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My g*n Is Quick (1957)

Posted: 12/18/23 18:13
by bunniefuu
Velda. Hi, beautiful!

Mike, where the devil
have you been?

You might at least
come into the office

and take care of your business
once in a while. I never...

Off my back, chick, I'm tired.

Are you all right, Mike?

I've been up 52 hours straight.

Well, you had several calls.

Mike, I'm worried.

Well, stop worrying
and wait for me.

Oh, but I haven't
had dinner yet.

I'll pick up a sandwich for you.

Mike, you don't sound right.

I just crawled out of a sewer.

Not a decent person
left in the world.

I'm here, Mike.

You stay there.

What will it be, bud?

Coffee. Black.

I'll have another cup, shorty.

That'll be a dime more, red.

Can't you make it
two cents' worth?

Prop open your eyes.

How did you guess?

You look beat.

Even staring at you wouldn't
keep me awake tonight.

I know. I feel real safe.

Listen, red, will you stop using
this joint as your office?

Shorty's got a heart, mister,

as soft as steel.

Lay off the kid and fix me
a sandwich to take out.

Chopped egg.

You want one?

You look as though
you could use some food.

Thanks, I'll have
a bowl of soup.

A bowl of soup for the lady.

Got to have real talent to be broke
in this lush country of ours.

Well, when you're
sick you don't work,

and when you don't work
you don't get paid.

How'd you get out here?

How do you know I came?

The way you talk.

Where do I come from, then?


Pretty close. Nebraska.

Why did you come?

Hollywood. Can you believe it?

What's the difference?

Here I am.

You ever thought of going back?

You bet I have.

Didn't look so good
to me when I left,

but it sure would now.

Oh, it's not that
I mind walking.

I don't think they'll make it.

Hello, red.

What do you want?

Are you kidding?

I'm busy. Get lost!

Come on. Lay off, grease ball!

Beat it. Come on.

Drop that knife or I'll blow the
top of your greasy head off!

Go ahead, make one move. Make
just one more lousy move.

Drop it!

Please get out of here.
He'll k*ll you.

Tell me something. Do you
really think he could?

No, I don't think he could.

Please go. For me.

Get up. Get up!

Get out of here fast!

Keep moving!

You hadn't oughta
done that, mister.

You hadn't oughta.

There were times when I thought

I'd lost all the power
to like anyone anymore.

Thanks for the soup.

Hey, red.

Listen. When I came in here
I felt pretty lousy, too.

As if I didn't have a
friend in the world.

Now I feel like
I've got a friend.

So have you.

Look, take this dough.

Go down to the bus depot.

Get yourself a pair of shoes.
Buy a ticket and go home.

And buy yourself a dress
to go with the shoes.

Cheap mascara.
It's always running.

This is where I live.

Let me know that
you got home safe.

Mike hammer, 1346...

Did you ever see
one like that before?


It won't come off.

What the heck.

It wouldn't buy a cup
of coffee, anyhow.

I won't see you again.

So, just this once, could I...

Thank you.

Where's the sandwich?

Hi, beautiful!


Easy money, kiddo.

Take out expenses
and bank the rest.

Chopped egg.

Thank you.

It was a pure kiss.
Almost fatherly.

Sure, dad.

That "almost" covers
a lot of territory.

You have two calls.

What were they?

One wanted a divorce set up,

another one wanted
a bodyguard for himself.

Seems his girlfriend's husband is
promising to k*ll him on sight.

I sent them both
over to Ellison's.

That's so they'll
get proper treatment.

Wish you'd stop
making up my mind for me.

Bodyguard job might've
been all right.

Uh-uh, I got a look
at the girlfriend.

She's the bosomy type
you go for.

Oh, bugs.

You know how I hate dames.

Well, hiya, Hank.

Pat wants to see you
at headquarters.

Just got word over the radio.

Right away. It's important.


What's it now, Mike?
What have you been up to?

Nothing, beautiful.

Somebody must've been throwing
rocks in their glass house.

Well, you'll just have to be a
little more patient, that's all.

Hi, pat.

Yes, I understand that.

No, I really couldn't say.
Not... not yet.

All right.

Look, suppose you... suppose you
give me a day or two on it, huh?

No, not now,
I'm a little tied up.

Yeah. Okay.

You know any redheads? Plenty.

Yeah, yeah. Well, this
one is about 5'2".

Dark blue eyes, pretty figure.

Weighs about... I'd
say 110 pounds.

Yeah. I met her in a hash joint.
What's all this?

Did you give the girl
your name and address?

Sure. Where is she?

In the morgue,
with a broken neck.

Car accident. Hit and run.

Why, that poor kid.

Of all the rotten luck.

I was with her a couple of hours ago.
I bought her some soup.

