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05x18 - As God Is My Co-Defendant

Posted: 12/18/23 12:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on "L.A. Law"...

Grace, we're going to be parents.

We owe it to the child to be living

You've never even told me you love me.

But now you suddenly want to make

this lifetime commitment.

They are things! They are just property!

No matter how expensive it is,

no matter how much you love it,

they will never love you back!

Since the firm has been operating so efficiently and profitably

over the past two months,

I've decided to extend Douglas's term as

pro tem senior partner.

For how long?


I love Leland McKenzie, I think we all do,

but he's not brining in new clients,

he's not practicing law much,

and he has vested our future with Douglas.

I don't believe I'm saying this,

but I think the time has come for a shift in leadership.

To whom?

To me.

That was a betrayal.

To go to the others behind my back,

that was a betrayal, you son of a bitch!

I got two choices here.

Either I can walk away from this firm,

or I can stay here and fight for it.

-I chose the latter.
-You chose to screw me.

-What's this?
-Oh, this is security.

Never know when you might need it.

By the way, you're fired.


[overlapping dialog]

Hey! The decision's been made.

And if any of you don't like it,

I suggest you quit.

This is my firm.

And don't you forget that for a second.

Victor, we can be an elite litigation shop,

plus which, we will decimate the litigation department

at McKenzie Brackman.

Mike, you really want to take down the firm?

Douglas and Leland declared this w*r, Victor, not me.

I'm just gonna be the one who wins it.


Excuse me, sir, you need a clearance badge to enter.

-I'm a partner in this firm.
-I'm sorry, sir.

-Take your hands off of me.

Nobody enters without clearance.

There are two of you, I got four.

I don't think you really want this to get physical here.

Excuse me, Michael. I don't think you want this to get physical.

I have personal things in my office, Douglas

Not anymore, you don't. Everything's boxed.

Take them and get out.

-Now, you listen to me, you son of a bitch
-No, you listen.

You don't work here anymore.

You're not allowed on these premises until April th

when you're officially and finally voted out.

So pick up your things and take them down to the parking garage,

and I suggest you hurry because there's a tow truck on its way as we speak.

to haul your illegally parked car out of the building.

-What's going on?
-Michael and his friends were just leaving.

Say goodbye.

Get the boxes. I'll be back, Douglas.

♪♪ [theme]


Okay, let's all settle in.

ANN: Never mind settling in, Douglas.

Things are very unsettled.

This whole business with the guards

is completely out of control.

As I've explained over and over again,

if Michael's intention is to steal files,

-then I
-He's not trying to steal anything.

He's not sneaking in here at night.

He attempted, lawfully, to enter these premises during business hours

Sounds like you've been talking to him, Victor.

VICTOR: I have been talking to him, Doug,

and I know for a fact that he only wants access to his office

honestly and openly.

All right, look, we don't like having to hire guards.

Using security to stop partners from coming in is

I'm ashamed.

But Michael is trying to get files and client phone numbers.

While I respect the fact that he's doing it openly

without sneaking in

or without raiding our computers,

we still have to stop him.

Move along, Douglas.

In re: CJ Lamb.

She's in Palm Springs most of the week

giving a seminar to visiting East Bloc trail lawyers.

-TOMMY: It's Zoey's thing, really.

She got invited as a guest lecturer,

and she roped in CJ 'cause she didn't want to do it alone.

$, for lecturing a few Bulgarians and Russians.

This is not a bad deal.

DOUGLAS: Moving on. People vs. Morrison.

Trial starts today, I'm still trying to push the plea.

Is this the Christian Science couple?

Yeah, I'm lookin' to cop down to child endangerment,

but the DA wants manslaughter.

Why shouldn't he? It's m*rder.

-TOMMY: Oh, my God.
-Now, let's not start

-They let their three year old child die.
-They didn't want him to die.

-ANN: I agree with Douglas.
-TOMMY: It was their faith.

-They knew the kid was sick
-VICTOR: You don't even know

All right. All right! Do we always have to fight, for God sakes?

Why can't we support one another on something?

What the hell is wrong with us?

We just

What the hell is wrong with us?

Welcome. Over the next few days,

we will be focusing on the adversarial system

of the American judicial process,

which you will find contrasts sharply

with that of your Eastern Bloc country.

