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26x11 - Helping

Posted: 12/17/23 07:31
by bunniefuu

-[SINGING] It's a beautiful
day in this neighborhood,

a beautiful day for a neighbor.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

It's a neighborly day
in this beauty-wood,

a neighborly day for a beauty.

Would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

I always wanted to have
a neighbor just like you.

I've always wanted to live
in a neighborhood with you.

So let's make the most
of this beautiful day.

Since we're together, we might
as well say, would you be mine?

Could you be mine?

Won't you be my neighbor?

Won't you please?

Won't you please?

Please won't you be my neighbor?

-Hello, neighbor.

Glad we could be
together again today.

You know what might be in here?

One of my neighbors needed
some help with cleaning.

So I just took this little
vacuum sweeper and helped out.

Want to see how it works.

Long thing there.

I have to plug it in first.

This is where you store the
cord when you're not using it.

Are you ready for the noise?

Let's turn it on here.



-You have to be ready when
somebody turns on the vacuum

sweeper because it
does make a noise.


-I think over here
could use some sweeping.



It was dusty.


Look here!

I wondered where that
little tiger was.

You were hiding in the couch.

Just walk along on the couch.

Well, that's a find.

You never know what
you'll find in the couch.

I'll put the cushions back.


-There's somebody at the door.

Let's go see who that is.

Roll you over there.

Oh, it's Chuck Aber.

Hi, chuck!

-Hello, Fred, how are you today?

-Good, come on in.

-I apologize for
not calling first.

But I was talking
to Mr. McFeely.

And he told me that you
have a small vacuum sweeper.

And I wondered if
I could borrow it.

-Of course, I was just showing
it to my television neighbor.

-Oh, I don't want to take it
if you're using it right now.

-I'm all finished.

As a matter of fact, when I was
sweeping the couch over there,

look what I found, a lost tiger.

-He reminds me of
Daniel Striped Tiger.

-Me too.

Would you have a minute to
sing a song to this tiger

and to our television neighbor.

-Why, certainly, how
about "You Are My Friend.

You Are Special"?

-Exactly that's a
sign for friend.

-[SINGING] You are my friend.

You're special.

You are my friend.

You're special to me.

You are the only one like
you, like you, my friend.

I like you.

In the daytime, in the night
time, any time that you feel's

the right time.

For a friendship with me,
you see, F-R-I-E-N-D special.

You are my friend.

You're special to me.

There's only one in
this wonderful world.

You are special.

-So are you.

-Thank you.

And you are a friend for
loaning this sweeper to me.

-I'd be glad to get
it packed up for you

if we can do that together.

-Glad to help you.

-First unplug.

-I'm helping at the
art gallery today.

There's a lot of cleaning
to do over there.

-It seems you're always
helping somebody, Chuck.

-I like to.

-Get this prepared for moving.

-Cord goes right there.

-And then you just put it
in this way into that bag.


-It first pretty well in there.

-I'll either return the
sweeper for myself or I'll

ask Mr. McFeely to
bring it to you.

-That's fine.

-OK, thank you very much.

-And thank you for the song.

-Oh, you're very welcome.

-Bye for now.

-Have a good day.

-Lots of sweeper help going
on in this neighborhood today.

-[SINGING] In the daytime,
in the night time,

any time that you
feel's the right time.

-Let's have some might believe.


-Oh, there's the telephone.


Hi, Mrs. McFeely.

Yes, we're just about to
have some make believe.

Could we come over after that?

Good, well, thank you very much.

We'll see you then.

-Mrs. McFeely is puppy
sitting for a neighbor.

She thought we might
like to see the puppies.

So we'll do that
after make believe.

Get the trolley.

OK, Trolley.


-Why don't we make believe
something about daytime,

and nighttime, and helping,
and tigers, and puppies,

and anything we want to think
about as the trolley goes

into the Neighborhood
of Make Believe.

Ready Trolley?


-Yes, Trolley.

-Hello, Trolley!

-Scintillate, scintillate,
diminutive stellar orb.

-What does that mean, Daddy?

-Oh, it means shine,
shine, little star.

-That sounds nice.

