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05x01 - Episode One

Posted: 09/21/14 17:26
by bunniefuu
Are you taking it out? Oh...

Look at this. A man in misery.

Who's in misery? The King, according to Robert.

Why? He has to deal with a Labour government. Why do you think?

He doesn't look miserable to me. He just looks like himself.

What is your objection to Mr MacDonald? That the Prime Minister is the son of a crofter?

I couldn't care less if he was the son of Fu Manchu.

What worries me is that our government is committed to the destruction of people like us and everything we stand for.

Well, let's wait and see what happens before we panic.

Where's Edith? She had some old lady to see in the village.

What about you? Is everything settled at the school? What's this?

They swore in Mr Adams' replacement on the school board. It all went off smoothly.

I thought they might have asked me. I feel guilty about the school.

I ought to support it more.

Well, I'm giving away the prizes this year. Come with me.

Barrow, can we clear the tea?

Lady Edith's missed it, and Nanny will be down shortly.

I'd better run. Oh, stay and see them.

Just as soon as they're able to answer back.

Sybbie CAN answer back. True. Why does she call me Donk?

That game you played - pinning the tail on the donkey.

Can't I be Grandpapa or something dignified?

I'm afraid it's Donk for the moment.

I don't want George to catch it. Here they are.

Here's your grandfather now. Bye-bye, darlings. Goodbye, Donk.

George, come and sit here, darling.

Put it there and I'll see to it. Oh, don't be like that.

Ena can manage.

Why should she, any more than me? We've no proper kitchen maid now, so we must all muck in.

What's the matter? Daisy's grumbling because they didn't replace Ivy.

At Skelton Park, they're down to a butler, a cook, two maids and a cleaning woman, and that's it.

How on earth does it work? I couldn't tell you.

Why have the people left?

They prefer to be in factories or shops. They like the hours better.

Oh... I'll forget my head next.

I came in to remind you it's their 34th wedding anniversary on Saturday week, so, if you want to do a cake, this is an advance warning.

I suppose there'll be a dinner of some sort. Oh, I don't know.

34 years! If I were to marry this year, what would life be like in 1958?

I doubt I'll be troubled by it.

Do you think we'll leave service?

Well, you'll be fine. You've got Mr Mason's farm to go to. What about me?

But could I? What do I know about farming or ordering supplies or doing accounts?

Suppose I can't tackle a new life.

If it's all right with you, I've to tackle tonight's dinner.

Now, start the salmon pates, while I do a lemon mayonnaise.

We had good news today. Tim was asked to be chief of the estate firemen.

Oh, how nice. Many congratulations.

Can I give you some more tea? No, thank you.

How about you, Marigold? Are you quite finished?

I just love to see her gurgling away, so peaceful and happy.

We've almost forgotten she's not one of our own, haven't we, Tim?

She's just lovely. How pretty your hair is, darling.

I do wonder where she got her colouring, but I never knew her parents.

No? No.

Her mother was an old friend of Tim's, but I never met either of them.

Oh, is that the time? We mustn't hold you up.

Good girl.

Good girl.

I should probably go. Have you got your teddy?

Say goodbye.


Thank you for... Thank you.

She's got a soft spot for you.

Don't be daft.

I do love this evening light.

Oh, I must tell Lord Merton.

Tease me if you will, but I don't want to be pursued by him or Lord anyone.

Well, that's a pity - he's asked me to help him in his courtship.

What? He doesn't want to pester you, so he's asked if I could give another luncheon party.

Oh, dear. Oh, why the lamentation?

You don't have to see him.

Well, you make it sound so easy.

There's nothing simpler than avoiding people you don't like.

Avoiding one's friends - that's the real test.

But I do like him. I think he's very nice.

It's just, he wants something from me that I cannot give.

He just wants what all men want.

Oh, don't be ridiculous!

I was referring to companionship.

As I hope you were.

Oh, I didn't mean to disturb you.

I'm sorry. It's a letter from Lady Anstruther again.

Blimey. She doesn't give up easily.

Well, you know me.
'Irresistible' is my middle name.

Well, was she like this when you were working for her? Not as bad.

She had to be more discreet with the other servants.

Hadn't you better go up to London and put her out of her misery?

Oh, don't tempt me... because I know this: If I weaken, I'll pay for it.

This sounds very like the kind of boys' talk I do not allow.

If you can both tear yourselves away from your smutty deliberations, I need you both upstairs.

Where is she? I hope I'm not late.

No, Carson hasn't come in yet. That reminds me.

We're to receive a village delegation tomorrow. I ran into the Postmistress.

She asked if they might pay us a visit.

Mrs Wigan? What was it that reminded you?

She asked for Carson to be present. Why? What's it about?

They want to erect some kind of memorial to the w*r. What?

Well, not to the w*r, but to the men, the local men, who died in it.

They'll be all over the country. I suppose they want me as chairman.

Who was it? Tony Gillingham.

He had some business up here, and you told him he could stay.

When does he want to come? That's the problem. The 16th.

And...? It's our anniversary.

Oh, that doesn't matter. Ring him and say yes.

We don't have to. No. I'd like to see him.

Right. That's dinner, everyone.

You don't mind Tony coming, do you? Not if it's what you want.

I'll tell you what I want. I want to inspire Tony Gillingham with thoughts of marriage.

So, does that mean Lord Gillingham wins and Mr Blake can go whistle?

I'm glad for them. Viscountess Gillingham - it sounds quite smart.

I think they'll be happy, and it'll be good for Master George.

It's a big thing, to take on the task of raising another man's son.

There's nothing to worry about there. His Lordship's a kind man.

