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Kismet (1943)

Posted: 12/18/23 18:07
by bunniefuu
Number 16, your two-year sentence
is completed.

Here are your belongings.

My locket.

This was your third jail sentence.
I hope you won't come here again.

Sir, I always hope I won't return
but what can I do?

Me and the police station
work as partners.

I have to come back.

Are you blind?

Money on top of money today

Only twenty-five old paisas.

What new have you brought?

The best prize ever.

But you're such a rogue.
First, tell me what you'll pay.

How can I put a price
without seeing what it is?

The woman let me grab her purse
while she stole my gold watch!

That's my watch!

I'll call the police.

By all means.

Why squabble?
The police will only arrest me.

Yours or the old man's?

Do you mean you saw me?

-How else would I have it?
-We'll share fifty-fifty.
-So generous of you.

All right, whatever you wish.

Nothing for you.

He's Mr. Shekhar.

That explains it.

There are very few
who can outsmart me.

Who is he?

Banke Bahadur,
first class burglar.

And pickpocket, on occasion.

Planning a new job?

No. Have you something in mind?

A big shot. I'm working as a servant
in his house.

With some help from you,
we can easily empty his safe.

Yes, a partnership is a good way
to raise some money.

And it's money I need.
Very well.

Shake, partner.

Can I have some
of the proceeds now?

Give him something.

So little?

Thief, you stole my purse!
I'll tell the police.

-Good day, inspector.
-Why are you here, Shekhar?
-No special reason.

Up to your old tricks again?

No. I just happen to be here.

You can't shake off
your habits.

What can I do?
I'm addicted.

-Do you know him?
-Yes, I've seen him once.

My watch...

-What's the matter?
-I've lost my gold watch somewhere.

Lost or stolen?

I don't know.
It was in my pocket.

Did you come here
to sell it?

If you wish you can help him,

Was the watch yours or stolen?


It's the way I look.

The watch was a souvenir
of the good old days.


You were going to sell the watch?
Maybe I can help you somehow.

I wanted to go to the theatre.
Rani is singing for the first time.

The theatre?
At your age?

You misunderstand.

Never mind, what's the use?

I want to go to the theatre too.

-Will you take me with you?
-Yes, come on.

Why are you hiding?

The man with the opera glasses,

He owns this theatre.
If he sees me he'll send me to jail.

What wrong have you done?

He has wronged me.

So why be afraid?

It's just the way of fortune.

Once he was my servant but
today I owe him money and have to hide.

♪ From the peaks of the Himalaya
♪ we cry out!

♪ Invaders, keep out!
♪ India is ours!

♪ This is the land of the Taj Mahal
♪ and the Kutb Minar

♪ The land of mosques
♪ and Hindu and Sikh temples

♪ The land of mosques
♪ and Hindu and Sikh temples

♪ To lay claim to this land
♪ is an atrocity

♪ Invaders, keep out!
♪ India is ours!

♪ Invaders, keep out!
♪ India is ours!

♪ From the peaks of the Himalaya
♪ we cry out!

♪ From the peaks of the Himalaya
♪ we cry out!

♪ Invaders, keep out!
♪ India is ours!

♪ Youth of India,
♪ your fight has just begun

♪ Do not bow down
♪ before the enemy

♪ Others have laid down
♪ their lives for you

♪ Invaders, keep out!
♪ India is ours!

♪ Invaders, keep out!
♪ India is ours!

♪ From the peaks of the Himalaya
♪ we cry out!

♪ Invaders, keep out!

Come on.
What is the matter?

I am crying because Rani looked
so pathetic, just standing there.

Once she could make the stage tremble
with her dancing.

So she danced, too.

But what happened to her leg?

Her father did it.

He owned this theatre.

But when he was about to lose it
he started to drink.

For the last performance,
Rani danced and he played the drums.

Rani danced and danced.

She was exhausted
but her father did not tire.

He was drunk
and unaware of all.

Poor Rani, she collapsed
with the exertion.

Ever since,
she has been crippled like that.

You know a lot about Rani.

You speak as
you were her father.

Let's go.

I need some money.
Just one rupee for a bottle.

You want to drown
your sorrows?

Yes, son.

If one bottle's not enough,
have two.

Give this garland
to Rani.

-Give it yourself.



Look out!

A narrow escape.

I would have been run over
if it wasn't for you.

