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Fever Mounts at El Pao (1959)

Posted: 12/14/23 18:11
by bunniefuu

Ojeda, an island in the Atlantic.

8,000 square kilometers, two
hours by plane from America.

Capital: El Pao.

The palace of the government,
built by the Spanish, dates
from the 16th century.

Resources: copra, bananas...

and fishing.

Another Spanish colonial
vestige: an old monastery.

What does not
appear in the guides,

is that long ago no tourist
could disembark in El Pao.

Next to the hovels of
the poor exploited by

landowners and official
envoys from the continent,

The penitentiary is found, where
there are two thousand prisoners,

Among them more than
500 political prisoners,

victims of the government of
president Carlos Barreiro.

The relatives of these political
prisoners cannot come to see them.

Until the day they will
see them buried...

With the governor's permission,

whose luxurious villa hides in
amongst the tropical vegetation.

It's V?zquez!

- Did he see us?
- I think so.

The governor sent
me to look for you.

Colonel Olivares will
accompany me to El Pao.

- Forgive me, but his Excellency...
- Didn't you hear her?

- Tell my husband that I am coming.
- Yes, madam.

- Why did you treat him that way?
- He is an informer.

- He will tell your husband about us.
- I don't think so.

He is an idealist.

- Believes in honour.
- And I don't?

Not really.

Bad luck that they send me to
the continent - this is insufferable.

Everybody finds out about everything.

Will we meet next week?

- No.
- Then when?


Do you love your husband?

I don't think so.

You are both equal.
It seems I can't decide.

I love you, my darling!

You should not call me darling.

My love!

You kiss well, but I do
not want to have any regrets.

- Look at that bandit hung up there!
- His time has already come.

A drink?

- Has the meat arrived yet?
- I don't know.

- They are waiting for it.
- If we are going away,
throw it to them,

as if they were dogs, so
that they do not bite us.

You are crazy, Garc?a, shut up!

I follow your orders.

Are you afraid that
Vargas will hear us?

That was my idea.

Yes, but you spare them and
that way you do not risk anything.

You are drunk. Hold your tongue.

You make me sick, you coward!

Come, V?zquez!

I should take my men
to the penitentiary.

- I will inform his Excellency.
- Swiftly.

- They're waiting for you.
- Let them wait!


I didn't know that
you were a painter.

Does my woman model for you?

Do you keep this for her perfume?

When did you do this to me?

You kept it in your
desk and I saved it.

I'm not an imbecile!

I know that you're making fun of me!

It has been a long time
since I've seen her.

Have fun. You have
very little time!

When I have the proof,
I'll k*ll you!

Excellency, your suspicions are unfounded.

Ellajam?s hasn't taken notice of me.

I know who it is now.


I'm not mistaken. It's true?


I'll find out in the end.

In?s hates me because I
agreed to come here.


What are you concealing from me?

I appointed you as my secretary,
otherwise you would be a poor official.

- I control your future, big shot.
- Marian!

Don't you want to talk?

Bad luck!

I will force a confession.

This was in V?zquez's drawer.

And what were you doing in his drawer?

Tell me!

I want to know the truth!

Do you suspect V?zquez?

- What imagination!
- Is it Olivares?

Calm down. It's the national holiday.

You are sweating.
Look at your uniform.

Leave me alone! What are you doing?

Tell me that I make you sick.

Confess that there is
another one that you prefer!

- And if I do, what will you do?
- I will not allow you!

I have authority here!

You will see it right now!

I'll stop you chasing after others,
even if I have to k*ll you!

Take that!


- Your Excellency!
- What?

Get out!

Do you hear me?

- Where are you going?
- Please excuse me.

We will settle this later.

I should thank
you for saving me.

But I believe that you
have been indiscreet.

I heard you shouting.

Saving me was a stupid thing to do.

Yes, forgive me.

Why do you act that way?

So that I do get angry
with my husband?

I want you.

We will deal with this after the speech.

Flies will have eaten the meat away.

Put up awnings and fix this!

We waited a year for this day.

This will not alleviate our hunger.

Forgive me for this.

Rest weapons!

- Let's begin.
- Yes.

Your speech.

In the 25 anniversary
of the constitution,

Our president, the
general Carlos Barreiro,

With your genius, effort and will
consecrated to the fatherland,

You have returned us
peace, freedom and honour.