Maybe I could use
that in my poem.

-Oh, I suggest you
make up your own poem,

Prince Tuesday, your own poem.

-Daddy, you're so good at it.

Please help me write
my own poem for school.

-Son, a prince should
never asked for help.

-All right, I just thought
you might give me a few words?

-Farewell, future king
and some time poet.

-Farewell, Daddy.

-When the sun goes down and the
clouds roll by-- when the sun

goes down, and the
clouds roll by--

-Oh, hello, dear.

-Hi, Mother.

-It's soon time for your bed.

-I know, but I haven't
finished my homework.

-Is there any way I could help?

-Daddy says a prince
should never ask for help.

-Not even when a
prince needs help?

-I guess not.

Not even when he
has to write a poem.

-Well, you come
in to bed as soon

as you can because
night time's coming.

-I will, mother.

-I love you, son,
whenever you need help,

and whenever you
don't need help.

I love you.

-Thanks, mother.

When the sun goes down and the
clouds roll by, and at night

time comes around--
night time comes around--

I think of all my neighbors--
Bob Dog you scared me!

-I'm sorry, Prince.

But I was on my way to bed.

And I saw you over here.

-Who's that with you?


This is my soft copy,
Christopher Jose.

Want to say hello to prince?

-Hello Prince Tuesday.

-Hello, Christopher Jose.

-I thank all my neighbors
with every little sound.

Hope you have a good night.

-Thanks, I hope you do too.

-Christopher Jose loves poetry.

-I guess he doesn't know
it, but that love of his

finished my homework.

-Well, he's very pleased.

But he's very tired, aren't you?

OK, so we'll see you next time.


-OK, goodbye.

-Adios [HOWLING]

-Adios to you too.

-Gee, it's getting dark.

I better go to bed too.

When the sun goes down,
and clouds roll by,

and night time comes around,
I think of all my neighbors

with every little sound.

I finished my homework, mother!

I'm coming right in!

Sometimes you get help even
when you don't ask for it.


-What in the world
is going on out here?

-Hi, Lady Elaine.

I borrowed this sweeper and
had a little extra time.

So I thought I'd just help
around the neighborhood.

-Who told you I
needed any sweeping?

-Nobody, I just thought that--

-Well, before you
start helping people

you ought to ask
if they want it.

-I was only trying to--

-Just boogie on off.

It's time for bed!


-Oh, hi, Neighbor Aber.

-Hi, Daniel.

I hope I didn't waken you.

-Oh no, I was just
finishing my homework.

What are you doing?

-Well, I was trying
to be helpful.

-Keeping the neighborhood clean?

-I thought so, but Lady Elaine
said she didn't want my help.

-Well, she might
not, but I sure do.

I could use a lot of
sweeping outside and inside.

-Oh, Daniel, you're such
an understanding tiger.

-You're my friend,
Neighbor Aber.

-In the daytime.

-In the night time.

-Any time you feel's
the right time.

-For a sweep of this clock.

-Wow, that's pretty loud.

-It is, but it won't hurt you.

-Are you sure?

-Oh, yes, I wouldn't
bring anything

here that would hurt anybody.

-I didn't think you would.

-Is it all right if
I turn it on again?

-Yes, I'm ready for it now.


-It's better when
you're ready for it.

-It works well.

-I'll say it does.

-And as you see, it
doesn't hurt anybody.

-Mr. Aber?

-Yes, Daniel?

-Does Lady Elaine know
that it won't anybody?

-I'm not sure that she does.

I think you're on to
something, Daniel.

I might just ask her
the next time I see her.


-There's the Trolley!

-I'll see if it needs
any track sweeping.

-I hope you have a good
night, Neighbor Daniel.

-Hope you do too, Daniel.

-Thanks, I'll give
you an ugga mugga.

-Oh, thanks.

-Ugga mugga.

-Ugga muuga.

I feel much better.

-You're always welcome here.

-I know, thanks.


-Goodnight to you, Daniel.

-Oh, hi.


-It's a vacuum sweeper.


-Oh, yes, it makes a noise.

But it won't hurt you.


-I'd be glad to.

Right along the tracks here?