I wish you'd tell me what you know about those two.

I don't know anything.

What you suspect, then. And don't deny it, because I've seen you.

You can't stop looking at them when you think no-one's looking.

Can I join in? Do you have to?

How was it in York? Did you find what you were looking for?

I did. Took a bit of a search, but I think I'm suited.

What's that, then? Oh, just something.

A group's arriving from the village tomorrow morning.

Can you get one of the footmen to bring coffee and something to eat at 11?

Well, find me when you want it. I can't. I'm in the meeting myself.

That's why I'm telling you now.

What's it for? I don't know, but His Lordship asked me to be there.

Well, I think it's fantastic.

When did we last have a Prime Minister who understood the working class? Never.

It's a qualification that is meaningless in terms of government.

I'm not sure I can agree with you there. I think it's important.

Me too. Mr MacDonald will have real experience of a hard life.

He knows what most people go through.

Up the workers. So, James is a revolutionary now!

He's not a revolutionary. He believes in justice for the majority. What's wrong with that?

Nothing, but I suppose he can fight his own battles.

We'll have no fighting here, thank you very much.

You wouldn't mind heading the w*r-memorial appeal, would you?

I feel a bit embarrassed. I wasn't wounded. I wasn't even allowed to fight.

They should ask a man like General McKee or Johnnie Raymond. Someone who did their bit.

You're their traditional leader and they like you to pray with them, in mourning and in gratitude.

But I should be praying in the back row, not the front. That's all.

Please don't think us too forward. You have no need to worry.

I'm happy to play my part.

But we don't know yet where we want the memorial to be, m'lord. So...?

Well, if you're to give us a piece of land, you'd better know where it is before you agree.

I'm sure I will agree, but is that why you're here?

To ask for a piece of land as the site for this thing?

That's why we're here to see you, m'lord.

But we'd also like to offer the position of Chairman of our Committee -

I'll take over now. You were saying...?

We'd like Mr Carson to be Chairman of our Committee.

But surely, His Lordship...?

No, Carson. They don't want me - they want you.

I wouldn't put it like that, m'lord, but Mr Carson knew more of the young men that died than you did.

Yes, I suppose you're right. Well, he knew them better.

That's it. And he's a considerable figure in the village.

Tea, please.

Carson? What do you say? I am honoured by the invitation, but I shall have to think about it.

Of course you will. But please don't take too long.

Can you put my milk in first, if that's for me?

Did that come in the second post? It did.

From Lady Anstruther.

Not again? What's stoked her up?

My fault. I shouldn't have sent her the Valentine.

Yes, but that was -
And I sent her another this year.

How did she know they were from you? Because I bloody signed them. Oh!

I don't know what I was thinking. It was supposed to be a joke.

But, well, now it's got out of hand.

Don't worry.

One day I'll be a good boy and settle down. We all settle down one day.

We don't all have the option.

Heavens! I wasn't expecting you.

I've been to see Smithers at Oak Field Farm. I just thought I'd look in on my way home.

I'm glad you did.

I had a delegation from the village, about the new w*r memorial they're putting up.

Oh, they want you to head it? No.

They've invited Carson to be the Chairman.

Well, why not you? The village wanted Carson.

Your father always told the village what they wanted.


Is it true old Dicky Merton is paying court to Isobel?

Isn't it absurd?

Oh, it might be rather fun for her to reinvent herself as a great lady of the county and put us all in our proper place.

Yes, I suppose it would be fun.

But you don't think she's keen?

Oh, no, far from it. She never tires of telling me.

Daisy, this came for you in the post.

Thank you, Mr Carson. Oh, what is it?

Something I ordered.

May we know what, O Queen? Something I need.

Why must it be a secret?

Well, it would be a bit sad if she had no secrets at her age.

Have you made your decision about the memorial?

Oh, not yet.

I'm not comfortable being placed ahead of His Lordship.

You should have seen his face, Mrs Hughes. He felt very let down.

It's the Committee's choice, and they've chosen you.

And the country's chosen a Labour government, so people don't always get it right.

What are you afraid of?

I feel a shaking of the ground I stand on.

That everything I believe in will be tested and held up for ridicule over the next few years.

Mr Carson, they've been testing the system since the Romans left.

Oh, I suppose that's true.

The nature of life is not permanence but flux.

Just so... even if it does sound faintly disgusting.

There you are, m'lady. Madge said you were going out.

We were giving a turn-out to the blue room, and this had been put on the shelf with the other books.

What is it? A German primer, but the point is, it's not ours.

Mr Gregson's written his name in the fly-leaf. I see.

I nearly gave it to Her Ladyship, but it seemed more suitable -

No. I'm the one who should have it.

Can you please put it on the table beside my bed?

Of course. Thank you.

Good afternoon. Good afternoon. Thank you, Molesley.

It's good of you to come with us.

I must have something to do.

Where's your mother? In the library.

I'm not sure Tom's visiting the school is such a good idea.

He made a friend there of one of the schoolmistresses when we were in London.

What's wrong with that?

I don't intend to explain, but I was rather disappointed in him. I would have hoped for better.

You're being very mysterious. Can't I know the details?

You really don't need to.

There you are. How were they?

As dull as ever. They sent love.

What was the meeting like? Have you accepted?

It wasn't me they came to see. Well, they want me to give them some land for the thing, but they asked Carson to be the Chairman.

Carson? Well, how nice.

I'm going upstairs to take off my hat.

Well, she's pleased, anyway.


I'm sure you will want me to thank Lady Rose for consenting to present the prizes today.

We're always glad of interest from the Abbey.

