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24x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 12/16/23 08:10
by bunniefuu

-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood.

A beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine,
could you be mine.

It's a neighborly day
in this beautywood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine,
could you be mine.

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So, let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Sense we're together we might
as well say, would be mine,

could you be mine, won't
you be my neighbor?

Won't you please,
won't you please.

Please won't you be my neighbor.

Hi neighbor.

Oh, I was looking forward
to visiting with you today.

Some friends of mine
were doing some plumbing

work with pipe like this.

And they had this
piece left over.

So I asked them if
I could have it.

I thought we could use
it for-- can you guess?

Use it for a tunnel.

I've got some blocks and a car.

Let's see if this fits in.

I hope it does.

Oh, it does.

It fits right in there.

Now I think I'll have to lift
it up to make the-- there it is.

I'll make it come back.

If I didn't have a car, no,
that block wouldn't fit in.

But I could use it like that.



I'm going to try to the-- well,
this little one might-- yep.

Bring it back.

Now one other thing.

I want to put this in here.

Could you tell where it
might be along in here?

I can't tell.

It's somewhere around here.

I keep wondering.

There it is.

There's lots to wonder about,
isn't there, in this world.

[SINGING] Did you know?

Did you know?

Did you know that it's
all right to wonder?

Did you know that it's
all right to wonder?

There are all kinds
of wonderful things.

Did you know?

Did you know?

Did you know that it's
all right to marvel?

Did you know that it's
all right to marvel?

There are all kinds
of marvelous things.

You can ask a lot of questions
about the world and your place

in it.

You can ask about
people's feelings.

You can learn the
sky's the limit.

Did you know?

Did you know?

Did you know when you
wonder you're learning?

Did you know when you marvel
you're learning about all kinds

of wonderful, all kinds
of marvelous, marvelously

wonderful things.

Yes, you are when you wonder--


--And marvel.

Let's see who that is.

Oh, it's Mr. McFeely.

There's a wonderful,
marvelous person.

-Speedy delivery.

-Speedy delivery?

I haven't ordered
anything today.

-But do you have time to
watch a surprise videotape?

-Well, of course.

What's it about?

-Well, it's about
something I did in a car.

-Going in a tunnel?

-No, but it was like a tunnel.

-Can you give us a hint?

-Well, I was in a delivery car.


-And it had gotten dirty.

-Oh, you washed your car.

-You are right.

But watch how I did it.

-OK, let's watch.

-It's right here on the tape.

-I'll just show it then.

-And we'll call it Mr.
McFeely's surprise videotape.

-All right.



-Let's watch Mr. McFeely's
surprise videotape.

MR. MCFEELY: Now here
I am, driving up to it.

MR. ROGERS: Driving up to what?

first I pay Cathy.

And then I drive into
the tunnel-like building.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, it's a car wash.

MR. MCFEELY: Yes, you
guessed the surprise.

MR. ROGERS: It does
look like a tunnel.

shows me where to go.

Then I turn the motor off and
wait for the special tracks

to help move the car along.

Now watch.

You see, it's getting
into the special tracks.

And that helps move the
car through the car wash.

MR. ROGERS: Mm hm.

MR. MCFEELY: Now these big
flaps put soap all over the car.

MR. ROGERS: My, look at that.

the first step.

MR. ROGERS: Oh, I see
it moving along there.

It's fun to watch those flaps.

They look like
big paint brushes.

Painting your car with soap.

MR. MCFEELY: They surely do.

See there's more
soap on the windows.

MR. ROGERS: What are those?

MR. MCFEELY: Well, next
these soft spinning brushes

gently scrub the
dirt off the car.

MR. ROGERS: Look at them go.

MR. MCFEELY: All along the car,
they are scrubbing the dirt.

like there's some more

of those big flaps coming.

MR. MCFEELY: Oh, you're right.

This time the flaps wipe off
some of the soap and dirt.

they wipe it off.

There you are, Mr. McFeely.

MR. MCFEELY: Watching the
flaps go over the car.

There we go.

I'm certainly enjoying my
trip through the car wash.

Now watch as the car gets
sprayed all over with water.

This water spray takes off
the rest of the soap and dirt.

The wheels are
being cleaned now.

I guess you could
call it a rinse.

MR. ROGERS: Yeah, look at
those four squirts there.

MR. MCFEELY: It kind
of feels like it's

raining outside
during this part.

MR. ROGERS: But it looks like
you're safe and dry inside.

that's for sure.

Now these very big
flaps go over the car

and wipe off some of the water.

I guess it helps dry the car.

There they go.

MR. ROGERS: It looks
cleaner already.


Then I start up the car.

And I drive off the tracks.

And I drive out of the building.

There I come out
of the building,

so that these people
can dry off the car

and check to be sure
that it's all clean.

MR. ROGERS: A lot of
them working together.

MR. MCFEELY: To help get
the car clean and dry.

And I thank them
for their good work.

And then I drive
off to do my work,

in my very clean delivery car.