After we go through some basic advocacy drilling

over the first two days,

we will then actually conduct a moot court mock trial

where one of you will get to show off your skills

in a courtroom setting. Isn't that exciting?

Okay, first, uh...

-the opening arguments
-CJ: Excuse me, uh,

just one second.

First, we have to warm up.

-What are you doing?
-This is death, Zoey.

These people have paid bucks for this.

They gotta have a little fun.

Good morning, communists!

-CJ: My name is CJ Lamb,

I am your co
-host, and the first thing

that we have to learn about the American system,

it's loud!

We jump up, we object, we call each other names.

-It's a circus.

Okay, now, after three, I want you all to say,

I object.

And be right out there with it.

-Okay, one, two, three.

ALL: I object.

Are you lawyers or librarians?

My God, you object in an American courtroom,

you have to be heard.

Louder. Okay. I object!

ALL: I object.

Bang you hand on the table. Say it like you mean it.

-I object!
-ALL: I object.

-CJ: Again.
-ALL: I object.

-Again and again. Keep doing it over.
-ALL: I object.

ALL: I object, I object.

-I object, I object.
-Great. Fantastic.

ALL: I object, I object, I object, I object.

I gotta make one more s*ab before we go in there,

and I want you to listen good.

In cases over the past years,

parents like yourselves have been charged with manslaughter.

In all , they argued that freedom of religion

guarantees them the right to refuse medical treatment

for their children,

and in all , they lost.

You've got to let me argue some kind of insanity.

We'll just say the church had you brainwashed,

-and that it
- We are not going to att*ck the church.

Mr. Morrison, the jury is gonna need somebody to blame here.

If it ain't the church, it's gonna be you and your wife.

The choice we made for Kevin was ours.

No one forced us to do it.

If we argue that, you're gonna get convicted.

We're not going against our faith. No.

Would you mind if I had a word alone with your wife?

Karen and I do agree.

Just give me one minute, please.

I don't think you're with him on this.

So I think maybe you should go for a separate trial.

At least let's get another lawyer in here

I'm with my husband, Mr. Mullaney.

Karen, this is a m*rder trial.

I know that.

I also know there's no way I'd survive any of this

Not without Greg.

I still can't believe this has happened to us.

DOCTOR: The child was brought into ER about midnight.

At that time, his temperature was ,

and his breathing was extremely weak.

Did you make a diagnosis?

He was suffering from acute bacterial meningitis.

The membranes covering his spinal cord and his brain were inflamed.

GOLD: What did you do?

DOCTOR: By that point, there was really nothing we could do.

We, uh, injected him with massive doses of antibiotics,

we tried to stabilize his breathing,

but... it was too late.

-He d*ed.
-DOCTOR: He d*ed.

GOLD: Based on your examination, doctor,

how long had Kevin been ill?

At least three days, maybe longer.

And had his parents sought medical attention for their child earlier,

-would it have made a difference?
-DOCTOR: Absolutely.

Bacterial meningitis is curable.

In most cases, all you need is penicillin.

Is it possible that Mr. and Mrs. Morrison

didn't realize their child was sick?

No, that is not possible.

This child had a disastrous fever.

His sheets would have been soaked,

he also would have been vomiting terribly.

This kind of illness can cause massive pain.

He had to be suffering...

and they had to know.

Thank you, doctor. Nothing further.

Doctor, this massive pain or sweating or vomiting,

you didn't see it.

-No, but I can assure you
-TOMMY: You can assure me?

Let's talk about assurances.

Is it your testimony that penicillin and medical care

would have guaranteed recovery?

We can never guarantee it but

TOMMY: In fact, many children die

from bacterial meningitis

despite proper medical treatment,

-isn't that right?
-It does happen, certainly.

Certainly. And, doctor,

do you believe that the mental state of a patient

can affect his recovery?

It can be a factor but that doesn't

In fact, many doctors believe that the immune system

can be compromised by stress and depression,

and fortified by hope and optimism.

That's anecdotal, there's no scientific evidence.

But you do believe that there is

a body
-mind connection in healing, don't you?

As I said, it can be a factor,

-but I
-TOMMY: Yes.

And, doctor, during the course of

this emergency and its aftermath,

you had occasion to meet with my clients, didn't you?


And did you find them to be anything other than

loving, devoted parents who cared desperately for their little boy?

No, I did not.

TOMMY: Thanks, doctor.

That's all I have.

