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Santastein (2023)

Posted: 12/17/23 20:48
by bunniefuu


(Light flickering)


(Paper scribbling)





I think we got another one.

(Computer clacks)


Damn this job.

(Paper slams)

I'm heading to the

cadaver lab now.


Hey, uh.

Did you leave the

back door open?


I don't know.


(Door creaks)



Is everything okay over there?

This room's trashed.

Somebody's been in here.


(Door opens)



Cadaver lab is clear.

I'm gonna head-




Damn it!

Stan, it's the necro!



I finally got you, you-

A kid?


Look alive, Edgar!

He's getting away!

(Door Closes)

Damn it.

We are so dead!

(Car drives by)


(Car drives away)


Good morning.

This is WKR7 news.

You're waking up today

with Becky And Rob to

some breaking news from

the Lincoln Police.

That's right.

We're getting word that

the officials have zeroed in

on a suspect

in the morgue, bandit case.

They're believing

the suspect is a local student.


it can't be good or natural.

May the lord help this boy.

Rob, how's the weather

looking today?

Well Becky, we're feeling

that cool Autumn air,

but it wasn't always

like this at this time.

No, it can't be!

It's December 24th.

I'll tell you.

I can't believe it.

It's about 12 years

since winter ended!

And all the joys of

Christmas completely gone, too.

No one can really say why Santa

stopped delivering presents,

but the joy the world once

felt has now cruelly faded away

into a cold and distant memory.



It has to be tomorrow.

(Music playing)

After months of preparation,

Santa flies from house to house.

Down the chimney he goes,

delivering to both

the naughty and nice.

He's checking his list,

and he's checking it twice.

To see if a child's

been naughty or nice!

But if you were naughty,

even just once,

this evil behavior is

what Santa confronts.

To make you upset is

his ultimate goal.

So don't be surprised

if you wake up to coal.

I can't wait to see the look

on Austin and Peter's faces.

You think this is about right?



They will never - careful!

Bully us ever again.

Do you think we might get on

the naughty list if we do this?

Probably, but only for a year.


Either that or Santa

will understand.

Now we aren't keeping

him hostage, or anything.


Then we'll be on it forever.

Yeah, if he ever got out.

Yeah. Let's

not hold him hostage.

Plus, he'll give us

our gifts on Christmas.

Hey, kids!

You need anything else?

No, thanks, Dad.

So, uh...

What's this all about?

What are you doing here, guys?

We're trying to prove

that Santa exists.


Because it will be a

tremendous discovery.

Oh. Okay.

Well, good luck.


It's almost Christmas.

Okay, we're all set.

I feel like we're

forgetting something.

Like what?

Milk and cookies!

Of course.

My grandma

just baked this morning.

I'll run and get them.


(Clock ticking)


(Clock Chimes)


(Dust falls)








One for Paige here...

(Mischievous music)



Max Causey.

Shouldn't you be sleeping?

Trying to prove I

exist, are you?

Ho ho ho! Ho, ho, ho!

Mm hmm.

Clever little invention.

You and Paige have

quite the imagination!

Now off to bed.

And Merry Christmas.



(Trap releases)


(Camera flashes)

Oh. Whoa, oh,




Oh, oh!


(Camera flashes)

(Choking, screaming)




(Shovel hits ground)



(Alarm Beeping)

(Light music swells)

(Birds chirping)




Hey, daughter.

Do you remember what day it is?


Um, Christmas Eve.


Your mother and I

will be going out later today.

We hope the party your

little friend's throwing

will bring you the joy

that we can no longer provide.

Love you two...

(Sobs harder)


(Door slams)

Hey Max, wait up!

Oh, hey. Good morning.

Don't you mean, Merry Christmas?

Oh, wow. Already?

Mhm. Yeah.

I caught my parents having an

existential crisis this morning.

I can't believe we used to take

that holiday seriously.

Oh, hey, we used to get

that two week vacation.

That wasn't that bad.

Who has the time for vacation

when you're so busy-

Doing experiments on dead rats?

For example.

You need to get a life.

Oh, like you're so busy moping.

I also brood.


So you're ready for today?

Oh, yeah.

