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Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier (1955)

Posted: 12/18/23 18:00
by bunniefuu



Davy Crockett

The man who don't know fear


Davy Crockett

King of the Wild Frontier

Born on a mountaintop in Tennessee

Greenest state in the land of the free

Raised in the woods
so's he knew every tree

k*lled him a b'ar

When he was only three


Davy Crockett

The buckskin pioneer

In 1813, the Creeks uprose

Addin' redskin arrows
to the country's woes

Now old Andy Jackson,
as everybody knows

Is the general they sent to fight the foes

Major! Major Norton!

Yes, sir?

Where's that scout I told you to find?

They say the best man
is one of the volunteers,

uh, name of Crockett.

Well, where is he?

As a matter of fact, General,

he's out hunting.


We're short on rations,

and he's gone across the river.

Across the river? That's enemy territory!

Rations aren't what you're short on.
It's brains.

He didn't take a g*n, sir.

By the eternal, I want this Crockett fella,

and I want him right now! Fetch him!

Yes, sir.



Davy Crockett!

Where's Crockett?

Speak up, man!

Where is he?

- What's he doing in there?

He's tryin' to grin down a bear.

Grin down a...

You backwoods buffoons

think the rest of us will
believe anything, don't you?


Crockett, can't you hear me?


Come out of there, man! I've got a mi...


You sure spoiled things good.

Now I gotta do it the old-fashioned way.

Yee-hoo! Give him what fer, Davy!



Stick with him, Davy!


Now, Major, what was it
you wanted to see me about?

(HIGH-PITCHED) Gen... Gen...

General Jackson wants to see you.

Just as soon as we get
that b'ar pulled up.

Come on, boys.
It's a fair to middlin' size critter.


Full bellies tonight, boys!

Hear you want to see me, General.

That's right. Come inside.

Now, how'd you k*ll that brute?

With my knife.

I was figurin' on grinnin' him to death,

but this here stumble-footed
major of yours

come along and busted up
my concentratin'.

Grinned him to death?

What in thunderation is that?

Oh, it's somethin'
I been experimentin' with.

You see, there's nothin'
so absotutely unresistible

as an old-fashioned,
good-natured grin...

Like this.

I started out on 'c*ons.

I got so good at it, one day an old 'co*n

throwed up his hands
the minute he seen my teeth.

"You got me, Davy!" He hollered,

and he skinned down that tree

and plopped hisself in my sack
before I knowed what was up.

I figured the same thing
ought to work on b'ars,

but I never got a chance to find out.

The major here come along
and busted up my concentratin'.

I wound up havin' to wrastle
this particular critter into table meat.

What was you hankerin'
to see me about, General?

We're on the edge of enemy territory.

I want a scouting party to find out
what them redskins is up to.

Major Norton and a squad of regulars

will accompany you.

Well, that wouldn't make
the chore no easier, General.

Just be sure the major
brings back the information I want.

Come on, Major.

Some of your boys rode
water pretty deep, Major.

Better look to their powder.

Re-prime your pieces!

From here on, we don't make
no more noise than we got to.

No talkin', no stragglin',

and everybody keep close up.

Better stick closer to us, Major.

You've done nothing
but lead us through swamps,

canebrakes, and briar patches all day.

I see a trail over there,
and there's no sense in not taking it.

Has the general got your wife's address?

You take that trail,

and he's apt to have to
write her a mighty sad letter.

We're here to locate Indians, Crockett,

and I don't like the way you're doing it.

Now, we'll cover more ground
if we separate.

I'm taking that trail.

We'll be back here
in this clearing by dawn.

See that you are.

Better fix up a signal
to identify ourselves.

Can you do an ol' hoot owl?




That'll fool the redskins just dandy.


Come on.

DAVY: w*r party, big one.

And here comes another bunch.

Head for cover.


That was Red Stick.

What makes you so sure?

Creeks only got one young chief.

Gotta be him.

Let's leave the horses here.



DAVY: Looks like Red Stick's

finally talked the whole tribe
into listenin' to him.

I don't know what he said,
but I sure don't like it.

I hope they keep that up a spell longer.


We better get back to the major fast.




Hoo! Hoo!

Hoo! Hoo!



NORTON: Everybody take cover!

Take cover, men!

Sounds like the major
really got hisself in trouble.

Yeah, and I suppose
we'll have to get him out.

- How?
- We'll surround 'em.

You think there's enough of us?

If we give 'em the ol' Crockett charge.

Forward march!

Company halt!

Brigade, charge!

Company, charge!

It's the general and the whole regiment!


On the double now! Fire at will!




Advance on the line of front!

Dragoons, dismount!


GEORGE: Wee-hoo!


We got 'em on the run, men!

Fix bayonets!

Company B, close up!





Come on, men! Ya-hoo!


Company A reportin', Major.

GEORGE: Here's the rest of us, Major.

Company B reportin', Major.

You mean just two of you?

Well, two was enough, wasn't it?

These varmints that att*cked you
was just a little party.

Yeah, the whole Creek nation
is gatherin' up there.

You take care of your casualties, Major.

Me and Russel will get
the news back to the general,

soon as we catch our horses.

The general's expectin' me.

Oh, sorry to disturb you, General.

Never mind. What did you find out?

Well, they aim to fight.

They was holdin'
a big w*r dance last night.


Back of the mountain,
about 18 or 20 mile

from where we crossed the river.

Red Stick's there.

Red Stick?

Oh, I'd sure like to get my hooks on him.

Then we'll have to move fast.

He's whippin' 'em up
like a canebrake afire.

Where's Major Norton?

He had a little trouble.
He'll be along directly.

Sentry! What kind of trouble?

Injun trouble. Lost a couple of men.

Yes, sir?

Tell the sergeant major
to order the camp struck.

We're moving out of here.


