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04x02 - Pranksters/From Here To Maternity

Posted: 12/12/23 07:31
by bunniefuu
[flies buzzing]


♪ Rocko's Modern Life ♪

♪ Rocko's Modern Life ♪

♪ Rocko's Modern Life ♪

♪ Rocko's Modern Life ♪

[barking] Aah!

♪ Rocko's Modern Life ♪

♪ Rocko's Modern Life ♪

[Rocko] That was a hoot!



I'd like a dessert stuffed stick.




Here we go.


Here. Come again.

Hiya, Fil. What?

Oh, it's you two.

What do you want?

Can we get two chicken stuffed sticks?

Yeah, sure.

I like Stuff on a Stick.

Good for you. Here. Come again.

Now go away.

Thanks, Fil.

Yeah, and, uh...

Say, is that a little...[giggling]

stuff on your shirt?

Get it off!

[both laughing]

[both] April Fool!


Fil, we got you!

Shut up! Shut up, I say!

I don't think it's so funny!

Go on, get out of here!

You're not so funny!

You're not so funny!


They got me!

They got me again!

Why do I always fall for it, every year!

I can't take it!


Ha ha! Oh, poor Fil.

Let's eat fast, Hef, so you can drop me off at work, okay?

Yeah, sure, Rock.

Hey, don't look now, Rock,

but isn't that Melba Toast?

[gasps] Oh, my gosh!

I can't even look at her.

I'm still in love with Melba Toast.

Well, let's get her over here.

Hey, Melba!


Over here, Melba, honey!

Rocko's here!

Hef, please! Hef, shut up!

Here's Rocko!


April Fools', Rocko.


Oh, don't be sore, Rocko.

It's just a little prank.

Maybe you'll get me sometime.


Huh? Hmm?





It's made of rubber, Hef! April Fool!

Oh, Rock.

[fake laugh]

Yeah, that was a real good one, Rock.


You better take it easy on the practical jokes, Heffer.

Someone might really get you back someday.

[tires screech]

Why don't you come in and check out the new comics?

Sure, Rock.


You got a letter here.

Oh, boy!

Gee, this letter's postdated a month ago.

I'm not a mailman!

This is a place of business,

not a place for your silly little pen-pal games!

Sorry, Mr. Smitty.

Hey, it's from my grandmother.

Oh, no!

Grandma's coming for a visit

and she arrives this afternoon.

Could I have the afternoon off to pick her up?

Ha ha!

That's pretty funny, Rocko, you're a crackup.


She's arriving by plane.

I'’ve got to get someone to pick her up.


Forget it.

[chuckles] Oh, come on.

No way, Hef, you're in a silly mood.

I need someone a little more responsible.

Let me try Filbert.

[phone ringing]

Good morning.

Stuff on a Stick.

Stick your face in our stuff.

Hiya, Filbert. I need a favor.

Could you-- Ha ha! Very funny!

You're a funny guy!

Ha ha ha! Ugh!

What do you take me for, an April Fools' idiot?!

But very funny, Rocko!

You're a real character!

Listen, friend, I don't go for this holiday.

[click, dial tone]

I'’m still available, Rocko.


Okay, Heffer, but please,

you have to behave. No tricks.

Don't worry, Rocko.

I'’ll take real good care of old Granny.


Please, Hef. Please.

No pranks.

I'm just kidding, Rocko!

You can trust me, pal, I promise.


[man, on P.A.] Kuala Airlines Flight from Australia

is now arriving at Gate .

[woman] Coming through! Coming through!

Let an old lady through!

[loud footsteps]

Rocko, is that you?

Uh, no. It's...

I'm... uh...

Holy mother of Buddha, did you get fat.

Yellow, too.

Don't just stand there.

Let's get my bags, Rocko.

Granny Rocko, wait! You see... uh...

How'd you get so fat? You eat too much?

You eating too many hamburgers?

Eating too much, eh?

No. Granny Rocko, see,

I'm not Rocko.

Hold it!


What's that?

Uh, the escalator?

I don't want my bags on that thing!

Take the stairs!

It's okay, Granny Rocko, they're perfectly safe.

The stairs! The stairs!

Take the stairs!

Yes, Granny Rocko.

How much do you weigh now? ? ? ?

Do you exercise? How often? Where do you go?

Where's the triangle shirt? No triangle?

