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Notte di tempesta (1946)

Posted: 12/18/23 17:45
by bunniefuu
There's the sirocco, sergeant,
unbutton your jacket.

I'd even take it off, but...
- There's no risk. - That's what you say.

Obviously you're not a seaman.
Where are you from? - Bardonecchia, Alps.

It figures. You're foreigner.

Don't worry, nothing will happen to you.

I'm more familiar with mountains.
- Well, Punta Furore doesn't lack them.

As many as you want!

And sometimes, in winter,
a boulder falls and breaks through a house.

It's not a cheerful place, you know?

And to come it's necessary
to always take this trip by sea?

If you want, there's a stairway
up through the mountain.

Then you find the road
and you can get to Porto d'Ischia.

But nobody takes it and I don't advise it.

A few fishermen's houses,
and when there's a storm the sea goes there.

Sergeant, bear your cross,
for you're out of the world.

Is it well filled? - Yes.
- Cause last night I was left in the dark.

The boat from Ischia! There's
the sergeant too. - All I need is tobacco.

Salvato', get the rope!

Here he is.

I'll push you up. - Thanks.
- Easy, sergeant.

Rocco, I was awaiting you.
Welcome, sergeant.

- Cheers, Pasquale.
- Pasquale, any message for Forio?

Nothing. Cheers, Don Vincenzo.
- See you. Rocco, what have you got for me?

I brought salt, bulbs, tobacco and cotton.
- And nothing else? The cigarettes?

If the weather's fine in the morning
I'll bring 'em to you. - Alright.

Ah, Peppino, Peppino!
There's a letter for you!


Anie'. Anie'!

Damn your soul!

Coming, coming! I'm coming right away!

At 90 lire, eh? - Anie', this is cod!
- Don't I see it's cod?

There's so much that they threw it back
into the sea. 2 kilos and 700, 240 lire.

You're always right!
- Why? - Cause you don't go to sea.

Alright, so long!

Feli', wanna go for squids tonight with me?
- The two of us? Okay!

Okay! Cateri'! Cateri', there's a
letter for you, it must be from Gennarino.

And who else's should it be?

Well? So?

One moment.

Where's mom?
- At the store.

"Dear Caterina,
I'm writing to you while I'm confined. "

He's confined? Where is it written?
- It's written here.

"Tomorrow I'll get out.

It's a trifle, yesterday I returned
when the 'silence' had already sounded. "

"I'm writing with a pencil
as I don't have a pen here. "

"I always think of you... "

"and since I returned to La Spezia
I think more and more of you. "

"I also think of Peppino. "
He thinks of me too!

"I keep you in my heart and when I get
back I have to tell you lots of things. "

Go on, Peppi'.

"Lots of things...
"I hope you think of me sometime too. "

"Say hello to your mother, stepfather
and grandfather Centanni. "

Gennarino's even learned manners!
- Finish it.

That's all. You think it's
the book of the Mass? - It ends like this?

"All my affection, Gennarino. "

Happy now? Here.

Where have you been all day?
- At sea, on my own.

Why didn't you go out with the others
this morning? - Mom, I was teed off.

Get over it. You're a fisherman
and must go to sea like everybody.

Like your father, who went out fishing
up to his last days, rest his soul.

Mom, I like to work, but I like doing it with
my father's boats, not under an outsider.

An ousider? He's my husband! - Yeah, by
the same net he caught garfish and sardine.

Peppi! - Thank god I'll be 21 in a year
and so I'll be the fishing leader.

Then you'll see how I go out at sea!
Day and night!

- What do you want?

How come so soon?
- I'm going to the port.

Gotta unload the nets!

Kid, gimme a stone.
- Peppi', come here! - What's up?

Holy shit! Look over there, run!
- What happened? - Nothing, Concetta!

Grandpa, what happened?
- A rowlock broke and he fell into the sea.

How did a rowlock break? - It broke!
- What happened? - Nothing. Go.

Come on, boys!

The old man could have died.
- Uh, what a jinx you are!

Centanni broke his arm and I'm a jinx!
- Who says he broke it?

I do! With that blow...

Hey, Vincenzo.
Take care of the sale with Aniello, OK?

If one doesn't die he's not happy.

So, to please you I gotta say he's not hurt?
OK, he's not hurt.

Tomorrow he'll be fine, leave it to God.

I'm fetching water for grandpa.