You know,

breaking the laws of nature

in front of a classroom

of uninterested students.

Y'know, I'm stoked.

I just hope the school's

generator can handle it.

Okay, listen. Blowing out your

power was perfectly fine, so...

You're just lucky

it came back on.

Okay, listen, Paige,

the math is done.

The school's

generator will totally turn on.

I promise you it will work.

Now, the biology I cannot say...

The biology is fine.

Whatever you say. I believe you.

Max. The biology is fine!

DMT and Krampus.

That's when I realized I

was really on to something.

d*ck Cheney, Vlad

Putin, Tim Allen,

Al Gore, Bigfoot.

What do all of these guys

have in common with Santa Claus?

The coal industry!

Santa is giving coal

to millions of people for free.

They have to bump him off.

They definitely push him

into a furnace.

That's how they k*lled

Santa Claus!

Thank you, Joseph, for that

wonderful presentation.

So our next presenters

today are going to be

Paige Byers and Max Causey.

Good morning, everybody.

For our project,

we were assigned to examine

the role that electric currents

play on living things.

For our hypothesis, we estimated


This shit's boring! Do

the experiment already!

Watch your language,

Mr. Greenwald.

Paige, please continue.

- You ready?

- Yeah.

(Class groans)

Oh. What the f*ck?

Watch your tongue, Peter!

We concluded that if

we generated a large

enough electrical charge,

we could give the organs in the

body some sort of jumpstart.

And if that charge started

the brain, the neurons

could possibly reconnect

with the organs,

therefore, increasing the

possibility of reanimation.


Systems are...

(Suspenseful music)


Come on!

- No, no, no, no, no!

- Miss Byers!

It's stabilizing,

just give it a minute!

(Electricity intensifies)

(Cord unplugs)

Smells like shit in here!


I will not tolerate

cursing in this classroom!

What the f*ck?


Neat magic trick.

I bet the weirdo had

another one in his backpack.


Do we call a science

board or something?

Um... A plus.

(School bell rings)

You should have seen

Newham's face when he

saw the rat was moving.

No, you should

have seen my face!

Why a rat?

Couldn't you have used

a bunny or something?

Oh, God...


Max, wait up.

Paige! We still have all

these fliers to handout!

- Just a minute.

- Oh my God!


So do you think Mr.

Newham was for real

about the science board?

I don't know, I'm still

trying to convince myself

that it even happened.

What do you think

we should name it?

Woah, Causey, man!

Looking a little light there.

Not getting enough protein

from the d*ck you suck?

Oh, you're so hot

when you bully!

Oh, dude! Whoa...

Yo, check this out.


Whoa, whoa, whoa,

whoa, hey, man.

Damn, Causey.

This is some serial

k*ller shit right here.

He's actually got the

hand of an artist.


Man, I didn't know you

had a bodyguard, p*ssy!

No, you know what? I

think it's really cute!

The retards are falling in love.

Do you guys hold hands on

the way to the short bus-

Back off, Katie.

Don't you have some

cheeseburgers to barf up?

Oh, no!

I can't believe how

disgusting that rat was.

Hi guys!

And you are?

I'm Mikayla.

We've been hanging out lately.

I'm throwing this party tonight?

I- I do your

pre-calc homework...

Oh, the smarty with

the party! Hmm...

Retro Christmas girl!

You remember the theme!

I just printed these

from the library.

Make sure you give one

to every person you see.

Every person?

No, honey,

You want to only get them out

to people that look like this!

And avoid giving them out

to people that look like...

My chess club buddies?

Not party material.

But the more people we invite,

the more will actually

show up, right?

But then it's not exclusive!

Mikayla, please.

I know what I'm doing.

Trust me.

(Indistinct shouting)


Move, move!

Oh, I got him! I got him!

Thank god.

For someone who just

came back from the dead,

he's pretty fast.

You think we could bring

back something bigger?

Theoretically, with

a larger charge.

But it's not like you could

bring back a person or anything.

[Distant] If I don't find this

body, my boss is gonna k*ll me!

You gotta help me

track down this kid-

So, anyway.

Um, If you're free tonight....

Actually, Paige, I- I gotta go.

You should totally

come to my party.


Found it.

But it's only 99% alcohol.