Why rush so,
with your bad leg?

To see my father.
Where's he gone?

I don't know.

I saw you give him money,
you must be his friend.

Yes, why?

If you meet him again, tell him
I'm so anxious to see him.

If I meet him again.

Panditji, I just saw father.

Where's he gone?

I called out but he went away.

That gentleman saved me from
being run over.

I've been robbed!

Hand over the necklace.

Watch your tongue!

You're coming to
the police station.

He was running away.

Search him.

Will you try?

Forgive us,
it was a mistake.

I forgive you,
but don't let it happen again.

Stop the car.

Take me to where
you took your last passenger.

Sister, a thief.


I was frightened.

Who is he?

This is father's friend
I told you about.

Why have you come so late
without waking us?

What can I say?

Open the door,
do you hear?

-Who is it?
-I don't know.

Could you see who it is?

What is it?

-A burglar...
-It's him!

What is the matter?

Do you know him?

He entered your house

What are you talking about?

He looks like the burglar.

A burglar? How silly.
Go away.

Funny people. They can't distinguish
decent people from crooks.

I'm sorry to
have given you trouble.

What's wrong with your leg?

Just a sprain.

Let me see.

Nothing to worry about.

Leela, fetch the liniment.

If it's neglected, it will get worse.
Come and sit down.

You're soaked.
Take off your coat.

I'll keep it on or
I'll catch cold.

But you'll get pneumonia
in that wet coat.

-I'll keep it.
-No, give it to me.

-Give that to me.
-I'll apply the liniment.

Tell me why you've come here.

-You won't like it.

I came to steal.

What is there to steal here?

Don't you believe me?

How can I? You're too noble and kind
to do such a thing.

I don't know what
gives you that idea.

It's obvious.
Now tell me why you came.

Is it something urgent?

Very urgent.

Does that hurt?

I'm cold.
I should put my coat on.

I'll get something else for you.

Leela, did you put
this garland here?

No, sister.

Then who did it?

I know why you came.

How did you find out?

Who brought this?

Actually, your father asked me
to give it to you.

Did you come here with father?

Yes, he brought me here.

So father came
but didn't see us.

Why did you let him go?

I did try to stop him going
but he wouldn't listen.

I tried to catch him but I stumbled
and he got away.

You got hurt because of me.

I said you wouldn't be pleased.

Anyway, thank you very much.
I must go.

Why not stay here tonight?
Perhaps father will come back for you.

I don't think so.

But what harm is there in staying?
He may come.

And you're hurt. And how can you
go out in such a downpour?

-Will I sleep here?

Sleep here.

-Go to your own bed.
-I'm afraid.

Afraid of thieves?

No. I'll tell them to get my sister.

I'm not sleepy.

I'll call out, then.

♪ Drifting clouds, gather gently

♪ Sleep, innocent one,
♪ close your eyes

-Where is Rani?
-In there.

Tell her the manager has come.

-On what business?
-She knows.

I should know too.

You see this house?

It's mortgaged to my master.
I've come to collect the interest.

Still here?

Such charity so early in the morning?
I think you should leave.

What are you saying?

Good morning, manager.

Have some tea.

It's the 10th.
The interest is due.

I haven't got the money yet.

The boss says if he doesn't get it
he will auction the house.

Wait a few days longer,
I'll pay.

Even if I have to
sell everything.

What do you have,
except the old piano?

And you won't sell that because
it was your father's favourite thing.

I'll sell it
if there's no other way.

I'll give you
seven days more.

If you decide to sell the piano
let me know.

You've not touched
your tea.

That man has no manners at all.

Yes, such people become full
of their own importance.

When we had money
his sort bowed down to us.

What are you thinking?

How you face
all these difficulties?

We've become
used to them.

Can't you rent out
a room?

Yes, that was our sole support
but we can't find another tenant.

I need a place.
May I rent a room here?

You'll stay here?

Yes, my hotel is terrible.

Do you like this house?

Why not? It's better than my hotel.
Would you mind?

Mind? I am delighted.

Leela, now he'll stay here.

I'll bring my things this evening.

May I have my coat?

Leela, fetch the coat.

Necklace stolen outside Inderpal Theatre!
Thief escapes!

I'll be calling
for a chat with you today, darling.

Another one of your girlfriends?

A very beautiful girl.

She seems to keep you occupied.

She'll be my ruin.

