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Masked Rider, The (1941)

Posted: 12/18/23 17:47
by bunniefuu

[dramatic orchestral music]

[slow orchestral music]

That's about all the
mules to pack, I think.

[speaks Spanish]

How much do you figure it
comes to, SeñorDouglas?

Roughly $16,000.

Mm, not a fortune,

but it means much to us
at the moment, no?

So much so that I'm wondering
whether it's safe to ship it.

Safe, of course not.

Not so long as the
White Mask and his g*ng

are in the district, but
we ought to continue work.

We must have the money
to meet the payrolls

and other obligations, so.

I thought you were making
a shipment of bullion

when I heard you'd come
out here this morning.

I judge you do not approve.

Well, how can I approve
when The White Mask has grabbed

every shipment we've made
in the last few months?

I'm sorry, unfortunately
my orders have been given.

Well, haven't I anything
to say about it?

After all, I own
half of the mine.

Your father was my partner
and my best friend.

Yes, and he was k*lled taking in
just such a shipment as this.

I have tried to be
a second father to you

and guard your interest
as I've promised him.

But if you do not approve,

perhaps I can find the money
to buy your share of the mine.

Oh, I'm sorry, Papacito.

But couldn't we hold off
making the shipment

until we get help
from the authorities?

That's got a lot of sense,
Don Sebastian.

I have already told you
there are reasons
I cannot explain

which prevent me
from sending for help.

Aw. You are not angry
with me, querida?

Oh, you know I'm not.

I'm just mad at
things in general.

But I'll ride it off on
my way back to the hacienda.

[ominous music]

I think I had better follow her
and try to make up.

That's not a bad idea.

Take two of the men,
unpack those mules.

Send the rest of 'em
back to work.

But, señor,Don Sebastian
will be angry if I--

Forget it.

I have a hunch The White Mask
is gonna lay for this bullion.

-But, señor--
-No worry.

I'll ride over and square it
with the Don.

[suspenseful music]

Come on.

SeñorDouglas, you forgot
to leave the key to the vault!

-[bright orchestral music]
-[man] "Mina de plata."

Mm, I'm sure glad
to see that sign.

I've been starvin'
for hours.

Say, can you read that?

Why, sure, it's easy.

"Mina"means, uh, minnows,

and "de plata,"

well, just what it says,
a plate-a.

Put 'em all together--
a plate of minnows.

Or as we say in Texas,
a fish dinner.

I see. What does "entrada prohibida"mean?

Entrada probibida...
Entrada prohi...

Entire prohibition.

But I don't care as long as
they got plenty of coffee.

I didn't know you
could read Spanish.

Why, sure, it's simple.

-I'll teach you some even.

[gentle orchestral music]

[speaking Spanish]

What does he say, Patches?

You mean,
what's he sayin', huh?

Well, I don't know,
he doesn't speak my dialect.

I speak Castilian, he speaks
a lotta c-c-castanets.

Oh, I see.

[speaks Spanish]

[speaks Spanish]

Say, I didn't know
that you spoke Spanish.

Oh, I don't. I just speak
a little castanets.

My friend here says
we can't get in

unless we get a pass
from the boss.

Oh, we can't, eh?

Oo-day oo-yay en-may eak-spay
a little English, eh?

Oh, you don't, eh?

Let's see, I've gotta--

Where is that? Oh, yeah.

Tell 'em that's a pass,
but it's written in English.

[speaks Spanish]

[speaks Spanish]

Gracias, señor.

I always knew
that laundry ticket'd

come in handy some day
if I didn't pay it.

[suspenseful music]

They're not gonna
make this shipment,

they're unloadin' the mules.

That makes it easy,

if we don't miss
the first shot.

-[g*n fires]
-[dramatic orchestral music]

You missed, you fool.
Now we gotta fight.

[g*ns firing]

They sure celebrate
Fourth of July early down here.

That's not firecrackers,
my friend. Come on.

-[g*ns firing]
-[dramatic orchestral music]

Well, now that we got
good seats, looks like
the fight's all over.

Not if we can make ourselves
look like two or three men
a piece.

Well, you may be triplets,
but there's only one of me.

Now, you keep outta sight,
and don't sh**t twice
from the same spot.


[g*ns firing]

They're gettin' up
in the hills, men!

