that sra. Rosa
called about.

It was
quite a list!
Ha ha ha!

Well, let's start
in the kitchen.



Miguel: aaaaaahhh!



forgot my toolbox.

I'm practicing
my dance program.

Shuffle, shuffle.

Step, step, step,



[glass breaks]


he must be practicing
his juggling.

He's juggling?

Sounds like
he needs
more practice.

Oh, yeah,
he's not very good now,

but just you wait.

Well, this faucet
is fixed.

Now how about
the baseboards
in miguel's room?

Oh, that's ok.

Miguel's room
is a mess.

You don't want
to go see that.

Ha ha ha!

No worries.

I'm sure
I've seen

Miguel! We're coming
to see your room!

Sr. Gutierrez: wow.

You weren't kidding
about the mess.

Maybe I haven't
seen worse.

what happened here?

Uh, just looking
for something I lost.

Don't worry,
I'll clean up.

I heard about
your juggling.

My what?

Your juggling?

You're a great juggler?

Ha ha ha!

Here, show him, miguel!

Ah, ah...

Gutierrez: mm-hmm.
Mm-hmm. Uh-huh.

Baseboards seem ok.


now how about that window?

was that yo-yo?

Yo-yo? Where?


something ran
into the courtyard!

Look at the rabbit!

But I want bobo!

sra. Santos!
Sra. Santos!

Did you see
my cat in here?

No, chrissy.
Is he lost?

He wandered
out the door

before I could
take him home.

Now we can't
find him anywhere!

Kids: we want bobo!
We want bobo!

Maggie: hey,
what are they
shouting about?

The birthday boy's
parents arranged
for a clown

who has
a wonderful duck

that does
all kinds of tricks.

But the duck
is missing.

The duck!

You saw the duck?
Where is it?

If we find it,
we can save
the whole party!

We just saw the duck

We'll go back
and look for it,
sra. Santos.

We have to tell
maya and miguel!


Maybe I should
plane down the edge.


[beep beep]

what was that?

Theo, on walkie-talkie:
maya! Miguel!

Are you there? Over.

Excuse me.

It's not a good time, theo.

The landlord's here,

and the duck's hiding
in my closet.

Bring the duck down.

We found the owner!

Miguel: I don't know
if we can catch hi--

There's a mob of
angry 7-year-olds here

waiting for
bobo the circus duck.

If you don't
get him down here soon,

who knows
what they'll do!

Maya: maggie, this is maya.

Just sit tight.

The quacker is on his way.

Repeat! The quacker
is on his way.

Look at that!
Good as new!

Thank you,
sr. Gutierrez.

You've been
a great help.

I could take another
eighth of an inch...

Don't even
think about it!

You've done
so much already!

But the bathroom tiles--

maya: the place
sure looks great!

If we ever
need anything again,

we'll be sure
to call you.

But I was
supposed to--

abuela: maya,
what are you doing?

We need to thank
sr. Gutierrez

Please, come
into the kitchen

and sample some of
my special meatballs.

Oh, yes.

Si, delicioso.

Wait, miguel.
Don't scare him.

Come here,
little duck.

We just want
to help you.

Gutierrez: ay!

Thank you
for the delicious treat.

Always a pleasure
to come fix things here.

Paco: awk!
¡Esconde el pato!
Hide the duck!

What is that?

Uh...What's what?

I've got to remember
not to stand up
so quickly.

Ok. See you later.

sr. Gutierrez.

si, gracias.

Maya: ¡Yi adios!

[both sigh]

[doorbell rings]

ho ho!

Both: sr. Gutierrez!

I forgot my toolbox.

Awk! ¡Esconde el pato!

Hide the duck!

Why does he
keep saying that?

Ha ha ha!

You know,
he's a parrot,

and he likes
to repeat things
that he hears.

Yeah, we like to
play a game called
"hide and quack."

Hide and quack?

I panicked.

[gutierrez chuckles]

"hide and quack."

You kids have
some imagination.

Ha ha ha!

Well, I think I've
got everything now.


did we mention
that we also
like to play

pin the tail
on the cat?

Awk! Cat!


¡Gato! Cat!

¡Pato! Duck!


[meowing and quacking]

[all talking at once]

abuela, sr. Gutierrez,

we have something
to tell you.


hmm. You mean
you weren't just playing
"hide and quack?"

We can explain.

See, our friend chrissy
brought over her cat

because she didn't know
animals weren't allowed,

and before she could
leave, yo-yo ran off.

We thought
he ran outside,

and while
we were looking
for her lost cat,

we found this lost duck.

He was supposed to go
to the birthday party

so we were just
trying to return him.

We're sorry.

We should have
just told you all
the truth.

Wait a minute.

Birthday party?

The party I set up
in the courtyard?

That boy was so excited
about some duck
that does tricks

coming to his party!

Come on, let's go!

[laughter and cheering]

nice job, bobo!

Now through
the hoop,
right here.


that duck has talent!

And look how happy
the kids are!

How happy
everyone is.


Everybody is back
where they belong,

and everything
is back to normal.



si, just another
normal day with maya...

Maya, voice-over:
and that's how
one little letter

cost us a whole day's work

but made for a whole lot of fun.