And finally, thank you all for coming.

It is most appreciated.

I'm glad Peter won a prize for Geography. Well done, him.

He didn't get that from his father.

Is Mrs Drewe with you? No, she's at home, looking after the young 'uns.

We ought to talk, but not here.

Tomorrow. At 11. By the stone barn.

You've been away. I've been on a course.

I nearly wrote to tell you, but I thought it might be presumptuous.

Well, I'm pleased to see you back. That's a relief.

I thought I must have earned a black mark, making you take me up to the house that night.

Hello, Miss Bunting. Lady Rose. Well done.

Oh, it's not exactly difficult - giving out prizes. I think we get thanked too much.

But that's the custom, isn't it?

We ought to head off, if we're to be back before the gong.

The Rule of the Gong. It sounds like life in a religious order!


I'll see you again. I hope so.


Offer Dr Clarkson some cake. Then you may go.

Thank you.

I'm afraid serving me is a bit beneath his dignity.

Even Spratt cannot always live for pleasure. how well do you know Lord Merton?

Erm... I don't, really.


Because I thought you might be amused by how friendly he and Mrs Crawley have become.

What Mrs Crawley chooses to do with her private life is her own affair.

Oh, dear. I've annoyed you.

No, no, no, I'm not annoyed...

..although I am surprised to learn that she entertains notions of passing her time at drawing-room receptions and taking carriage rides in the park.

Well, no-one takes carriage rides in the park any more.

That's quite gone.

I wouldn't know.

You ought to meet Lord Merton properly.

Come to luncheon on Saturday.

Mrs Crawley will be here and so will he.

Well, that's quite an honour, Lady Grantham. Are you sure?

Oh, it'll be fun. I'm hoping to persuade dear Lady Shackleton to be one of our number.

Mama's gone to bed. She wanted an early night. I might go up too.

Come and sit here for a minute.

It doesn't really bother you they want Carson, does it?

They'd be lucky to get him.

Even so, it makes you think.

Would a village delegation have arrived in my grandfather's day to ask his butler to head an appeal?

We're not living in your grandfather's day. No, we are not.

So, they don't want me at the school and they don't want me for the memorial.

Well, I want you.

I think you, Tom and I make a pretty good team.

By the way, I've been looking into crop rotation and grain sales -

And not every father hears that from his daughter.

Mr Barrow...

I'm tired of waiting, Miss Baxter.

I'm tired of being bullied.

I got you this job and you knew what I wanted in return.

So don't complain about it now.

Thank you, Madge. Good night.

Did you know Dicky Merton was in hot pursuit of Isobel?

Mama says she's desperate to throw him off.

I wonder. What do you mean?

I don't believe your mother would enjoy the transformation of Isobel into Lady Merton, complete with a living husband, a proper house and a solid position in the county.

That would not suit Mama at all.

Oh, don't be ridiculous. She'd be thrilled, if that was what Isobel wanted.

Daisy, whatever are you doing up at this hour? I thought you'd gone to bed long ago.

I just wanted to look at these.

What is it?

You can tell me.

Arithmetic Part 1? Cost Accounting? What is this?

I was rubbish at numbers at school.

Well, all the best people were rubbish at numbers at school.

But I don't know anything. You talk about my working at Mr Mason's farm, but how?

I couldn't balance the books if my life depended on it.

Why do you need to? Because I want to be grown up, Mrs Patmore.

I want responsibility. I want to be an adult.

I can't just stand here, following orders, for the rest of my life.

Well, I do see that.

The trouble is, I'm too stupid to make out one solitary word.

You're not stupid, Daisy. Far from it.

Then why can't I understand what's written? Why can't I follow it?


Because I'm a pig-ignorant idiot.

Good night, Mrs Patmore.

Is this your secret lair?

It's not very secret, but this is where I work.

And where you can hide away from the rest of us?

Why do you never ask that Miss Bunting up to the house?

Maybe I will. One day.

You live there too, you know. I'm not sure where I live.

I feel sometimes I'm hanging in mid-air.

Well, you mustn't think we don't want you to have your own life.

I don't think that of Mary or Edith or you.

But it would be hard for Lord and Lady Grantham.

They'd have to get used to it. Easier said than done.

I'd better get on.

So, I have your permission to accept?

You don't need it. It has nothing to do with your work.

No, but I wouldn't want to think it was disagreeable for you.

We'd be delighted, Carson.

You'll be able to steer it through the perils of village politics.

But traditionally, I feel it should have been you, m'lord.

Maybe this will be a new tradition.

I know you hate not to be wanted, but you're on so many committees.

What do you mean, I hate not being wanted?

You think I'm taking too much of an interest in Marigold.

It's Margie. She thinks I'm there too often.

Because you've got a crush on me.

Well, that's better than the real reason...

The real reason is a good reason to love a child, m'lady.

Mothers should love their children.

How long have you known? Since you asked me to take her in.

But you're quite safe.

It's not my place to judge you, and I wouldn't, anyway.

But I should control my feelings?

I could say yes, but I don't believe it's realistic.

I don't believe you could.

Then what are you saying?

We need a way for you to live the truth, without telling the truth.

The die is cast. I've accepted.

His Lordship told me to take it.

There you are, then. But he was sad.

Not with me, but maybe because things are changing.

Well, they are, whether we're sad about it or not.

I hope you're right about Lord Gillingham.

What would I have felt if I'd inherited a family with you?

You'd have loved them, I hope. I would, but I can't deny I'd prefer one of my own. You'd feel the same.

Well, they do say a mother's love is the strongest love there is.

But that's all in God's hands. There's nothing we can do.