-Here it goes.

How's that?


-You're welcome.

Goodnight to you too, Trolley.

I must get back to Westwood.

So I'll see you next time.


-Do you suppose Lady Elaine was
scared of the sweeper noise,

but she just didn't
want to say so?

We'll make believe me
more about that next time.

Right now I need
to feed the fish.

And what about Prince Tuesday?

His Dad told him that a Prince
should never ask for help.

What do you think about that?

Would you ask somebody
for help if you

needed help with something?

I would.

Well, right now,
I think we should

go to the McFeely's
and see the puppies.

Shall we do that together?

Come along to the McFeely's.


-Hi, Fred, look, this is
Shelby eating her lunch here.

-Big Dog.

-And look at Shelby's babies.

-Aren't they wonderful.

These are all her babies?


-They were all born
at the same time?

-16 days ago.

And you know what they do?


-Sleep a lot.

-They look sleepy.

They kind of quiver.

-You know what Mrs.
Riggins her owner says?


-That's dreaming when
they go like that,

dreaming and growing.

-I wonder what they dream about.

Is it all right if I touch them?


-Oh, they're so soft.

You can't really play with
a newborn puppy too much.

-Oh, you can't play with them?

-You can really play with them.

They really just eat and sleep.

That's what they do the most of.

-Is it all right to pick one up?

-You can pick one up, sure.

-I'll be very careful.

-You do have to be careful
with babies and with puppies.


Oh my!

Are you sleeping?

Are you sleeping?

What beautiful puppies you are.

So tired, huh?

-Aren't they fun
just to look at?

-I should say.

And you're a puppy
sitting them today?

-Yep, they're going to be with
us overnight because you have

to take very, very good
care of newborn puppies.

-Looks like the mother
is very protective.

-She watches over them.

And she makes sure
they don't wander off.

-Look, she's lying
down right with them.

-She's cleaning them up.


Big stretch!

And this one, I can feel that
one just sucking on my finger.

-They like to do that.

-Speedy delivery.

-Here comes David.

-I was just about to
deliver this vacuum

sweeper to your place.

-Oh, you mean Chuck
Aber's finished with it?

-He's finished with it.

And he thanks you for the loan.

-Well, you sure have
some beautiful puppies

that you're sitting today.

-Betsy's always
helping somebody.

-Well, if people ask for
help, I like to try and do it.

And boy is this fun.

-Shelby and her pups.

-She's a good mom.

-Seems like you're always
doing something for somebody.

-Incidentally, would you like
to look for that tape that

shows people making
vacuum sweepers?

-Is there one?

-There is.

-Oh, I'd like to
see that very much.

-Well, I'll search it out.

-Thank you.

Look at this coming over here.

-Waking up.

-They are waking up.

They were really sleeping
for a while, Mr. McFeely.

I'd like to see that tape.

But it sure has been fun
to see these puppies.

-I'm glad you came over.

It's a special day.

-I'll say.

Thanks so much.

-There's the vacuum sweeper.

-Thank you.

-You're welcome.

-Bye, Shelby, congratulations.

-Speedy delivery.


-Those newborn puppies
are like newborn babies.

They just like to sleep and eat.

They don't play much at all, no.

But you know I like to
visit with the McFeely's.

Do you have some favorite
neighbors where you live?

I mean, real neighbors with
whom you can talk, and play,

and ask for help if you need it?

I hope so.

I like to think of all kinds
of helpers in our world.

-What kinds of things are
you good at helping with?

I remember one child
telling me one day,

Mr. Rogers, I'm
only four years old,

but I can do some kind things.

She was learning to be a helper.

And I trust that you are too.

I'm glad to have you as
a television neighbor.

It gives me a good
feeling to know

that we can share
many things together.

-[SINGING] It's such a good
feeling to know you're alive.

It's such a happy feeling.

You're growing inside.

And when you wake
up ready to say,

I think I'll make
a snappy new day.

It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling,

the feeling you know that I'll
be back when the day is new.

And I'll have more
ideas for you.

And you'll have things
you'll want to talk about.

I will too.

-And I will.

I'll be back next time.

Then we'll be together again.