Fine company you keep.

Damn it, pat, she was all right.
She wasn't after me.

I did her a favor.

And she was more grateful than most of
the trash who call themselves people.

What sort of favor, Mike?

Gave her some dough
to get out of the bus...

To go home on.

You're getting mighty
big-hearted, aren't you?

Now, pat, don't give me that!
What the devil!

Can't I play the good
samaritan for five minutes

without everybody
getting smart about it?

I liked the kid!
Does that make me a...

All right, Mike. Now, don't
jump me on it. Jeez.

I know you better
than you think.

Just that you seemed to be stepping
out of character, that's all.

I'm sorry, pat.

It's just got me fouled up.

Well, here are
the girl's things.

Where's her ring? She had
a ring on her right hand.


It was a very distinctive ring.

Doc. Pat.

Say, did you pick up a
ring on that redhead?

Now, look on the ring finger,
right hand, will you?


She had on new clothes.

That figures, I told
her to buy some.

Not a scar on her body to identify her.
No laundry marks.

Yes, doc.


Okay. Yeah. Thanks.

Well, doc says nothing there,

but flesh on ring finger,
right hand, is badly bruised.

As though somebody pulled off
a ring that was too tight?

Yeah. Could be.

But if it was worth swiping,
why'd she need money?

I don't know that it was worth anything.
Red said it wasn't.

Here. It was kind
of a black stone

with a v cut in it, like that.

Let's have a look at that.

Say, you sure it didn't have a kind of
antique filigree setting with cross bars?

Wait a minute.

Yeah, it had an antique
setting like that,

but didn't have any cross
bars, I don't think.

I'm going to show you something.

Here, look anything like that?

This is it. Yeah?

Know anything about the venacci
jewels of colonel holloway?

Come on, Mike, it was a big
case around here in '45.

It filled the papers.

I didn't get the news
in the south pacific.

Oh, I forgot.
You were making it then.

Well, this man
holloway was a colonel

in one of those
cloak-and-dagger outfits.

He was dropped behind
the lines in Germany

during our final push there.

Seems he stumbled on a cache
of jewels, all wrapped up

and waiting for fatso
goering's removal service.

So holloway removed
the jewels out west.

Deuxieme bureau and our own g-2 got
the tip and picked up holloway,

with all the jewels
except one lot.

The venaccis.

I don't believe red knew
the ring was valuable.

Oh, it's not. Only as part
of the venacci collection.

What's the whole caboodle worth?

More dollars
than we'll ever see.

Where did they send holloway?

Is he out?

Yeah, about now.

If the venacci collection
is so well known,

what good is it to holloway?

Oh, Mike. Look at this.

Look at this brooch,
this clip, this tiara,

these rings, this choker. Look
at those diamonds. Count them.

They're 30 karats each.

Why, it would be
a cinch to cut this up,

if you got the right
man for the job.

Some people might think
it worth k*lling for.

A nice kid was m*rder*d.

Now, that frightens me, pat.
I can't take it.

Now, look, Mike,

the girl is in the morgue with a
broken neck from a car accident.

What makes you think
it was m*rder?

She's dead. What difference
does it make how she died?

When you're dead, you're dead.

It doesn't matter to you much
anymore how you got that way.

Mike, let's not
have any tangents.

Now, what do you
know that I don't?

What do I know?

She was a nice kid. If she
was k*lled accidentally,

I'd feel like hell.
But if she was m*rder*d?

Yeah, I know.
I've heard it before.

If she was m*rder*d,
you're going out

all by yourself and catch the k*ller
and rub his face in the dirt,

maybe so hard you'll
break his neck, too.

Mike! Now, look,

if this is a k*ll, it
belongs in my department.

Don't get me mad, will you?

Now, you've got thoughts in
that scrambled brain of yours

that could make the
track nice and muddy.

I told you I don't know.
Now get out of here.

Now, look, you may
be a rough apple,

but I'll make
your face look like

it's been run through a grinder.

The name's Mike hammer, chum.

You oughta know it down here.

She was red to me
and everybody else.

That's all I know.

You got a record,
haven't you, shorty?

Why, you dirty...

When a guy gets out of stir, he goes
straight sometimes, and sometimes he don't.

I'll bet if
the cops look around...

Honest, Mac, I don't know
nothing about the dame.

Lemme alone. If I find out

that you know any more
than you told me,

there's going to be a guy
in a pretty blue uniform

looking for you. But he's
going to have a tough time

making any sense out
of what you tell him.

It ain't easy to talk when
you're choked on your own teeth.

I think she worked
at a night spot.

The bluebell.

Had a mex girlfriend. Maria.

Hey! What do you want?
The dancer.

She'll be out
after she's dressed.