I can think of one thing. Mr Bates, that sort of talk is beneath you.

I stand corrected.

I'll have it out of you. Fancy a breath of air before the gong?

Thank you, Mr Molesley.

What's the matter with you? You've not said a word all afternoon.

I went to the village and telephoned her, to reason with her, and I think it were a mistake.

It was never going to put her off.


The trouble is, she hates getting older, and I think that's at the bottom of it.

Still, it's pathetic for a lady to be pining over a footman.

Excuse me!

I think it shows very good taste.

My dear Lady Shackleton, how kind. And you're on your way somewhere?

I am and I can't stay. I'm dining with Philip, and his wife sulks all night if you're a minute late.

You should write a book: Daughters-In-Law And How To Survive Them.

I like yours. Yes, Cora does very well, even if one cannot always rely on her instincts.

I'd exchange her for mine in a trice.

Tell me: how well do you know Lord Merton?

Oh, you know. We've seen each other at parties for 40 years.

I worry that he's finding things difficult since his wife died.

You're a widow. You know what he's going through.

I suppose so, but I never saw them as very devoted.

I should have thought he was glad to be rid of her. I would be.

Then his sons are quite difficult.

I know what that's like.

Could you come to luncheon on Saturday? Help me cheer him up?

Well, I'd love to. Oh!

Of course, a single peer with a good estate won't be lonely long, if he doesn't want to be.

You sound like Mrs Bennett!

But what's he on about? He thinks I know something about Mr Bates.

And do you? Maybe.

Mr Bates may have done something he wouldn't want known.

Do you mean a crime or...?

I'm not sure. I know he took a journey, which I think he'd deny.

Look, I don't want to know any more...

..but a pound to a penny, Mr Barrow thinks he can use it against Mr Bates.

Report him to Her Ladyship. She'd soon put a stop to it.

I can't.

It's complicated, but I can't.

What is it?

What's what? You're doing something funny with your head.

Sort of... tilting it.

I'm not, am I? How do you think I look?

Why? Have you got a rash?

No, I've not got a rash.

That's all right, then. No, what I meant was...

How old would you say I am?

I don't know. Maybe... 52?

Oh. Why? How old are you?


I've just had the strangest telephone call.

Oh? Do you remember Lady Anstruther?

You mean Jock Anstruther's widow? That's it.

Her sister's Lady Renton and her brother's Harry Mountevans.

I do remember her. Good-looking and half Jock's age, and rather silly.

Well, silly or not, she's just rung up and asked herself for tea. Oh.

Do people think we're a public house on the Great North Road?

It certainly seems like it.

She's driving through the village on Saturday and would love to see us.

What did you say? Well, it's only tea.

Are we doing anything for your anniversary?

What had you in mind? Well, now that Tony's staying, I thought we could invite some people, make an evening of it.

Well, you girls ask some friends.

I'd like a young party for once, instead of all those old duffers.


Oh, Mary, I've got an idea.

I think it's sharp of Daisy to want to learn to manage figures.

I'm afraid I agree with Mrs Patmore.

Why does she need to? She's a cook.

Cooks have to balance their budget.

She can learn enough for that without being an expert in algebra.

She may not always be a cook.

Possibly not, but she won't be Archimedes, either.

Sorry, but I don't think we should encourage it.

I'm going up. I want to read a bit before I turn out the light.

Oh, well done with your studies, Daisy.

It's good to have more than one string to your bow.

It's even better if you don't have the brain of a kipper. Good night.

See? What did I tell you? She's lost her confidence because of it.

And no mathematical skill is worth that.

Why must Lady Anstruther choose Saturday, of all days?

Ought we to invite her to the dinner?

Isn't she staying somewhere else?

Tell me tomorrow who's coming, of your pals. Keep the numbers even.

Well, Rose wants to invite a friend of Tom's. He must feel so outnumbered.

Not that brother, I hope. Someone local. Rose has met her.

So have I. She's quite respectable.

I think it would be nice.

Looking forward to seeing Lord Gillingham?

I only saw him in London last week, so I can remember what he looks like.

But I expect it's difficult to get time alone in London.

Less difficult than when I was a girl.

But yes, it'll be good to see him here.

I haven't made up my mind, if that's what you're thinking.

I wasn't thinking anything, but I suppose you'll have to some time.

The older I get, the more I feel we do these things very oddly.

Even now we must decide whether to share our lives with someone without ever spending any real time with them.

Let alone... you know.

Of course, these days, some women do.

I was talking to Lady Cunard's daughter last week, and she was so graphic, I almost fainted.

But then, what could be more important?

To make sure that that side of things is right...

..before we tie ourselves to someone for ever?

I'm afraid I'm too old-fashioned for you, m'lady.

I need hardly say you're not to repeat a word to Bates.

Of course not, m'lady.

What do you make of this?

Blimey. What does that mean?

As you know, Lord Gillingham arrives today, but there's been no mention of a valet.

There was enough mention of the last one. Poor Mr Green. A terrible end.

Let's not rake over that now.

As I say, His Lordship may have a valet, but these days we can't be sure, so...

Yes, Mr Carson?

Not you. Mr Bates, would you keep an eye on him, if necessary?

Certainly, Mr Carson.

Mr Molesley, have you...? Have I what, Mr Carson?

Er... never mind.

Arms down. Relax.
I'm sorry. They've only just told me you were waiting.

Oh, I've not been here long.

I wanted to see you after I read your letter.

It wasn't meant to be confusing.

No. But why won't you come?

Because I don't want to be part of some sort of a... prank.

What prank?