Michael's fired his first two scuds, Leland,

-and they both hit.
-What are you talking about?

He went into court this morning with Earl Williams, ex parte,

and dissolved our attachment in his house,

a $, attachment.

How the hell could he do that?

By representing to the court

that the value of his legal services

tendered to Earl was , tops.

Then, he went to Brentwood Federal,

the bank that gave us the half million line of credit

because of the attachment,

showed them the court papers,

told them who knows what about our solvency,

the bottom line is, the bank recalled the loan.

We have to come up with , immediately.

That bastard!

He also withdrew , out of our cash reserve,

which practically empties it.

Now that is larceny.

He claims it's an advance on the we owe him in capital.


Excuse me. Do you have a minute?

-It's important.

[sighs] Yeah, come on in.

These are our respective resignations.

Michael Kuzak has opened up a law office,

and the four of us have decided to go with him.

VICTOR: We don't mean for this to be an abandonment.

We'll stay here and work for you as long as you want

until you can find replacements.

How can you do this?

Leland, Victor, Michael and I would be named partners

in a litigation specialty firm.

It would be white collar RICO.

It's something we've always wanted.

It would be a
- a challenge we want to accept.

Abby and I have been offered junior partnerships.

Like Victor said, though, we will stay and work

as long as you want us.

Oh, now, come on, can't we all just

sit down and discuss this?

You're all fired, effective immediately.

Come on, now, Doug.

- You need this place to operate and

Victor, it has to be the same for you

as for Michael.

Can't allow you to stay and cultivate clients.

It would ruin us.

Please collect your things and be gone by the end of business tomorrow.


CJ: Excellent. Very good indeed.

Shake that pencil.

Tongue slightly out over top lip.

This may feel silly, but you really are doing something.

Now, this tells the jury that your wheels are spinning.

You've thought of something important.

American trial law is percent performance.

Never forget that.

Okay, when I say now,

the witness will have just said something

you believe to be a gross exaggeration.


CJ: Perfect. Okay, I'm gonna ask the witness

something about your client, and she responds

That man is a complete idiot!

ALL: Move to strike!

But the judge says overruled.

ALL: Mistrial!

But the judge, he is a horrible judge, and he says no.

Mr. Rowalski, what do you do?

Please, your honor, prejudicial.

You're f*ring spitballs at a tiger t*nk.

You have to be more aggressive.

Show 'em, Mr. Chang.

Your honor, chambers, now!

Now, now, now, now, now, now!

Bastard! Impeachment!


Excellent, excellent. I think we're way ahead of schedule.

Let's go to the pool.

Pool time, everybody!


Mr. Morrison, how long have you been a Christian Scientist?

All my life.

I was raised that way.

And would you explain for the jury

why it is that people of your faith

refuse medical treatment.

Well, basically, we believe that

healing should be accomplished spiritually.

That the presence of God and the power of prayer

should break hold of the disease.

Well, that's fine, but why not take

a little medicine anyway just to be safe?

Because resorting to medical technology

is seen as a distrust of the faith.

Now, I want you to tell us what you did

after Kevin got sick.

Well, we, of course, prayed,

and when he seemed to get worse,

we called a practitioner.

TOMMY: What's a practitioner?

It's somebody licensed by the church

to treat others with spiritual healing.

TOMMY: And what did the practitioner do?

She, uh

She assisted us with our prayers.

Over the next couple of days, Kevin got worse.

We called the practitioner again,

and she gave us the same advice.

Karen wanted to take him to the hospital,

but I resisted her.

But eventually, she did take him to the hospital, didn't she?

She couldn't bear it any longer.

Kevin was in so much pain.

TOMMY: Mr. Morrison,

why did your son die?

Because we were weak.

Because we didn't trust God enough to heal him.

Do you have any other kids?


I have nothing further.

Two years ago, you were admitted to Sinai Hospital

with a broken thumb.

You were treated, you thumb was set in a cast,

and, uh, you left, is that right?

Uh, the church permits receiving treatments for broken bones.

-Oh, is that a loophole?

GOLD: You had a bone broken in your thumb,

and you went running to the doctors.

Your son is sick with a life
-threatening meningitis,

vomiting, in pain, and you just let him lie there?

He had had fevers before and he had been healed by prayer.

-We thought
-How is your thumb, Mr. Morrison?

You're a very intelligent man, Mr. Morrison.