The lookouts are accounted for,


Yeah, when we catch Red Stick,
this w*r'll be over.

There's only two ways he's got
of gettin' out of that camp.

I got him stoppered.

Now, as soon as the regulars
are in position,

you volunteers jump in there
and stir up them red hornets.


Give it to 'em, boys!

- (g*nf*re)


Fire and fall back!





Sound assembly.


I reckon Red Stick's tomahawk's
got an awful nick in it.

He got away, didn't he?

Yeah, but a lot of 'em didn't.

Well, much obliged for savin' my scalp.

Calculatin' Mrs. Crockett

might have a kiss for you
when we get home.

MAN 1: Feelin' better, boy?

MAN 2: I'll make it. Just water, huh?

Don't call it a victory around me, Major.

Their casualties were
enormous compared to ours.

We captured three of their chiefs,

and they're anxious to discuss
terms for a peace.

- Peace?
- Excuse me, General.

Well, what do you want?

Nothin' much.
Dropped in to say good-bye.

Where do you think you're goin'?


You're going after Red Stick
with the rest of my command.

This w*r isn't over yet.

We ain't quittin' the w*r.

Me and my neighbors'll be back directly.

You see, General,
we only volunteered for 60 days,

and that's long since up.

Catchin' Red Stick's liable to take up
the rest of the year.

We gotta see that our families
is took care of

before we start out on anything like that.

You're confined to this camp.

That's an order.

My missus would worry about me.

Sorry, General.

If he's permitted to leave,

it'll destroy the discipline
of the whole camp.

He's attached to your command, Major.

Then I'm gonna stop him.


I'm warning you, Crockett, turn back.

Now, Major, you know we're goin' home.

Prepare to fire.

Careful. Don't burn yourself.


Bring some b'ar meat back
when you come, Davy.

Sure. Anything you want, Major?

Blamedest bunch of volunteers
I ever saw.

When they volunteer to fight, they fight.

When they volunteer to go home,
they go home.

Off through the woods,
he's a-marchin' along

Makin' up yarns and a-singin' a song

Hey, Ma!

Pa's back!

Oh, Davy, you're back!

Hello, Pa.

Hi, Pa.


Well, reckon now's
as good a time as any

to collect what I got comin'.

Georgie Russel, what happened to you
while you been gone?

Well, Davy allowed
as how I had a kiss comin'

for savin' his life.

He sure did.

Well, in that case.

You ain't never gonna
get a woman that way.

Reckon I gotta learn you how.

I missed you an awful lot.

Missed you too.

The young'uns
like to pestered me to death.

Wasn't a mornin' since you went away

they haven't said,
"Maybe Pa'll be home today."

Oh, but now, thank the good Lord,

you're home for good.

Well, not presactly.

The w*r ain't quite over yet.

You're goin' back?

Well, not for a few days.

I ain't goin' back
till I get in a supply of meat

for you and the young'uns this winter.

You're gonna be gone all winter?

Well, I hope not,

but I don't know how long it's gonna be.

Oh, Davy.


Now, don't take on.

I had enough trouble with the army
over me coming home.

My major and I didn't see
quite eye to eye on it,

but I figured I was right,

and you know me.

When I'm sure I'm right, I go ahead.

Headed back to w*r
from the old home place

But Red Stick was leadin'
a merry chase

Fightin' and burnin' at a devil's pace

South through the swamps
on the Florida trace


Davy Crockett

Trackin' the redskins down

Halt! Who goes there?

Just us, me and Davy.

How the devil'd you find us
way off down here?

You left a tall of a good trail,

army gear, lame horses,
sick men all the way.

That's us all right.

I reckon we better report to the general.

General Jackson ain't here.

He's done been called to New Orleans.

Well, then who's in command?

Major Norton.

If I'd a know'd that
I wouldn't have come back.

Well, come on. Let's get it over with.

I have to admit,
I'm glad to see you, Crockett.

You too, Russel.

I'm at my wit's end.

Most of my men
are down with swamp fever.

I'm afraid I've got a touch of it too.

What about Red Stick?
You still chasing him?

Ha. It's a question
of who's chasing who?

Every patrol I've sent out
has failed to come back.

He can't have many warriors left.

If we could just locate them,

but they can hide forever
in this infernal swamp.

Me and Russel are rested up a mite.

It's only fair we take a cut at it.

No, no. That Indian has
cost us enough lives already.

I refuse to let you two go out alone.

Looks like we'll have to start
disobeyin' orders again.

- Baby gators.

Kinda cute, ain't they?

Eee! I'm more scared
of snakes and gators

than I am of Injuns.

Two days old, maybe more.

Moccasins just about wore out.

Headin' around the lake.

Suppose we scout both sides
and meet at the other end?

If you see any fresh signs,
whistle like a thrush.

Like a Tennessee thrush.






Where are others?

You not come alone.

I come alone.


Creek warriors! Hear me!

Any more of you cussed varmints
think I ain't worth listenin' to?

Speak, white man.

Well, I ain't a soldier.

I'm a settler.

I'm a hunter like you.


You hunt Indians.

Only because you made w*r on us.

Your chiefs, the smart ones,
have give up.

They found out that w*r is no good.

White man talk.

w*r no good because soldiers all die.

How many Creek warriors have died?

How many women
are cryin' for their men?

How many of your young'uns
ain't got no fathers?

You talk like woman.

Well, I'm talkin' sense, and you know it.

You're brave, Red Stick,
and your warriors is brave,

but in the end, they're all gonna die,

because you're a bad chief.

Because I take many white scalps?

Because soon,
I burn white man's friend?

No, Red Stick,

because you could all go home in peace
If you'd just listen to reason.

But seein's you won't,

I reckon I gotta challenge you
accordin' to Injun law.

Indian law no good for white man.

Why not?

