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25x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 12/16/23 08:14
by bunniefuu

-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beauty-wood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I have always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day,

since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please?

Won't you please?

Please won't you be my neighbor?

-Hello, neighbor.

How are you doing?

I'm glad we can be
together right now.

Look at this.

This is a bag that's made
out of some material that

has an old-fashioned
alphabet on it.

See that alphabet?

That's like people
making themselves

alone into letters
of the alphabet.

People have been drawing the
alphabet for a long, long time.

Inside here is a new book
that one of my neighbors made.

It's called "The Speedy
Delivery Alphabet Book."

This is a present
from Mr. McFeely.

I think I'll call him and
see if he can come over.


Hello, Mrs. McFeely.

How are you?

Busy, I see.

Is Mr. McFeely there?

When he gets back, would you
ask him to give me a call?

Oh, nothing urgent,
no, yes, thank you.

Goodbye, Mrs. McFeely.

Mr. McFeely is out
making some deliveries.

But I think I'll show
you this book anyway.

It's really something fun.

It's an alphabet way
of Mr. McFeely making

his speedy deliveries,
all different ways.

Here we go.

Mr. McFeely runs the
speedy delivery service.

He has many ways to
make his deliveries.

Some are fast.

Some are slow.

But each one begins
with a different letter

of the alphabet.

A for airplane,
there's Mr. McFeely

making a speedy
delivery in an airplane.

B, bus, can you find Mr.
McFeely in the Bus Right there.

C for canoe, Mr. McFeely
with his packages

in the canoe making a delivery.

D for dogsled.

Look at all those
deliveries he has.

E, who's helping him
with this delivery?

E for elephant.

F, fire truck.

You see where Mr. McFeely
is in the fire truck?

G, oh he's in a golf cart.

H for helicopter, can you
find him in the helicopter?

I, he's making a
delivery on ice skates.

J, jet plane.

There he is in the jet plane.

K, for kayak, going
down the water.

L, oh, look, he's
going up on a ladder,

making a delivery to
these birds up here.

M, motor boat, there he
is driving the motoboat.

Look, an N for the
neighborhood trolley.

See Mr. McFeely sitting in
the neighborhood trolley?

O, for ox cart.

P, oh look, pogo stick.

Jumping along on his pogo stick.

Q for quarter horse.

R, rolling along on
his roller skates.

S, oh he has a stagecoach,
s for stagecoach.

All of his deliveries up
there on the stagecoach.

T, he's on his tricycle.

Tricycle with three wheels,
tri, one, two, three, tricycle.

U, unicycle, one
wheel, unicycle.

V, oh he's swinging on a
vine to make a delivery.

W for wagon, we've seen Mr.
McFeely deliver with a wagon,

haven't we?

X for Xebec, that's
the name of this boat.

It's a Xebec.

Can you see Mr. McFeely on that
Xebec, on that special boat?

There he is.

Y, he's on a yak, that animal.

Z for zebra, that
zebra is helping

Mr. McFeely make his delivery.

The "Speedy Delivery
Alphabet Book,"

let's sing the alphabet song.

-[SINGING] A, B, C, D, E, F,
G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O,

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.


-Oh, there's the phone.

Let's see who it is.


Oh, hello Mr. McFeely.

Yes, I did.

I was hoping you might
be able to stop by today.

No, not a delivery,
it's more like a pickup.

That's right, a pick
up, but not a delivery.

After a while, well,
that's good enough for us.

We'll see you when you come.

No, just a pick
up, right, thanks.

Goodbye, Mr. McFeely.

Mr. McFeely says that he'll
come over after a while.

And we'll give this
surprise to him then.

In the meantime, let's
have some make believe.

I'll just leave it right here.

Oh, look-- we'll have
some make believe.

Come on, Trolley.


-We've been pretending that
the trolley has been going

much too fast all along
the tracks in Make Believe.

There's no time for anybody
or anything to get on.

Different neighbors have
been trying to help.

And last time, Lady Aberlin
and Cousin Steve the Owl

were even trying to catch the
trolley with trolley nets.

So let's think more about
that as the trolley goes

into the Neighborhood
of Make Believe.


-I missed it again.


-Oh boy, now what?

-X the Owl's Cousin
Steve, I presume?

-Correct as usual King Friday.

-You're a tall one for an owl.

-Oh, I'm on skates, sire.

-Oh, I see, shiny skates, yes.

And what are you
catching with your net?

-Not much of anything,
your highness.