Well, you've someone to love you.

So it was you.

I was wondering who had the nerve
to do such job.

What will you pay?

Valuable stuff like this is tricky.
I'll have to find a customer for it.

I'd like to buy a necklace,
something expensive,

for a girl of royal family.

-Diamonds, pearls...

I have the very thing in pearls.

I don't want this.

It's only costume jewellery.

Sethji wants the real thing.

Sethji prefers cigars.

Good day, inspector.

God bless you, Shekhar.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

Mohan, how are you?

Not here.
Please, sit over there.

Any trace of the necklace?

Enquiries are continuing.
I've come to ask you a few questions.

Have tea first.

Are you expecting someone?

No, why?

I thought, seeing the place laid...

It's always like that.

For whom?

No one in particular,
it's just habit.

How did that cat get in?

Excuse me for a moment, inspector.

Why has Seth left his breakfast?

It's a long story.

It seems there's a tragic story
about this plate.

Well, inspector, perhaps
you can help us.

What is the matter?

You know I am Mohan's stepmother.

He had an older brother
who left the house in childhood.


One day...

-Mohan, where is Mohan?
-He went somewhere.

Sir, your son has beaten up my son, Ramu.

-Will you never behave?
-He insulted me.

He put a tattoo on his arm and
I said he wasn't a gentleman.


You defy me!

He's just a child.

Any more trouble and
I'll thrash you.

I'll eat now.

-Where did you tear this?

Dear, before you eat,
wash and change.

I won't.
Give me food now.

A son should listen
to his mother.

You are not my mother.

Who is then?

Now what?

He says mummy
isn't his mummy.

She isn't your mother?

She's not my mother.

You'll k*ll him.

You've spoiled him.

Get out if you don't want
a thrashing.

Please, call him back.

He'll come back
when he's hungry.

But he never returned.

His place at the table
was kept in the hope he would come.

He was never found.

His father was deeply shocked.

A place has always been kept
at the table for Madan.

My husband is sure
he will return one day.

A long time's past.
We'll try to find him.

Now I must talk to your husband.

Won't you eat?

I've been keeping it
ready for you.

It's too late
and I'm not hungry.

You get back so late,
you're too tired to eat.

Why do you stay out so late?

You don't like me
staying out?


That's how my work is.

Can't you leave such work?


That's difficult.
So I'll leave you house tomorrow.

No, no.


Good morning, Rani.

Time's up.
Have you got the money?

I knew you'd have to sell that piano.

Take these fifty rupees in advance.

Did you think you'd get five hundred
for that old thing?

Out of tune.

No, I won't sell it.

What's the use?

Fifty rupees doesn't even pay
half the interest.

Take one hundred.
I'll pay the rest after the auction.

If I have to sell the piano,
why auction it? I can sell it in the market.

You sell your piano,
I'll sell your house.

The boss has ordered it.

We'll inform the auctioneers today.

Don't do that.
The house is all we have.

We'll be homeless.
Please, wait a few days longer.

I'm going to court.

Are you hurt?
I almost knocked you flat.

Thank you.

Thank you.

It seems exams are near.

-What are you studying?

-Including songs?
-No, songs are to amuse us.

-What is it?
-Nothing, I was calling the birds.

Sorry I'm late, Leela.
What are you reading?

Your teacher told me that
there will be questions
on the third w*r of Panipat.

Won't you give me some?

What's so fascinating that
you can't talk to me?

Third w*r of Panipat.

Do you want to go boating?

Tell me, have you spoken
to your father about our marriage?


You know I dare not talk
to my father about it.

How long must we meet secretly?

If we don't marry soon
it will be terrible.

Take the courage
to speak to your father.

Will you or won't you?

All right.

But how can I bring
the subject out?

Look all confused and
he'll ask you "what's the matter?"

Then you tell him you wish to marry Leela.
That's all.

Calling birds again?

I dropped my wallet somewhere.

-Have you seen it?
-No. Was there much in it?

Yes. Lots of money in it.

Search quickly or
someone will get it.

What are you doing here?

Dusting, sir.

May I clean out the safe?


There might be
a spider web.

Get out!

Send the manager in.

Mohan, give this
to your mother.

-Something to say?
-Yes... No.

Give the gentleman
a receipt for the money.

-On what account?
-Rani's interest.

Go on!
What are you gawping at?

Do you know that man?