You run a small publishing company,

-you're extremely well read
-Is there a question here?

Oh, yes, there is. You had to know
- you had to

that medical treatment could have saved him,

and you did nothing.

If you had it to do all over again,

would you take your boy to the hospital?

-I don't know.
-GOLD: My God.

You don't know?

[scoffs] I have nothing further.

[chanting] Leading questions, what you say?

ALL: Can't do direct, on cross okay.

Compound questions, ride your bike.

ALL: Object at once, then move to strike.

Witness says he heard him shout.

ALL: Hearsay, no, you take that out.

Judge says no, he will admit.

ALL: Kick the chair, look down and spit.

-All right, all right!

Oh, students, hold it.

These court officers obviously want to admit

these piña coladas into evidence.

-What do we say?
-ALL: Sidebar!

Yeah! Grab yourself an exhibit.

[indistinct chatter]

Ms. Clemmons, could I talk to you?


What the hell is going on?

This is supposed to be an intense, three day workshop.

You've got your entire class out here in the pool.

Well, Tom, they've come a long way,

they're in California, they should have some fun.

These people are lawyers who've paid a lot of money

and traveled a great distance

to learn about American jurisprudence.

Now, the other students are doing that,

they're in marathon classes, taking tests, getting lectures.

Yours are out here in the hotel pool

drinking piña coladas.

We feel they are learning.

Well, you'd better hope so.

Tomorrow, you're gonna have to put one of them in front of

three California Supreme Court justices

who plan on being tough.

-The moot court.

Your section goes tomorrow.

I thought I would be playing the judge in the moot court.

I don't know where you got that.

We have three high court jurists here to do it.

It's a serious thing.

Have you got your class ready?

-MAN: Cannonball!
-Of course. They're ready.

-[water splashing]

Nobody will lose their jobs.

Payroll will not be interrupted.

Business will continue in its normal course.

Management anticipated and prepared for this contingency,

and the situation is well in control.

-Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

DOUGLAS: We are in the process of interviewing new lawyers,

which process has been ongoing for several weeks,

so everybody relax.

-This is not a big deal.

-Uh, please.
-Not a big deal at all.

I've set up a hearing in front of Judge Lobel

tomorrow afternoon.

I want to get an injunction,

prevent them from working for any of our clients.

I also want a $ million lawsuit filed,

breach of contract, fiduciary duty.

Let's shut 'em down before they even get started.

Who do you want handling the motion?

Outside counsel. I want the heaviest hitter we can get.

I want them pummeled.

I've headed up the department of oncology

for the last seven years at the University Hospital, San Diego.

And, Dr. Lebb, do you employ or consult with spiritual healers?

No, I do not.

-Why not?
-Because I'm a doctor.

I believe in western medicine.

TOMMY: Okay. Have you ever had a patient

who benefited medically from prayer and prayer alone?

Yes, I have.

Could you tell us about him?

LEBB: It was a year old man, heavy smoker,

diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer.

What was his prognosis?

LEBB: We gave him six months maximum.

We tried radiation on him, but it didn't have any effect.

Three months later, he came in for an examination,

the cancer was completely gone,

no evidence of it whatsoever.

TOMMY: How could this be?

I have absolutely no idea.

He said he'd been treated by a spiritual healer,

that he had prayed a lot.

TOMMY: And this got rid of the cancer?

LEBB: I'm as dumbfounded as you are, counsel.

I did some research after this,

and I found thousands of documented cases

where diseases, some of them fatal,

had been cured by prayer.

As a scientist, I wanted to dismiss it,

but we cannot.

So, as a physician and an oncologist,

it is your professional opinion

that spiritual healing can be successful.

It's not just my opinion.

It's the majority opinion in world societies.

And more and more western doctors are now recognizing

that you cannot separate the state of the body

from the condition of the spirit.

-You simply cannot.
-TOMMY: Thank you, doctor.

Nothing further.

Doctor, if you were confronted with a patient

with cancer that was operable,

would you ever send them to a spiritual healer

-in lieu of surgery?

How about as an alternative to chemotherapy or radiation?

-GOLD: And given the symptoms

that Kevin Morrison was experiencing

due to his meningitis,

do you find it acceptable for his parents

not to have sought medical attention?

I asked you a question, doctor.

Do you find their refusal to seek medical attention acceptable?