Do you think that's okay?

First time buying

big boy juice, huh?


You two are lifesavers.

Oh, this one says hard!


how good do you

want this party to be?

Austin, it's exclusive.


You're gonna want these, then.

Listen, the drunker

the people are,

the more expensive

their taste becomes.

Of course!

You're paying, right?

I am the host.

And an excellent host you are!

All right, listen,

we're not 21, so...

you handle this? Thanks.


we don't want to buying this.

You know, underage and stuff.

Good luck!

Oh, but I'm also-

I'm not...

I'm throwing a party.


A college party.

The girls are waiting for me

back at the sorority house.

Do you have I.D.?

Do I?

- Well, do you?

- You have to let me get these!


Here, this is my last chance!

You don't understand

what it's like to be cool.

Or, well, maybe you do.

I don't know. Sorry.

I don't mean to assume that,

but you have to allow this.


They're finally talking

to me and came with me.

They're super cute,

and I can't let them down.

This party has to be

the best party ever.

Like, it's got to be really fun.

Like, really, really fun.

- Like, really, really-

- 200 dollars.


200 more and it's all yours.

I don't know, that

seems kind of-

- Then, I'm sure your

friends won't mind- - Okay!


She thinks you're cute.

Blegh. Gross.

Well, it's a pleasure

doing business with you.

Mikayla, I told you last night

that I already organized

all the supplies in the attic.

I even color coded it for you.


You mean you haven't

even set it up yet?

I mean, I color

coded it for you...


We've been talking

about this party for two months!

Okay, Okay.

Don't freak out, Mikayla.

If anyone can handle this...

Okay. First things first.

Help me set up

these ornament decorations.

We need to have the living room

fully furnished

before we go to class.

I'm thinking,

chips and dip on one side,

soda's on the other.

That way people are forced

to walk across the dance-


Are you even listening?

The chips, the drinks.

Am I talking to the air here?

Ew, no. Paige, he's so greasy.

He's my friend.

I heard he skins little kittens.

And you believe that?

There's a hint of

truth to everything,

that's what Katie says!


We've been hanging out.

You mean you've been doing

her homework for her.

Status, Paige.

It's all about status.

If I can't throw a

great party today,

it'll all have been for nothing.

Trust me...

it's going to be k*ller.


(Mysterious Music)


Please Bill, you got to

help me track down this kid.

If I can't find this body,

my boss is going to k*ll me!

Boss is going to k*ll you?

That's a m*rder.


Could you describe

this potential m*rder?

In detail.


No, you idiot.

There's no m*rder.

Are you listening to me?


I'll have you know,

we just sent an officer

to a house full of

beer guzzling teens.

That's what I call

maintaining the peace.

Where's the chief?!

What's that?

Who wants me?

What do you need?


You're a man of reason, right?


Try explaining

losing two cars in a divorce,

then tell me about reason.

I've been investigating

the morgue stolen body case.

The Necro. Right.

That's some weird shit.

I think I got a lead.

What, a lead? Bill!

Yes, sir.

Get me a merit badge!

That's some good work uh...

It's Edgar, sir.

Right, right, right.

That's a good police

work, Edward.

We'll make a detective

out of you yet.

Oh, thank you, sir.

But, I'm really only

here to get my body back.


- You guys!

- Hey!

You made it.

Fashionably late, of course.

Now that you guys are here,

we can finally start

our first activities.

Wait, where's Austin?

Oh, he'll come by once

things pick up a little.

Oh, but that means we have

an odd number of people...

Okay, no worries.

I could just sit out the first

few games until he gets here.

I'm sure we can totally figure

something out.

- Totally! - Come on in,

I'll show you guys around!

I took your advice and

I went with status!

The winner of tonight's


Yo, girl!

Where's the booze at?

Well, I made some snazzy eggnog,

but there's no drinking

until after we get through

the first sharing activity.

Oh, which reminds me!

Okay, everyone,

we have enough people

to get started

on our next activity.

Paige, could you please...


(Rat chewing)


What are you doing up here?

Just chilling.


You were supposed to be down

over an hour ago.

You haven't even

put on the outfit we picked out!

Oh, uh...

