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02x12 - The Bet

Posted: 12/12/23 08:57
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ Brother and sister and best friends as well ♪

♪ With each misadventure they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family and friends, that's the start ♪

♪ They make a great team as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ Maya and Miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ Maya and Miguel

♪ Brother and sister and best friends as well ♪

♪ Brother and sister, Maya and Miguel ♪


¿Donde esta Miguel?

Oh, yeah. You want some?


See how you like the blobs.

How's that?


Ha ha ha! Oh!


Take that, you--hey!

My game!

Es hora de comer.

Come on. Let's eat.

I was just about to beat Theo's high score.

Time for dinner.

Anyway, you can go back and play after dinner.

I can't go back and play because I didn't save my game

before you k*lled it.

Oh, pobre Miguelito.

¿Pobre? Why?

The video world has taken over your life.

That's not true.

No. Si. No es verdad.

MAYA: Si. Es verdad.

Yes. It's true.




Nuh-uh. Yuh-huh.

Yuh-huh. Nuh-uh.

Nuh-uh. Yuh-huh.

Yuh-huh. Nuh-uh.


Nuh-uh. Yuh-huh.

Yuh-huh. Nuh-uh.

Nuh-uh. Yuh-huh.



So I like video games.

¿Y que?

Like them? Hello? You're in love with them.

Maya's right.

Too many video games can rot your brain.

You just don't want me to beat your high score.

Well, that, too.

But I'm really worried about you, man.

Maybe you should get some new hobbies.



!¡Eso es!

Eso no es.

I have lots of hobbies.


and, um...

oh, man., um...

Maybe you should try knitting.

My grandmother could show you.

You stay out of this!

Just trying to help you out

with your problem, Santos.







Where are they?

Wouldn't you like to join me in planting these daisies?


Can't blame a girl for trying.

I want my video games back.

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Lo siento, hermano.

I can't do that.


Maya! Maya! Maya! Maya!


OK, boy. Smell the game.



Got the scent, boy?

Awk! Got it!


Got it!

!¡Bueno! Now go find the games.


Paco find the game.

Awk! Where's the game?

Awk! No game.

No game. Awk! Paco find the game.

That's it. Here, game.

Awk! Follow me. Awk!


The fridge.

Ha ha ha. I should've known.

Ooh, she's good.

PACO: Awk! She sure is.

Ooh, ooh.

You sure it's in here, Paco?

Ha ha ha!

I don't see it.


More... Am I getting hotter?

Si. Am I getting colder?

Hotter? Colder?

Hot? Cold?

Left! Awk! That's it.

Paco, this is--

!¡Gracias! Awk! Delicioso.




[Sigh] Ay, mi.

It's worse than I thought.

You'll thank me later.

Why are you always meddling in other people's lives?


I help people.

¿Ayudas? Ha!

Your problem is you think people need your help,

when it's really just meddling.

PACO: Si. Meddling.


I do not!

You couldn't not meddle. You and your big ideas.

Yes, I could.

Nuh-uh. Yuh-huh!

Nuh-uh! Yuh-huh!



Oh, yeah?


February .

Remember Abuela and Senor Felipe?

!¡Eso es!

We need to help Abuelita get a date.

Abuelita, you have to go in there right away.

What is it, mija?

I just have a feeling

this is important.

Hola. Mi corazon, is this for you?


You think this'll work?

Shh. Don't ruin the moment.

For me?

You tell me. Isn't that what it says?

[Loud music playing]


What's going on?

I'm not sure, but I have an idea.



I knew it.

What were you trying to do?

Ha ha ha!

I still say she was lonely.


What about April ?

Remember my baseball card?

Ay, Miguel! !¡Eso es!

If we can't replace your card,

we'll get you something even better!

Orlando Flores' autograph.

Please! Leave me alone!

!¡Dejame! Ha!

[Maya panting]

But I'm not really a moose.