-But what are you trying
to catch with your net?

-Oh, I've been trying to
catch the neighborhood trolley

and get it to slow down.

-Yes, well some things are fast.

And some things are--

-Hello, Daddy,
hello Cousin Steve.

-Hello, Tuesday.

-Prince Tuesday, I presume.

-Correct as usual, Daddy.

-Speaking of fast things,
recite your speedy alphabet

for Cousin Steve.

-A, B, C, D, E F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O,

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

-Wow, that is fast.

-There isn't much
you can do with it.

-I find it very impressive, son.

You may say it again
before I take my leave.

-Do I have to, Daddy?

-You do not.

But it would please
me if you did.

-OK, A, B, C, D, E--

-Telephone calls.

-Such interruptions!

Someone's always calling
me at inappropriate times.

-Actually, there are two
telephone calls, King Friday.


Oh my, a King's
work is never done.

-Well, one is for
Prince Tuesday.

And the other one is
for Cousin Steven Owl.

-Well, then carry on.

I have an important
meeting inside.


-Goodbye, King Friday.

-First call is for you, Tuesday.



Oh, hi Daniel!

Sure, well, I'll tell Mom
and Dad and come right over.


Daniel wants me to
go to his clock.

I'll see you all later.

-You will tell your Mom and Dad
where you're going, won't you?

-Oh, sure, I always do that.

See you.

-Goodbye, Tuesday.

-Next call is for
you on line two.

-Thank you.

Hello, Cousin
Steven the Owl here.

How may I help you?


Oh, that's you,
Cousin X. Right, I've

been trying to get the
trolley to slow down.

OK, sure I'd be glad to.

See you in a minute.


Thank you, Miss P.
That was my Cousin X.


That's a short distance
call if I ever heard one.

-Yes, it was a short
distance from there to here.

-Well, I've got to get
back to my switch board.

-And I to my tree.

-Happy traveling.

-Same to you.

-Hey, you're great at
that, Cousin Steve.

-It's a little like flying.

-Yes, it is.

Of course, it's with your feet.

Anyway, I've been
thinking about your trying

to slow down the
trolley and all.

-I haven't been much help.

-I have an idea.

What is it?

-You'll need to come
inside so I can show you.

-Should I bring my net?

-I don't think
you'll need your net.


-Oh, Hi, Lady A.


What a surprise to see you here.

-Daniel called and
asked me to come over.

-Oh, I don't want to bother you.

-Oh, I'm glad you acme.


-Just wanted to show somebody
this vine I found on the path.

-It's nice.

-Isn't it?

Would you like to swing on it?

I'll hold it for you.

-Not right now, I just wondered
if you might talk with Daniel.

-Oh, sure, is something wrong?

-He seems to be sad.

I don't know why.

-Of course.

Please ask him to come out.

Or I could come in.

-OK, just a minute.

-I wonder what could
be making Daniel sad.

-Here he is, Lady A.

-Hi, Lady Aberlin.

-Hell, Daniel how are you?

-Pretty good, you have
a pretty vine here.

-Isn't it pretty?

Would you like to swing on it?

I'll hold it for you.

-Not today, thanks.

-Is there's something you would
like to talk about, Daniel?

-The alphabet.

-You'd like to talk
about the alphabet?

You mean, A, B, C, D, E, F, G?

-Sort of.

You say it, Tuesday.

-OK, A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O,

P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.

-My gracious!

That's fast!

-I can't do it.

I start and I get all mixed up.

A, B, C, D, X, W, U,
W, K, L, O-- you see?

I just can't do it fast.

-And that makes you feel sad?

-Yes, it does.

-Does your teacher say
you have to learn it fast?

-No, she never said that.

I just learned it
that way because Daddy

likes me to do it.

-But I can't do it.

-What can you do with
the alphabet, Daniel?

-I can spell my name.

-How do you feel your name?

D-A-N-I-E-L, Daniel.


And what else can you
do with the alphabet?

-Spell T-A-M-E. That means tame.

-And what else?

-I-L-O-V-E Y-O-U.

-And what does that spell?

-Oh, I love you.

-I didn't know that.

Teach that to me, OK?

-OK, I L-O-V-E, Y-O-U.

-OK, L-O-V-E, L-O-U.

-No, no, start out
very slowly, Tuesday.

I L-O-V-E.

-I L-O-V-E.

-That's good.

Now, Y-O-U.


-That's it.

I love you.