Get 'em outta there!

There's plenty of 'em,
men, let's clear out!

Come on, Luke is getting
the pack horse.

White Mask.
Maybe we can catch him.

You can have him,
I don't like him.

We ain't got
a Chinaman's chance

of catching him
up in them rocks.

I know, but maybe
we can find out

something about him
from this fella.

He's not hit hard.

Come on, let's get
him outta here.

I feel like somebody's
sh**t' at me from every bush.

So do I.
Gimme a hand.

[g*n fires]

Oh. Looks like
that last shot got him.

I'm afraid so.

We'll get him back
to the mine, do what
we can for him.

Here, I'll hold him,
you get the horses.

[suspenseful music]

We was tricked,
there's only two men sh**t'.

Yeah, they're in
the road below.

I want you to follow 'em,
see where they go,

and if possible, see that
they bother us no more.

I had hoped he'd
come to long enough

so he could tell us something
about that White Mask hombre.

He has to lock out
the demonios.

Who shall I tell Don Sebastian
saved his silver for him?

Just a couple of saddle tramps,
riding through looking for work.

Say, you can talk
plainer than that.

I thought you told me we was
comin' down here on a vacation.

I know, but the vacation ends
when you find a job.

But I'm all run down.
I need a rest.

After what happened today,
I think Don Sebastian will be
glad to give you work, señores.

Ah, but we're far too proud
to accept charity,
far too proud.

That's right, but we're not
too proud to accept a job.

Where do we find
this Don Sebastian?

Follow the trail down
the arroyo, señor.

You cannot miss it.

That's what you think.

I never saw a job yet
I couldn't miss.


[suspenseful orchestral music]

[birds chirping]

Hey, isn't that a girl
down there?

One of 'em is.

The other one looks
more like a steer to me.

She looks like she
could use a little help.

Well, what are we waitin' for?

Rope Them McQuilt they call me
from coast to coast,
border to border.

[dramatic music]

Doggone, if you two hadn't
have gotten in the road,

I'd have caught that steer!

You couldn't catch the measles
unless someone held 'em for ya.

Slack off on your rope,
we won't run away.

I'm sorry, miss,
I hope it didn't hurt ya.

-Larry Prescott!

Am I glad to see you!

Say, do you two know each other?

Yeah, Jean's father
used to be my captain

when I was in the Rangers.

Well, whaddya know?

Miss Malone, my friend
Patches McQuilt.

He does?

-No, he is.
-Oh. [laughs]

-How do you do?
-How do you do?

Well, whaddya think of that?

Meetin' the daughter of a
friend's friend way out here.

That's what I call
coincidental c-c-coincillence.

Well, it wasn't
quite like that,

I wrote Larry,
told him there's a job here

that was right in his line.

Uh-oh, I've been tricked.

Nobody said nothin' to me
about a job no time.

You're going to like this job.

We're down here to clean up
The White Mask and his g*ng.

Oh, that's different.

What? T-The White Mask?

Why don't you get the police
or an army or somethin'?

Well, Don Sebastian
won't let me.

-Why not, Jean?
-I don't know.

He says he has reasons, but he
won't tell me what they are.

Is your mine the only property
that's been raided?

So far as I know.

I wonder why.

Has anyone tried to
buy your mine cheap?

Uh-uh. Well, Don Sebastian
offered to buy my share
this morning,

but that doesn't
mean anything.

Mm, it doesn't.

Let's ride over and
have a talk with him.

Maybe there's more to this
than you think, Jean.

Larry, you don't mean
you think that Don--

I don't think anything yet,
but I aim to find out.

[suspenseful music]

[man speaks in Spanish]

[José speaks in Spanish]

I cannot help but feel you
overstepped your authority

in countermanding my order
to ship this silver bullion.

Well, I'm sorry,
Don Sebastian,

but I had a presentiment
The White Mask
was gonna attack--

I do not believe
in presentiments.

You'll return to the mine
and stop the shipment--

Don Sebastian,
may I enter, please?


I bring news from
the mine, señor.

-It was att*cked--

Si, señor,
by The White Mask,

shortly after
you leave, señor.

They got away with the silver?

No, señor,two Americanos
came to help us

and together,
we drove off the banditos.

Oh, my hunches aren't so bad
after all, are they, señor?