It's just a costume.

W-w-what's happening, Maya?

¿Que pasa?

MAYA: Wait! You don't understand!

Come on, Miguel. !¡Corre! !Corre!

!¡Vamos! He's getting away!

Maya, he's not a criminal.

Espera, Maya.

Slow down. I can't hold on!


But you did get that autograph.

But we had to dress up like a moose to get it.


What about April ?

Huh? The photocopy fiasco.

!¡Eso es!

I have an idea.

Let's see how many this baby can handle.

, , .

That sounds good.

But we may need more.


Ooh, that sounds better.

Here we go!


Hmm. That's a little too dark.

Uh, let's see. Lighter.

No. Maybe this.



Wait! Whoa!

Make it stop!

Maya, help! Uh-oh!



Heh heh heh.

What about May ?

!¡Eso es!


MIGUEL: Maya! Maya! Maya!


Abuela, Senor Gutierrez,

we have something to tell you.

And of course, there's June .

The bus stop affair.

Hola, senora. Please, let me help you.

No need to, dear.

Por favor. It's my pleasure.

Oh, but you don't understand.

Have a great day.

You made me miss my bus, young lady.


I can't believe you wrote all that down.

You and your big ideas.

You couldn't help meddling,

even if you tried.

I can stop sooner than you can stop playing video games.

Ha ha! You want to bet?

Yeah. I'll bet.


You stop meddling, and I'll stop playing video games,

and whoever breaks first

has to do all the chores for two weeks.

How do you like that?


You don't play, and I won't meddle.

Ay, yi, yi!

Who can name one product that we get from South America?

Miguel, is there a problem?

Oh! Hi. Uh...hey.

Very nice, Miguel, but we're here to learn.

Um...sorry, what was the question again?

Who can help out Miguel?

I can!


Go on, Maya. Help your brother out.



Mmph! Mmph!


Anyone else?

Chile has a burgeoning grape industry.


MIGUEL: Almost had you there.

♪ You were ready to meddle ♪

Yeah, well, you're so stuck on video games,

you were drawing them in your notebook.

Yeah, right.

I haven't even thought about video games all day.



VOICE: Miguelito, why have you deserted me?

I miss you.

We used to have such good times together.


Remember this?

No! I don't need you!

You're not gonna get the best of me!

TV: Wait. Don't go.

Remember all those high scores?


you can still beat Theo if you really try.



How was school today?






Hmm? Huh?

Guys, maybe you need to forget about this silly bet.

It's making you both unhappy.

No way! No!


We're good!

!¡No problema!



Maya, can you please help me?


Of course, Papi. Here. Let me--

I can't move!

Maya! !¡Ayudame!



SANTIAGO: Maya, over here.


Maya! I need help!

[Maya grunting]

Maya! Help me!


PACO: Help Paco! Help Paco!




I'm being pounded by goo!

Help! !¡Socorro!


Maya! !¡Ayudame!

Oh, sorry. Can't meddle.




What happened to you guys?

Nothing. Nothing.

My mom says a slice of frozen eel

will help get rid of those bags under your eyes.

OK. OK. So I accidentally entered

this dance competition on Saturday.

You entered a dance competition by accident?

No. The accident is that it's the same night

as my uncle's wedding.

THEO: Oh! So what are you gonna do?

I have to figure out a way to go to both. Maya?


Yeah, Maya. What should she do?

♪ Hmm

MAGGIE: Uh-oh.


MAYA: Why are you all looking at me?

I don't have any ideas at all.

[Whispering] Stop it. Stop it. No, no, no.

Down. Down. No. Bad barrette.

Aha! You do too have ideas!

But, hey! I didn't say anything!

What? You want me to stop thinking, too?

Come on, Maya. You must have an idea.

Nuh-uh. I don't have any ideas.

Mm-mm. Nothing. Zip. Nada.

Ooh, look at the time. Got to go.