For many years we were on the
sidelines of the modern nations.

Anarchy and ruin isolated us...

And led us to tragedy.




Calm down!

Get back, there is
enough for everyone!

Get back!

At last, we meet minister!

Guarumbo is that one,

The winner's son
of the goblet Barreiro.

You will enter the history
books of horseriding.

Carlos, sign arrest warrants...

against Garc?a's accomplices.

I will sign them right now.

- So they will stop them.
- They have done it now.

Vice-president, Vargas's
death is an isolated incident,

the work of a fanatic.

But you will provoke others,
and we should avoid it.

- And Garc?a?
- He will not be able to leave the island.

He went out after escaping from jail.

And in a month, you unseat
Sotomayor; let's not forget him.

Have the veterinarian
see to that horse.

Yes, Excellency.

When rising to power, I
gave prosperity to the town.

Freedom would make
them poor again.

They must not believe
that I am weak.

To find Garc?a,
arrest another one.

That way, a crime cannot
be unpunished.

Let's stop Cardinal Red.

What? To C?rdenas?

Now he's the congressional president
of global political rights.

The veterinarian
wants to talk with you.

I'm coming.

That horse is a champion.

- Cardinal Red was going to see me today.
- I know it.

- Alejandro Gual is attending you.
- Gual?

Ah, yes!

Mr. C?rdenas, your Excellency;
you will attend him right away.

Hulling by pounding, I will hurry.

I am delighted, young lady.

Follow me.

It is an honour that
they named you...

congressional president
of global political rights.

But the president is concerned.

He's afraid that from your post
you will criticize his regime.

Barreiro knows me.

Our internal problems,
we should fix them...

without resorting to outsiders.

You calm my concerns.

If Barreiro showed
more humanity...

After you.

What's going on?

- Release me!
- Do not resist.

- This is illegal.
- Off we go!

What infamy!

Tell the Srta. Cardinal Red
that your father will take long.

- Is the commander coming?
- Yes.

Give him prisoners' list.

It is forbidden to chain
the political prisoners.

- They treat them all this way.
- Vargas was making a decision on his own, no?

Sign this for me.

- You will warrant that I'm not responsible.
- I won't sign anything.

I will communicate it to the capital.

Unchain the political prisoners.

Are you satisfied?

Old men and sick persons
should go in a truck.

Ask for more concise
orders from the commander.


- What do you want now?
- I am Raymond V?zquez.

You gave me classes in Derecho.

Ah, yes, Ram?n V?zquez!

I did not hope to see
you working as a jailer.

Still I remember your teachings.

You ignored my teachings.
It was just a show.

Talking with the prisoners
is prohibited.

- You are strange.
- Why?

Your husband's mail.

I have seen you working.

They were unchained without orders.

And you dared to talk to that prisoner.

That does not compensate
for years of cowardice.

- You defend your ideals.
- But will I continue to be a secretary?

A French immigrants' son,
I studied with scholarship.

- They expect my gratitude.
- In the end, you will impose yourself.

I prepared a report on how to
improve the situation on the island.

- I think it's useless to send it.
- Send it. Give it to me!

- What?
- My family has connections
with president Barreiro.

I will help you.
I want to be useful.

I do it for me.

And in the daytime you
said that you wanted me.

Forget it.

You would not, even
though you want to.

I come from the south.

Garc?a is at the big beach.

- You will not escape.
- I will accompany you.

I will stop them from hurting you.

Poor person; let's hope
he manages to escape!

They are lucky.

We ex*cuted those who
helped a fugitive.

- If they see you, detain
him and inform us.
- Yes.

And this?

- What's going on?
- Height!


Do not fire a shot at me, Ram?n.

Surrender; you will not escape.

I prefer to die fighting.




- You play the rest.
- Again!

We did not advance;
the mayor will get angry.

It's not my fault;
it's V?zquez's orders.

Until there's another governor,
I follow his standards.

- Who is he?
- I don't know.

L?pez, why do you want to be here?

Congratulations on your nomination.

- Didn't know that you were coming.
- I like to surprise.

We come from the penitentiary.

Inspectors L?pez and Villa.

Is the mayor's plantation made?

I have destined here
to the best prisoners.

Cheap manpower.

But they do not seem
to be very active.

I follow the new regulations.

You were different with
Vargas, but with V?zquez...