Sit down, José,
and tell us the whole story.

What do you know of
the Americanos?Who are they?

Where did they come from?

That I cannot say, señor.

After the banditos
were gone, I come here
to report.

Looks like we have a lot
to thank these Americans for.

I shall try to meet them
and thank them in person.

Temporarily, señor,
I think we should delay

the shipment of that bullion.

We might not be so lucky
the next time.

Here come the two Americanos
now, señor.

Papacito,this is
Larry Prescott--

José has told me the story.

I have not the words
to thank you, señores,

-but my house is yours.
-Thank you.

This house is ours?

Oh, that's mighty
generous of you, Don.

How much land
goes with it?

My name's McQuilt,

What a cave.

[group laughing]

[Don Sebastian] José, tell
Margarita we have visitors.

[José] Si, señor.

Well, lookie here. [chuckles]

A little bitty groaner.

[accordion hums]

Margarita, Margarita?

[José speaks in Spanish]

I want you to meet
my daughter, Margarita.

This is my good friend,

I'm beginning to wish
I'd come to Mexico

a long time ago.

You are too gracious, señor.

Rita, we must arrange
a little celebration

for our friends, no?

Oh, that'll be too much
trouble, Don Sebastian.

Trouble? Why, it's no trouble
at all. [laughs]

Just let me get a little sleep.

Doggone, then you can
bring 'em home to pasture.

Why, I'll grind out a couple
of tunes on this groaner,
it'll make history.

I'll knock 'em off their seats,
I'll roll 'em in the aisles.

-[accordion hums]

I'll, uh, I'll see ya later.

[group laughs]

Howdy, miss.

Would you like to hear me
play a couple of tunes

on this here squeezy box?

Squeezy box?

Well, you know, push me,
pull me, serenade.

[speaks in Spanish]

Whatever you call it,
it all comes out the same.

Let's see, what'll I play?
Oh, yes.

Wait a minute,
have you got a boyfriend?

Oh, no, señor.

I had one once,
but he fell in the river

up to his ankles,
head first.

Did it hurt him?

I don't know,
he didn't come up yet.

That's all I wanna know.
Let's see now, here we go.

[gentle guitar music]

♪ Carmencita ♪

♪ You are sweet señorita ♪

♪ So enchanting and gay ♪

♪ That each word that I say ♪

♪ Is in praise of your name ♪

♪ Carmencita ♪

♪ You make living
complete, ah ♪

♪ You're so lovely to love ♪

♪ That the stars up above ♪

♪ Hide their beauty in shame ♪

♪ Your tender eyes
are sparkling bright ♪

♪ Ay, ay, such delight ♪

♪ Ay, ay, ay, all your kisses
tell me that this is love ♪

♪ Carmencita ♪

♪ No one else
could be sweeter ♪

♪ If there's ever a bride ♪

♪ That I want by my side ♪

♪ Carmencita, it's you ♪

♪ Your tender eyes
are sparkling bright ♪

♪ Ay, ay, such delight ♪

♪ Ay, ay, ay, all your kisses
tell me that this is love ♪

♪ Carmencita ♪

♪ No one else
could be sweeter ♪

♪ If there's ever a bride ♪

♪ That I want by my side ♪

♪ Carmencita, it's you ♪

[gentle guitar music]

And since we opened the mine,

The White Mask has got every
shipment of bullion but one.

Why haven't you sent
outside for help?

The Army would give you
an escort if you asked for it,
wouldn't they?

We have asked the same
question many times.

He says no
but will not tell us why.

I have not told you
the reason why

because I did not
wish to alarm you.

Perhaps it is best
that I explain.

♪ Carmencita ♪

♪ No one else
could be sweeter ♪

♪ If there's ever a bride ♪

♪ That I want by my side ♪

♪ Carmencita, it's you ♪

You thought your father
was k*lled in the raid

on the first bullion train,
did you not, querida?

Why, of course.

He was k*lled
after the raid

while he was
going for help,

in spite of a warning
we had already received.

Do you read Spanish, señor?

Well, if it's not
too complicated, I do.

"Our spies know your every plan.

Any attempt to get
help from the soldiers

will result in the death
of the messenger.

Signed, The White Mask."

-You never tried again, huh?
-I will close the mine first.

I cannot send a man to his
death to protect my property.