Why? We're just trying to help Maggie out with her problem.

♪ La la la la la la

Can't hear you.

♪ La la la

♪ La la la la la, cannot hear you ♪

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Wait. Where is she going?

I need her to come up with an idea for me!

She's acting so weird.

Don't worry, Maggie. I've got a plan.


Uh, sure. Here.

You're drawing? Why are you drawing?

It's a plan.

Maya doesn't draw her plans.

I'm gonna check on Maya.


Stop it! Stop it!

Chrissy. Ayudame.


Of course I'll help you.

What's the problem?

I made a bet with Miguel

that I could stop meddling in other people's lives.

Oh, but it's really hard.





Hola, mi amor--!¡Ay!

¿Pero que es esto?

It was the only way, Mama.

Ay, Maya, you're taking this too far.

No puedo...

the week is almost over.

I could still win!

Pretty hat!

Awk! Pretty hat!

Awk! Ha ha ha!


Pretty hat! Pretty hat!

[Sigh] It's no use.

I'll never win.

Ay, mi amor.

You'll feel better after you've had dinner.



!¡Eso es!

Miguel's video game.

This will help distract me.

Come on, robot. Move. Move.




Maya, I have to talk to you.

No, no, no, no. Cannot talk.

Have to beat Theo's high score. No, no, no.


Why did you do that?

Because that's just a dumb video game!


Did you say "dumb video game"?

Maya, this is an emergency!


Por favor, Maya.

I really messed things up for Maggie,

and I need you to help me fix it.

You're just asking for my help

because you want me to lose the bet.

No, I'm not. I don't care about the bet.


I just need your help.

You made a blueprint?

I'll forfeit and do your chores for a week.

I just need your help.

How about two weeks?

A week and a half. No garbage.


So what's the problem?

It was a very complicated plan.

I just wanted everything to go perfectly,

but it didn't.

Rookie mistake.

Nothing ever goes perfectly.

It's Murphy's law.

Murphy's law?

Anything that can go wrong will.

You have to be flexible enough

to change your plans just like that.

How was I supposed to know?

Anyway, you're the expert.

I'm the expert, huh?

OK. Show me your plan.

MAYA: Psst. Maggie.


I knew you'd come save me!

Miguel told me about your problem.

You have a plan to fix it, right?

Of course. Good, but hurry.

I'm supposed to be on stage in minutes.

Stay here until you hear the signal,

then go out into the ballroom.

But everyone at the wedding

will see me dressed like a peacock!

Just leave everything to me.

MAGGIE: Wait! What's the signal?

You'll know it when you hear it!

Whoa! Whoa!

[Music playing]


MAYA, DEEP VOICE: Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm sorry to interrupt the competition...

but we've got some code issues.

What code issues?

Oh, you know. The, uh...

the usual ones.

You know, really bad stuff. Ew. Very bad.

So bad that I shouldn't even tell you.

Big, big, big problem. Big, bad problem.

So everyone needs to leave this room right away.

Uh, but we're in the middle of a dance competition.

Yeah. Ahem.

[Deep voice] Well, sorry, but you're going to have to move

into the ballroom next door.

All right, as long as we can continue the competition.

Either I need new glasses,

or these building inspectors

are getting younger every day.

Peanut butter, this is banana.

The salt has left the shaker.

Roger that, banana.

Looks like we weren't the only ones who had to move.

Ooh, this room has hors d'oeuvres.

[Crowing like a rooster]

The signal!


Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you--


[Classical music playing]

It worked!

I know my meddling.

This wasn't meddling.

Estabas ayudando.

Maggie wanted your help.

Good job, hermanita.

[Audience gasps]


Bravo! Bravo! Bravissimo!

MIGUEL, VOICE-OVER: So Maya's plan made everyone happy...

except Maggie's uncle made us sweep up all the peacock feathers.

As for me, I still play video games...

but not nearly as much as I used to.

Got you!