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02x53 - Different

Posted: 12/13/23 13:00
by bunniefuu
♪ Once upon a future time ♪

♪ In a place called Stardust Bay ♪

♪ Countin' down to adventure now ♪

♪ Rockets on a mission, we're on our way ♪


♪ Surfing the solar winds ♪


♪ Together the fun begins ♪

♪ Way out where the planets, moons, and stars ♪

♪ All shimmer shine ♪

♪ Havin' a great time exploring ♪


Hey, wait for me!


So, I told Crow to keep an open mind,

but not so open that his parts fall out!



Eagle: Hey, who's the new kid?

Hawk: Yeah, and what's up with that wing?

It's not the same as his other one.

Maybe he broke it.

Why don't you ask him? No way!

I think he can only use one wing.

Yeah. Can't be that fast a rocket, either.

Ooh, I just love stickers!

And especially your "My Lunar Pony" sticker.

Thanks. Me too.

Hi, I'm Starling. What's your name?


It's okay for you to stare.

Five seconds is about right.

Anything more than that, not so much.

Does it hurt?

Not at all. What happened to you?

I was born this way.

But, hey, I really appreciate you asking.

Most rockets are usually afraid to talk about it.

I'm not afraid of anything.

Except losing Mr. Rocket Baby.

He's real cute.

But his left wing is starting to look like yours.

I think it's 'cause

I'm always hugging him so tight.

Hey, do you want me

to show you around the school?

Merlin: That would be cool, Starling.

What's that one say?

"Disabled" means "differently abled."

There's the Observatory,

and there's the Spacenasium,

and over there, that's Mission Control!

So, why were you made different?

Just lucky, I guess.

Can I catch the same thing you have?

You know, like a cold?

I don't think so,

but I can cough on you and we can find out.

No, that's okay!

Oh, you're kidding, right? [chuckles]

When I grow up,

I want to be just like Eagle.

He's the fastest, coolest rocket.

He's my hero.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be a physicist,

like Dr. Sparrowhawking. He's my hero.

You have a hero too?

That's another way we're kind of the same.

There's the stickers, and "My Lunar Pony,"

and we both have heroes.

Hey, guys! This is Merlin.

Nice to meet you. I'm Eagle.

I've heard a bit about you.

Really? All good I hope!

She's a fan.

Hi! Robyn. Welcome to Stardust Bay.

And this is Hawk and Raven.

Oh, hey! Hey.

[off-key tone]

Um, we've got to go now.

Hawk, seriously?

What? I was just being friendly.

Well, that was "Hawk-ward."

Now, who's this young rocket?

Merlin. He's new.

And, you don't even need to try to fix his wing.

He likes it this way.

Oh, really?

Yeah. I don't mind.

It's made me the rocket that I am.

That's just the way it should be.

And I get to do things my own way.

Lots of times, I just "wing it."

Starling: [chuckles]

Quite remarkable, young Cadet.

Quite remarkable indeed.

"Wing it"! [laughing]

He's a clever one.

Okay, everyone, listen up!

So, tomorrow is the big race

to the two moons of Mars,

Phobos and Deimos.

You cadets are going to be divided into teams of two,

and each of you has to capture a flag on either moon.

The first pair of cadets to return to Earth

with both flags wins the race.

[excited shouting]

Why wait 'til tomorrow, Coach?

I'm ready to za-za-zoom right now!

You got to launch at just the right time.

Mars and Earth orbit the sun

at different speeds and distances.

Sometimes they're really far apart,

and sometimes they're much closer together.


About once every two years,

there's a perfect launch window.

Launches have windows?

Meaning, the very best time to launch.

It is when Mars and Earth are closest together

and in perfect position for you to go back and forth

using the least amount of rocket fuel.

I have calculated the coordinates,

and the optimal day to launch is tomorrow.

So, let's partner up, shall we?

You and you together, you and you--

Eh, just a minute, Starling.

You're too young for this one.

You'll be at the finish line with me.

But, Coach!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Our new cadet doesn't have a partner.

Okay, let's sort this out.

Hawk, you're now with Robyn,

Eagle, you're with Merlin.

Let's line up! Just great.

I'm gonna be slowed down by this new kid.

Now maybe someone else will have a chance to win.

This time, I'm gonna crush you for sure.

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah!

Oh, man.

You wanted to see me, Headmaster?


Why so sad, young cadet?

I'm stuck with this new kid, Merlin,

for the big race to Mars.

And why is that?

He seems like a fine young rocket.