No, sir.
Shall I find out?


Thank you.

-Did you find your wallet?
-No. But I know very well who did.

Why don't you get it back, then?

I'll get it back with interest
or my name's not Pehelwan Singh.

True, that name doesn't suit you.
Change it.

Good bye.

What's the matter?

You left this receipt?

Don't you have faith in God?

You were praying.
I think he has answered your prayer.

If you were not here I don't know
what would have become of us.

Are you crying?

You are not human,
you are divine.

I'm just an ordinary man.
I have nothing in me but evil.

That was my only support.

You will have another.

Yes but without it
I find walking difficult.

Come along,
let me support you.

May I ask one thing of you?
Do not leave us.

If I left, would it hurt you?

Don't go away.

I think it will be better for you if I go.

Please, don't go.

I promise I won't go.

-Whose photo is that?

What a lovely pearl necklace.
Is it yours?

Father gave it to me
when I first stepped onto the stage.

But why don't you wear it now?

Because I sold it.

I've seen one just like it.

-What are you thinking?

Very fine cigars
you've appropriated.

Banke never buys from the market.
Have another for later.

-Will you sell this shop?
-Find the money first.

As good as done
when Shekhar opens the safe.

Tomorrow we'll arrive in our car
and take you for a drive.

I never go anywhere
without my fiancee.

Bring her along too.

I've looked everywhere for you.
I've got the safe's combination.

Let's get the money tonight.

What's the hurry?

Never put off until tomorrow
what you can do today.

All right, partner,
but not tonight.

I've never seen you
refuse before.

I just don't feel like it today.

Tell me, what's the matter?

We know! I warned you not to have
a soft spot for innocent women.

Rani has bewitched you.

Perhaps you're right, partner.

-Are you in love too?
-What are you saying?

I see he's not willing to talk
about his fiancee.

-Why have you come here?
-I want that necklace back.

But I've given it
to my fiancee.

I'll lift it off
her fragile neck.

All right, it's here.
Will take 200 rupees for it?

-I don't want money.
-Not a rupee more than 300.

I want the necklace only.

Partner, don't muck me about,
in the name of love.

Look, why don't you find
another partner?

If you don't play along with us
we'll tell Rani and you'll be finished.

You wouldn't do that.

How long must we wait?

Until I'm not "finished".

All right, but you'll need us.

I'll try not to.

Well Banke, you said
you wanted to buy my shop.

How could I possibly do that?

♪ Drifting clouds,
♪ gather gently

♪ The innocent sleeps
♪ May the stillness of the night protect her

The night is dark and silent
the world around me sleeps

The loved one sleeps
pining for her eternal lover

May dark clouds
never shadow her life

Hush. Sing this song softly,
she sleeps

Have I at last realised
my secret dreams?

Who sings to me?
Who stirs my heart?

Who has showered me with love?
Who has changed the colour of my life?

You may call this
love or devotion

I say two hearts have met
as the earth trembled

Listen to this tale
of two hearts

Wake up. You can dream
the rest of the dream tomorrow.

Who can wake one
who is not asleep?

I've never seen this before.

I fell asleep waiting for you
and someone put this around my neck.

Were you awakened
by someone singing?

I dreamt a fine dream.
I dreamt I fell down. Then I awoke.

What was the dream?

I was praying to God
to make my leg better.

And then?

While giving the garland to God
I saw I put it around someone's neck.

The one who put this necklace
around my neck.

Then what did God say?

Go, Rani. Your leg will be better
from now on.

That was a fine dream.

Is your leg so bad that
it can't be treated?

So said the doctors.

I'll see a specialist tomorrow.
Your dream cannot be false.

I always dream such dreams.

God doesn't speak each night.

It sounds like a paralysis case.

Can't you cure her?
I've heard so much about you.

Medical science says that
it's incurable in adults.

Doctor Mehta, there's no need
for X-rays, that's foolish.

How can I dispute
medical science?

Next patient.

I had such hopes.

I am not God.

-How old is she?
-Eighteen or nineteen.

Why didn't you say so
in the beginning?

There's hope
at that age.

Is there really?

Perhaps after an operation
and therapy...

By the way, doctor,
how much is it going to cost?

I'll know when I've seen the patient:
as much as 1500 rupees, perhaps.

1500 rupees? I see.


I may bring her soon.


Didn't you like it?