White man's law'd be good for Injun
if you'd give it half a chance.

How about it, Red Stick?






Well, it worked on a b'ar.

Ready to listen to reason now,
Red Stick?

I listen.

Turn my friend loose
and lay down your arms.

Join the other chiefs in a treaty.

Do that, and I promise the government
will let you go back and live in peace

on your own lands.

Promises no good.

White government lie.

Davy Crockett don't lie.

Here's my hand on it.

Why you no k*ll me?

Maybe because of another law.

We have trouble livin' up to it.

It ain't bad for red man
or white man alike.

Thou shall not k*ll.


Home for the winter with his family

Happy as squirrels in the ol' gum tree

Till spring set in and he started to be

Restless fer places he wanted to see


Davy Crockett

Itchin' to move again

Well, for folks who've said good-bye

as many times as we have,
sure don't get any easier.

I hope this is for the last time, Davy.

Now the Indian w*r's over,

try and find a piece of land

you'll be satisfied to settle down on.

I aim to, Polly.

They say that new territory's a paradise.

Don't k*ll all the b'ars till we get there.

Well, guess I better get goin'.

Now, keep your sights clean, fellers.

Aw, you got plenty of time.

Oh, yeah.

There's gonna be
a whole mess of kissin'.

You young'uns hold the fort down now.

Take care of yourself, Davy.

You take care of yourself too,
Georgie Russel.

When you get back, I suppose

you'll have more
outlandish songs about Davy.

Feel one comin' on right now.

Lookin' for a place
where the air smells clean

Where the trees is tall
and the grass is green

Where the fish is fat
in an untouched stream

And the teemin' woods
is a hunter's dream


Davy Crockett

Lookin' for paradise

You go any further?

Not me.

I like it fine right here.



Hold on there, Mister.

Who do we see about filin'
a claim on some land?

Why, me.

But you'll have to wait
till after I judge a sh**t' match.

A sh**t' match?

Any objection to a couple
of strangers buyin' in?

Save your money.

You'll be sh**t' against Bigfoot Mason.

Reckon we can risk a dollar?


Sound like they started without you.

You should've waited for me, Bigfoot.

You wasn't here.

Right in the notch, Bigfoot.

Well, that's the last round.
The beef's mine.

Wait a minute!

This ain't fair judgin'.

Them's friends of yours.

Don't hear no complaints
from the losers, do ya?

Hey, what do you figure
that beef you won's worth?

$15 cash money. Why?

Never went to a sh**t' match in my life

without gettin' at least one shot off.

One shot it is.

Hey, Bruno, charge up my other r*fle

and give her two extra thimbles.


Take care of these cartwheels,
and this time, you do the judgin'.

Mighty fancy sh**t' iron
for this part of the woods.

Yeah, ain't it?

Dead center for Bigfoot.

This'n is dead center too!

You'll have to fire another round!

Ah, you was lucky.

Less than a finger off the notch.

Better save your powder, stranger.

Why, you didn't even cut paper!

Ha! That'll take the turpentine
outta your bark!

I was afeared you fired too fast.

Let's take a look.

Ha! Why, he missed
the whole blamed board!

I ain't so sure.

Looky here!

One b*llet right on top of the other.


That's the kind of sh**t'
makes the old possum squeal!

Come on.


You know, you're the first ones
in over to them parts.

Nearest neighbor's a Cherokee
name of Charlie Two Shirts.

Nice folks.

Thank you, Mr. Russel.

"Davy Cro..."

You Davy Crockett?

Why, sure.

Davy Crockett.

Well, no wonder you won
Bigfoot's beef away from him.

GEORGE: Didn't seem none
too happy about it, did he?

Yeah. Bigfoot ain't used
to things goin' agin him.

He's got folks pretty well
buffaloed around here.

So I noticed.

You know, we had the beginnings
of a pretty decent little community here

before him and his riff-raff
moved in on us.

What are they doin' around here?

Nobody dares talk much about it,

but they been runnin'
the Injuns off their land,

sellin' it to newcomers
that don't know no better.

Well, the government
guarantees the Indians

their lands by treaty.

Ha! Treaties don't mean
nothin' to Bigfoot.

Why don't somebody stop him?

Feller that was magistrate here tried.

Went over to serve a warrant on him.

Never come back.

He had the prettiest r*fle
ever seen in these parts.

Nobody knows what happened to him,

but we know where his g*n is.

Yeah. Bigfoot was sh**t'
with it against Davy today.

That's right.

Crockett, you're the only one I know

that could stand up to him.

Will you take on the job as magistrate?

Well, what would I have to do?

Well, get us some law
and order 'round here.

Well, I ain't crawfishin',

but I kinda got my hands full.

We gotta finish our cabin
so I can bring my family out.

Ain't no fit place for families

as long as them varmints
is runnin' loose.

What do you say?

Well, take some thinkin'.

I'm drier than a powder horn.

Yeah, fetch me some too.



Hey. This what stood your hair up?


I was sure I seen a man.

Nobody's gonna hurt ya. Come on out.

Come out of there!

Who are you?

Charlie Two Shirts.

Why, he's our neighbor.

Well, what happened to you?

Three white men come to my farm.

Tell Charlie Two Shirts, "Get off."

I say, "This my land."

They say, "Indian got no land."

I show paper.

This land belong Cherokee.

They tear paper up,

then Charlie Two Shirt fight.

Reckon I'm gonna take on
that job of magistrate right now.

Hey, Bigfoot.

Lookin' for somebody?

Yeah. The man that run
my friend here off his land.

I know who you are.

Since when is Davy Crockett
a friend of Injuns?

Always been a friend of the Cherokees.

Got no bones to pick with the others
since we signed the peace with 'em.

This land's too good for Injuns.

I'm filin' on it.

No, you ain't.