No, I do not.

Thank you, doctor.

I have nothing further.

-Mr. Mullaney?
-The defense rests, your honor.

-JUDGE: Mr. Gold?
-Your honor,

I exercise my right to recall Mrs. Karen Morrison.

JUDGE: : tomorrow. We are adjourned.

Why didn't you tell me?

How could we?

We couldn't. You're a partner.

You have the fiduciary responsibility.

You know the schpiel, Ann.

You, uh

You guys didn't want Stuart and me to come with you, huh?

It's strictly a litigation firm.

We wanted you,

but we didn't think you'd come without Stuart.

Plus, there really isn't enough cash flow

for a lot of partners.


I'm so sorry, Ann.

I feel so... betrayed.

I know.

I know.

How in God's name can you go into a private practice

with Michael and Victor?

You're involved with the one, you used to be involved with the other.

Well, the
- the truth is,

I'm only gonna be there until the baby's born.

They just need my name for marquee value

just while they set up.

Ex judge, ex DA.

And I'll get ownership interest for life

for just six months work.

So when the baby's born, you're out?


I want to take at least a year,

maybe two,

and this deal allows me to do that.

You could have cut a deal here.


there's going to be a w*r here,

and Victor will be one of the enemies.

I sleep with him.

I'm gonna have his baby.

We could even get married.

How could I possibly work here

with all of you going against him?

I've really... loved working with you.

Me, too.



CJ, wake up.


CJ. CJ.Wake up!

-We have overslept, it is :.

-We are in trouble.

Because we had an : class set up, we're an hour late.

We have moot court at :, and our class knows nothing

except how to get jail for contempt.

-Calm down, Zoey.
-I can't calm down.

And what have you done to these...


They're Joel and Rowan, two of our students.

The Bulgarian brothers?

Yeah, Joel left his key in his room, Rowan lost his,

and there was nobody at the desk when we got back from the club.

-Which was when?
- a.m.


Trust me, Zoey, nobody showed up at :.

Great. We have a moot court

in front of three California Supreme Court justices,

and you keep the class out dancing 'til dawn.

He said it was Hammer time. What could I do?

Who are we gonna put up there?

Who the hell knows enough to bluff it

in front of three Supreme Court judges?

Me, that's who.


They don't know me, including that Wadkins,

so I'll put on a suit, my best Polish accent,

I'll be brilliant, and you'll get the prize for best teacher.

-Do you have any OJ?
-We cannot do this.

This is fraud, this is wrong, it's a lie.

We have no choice.

Not only do our students not know anything,

they're also completely hung over.

And that one looks dead.

I am never taking you on another trip. Never.


We've gotta move, Douglas.

Tommy just called from court.

He found out from the clerk's office

that Michael Kuzak is bringing an ex parte motion

to dissolve this firm.

-:, division three.

He must have found out about our motion this afternoon,

and he decided to hit first.

Yeah, notify all the partners.

I want everybody in my office now.

Oh, Arnie's got his therapy session this morning.

Get him the hell out of therapy!

We've gotta block that motion.

GOLD: I'll try to keep this very brief, ma'am,

I know this whole ordeal is... difficult.

Why did you take your three year old son

to the emergency room that night?

Because he was dying.

GOLD: But if you truly believed

he could be healed spiritually,

why did you take him to a hospital?


Because the prayers weren't working,

he wasn't getting better.

No, he wasn't.

In fact, uh, you didn't think

the prayers were working two days before that,

isn't that right?

Didn't you have a yelling argument

with the Christian Science practitioner

in which you screamed at her, "This isn't working"?

-Didn't you?

And you told her, this child needs to be hospitalized.

And she told me to just keep praying, to have faith.

But you didn't have faith,

and you just sat by as he got worse;

his temperature climbed to , you did nothing.

As he got closer to death,

you did nothing to save your own son.

Do you believe you did the right thing?

I have nothing further.


WOMAN: Ms. Lambrowski, you are the class representative of

[Polish accent] Section , Miss Clemmons' class.

How would you define hearsay?

Out of court statement

offered to prove the truth of the matter stated.

Any exception to the rule?

Confessions, admissions, former testimony,

-MAN: Former testimony.

Uh, always admissible.

The declarant must be unavailable.

The parties being offered against

must have had opportunity to cross examine.

All right, Ms. Lambrowski, you may sit down.