You're too fat to fit into the triangle!

Can't you go any faster?! Why don't you pass this guy?!

What's wrong with you, Rocko?

You see, Granny Rocko, I'm not--

Pass him!

[shouting, horns honking]

[Granny talking, indistinct]



[Granny continues talking]


[Granny Rocko talking]

Yes, Granny Rocko.

Yes, Granny Rocko.

Yes, Granny Rocko. [talking]

Yes, Granny Rocko.

Yes, Granny Rocko.

Yes, Granny Rocko.

Yes, Granny Rocko.

Yes, Granny Rocko.

Yes, Granny Rocko.

That's the last time I do you any favors.

[Granny talking continues]




That old lady ain't an old lady.

She's Rocko.

That sly dog.

He thinks he really got me.

But it's me who's got him.

And I really got him now.


What are you doing in there?

You arranging the furniture the way I like it?

[Heffer] Yes, Granny Rocko.

[Granny] Did you feed that dog of yours, Spunky?

Yes, Granny Rocko.

Yes, Granny Rocko.

[Granny Rocko talking]

Yes, Granny Rocko.

[Granny] Is he outside?

Yes, Granny Rocko.

Hey, uh, Granny Rocko?

Could you come in here for a moment, please?

[devious chuckle]

[Granny] In a minute, Rocko! I'm baking!

Gee, I really would like you to come out here for a second...

Granny Rocko!

Ha ha!

[Rocko] I'll help you, Hef.

You need help?

What's going on?

Who's coming over?


Did you have a safe trip?

[Granny] What? Who are you?

Heffer? Is that you?

No, Grandma, it'’s me, Rocko. Remember?

[Granny] Heffer, did you lose weight?

How can you wear Rocko's shirt?

What happened to the suspenders?

[whimpering, crying]

Don't tell me I don't know my own grandson!

But, Grandma, it is me!

[talking continues]


[talking continues]

[windows shattering]

Aah! Uhh! Uhh!


Aah! Aah!









I've seen it all, Rock.

I'll get you out of here, Hef.

Grandma, come help me untie Heffer.

Granny? [manic laughter]


[manic laughter]



Now... I ... got...


[manic laughter]

I got 'em.

I got 'em.


[door slamming shut]

[Heffer] I knew it was him the whole time.


Hurry, Rocko, hurry!

Filburt, put your seatbelt on.

She's gonna have the baby any second.

Oh, my gosh!

It's The Stork!

Don't let him get ahead of us.

Move over, Grandma, I'm taking over!Filburt!

What are you doing?

Make sure he don't get to the hospital before we do.

All right, bird, you want to slow it down a little?

[Heffer laughing]

Do it again! Do it again!

We're gonna beat you, Mr. Stork!

[manic laughter]Aah!

[laughing] Whoo!

Ha ha ha! Whoo!

[Heffer laughing]

Get out! Get out!

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!



Hold him until I'm by my wife's side.



[slowed-down voice] Yeah!



Filburt, look what the stork brought.

Your glasses!


Yeah, very funny.

[Filburt] Oh, my gosh.

It's more beautiful than I ever imagined.

Oh, Swizzle Stick, I love you so much!

I love you, too, Turtle Soup.

I love you, Rocko.

[man, on P.A.] Dr. Hutchison. Dr. Hutchison.

Please report to surgery.

Oh, fish sticks.

Well, looks like you're in charge for a wile, Dad.

Now, you know what to do.

Um, bury it in the sand?

No, silly, you have to sit on it, keep it warm.

Bye, Fudgsicle.


[Dr. Hutchison] Ta-ta.

You guys are terrific.

Thank you both so much.

Rocko, the booties are adorable.

And, Heffer, thank you for the lovely rake.

I will now nurture my egg.

Rocko, would you come here, please?

What's the matter, Filburt?

I can't do it.

Don't panic, Fil, it just takes--

Don't you see?!

What kind of father am I?

I can't take care of this egg.

I need a big, warm, soft behind!

[Heffer] Look out!

[imitating crash sounds]

You were lucky the first time, Mr. Stork!

[imitating crash sounds]

[manic laughter]

There you go, cozy as can be.

Well, I don't know.

How does it feel, Hef?

Quiet! I'm nurturing!

This one is nice. Very bouncy.

Yeah, bouncy's good.

What about the pink one?

My son don't go for pink.