Injuns got rights.

They're folks same as anybody else.

Take a powerful lot of argument
to convince me of that.

That's what I come for.

Why, I've et better men than you whole.

How do you have it, Bigfoot?

Rough and tumble.

No holds barred.


Now you got him, Bigfoot!






And that goes for me too!

Give him what for, Davy!


Get him, Charlie.

Come on.

Get up.

I said get up!

Much obliged, Charlie.

Come on! Get goin'!

What you aimin' to do to us?

Me? Nothin'.
But you're gonna stand trial.

You two varmints have got
a lot to answer for.

Now git.




Davy Crockett!

BOTH: Howdy!


Howdy, Mr. Russel.

Quite a frolic you got goin' here.

Yeah, ain't it?

Since Davy's been magistrate here,

we finally can enjoy ourselves
without it turnin' into a brawl.

I'll do the tradin'
and meet you out by the dance.

Save a pretty girl fer me.

Afore that fiddle gets into your foot,

I got some tidin's for ya.

Come on over to my place.

I'll tell you about it.

You know, folks around here
is pretty proud

of the job you done for us, Davy.

Since you got rid of Bigfoot Mason
and his crowd,

honest settlers is movin' in again.

Fact is, there's so many of them,

we're gonna get us
representation in Nashville.

That's what I want to talk to you about.

We held us a meetin' last night

to pick the fella we want to run
for state legislature.

You won hands down.


Well, I'm plum flutterated by the honor,

but I ain't no politician.

You got the wrong bear up a tree, Judge.

Better get somebody more fittin'.

Like Amos Thorpe,

the lawyer tried to get Bigfoot off?

You wouldn't run him?

We wouldn't, but the opposition is,

and Thorpe's got plenty of money

to spend on a campaign.

Yeah, money he made
off them Injun land-grabs.

We figure you're the only man
has got a chance of beatin' him.

Will you run agin him?

The way you put it,

I ain't got much choice.

Hey, I got a letter fer ya.

Be right back.

Part hands!

It's only a month old too.

Ain't Polly's hand.

It's mighty poor writin'.

See if you can make it out.

From your sister-in-law, John's wife.

What'd she be writin' me about?

"Dear David, I take my pen in hand

"to tell you some very sad news.

"Your beloved Polly was took...

"Was took down with a fever

"and died in spite of all we could do.

"The end was peaceful.

"We buried her on the knoll
near your cabin.

"Don't worry about the boys.

"They are living with us
and getting along fine.

"Little ones need a mother,

"and already, they seem like my own.

"We know you are suffering
the greatest loss

"a man can endure,

"but the good lord knows best.

"Your loving sister-in-law."

Wish there was somethin'
I could say, Davy.

Is there anything I can do?

Just give me some time by myself.



Now he lost his love,
and his grief was gall

In his heart, he wanted to leave it all

And lose himself in the forest tall

But he answered instead
to his country's call


Davy Crockett

Beginnin' his campaign

Well, here it goes.

My honorable opponent

knows I ain't much shucks
at speechifyin'.

It's mighty kind of him
to let me get up and speak first

so's he can make a lie
out of everything I say.


Truth is, I don't know
nothin' at all about politics.

I'll leave that up to him,

but I do know the woods
and the folks in 'em,

and if you send me to Nashville,

I'll represent you as honest as I can.

Hooray for Davy!

I reckon that's all I got to say.

If this here speech seems a mite brief,

looks like my worthy opponent's
all set to make up for it.


If his speech is gonna be
as dry as I think it is,

maybe we better go over to the tavern

and wet our whistles
with a little mountain dew.

Yeah, come on, boys.

Just follow me.

Voters of the sovereign state
of Tennessee,

I'm well aware
of the sacred responsibility

you're about to bestow on me...

Sent up to Nashville
the best they could find

A fightin' spirit and a thinkin' mind


Davy Crockett

Choice of the whole frontier

Yes, sir?

Is Colonel Crockett at home?

No, sir, but I'm expectin' him directly.

I'm Tobias Norton, an old friend of his.

The Colonel served under me
in the Indian wars.

Oh. Well, would you like to wait for him

- in his room then, sir?
- Thank you.


You remember me, don't you?

So you're Tobias Norton.

Never did know your first name, Major.

No rank anymore, Davy.

I resigned from the army
three years ago.

It's just plain Mr. Norton now.

Well, sit down. What can I do for you?

Just a sociable call.

I've been meaning
to look you up for some time.

I wish there was somethin'
I could offer you.

Oh, no thanks.

I never drink before sundown, Colonel.

Oh, I ain't rightly a Colonel.

That was in the militia
out in the canebrake.

Davy, we've been watching your career

in the legislature
with a great deal of interest.

Just who's "we"?

Why, General Jackson and myself.

As you probably know,
we're opening a political battle

with the present administration.

We're going to make Andrew Jackson

the next president of the United States.

That's funny.
I had a notion ol' hickory face

was travelin' along first rate
on his own shanks.

Well, everyone needs help, you know.

I'm sort of a campaign manager,

unofficially, of course.

Davy, have you ever
been out to the Hermitage?

No, but I sure heard plenty about it.

How would you like me
to get you an invitation?

I know the general
would be glad to see you.

I'd admire that just fine.

Howdy, General.

Welcome, Crockett.

Come in.

I'll be right down,
soon as I get my boots on.

Don't hurry, General.

Good afternoon, Mr. Crockett.

Take your hat, sir?

Oh, glad you could come out, Crockett.

Why, it's been a long time
since we've seen each other.

You ain't changed so much, General,

'cept you ain't so fearsome
without your uniform.

Yeah, and you ain't so gamey
without your buckskins.

Come on in.

Yes, everything's imported...

Except this.

Been savin' it for home folks.

Can't keep it in a decanter.