I'm on my way to the garrison,
Pablo, to bring soldiers.

Tell Don Sebastian,
but not till I am far enough

so I cannot be overtaken.

[Pablo speaks in Spanish]


Maybe I can get out
and get you some help.

Nobody knows me
around here, and--

You better forget it.

They'd have a double reason
for wanting to get you.

You are the last one
to try, señor.

After what happened today,
you are a marked man.

Yeah, likely you're right.

[midtempo accordion music]

You know, Sebastian,
if you don't mind,

I'd like to stay here and help
you run down The White Mask.

If you take my advice, you'll
get outta here while you can.

I'm afraid
Mr. Prescott is in so far

he could not get out
even if he wishes to.

Señor,José left
a message for you.

-What message?
-He has gone to the garrison

to send in the soldiers
to help you.

Send someone after him
to stop him!

-He will be k*lled!

[gentle accordion music]

Have Pancho saddle the horse
and go after him.

-Si, señor.
-If you'll excuse me,

I must see he is mounted
on the best horse.

I hope it isn't too late
to do him some good.

Yeah, me too.

Well, I gotta get to the mine,
see you at the fiesta.

Good, I'll be
looking for you.

[Patches sings gibberish]

That's not a sad song.

♪ I know it's not ♪

Then why are you crying?

This thing is
pinchin' my stomach!

-[Patches thuds]

-[Carmencita gasps]
-[suspenseful music]

[Carmencita screaming]

They're k*lling him,
they're k*lling him!

-k*lling who?
-I don't know! [whimpering]

Gee, you're a lotta help.

-[dramatic music]
-[punches smacking]

Now you're going inside
and do some talking.

[White Mask] You are mistaken,

You want to meet The White Mask.

You are looking at him for
the first and the last time.

[g*n fires]

Doggone, I missed him.

[dramatic music]

That'll teach ya, never
try to pull a knife on me.

Get back to your prisoner.

I've been tricked.

"S.V., Sebastian Valdez."

Could be.

And it could be just a plant.

[lively orchestral music]

[castanets clacking]

I've taken a great liking
to your friend SeñorPrescott.

Seems to run in the family.

[laughs] I hope
you're right, querida.

And I also hope it does not
make SeñorDouglas too jealous.

Don't you worry about Larry,
he can take care of himself.

[castanets clacking]

[cheers and applause]

-[gentle acoustic music]
-[men sing in Spanish]

[cheers and applause]

You know, I think
I've got a good idea.

I'll go get you
a glass of punch.

I, I think I have
a better idea.

-I think I will go with you.

You seem to think a lot
of Mexico, Prescott.

Why, I always have
liked Mexico.

I don't know why I
should lose interest now.

Well, there's such a thing as
being too interested in Mexico.

I don't like the way
you said that, Douglas.

Mexico's proud if it has one
interest to SeñorPrescott.

That makes up for
a lotta things.

-[castanets clacking]
-[lively instrumental music]

[cheers and applause]

[lively instrumental music]

[castanets clacking]

[castanets clacking]


-Wow! [wailing]
-[Carmencita gasps]



[gentle acoustic music]

[men singing in Spanish]

[whispers indistinctly]


Doyou know where
SeñorPrescott is?

Why, he's over there
with Margarita.

Margarita, you stay
here with Jean.

come with me, please.

[men singing in Spanish]

[audience applauds]

I found this paper
fastened to his shirt, señor.

[lively instrumental music]

-Have him carried to my room.

[man speaks in Spanish]

[men singing in Spanish]

[cheers and applause]

amigos mios,

my daughter and I
ask your forgiveness

if we bring the
fiesta to an end.

I believe you would not
have me do otherwise

when you understand
what has happened.

[partygoers chatter in Spanish]

Don Sebastian, my partner
and I would like permission

to help you to run down
The White Mask.

I am sorry, but he has
already cost the lives

of too many friends.

-But, señor,I--

There is
but one thing to do.

I will close down the mine.

But Papacito,if you
close down the mine,

you'll lose everything you own,

this hacienda,
your cattle, everything.

Then, I shall have
to lose it.

How will he lose
the hacienda?

Has he borrowed money on it?

Yes, from Douglas,
to meet the payroll.

-From Douglas?

That explains a lotta things.