I may not have been presented at Court, Lady Rose, but I do know it's usual to be invited to dinner by the hostess.

And shouldn't Mr Branson have played a part in it?

Lady Grantham asked us to invite some younger guests to liven up the evening, so Mary and I thought it would be nice for Tom to have a friend there. That's all.

I'm right, then? He doesn't know.

No, it would be a surprise for him, but a nice surprise.

And Lady Grantham is aware of this?

Completely. She wants you to come.

I could have managed Lord Gillingham. No need to burden Mr Bates with him.

I think Mr Carson forgets that I'm a valet, too.

I know, and it seems a bit ironic for Mr Bates to dress him.

Why is it ironic? I don't know why I said that.

Why did you say it, Miss Baxter?

Er... it was rubbish. Nonsense.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late.

Oh, how nice. I wanted to call on you, but I didn't like to be a bother.

I've been quite busy lately, helping with the out-patient clinic.

Dr Clarkson. Oh. Lady Grantham.

May I present Dr Clarkson? I think you know Lord Merton.

I think we have met, yes.

We were talking about your clinic. Oh, you mustn't bore him.

As a matter of fact, I'd be interested to - The Lady Shackleton.

Oh, my dear, how prompt you are.

Your daughter-in-law has trained you well.

Now, you remember Lord Merton?

Of course. How are you?

And how's that lovely garden of yours?

Oh, still lovely. Largely because I have the same lovely gardener.

I don't think we've met since dear Lady Merton's funeral.

I do hope things are sorting themselves out.

You've gone to a lot of trouble. Mmm. I like to help where I can.

Oh, Spratt. Shall we go in?

Lord Gillingham. Ah, here he is.

Tony, welcome. Lovely to see you all.

I'm afraid you've missed luncheon. I ate on the train.

A cup of coffee, then? That would be perfect.

Carson, I must congratulate you.

They're building a memorial in the village, and Carson is the Chairman.

I like the idea of these things. To give people a solid focus for their grief and gratitude.

I agree, My Lord. I hope His Lordship's happy about it.

My being Chairman, I mean.

He is. Or, at any rate, he will be.

So, how are the famous pigs doing? Pretty well.

They're earning their keep and more.

I'm going out this afternoon, to get some rabbits for Mrs Patmore. Come with me.

I'll find you a g*n and you can see what we've been up to.

I'll come too, although I warn you -
I'm not very good at picking up.

Well, if I'm sh**ting, you won't have to.

That I do not believe.

Could you spare me for an hour? I think everything's under control.

I just want to run down to the post office. I won't be long.

So, will you be travelling north in August for the grouse?

You talk as if my sole concern is the sporting year, Dr Clarkson.

The truth is, these days, I hold a book more often than a 12-bore.

You must miss it. Not particularly. Thank you. Er...

As a matter of fact, he's more interested in medicine than sport.

I find that hard to believe.

You sound a little prejudiced. Not at all.

He seems a nice enough example of the type, I grant you.


But, as you say yourself, we're not members of that tribe, you and I.


I think Dr Clarkson would like some coffee.

And don't be such a snob.

I'm determined to get you over to Sheriff Hutton.

The children are in the main house now. I've been banished to a cottage.

Did you move before Hubert died? No.

To be honest, I didn't want to go at all, but I've got used to it.

Apart from anything else, I've never been warm before!


So, why did you talk about Mr Bates and Lord Gillingham's valet?

What's the connection? Tell me.

There's no point trying to find Mr Molesley...

..because he can't help you now.

If that's how you want to play it, I'll give you until upstairs dinner has finished, after which I will ask to speak to Her Ladyship and I will tell her your story.

Do you hear what I'm saying?

I can't tell you what I don't know.

But you know something.

And I think it links Mr Bates to the dead valet.

I'm impressed by what I've seen.

Tom's a good partner, so I'm lucky.

I'm the lucky one.

Tom, what about your American plans? Oh, I don't know. Nothing's fixed.

But never fear. Mary is more than ready to manage without me.

That's your man.

So, you're not frightened of being left on your own to control your Papa?

I understand him better now, and I think he'd say the same of me.

So he's not fighting all change, then?

No, but he likes proper research.

You see, I want to improve how we sell our grain.

If I make a good case for it, he'll agree.

How positive you are.

I've decided to live in the present and not spend my life regretting the past or dreading the future.

I shall try to follow your example.

Do you dread the future?

Only if I have to live it without you.

Tony, I do love you, you know.

In my cold and unfeeling way.

Then why not say yes?

I don't want to get it wrong.

I'd like to marry again. I've come that far.

But I intend to be as happy with my second husband as I was with my first.

It's bound to be a risk on some level.

You have to take a chance.

The stable clock's fast. We ought to get back.

By the way, Bates will look after you, if you haven't brought a man of your own.

Oh, that's rather a luxury for me these days. I have no valet now.

Our butler takes care of me at home, but when I travel I usually fend for myself.

Do you mind? It makes things simpler.

I'd love to make our lives simpler.


It's a nightmare when guests are a nuisance and I feel so guilty, but I wasn't sure we were even going to make it down the drive.

But what happened, exactly? Well, there was this terrible noise.

A sort of rattle, rattle, bang, bang.

And then the engine just seemed to lose its power.

We'll get Tom to take a look at it. Oh, how kind.

But I think my chauffeur, Weaver, seems to have it in hand.

Could I just use your telephone and tell my hosts I won't be able to get to them tonight?

But what will you do? Oh, we passed a public house in the village, and I asked Weaver to see if they had any rooms.

You can't possibly stay at the pub. Why not? I'm tougher than I look.