It's careless.

While they rest, the prisoners think,
they talk, and the trouble starts.

Yes, let's restore order.

- Manuel!
- Yes?

Get them back in harness.

Good. To work!

- It is not working hours.
- We have not rested.


To work, swiftly!

We go!

To work!

I want to see the workshop
of the political prisoners.

With the new regulations,
they do not work.


- Another one of V?zquez's orders?
- Not exactly.

And why don't they work?
Do I eat the rest of this?

I see that you are very busy.

We will talk tonight.

- Did you leave the university?
- Ten years ago.

They hired me in the interior.

I did not stop for lack of money.

I did not start by having very much.

The young ladies should not work.

- What would you have wanted to study?
- Anything.

You would have wanted to be free,
having lady friends of my age.

My parents elected my friends.

And I married the first
one that appeared, Vargas.

I took years to discover freedom.

Sometimes, at the expense of errors.

I want to forget them.

Starting from scratch.

Mr. Gual!

You could not wait to
express him one's condolences.

I thank you for him.

Take a seat.


I understand that now you
would prefer to be alone.

Imagined you are exiled to me here...

after Vargas's nomination.

I always admired you very much,
but you never took notice of me.

It was not important.

- That went long ago.
- Yes?

I confess than at that time
I loved you in secret.


Yes, forgive me.

Before coming, I saw your
friend Colonel Olivares.

- He told me that you were affected.
- What is he insinuating?

Than you have been
kinder with other ones.

Your look of disdain suits you.


You're not welcome here.

I know what to expect from you.

We shall become better acquainted.

We'll get along quite well.

- How hot it is!
- At this rate, we will be scorched.

He's not far away;
we'll find him.

In the tree!

This way!

- I think I have found him.
- Yes or no!?

- Why are you armed?
- And you're not?

It's true; we go.

Look at that!

You have swamp fever.

- It will be difficult to talk.
- Quiet; you will talk.

- If not, we will help you to sign.
- Get him down!

What a country!

Eat, Charlotte!

Take it.


Be good!

Take a seat, Mr. V?zquez

We couldn't have talked before.

I've been busy.

Take a seat.

They have told me a great
deal about his initiatives.

Captain Real,
Indarte, Mrs. Vargas.

You have the report
that I wrote up...

on my activities
after the dying Vargas?

In?s Vargas values you highly.

The beautiful In?s!

We all were her lovers.

When dying Vargas
thought of your beauty...

You would have caused
a crime of passion.

Read my report -
the case is simple.

Yes, I will read it.

The sun horrifies me so much.

Garc?a was a friend of his, no?

- He was a good officer.
- And a rebel.

You should have caught him and
prevented the policeman's death.

Lucky that Garc?a forgave you.

This case is in my report.

Read it and we will talk then.

You like reports very much.

Very interesting one commended
S?enz to the minister.

The boss of the island
has named you.


I like your ambition.

We will collaborate now.


- What now?
- The m*rder*r is in prison.

- Is he alive?
- He is sick.

- He is with the doctor.
- I'm coming.

I will take care of this, Director.


You again!

- I cannot talk with anybody.
- I bring word.

They have let your family alone.

I thank you for your interest.

I will make sure that they
give you another easier job.

No, I prefer to stay
with my comrades.

Why are you interested in me?

I will prove to you
that I am reliable.

Have a section watch here
and another one there.

- Is it really necessary?
- I have 20 years of experience.

I know by intuition that
they are up to something.

- Do they still distribute water?
- This is brutal.

Here are the new orders.

That they get back in harness.

- Else they will keep on drinking.
- Right.

Suspend the delivery and get to work.

Enough of giving water.

You've had enough!

Did you see that?

Three hours on the pole.

Or does that seem too hard to you?

See that you do not
endanger the discipline.

What I saw was inhuman...

And I couldn't do anything about it.

Neither you nor anybody can
doing anything, for the moment.

I accepted the position to carry
out my ideas and I betrayed them.

You're too impatient.

In order to defend your ideals,
you aspire to a superior job.

Your projects are the
heart of the matter.

I will help you to accomplish them.

But forget your scruples
or you will fail.

You must remember your objective.

The first obstacle is Gual.

Use the same weapons.

You will see men hurt,
and you will feel impotent.

But think of how many
you will save if you win.

And remember that I will back
you up and that I love you.