I would like to speak to Mr. Lee Chang.

Objection! Uh, Ms. Lambrowski

was the, uh, designated representative.

Yes, and she's very clearly in command of the rules of evidence,

so I'd like to give another student a chance.

-I wasn't told this.
-Miss Clemmons.

We want to give somebody else a try.

Step up, Mr. Chang.

[crowd murmuring]

God help me.

Now, how would you go about crossing, say, uh

and expert pathologist who has testified against you

in a med malpractice?

[singsongy] Foundation first, att*ck his skill.

-Please, no.
-Trip him up, move in for k*ll.

Confront him with my own reports,

move to strike his cheap retorts.

-All right!
-Uh, your honors,

[stammers] these were teaching techniques

-used to expedite
-Is that right?

[Polish accent] Maybe we should go back to me.

-Sit down.
-Sitting down, here I go.

Mr. Chang, explain exactly what you've learned

from these cute little limericks.

No rhymes, just tell us.

Basically, your honor,

approach witness on foundation first,

impeach his expertise.

Then I show him my reports

to establish and give evidence to the jury

of existence of contradictory opinions.

Finally, I try to establish bias or predisposition

to undermine his credibility with the jury.

And if none of this succeeds in discrediting the witness?

I have a nice rap number.

A rap number?

Your honor, under the agreement,

if any partner leaves, the firm is deemed to be dissolved.

Here we have two partners who have left,

-so that means
-JUDGE: Why are you here ex parte, counsel?

Why couldn't you have given your other partners notice?

I had no guarantee that they wouldn't liquidate their assets, you honor,

-in which case, I would
-Your honor, Jack Sollers

appearing for McKenzie Brackman

opposing Mr. Kuzak's motion.

Let me go on record first by stating our position

that Mr. Kuzak has breached his fiduciary obligation

-owed to this firm
-They fired me.

Suspended, not fired.

Second, his suggestion that this firm has intent to liquidate is a lie

for which he should be sanctioned.

I'm not saying they would willingly liquidate,

-I'm saying they would
-The doors will stay open.

This firm is viable and can easily withstand

this man's backstabbing, gutless sabotage.

-I object to that.

Your honor, he's seeking disillusion

only because that would enable him to solicit

McKenzie Brackman clients.

KUZAK: The litigation department is practically wiped out.

SOLLERS: Ann Kelsey's a litigator.

Tommy Mullaney's a litigator.

Stuart Markowitz has litigation experience,

as does CJ Lamb.

And then, of course, there's me.

-JUDGE: You?
-Yes, your honor.

As of this morning, I've signed on with McKenzie Brackman

for a two month period,

during which time I will perform the duties as head of litigation

and assure that clients' needs are met,

and I'm much better than this guy, your honor.

-All right.
-KUZAK: Objection.

With all due respect to this man's arrogance,

-I would like to
-This is not about my arrogance, Kuzak,

it's about your deceit;

your criminal attempts to undermine

All right, both of you, both of you, be quiet.

Mr. Kuzak, I want your stated reasons

why you think this firm should go into receivership.

Because I don't trust them. An independent receiver

Oh, listen to you, the model of trust.

JUDGE: Both of you be quiet!

: tomorrow, we'll conduct an evidentiary hearing.

Mr. Kuzak, you can take the stand and give your reasons,

Mr. Sollers, you can cross examine.

Oh, boy.

JUDGE: See you all tomorrow.

Hi, Grace. Good to see you.

You look great.

[sighs] I don't feel great.

This is not the way I wanted to do this.

We told you, Michael, we didn't want to do anything that betrays Leland.

I told you this was gonna be a w*r,

and you were gonna have to let me fight it.

Yeah, but Mike, this business about dissolving the firm.

-we've been saying
-I didn't know they were gonna slap an injunction on us.

Look, I know you guys don't want to be heavies, I appreciate that,

but somebody's gotta be or we're gonna get pasted here.

So just let it be me.

It's over, isn't it? We've lost.

Well, not yet. The doctor's testimony

went a long way for us, don't forget that.

How could you admit those things?

How could you renounce the church like that?

I didn't renounce the church,

I just said I had doubts, that's all.

Doubts are enough, Karen, you should know that by now.

My doubts, is that it, Greg?

I didn't say that.

My lack of trust is what k*lled Kevin,

-distrust and fear
-I didn't say that.

