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04x12 - The Big Fight

Posted: 12/12/23 09:06
by bunniefuu
♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ What they will do next

♪ You never can tell

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ Brother and sister

♪ And best friends as well

♪ With each misadventure, they're put to the test ♪

♪ Working together is what they do best ♪

♪ Helping their family and friends, that's a start ♪

♪ They make a great team as they each do their part ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ What they will do next you never can tell ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ It's Maya ♪

♪ And Miguel

♪ And Miguel

♪ Brother and sister

♪ And best friends as well

♪ Brother And sister

♪ Maya And Miguel

[Horn honking]

MAYA: One more time, Paquito. I'll get it.

[Squawk] Here you go. Catch.

No goal! She misses!

Hmm. Close.

Don't laugh. It's not so easy.

One more time, Paco.

Set point.


love. Ay!


She misses! love.

She misses again!

Oh. Set point.


Well, abuelita always says that if at first you don't succeed,

try, try again.

Like one time I decided to help out Miguel and Theo.

Ha ha ha!

Out of the way!

Wahoo! Yeah!

Hurry! We don't want to miss this!

They better not start without us!

The race of the year? No way!

Watch out!





OK, guys, we're here.

On your mark, get set, go!

Hey, where's the car race?

The race is off!

You bet it is!

Hoo! They look mad.

[Squawk] Fight. Big-time fight.

Paco, what happened?

I'll show you. Paco act it out.

Watch out! Watch out!


Huh? Watch out for what?

A nose?

Their noses looked OK to me.

No nose. No nose.

Paco, what are you trying to say?

Act it out, Paco.

[Squawk] I'll show you.

[Imitates engine running]


Oh, there was a plane?

PACO: No plane. No plane. [Squawk]

Don't you get it?

Brr rrr rrr rr!

[Imitating explosions]

Uh, someone got all tied up?

No. [Squawk]

Are you OK, Paquito?


Someone got a bug up their pants?

Oh, good gravy!

Aah! Aah! Aaa!

You want to go on a water slide?

Oh, Paco, this is not the time.

Miguel and Theo just had a big fight!

What's a bird to do?

We've got to talk to Miguel. !¡Vamonos!

Hey, I wasn't finished.


Miguel, what happened?

I'll tell you what happened.

Theo ruined the whole thing.

MIGUEL, VOICE-OVER: We both got there at dawn.

We had one hour to set up the race.

We checked the wind.

We checked the wheels on our cars.

We checked the plans,

then we laid out the track together.

But did Theo follow the plan? No.

So I fixed it.

Hey, Miguel.

MIGUEL, VOICE-OVER: We went to the starting line,

we synchronized our watches...

PACO: Gentlemen, start your engines!

Go! Go!


THEO: Wow, man! Vertical velocity!

MIGUEL, VOICE-OVER: It was a really close race,

neck and neck, but my car was finally pulling ahead

when I realized Theo dead-ended the speed ramps,

so my car completely crashed,

and then he plowed right into me.

That's not what happened at all.

It is so!

Is not! Oh, yeah?

I'll tell you what really happened! OK, look.

THEO, VOICE-OVER: We checked the wind.

We checked the wheels on the car. We checked the plans.

I even checked the weather forecast on the Internet before the race.

But did Miguel follow the plan?

No way, man!

And then what does he do?

He went off course and crashes into me--on purpose!


[Kids gasp]


It was all your fault!

It was all your fault!

BOTH: That's it! We're through!

[Miguel and Theo grumbling]

Miguel, Theo, wait!

You can't fight!

It doesn't matter who's right. You two are friends.

Wait! You have to stay, remember?

We're all supposed to get the theater ready

for Movie Mania Night tonight.

Theo, um, don't you think you two want to talk about this?


Come on, Miguel. You guys want to work this out, right?


Miguel! Oh!

Mad. Big-time mad.

So, what do you think really happened?

Yeah. Whose fault was it--Theo or Miguel's?

Oh, no, you don't! Wait! We can't take sides in their fight.

Yeah, but Miguel--

But Miguel had a point when--

But Theo said--


See? Taking sides only causes more trouble.

This is more important than that.

You're right, Maya. I mean, those guys are old friends.