Come in!

Mr. Gual expects it.

- I cannot receive him.
- Good.

You will make an enemy.

- You will want to ask for something.
- I now know what.

You know what he wanted?

- To know if you were my lover.
- No!


I have told you then, in any case,

you would have been
after becoming a widow.

I have forbidden him to turn,
but don't surrender.

The madam cannot receive you.

- I will see her at the palace.
- Follow me.


- What's going on?
- We remained here.

The truck will pick you up.

Here, drink.

- What are you going to do me?
- No, we are satisfied.

You have answered
all our questions.

- The truck will not take long.
- Walk a little.


What do they want?

The governor wants to talk
about the death of your husband.

The quotation.

Tell him that I will go next.

A little more?

You should come with us.

I cannot right now.

We'll wait; we are not
in much of a hurry.

All right; I will go.

Very well!

- Mrs. Vargas is here.
- Then pass.

Thank you for coming.

- What remedy!
- Take a seat.

Let us alone and
L?pez can wait.

You preferred a more informal
meeting, but this is good...

V?zquez was his lover
before becoming widowed.

You lied to me and I know why.

This is an investigation;
I do not do it for sickness.

If your relationship was over,

V?zquez perhaps wanted
to k*ll your husband.

He has nothing to see.
What does he attempt?

Garc?a has confessed.

According to him, V?zquez
led you to commit that crime...

And you helped him to flee.

If the only motive is passion,
we would be lenient.

But he will not be forgiven
if it has a political component.

This is a lie!

His men confess whatever it is,

But in judgment Garc?a
will tell the truth.

You will not appear in person.

You tried to flee,
and my men k*lled you.

I'm sorry, but I have
to stop your lover.

- You wouldn't dare!
- Ah, no?

What do you hold against Big Branch?

I am not jealous;
I am not so ridiculous.

But when I want
something, I take it.

You will try your love
for V?zquez saving it?

It is nothing new.

A while of abandon in order
to save your loved one.



He is a despicable coward!

And although you want to, he cannot;
he is hateful and repugnant

- Do you renounce V?zquez?
- Renouncing him?

Listen to me!

Perhaps the owner of the
island is to be believed,

but touch V?zquez...

and I will use my contacts
to make you regret it.

Will you stop running risks?

You are rash and perhaps
got ahead of him ...

and attempt to flee like Garc?a.

You wouldn't do that!


An arrest warrant against V?zquez.


Do you agree?

Reciprocate the order
to me and don't leave.

Will you keep his word?

Trust me.

- Here?
- Yes.

The stocking's not.

You yearned to see her that way,

not arrogant, but submissive
and pleasing

You would be able to force
her to kneel down.

You have called him;
I have seen you

Only you wish to humiliate me.

Keep your deal.

Get dressed!

- What?
- I want you to get dressed now.

You believed that you would please
me if you turned yourself in?

Anyone would give me
a bit of pleasure!

I have my pride!

I lack V?zquez's charm,

but I subdue those
I propose myself.

Leave; I no longer need her.

And Ram?n?

He is free, for the moment.

With that paper,
I have my mercy.

Accompany her.


One, two, three, four, five!

- This is it?
- Almost.

Where were the weapons?

At the barracks, and
we kept on searching.

- Register everything.
- Yes, they are very astute.

You knew something like that by intuition.

- Where do they come from?
- I don't know.

There are no more.

Shut the leaders in
waterless holes today.


You are lax in punishing them.

There are over 20 sick
persons, and ten have died now.

- They are willing to do everything.
- Your dispatch has arrived.

You want guards
in the interrogation?

No; they will speak more alone.

We should talk.

He is here.

- Who do you begin with?
- With the floorwalkers.

Bring that old man.

Leave us.

I am going to tell you
something seriously wrong.

- Only I trust you.
- Count on me.

I will tell it to you because of
the interest that you have shown.

Take a seat.

The common prisoners
arranged for a mutiny.

They have proposed that we
join them, but we have refused.

- But they will fail!
- I wouldn't be so sure.

So much brutality has
driven them to be savages.

I am not an informer.

I will tell you his plans...

Because I know by intuition
the consequences of a revolt.

Barreiro would take the opportunity
to blame the political prisoners.

For that reason, I cannot
tell it to Gual.

If Gual learns about it, the
fact that the mutiny break out...

he would stop at nothing to squash it.