There you go.
Stay like this.

Drink, grandpa. This is no traitor:
It's local wine, not stuff coming from outside.

Drink, grandpa, drink up!
He says so.

A great connoisseur,
an extraordinary traveler.

To him there's but Punta Furore
in the world, the rest...!

Why do you stay if you don't like it?
- Who says I don't like it?

When I came I liked it immediately.

I liked a woman and especially two kids
who'd run after her on the beach.

The boy soon kicked me in a shoe
and hasn't yet lost the habit.

But I love him anyway though.
- I'm the ungrateful one now! - Yup, exactly.

You're ungrateful as if you were my son.

You think your father would give you
the boat's lead if he was still there?

He wouldn't,
and you wouldn't even think of it.

But since I'm "one from outside"...

Hey, Concetta,
look at Centanni pretending to sleep.

That's right!
When I'm right, he pretends to sleep.

He got hurt, and then he's old.

Who's old?

At my time everyone lived to 100 years,
and men were whole men.

What are we now?

You're half men because you live half.
- Well said, grandpa!

And you're a quarter man,
so obey and shut up. - Work, especially.

I've worked, here you go. Tonight
I'm going for squids on my own. - Oh, yeah?

With us you eat and with us you must work.

How much?
- 240 lire. - That's it!

So now I gotta give 300 or 400
to who works for you.

Then why not to me, if I work like the others?
- And who's giving you this?

One more year, then I'm 21,
and we'll do the math. - Yes, we will.

Anyway, you won't go for squids tonight
as tomorrow you're going out with us. Got it?

You'll go for squids when I go.
And mind you, any hard head finds its rock.

This house's too tight for so many people,
I'll lie down outside.

Well, Caterina, don't you eat?
- No, I'm boiling the fresh milk first.

A black cat, death!
- What are you saying?

Don't you know a black cat means death?

Enough now! You seem to be born to be
an undertaker, you think of nothing else!

Hey, Salvatore, wake up!
- Here I am, Luigi.

- Cheers, Ferdinando!
- Yes, but be quick!



Your coffee.

That's enough.


What's up, grandpa? - I'm leaving.
- Leaving? Where to? - I'm going to Naples.

Concetta wants to take me to Naples.

My arm swelled up and I didn't sleep a wink.
I gotta go to the hospital.

But I recommend you one thing.

While I'm away, toe the line,
shut up and go fishing.

This is your stuff,
and you got to look after it yourself.

I don't get this sudden departure.

It's a trifle.
Soon as he's better I bring him back.

Just for that he could've stayed here.
With some ointment, no?

Yeah, ointment!
Falls are dangerous for old people.

Look, I'd be happier if you didn't leave.

Don't think you'll be alone.
The kids love you.

And pay no attention to Peppino.
These things happen.

I'll be back soon.
Soon as he's fine I'm back.

Alright then!
Goodbye, Concetta.

Goodbye, grandpa!
Heal well!

Don't you worry, it's my concern.

Remember, Peppino, while I'm away
don't make a fuss. - Go, nothing'll happen!

Goodbye, grandpa, take care.

Watch over your stuff, got it?

You're the master, here.

Bye, mom.

There, they're garfish.


- Come on, pull!

I said pull!

Here they are!

Here they are, here they are!

Look what a catch! - Come on, pull!
- What should I pull? It's empty!

That's small fry, see?
- Small fry? Not even a mussel.

Shut up, what do you know?

We're off to a good start!

The sea's all water!
- The first pull is always meager, then...

There were no "then", once!

Once you'd never cast a net
into a shore current!

Shut up!
I was at sea when you weren't born yet!

Not in this sea! With a shore current
you can't even catch the tail of a pickerel!

Look, when you'll be fishing leader,
you'll cast in open sea.

But since I'm the leader here, we cast
at the cape, OK? - OK, you're always right!

It's fate! If you're bound not to catch,
you'll catch nothing.

Pull the iron, halyard out!
I said to pull the iron!

Look, I'm in charge here, understand?
- Leave me! - Don't be stupid!

Come on, cast at sea.

Excuse me.
- Ah, thank you, Anna, come.

I prepared the sheet with the envelope.

And I brought the Waterman
that our father bought in New York.

What do we want to say to this sailor?

You decide for me.
- Oh, yes?

"Dear Gennarino... "
This is always good.