It eats the bottom out.


To your health, Crockett.


Here's somethin' else
I have to keep out of sight.

Exploits of Davy Crockett
in the Rocky Mountains.

Why, I ain't never been west
of the muddy ol' Mississip'.

- Let me see that.
- Sure.

Somebody's got a mighty
powerful imagination.

"As told by his friend, G.E. Russel."

Georgie Russel? I might have knowed.

Why, they're making you famous.

Next to me, you're about the most
famous man in Tennessee right now.

No wonder people's
taken to pointin' me out.

Oh, it's not only these yarns, Crockett.

You been making quite a name
for yourself in local politics.

Soft soap ain't good for nothin'
but washin' dirty hands, General.

Well, it's a fact. Now, you listen to me.

I'm going to run for president.

My enemies'll try to lift my scalp
if I get to Washington City,

but I intend to take theirs first,

if I can get the right kind of help.

Crockett, I want you to run for Congress.


General, you sure an old head wound
isn't troublin' you just a little?

(CHUCKLES) I mean it.

I want men I can trust,
men I know are with me,

men that can get the rest
of the country behind me.

Well, if I was to do what you ask,
and I did get in,

I wouldn't be takin' orders from you,

I'd be takin' em from them
that elected me.

Ah, that's just the answer
I hoped I'd get from you.

The votes were counted,
and he won hands down

So they sent him off
to Washington town

With his best dress suit

Still his buckskins brown

A livin' legend of growin' renown


Davy Crockett

The canebrake congressman


Good mornin'.

Just a minute, Your Honor.

Hiya, Davy.

You old bushwhacker, I wondered
when you were gonna show up.

You old b'ar wrastler you!

How the heck are you?

Hey! I put up with your
singin' them lies about me,

but printin' 'em for everybody
to read's goin' too fer.

Well, they helped put you here,
didn't they?

Yeah, and now I gotta live up to 'em.

Do you think I can go in there
dressed like any

self-respectin' congressman?

No, I gotta go in there like
the King of the Wild Frontier,

thanks to you.

Davy, that's downright ungrateful.

Here I come all the way
from the Obion River

just to wish you luck
on your maiden speech.

Well, you just get yourself up
there in gallery.

You're gonna hear a real gullywhumper.



Before we get to the order
of business for the day,

the chair will recognize the new
gentleman from Tennessee,

the honorable David Crockett.


Mr. Speaker and gentlemen,

the feller around called
the Master-At-Arms tells me

a new congressman's supposed
to make a self-introducin' speech.

Well, here she goes.

I'm David Crockett,
fresh from the backwoods.

I'm half horse, half alligator

and a little touched
with the snappin' turtle.


I got the fastest horse,
the prettiest sister,

the surest r*fle and the ugliest
dog in Tennessee.

My father can lick any man in Kentucky

and I can lick my father.

I can hug a b'ar too close for comfort

and eat any man alive
opposed to Andy Jackson.


Now, some congressmen take pride

in sayin' a lot about nothin',

like I'm doin' right now.

Others don't do nothin' for their pay
but just listen, day in and day out.

I wish I may be shot
if I don't do more than listen.

And the next time I get up before you,

I'll have somethin' to say worth sayin'.


You made yourself real at home here,
ain't you, General?

Buildin' that stable out there
for your racehorses?

Man's got to have some way
of gettin' his mind off his troubles.

This job's twice as tough
as fightin' Indians

and ain't half the fun.

I know what you mean.

Seems like there's
more government business

bein' done at fancy dress balls

than there is on the floor of Congress.

Man's got to skin a cat
any way he can, Davy.

You ought to know that by now.

What's important is keepin'
men like you behind me, solid.

You put a strain on a feller sometimes,
Mr. President.

You're bound to make mistakes,
same as anybody else

and you made a couple of humdingers.

Davy, the President can't
think of just one group.

We're growin' too fast.

Why, there's nearly 13 million of us now.

We're bust at the seams.

We need room to grow.

Expansion, that's what I'm thinkin' of.

And by the eternal,

I'm not lettin' anything
stand in the way of that.

Good morning, Congressman.

I'd like to speak to you a moment.

Excuse me.

I see you ain't combed all the nits
out of your hair, Davy.

Norton's changed.
He's been a lot of help to me.

This is great luck, Davy.

I was planning to see you
later in the day.

How long have you
been in town, Russel?

I've got it all arranged.

You're going on a speaking tour
of all the big Eastern cities.

Just a minute. I got work to do.

That can wait. This is more important.

I've talked it over with the President,
and you're the logical choice.

Well, now hold on. Why me?

Don't you realize you've become
a national figure?

Everybody's heard about you.

Now they want to see you in person.

You can do a great service
for the country.

How? By tellin' some more
of then backwoods jokes?

I'm serious, Davy.

This tour is an opportunity.

You've got to think ahead.

General Jackson's in his second term.

In three years,
they'll be electing a new president,

and some of us have been
seriously considering you.

Under the circumstances,
you can't afford to pass this up.

Will it be convenient to leave Sunday?

Well, I guess so.

Excellent. I'll arrange your passage.

I enjoyed talking to you, Russel.

Davy, you used to have a motto...

Be sure you're right and then go ahead.

Well, I sure hope you're right.

Him and his jokes traveled
all through the land

His speeches made him friends
to beat the band

His politickin' was their favorite brand

And everyone wanted
to shake his hand


Davy Crockett

Helpin' his legend grow

Citizens of Philadelphia,

this here is the most beautiful r*fle g*n
I ever hope to see.

She's such a pretty little lady,
I think I'll give her a name.

Betsy suit you folks?


Now, you all heard about me
baggin' 105 bears in one winter?

Well, Betsy here ain't gonna
come to no such use.

I don't get no joy out of killin' critters
like that no more.