Yeah. It'd be terrible if they ended a friendship

over a silly car race.

Silly car race?

Maggie's right.

I mean, what if Miguel and Theo never make up?

CHRISSY, VOICE-OVER: We won't be able to make our pyramid.

Whoa! Whoa!

ANDY, VOICE-OVER: And what would we do about pizza?

If Miguel and Theo aren't there,

who gets the two slices that are left?

Paco get the pizza. Yum, yum!


If they would only talk to each other,

they could patch things up in no time.

[Squawk] Patch. Yo ho ho.

Paquito, patch things up means

making friends again after a fight.

Got it.

But they'll never patch things up.

They won't even talk to each other.

They won't even grunt at each other.

They don't even want to be in the same room.

!¡Eso es!

That's it!

Huh? Huh? Huh?


The same room.

We'll set up a place for them to meet

and make it look like an accident!

And once they're in the same place...

they always have fun together.

!¡Vamonos! Let's get to work!

It's lucky we have to catch butterflies for science class.


Miguel's here. Duck!

Duck? Paco's a parrot.


OK, Maggie. You're on!

Psst. Here comes Theo.




Thanks, Andy.

Butterflies, go!

Oh, this is gonna be so great!

There's a perfect one, Theo.

I wish butterflies didn't hang out in gardens.

My allergies are really ba--ba--




Miguel, quick, before they fly away!

Chrissy, you better take the net on this one.

I got to--




Ah-choo! Ah-choo!

Got to go!


[Flies buzzing]

Hey, that's my hot dog!

Did you see what Theo just did?

Man, that's disgusting!


Awesome! Whoa ho ho!

Oh, yeah. Whoo, yeah!

Tubular wipeout!

I'm duck-diving under the wave! Oh, yeah!

Dude! Yeah!

MAYA: Andy?

Hanging ten. Hanging ten.



Are you sure they're both coming?

Yeah. I told them I had free tokens.

They can't pass that up.

Heavy waves, man! Wipeout!

Whoa! Isn't it cool?

Miguel's here.

Quick, hide!

Hey, Andy. Let me try.

I have soccer practice, so I can't stay very long.

Wax the board and go, dude.

There's Theo. This is gonna work like a charm.

Theo, there you are.

The new video game is right over here.


Hang ten! Hang ten, man!

Look at me, people! I'm in the barrel!

Whoa, Miguel! You got to boogie out!

Whoa! Uh-oh! I'm late for soccer.

Hey, Andy, where's the new video ga--


Oh! Hey, Miguel set me up.


No, actually, he didn't.

ANDY: Let's go see the fish in the pet store.

Huh? I've seen the fish.

That makes sense. Ha ha ha!

Huh? Hey, Andy, what--

[Doorbell jingles]

MAYA: Oh, well, um, you see...

oh, well, um, you see, this way, please.


THEO: Look out!

Oh! Real nice, Theo!



You know what to do, Andy.


MIGUEL: Theo! You're tangling up my kite string!

I'll get you, Santos!


Wow, man! Vertical velocity!

I'm warning you, if Theo's there,

I'm sitting somewhere else.

Come on, Miguelito. Let's just have lunch.

If Santos is sitting there,

I'll eat with the First Graders!

You guys are really taking this fight too far.

Oh, wait. I forgot to get my drink.

Whoa! Uh!



You did that on purpose!

What? No way!

You soaked me at the arcade!

What?! You wrecked my hot dog!

BOTH: You wrecked my car!

Did not!

Did too!

Did not! Did too!

That's it! Friendship over!

Over! That's it!

You bet!

Got it!

BOTH: Forever!

I'll show him.

Thinks he can--ha!

OK, I think we might need a new plan.

Uh, yeah.

[Dog barking]

I've tried everything,

and everything just seems to make everything worse.

Well, maybe you should stop trying so hard, Maya.

You mean give up?

Those guys have been friends forever.

I can't give up.

MAGGIE: Not give up, Maya.

Just, well, give it a rest.


Besides, we have to get ready

for Movie Mania Night tonight.

Hey, speaking of Movie Mania Night,

Theo said he's not coming.

He doesn't want to run into Miguel.

Miguel's not going to be there

because he doesn't want to run into Theo.

Oh! Oh!Oh!