"I received your letter. "

They're more than one.
- How many?

- We're a long way ahead, with the sailor!

"your letters. "

He thinks of you? Does he say so?
- Yes, but he thinks of everyone.

"I too think of you. "
- With Peppino and mom, huh?

Did you put it?
- The whole family, don't doubt.

Don't bother on account of me.

What bother? And you then?

And then?
What else do you want to tell him?

I don't know...
Tell him that...

Donna Anna, La Spezia is very far away,
isn't it? - You bet it is.

Tell him I'm waiting for him, and that
I'll answer that thing he wants to tell me.

"that thing...
that you want to tell me. "

Very good, you wait for me asleep!
- You were so late...

Well, what is this cold stuff?
- Do you want me to warm it up?

No, you should've thought of that before.

And then...

Did the fishing go badly
that you are so angry?

This slop! When your mother isn't around,
everything goes wrong, everything!

What's wrong?

You're upset?
Eh, my dear, you...


Come here.

Come here.
- What do you want?

Take it, it's for you.
- For me? - Yes.

- You like it? - Yes.

Well, I give it to you.

Try it on at the mirror.

See how good it looks on you?
Are you happy?

And you know...
why I thought of giving it to you?


I don't want it.

Better five mullets today...
than a pickerel tail tomorrow!

I wonder why you always
have to be so venomous.

Mind that it hurts your blood.
In my town, they say that...

We're at Cape Furore, here!

If only you'd reason,
instead of talking like this...

Concetta, what time is it?

I'm Caterina.

What is it?

They're awaiting you, it's late.

Okay, go, go.

What're you doing with that oar?

What's wrong?

You almost stuck it in my eye!
- Almost, ha!

Come on, go easy.

Peppi'! Peppi'!

- Hey, Gennaro! There's Gennarino!
- Hey! - He's back! - He's back!

Cheers, Gennarino!

Gennarino, you're back!
Are you on leave?

Just one day!
How are you, Guitar?

What can you do in one day?
- Ferdinando, did you see who's back?

See you later! - Come on, go on,
there is time for greetings tonight.

To get in the house,
get the key from Don Vincenzo.

How happy Guitar is!
- See you later!

Of course he's happy, poor man,
the boy was away from home for so long.



You're back... - A few hours' leave.
I'm going back tomorrow morning.

How are you, Caterina?
- I'm fine.

And you, how are you?
- I'm fine.

Also Peppino's fine.
- I saw him while I passed offshore.

Grandpa, instead, hurt his arm.
- I know.

Mom brought him to Naples hospital.
- I know.

But you know everything.
- No. Did you get my letters?

But did you write sometime?
- Jesus! I wrote you many letters!


Peppino has arrived.
Go give him a hand. - And later, do we meet?

Why not?
The village is so small...

You're mean, Caterina.
I'm leaving early tomorrow... - Gennaro!


Tonight I have to go to Santella's.

# You are life to me... #

# In your eyes... #

# there is so much happiness... #

# the more I look at you, #
# the more I like you... #

Do you need anything?

Where you off to?
- I'm going with Peppino to Santella's.

Make me a cup of coffee.

The fire is lit, it heats up quickly. Can you
pour it yourself? I'm going, Peppino waits.

Well, why this change?
You never went out in the evenings.

I have to return this to Santella.

I don't want you to go out at night. - Why?
- I don't want you to go out tonight.

- Because...

Because I don't want to be alone.
- But I'll be right back.

Will you get a move on?

Good evening. - Is the sergeant here?
- He's over there. - Thanks. Come. - Come.

Good evening, sergeant.
- What is it, sailor?

You should sign this leave.
I'm leaving in the morning. - Of course.

Well, how are you in La Spezia?
- Of course, when one is away from home...

And then over there he's far from
many things! Isn't that right, Gennaro?

Sit with us.
- Vincenzo, three glasses.


Give me some tobacco, and then...

Bravo, Aniello. We're old, now.
It's your turn now. - Go on, Gennarino.

Me? You want to joke, Guitar?

In Spezia all my mates tell me:
"Sing, Gennarino, you're Neapolitan".

The draft is almost over
and they don't know I sing like a seagull.

And then there's Aniello here, who dares?
- Let it go, sarge.

If I could, I'd sing a nice song to
who I know. - Got it, you want a serenade.