Why... Why, the last bear I treed,
I brung home alive.

We tamed him, and now
he sits at the table like a man.


Named him Death Hug.

I wouldn't wonder if he's smart enough
to travel someday

and maybe go to Congress.


Now, I hate long-winded speeches

and this one's long enough.

I'll always treasure this here testimony
of your friendship.

With a g*n like this, a man could
put a r*fle ball through the moon.


First chance I get, I'm gonna try.

Thank you.

What are you doin' here?
What sliver's under your toenail now?

Remember you tellin' me
how helpful Norton was to you?

- Yeah.
- He helped you, all right.

Right out of Washington City
'cause you was in the way.

- In the way of what?
- The President's Injun bill.

They ain't brought that onto the floor?

- It's in debate right now.
- What?

Couple of your friends are tryin'
to stall it off, as best they can,

but there's no tellin' how long
they'll be able to hold out.

Looks like my tour's over right now.

How's the quickest way back?

The way I come, in the saddle.

I know where we can get fresh horses.

Haven't you been able
to force the vote yet?

The opposition won't yield the floor.

Get them to call that vote.

Why, Davy, I didn't expect
you back for a week.

- I know.
- Now, Davy,

if you're worried about the Indian bill,

it's all over. They've already passed it.

They'll have to change their minds.

I'm warning you, Crockett, go in there,

and you're committing political su1c1de.

Know what I think
about your kind of politics?


I yield to the gentleman from Tennessee.

Mr. Speaker,

fellow members of the Congress
of these United States,

I've stood before you a good many times
in fights and fun,

and we've had a laugh or two
for the good of the country

and our own digestions.

But you can fold up your grins
and put 'em away,

for you'll hear no jokes
from Davy Crockett today.

You have before you somethin'
called an Indian bill.

I don't aim to keep you here
much longer arguin' about it.

You've had enough of that already.

But afore it comes to a vote,
I just want to remind you of somethin'.

Expansion is a mighty fine thing.

Sure, we gotta grow,

but not at the expense of the things
this country was founded to protect.

The government's promises set down
in the Indian treaties

is as sacred as your own word.

Expansion ain't no excuse
for persecutin' a whole part of our people

because their skins is red
and they're uneducated to our ways.

You wouldn't be doin' the settlers
no good votin' for this bill.

You'd only be makin' rich men

out of the land-grabbers and speculators
that have been tryin' to get it passed.

Now, just who are these scallywags?

Well, one of 'em could be
the President himself,

usin' this Congress for his own purpose.


But I've known General Jackson
for half of my born life,

and I'm sure he's got nothin'
but the good of the country at heart.

No, it's just a few thievin' varmints

hangin' on by givin' dinners
and fancy parties,

reachin' for whatever
they can get ahold of.

But they're a no account lot 'bout
as natural as flies

around a molasses barrel.

The real scallywags in this here
capital of the brave and free is us,

you and me, and I'm the worst of the lot.

Reckon I've missed
as many sessions as any of you,

out sh**t' my mouth off,

when I should have been here
tendin' to business.

It's nobody's fault but our own
if a bill like this gets passed.

We got a responsibility to this strappin',

fun-lovin', britches-bustin'
young b'ar cub of a country.

We got a responsibility to help it grow

into the kind of nation
the good Lord meant it to be.

If we ride up and show
that we were the kind of men

our friends and neighbors
figured we was

when they sent us here,

a bill like this would never
live long enough

to even get on our desks,

let alone come to a vote.


He knew when he spoke
his career was done

But he spoke out strong,
and his point he won

Then packed his gear and his trusty g*n

And lit out a-grinnin' to follow the sun


Davy Crockett

Hittin' the trail again

Oh, there you are.

Say, Davy,

ain't you gonna get no sleep?

I've been doin' some thinkin'.

Me too. You know,
we're pretty fer down the river.

Ain't it about time we decided
where we're goin'?

- Always have had a pretty good idea.
- Where?

"Texas independence threatened.

"General Santa Anna vows
to expel settlers."


Why, we got the whole
eternal country to choose from,

and you gotta pick...

Well, there's nothin' there
but a mess of trouble.

Americans in trouble.

Yeah, a bunch of crazy fools,

tryin' to take on a whole army.

They're so far away
from the rest of the country,

they know they ain't gonna get no help.

Bunch of rock-headed idiots

that won't quit because
they think they're right.

How soon you reckon
we'll be headed out that way?

Right after we get to Little Rock.


A magnificent birthright
flung willfully into the gutter,

a superb inheritance of mind and body

squandered recklessly
in the muck of the common herd,

talents dissipated, courage abandoned,

character destroyed.

Gentlemen! Gentlemen!

The very one for whom I've been waiting.

You know, sir, 'tis truly written,

"Hope springs eternal."

Now, I've been thinking
that I might yet find redemption

in the company of
some peerless paragon

of manhood and virtue such as yourself.

You too, of course.

In other words, you sort of want
Davy to be your backbone.

Well, that's putting it rather bluntly, sir.

I am, in point of fact, offering the Colonel

my incomparable companionship.

Me and Russel are figurin'
on headin' down Texas way.

That ain't no place these days

for a riverboat gambler
with wobbly knees.

There are times
when cowardice is a virtue,

my dear Colonel.

It makes choosing
a course so very simple.

Now, I know nothing
of this Texas of which you speak,

but I do know the fury of
the outraged minions of the law,

and as a consequence,
I fear what lies behind me

far more than the unknown
which lies ahead.

Now, surely, sir, you'll not deny me

the pleasure of your illustrious company.

Well, look, in the mornin',

don't forget this was your idea.

He heard of Houston and Austin and so

To the Texas plains, he just had to go

Where land was free
and there was room to grow

And freedom was fightin' another foe


Davy Crockett

King of the Wild Frontier

Well, there she is,


There's plenty of room out there
for every dream I ever had.