You must stay here. We have people coming to dinner, so it'll be easy.

Oh, yes, it's perfect. Oh, that's sweet.

Molesley, you look very Latin all of a sudden.

Do you have Italian blood?

No, m'lord. Not that I'm aware. Or Spanish? Or Irish?

James... please tell Mrs Hughes that Lady Anstruther will be staying.

If she could prepare Princess Amelia.

Very good, Your Ladyship.

Go now. Tell her everything. You don't know what you're asking.

I may not know your story, but I do know it'll be worse if Mr Barrow tells her first.

Yes. You're right.

Thank you.

Why is she here? They don't know her, do they?

Well, if they do, she never told me. What are you going to say to her?

Who says I'll get the chance to say anything? Go on. Have it out.

She's playing with you like a cat with a vole.

James... did you know about Lady Anstruther's visit?

No, Mr Carson. Why should I? Didn't you work for her one time?

I'm sure I've got a reference from her somewhere.

But that was quite a while back, wasn't it?

Well, she's made extra work for everyone.

That's all I know.

What do you mean, you need to tell me something before Barrow does?

Mr Barrow wants to tell you about something in my past, m'lady.

I've a secret, you see. A bad secret.

I don't understand. What secret? How does he know it?

I was a friend of his sister's when we were young.

But if he knew something wrong about you, why would he put you forward for the job?

I think you had better tell me.

Very well.

A few years ago, I worked in London, as a lady's maid for a Mrs Benton who... lived with her husband in Ovington Square.

Go on.

I was there for about six months, and then I...

And then you what?


..took some jewellery belonging to the mistress.

A necklace, a couple of bracelets, some rings.

You took them?

I tried to make it look like a burglary, but it didn't work.

And Mrs Benton reported the theft?

They took me up a few hours later.

My fingerprints were everywhere.

And to make it worse...

..I never gave the stolen things back.

Why not?

Because, by then, I didn't have them.

What happened?

I went to prison. For three years.

Thank you, Baxter.

Very good, m'lady.

What do you make of our mysterious visitor?

Tom said he went to look at the car and could find nothing wrong.

Maybe the chauffeur mended it. Maybe.

We ought to go down.

Will there be anything else?

I don't think so. Thank you. It's been quite a treat.

You don't travel with a valet these days, m'lord?

No, no. When Green died, I never replaced him.

We were all shocked by the death of Mr Green so soon after he was here.

Yes. Of course.

Had he been with you long? Not very long, no.

Right. Thank you.

Well...? I told her.

Now, I'm not asking what you said, but I want to be sure that you held nothing back.


How was she? I don't know.

Shocked, but not unkind.

Then His Lordship walked in, so that was that.

The point is, if she allows you to stay, you're here in a truthful way and not in a lie.

And if I'm not allowed to stay?

Well, you're still not caught in a lie.

That's what matters.

I will tell you the story one day.

But I'm loath to... forfeit your good opinion, and I know I would.

No, you won't.

You don't trust me yet, but I'm on your side.

Mr Molesley, I need that up in the servery. Now.

Yes, Mr Carson.

Jimmy... I ought to scold you.

Why did you ignore my letters? You're a very naughty boy.

Show Her Ladyship where to find the drawing room, James.

Of course.

Will you come this way, m'lady?

I feel so guilty, pushing into a family celebration.

You'd be an ornament at any gathering. Oh, how nice. Thank you.

No cocktails? I thought everyone had them now.

Not at Downton. Our butler tried them once and he hasn't recovered.

Oh, look at your parents.

34 years. I'd never manage it.

That's the advantage of an older husband. One gets an early release!

Miss Sarah Bunting.

What on earth is she doing here?

I asked her. Cora said I could.

Have I done something wrong? She's the teacher I told you about.

After her behaviour while we were in London, I don't think she's a suitable guest.

Let me introduce you. Kitty Colthurst. Sarah Bunting. Miss Bunting's a teacher.

Oh, golly! How clever. What do you teach?

The usual things. Writing. Mathematics.

Crikey. Writing's almost beyond me, and I wouldn't know where to start with mathematics!

Well, then, you must marry someone rich enough to ensure you never need to.

Oh... What are you doing here?

Lady Rose invited me. Rose, did you ask Lord Grantham?

Wasn't Cora's permission enough?

How are you? I'm exhausted.

Two parties in one day is too much for me.

Was your luncheon a success? You must ask Cousin Isobel.

We've cast the net wide tonight.

Can't Tom have a friend of his own? Oh, of course.

But it's time he decided whether he is fish, flesh, fowl or good red herring.

Well, I think it's nice to see an intelligent face here.

Miss Bunting has been shocking us with her support for the Prime Minister.

But surely, most of the country must support him, or he wouldn't be Prime Minister.

There is an unanswerable logic in that. Oh, quite.

There's an alliance that does not bode well.

I quite agree with you. Aren't you being very snobbish?

We're being realistic - something your generation has such trouble with.

Her chauffeur says there's nothing wrong with the car that he could find, so there's a mystery.

See? She's here to see you. I don't know what she wants.

Don't you? Because I do. It's embarrassing.

I have a feeling it could get a lot more embarrassing if you don't find a way to keep her quiet.

Take that.

Marriage is a lottery, as we are often told, but I am a man who has drawn a winning ticket.

I have been awarded a bumper prize: beauty, brains, a heart, a conscience, all in one.

I give you my Cora, the best companion in the world.

Mama. Lady Grantham.

What a tribute. Indeed. If only it were true!

What's happened to Molesley's hair?

Carson, Lady Mary tells me that you're to lead the Memorial Committee.