#Catar?! Catar?!#

# Why do you say #
# these bitter words to me? #

# Why do you speak and my heart #
# torments me, Catar?? #

# Don't forget that #
# I've given you my heart, Catar? #

# Don't forget it! #

# Catar?, Catar?, what do you mean #

# by these words, that upset me? #

# You don't think about my pain #

# You don't think! You don't care! #

# Catar?! Catar?! #

# you don't know #
# that I even went to church #

# I entered and prayed to God, Catar?, #

# and even said to the confessor, #

# "I'm suffering for that one there!" #

# I'm suffering, #
# I'm suffering, you can't believe how #

# I'm suffering all the tortures... #

# And the Confessor #
# who is holy person, #

# said, " My son, #
# leave her alone, let her be" #

# Heart, ungrateful heart #

# You've stolen my life #

# Everything's over #

# And you don't think about us anymore! #

Bravo! Our sailor is not bad either!
- Me? Why?

Eh, I know why. To the Navy!
- Long live the Navy!

Aniello, a nice cheerful song!
- Cheerfulness is not done with a guitar.

There you go again!

Peppi', when you're 21, I'll be discharged,
and we'll have a nice party, eh?

What do you mean?

What do you mean by that
21-year-old matter? What do you mean?

Go on, tell him! As if he didn't know!
Mind your own business!

You're drunk, you're disgusting!
- Who?! - You!

And what do you do, alone at this hour
at night in a tavern like a shameless one?

Don't exaggerate! - Please, I'm the head of
the family, I tend to my children myself.

What children? We don't know you!

Look, Domenico, listen to me.
I know the story of the boats.

The issue will be dealt with good-naturedly
when the boy turns of age.

But until that day let's not make a fuss,
I don't like certain things.

I'm here to do my duty.

We all try to do it, and then...
everything goes to pot.

But after all you're all good people.
- Yeah, at the appropriate time, all beasts!

Well, now sleep on it...

and in the morning you'll see the story
of the boats will seem silly to you.

The boats?!

I couldn't care less about...
the boats' affair.

What can you do, sergeant?
Maybe he feels lonely. The wife's away.

Something cheerful...

Where you going?



Caterina, you came this far?
- You'd run away without saying goodbye?

How could I?
- With this sea I hoped you wouldn't leave.

I'm a soldier, Caterina,
I must be in La Spezia tonight.


Gennarino, you have to do me a favor.

When you pass by Naples,
go see mom in the hospital...

and tell her to come back.

Ask her to return at once.
But, immediately.

I'll go. But what happened?

I'm afraid, without mom.

Afraid for yourself?

Not for myself,
what can happen to me?

I'm afraid for Peppino, with stepfather.

Don't worry, I'll go and tell her.

Tell her to come back on the first day
of calm seas. Even tomorrow! - Okay.

Thank you.

I wanted to tell you another thing.

I've always received your letters.

You'll find the answer when you arrive.

What did you answer, Catar??

Even without a letter, you already know.

Are you saying for real, Catar??
Do you really... love me?

I... I wanted to ask you last night if...
but then, with what happened...

You'd really marry me when I'm discharged?

But do you know that in a month
I'll be home for good?

A month!
I wish it were tomorrow.

Where have you been?

Need anything, Anna?

Nothing, no matter. Sorry.

Where have you been?


You went to say goodbye to Gennarino,
didn't you?

He was leaving.

Where're you going?

What do you want from me?

You're drunk!

Yes, drunk! Drunk with
this thought that I have here, always!

Call it a craze, call it whatever...
I don't know, I don't know.

I see you, I think of you...

Jesus... be quiet!

Be quiet!
- It's not my fault...

It's not my fault...

I can't keep quiet anymore,
I can no longer restrain myself.

I tried not to think about it,
but this thought is

a nail that's stuck here
and beats, beats...

And you're mom's husband!
- The proximity! The continuous proximity!

I always see you!

When I get up, when I turn,
when I go out, when I go at sea!

It's madness!

It's madness!

Peppino, the coffee is ready.
Breakfast is on the table.

You wake him up. - Why not you?
- Because... cause I have to go to mass.

You know I don't like to talk
to that one there.

Today comes mom.
- Who told you?

The sea is calm,
today she definitely returns.

Today comes mom.

Ah, she's coming today?
- Yes, today.

- What?

Listen, Peppino...


Next year you turn 21.