-But you think it!
-Karen, you don't know what I

I can't do this anymore, Greg.

I can't, I can't go on hating myself,

being blamed by you, I can't do this.

I don't blame you, Karen.

I blame myself.

When you grabbed him and...

took him to the hospital, I

I was relieved, I was

I was glad.

Why didn't we take him to a doctor?

Please, honey.

He would be alive.

Why didn't we take him to a doctor?

More and more, doctors admit every day

the connection between the spirit and the body, it's something.

Now, the Christian Scientists have believed this for years.

This isn't a wacko, voodoo religion, ladies and gentlemen.

We're talking about a church

that is established in countries...

with almost , functioning congregations in this nation alone.

The Christian Science religion is very real.

And it is very much on trial here today.

Now, the prosecution wants you to convict

'cause he says this religion is unreasonable.

Oh, boy.

Does anybody here know of a religion that's reasonable?

I mean, the whole thing about faith,

it starts up where reason leaves off.

Now, when little Kevin got sick,

they did not sit by and do nothing.

They simply refused western medicine,

and resorted to their own form of healing.


They called the practitioner to their house,

they were active, they were reactive.

They wanted this little boy to live

and every one of us knows that.

It didn't work.

They lost their child.

It's a tragedy, of course.

But they are not criminals, ladies and gentlemen.

You know that.

The only question you have to ask yourselves,

was it reasonable for them to do what they did?

To exalt their own religious beliefs

at the expense of an innocent child.

Both these defendants are college educated people.

They know full well...

had they taken Kevin to the hospital when he first got sick,

he'd be alive.

By her own testimony, Karen Morrison says

she had doubts that prayer would work.

She even argued those doubts and she still

she still didn't take her child for treatment.

Until it was too late.

How can she stand here and say that

her religious beliefs are reasonable

when deep down,

she didn't entertain those beliefs at all.

A little boy

got sick with a very curable disease.

It progressed to be life

And they let him die.

How can anyone, human or divine,

ever forgive that?

Management is no longer capable of

operating the firm's affairs.

A receiver must be appointed to protect its assets.

Ms. Van Owen and I have over $, of capital in the firm.

Naturally, we want to see that capital preserved.

And why is this firm in so much danger?

KUZAK: Well, first off, the cash crisis.

The bank has just called in its line of credit.

Also, there are several major clients,

such as Rikki Davis, Jefferson Properties,

and Miles and Associates, who are refusing to pay their bill.

And there are other clients, such as Dallas Smith,

Fred Stanfield, and Donald Margott,

who are all threatening to leave.

What else, Mr. Kuzak?

The litigation department has been decimated,

and percent of the current case load

is in that department.

Well, they still have seven lawyers left.

This law firm is in total chaos, your honor.

The senior partner is handing over his authority to the managing partner

while claiming to still be in charge.

Then you have CJ Lamb, an associate,

who is getting percent of her business.

Now, that's like having a one person firm

functioning within the firm.

Have you ever heard of anything like this?

They claim that deal is beneficial to the firm.

It's like putting Band
-Aids on b*llet wounds.

Then the head divorce lawyer

has just had a psychiatric break down.

-He's undergoing therapy.
-Son of a bitch.

KUZAK: There are security guards

running all over the building.

The place is a mess.

Your honor, the court has got to appoint

an independent receiver to take control here.

VICTOR: Thank you very much, Mr. Kuzak.

Nothing further, your honor.

Well, well, well, the firm is a mess.

Isn't it true, Mr. Kuzak,

that the reason Brentwood Federal called in its loan

is because you went to this bank

and told them they'd better do that?

I had certain concerns about the firm's solvency.

I was very candid with the bank.

SOLLERS: You went before a court,

you got a real estate attachment dissolved,

which attachment was critical

to the McKenzie Brackman line of credit,

then you went to the bank,

-isn't that right, Mr. Kuzak?

SOLLERS: you also represented in a court of law

that a bill for legal work performed by you for one Earl Williams

should be reduced from , to ,.

I did the work, I determine its value.

It was a major m*rder trial. You exhausted every appeal

all the way to the California Supreme Court for ,?

What were you charging, a nickel an hour?

It was my case, I was the billing attorney.

You lied about the value of your work

in order to make McKenzie Brackman lose its line of credit.

-JUDGE: Overruled.