That is so, madam. Yes. You'll drive it splendidly.

Rose, is that friend of yours terribly clever?

She's Tom's friend, not mine, but I think so. Yes.

She certainly thought I was terribly stupid.

Well, let's not sh**t her down for that.

No, thank you.

Do you know that footman? Yes, he used to work for me.

It's always nice to see a friendly face.

Especially a friendly, pretty face.

I'm not convinced these memorials are a good idea, but I suppose that's a different issue.

Why not? Won't they give people a focus for their sorrow?

And a reminder of the sacrifices that were made.

If it were a memorial service, then I might agree, but a stone edifice on the green, to remind us for ever of death and a pointless w*r - what's the good of that?

To say nothing of the waste of money.

Forgive me, but you're talking nonsense.

Forgive me, but I suppose she's allowed an opinion.

Not that opinion. Not in this house. I think what she means is -

She is here as your friend, so of course you must defend her.

But was the w*r worth fighting?

What did it achieve, beyond the Russian Revolution?

Millions of men dead and no more 'justice' than there was before.

You are wrong, both of you.

But we must strive to keep things light.

It's a pity they didn't want you on their Committee.

You put up a stout defence of their intentions.

They do want His Lordship on the Committee.

Forgive me, My Lord.

I'd have told you later, but they held a meeting this afternoon, and they would like you as their patron.

Oh, how nice. I dare say that was always their plan.

I dare say it was, Your Ladyship.

I should be glad to accept.

Now, if you can all put your swords away, perhaps we can finish our dinner in a civilised manner.

But I admire it, when young people stand up for their principles.

Principles are like prayers.

Noble, of course, but awkward at a party.

James, did my eyes deceive me, or did Lady Anstruther pass you a note during dinner?

Yes, Mr Carson. Can I see it?

He's thrown it away. She just wanted to remind him that he once worked for her, Mr Carson.

Even so, it's most irregular.

But it wasn't his fault, was it? He could hardly slap her hand away.

Get that up to the drawing room.

I gather from Mr Molesley that you gave the good news to His Lordship.

Ah, that is correct. How did you get them to agree?

I said I wouldn't serve if they didn't make him Patron.

And have you told him that?

He doesn't need to know everything, Mrs Hughes.

Nobody has to know everything.

I've enjoyed myself.

Both gatherings were interesting, in their different ways.

You get on well with Lord Merton. I know that.

I do, but Cousin Violet had other plans for him at luncheon.

Where is Granny?

She said goodbye to your mother, but she wanted to slip away.

The day of parties had taken its toll.

Before I go, I want to meet the staff downstairs.

You don't think you've made enough of a statement?

What about you? I know. I got a bit carried away.

I thought you were splendid. Cheer up.

You're putting quite a dampener on the evening.

Really? I thought only imbeciles were happy all the time.

Here she comes. The Boudicca of the North Riding.

Thank you so much for having me.

It was a pleasure. Wasn't it, Robert?

I want to thank your cook before I go, and the other servants.

I'm afraid they'll be sitting down to supper, and we don't like to disturb them.

I won't be more than a minute. Of course you must go down.

They'd be delighted.

I assume you heard the way she spoke to me at dinner.

Of course, but how does it help to answer rudeness with rudeness?

Is everything satisfactory, m'lord? No, it is not.

And can you please keep Molesley in the kitchens until his hair stops turning blue?

What are you doing?

Setting out the breakfast trays for Her Ladyship and Lady Mary.

Not Lady Rose and Lady Edith?

Unmarried young ladies eat breakfast in the dining room. Oh, do they?

Thank you again, and I'm glad to meet you.

I felt I had to put faces to his stories.

What stories are those? Oh, that's a dangerous question.

We may not like the answer!

Do you work in the school? I teach mathematics, handwriting and spelling, mainly.

You must be so clever. I wouldn't say that.

Come and meet the others. Goodbye.

That's such a different path. It is, but it doesn't mean it's better than the one you've chosen.

Your Ladyship, might I have a word?

I'm very sorry to say it, but I've learned something that makes me feel both responsible and guilty.

Would this have to do with Baxter?

Because, if it concerns her criminal record, then I know all about it.

Do you, m'lady?

What I don't understand is why you placed a convicted felon in my household, in my bedroom, when you knew every detail of her past.

I wanted her to have another chance.

Don't you think that should have been my decision, in my own house?

Yes, m'lady. Perhaps it should.

So... why tell me now? Because, if you have been using your knowledge against her, I'll have to consider your future here.

Indeed, whether you have one at all.

I just thought I'd been wrong and you ought to know.

I see. Well, now I do.

Good night.

You think you're so clever, don't you?

Has Miss Bunting gone?

Yes. She got a lift down to the village with Mrs Crawley.

That was nice of her.

I wanted to apologise, for arguing with you at dinner.

You were nothing, compared to her.

She has her views - that's true.

But I must confess, they remind me of how I used to feel.

Is that what you want, Tom? To go back, when you've come so far?

I've come a long way from who I was. That's true.

And is it a bad thing?

We're not lovers, you know.


That time when you were in London, you thought that we'd got up to something. We never did.

As Sybil's father, this is not an easy conversation for me, but if I was wrong, then I am sorry.

The truth is, I worry less about that than if Miss Bunting is taking you back into the role of rebel and hater.

I'm not a hater.

I don't hate anyone.

Least of all you.

Well, that is a more cheerful note to say 'good night' on.


But why didn't you give the jewels back?

You say you didn't have them by then, but who did?

More than that, why did you do it at all?

You don't strike me as being greedy. You were working. You were earning.