I must have lost

track of time.

Paige, please.

I need you tonight.

You said you'd support me

through this!

Isn't this my house?

Things are falling apart down


We're 2 hours behind schedule,

and most of the guests

aren't even here yet. But...

I think I saw Peter smile at me.

This really is all about

status for you, isn't it?

So what if it is?

Aren't you tired of those people

stepping on you all the time?

It beats staying up here

playing with the dead rat.

Besides, I think

I really like him.

You don't even know him!

And I'm not going to

pretend to enjoy myself

just so that you can impress

the biggest bitch in school.


Stay up here

is the biggest loser instead.

- Fine!

- Fine!



(Rat squealing)


(Ominous Music)

(Hatch Opening)

(Papers rustling)

(Machine powers on)

(Gears turn)

(Vials rattle)


(Loose rattling)








(Lever switches)


- (expl*si*n)

- (Scream)

Oh. This just keeps

getting better and better.

Everyone, just hang on a minute.

Paige's generator should

be kicking on any second now.

Paige. Paige!

How long does it take before

your generator comes back to-

She must have gone to fix it.

Nobody panic!


(Gasp for air)

(Bell jingles)

(Bell jingles harder)


Do you hear yourself, Max?

you're insane, you're

insane, I'm insane!

I've literally insane!


This isn't a rat.

How the hell can anyone

expect to resurrect...



Can you stand for me?

Are you okay?

Do you understand me?

I'm Max Causey.

You've been gone a long time.

Do you...

remember anything?

Oh my god. Yes.




It's okay.

It's okay. You're okay.

All right?

It's okay!



(Door slam)


(Ominous music)



Max, help!



Stop, stop, stop!

Stop! Stop.

Okay. Santa!

Santa, this is Paige.

This is Paige, she's our friend.


What is that?

Okay, okay.

Paige, meet Santa!



So this is happening.

You used our experiment...

to bring back...

a person.


A Santa person.


I didn't think it would work,

but after so

many failed attempts!

And then the

experiment at school.

The rat.

It worked!

No, no, no, Max, the rat.

He was acting really

strange before I came here.

He started acting aggressive.

I think the

experiment is unstable.

But none of that matters

now, because-

Because I brought him back.

We brought him back

with our experiment!

Max, we have

no idea what can possibly-

Where'd he go?

Oh, no.

Oh, no. Santa?

(Ominous music)

(Party murmuring)

I don't know, man.

To be honest with you,

I don't

remember anything anymore.

Which reminds me,

Have you guys seen my apple?


Oh, hey, Katie.

What the f*ck are you doing?

Just playing checkers

with my buds.

Want to join?

No, I don't

want to play the game.

Spending the night in

prison is much more fun

than hanging out

with these virgins.

Then what the hell

are we still doing here?

Because, you idiot,

It's not every weekend

you have a house

without parents in it.

And I think

I know how to change it.


Yeah. Hm.

- I can have it?

- Yeah sure.

Got it.

Hey! Um...


Mikayla! Um,

do you want to go for a walk or


Are you busy?

But the games are just

getting started.

Oh, but

the games aren't going anywhere.

Why don't we have,

you know, a little girl talk?

Oh. Okay!

This is nice.

A little girl time between us.

Sure is.

Tonight has been so stressful.

Nobody ever told me throwing

a party would be this difficult.

It totally takes a

certain type of talent.

It does!

I'm sure I can do it.

I just-

Do you have any tips for me.

Oh, just one. Um,

watch your step!

Woah, Katie, what are you doing?

Oh, don't lose

your head, sweetie.

We're going

to make a few fixes in here,

and then we'll

let you back in. Okay?

No, Katie!

All right, b*tches.



(Ominous music)

(Power shuts off)


(Twig snap)


Who's there?






Oh, man, you should

have seen your face.

You looked so scared.

Why are you guys doing this?

I thought you liked me.

Oh, Mikayla.

No one likes you.

Austin. Austin!

Wait, guys.

No. wait!


You assh*le!

This is Officer James.

I've just arrived

in the Sycamore neighborhood.

No signs of any teens, over.

Oh, shit.

(Brakes drag)



(Mysterious music)

Oh, look.