Yeah, he seems nice enough.

But I've got a need for speed!

And now I've got to go slow 'cause of Merlin.

I know it's not right to be upset,

but still... I want to win.

As a wise rocket once said,

"There are victories

of the soul and the spirit."


It means sometimes,

even when you lose, you win.

So, what should I do?

Ahh. If I were you,

I would spend some time with our newest cadet.

Make him feel welcome.

Yeah, I guess so. All right.

And remember, Eagle...

and that is here and here.

You may put your tools away now.

Hey, Merlin, let me lend you a wing with that.

[laughing] [off-key tone]

Oh! I did it again.

It's fine, really.

I'm just normal like you.

And, I could use the help.

Cool! Now, I'm out of here.

There's a case of cranberry rocket fuel

with my name on it. Got to glide!

So, you ready for tomorrow?

I think so. Look, I know

it doesn't seem fair to you 'cause of my wing,

but I promise to try my best.

I really will.

I'm sure you'll be, you know, fine.

I am a little nervous

about picking up the flag, though.

Hmm. Come with me.



Oh! Not so good.


Not so great, either, but better.

There you go, amigo, that'll work!

Thanks for the practice, Eagle.

Now, just watch out

for meteors and comets along the way.

Hey, what do planets like to read?

I don't know. What?

"Comet" books! [both laughing]

Get it? Oh, oh, boy.

Okay, I think we're ready.

So, how did it go today with Merlin?

He's gonna do his best.

Are you okay with that?

You usually like to win every race.

Coming in first isn't everything, you know.

Sometimes winning is just about showing up

and not giving up.

Like me! I always show up.

And then, I just run out of rocket fuel.

Or time.

But I never give up, so I'm still a winner.

Right, Robyn?

You sure are, Hawk. You sure are.

Yeah, still, it's frustrating.

I have a reputation to keep up.

Even though I have to admit,

I kind of like the little guy.

Coach: Is everybody here?

[all shouting]

Good luck.

They're gonna need it.

Are you ready, Hawk?

I'm faster than a baked potato!

More powerful than a rocket's motive,

able to leap tall space stations

in a single bound.

Look up in the sky! It's a comet.

It's a planet!

No, it's Super Hawk!

Okay, Super Hawk, calm down.

I just wanted to know if you were ready.

Oh, uh... you betcha, Robyn!

Ava: Launch sequence initiated

in five, four, three, two, one.

Primary ignition.

Booster rockets!

Engage! Engage!

Eagle: Wings!

Back! Back!

Space visors!


All: Blast off!


Oh, brother.

I'll try not to embarrass you, Eagle.

I promise.

It's a little too late for that.


Say what?!


Holy moon dust! That was awesome!

[laughing] There's "ability"

in the word "disability," you know.

Yeah, you're not kidding!

But how did you do that?

Practice. No, really.

I'm not kidding.

My wing is impaired,

so I learned to compensate,

to adapt and make changes

so I could do things. And with hard work,

I learned to go really fast

once I'm off the ground.

Well, I'm blown away.

So, I didn't embarrass you?

Only by how much faster you were going than me.

Flag time. Which one do you want?

Phobos is bigger,

but it's so much closer to Mars.

And it moves so much faster that it's harder to land on.

Your choice then, partner.

Phobos! I just love a challenge.

Wha-- Oh, no!

Gotcha this time.


You need me to slow down a little bit?

[panting, grunting]

[laughing] No way! Come on!

Way to go, kid!

You were awesome, dude!

I'm sorry I ever doubted you.


You have some mad skills happening, pal.

He bowled us over... literally!

That was amazing, Merlin!

Thanks, Robyn.

It's always a little rough for me at lift-off,

but I try not to let the things I can't do

get in the way of what I can do.

Excuse me. Excuse me, please.

Coming through.

Dr. Sparrowhawking?

Is it really you?

It certainly is, young cadet.

I've heard about you,

with your special wing and great big heart.

I wanted to see you race with my own two eyes.

You mean, you came all this way

just to see me?


I understand what it's like

to overcome a disability.

And then to go on

to great things in life.

You, too, will be exceptional.

Thank you so much.

I can't believe you're here.

I'm so thrilled to meet you!

You know, you're his hero!

Well, that's wonderful...

because you're my hero, too.

Eagle and Merlin, you showed us

great speed, strength, and teamwork.

Well done.

And for all of you other cadets,

as a wise rocket once said,

"Each one of us is absolutely unique

and different... just like everyone else."

Even if you have to

"wing it" every now and then.