-Looks like you two
are both good learners.

-But I learn things best
when I learn them slowly.

-And I think maybe I do too.

-I wish we could get
the trolley to realize

that slow is very good too.

-Maybe your vine could help.

-Well, I never thought
of that, Daniel.

You have such good ideas.

-You do, too, Lady A.

-That's for sure.

I guess we better get on
with our play, Tuesday.


-See you later.

-Thanks, Lady A. Goodbye.

-You're welcome.

-There you are.

I've been looking
everywhere for you.

-I was over by the clock

-You have a call on line one.

-Oh, thanks.





-So it's not saying
the alphabet very

fast that's the important thing.

What's important is learning
how to put the letters

of the alphabet
together to make words.

And Daniel taught the prince
how to spell I love you.

L-O-V-E, that spells love.

Can you see that?


What do you suppose Lady
Aberlin will do with her vine?

And what do you suppose X
the Owl and his cousin Steve

will plan to do?

We'll think about
those things next time.


-There's somebody at the door.

Oh, it's Mr. McFeely, good.

Come in, Mr. McFeely.

-Speedy delivery, I
must say I'm curious.

You called for a pick
up, but not a delivery.

-Not a delivery, that's right.

Would you please come in?

-Sure would.

What is the pickup?

-It's a present for you.

-A present for me?

The "Speedy Delivery
Alphabet Book."

This is for me?

-It is.

-Thank you.

-You see how this speedy
delivery looks like?

-It matches that
speedy delivery.

-Exactly, it's a book
that shows different ways

of your delivering things.

There you see in an airplane.

-An airplane.

-And you see--

-This is wonderful.

-All different ways.

-There you are with an
elephant helping you.

-Elephant, that would
be a slow delivery.

-That's right.

-Here you are on ice skates.

-Well, that would
be a fast delivery.

-Here you are going up a ladder.

-Some bird seed for some birds.

This is wonderful.

-You like it?

There you on your tricycle.

Some are pretend.

And some are real.

-Well, this is a lot of fun.

I want to see just
thing, one thing

here, what is R for Rogers?

Roller skates!

-Roller skates!

-This is a lot of fun.

And speaking of fun, I
have something to show you.

-Oh, you do?

-I do.

In here, it's a
funny fast surprise.

On there.

-A funny fast film.

-That's right, funny fast film.

-Oh, could we see it?

-We can.

-What's it about?

-Well it's about the
day I was raking leaves.

Only I'm raking them
faster than real.

-Oh, good, let's try.

-But remember as
we're watching it,

it's the film that makes it
look like it's going faster.

-All right.

-Because it's a funny fast film.

We'll showing it
on picture picture,

Mr. McFeely raking leaves
in a funny fast way.


-That Is funny and fast.

-Speedy raking.


-I have to go now.

I just thought you'd
enjoy that film.

And thank you for this book?

-Is your stagecoach
waiting for you?

-My stagecoach?

-Look under S.

-Under S, my stagecoach.

There I am on a stagecoach.

Well, I'll just roll on it.

-Thank you.

-Thank you very much,
I cannot wait to show

this to Betsy and
my grandchildren.

And you know something?

Every time we read it,
we'll think of you.

-Oh, thanks Mr. McFeely.

I'm so glad you like it.


He really liked it!

That's best part of giving
something, when somebody is

able to like what
you've given them.

There you are, fish.

I like giving you
some food, too.

You are my friend.

You are special.

You are my friend.

You're special to me.

You are the only one like
you, like you my friend.

I like you.

In the daytime,
in the night time,

any time that you
feel s the right time

for a friendship
with me, you see.

Can you spell friend?

F-R-I-E-N-D, special.

You are my friend.

You're special to me.

There's only one in
this wonderful world.

You are special.

It's not so much what we have
in this life that matters.

It's what we do
with what we have.

The alphabet is fine.

But it's what we do with
it that matters most.

Making words like
friend, and love,

that's what really matters.

What did I have in
here when I came

for the beginning of our visit?

That book for Mr. McFeely.

Oh, it gives me
such a good feeling

to know that we can get
together with these visits.

-[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling.

You're growing inside.

And when you wake
up, ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

-You always make each
day such a special day.

You know how?

By just your being yourself.

Yep, there's only one person
in this whole world like you.

And that's you.

And there's only one
person in the whole world

like your neighbor.

And that's your neighbor.

And people can like you and your
neighbor exactly as you are.

I'll be back next time, buh-bye.