Yeah, there's room, all right.
Too much of it.

A desolate, desiccated desert,

untouched by the hand
of man and God alike.

Well, there's somebody around,
and they know we're here.


Probably Comanches.


You mean the barbaric hoard
they call the...

The Cossacks of the Plains?

Yep, same critters.

Hadn't we better be gettin' out of here?




What unearthly manifestation is that?

Supposin' we find out?

- DAVY: There's your Comanches.

Reckon that's what stampeded 'em.


That Injun's crazy. He's headin' straight
into that prairie dog mound.



Well, don't just stand there!
Give me a hand!

Bite off more than
you could chaw, Davy?

Well, he might not look it,
but he's a powerful lot of Indian.

If we could patch him up,
he'll make us a real good guide.

I just can't hardly wait to sink my teeth
in this buffalo meat.

Your friend's awake.

DAVY: Good.
Think I'll have a palaver with him.

Can the Colonel actually converse
with that aborigine?


He's tellin' Davy
somethin' about himself,

but I can't get it all.

Near as I can make out,
this Indian's had a hard time.

He's been on many w*r parties
and never got a scalp.

The medicine man
took a shine to his squaw

and kicked him out of the tribe,

and on top of that, his pony fell down,
and he lost the buffalo.

With all his busted luck,
you sure you still want him for a guide?

It's lucky we ran into him.

If we'd have kept on the way
we was goin', we'd have lost our hair.

Lost our hair?


Mmm, smells good.

He's says he's willin' to join us
and lead us to a white settlement.

Well, I, for one,
do not trust that perfidious savage.

You better trust him.
He's the only one that knows the trail

to the next water hole.

Buenos dias.


Supposed to be a settlement of Texans

down this way somewheres.
Know where it is?

You mean San Antonio de Bejar?

Yeah, that's her. San Antone.

It is not safe to go over there, senores.

General Santa Anna
has already taken Bejar.

Santa Anna's taken the town?
Where are the Texans?

In the Alamo,

an old mission across the river.

Looks like we got here a mite late, Davy.

Let's see if we can make up fer it.

You must not go there, senores.

The Alamo has been
surrounded by a big army,

and there's many patrols all over.

We got through the Injun country
without any trouble.

Company, forward!


They don't look very friendly.

Let's git.





Cover 'em!

That was a tight squeeze.
You men all right?

Yeah, I reckon. You in command?

No, I'm second.
Colonel Bowie's the commander.

Jim Bowie?
The feller that invented the knife?

That's him. Come on.

He's been laid up. He took a fall
helping us mount the cannon.

The fever's been giving him
the devil ever since.

Colonel, we have
some more reinforcements.

I'll see your men are taken care of.

Thank you.

- DAVY: Colonel Bowie?
- Yeah.

I just brought a company in,
and I figured I ought to report.

I'm Davy Crockett from Tennessee.

Davy Crockett?

I should have known.

By the great eternal,
I never hoped to see you

in this neck of the woods.

Sit down, sit down. (COUGHS)

I can't get rid of this cough.

Now, tell me,
how many men did you bring?

Four, including myself.


Two acres of wall to defend.

It'd take at least a thousand troops

to man this garrison adequately,

and I've got less than 200 volunteers.

200 stubborn men can do
a tolerable lot of fightin'.

Crockett, I'm gonna be honest with you.

This miserable excuse of a fort
is our last chance.

If we can't hold Santa Anna here
until Houston reorganizes our army,

Texas is lost.

Well, we'll just have to hold her.


But just between you and me,
I want to tell you what we're up against.

You know, we're practically encircled?

And on top of that,
we don't have enough rations left

for a good-sized family dinner
back home.


Well, there's just about enough left
for a turkey sh**t.

I don't have to tell you, Davy,
that none of this goes outside this room.

Sure, Colonel.

- These 200 you got?
- Yeah?

Ain't there anymore Texans around?

Well, we've been sending
messengers out.

One did get back
from Gonzales with 32 men.

There's a fair-sized
force down at Goliad.

We sent a courier out a few days ago,
but I don't think he made it.

Got a fresh horse?
I'll take a crack at gettin' through.

No, Davy.
We need your breed of men here...

Half horse, half alligator?

We both know the amount
of powder in the g*n's

not near as important
as the spirit of the man

behind the sights.

Half of any battle's
knowin' you're gonna win.

Crockett, for the first time
since I've been here,

I believe we can hold out.

With ol' Betsy here

and this here Arkansas
toothpick of your'n,

how can we lose?

Look at that camp out there.

Every morning, there's twice as many
as there was the night before.

I bet there's 2,000 of them by now.

What interests me is why Santa Anna

called that truce,
sent for that messenger.

GEORGE: Whatever it is, it ain't good.

With His Excellency's compliments.

Crockett, come down here.

Listen to this, Colonel.


Oh. It's so flowery,

it must have been written
by some other attorney.

Roughly translated,
it means we surrender on his terms or...

Well, I ain't much authority
on surrenderin'.

Neither am I.

All right!

His Excellency's offered
to let us surrender.

He's waitin' for an answer,
let's give it to him.

Fire in the hole!

Get down!

They say that w*r is
the most exalted experience

a man can endure.

To me, it's the most miserable
and untheatrical method of su1c1de.

Shelled us all night
and shelled us all day,

ain't hit a man yet.

You ain't got nothin'
to worry about, Thimblerig.

Ain't nobody gonna hit you.
You're too shifty.


You volunteers better get some food
and a little rest while you can.

Sorry, Moriarty.
No rest for the gunners and officers.

Go get some food. You too.

Take your relief, men.

I'll get yours for you, Davy.

Some of the boys
are gettin' worn pretty thin, Colonel.