Then, a year earlier or a year later
is the same, if you're the master.

Mark yourself and go fishing.
From today you're the leader.

Are you fooling me?

No, I'm tired
and I don't feel like it anymore.

And then this nonsense gotta end.
The sooner the better.

You go fishing.
Tell the men I don't go out today.

Mate Domenico doesn't come at sea.
He won't come with us.

Have you gone mad?

He said: "Next year you turn 21.
So then, a year earlier... "

But I'm telling you! Fishing leader.
- What are you talking about?

Pepp?, is that true or
are you getting into trouble? - Go ask him!

He said: "A year earlier... "
- Or a year later, we got that!

- What's up?

Look, Peppino, I thought...
- You changed your mind?

Yes, I thought I'd come too,
but only for today.

You already regretted it, I expected it!
- No, you see...

I really can't stay at home today.

The fisherman is at sea, you see?
- Nice excuse!

You're not even able to speak frankly.
- You're still the boss.

Just today to help you,
you got no experience, so...

I don't play the fool before the men!
- Peppino!

It's best for you, for me, for all
if today I go out to sea.

No, this time you don't trick me. You gave
your word and now I'm the fishing leader.

You said so yourself, it's too late now!
- Then go!

And may it all go to hell: me, the house,
all of you, everyone. Go, go away!

Domenico did it on purpose.
When he returns he sends us away.

If Peppino stays, he sends us away.
- So? - Either one is the same.

They only have troubles.
- But what does this decision mean?

"When the devil caresses you,
it means he wants your soul"!

Good day, my child.
- Goodbye.

Come on, pull!
Work, Salvatore!

Careful, the sack may break!

Pull up the iron!
- Okay.

We're going home!

Unfurl the sails!

Don't leave, if you quit fishing
you may no longer fish tomorrow.

You've picked well
your first day as a fishing leader!

You were born with full sail, Pepp?!

Hurry up, it'll take until night
to unload all this stuff!

Look how happy the kid is!

Hey, Torre', are you sorry we fished a lot?
- You even listen to him?

I say you mustn't get used to it,
it's an exception. - Shut up, you jinx!


How are you? Are you all well?

Oh, Concetta...
How are you, Centanni?

Eh... "My house, my ease"!

Domenico, and Caterina? - I don't know.
Maybe she's in the village and didn't notice.

And you, how come you didn't go out to sea?
- I left the boats to Peppino.

Really? How happy I am.
Let's go, come.

Hey, hey! We had an excellent catch!

Come on! Come on! Come on!

Pepp?, grandpa Centanni returned with mom.
- Guitar, grandpa Centanni is back!

Look after the weighing, please.

Tonight everyone at my place to drink
a glass of wine, we have to celebrate!

In Naples I was afraid of not leaving,
then we found Gaetano with the boat.

Caterina! Caterina!

And when I got to Ischia
I thanked the Madonna.

Our land is always the most beautiful.
- Ah, that's true.

On going back from the hospital I had all
the trams, cars, trucks in my brains...

I touched myself to feel if I was alive.
I envied grandpa, quiet in the hospital.

Nice hospital, what fun!

Don't complain, you came back fat from the
hospital. - Of course, it's the good life!

When you're old I wanna see you as fat as me.
- Hey, how old you wanna live?

Let him live for 100 years,
my poor grandpa!

Hey, do you mind if I live some over 100?

They are all rotten.
- Eh, they wet them.

Why Caterina stays there all alone?
Caterina! - No, let her be.

- She'll be busy, no?

Peppino put me in a good mood this morning.

With the that catch the good times seemed
to be back. - Guitar, I'm old school too!

Eh, you are my son's son!

And tomorrow night we'll go for squids.
Right, Peppino? - Sure!

Drink up, Guitar.
Hey, we need another bottle.

So it seems. - Yup, so it seems!
- Let's send Caterina, so she moves a little.

Cater?! Cater?!

Caterina is tired tonight.
- She remained here alone, poor daughter...

What is it?
- Go get another bottle of wine.

It'd also take some ballast beneath.
- Caterina, also buy a pack of taralli.


I knew tonight it'd end up
with taralli and wine!

The company's nice but I'm tired. And where
there's wine there's no place for women.

Goodnight everyone!
- Good night.

Don't be late, huh?
- Good night. - Good night.

Guitar, play a nice song.
- Come on, play, Guitar!