And now these, uh, clients who are supposedly refusing to pay,

have you talked to any of these clients, Mr. Kuzak?

I didn't solicit them, they called me.

I'll bet. You'd never try anything underhanded,

-would you, Mr. Kuzak?
-VICTOR: Objection!

-Your honor, this man's already been suspended

-by the state bar once.

He's been held in contempt more times than I can count.

He's totally devoid of any ethical responsibility.

-JUDGE: Mr. Sollers
-VICTOR: Objection!


Can you identify this for me, Mr. Kuzak?

-It's a piece of stationery.

Reading, "Kuzak, Van Owen and Sifuentes,

a partnership at law."

Grace Van Owen and Victor Sifuentes

left McKenzie Brackman Tuesday,

and here you are with new stationery

for another firm already.

How can you not be guilty of tampering?

-VICTOR: Move to strike!
-You better watch it, Jack.

Careful, Mike, I'm facing you.

Let me put my back to you.

Here, go on, get me now!

-VICTOR: Objection!
-JUDGE: Mr. Sollers, that's enough.

You're honor, I'm only just beginning.

I said I've heard enough.

I want a list of both sides'

prospective candidates for receivers,

if I decide to go that route.

I'll make my decision by :.

Until then, take it outside.

[indistinct whispering]

Oh, God!

Oh, well, uh, keep me informed, won't you, Abby, eh?

Yeah. All right, love.

Just take care of yourself and don't worry so much.


The entire firm is under siege,

and they're all in court today.

-Oh, God.

Well, well, well,

Ms. Lambrowski now speaks with a British accent.

[speaks French]

I know who you are, Ms. Lamb.

I saw the hotel register and I did some checking.

-Tom, I'm sorry.
-You don't understand.

I'm very pleased.

I beg your pardon?

Your students, every one of them,

have already re
-enrolled for next year's workshop.

-You've gotta be kidding?
-No, you've hit on something.

Rambo litigators. Poolside classes.

We can sell it as kind of a vacation package.

But, uh, we need you.

We would be paid more money, of course.

It's negotiable.

Yes, well, before we even consider it,

I thin we need a little R&R.

So, the sun is out, drinks are in hand,

but you're still sitting there making shadows.

Enjoy your day. And let me know.

And you said you'd never take me on another trip. Ha!

Considering all the evidence,

plus a little information from independent fact finding,

I find that most of the chaos at this firm

was, in fact, created by Michael Kuzak.

Going to the bank, going to court,

willfully misrepresenting the value of your legal services,

tampering with lawyers.

I know now why you win most of your trials.

As for life on the home front,

the musical chairs stuff with the senior partnership,

the loss of all your litigators,

those private profit sharing deals,

it is a mess.

I don't know whether the place should be put into receivership.

The only way I can know is to appoint

a temporary receiver for ten days,

and let him make the determination.

I've gone over the two lists of independent lawyers

and business men submitted by you both

as prospective receivers.

But I'll tell ya,

I've decided to go with my own man.

Now, this person, unfortunately,

has a past relationship with your firm.

He is, however, in possession of

the best business sense that I have ever encountered.

And I don't think his past association

will pose any insurmountable conflicts.

Bring him in, please.

Now, you're going to give him an office,

and you're going to give him access to every letter,

every file, every bill,

every computer disc in your firm.

And I present to you your new leader,

Mr. David Meyer.

I don't think this is wise, your honor.

It's very wise.

I trust him.

For the next ten days, this man will run

McKenzie Brackman Cheney Kuzak and Becker.

That's all. We're adjourned.

People, people, people.

Madam Foreperson, has the jury reached a verdict?

-We have.
-What say you?

In the matter of the People vs. Gregory Morrison

on the charge of involuntary manslaughter,

we find the defendant not guilty.

In the matter of the People vs. Karen Morrison

on the charge of involuntary manslaughter,

we find the defendant guilty.

Oh, my God.

Your honor, move to poll the jury

on Karen Morrison's verdict.

Members of the jury, when the clerk calls your name,

please state your own finding.



CLERK: Cameron?


-CLERK: Feldman?
-WOMAN: Guilty.

-CLERK: Massey?
-WOMAN: Guilty.

-CLERK: Miller?
-WOMAN: Guilty.

-CLERK: Plynn?
-MAN: Guilty.

CLERK: Norvette?

♪♪ [theme]