Well, what do you mean?

Someone is trying
to make it look

as if Don Sebastian himself
is The White Mask.

How could they do that?

I'll tell you later.

But what I wanna know now,
would one shipment of bullion

-clean up Don Sebastian's debts?
-Oh, easily.

How many men on this ranch
do you think are loyal to him?

I think all of them are,

Good, let's have
a talk with 'em.

All right.

The question is, men,

are you willing to take a chance

for Don Sebastian
and his daughter?

-[men chatter]

Good, then saddle your horses
and a dozen pack mules

and be ready to leave at dawn.

[men chatter in Spanish]

-He's over there.

What's goin' on here?
Why wasn't I in on it?

Saddle your horse,
there's work to do.

Work? Dad burn it,
I've been tricked again.

[suspenseful music]

What's goin' on here?

I'm sorry if we disturbed you,

but this silver's
going out at daylight.

Oh, no, it's not.

Not without an order
from the boss. Put it back.

I've got an order.

This order's no good, it's
not signed by Don Sebastian.

But it's signed by Miss Malone,

and she owns as much
of the mine as he does.

I'm not takin' orders
from Miss Malone.

But I am.

You can try and
stop me if you like.

[suspenseful music]

How do I know you're not
workin' for The White Mask?

Would you like for me
to tell you how you know?

Or would you rather forget it
and go back to bed?


All right, boys.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

Luke, Luke, open the door.

[Luke] Who is it?

Who do you suppose?
Open the door.

Round up the men
and get them on the trail

as quick as you can.

This time a night, what for?

is leaving at daylight

with every ounce of
silver in the vault.

-Don't argue, get moving.

[suspenseful orchestral music]


[chuckles] Hey, Patches,
I'm ready to pull out.

Well, go ahead and pull,
see if I care.


Uh, Larry...

Patches, your mules
are loaded and waiting

at the other
entrance of the mine.

How long do you want me
to wait after you pull out?

Oh, about an hour,
that oughta be long enough.

But don't let Douglas see you.

Oh, that hammerhead,
he don't know--

-Good morning, Douglas.
-Good morning.

Hi, Doug.

Say, I'd kinda like
to square myself

for the way I acted last night.

Oh, that's all right.

A man has got a right
to be a little grouchy

when you wake him up in
the middle of the night.

-Well, good luck to you.

I think we'll have it
this trip.

Hey, Pedro, vamonos.

-[men chattering]
-[suspenseful music]

Aren't you goin'
to the pack train?

Who me? No, I...

I got a little rheumatism
in my t-t-trigger finger.

Don't let that worry you.

They're ridin'
down the trail,

but they won't be here
for a half hour or more.

Well, we'll set off before.

Hank, better ride down,
watch for 'em.

All right, boss.

-Buenos dias.
-Oh, buenos dias!

-Buenos dias.
-Where are the
American friends?

I have been up an hour
and have not seen them.

They're fixing up
a little surprise for you.

So, what sort of a surprise?

They're on the way
to the railroad

with a load of bullion for you.

What, they are doing that

after what I told
them last night?

I gave them permission
and the keys to the vault.

But they will be robbed
the same as the others.

I do not think so, Papacito.

You see, a fake pack train
leaves for the regular trail

for The White Mask
to follow and attack.

An hour later, the real
bullion leave for the old trail

down Black Canyon.

It may work!

Oh, but I should be with them,
sharing the risk.

Pablo, saddle
my horse quickly.

-Si, señor.
-Mine too, Pablo.

-[playful orchestral music]
-[alarm ringing]

[suspenseful orchestral music]

Here they come.

Only Douglas ain't showed up.

Reckon we oughta jump 'em,
or wait for him?

No use in waitin',
we can handle 'em.

Leave your horses,
we'll sneak down and ambush 'em.

That ain't
the pack train we wanted,

-it's a decoy.
-Whaddya mean?

One of the bullion's
headed over the ridge

into Black Canyon.
Get mounted.

It seems funny we
haven't been jumped.

I expected it long before now.

Si, señor.Something
is going barbed wire.

All the time we got it
before we got now.

I think you're right, Pedro.

Something has gone barbed wire.

Come on, let's try
a little further on.

[bold orchestral music]

[birds chirping]

There's the bullion train,

Didn't I tell you
the trick would work?