Anna, a bottle of wine.

are you glad your mom returned?

Give me also a parcel of taralli.

I heard that this morning
it was Peppino who went out to sea.

# Catar?, Catar?, what do you mean #

# by these words, that upset me? #

Me, only wine keeps me awake.

That means you understand better
when you're drunk than when you're sober!

Ah, here's the joy! - It calms any mood.
- Salvatore, take it easy.

Guitar, eat. - It's not bread for my teeth.
- Why not? Come on!

What's wrong, Domenico?

Well, I don't know,
maybe it's the wine that...

I'm surprised at you!

Got it? As she entered the house... - Quiet!
- I don't know... - Don't think about it!

Why didn't Ferdinando come?
- You know he doesn't like company.

And then he says he doesn't want to meddle.

Meddle in what?
- That one's half crazy.

Do you want a cup of coffee?

You haven't spoken to me since I'm back.
You didn't even look at me.

This house seems like a funeral.
- It is a funeral.


What do you want, mom?
- Mend this shirt, it's all ripped.

Hey, I'm talking to you!

For God's sake...

What's going on?

Cursed be the day I came here, I got in
this house and put myself in that bed!

Then you don't want me anymore.
- I was a free man, I could have a family.

And this one?
- This is not a family, see? It's nothing!

I'm a man sleeping here, where there are
two women, a boy, an old man

and a dead man on the wall.

Don't say that, Domenico, I...
I love you.

I remained a stranger,
one from outside, as your son says!

So what do you want from an outsider,
that I be a father?

They didn't want me
and so I remained a man.

And now there is nothing more to do,
there is no going back.

And I was no worse than the others.
Do you understand?

- Dear Domenico. Anna. - Anna, two more.

Sergeant, if you don't mind it's on me.
- Ah, thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you. - Cheers.
- Cheers. - To your health.

You seem ill since some time.
I know what it is. - Oh, yes?

You should take a trip up north.

The sun is nice but after a while
we need a puff of fog. Isn't it so?

I have a mom and sister up there. And you?
- No one anymore.

No one anymore here and there.
- How's that?

In my village, one night,
a man burned his house...

with his wife and children inside.

But, was he crazy?

A moment like this can happen to anyone,
to me, to you...

And what could he do next?
Could he resurrect them? No, he couldn't.

They found him hanged in the sacristy.

He did the right thing.
In such cases there is nothing to do.

it is difficult to have the courage.

Eh, yes...

it's very difficult.

Good day, sergeant.

Come help me do the laundry.
I'm talking to you, y'know?

What's on your minds? To ruin my life?
Stay here while I talk to you.

What do you want from that poor man?
He treats you like you were his children.

Let me be, mom.

Since I'm your mother, you think
I must put up with your nonsense?

You want him to leave, to abandon me?
Answer me! - I beg you, let me go.

Your brother is a man, he goes fishing,
soon you'll get married. You got your lives!

Will you let me live too?
That's my husband, you understand?

Keep him, nobody wants him!




Peppi', run after her, run!

Stop, Catar?!

Catar?, stop! Catar?!

Catar?, tell me, what happened?
- Leave me. Leave me alone.

Let me die! I don't want to go back
to that cursed house anymore.

Are you crazy? What happened?
Did you quarrel with mom? Tell me.

Then you made a fuss with stepfather?

What does he have to do with it?

It was better if he k*lled me.

Speak up, Catar?, what did he do to you?
- For a long while he was after me.

Stepfather?! - But I wouldn't understand.
Then, since when mom left...

Speaks! Speak, Catherine!

He sent you out to sea, and...
How disgusting!

How disgusting!
- Stepfather?!

I have to die... I have to die!


I've taken a resolution.

And what can it be, Peppino?

Only one thing can be done...

and I wanted to do it, earlier,
when you ran after me.

That's not true, Caterina.
- It is so.

Under the same roof,
me and him can't live.

It's too great a shame.

Right, too great.

You must not stay
under the same roof, you and him.

But don't worry, Catar?, and pray for your
brother. - Jesus, what do you wanna do?

God is great, Catherine.
I told you,

pray for me.



It's bad weather, do we go out anyway?
- Tonight we go out even if it rains fire.

Peppino, mind that it's Libeccio.
- Good wind for squid.

Finish preparing, now I'm coming.
It's my responsibility.