He would k*ll everyone.

- We have to stop the mutiny.
- I agree.

Tell me your plan
and who leaders are.

They will not be punished; I will
only stop what they are planning.

I will explain him to you.

Give me some paper.

The dining room is here,


And here, the chapel.

They will do it on Sunday at mass.

There will be few guards
and no soldiers.

They will render the guards powerless,

And they will get to the
gunsmith's shop for the sacristy.

It is a great plan.

There will be almost no soldiers.

Many will be on leave.

Already Vargas had a
mutiny before arriving

The governor had left without
permission and it was ex*cuted.

Ram?n, this is our great
opportunity to get rid of Gual.

You should be away and
let the mutiny break out!


You know what I would go by
and how many would die?

Do not say that!

- And who would take over after Gual leaves?
- I would!

Do you have so much influence?

Be frank;

what is between you?

- Do you want the truth?
- Yes.

Gual wants to accuse you of
being an accessory to Garc?a.

He will make you stop and k*ll
you for a false escape attempt.

What does he wait for?

In order to save you; you love me.

We are his slaves;
we will have to obey him.

We never will be his slaves!

- I prefer to k*ll you!
- Let's get rid of him.

You should die,

But if you k*ll him, they will stop
you and he will manage to separate us.

We will defeat you if the
mutiny breaks out not being him.

I cannot do it;
it is a barbarity!

You would endanger the
political prisoners.

I should stop it.

There won't be any mutinies.

Don't even mention it!


- Do you need a little more?
- I have told you to leave!

- I have waited just in case.
- Leave right now.

Right now?

Arrive soon.

- Did you run here?
- I like to be punctual.

Everything is ready for the sacrifice.

Will you try to keep your threat today?

I will not attempt it; I will keep it.

You will be lazy; I will not
yield to your blackmailing.

- Do you urgently need to get rid of V?zquez?
- Don't be ironic.

I have told him the whole thing,
and you are going to k*ll him.

But I am not planning to lose you!


Hers is a better death than mine.

I am happy to be here.

- Would you have k*lled me?
- You would still be able to do it.

If you would have her treated better,

you would not have discovered
the woman that she is.

- Do you declare your love to me?
- We loved differently.

But we are similar.

How have you managed to make
me keep Ojeda for a race?

- You only came for this?
- You know better.

I know that after your passion there
is something, and I want to discover it.

What will V?zquez say when
you fail to see her?

- Let's not talk about him.
- Must you see him tomorrow?

Attention, the governor
Gual has begged...

call on the Interior Ministry
for an urgent report.

Do they know that I'm here?

Alejandro Gual, attend
to the Interior Ministry...

on an urgent matter.

- They will recognize you.
- You will be hurt.

Let's go, swiftly!

You hoped to see them.

What's going on?

- What is he doing?
- They have ordered us to stop him.

- I have authority here!
- The general delegate has authority.

We are under siege.

- What delegate?
- Raymond V?zquez.

Congratulations; what you
believed in was clever.

We go, chief; do not make him
still more difficult for us.


The delegate sends me to look for her.

- What's going on?
- You are for the mutiny.

- It has not yet finished?
- It has just begun.

They have taken the quarters
and they have armed themselves.

V?zquez has held them
at the mountain pass,

But if they make way for themselves,
they will get to El Pao.


We are going to transfer
the wounded persons.

They will not advance until dawn.

Be on the alert.


How long can you resist?

We have hardly 30
cartridges left per g*n.

After the first attack,
there will be no amm*nit*on.

- And the prisoners?
- There.

Let's go.

What are you going to do?

- Execute them?
- Talk with them.

There are only 300 armed rebels.

I should say 1,500 more unarmed.

Get up! Let's go!

Do you hear?

Get up!

Leave them.

Rebelling is very serious.

Whoever has weapons
will be punished...

and then they get shot.

I will forgive the other ones,

If the fight ceases before 8.

After, the army will act, and
I will not be able to intercede.

Even if your comrades advance
and get to the boats,

they will die.

And you as well.


The planes will destroy the boats.

You have no chance to save yourselves.

Except the one that I offer you.

You are free.

Let's go; you are free!

Whoever is armed after 8 will die.

If not, you will live.

Tell the rest.

I am going to talk with the minister.