Where do you think

he's taking him?

I don't know.

Let's follow him.

Chief, Chief!

I hit him the cruiser.

I couldn't see anything.

I swear.

God damn, James.

Another one?


I was just driving

and he jumped out of nowhere.

Damn it, James,

you can't just go around

running people over.

I'm sorry.



He's not people.

He's just another drunk.

False alarm.

Ugly bastard.

Everybody back to work.


Say, Bill,

get a picture of me

with this fat f*ck.

For MySpace.

- Chief!

- What?

Chief, I think that's my body.


All right, James,

get right in close!



- (Growls)

- Did you get it?

I think that's my body.

- (Cheerful Christmas music)

- This is WKR7 news here,

with a throwback song

sure to break your heart!

Christmas may be dead,

- but the music allows it to

live on! - Let me see that...

- James!

- (Snap)


- (g*n shot)

- Oh!


What's all that racket?

Oh, shit.



Do it, you bastard.

You don't have the guts.


- (Punch)

- (Scream)

- (Slimy wriggling)

- (Choking)




Please don't k*ll me!


- (Grab)

- Oh shit!

Now listen to me...

I know you're only a rookie.

You're not very strong,

and you're not very

athletic either.

But damn it,

you're all this town has left.

Now is not the

moment for cowardice.

You go out and...

k*ll that bastard.


(Heroic music)

(g*n clicks)

They must have taken him inside.


He looks angry.

Yeah, I'd be mad too.

It's just like our rat.


Max, he's covered in blood.

Max, run!

Santa. Santa, Santa stop.

Santa, Santa, stop, stop,

stop, Santa, stop.


It's me.

Okay, stop.

It's me.

- It's Max.

- Max...


Yeah, Max.

There's so much we

need to go over.

You must be so confused.

But I'm here for you.

All right, let's go to the lab.


- (g*nsh*t)

- (Screams in pain)




(Screams in pain)

(Solemn music)

Max, no! It's too dangerous.

I can help him.

I just have

to help him remember.

I can't let you die

trying to help him.

Then don't!

Where are you going?

I'm going to try to find

somebody who can help us.


Hey kid, you okay? You



Let go of me,

I have to find him!

I finally caught

you, you little shit.

What are you doing?

What does it

look like I'm doing?

You're not even a cop!

I'm the only cop

this town's got left.


I don't know

what kind of necro shit

you did to that body,

but there's a

k*ller on the loose.

And you're gonna

help me find him.

(Crowd cheering)

Let me in!

Nog me, bro!


- and together...

I personally prefer bananas.

- (Screams)

- The f*ck?!

We're all out of drinks!

Aw, Patricia...

Focus, okay?

Jenny's running late

getting the booze,

and I need you

to go to the store and get some.

What the f*ck are

you still doing here?


(Dog barking)

(Door creaking)

(Ominous music)

No, Mr. Delgado,

I can't find the spare key.

My shift was supposed

to be over by now.

This is getting ridiculous.

(Door creaks)

Um, excuse me.

We're closed.

No, I can't find the

leather keychain.

(Bottles clang)

Give me a minute.

Listen, we're closed!

I'm going to have to ask you

to leave.

No, Mr. Delgado!

I can't stay overnight.

I'm supposed to be

meeting a hot date right now.

Look, mister,

if you don't leave now,

I'm going to have to call the-


Hot date, you say?


You know, you should really

lock that back

door now and then.

I would, I just

can't find the keys.

You mean, these keys?


(Phone ringing)

North District

Police Department.



Ready to head

over to Katie's party?

She should have h*jacked

it from that dweeb by now.

Come on, Jenny!

We finally have some privacy...

- (Growl)

- Hello?


Did you hear that?

No, I didn't hear anything.

No, seriously,

I think I heard something.

Babe, you're being paranoid.

I'm not being paranoid,

I think someone's in here.

(Handcuff jingling)

What took you so long?

(Car revs)


- Is there anybody there?

- Shh!

Relax, babe.

I'm here to protect you.

So, can we move on from

this little investigation?

Okay. Mr. Protector,

you mind getting us

some protection then?


But you better not be wearing

any clothes when I get back.


Where the hell do they

keep this stuff?