This fight has gone on too long.

So, uh, one question.

Who's gonna set up all the equipment?

Theo and Miguel usually do it all.

Don't ask me. I'm just a parrot.

Who knows where the ladder is?

I think Miguel and Theo always got it from the storage area.

Can someone give me a hand here? Ha ha ha!

MAYA: Oh, ha ha. Very funny, Andy.

Come on, let's get serious.

We've got work to do.

Ha ha! Mayday! Mayday!

Women and children first!



Anyone know how to open this?

Theo and Miguel knew how to.


Paco help. Paco help.

Not now, Paco.


Watch it!



Paco help.


Paco help.




Tengo una idea.

This will get Miguel here.

Ha ha! Uh-oh! I need some help!

Uh-oh. Not working.

What do you mean?

You're always the one who knows how to fix everything.

What are we gonna do?

Kids are gonna start coming soon.

Don't worry. I'll be right back.

So we really need you, Miguelito.

Just for minutes, or there's no Movie Mania Night.

You promise Theo won't be there?

Miguel, that's silly. You two are such good friends.

You shouldn't fight.

You promise, Maya?

Oh, I promise.

Where is Maya?

She's taking so long!

Don't worry. I just called Theo.

He agreed to come right over...

just as long as Miguel's not here.

Come on, Miguelito, this way!


Paco loves popcorn.

[Door opens]

Oh, hi, Theo.

Hi, Maya. What's up, Andy?

What is Theo doing here?

I don't know. I guess Andy called him to help.

What's Miguel doing here?

Maya just ran and got him.

I had no idea.

Popcorn! [Squawk]

Better get the popcorn going for the show.

PACO: Popcorn for dinner.

Midnight snack popcorn. Popcorn.

All right. Let me see what I can do.

The cables are all switched around.

I'll have this fixed in no time.

Hello? [Squawk] Hello!

Bird inside! Bird inside!

Mmm. Popcorn.

Paco likes popcorn.

Someone made a mess here.

I could really use a hand.

Yeah, definitely.

Well, you could ask Miguel.

You mean Santos? Uh-uh! No way. No chance.

What a disaster.

This is more than a one-man job.

Well, Theo's here if you want some help.

You guys used to work really well together.

Theo. Hmm. Let's see.

Theo. Oh, yeah! Theo, my ex-friend.

No, thanks, Maya.

Uh-oh. Paco smells trouble.

There. All set.

Now I'm gonna go before Santos finds something else

to dump on me.

All right, Maya, it's working.

Now, if you'll excuse me, it's a little crowded in here for me.

Oh, come on, both of you!

This is ridiculous.

You two have been friends for years,

since you were little kids.

You can't give all that up because of one little car race.


That's it! I give up!


Aah! Aah!

Whoa! Aah!

No more popcorn. No more popcorn!

Watch out! Whoa! Watch out!

ANDY: Whoa!



PACO: Help! Get me out of here!

Help! Get me out of here!

Miguel, Paco's trapped!

PACO: Get me out of here! Trapped!



Oh, no! The audience will be here any minute!

ANDY: Come on, let's do this!

MAYA: Come on, everybody! Help!

Hey, nice toss, Theo--I mean, Maya.

Ha ha ha!

Hey, it sparkles, it's so clean.

Five minutes to spare. Whew! We did it.

Yes! Success! All right!

Way to go! Way to go!

Uh... Uh...

You have to high-five and be friends again

because you know what? We're out of ideas.


THEO AND MIGUEL: What do you mean?

First the butterflies, then the arcade

and the kite and the pet store.

You set all those things up?

Well, yeah!

We were trying to get you two to talk.

All that stuff that happened was your fault?

Well, not exactly my fault.

Come on, you guys.

Please just apologize to each other

and be friends again.

Oh... Oh...

Sorry. Sorry.

But that doesn't mean you should have set up all those disasters.

We didn't mean for them to be disasters.

Really, we didn't.Yeah, honest.

Still, we should pay them back.

Yeah, we should.

Didn't you even think it was a little funny?

MAYA, VOICE-OVER: So like I always say,

friendship has its ups and downs.

But my motto is, never give up.

Oh. Uh!

Ha ha ha!Ha ha ha!

Now, that's funny!