I will take them to the
mountain pass and I will say
that they should not sh**t them.


Keep me informed.


My love!

Oh, In?s!

You cannot do more!

I was afraid that they would
come to announce your death.

We are lost.


The Home Secretary.


Here's the delegate.


I will try to resist,
but I need reinforcements.

I cannot do more!


- Hello?
- What does he want?

The prisoners will get to El Pao.
Without reinforcements,

I cannot slow them down!

In order that the vice-president
not get inside,

S?enz wants a compromise.

Just me!

- We die here while they scheme!
- That's a crime.

And I have done that also.

I have been atrocious!

They have k*lled almost all
the political prisoners...

in order not to make a revolt.

Cardinal Red has died.

He also.

For our fault.

It is as if we had k*lled them.

We never will repair
the damage we caused.


Excuse me, Excellency. We have
gathered all possible weapons,

But there is not enough amm*nit*on.

Place all your men at
the entrance to the city.

And sink the boats if
they get to El Pao.

You see what we have done
in order to get rid of Gual?

Perhaps you forget
Garc?a's declaration?

It's true.

While we fought, you only
thought about yourself and Gual.

- What has happened to you?
- Nothing.

I promised to spend the night with
him to drive you away from here.

- Now it's in your hands.
- What a price you paid!

You get what you deserve.

I am left with nothing, Carlota.


What did you want to see me for?

You have won; congratulations.

Great performance.

- For that matter, did you want to see me?
- They have not yet ex*cuted me.

When the vice-president
learns about this farce...

it will be too late.

- The sentence will have been ex*cuted.
- V?zquez won't do it.

Will the government execute
me unknowingly?

We have to take a risk, no?

Have you foreseen everything?

Me too.

When I'm dead they will be rid of me.

For Garc?a's declaration?

Come what may,
you will have paid.


I did not know how to treat her.

We were two of a kind.


Don't you feel embarrassed to do that?

- What if we dealt?
- Good.

It will be left in the family.

- We were his only friends.
- Yes.



Who is this?

Captain Real?

Tell me.


I don't hear him to well.



How many are there?

Won't it be a catch?



How has he been?


I'm heading there.

I will send men for him.

Call the Home Secretary.

Pass it to me here.

What joy!

I almost went crazy;
I dared not call your name.

But you are here.

- What just happened?
- The danger has happened.



They all have surrendered,

Except some that have
avoided the mountain.

Soon we will stop them.

What a great success!

Aren't you happy?

What's the matter with you?

We have conquered;
a new life awaits us.


We have k*lled Gual.

We were all in this together,
but we are assassins.

I want to talk with you.


He is the hero of the day.

I never will forget that you
have finished with the mutiny.

But what's most important is that
with your strength and ability,

you have avoided
a bloody revolution.

Great men like you start from
nothing and achieve great things.

I was a worker, and I'm
proud of my origins.


you have known how to keep
order; we are proud of you.


Our vice-president is not
going to go to this meeting?


- What's going on?
- I will explain it to you.

Come to see me at 4.

Excuse me.

I've never seen the president
so warm with anybody.

I congratulate you; your
confidence has won the day.

- But your work is not yet finished.
- I'm at your disposal.

- Whisky.
- Thanks.

Barreiro has driven away his brother

This intends to happen as
soon as possible to him.

You cannot hide your impatience.

In order to avoid it,
I want to prove...

that the vice-president
conspired along with Gual...

in order to remove
Barreiro from office.

They provoked the mutiny.

That was the fuse,
and you put it out.


I should prove that Gual
conspired with the vice-president...

when coming to the continent
the day of the mutiny.

We know that Mrs. Vargas
accompanied Gual...

and that they were lovers.

I swear that is false.

I know, but you appeared
with him in public.

I need you to do me a
certain delicate favor.

It's a declaration
where she affirms...

that Gual told you the
vice-president's plans.

Here you say that they were lovers.

He won't sign.

- Neither will I ask you for him.
- I waited for this.

I congratulate you.

I need loyal and faithful men.

But if she agrees, you would
do your country a great service.

You would help her to escape
to a foreign place safe and sound.

I'll show you something.

With this, I know that
you will collaborate.

I ignored Garc?a's declaration.

Gual sent her to the
vice-president, but we blocked her.

How is this possible?

Gual made Garc?a sign two declarations.

- It is a compelled confession.
- I know.