It's The White Mask!

The White Mask
is right behind us.

The White Mask?

Take cover at them rocks,
men, ho!

[dramatic music]

Next time they charge by,

be ready to mount and
ride with SeñorPrescott.

Mount those mules
and head for the hideout.

Yeah, and Larry Prescott'll
come along a few minutes later

and take 'em away
from you again.

Nothing would suit me better,

I've got a big score
to settle with him.

Come on, get going.

[dramatic orchestral music]

Pull that bullion in
a wagon for a getaway

if anything goes wrong.

[men chattering]

So you thought you could
outsmart The White Mask, eh?

I still think I can.

If Larry Prescott
doesn't follow us here
and turn us loose,

I'll boycott him.

That's why we
brought you here, for bait.

That's why I left
a trail so broad

that even Prescott
could follow it.

We'll be waiting for him
when he gets here.

When they find his body,
he'll have the white mask on.

Oh, go away, you bore me.

Don't worry,
you won't have long to suffer.

Gather 'round, you men,

and be ready for Prescott
if he shows up.

You know, I'm beginning to
dislike that fella immensely.

And without avail.

[playful instrumental music]

Just as I thought,
it's locked.

What's the difference?

We cannot get loose anyway.

Oh, yes we can.

My name is not
Escape Artist McQuilt
for nothing.

Handcuffs, straight jackets,
one-legged boots,

country jails,
bird cages, all the same to me.

-And now, SeñorDon.
-[knife clicks]

Turn around.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

I got an idea.

-Get that little mat.
-What for?

Don't ask papa questions,
get the mat.

Push it under the door.

[key rattles]

Now pull it out.

Ah, magic.

[key rattles]

-Where are you goin'?
-Who, me?

I'm just goin' back
and lockin' myself in.

[Patches laughing]

Hey, you gimme that key!

Open that door!

If you want this key,
you try to get it

the same way I did.

[man knocking]

First jail I was ever in that
the jailer couldn't get into.

[dramatic music]

This is where they
were fighting,

but we're too late
to help them.

No, we're not.

They left a trail broad
enough to pick up and run.

Come on!

If we could only
warn SeñorPrescott

before he arrives
into the trap.


We could weed rag 'em if we
could get up on the roof.

-I've got an idea.
-What, another one?

Yeah, but this one
will work.

Gimme a little help
with this table.

What for?

I keep tellin' ya,
quit askin' papa questions.

That's like it.

-[Patches groans]
-[barrel thuds]

[Patches giggles]

[straw rustles]

[dramatic music]

Come on down, Don.

Thanks, pal.

If we could just find us some
horses, we'll be all right.

Hey, pal,
I'll just take your g*ns.

Say, this might be the wagon

they was gonna put
that bullion in.

This is it.

This is no time to
speak of bullion.

Larry said to get
this bullion through,

and when Larry says
a thing, he means it.

Come on, Don.

[White Mask] Hey, Luke.
What happened to you?

I don't know, somebody
jumped on me from up there.

They got my g*n and my r*fle.

[White Mask] They must've
gotten out through the roof.

They're getting away
with the bullion.

Get the men
and ride 'em down.

Mount up and get after 'em!

[dramatic orchestral music]

Come on, men, get after 'em!

They're getting away,
and the g*ng's right after 'em.

[man] Yah!

[wagon clatters]

I still like Mexico,

But they're not going to
have much use for you.

You would make me very
happy if you would stay here

and take charge of the mine.

Now that The White Mask
has been taken care of,

I'm sure Pedro can handle
the mine, all right.

[Jean] Better change
your mind, Larry.

Well, I--

you talk to him.

Come on, Papacito.

You will stay for
a little while, anyway?

Well, I, I better
speak to Patches.

You see, I kinda
promised him a vacation.

I think he will
say yes, all right.

Are you waiting
to sing for me?


You told me you
would sing for me!

-Who me?
-Yes, you!

Listen, honey, this is
the first chance I've had

to sleep in two days,
and you talk about music.

Then you're
not going to sing?


Then you don't love me!

-[Patches yells]
-[water splashes]

[both laugh]

Now you gonna sing for me, eh?

Anything your
little heart desires.

[accordion hums discordantly]

[triumphant orchestral music]

[bold orchestral music]