Are you upset about something?

I'm thinking.

Your support will leave you for ever.

Will you leave?

Not me, Rani.

This gentleman.

You did frighten me.

A specialist tells me
he will make your leg perfect.


I could walk and dance?

I can't believe
my leg will be better.

Believe me, you can trust me.

You're very happy.

Mr. Shekhar has found a doctor
who will cure my leg.

Shall I put this necklace on you?

Mr. Shekhar way I mustn't wear it
to the theatre.

-Why not?
-It could be stolen.

You must wear it.

Tomorrow he may tell you
not to go out in case you're stolen.

How beautiful you look.
Shall I call Mr. Shekhar?

We'll be late.

Don't forget to give tea
to Mr. Shekhar.

Please, have some tea.

-What lovely cakes.
-Rani ordered them for you.

Are you cross with me?

Yes. You brought a pearl necklace
for my sister and not even a ring for me.

So, she told you everything.

Did you really tell her not to wear
the necklace to the theatre?

Yes, it might be stolen.

Don't be so fainthearted.
I made her wear it.

She's worn it
for the theatre?

-What's the matter?
-I've just remembered something.

Have tea, at least.


I've found the necklace.

Can you come here
at once?

This is the necklace.

Where did you get it?

-Answer my questions.

Do you think I stole it?

Maybe not,
but it was stolen.


It was stolen from my wife here
only a few days ago.

How do you know
it's the same necklace?

An I telling a lie?

Are you positive?

I am absolute sure of it.

No, he wouldn't have
a stolen necklace.

Who do you mean?

I'll punish him
so he won't forget it.

I won't tell.

Arrest her, inspector.

Take it.

You must tell me or
I'll have to arrest you.

Why get yourself
into trouble?

I won't tell.

Then I arrest you.

Why don't you tell them, Rani?

You needn't arrest her.
I gave her the necklace.

It was you?

You stole it?

-What? Did you steal it?

You stole it for my sake?

No, Rani, not for you.

It's his trade.
He's a well-known thief and a jailbird.

Mr. Shekhar, why don't you tell them
that this is all lies?

I really am a bad man. I wanted to tell you
many times but I couldn't.

And I thought
you were a sort of god.

Forgive me, Rani.

Go away.

I don't want to see your face.
I hate you.

What wrong did I do to you
to make you deceive me?

Come on. It's impossible for you
to keep on honest path.

I could not escape my destiny.


♪ Destiny makes us laugh one day
♪ and weep the next

♪ Destiny makes me live in sadness
♪ and plunge in grief

♪ Destiny makes us laugh one day
♪ and weep the next

♪ Destiny makes us laugh one day
♪ and weep the next

♪ When my beloved
♪ entered my world

♪ He covered me with flowers
♪ and with the flowers come thorns

♪ He covered me with flowers
♪ and with the flowers come thorns

♪ Thorns have pierced my heart

♪ Destiny makes us laugh one day
♪ and weep the next

♪ Destiny makes us laugh one day
♪ and weep the next

♪ Although my spirit reels
♪ I sing this song

♪ I sing to forget my torment

♪ I console my broken heart
♪ with words of courage

♪ Let us stop
♪ and hide our sorrow

♪ The world decreed
♪ and I gave my love

♪ Destiny makes us laugh one day
♪ and weep the next

♪ Destiny makes us laugh one day
♪ and weep the next

♪ No matter what befalls me now

♪ No matter what befalls me now

♪ No matter what befalls me now

♪ No matter what befalls me now

♪ Life is but a passing season

♪ Destiny makes us laugh one day
♪ and weep the next

♪ Destiny makes us laugh one day
♪ and weep the next

Inspector, I have a request.

Release me and I promise
to be back in two days.

What do you intent to do?

I must raise 1500 rupees.

-What for?
-What's it to you?

Where can you get
such a sum?

Wherever I can.

You'll commit a burglary.

If necessary. But I assure you
it will be my last.

What do you mean?

So, you love that girl, Rani,
and you want the money for her, don't you?

You could be right.

May I go?

I sympathise but duty does not allow me
to release you.

I'll surrender after two days.

I'm sorry, but you know
I represent the law.

So you cannot let me go?



How long
will you be angry, my love?

Your love makes you excited
and I love excitement...

Has Shekhar been here?

He won't come now, sir.


We've quarrelled.

You're getting
too stingy.