If we want justice and freedom,

help me to neutralize
the vice-president.

Soon you will be governing and
you should collaborate with Barreiro...

and get Mrs. Vargas to
accept my conditions.

No; she has helped me.
And besides, I want her!

I must do everything.

Only you can get her to
sign this declaration.

OK. I know that it will
be most advisable.

And you already requested
it four days ago?

You know what that
implies for my firm?

A scandal, my exile,
and our separation.

Don't sign.

Let them condemn me.

I did not k*ll Vargas, but I
will pay for what I have done.

That is the only solution.

I will sign and we will
leave side by side.

And did C?rdenas almost die?

I cannot do it. We should
have fled from Gual.

Now it is too late.

Serving S?enz, you never
will silence your conscience.

He acts like Gual.

Look at this letter.

You already know his intrigues,
and you want to stick with them?

Spread your ideas elsewhere!

The world is very large!

Order her to S?enz, and
we will go in the morning.

- Good morning.
- Hello.

- You should sign the mail.
- Thanks.

Today 30 prisoners will come.

How soon they replace the dead!

The official mail.

There are new orders for
the prisoners' regimen.

- I leave at 2.
- For how long?

It depends.

I have come to see
his Srta. Cardinal Red.

- Where are you?
- At the cemetery; you will return.

- And these orders?
- Soon.

Srta. Cardinal Red?

I'll show up. I am Ram?n
V?zquez, the governor.

Did you want to see me?

You wanted to pick up
my father's things.

We have some.

I will order them brought for you.

I will accompany her.

- You wrote about my father?
- Yes.

You couldn't do more.

I was a pupil of his.

I did not remind you
to see him at home.

I never went.

I didn't dare.


- Has she been left alone?
- That's right.

The worst thing is the culprits
are ignorant of your death...

and the damage that they have done.

They know it.

And perhaps they dedicate
their life to repair it.

Aren't you ready?

- We should leave.
- I won't go.


Yesterday you convinced me,
but I cannot leave.

That's settled then.

Good, we don't leave.

It is the same as S?enz did.

You're right.

Nobody will separate us.

- Isn't there another option?
- No.

Let's break my declaration.

- We cannot do it.
- What?

With your confession we will
destroy the vice-president.

- Are you serious?
- Yes.

You have progressed;
Gual would be proud.

On behalf of duty, anything goes!

Understand me, I must do it.

- Do it in memory of my love.
- I remember something else.

Humiliations that I suffered for
you and that you are ignorant of.

I will not quit so that
you humiliate me now.

Let's avoid getting hurt.

We should pay for
what we have done.

You only think about yourself.

It would have
exhausted me otherwise.

Having me k*lled
simulating an escape.

I will never forgive this.

Neither will I accept
S?enz's blackmailing.

- Understand it!
- I miss Mexico.

If in 15 days you do not
return, I will denounce you.

- No!
- I will say everything.

About the riot and the false
confessions that you forced out of me!

You know it now.

And this is also determined.

Quickly or I will not arrive!

- Swiftly!
- We're at a control point.

They know the car now.

- Your safe-conduct.
- I don't have it.

There are standards.

I am Vargas's widow.

Let me go by; I should
take an airplane.


I'll knock at the
palace and ask.

- Let's go.
- But...

I will quickly become
the person in charge.


Stop them!

sh**t! Fire!

The palace?

Here Miranda's job.

With the governor.

What a shame!

An official car has tried to flee,
and its occupants have died.

Yes. Hear!

The prisoners have arrived.

There are twelve politicians.

You should sign.

- What is that?
- Prisoners.

- Are they political prisoners?
- Yes.

- Chained?
- Yes.


Have they disobeyed me?

I have already given you
the president's new orders.

They reestablish the chains for all.

- John Garc?a.
- Yes.


Stand firm!

- Are they political prisoners?
- Yes.

Separate them.

Politicians, go ahead.

Unleash them.

- But...
- Obey!

Unleash them!

- I have ex*cuted the order.
- Walk away with them.

What does he wait for?

About face!

Advance, march!


About face!


You had sacrificed
for your ideal...

everything that you hated,
which you admired and loved.

But you wanted to go too far.

Breaking that paper,

your refusal to accept an
unacceptable order is...

your death warrant and
the death of your freedom.

Ram?n V?zquez's dream has come true.