Four days and no casualties yet.

It's incredible.

I wonder how much longer
our luck will hold up.

Luck? This ain't luck.
It's the hand of providence.

You really believe that, don't you?

I sure do.

So do I, Davy.

You call that a serving?

It's difficult to maintain manly courage
on this provender.

Would you care to tempt lady luck,

double or nothing?

Why not?
My stomach sure ain't gonna miss this.

You hold the stakes, Busted Luck.

And come, my sporting friend.

We'll venture our fortunes
with the illusive pea, huh?

Neither voodoo, hoodoo, nor hindu.

Prestidigitation an old and honorable art.

Now you see it, now you don't. Choose.


Oh, you'd risk your pittance of food

for a chance of a full belly, huh?

Very well, my hungry aborigine,

since you thrust the wager upon me...



How you doin'?

Keepin' awake.

Hey, Davy, I just found out somethin'.

You know we're sittin' here
like a bunch of treed possums?

We're just about out of amm*nit*on.

There ain't no help comin'.

I knowed that since the day we got here.

We're still holdin' out, ain't we?

Since the day we...

You knowed it ever since then?

Colonel asked me not to say
anything about it to the men.

You knowed, and you figured
you couldn't trust me

after all the tight ones
we've been through?

You couldn't trust me?

I thought we was in this together.

We're both wore out.

Go get some sleep.

All right.

From now on, it's every man for hisself.

- What do you want?
- I had to see you, Colonel.

Was it necessary to wake me up?

I ain't scared of fightin',
but this ain't gonna be no fight.

It's gonna be a massacree.

Not if we get help from Goliad.

But you ain't got it,

and you ain't got no way of tellin'

if you're gonna get it
unless you get a messenger through.

That's what I want to see you about.

What makes you think you can make it?

I been in and out of b'ar traps all my life

and ain't lost no toes yet.

When do you want to try it?

Right now.

All right, Russel, I'll have
Colonel Bowie's horse saddled up.

Good. Now how do I get
to this here Goliad town?

That's a good question.

Now, look, here's a drainage ditch,

sort of a sunken road.

Now, if the moon's behind a cloud,

and the sentries are asleep,

and if you have more luck
than any one man's entitled to,

you might get through their lines here.

Why, that man's deserting.

Deserting? That's your friend, Russel,
trying to make it to Goliad for help.


If you're worrying about Russel, don't.

He's only been gone two days,
and it's nearly 100 miles to Goliad.

Couldn't make it back then.

Not yet.
Anyway, he'd have to wait for darkness.


There she is.

g*n troop, over in that draw!

Save the big pop g*n!
It eats too much powder!

They ain't as far off
as they think they are.

Are they, Latham?

Mighty obligin' of 'em
to move in so close, Davy.

Moriarty, hold it.



About leading by too much windage.

Raise my sights a mite.

I guess you boys
just haven't had enough practice.

He says ol' Betsy'll reach.




That's more like it!


Hey, it's Russel!

Open the gate!


How many men are they going to
send us from Goliad?

They can't spare us none.

You eternal idiot!
You was safe, in the clear!

What'd you come back for?

Just got lonesome, I reckon.

Notched you up like an old razorback.

Ah, they can't sh**t for sour apples.

We won't get any help from Goliad.

Crockett, I can't keep this
from my men any longer.

You better break it to Colonel Bowie.

And have him moved
to one of those rooms

in the chapel
where there's more protection.


Oh, it's you, Davy.

Mighty good of you
to keep lookin' in on me.

When a man's laid up, he gets
awful tired of his own company.

Yeah, I'm glad to see a friend's face.

Friends for less than a week.

Pity we didn't meet before.

Russel just made it back from Goliad.

Tell me, did he...

No help.

I brought those men in here.

Reckon, I better be with them now.

Take it easy, Colonel.
I'll get you outside.

Hornbuckle. Contreras.

Move the Colonel outside.

I've called you all together

because it's time you knew the truth.

Russel brings bad news, men.

The defense of the Alamo
rests on us alone.

General Santa Anna has nearly
5,000 men massed against us.

Now, I can't force you beyond patriotism

and your own conscience.

While it's still dark,
there's time to slip off to safety.

I won't blame any man who doesn't stay.

Those who stay...

Cross over the line.

Boys, I don't think I can make it myself.

I sure would appreciate it
if some of you would help me across.

Thank you, men.

It's been a long time for us, Georgie.

Yeah, a lot of years.

Lot of things to remember.

Play us a little tune.

Why don't you play one, Davy?

That piece you made up
when we was leavin'

the green hills of Tennessee.

Figured you'd remember that'n.

Yeah, I remember.
That's the only one you ever writ.

The fellers like it too.


Farewell to the mountain

Whose mazes to me

Were more beautiful far

Than Eden could be

The home I redeemed

From the savage and wild

The home I have loved

As a father his child

The wife of my bosom

Farewell to ye all

In the land of the stranger

I rise

Or I fall


Farewell to the mountain

Whose mazes to me

ALL: More beautiful far

Than Eden could be

The home I redeemed

From the savage and wild

The home I have loved

As a father his child

The wife of my bosom

Farewell to ye all

In the land of the stranger

I rise

Or I fall

And you better get a little rest.

That's a capital idea.

It may be our last.

They're on us!

Here they come! Wake up, men!

Wake up! On your feet!






We're holdin' em!

Hey, Colonel, what's that bugle call
they were playin'?

That's their signal for no quarter.


Well, they'll be playin' that again.


Here they come!




They've breached the north wall!

Let's swing the cannon! Come on!



Fire in the hole!



Give 'em what fer, Davy.

Storybooks tell they was all cut low

But the truth of it is, this just ain't so

Their spirits'll live
and their legends grow

As long as we remember the Alamo


Davy Crockett

Fightin' for liberty