-That was really fun
to see, Mr. McFeely.

-Well, I thought you'd like
my surprise car wash tape.

-I should say.

-You know, one of
my grandchildren

was afraid of the car wash.

But he came with me
one day, and now he

understands that
it won't hurt him.

-He's fortunate to have
you for a grandfather.

-Oh, he and I are good pals.

In fact, he played for a
long time with his toy car

in water after that.

It's good to play about
things you feel, isn't it.

-It's very good, I think.

-Well, I've got to be on my way.

And I'll come back another day.

-Well, we always like it when
you come back, Mr. McFeely.

-Thank you, speedy delivery.

See you around the neighborhood.

-Thanks for the surprise.

MR. MCFEELY: You're welcome.

-Let's pretend that
this is a car wash.

The car would go in like this.

It would be all of those
things that happened to the car

as it goes along.

Then comes out clean.

Clean and a little wet.

I'd like to show you my
water table in the backyard.

I have it out where I
usually keep the sand table.

I think I'll put the
pipe in the water.


Ever since I was
a little boy I've

liked to swim and
be around water.

In fact, I just love
the feel of water.

Do you?

Dry off my pipe.

Yeah, I just wanted
to show you this.


-Oh, somebody at the door.

Somebody else come to visit.

Let's see who it is.

Be right back, fish.


-Oh, it's Maggie Stewart.

Come in, Maggie.

How are you today?

-Just fine, thanks.


I've just come back from a trip.

And I picked this orange
from an orange tree for you.

-What a thoughtful
person you are.

-Well, I was thinking
about you while I was away.

And I know you like oranges.

-I surely do.

How do you sign an
orange in sign language.

-This is the sign for orange.

Like this.


-It's like squeezing
the juice in your mouth.

-Oh, very nice.

You know, something
that I like even

better than oranges
are your songs.

Would you sing us a song?

-Sure, I'd be happy to.

How about "Everything
Grows Together,

Because You're All One Piece?"


You want to sit down--


---or stand up for it?

-Let's have a seat over here.

The window seat.

-Everything grows together.


-Because you're all one piece.


grows together,

because you're all one piece.

Your nose grows, as
the rest of you grows,

because you're all one piece.

Everything grows together,
because you're all one piece.

Your ears grow, as your nose
grows, as the rest of you

grows, because
you're all one piece.

Everything grows together,
because you're all one piece.

Your arms grow, as your ears
grow, as your nose grows,

as the rest of you grows,
because you're all one piece.

Everything grows together,
because you're all one piece.

Your hands grow,
as your arms grow,

as your ears grow, as you
nose grows, as the rest of you

grows, because
you're all one piece.

Everything grows together,
because you're all one piece.

Your fingers grow,
as your hands grow,

as your arms grow, as your
ears grow, as your nose grows,

as the rest of you grows,
because you're all one piece.

Everything grows together,
because you're all one piece.

Your legs grow, as
your fingers grow,

as your hands grow,
as your arm grow,

as your ears grow, as your
nose grows, as the rest of you

grows, because
you're all one piece.

Everything grows together,
because you're all one piece.

Your feet grow,
as your legs grow,

as your fingers grow,
as your hands grow,

as your arms grow, as your
ears grow, as your nose grows,

as the rest of you grows,
because you're all one piece.

Everything grows together,
because you're all one piece.

Your toes grow,
as your feet grow,

as your legs grow,
as your fingers grow,

as your hands grow,
as your arms grow,

as your ears grow, as your
nose grows, as the rest of you

grows, because
you're all one piece.

Yes, you're all one piece.

-Great, Maggie.

-I like that song.

-I do too.

What's this mean?

-This is all together.

It means connected.

-Oh, I love that one.

-It's all connected.

-We're all connected.

-Yes, we are.
-You're such a good neighbor.

-We are connected.


And this orange will
help me to grow.

-Well, I hope you like it.

-I sure will.

Thank you, Maggie.


-Please come back and
visit, whenever you do like.

-I certainly will do that.

Bye for now.

-Thanks, Maggie.

Isn't she a kind person?

Let's have some make believe.


-Hello Trolley.


-Wait a minute Trolley.

The neighbors in
Make-Believe have

reason to believe that there
is an old underground tunnel

somewhere nearby.

Now let's pretend about
they're discovering one soon,

as the trolley goes into the
neighborhood of Make-Believe.

Now, Trolley, all right.


-Yes, the king wants
to see what I found.


It says once upon a time,
there was a secret--


Here he is now.

Same to you, Trolley.

-Eh, Cousin Mary Owl, I presume?

-Correct as usual, King Friday.

-We understand you wish
to read something to me.

-Yes, Sire.

-You may proceed.

-Thank you, your majesty.

Once upon a time--

-Excuse me, but I was
told this scientific data.

-We think it is, King Friday.

-Once upon a time sounds
like a fairy tale to me.

-But you haven't heard
the most important part.

-Very well, carry on then.