Goodbye, mom.
- Be careful, Peppino.

Don't you come at sea?

Can't you see?

Well, just because the sea's rough?

But you're brave, aren't you?
Or are you afraid?

I'm not afraid.
Wait for me here.

Peppi', you must explain to me, or else
I won't leave you. What did you mean before?

We just have to go out at sea,

and also, someone has to come back,
and stay at home.

Because a home without men
is lost.

Did you understand?

Farewell, Concetta.
- Domenico, this sea...

Domenico, we really must go out
with this sea? - Yes, we're going out.

This is madness! Going out to sea
with this weather! Who makes us do it?

This is our daily bread!
- It's also our hide.

Where do we want to go?

Where you want.
You're in command.

I think it's better if we go further out.
- Then row harder.

Row harder!

Isn't it better if we go back to land?
Here it's getting worse.

It's already worse!
Hey, guys, let's save our hide!

Do you know that Gennarino
is soon due back?

So what?

He wanted to marry Caterina.
What do you think about it?

Well, if a good young man wants to
marry her, she has to marry, right?

Then you're glad.


Yeah, just as she is,
because she has nothing.

And a man who marries a girl
must find her as she's supposed to be.

He must find her at least with something on.
She's got to marry properly.

Look, we're going too far,
we no longer see the others.

We haven't arrived yet. A little bit more.
A little more and we're there.

My Madonna, help us.

- Madonna, help us.

The boat!

Where's the other one?

There is only one.

Who is it?

What about Domenico?
- He fell overboard.







Hey, stop! To Saint Lucia.
Stop! To Saint Lucia.

Stop! Stop, wait, Don Mim?,
I come to Ischia too!


On leave, Gennarino? - No, Don Mim?,
discharged, finally! - Good boy!

Gennarino, with the rough sea,
we lost sight of them.

Poor soul!

I see, Guitar, it was tough.

It was a mess.
The body was not found either.

I believe it.

Excuse me, see you later, Guitar.

- Catari'!

What's wrong?
- Leave me, Gennari'.

Why, what's up? You don't love me anymore?
And the promise you made to me?

If it's for mourning, I'll wait,
but you have to say this word to me.

I don't know.
I don't know anything anymore.

I've always loved you,
I love you...

but stay away from this house!


Sergeant, rowing, I've already told you.

With that sea, we lost sight of the boat.
It could have happened to me, to everyone.

I've known Peppino since he was born,
he was so small.

No, like so.

And you love him?
- Of course!

So young, he seems
he was fishing leader for 10 years.

And the leader, even if young,
must be respected.

And then, ever since he's here, I don't
know why, every day we come back laden.

He's a hard worker!
He never avoids toil.

Just think, for Guitar who's old,
he always tries to...

Good evening, sergeant.

Well, see you, goodbye.
- Good evening, sergeant.

Good evening!
- Good evening, sergeant!

Good evening. - Gennaro! On leave again?
- I'm discharged. I come for the signature.

It's over, huh?
- It's over.

What's wrong?
You don't seem happy.

I'm happy I'm through.
I'm not happy with the bad news I found here.

Go, Pasquale, finish later.

It was something strange,
a misfortune that made quite an impression.

Rowing, right?
- Yeah!

- They told me.

And now, back to fishing?
- Excuse me, sergeant, a favor.

As you know I live alone at Guitar's,
got no close friends.

You must tell me like a brother.
- What?

Caterina, Peppino's sister...
I love her, and she the same.

Now I'm back and find this story.

Tell me the truth,
another man took my place? - Don't worry.

Sure it's strange.

But it's not the first strange thing that
happened in that house. - What do you mean?

Gennaro, I thought about it.

I asked people who are not from here:
you can't row in a sea like that.

Either the boat will capsize
or you can't go on. It didn't capsize.

I don't know, but for sure
there was grudge between the two.

What do you mean? Peppino?
We were kids together! Upon my soul!

And if Caterina knew such a thing
she'd spit in his brother's face.

And I'd marry a woman
who backed up someone who k*lled a man?

You must not even think about these things.

And how can you not think?

And then Domenico...
He did some strange talking...

"Sometimes there is nothing else to do",
and "that it's hard to have the courage. "

Maybe he felt very lonely.

it was a weight that I had,

I felt the need to let off steam.

But don't mention it, eh, Gennaro?
Besides, the marshal will take care of it.