No, sir,
I am a man of honour.

Let me know
if you hear where he is.

I'll definitely inform you, sir.

Or this man of honour's shop
will be closed for ever.

God bless you.

Whatever you say.
I'll come to you today.

Why not? If a bird does not
return to the nest...

You? The inspector's been here
asking for you.

I know, but I need 1500 rupees.
Can I borrow them from you?

So you've come to borrow money.
Do you have no shame?

Loose them. You've made thousands
out of me.

What's the hurry?

Wasn't a pearl necklace enough?
Now do you want diamonds?

What do you mean?

She's a smart girl,
hooking a man like you.

I haven't that much money,
look for yourself.

You have the art
to raise thousands in a second.

Hasn't Banke got a job
all fixed for you?

Police station?

It's me, partner.

I'm keeping my word.

Tonight I'll take care
of the safe.

You won't back out again?

Meet me here
at 3 a.m.

We'll share fifty-fifty.

Let's not count
our chickens.

3 a.m.

Don't say that Leela.
Why are you crying?

Please, listen to me.

Promise not to go.

Father will never agree.
He's paid my college fees.

And I'm only going to Delhi,
not abroad.

Take me with you.

First I must find a job.

Then I'll bring you fine saris and
jewels, and I'll take you away.

But I may be
a different person then.

-What's it, Leela?
-How can I tell you?

Unless I am married, I won't be able
to show my face anywhere.

Don't cry, Leela. I'll come back
as early as I can.

Where's Mohan? It's time
to go to the station.

Wait for me, Leela.

Tell me the trouble, Leela.

You'll be angry,
you'll throw me out.

Suppose a girl who is not married
is expecting a baby...

and that poor girl is me.
Punish me.

What are you saying?

Forgive me.

Leela, my poor sister.

I never thought
I'd live to see this day.

I will go
and tell Mohan.

He's left the city.

Perhaps he may betray you.

He would never do that.

Who knows about
the honesty of men?

We ruin ourselves believing them
and in return we're deceived.

I worshipped Mr. Shekhar.

Don't cry. Only believing Mohan
is not enough.

I'll tell Mr. Inderjit everything.
Your marriage must not be delayed.

But they won't accept me as
daughter-in-law because we are too poor.

Oh, lord, show us the way.
Her life will be ruined.

Father went away
and I am alone.

If only I wasn't crippled.
Oh, God, tell me what to do.

♪ Take my blessings

♪ These days of sorrow will pass

♪ Live your life
♪ with courage and honour

♪ One cup holds death,
♪ the other holds eternal life

♪ One cup holds death,
♪ the other holds eternal life

♪ Drink whatever the Lord offers

♪ Drink whatever the Lord offers

♪ Why fear misery on earth?

♪ Why fear misery on earth?

♪ The Lord has a thousand hands

♪ If you love Him,
♪ take what life offers

♪ Let your days of misery

♪ take my blessing

What game are you playing?

My wife and children will suffer.
Have a cigarette.

-Was the thief caught?
-No, he ran away.

This bird of a feather
was keeping watch.

Bird of a feather, my foot!

They'll wring my neck.

Banke, what were you doing?

Chasing a thief.

They stopped me so
he run away.

He's out servant.
Why do you hold him?

Look for the thief,
he can't have gone far.

It takes a thief to catch a thief.

Some policemen you are!

Rani has come to see you.

Ask her to wait.

Receive her.
I must examine the place.

The thief jumped from here?


It must have been Shekhar.

I won't allow Mohan to marry Leela.

Don't let your hatred of our father
ruin Leela's life.

She is the perfect match for Mohan.

Like hell!
What are you lot worth?

People are offering dowries of 10,000
for their daughters to marry Mohan.

Where can I get
so much money?

What do I care?

Don't be so cruel.

Get 10,000 and then we'll discuss it.

I beseech you.

Oh, Lord.


If only my leg was all right...

The burglar dropped this in his flight.

Do you know whose it is?

I know it belongs to Shekhar.
He needed money so he did the burglary.

I'll give whatever reward anyone wants
but this burglar must be caught.

My dear, as soon as I set eyes on you
I lose my heart.

Any moment now.

You thought I'd be in jail.

-So you're an informer.
-Who said that?

Tell the thief to go ahead
and rip off the rich!

It will never happen again.

If it does,
I'll cut you to ribbons.

