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01x03 - "Total Eclipse"

Posted: 12/12/23 13:55
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪

♪ Space Racers ♪

Hey, wait for me!

Do you see them? I don't see them.

Wait-- No, I don't see them.

Hey guys, what's up?

You don't know?

We're waiting to see the Rooster Rockets!

The greatest aerobatics team in the solar system!

Eagle totally worships the Rooster Rockets!

They're his heroes!

My hero has heroes?


They're coming!


Yay! Rooster Rockets!

Yeah, Rooster Rockets!


Why are they here?

Because the Solar Eclipse Celebration has begun, sprout!

[fireworks exploding]

And the best part of the celebration is the big race--

The Eclipse Run!

Is this the first time

there's been a Solar Eclipse Celebration?

Not the first, but the first one anyone here will remember.

The last one was years ago!

A solar eclipse is a rare thing,

so that's why we make such a big deal about it

when it does happen.

Rooster Three! So rad!

Just what is a solar eclipse? you might ask.

"Pretty cool," I'd answer!

Check it out!

All: Whooaa!

[whispering] Rooster One! The fastest.

Robyn: A solar eclipse is when the Moon blocks the Sun.

Whoa! Wow!That's crazy! That's cool!

And if we're right here, we can't see the Sun,

even though it's right above us!

[loud whisper] The Rooster Rockets spend over

hours a year in high speed flight!

Half of that at altitudes...

Would you please stop talking?

I wanna hear what the... What?

In real life, you don't want to look at the Sun with your bare eyes,

even during an eclipse.

So tomorrow we'll all be wearing these cool glasses.

These are so dark you can watch the eclipse safely

without hurting your eyes.

But you won't be able to see anything else.

So remember to take them off when you're done.

The thing is, what they do...

it's... it's what I do!

Or what I could do when I'm older.

Coot: Thank you, Robyn, for your enlightening report!


Aw, thrusters!

I didn't hear anything about the eclipse

with you buggin' me!

Sorry, buddy.

I just can't stop thinking about the Rooster Rockets!

If they saw what I can do,

I could be one of them one day!

Coot: And now, if you'll join

Headmaster Crane in the assembly hall,

he's ready to draw names for the "Eclipse Run."

And here's my chance!

Headmaster Crane: In this event,

two students will race to the Moon and back

during the eclipse.

No navigation help from Ava allowed.

No problem!

Two contestants will be chosen randomly...



I knew it'd be me.

This race has to have the fastest racers.

I'm gonna whip your tail

in front of the whole school!

Not if I whip yours first!

The second racer is...


Both: Huh?

Yay, Starling!

Hooray for Stardust Bay's newest Space Racer!

I want a recount!

This is way too easy!


Nobody wants to see me compete against a Junior Racer.

Hey, Starling,

I didn't mean it that way.

I just meant that...

that you're a little kid,

and I'm bigger and stronger,

and that's not fair, you know?

I know you weren't trying to be mean, Eagle.

But it still hurt my feelings.

You still feeling sad?

Oh, hey, Robyn.

I'm okay.

He's kind of right.

I don't stand a chance of winning.

Everybody knows that.

Look, Starling, Eagle is fast,

but winning isn't just about being fast.

It's about being prepared and staying focused, too.

Things you're good at.

Part of being prepared

is learning to ask the right questions

to make sure you know

just what to do and how to do it.

Because youdo have a chance.

You just have to give yourself that chance.

How can I do that?

How can flying like this help me go fast?

Powerful thrusters are one thing,

but how you hold yourself

makes a huge difference to your speed!

How can I go all that way there and back

on one little t*nk of fuel?

You gotta fly smart.

Don't goof around.

And stick to your course.


This path is shorter.

Is that why it's faster?

Exactly, Starling!

That's why it's the one you wanna take.

I'll be able to see the eclipse with these on,

but everything else is too dark!

How will I find my way back to Earth?

Once you're facing away from the eclipse,

take off your glasses and you'll see your way to the finish line!

But most of all,

remember, you can give a good race

by being a good racer.

And you can be that because you're prepared.

It'll also help if you eat a good, healthy dinner!

C'mon, I'll race you!

Yay! [giggles]

Hey, Eagle,

want some help with your flight plan?

My "flight plan" is flying

a spectacular race for everyone,

including the Rooster Rockets!

When they see my moves,

they'll know I was born to be a Rooster!

But there's lots of things

to think about and prepare for,

what with the eclipse and all.

Don't you have any questions?


Hey, I didn't mention the eclipse

on Spacebook!

That'll get a few more "Likes."

Good idea, Hawk. You're a genius!

I am?

Good luck, sprout!

And remember, winning isn't everything.

Space Racers:[cheering]


But now I can't see a thing!

You need the glasses

so the Sun doesn't burn your eyes, Eagle.


Oh. Yeah.

Put on your glasses,

the eclipse is about to begin.

Oh! There it is!



Come on! Come on!

Okay! On your marks...

Get set...


It's okay, Starling,

your rockets just aren't as strong as his.

You have other strengths.


Oh, for flying out loud.

Remember, stick to my course.

And just in case there's any doubt

that I'm Rooster Rocket material...


Ohh, he's showing off to impress the Roosters.

C'mon, Eagle!

A full solar eclipse is amazing enough by itself!

Huh! Not too far behind him anyway.

Okay, it's time to cross the finish line!

Wait a minute-- whereisthe finish line?!

I can't see a thing!

Now, with the eclipse behind me,

I can take off my glasses!


I don't know if I can take these off!

How am I supposed to know? Ava? Please help me!

Ava: Sorry, Cadet Eagle. I am not permitted to answer questions during this flight.

Pardon me, excuse me, coming through!

What?! Starling!

What's he doing?Learning, I hope.

I guess I can take them off if I don't look back.


She's already hitting the atmosphere!

Lucky I'm fast!

Her form is excellent.

She slides through the wind rather than pushing against it.

She's going pretty fast for a junior racer,

but I can still win this.

Ha-Ha! Good race, Starling!

No shame in losing to the fastest...

[metal clanking]

No way! I can't be...

Outta fuel. I thought this might happen

with all the goofing around.

[alarm beeping] Hawk: Uh, wha, what, wha...

[finish line signal chimes]

Space Racers:[cheering]

Cheer up, Eagle.

Starling beat you fair and square!

Besides, you got what you wanted: you're famous!

No shame in losing to Starling.

That little Sputnik did her homework and it paid off!

You, uh, might of done better

if you had paid attention

and asked a few questions, Eagle.

Hooray for Starling!

Future Rooster Rocket!


Starling, I'm really sorry

I made you feel like you couldn't win,

and I'm really glad you did win.

You were great, and deserved it.

From what I saw today,

you can be on my team anytime.

No, you can be on mine!

[Both laughing]