You called the marshal?
Why? It can't be, sergeant!

That's why I want to talk to him,
because he has to tell me it can't be.

Monday morning I go myself
to Porto d'Ischia to call him.

Gennaro, don't forget, eh?


Ah, you're here?

Speak! What happened? Speak up!
- What d'you want? What're you expecting?

Why does Caterina no longer want me?


And what do I know?

She'll have her reasons for not wanting you.
These facts don't concern me.

Have you seen? It seemed that
they always quarreled when he was there.

And now...

now that he's dead
they no longer seem the same.

Oh, let go!

I haven't gone out to sea
with you for a long time.

While I was away I thought it was nice
to get back and go fishing at night.

Instead I'm here now and it's nothing.
- What's this?

A jellyfish.

I seem to be a stranger. Since I arrived
I no longer have a friend, no one.

Why? What did I do to you? You gotta tell me.
Is it possible to stay with this doubt?

What doubt?
- Look!

There! Guitar, there!

What's with you, are you all crazy?
Don't you see it's nothing?

Ah, a hull...

Now I get it!
It seemed impossible.

For your filthy interests
you ruined my life and that poor girl's.

That's why she's ashamed to be near me.
Tell me too that it was while rowing!


I know you're capable.

Centanni, I want to say goodbye.
Tomorrow I'm going to Spezia, I found a job.

But before leaving, you're the only one
to whom I want to bid farewell.

Genna', you're young,
help me pull these nets a bit.

They dried out.
Pull 'em up.

And so you're discharged. Good!
You saw a bit of world...

Centa', you stayed here, you can tell me.

Son, what should you know?
And then, from me!

When the fisherman fishes,
the fish lets itself be caught.

But the Lord, not satisfied,
meddles in and rips the net.

I've lived for 100 years,
and for 100 years the sea's been evil.

Centa', I'm discharged and I'm not happy.

And who's happy, my son!

You see?

now that I take my leave,
I'll be maybe happy?

But I'm young.
- There, you're young.

So shake well!

You're young, and for that
you can't understand. Life is like the sea.

So what does the young want?
Go out to sea with offshore wind,

and return to land with sea wind.

Casting the nets and fishing tons of fish.
That's what a youth wants.

But the sea is difficult, Gennarino.
It is difficult and makes you suffer.

Up north, while waiting, I suffered a lot.
- So what?

You must love the sea very much.
A lot, even if it makes you suffer.

Even if it takes away from you
an arm, a leg, an eye...

Only then are you a true fisherman,
a real man.

Think, there's who leave their life in it.
- Domenico?

Eh, right him.

See, Gennarino, the sea is fair.

When it's stormy, it is for coming
to clean this dirty earth a little.

It takes who's never satisfied,

who took advantage of an innocent one
by defying the wrath of God,

and who ruined a girl who knew no evil.

You understood well?


And someone helped the sea.

If the sea is fair,
fair is he who helps it.

Now it's up to you, Gennari'.

Ask your conscience
if all evil is not buried in deep sea,

and if it's not all clean here.

Now try yourself, Gennari',
to be a true fisherman, a real man.

Load up, it's late.

...tomorrow. It's a small package.

No trouble, Salvatore,
I'll deliver it myself to Porto d'Ischia.

Thank you. Goodbye, sergeant.

Good evening, sergeant,
I came to tell you something. - Gennarino.

I'm getting married.

And when did you decide? - Now.
And I marry Caterina, Peppino's sister.

We grew up together, we're good folks.
- I'm pleased.

If you chose her, it means
that it's fine and there's nothing to say.

Best wishes. Goodbye.
- Good evening, sergeant.

Pasquale, go to Salvatore and tell him
that tomorrow I won't go to Ischia,

That he try to send his package
through someone else. Go, but now!


Excuse me.

Donna Concetta,
I know this is not the right time...

but now I'm back
and I want to tell you right away.

I, if you have nothing to say,
I want to marry your daughter.

I'm happy for Caterina,
you are a good young man.

But now, right away,
with this mourning at home...

I know, I know.
We'll wait.

It's best this loss be forgotten a while.
It's better for everyone.

But first I want to tell you something,
so that you won't be sorry later.

I'm changing towns.


While there I found a job in La Spezia,
and I'm taking Caterina with me.

That God's will be done.
My destiny is to remain alone anyway.