If Banke comes send him
to Dr. Mahendra's hospital.

And if the inspector comes...

Did Mr Inderjit refuse?

He said he won't discuss marriage
without a dowry of 10,000 rupees.

Those in love with money
have hearts of stone.

If only my leg was all right
then I could dance.

The fee: 1,500 rupees, you said.

Very well,
bring the patient.

But please, don't tell her
that I gave the money.

She doesn't like
being obliged to others.

Tell her you'll take the fee
after the operation.

What are your ties with her?

I just want her to be better.

-Yes, doctor?

This is most irregular.
I cannot accept your money.

Why not? What does it matter
who pays the fees?

Why do you want to help her?

Really, doctor,
I want her to be better.

I understand.

I'll send the patient?

-How much did you get?

-Is that all?
-It's all I needed.

All that trouble
just for 1,500?

Give me my share.

I will, at the police station.

Are you mad?
You need a doctor.

You can collect the reward
for my arrest.

I don't want that sort of money.
Where did the 1,500 go?

To the doctor.

To the doctor? But why?

For Rani's treatment.

So that's why you did it!
You've make a fool of me.

No, partner.

Damn a partnership in which
a girl comes first.

I needed your help.

There's no bond between us now.

So I'm off to the police station.

What for? Look, it's all very strange.
Why don't you tell me about it?

Promise not to tell anyone?

Tell Rani that Dr. Mahendra will treat her
and she's not to worry over the fee.

-You've paid.
-Don't mention me.

All right.
I'm not such a fool.

-Don't go to the police.
-I'm not such a fool.

You can go home
in a day or two.

But there's a month
further treatment.

It will be better
in a month?

I hope so.

Will I be able to dance again?

How can I say that now?

Partner, what if anyone sees you here?

No one's seen me.
How's Rani's leg?

Much better.

Panditji, Leela.

These are for me?

Banke, how did you know
these are my favourites?

We know everything.

And we know how much
you love Mr. Shekhar.

You'd be happier if Mr. Shekhar
had brought the flowers, wouldn't you?

How decent she looks, but very cunning.
How do you know he's here?

Secret police.
I knew he'd visit Rani one day.

He shouldn't be allowed to escape.

We've got the hospital surrounded.


You're better.

What do you want?


Go away.

I'm going.

Why all the noise?

The police's after me.

Don't go that way.

Do you still feel something for me
other than hatred?

Was Shekhar here?

Stop or I'll sh**t.

He got away.

Follow him.

You made a terrible mistake.
Now he's escaped from me again.

How could I see him k*lled?

I was only threatening him.

How was I to know that
the money had been stolen?

Inspector, return this money
to Mr. Inderjit.

What money?

Shekhar paid 1,500 rupees
for your treatment.

So that's why you agreed.
Why didn't you tell me?

Because he forbade me
to tell you.

I'll have no more treatment.

Impossible. Once I take on a case
I see it through.

Is there no way
to save Shekhar?

I'm sorry, he must be punished
for his crimes.

Why are you crying?

Banke, how cruel I am.

Mr. Shekhar has done so much for me
and in return I have insulted him.

Never mind, apologise to him
when you meet again.

He's a great person.

But whenever I think that
he's a thief, my heart stops.

He's reformed.

Has he really?

Without doubt.

Pray God that's true.

Now dry your tears.

Did Leela come here?

What's the matter?
Why are you so upset?

She's left the house.
This letter to you was in her room.



Why have you come back so suddenly?

I have work to do.


Yes, but
I have another plan.

Get Rani
on the stage once again.

I'm sure Shekhar will come
to the theatre to see her.

Are you sure?

I know Shekhar well.

For her he jumped from a moving car,
he burgled your safe,

and he risked visiting the hospital.
He'll do anything for her.

Arrange a show for Rani.
He'll come.

It seems that Leela left a letter

saying she didn't want
to dishonour her family.

It's my fault that
Leela's life is ruined.

Don't be so silly,
I'll find her.

You ruined her life for 10,000 rupees.
I won't stay here one more minute.

Stop Mohan. He's left the house.

It's all because of Leela.
Do something.

Now we have lost
our second son.

What do you want money for?
Bring him back.

Why have you bothered
to come here?

Rani, I must talk to you.

To me? Speak.

I want you to
perform in my theatre.

Thank you but
I don't wish to.