-Once upon a time, there
was a secret tunnel

in the neighborhood
of Make-Believe, but--

-But what?

-That's all there is.

-If there was a secret tunnel
here in this neighborhood,

once upon a time, it
must still be here.


When you find it, I shall
come and walk through it.

You may now find
it, Cousin Mary.

-We're trying.

We'll do our best.

-Do whatever it takes.

A secret tunnel, no less.

-Yes, once upon a time--

-Look what I found,
in the P room.

-What is it?

-I think it's another
little piece of the puzzle.

-Good for you.

What does it say?

-Once upon a time there
was a secret tunnel

in the neighborhood
of Make-Believe.

But that tunnel got
covered up by some--

-Is that it?

-That's it so far.

But I have the
feeling that there's

another piece of this
puzzle somewhere.

-Let's look for it.

-All right.

-But first, I promised I'd tell
King Friday about anything new.


You do that.

I'll tell the others.

I'll see you later.

-Right on.

a secret tunnel

in the neighborhood
of Make-Believe.


Looking for tunnel.

I hope he finds it.

Oh, there's Mayor
Maggie with Lady Elaine.

-Oh, hi.

-Hi, Lady Elaine, how are you.

Mayor Maggie--

-Look at this great
book that Mayor

Maggie brought for the museum.

LADY ABERLIN: All about oranges?

oranges and their trees.

-Yes, it's an old book.

So we thought it
should be in a museum.

Oh, here's a piece
of paper in here.

-I never saw a bookmark
like that, Toots.

-Somebody wrote on it.

-What's it say?

-Roots of a great big tree.

-What did you say?

-I said somebody wrote
on this old bookmark.

-That's just what
we've been looking for.


It fits the puzzle.

-The puzzle?


Read all this together.

-Once upon a time, there
was a secret tunnel

in the neighborhood
of Make-Believe.

Oh, I didn't know that.

-Read on.

-A secret tunnel
that got covered up

by some roots of
a great big tree.

-Well, how about that.

-Well, the biggest tree
in this neighborhood,

is X and Henrietta's tree.

-Well, I'll get on my digging
clothes, and see you all.



-Cousin Steve, this
is Mayor Maggie.

-How do you do?

-Pretty well, actually.

My ball soundings tell
me that the secret tunnel

may be close to Cousin X's tree.

I know it sounds strange, but
I keep coming right back here.

-It doesn't sound strange to us.

Read this.

-Roots of a great big tree.


Well let's get to work.

X: Hey you all.

-Well we can--

X: Hey, you all.

-Oh, X.

X: I'll tell you something.

I have looked everywhere.

I've flown for miles around.

But I can't find it.

-It may be in your own backyard.

-What do you mean?

-Will you explain to X?

And I'll go tell Uncle
Friday and Cousin Mary.

And we'll be right back.

-To dig.



Oh, Trolley.

Good news, Trolley.


Yes, we think it might
be over by the tree.


-You're right.

-Do you think they'll find a
secret tunnel near the tree?

We'll pretend more
about that next time.

Right now, I need
to feed the fish.

You ready for some food, fish?

Did you notice how
everybody was helping

everybody else in Make-Believe?

Isn't it great to see
people helping each other?

I have a book I'd
like to read with you.

It's a fairly big book.

This book is called
"A Walk With Abuela."

Did you ever hear of an abuela?

Well, that means grandmother.

So this book is about a
walk with a grandmother.

Let's take a look at it.

MR. ROGERS: Gabrielle loved
visiting with her abuela.

Little girl's name is Gabriella.

She loved reading
libros with her.

Reading books with her.

Playing lap games together and
just talking about everything.

But most of all, she loved
taking paseos with her.

Loved taking walks with her.

They weren't just
ordinary walks.

They were adventures.

They would walk through
the fields behind her house

and take giant steps
through the high grass.

Leap into the air
and move their arms

gracefully, like a mariposa.

That's a mariposa right there.


They would rock hop
across the stream.

And frog jump to the
edge of the woods.

They would tiptoe quietly,
so they could hear the wind

through the trees and
los pajaritos singing.

These are los
pajaritos, the birds.

Sometimes, they
walked like elephants.

Or galloped like horses.

Or zigzagged their
way back a casa.

And when they got
to Abuela's garden,

they would fall into
her hammock and remember

the fun they had together.

I like all kinds of books.

Books with pictures, books
with words, books with stories.

I even like the feel
of holding a book.

You know, books can
be like friends.

I hope you're
getting to like books

more and more, as you
grow bigger and bigger.

I must clean up my toys here.

Take my orange and my tunnel.

It gives me a good feeling to be
able to share things with you.

And when I go away, I
come back next time.

[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling, to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling
you're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling.

A very good feeling.

The feeling you know that I'll
be back, when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

You and I are really connected.

Mm hm.

Take my orange, my tunnel,
and "My Walk With Abuela."

And I'll be back next time.

You know why.

Because I like being with you.