Mrs. Claus...

you can jingle my bells any day!

- (Distant moaning)

- Diego?

(Belt flapping)


- Diego!

- (Gasp)

You douchebag!

Wait, baby, wait!

Babe, relax.

I was just warming up.

Come on babe,

what's the big deal?

I was thinking of you anyways.

What about

our romantic night in?

Romantic night?

You call beating

it to Mrs. Claus

a romantic ni-



Oh, f*ck!

(Dramatic music)

(Bottles clang)



Anyone here?

(Dramatic music continues)


No, no!


(Bottle smash)

- (Muffled screaming)

- (Blood spraying)

Bye, Jenny!


(Door opens)

I didn't know where else to go.

I need your help.

(Fire crackling)

So, if I have this right,

Max Causey has brought

Santa back from the dead?

Well when you put it that way...

it sounds ridiculous.

You have no idea what

you've unleashed.

His power is vast.

He spreads the cheer.

But reawakened,

he brings the fear.

A fateful night

and stormy weather.

A body stolen,

and stitched together.

Your creature is in here.

And more people are in danger!

An open hatch, a

flash of light...


Okay, Edgar, please.

You don't know

what you're doing, all right?

You got to let me out of these

cuffs so I can-

Shut up!

Shut your ass up.

Don't hurt him.

No - Don't hurt him!

And the world will be

shrouded in a silent night.

The closer

we come to Christmas Day,

the more power he gains.

The more he

remembers what he once was,

the more he realizes

everything he's lost.

My dear...

you've created a monster.

What do you know about this?

(Fire crackling)


Well that won't do you any good.

Well, what am I supposed to do?

Don't get snippy with me.

I'm not snippy.

I'm just...


I've been spending all of

my free time with some creep

that likes to steal bodies

from the morgue.

And not only does steal bodies,

but he stole my experiment!

Turns out,

Max is nothing but a thief.

And I've been wasting my time

trying to be friends with him!

And he was just

using me to figure out

how to get his

experiment to work!

And that experiment?

Has gone wrong!

And this thing that he made

is out there,

and it's dangerous,

and I feel like it-


Now you just sit down

and listen to me.

Sometimes you put

your trust in people,

and sometimes they make


Max may have made a fluff

of this, but he meant well.

And he needs your help

now more than ever.

But how?

How am I supposed to know?

I'm just a granny.

Aren't you supposed

to be the brainiac?

Don't look so glum.

I'm sure the answer will

come to you in time.

You had a long night.


have a cookie.

Hey, Grandma,

How much soap do you have?

(Merry Christmas music)

I think we better

wait a little while.

What if I can't do this?

You're not alone.

Seek others for help.

You'll need each other

now more than ever.

Wish me luck.

Good luck, sweetie.

Good luck.

(Car engine revving)

(Light music)

Hey, wassup girl.

Yep. I'm outside.

(laughs) Alright.

f*ck yeah, baby.

(Keys clang)




I like this.


This is the best Christmas ever!

(Lights lighter)



[Muffled] Help!

[Muffled] Help!

[Muffled] No, no, no, no-

- (Tongue rip)

- (Scream)



- (Muffled scream)

- (Crack)

(Car skids)

[Muffled] Hey. Hey! Come

on! Take me with you!

Your breath better

not smell like shit again.

(Sniff) Ugh, you

smell like eggnog!

Whatever. Let's make this fast.

I don't want the bitch

thinking that

she's allowed back into my party

just because I'm not there.


Now, you better do that thing

with your tongue-

(Screams) Peter?!

No, no, no,

- (muffled screams)

- Yeah Peter, get it!

No, no, no, no, no!


Ma'am ma'am!

Are you okay?



(Spits) Oh.


This party

needs to clear out! Immediately!

Please! Please!


listen to me!

You're all in danger!






(Muffled party noise)

Stupid Austin!

I spent so much time on my hair.

This is what you get

for being such a pushover.

Nobody likes you

because you let them

walk all over you.

I hate you.



- Holy shit!

- (Gasp)

- (Laughing)

- No, f*ck! Mikayla!


No, Mikayla.

Please, alright?

You have no idea

what this will do to me.