What about this one?

Do you like that? Hmm?

She wants that one.

My Butch ain't sleeping in no bird.

Maybe if you were more in touch with her feelings...

Look, Chicken Little, my boy ain't--

Hey, fellas, look. I'm in jail.

[laughs] Get me out.

Now, listen here! Hey!

Fellas, wait!

Ugh! I'm stuck!

Oh! What a darling child!

Come here! [kisses]


How cute!

Take it easy there.

Now this is the stuff.

Turn around.

Yes, sir. My Spike's gonna be some kind of--

This would be less restrictive.

[high-pitched voice] Or short pants...

Don't you have some nurturing to do?

Yeah, what do you know about nurturing?

What was that?

Oh, nothing.

Listen, pal.

I've just about had it up to here with you.

My son... Daughter.

My son... Daughter.

Hey, fellas, ha, look.

Bobo's got a new album.

"Sing & Hug With Bobo, the Friendly Bison."

Everyone loves Bobo, heh.

["This Old Man" playing]


[up-tempo music playing]


[up-tempo music playing]

[record scratching]

Look here, Marlo,

I've had just about enough of you.

Not in front of the G-U-R-L.

It's a B-O-Y,

you wig-wearing rhesus monkey!

Oh, yeah? Yeah!

How would you know, you cold-blooded--

Fellas, fellas!

I found something you can both do together.

They're giving free Lamaze classes.


[inhaling, exhaling]

And five and six and seven and breathe.

Okay, okay.

Mommies and Daddies, I am so proud of you.


You are all doing so well!

Now we're going to quiet things down a little.

Okay, everyone close their eyes.

Good. Good. Very good.


Eyes closed now.

Relax. Good. Good.

Has there ever been a roomful

of more perfect mommies and daddies?

I don't think so.


Oh, yes.

Oh, my, yes!


Keep 'em closed.


And relax.

Uh, good.

Hey, fellas.


Rabbits only.

Hippity hoppity, boing, boing.

Come right in, brother.

Get along there, you fuzzy little freaks!

Yeehaw! [whip cracks]

Hey, look. [chuckles]


Everyone, listen to me!


Easter Bunnies! Easter Bunnies!

Easter Bunnies!Aah!

Easter Bunnies? What?

Easter Bunnies?Easter Bunnies!

Virgil, shut down the operation.

I repeat. Shut down the--

Easter Bunnies!Easter Bunnies!

Run! Run! Run!

[sires blaring, tires screeching]

Run! Run! Run!This way! Hurry!

[Irish accent] All right, Mr. Bunny,

you and your friends are coming with us.

Uh, no, Officer.

I'm not Mr. Bunny. You see, uh--

Let's just have a look at your identification, shall we?

Of course. Heh, heh, I, uh...

I-I seem to have misplaced my wallet.

[laughs nervously]

Oh, boy.

Hey, look, fellas,

I'm in jail. [fake laugh]

Fil, why don't you just relax--

Put a lid on it, Peter Cottontail!

You got us into this!

Ahem. [passes gas]

What's that? Oh, I'm sorry.

Does the big, squishy butt have something to say?

Big, squishy butt?That's right!

Now get back on the egg and clam up!

I'm tied of taking orders from you,

Mr. Four Eyes Father of the Year!

If it weren't for me that egg-

Oh, yeah? What?

Fellas! Fellas! The egg! It's hatching!

Oh, my gosh!

Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!

Heffer, I'm sorry.

All I ever wanted was a butt like yours.

You're gonna be the best father ever!

Come on, fellas! Breathe, breathe!

[inhaling, exhaling]

[Rocko] Good!

It's a boy!

It's a girl!

[both] It's got three heads!

Let me out! It's alive!

[Filburt] Don't let it get me!

It's alive!Let me out!

Hi, honey.

How are you?

Oh! My babies!

[all] Mama! Mama! Mama!

Mama! Mama! Mama!

Mama! Mama! Mama!

Oh, Rocko, aren't they cute?

Come to Mommy! Oh, my little ones!

I'm so happy for you, Filburt.

Not now. I fainted.

No, you haven't, you're still conscious.

Oh, but I have.

But your eyes are open, silly.

Oh, what do you know?

Go away.

Oh, Daddy's just playing.

He didn't think at all.

Oh, yes I did.


No, no, go away.

Go home.