Did you dislike Mrs Benton? Was she harsh?

No, m'lady. She was a kind woman. That only makes it more mysterious.

I won't start concocting excuses for myself. There are no excuses.

There may not be excuses, but there is missing information.

You've shocked me, Baxter. Profoundly. I can't deny it.

You have every reason, m'lady. So, am I to take it that I am dismissed?

Your work is excellent, and I have never sacked a servant that gave me no cause for complaint.

Have I your word you will not commit this crime again?

I will never commit any crime again. Not as long as I live.

You may stay until I make a decision.

I cannot tell you how long that will be, and I do not at all promise I'll keep you on.


Very well.

I think we should leave it there for now.

I hope we don't have to see too much more of Miss Bunting.

Lady Rose told Madge she liked her.

And she seemed nice when she came downstairs.

Maybe, but she makes Papa say things he doesn't mean, and I know he hates himself for it afterwards.

Mr Molesley...

I do not know why you have treated your hair with a special substance -

Well, I -
But I can only say that the effect on your appearance is not what you would have it.

Take steps, Mr Molesley. Take steps.

You will remain below stairs until you do.

Well... So, Lady Mary's not quite so ladylike, after all.

Me next.

You think I'm mad, don't you? It doesn't matter what I think.

Maybe she just wants to talk. Maybe I'm the missing Tsarevich!

The trouble is, I can't resist it. Not when it's offered on a plate.

Well, you're not alone there.

Now, if you can stay with her until three, you'll get back to your room without being noticed.

I'll watch until you're in there. If you hear me speak, just keep walking past her door.

Thanks, Mr Barrow.

Thomas. I mean it.

You're a real pal.

Well, I try to be.

But, Tony... you really shouldn't be in here.

Of course I shouldn't. Why are you, then?

Because you're in love with me. Am I?

Well, you said so yourself. You were torn between me and Charles Blake, but I think you've decided and I'm the winner.

Well, thank goodness that's settled.

The trouble is, you want to be sure.

Well, surer than the customs of well-bred courtship will allow.

Go on. I want you to come away.

Just for a week, maybe less.

But on our own, and we'll spend the days... talking.

And the nights?

We'll spend those together, too.

I want us to be lovers, Mary.

I want us to know everything there is to know about each other.

And then after that, I believe you will be sure.

If Papa was here, he'd hit you on the nose.

I'm trying to convince you to marry me.

That's not the normal purpose of seducers.

I don't think he'd see it that way.

What do you say to my scandalous suggestion?

No-one must ever find out.

Fire! What?

Fire! Oh, my God. George!

I've got Sybbie and George.

Thank God! Mary, you take them.

Tony, go with her. Tom, come with me.

You know where the sand buckets are kept.

Good god! Barrow, is she all right?

I think so, m'lord. We must get her outside.

Quickly, Tom!

Tom, get the hose!

Rose, wake Mrs Hughes and the maids. She'll do the rest.

We must alert the firemen. Who knows where to find Drewe's number?

I do. And save the dog!

Barrow, hurry up! Get her away from the smoke. I'll check the bedrooms.

Let me check the rooms, m'lord. Now, man!


There's a fire.

Well, I'll see you both downstairs.

Everybody outside. There's a fire.

James? James? Where's James?

Peter, look in the bathroom for James.

Mr Molesley, hurry along, please.

Here, Tom!

Mrs Patmore, do be careful.

Don't worry. Don't worry.

We'll take over now, m'lord.

Thank you.

How are you feeling? All right, I think.

But I've been terribly stupid.

Don't worry about that now.

Lord Grantham, I may sneak away before breakfast.

Would you forgive me? I have quite a way to go.

Perhaps that would be a good idea.


Barrow, we have to thank you - for raising the alarm and rescuing Lady Edith so bravely.

What were you doing on the gallery?

Oh, just keeping an eye on things. Well, thank goodness you were!

I was angry with you before and I was tempted to take it further, but I accept that you have earned our goodwill by your actions tonight.

Thank you, m'lady.

What's going on? What's happening?

Don't worry. It's almost over.

Mr Bates wanted to come, to see you were safe. We were so worried.

We're fine. Lady Edith chose to set fire to her room, but we're fine.

I'll see if there's anything I can do.

He's calmed down now, but he was in a real state.

He does get so worked up about things.

I can imagine.

I don't wish to be harsh, but I have a feeling James would be better employed elsewhere.

Oh? Please don't ask me why I think so, but I suspect his ambitions rather outstrip what a career as a footman will yield.

As Your Lordship wishes. Give him a good reference.

We don't want it talked about.

Understood, m'lord.

All clear now, m'lord. No real damage beyond Lady Edith's bedroom.

Well, that's something.

We can all go back inside!

The excitement is over.

Might Lady Edith sleep in His Lordship's dressing room tonight, m'lady?

Since the bed's made up.

Of course.

I'm just going to thank the firemen, Papa. Right.

Have you had any ideas? Yes, and it's a simple one.

You are going to take a great interest in little Marigold, m'lady.

Of course. We just need to introduce the notion carefully, so everyone accepts and believes it.

You're to sleep in His Lordship's dressing room tonight, and we'll see what can be saved tomorrow.

Thank you, Mrs Hughes.

You have heard the voice of His Majesty King George V.

I'm sorry if I've hurt you.

And the mist is clearing around the lithe figure of Tony Gillingham?

You do know she's a thief? There must be more to it.

Mrs Crawley has been distracted lately, with Lord Merton frisking around her skirts.

I didn't k*ll him personally. I didn't sh**t the Imperial Family.

Is this what they call a lively exchange of views?