- I have a pretty good idea.

- No, no!


Hey, guys!

Everybody get down!

- (g*nsh*t)

- (Screams)



(Muffled screams)

[Muffled] Hey! Hey!

No, Mikayla!

(Door close)

(Handcuffs jingle)

Oh, no!

(Door rattling)

(Window slams)



What the hell are you doing?

Get me out of here, you ret*rd!



(Car revving)


- (Snap)

- (Scream)








(Door opens)

Don't move you son of a bitch?

(Closet creaks)




No, no, I'm not naughty!

No, I'm nice!


(Handcuffs jingling)

Lose the key?

Oh, Paige!

Oh, thank God you're here.

You have to help me out here.

We have to stop him.

You're right.

But I can't let you go.



Look around.

You have caused

more harm than good.

And I know that's

not what you wanted,

but I think it's

best if you stay.

No. No.

- I'm sorry, Max.

- Paige.

No, no, no. Paige, Paige.

Don't leave me!

What the hell?

- Let go, Max!

- Get back here!


What is your problem?

My problem?

First, I'm handcuffed to a door.

The thing I created

is running around

out there somewhere,

and nobody's trying

to let me help him!

And I finally found you,

and you're trying

to leave me again.

I only left so I could

figure things out!

We could've

figured this out together!

Alright? I-I lost control,

but I've been humiliated,

and belittled and ignored.

And this was supposed to be

the night I changed all that.

I'm sorry, Max.

Me too.

So if I could get me

out of these handcuffs.

They hurt so bad.


But in a few months,

if there is a k*ller Easter

bunny hopping around,

you're on your own.

That's fair.

Hands up, Causey.

What's that?

A little expl*sive for Santa.



I heard what we're about

to give Santa is much,

much worse than coal.

(Door creaks)

(Quiet shuffling)

(Panicked breathing)

(Body thumps)


[Mouthing] Hey!

[Mouthing] Should I use this?

[Mouthing] No! No!

[Mouthing] I think

I'm gonna use this!

[Mouthing] No! Don't!

[Mouthing] Come on! One, two-

[Mouthing] Hey!

[Mouthing] Stop!

(Quiet struggling)

I could have taken him.

Why did you stop me?

Because g*ns won't work.

You'd only piss him off.

You! How did you

get out of those cuffs?

I got him out.

Who are you?

Paige Byers.

This is my house. Who are you?

Edgar. That's my corpse.

And that's my prisoner.

Do you know that

he took that body

- and brought it back-

- Yes, with my experiment.

Woah, woah, wait, wait.

Your rat turned into that thing?

Shut up, Austin.

We have a plan.

We just need a

little bit more time.


(Loud clang)


Hello, Mr. Claus!

(Gasp) How are you? My!

Look how strong

you've gotten, oh!

Come give me a kiss!


Stand in front of me right now!

If you're near my

Mr. Claus, get away!

Get away right now!

I can't stand to have

anyone near my Mr. Claus!


Come closer to me, Mr. Claus!

You should definitely slip away


if you're anywhere

next to my man.

Oh, my goodness.

You've gotten so big!

So absolutely

marvelously lar- Ah!

(Aggressive Grunt)

(Bell jingles)

f*ck this.


Austin, No!

(Charging scream)











(Choking, crying in pain)



Now's our chance!

The cookies!


Max, What are you waiting for?!

He has to eat the cookie!

Use the cookie, Max!

Hey, hey! Look.

Look, Santa.


You made this for me.

You used to make so

many more just like it

for kids everywhere.

All right?

You're not a k*ller!


You're a hero. You-

You have to remember.

(Clock ticking)

Santa,, you have to remember.


I... remember.


What's happening?

It's Christmas!





(Repeatedly punching)

(Picks up axe)

(Panicked breathing)

Ho, ho, ho...


(Max screams)

(Paige screams)

(Crying in pain)


(Smashes horse)

Max. Causey.

Come and get me.


No, no.


Come on!



- (Table splinters)

- (Screams)


(Weak punches)

(Strong punch)

(Machine powering up)

(Screams in pain)

I'm sorry!


(Lightning strike)


[Screams] No!


Paige, get down!







You okay?

No. You?


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.