I'll pay whatever you ask.
It's good business for you.

So you've come to show pity.
Sorry, but I don't need your help.

Name your price:
1000, 2000, 4000...

You're very proud of your money.
I won't come even for 10,000.

Then not for money. I'll be in your debt
if you appear on my stage again.

How can a rich person ever be
in a poor person's debt?

I won't listen.
You ruined my father and my sister.

Think it over.
I'll fill any condition.

You can go.

Very well.


Any condition?



God bless you.

-I agree.
-Then sign it.

Them your performance
is agreed.

[ ]

♪ Tell the world

♪ Tell the world that
♪ I have spoiled you

♪ Lights glow in your mansion
♪ while I live in darkness

♪ while I live in darkness

♪ Lights glow in your mansion
♪ while I live in darkness

♪ while I live in darkness

♪ My father deserted me
♪ when I was a child

♪ My father deserted me
♪ when I was a child

♪ My sister and my beloved
♪ left me

♪ my beloved is gone

♪ Destiny's blows have reduced
♪ my life to ashes

♪ my life to ashes

♪ Lights glow in your mansion
♪ while I live in darkness

♪ while I live in darkness

♪ Whom shall I seek
♪ in the dark and troubled night

♪ Carrying the beacon
♪ of my faded dreams

♪ Whom shall I seek
♪ in the dark and troubled night

♪ Carrying the beacon
♪ of my faded dreams

♪ These tears herald
♪ the coming dawn

♪ Your praises are sung
♪ in every house.

♪ Your praises are sung
♪ in every house.

The show is over, Shekhar.

Mr. Shekhar!



Arrest him.

But sir, I haven't done anything.

We'll find out soon.

We'll share jail fifty-fifty, partner.

Mr. Inderjit, here's Shekhar.

Didn't I say he was sure
to come to see Rani?

So it was a trap.

Yes, there was no other way.

Perhaps you can help replace
the biggest loss in my life.

-This locket is yours?

And the photo is your mother?

Why do you want to know?

Twenty years ago my son
ran away from home.

This is his mother's photo.

-What was his name?

You are my Madan.
Tell me it's true.

You are mistaken.
I am not your Madan.

You are not my Madan?

Isn't this a photo
of your mother?


Then why do you have it?

I stole the locket.
The photo was there.

Tell us who you stole it from.

I've quite forgotten.
It was all a long time ago.

Now I will never
find my Madan.

My last hope has gone.

Let's go, inspector.
You'll be late.

Congratulations, Rani.
I'm glad your leg is all right.

Thank you.

Inspector, look at this.

Is this your signature?


You wish to withdraw the charge
against Shekhar?

She made me promise before
she agreed to perform.

What have you done?

What I wished.

You also agreed to let Leela marry Mohan,
and to clear Father's debts.

I'll do all I promised
but I still won't bring my son back.

Inspector, release Shekhar.

You are free.

Mrs. Inderjit, you told me
something else about Madan.

His name was tattooed
on his arm.

Mr. and Mrs. Inderjit,
you'll get your son yet.




I've searched for you
for twenty years.

Are you still angry
with your father?

No. I am a thief and a cheat,
unworthy of being your son.

If children are spoiled
it's not their fault but their parents'.

Yes, we don't know
what you've suffered.

Inspector, how can I express
my gratitude?

I'm happy that you've found your son.
That's enough.

And I'm rid of one problem.

Not one, but two.

From now on I'm quitting the trade.
We'll live as gentlemen.

Good intentions.

You will have to give me
a written statement.

Release him.

So you can become
my Madan's wife?

I must still fulfil
two of your conditions.

How nice if Leela, Mohan
and Father were together.

I'll see to it.

Take care of him, dear
or he may run away again.

Rani, I was afraid that…

You're going?

You've got a better partner
than me now.

So you will be Madan's bride?

You love another?

Mr. Shekhar.

That thief?

Once. But not now.

Where are those people?

"Shall I throw".

I mean, "Thank you".

What happened, partner?

Where were you, sister?

I was with Father.

Where is he?

I've fulfilled all the conditions.


Just one more thing:

Rani and Leela will marry
Madan and Mohan.

What could be better?

-You've got your Madan back?
-There he is.

Shekhar is my son.


Our children repair
what we have spoiled.

This is all God's blessing.

This is all the play
of destiny.

Banke, get the car.