Just back up and wait
for her, lover boy.

I can smell a cop.

You've got the wrong scent.

I'm a private investigator.

Mike hammer.

Mike, who do you work for?


That pay good?

Sometimes. Sometimes
I work for love.

Me, too, Mike.

What you want to know?

Was red afraid of anybody?

I think so, yes.

But I'm not afraid of anybody.

What's the use? I start being afraid.
I never stop.

Is that right, Mike?

Yeah. Where did red live?

Same house as I do.

Honey, you've got
yourself a date.


At the next corner, turn left.

It matters to you
that red was k*lled?

It matters.

Doesn't seem to.

I know people k*lled before.

And in this part of town it's
good to mind your own business.

This is the place, here.

Mike, I don't want to stay here.


People sleep soundly
around here.

Yeah, yeah, I know. Everybody
minds their own business.

I need a drink. How about you?

I sure do.

Why did they k*ll her?

That's what I'm
trying to find out.

Why and who.

She was a very sweet girl.

Too soft for life like this.

That's what I figured.

How well did you know her?

I talked to her for 15 minutes.
That's all.

Then what's the matter with you?

Are you looking for trouble?

Why don't you leave it alone?

It's something I have to do.


Is that the truth?


I don't meet men like you.

I have no luck with men.

That I don't believe.

I don't meet the nice ones.

The kind that put a
ring on the finger.

Do you remember the ring
that red used to wear?


She ever say anything about
it, where she got it?

She laugh about it.
It was a big joke.

A joke?

Yes, because of the little
man that give it to her.

The frenchman.

He doesn't talk.

Something happened to him.

In the w*r,
the Germans hurt him.

Frenchman? Yes.

Everybody kicks
him around but red.

She was nice to him.

So, one day, he gave her aring.

He makes few bucks a week.

What kind of aring can it be?

Get your coat on.

Come on!

All right, but why?

Can I ask why? To find the man,

the frenchman. Oh! Can't find.

But he comes to work at the
bluebell at 8:00 in the morning.

So you have to wait.

8:00. That's better than
three hours to wait.

That's a long time to wait.

Three hours.

For such a violent man.

Maybe we can
find a way to k*ll it.


Play gin rummy?

No, Mike, I don't play cards.

I cheat.

I cannot help it, Mike.

See you at the bluebell at 8:00.

Jean, this man is a friend.

He wants to help. He's angry.

Where did you get the
ring you gave her?

I said, where did you get it?

Leave him alone. He's afraid.

Let me talk to him.

Listen, you loved red?

Whoever k*lled her
should be punished.

You can help by telling
this man what you know.

Oh! That's French.

Means "something."


Something... something
you want to show me?

625 olden street.

Ten... 10:00?

You go home
and get some shut-eye.

I'll take it from here.

Okay, Mike.

What a terrible way to die!

Yeah, su1c1de.


Hello. Most people
ring the bell.

I did,
but I didn't get very far.

That's right. I'm not
at home to anyone.

But if you're that persistent...


You're from up the
road, aren't you?

I just came down the road.

I thought I'd seen you.

I've been hiding out ever
since I got back from Europe.

I'd like to speak
to your husband.

So would I. But even
with modern science,

I can't reach him anymore.

Not for the last six years.

I'm sorry.
Time heals all things.

I'm Nancy. I'm Mike.

Can I offer you a drink, Mike?

Sure thing.

I'm having a Collins.
How about you?

Sounds good. Will you fix it

while I go upstairs and make
myself more presentable?

Nancy, do you have a man working
for you, or a relative,

about 6'3", dark hair?

The only man around here is
the Butler, Louis. He's 6'3".

But he's off until tonight. That's one
of the reasons you couldn't get in.

How well do you know him?

He came with
excellent references.

He's in your house now.

That's strange.

But sometimes
he comes home early.

Last night, in a hash joint,
that's where I met him.

Your Louis threatened
a young kid.

A vagrant girl.

Three hours later, she was dead.
Hit and run.


Next time I saw him was
about 10:00 this morning.

Three minutes after another death.
su1c1de this time.

I followed him here.

Hit and run, su1c1de...
Who are you?

Mike hammer.

"Private investigator."
Well, how about that?

Good morning, Louis. Home early?

Yes, ma'am. I didn't feel well.

Apparently you heard Mr. hammer, Louis.
What about it?

It's nobody's business
where I was.

Don't be impertinent, Louis!
Remember who you're talking to.

I'm not likely
to forget it, am 1?

If you don't talk, and politely,

you may have to talk
to the police.


You don't mind talking
to anybody, do you?

Or making headlines.

I've had enough of you, Louis.

Pack your things and get out.
I'll get your check.

This won't take long, Mike.

You heard the lady, chum.
Beat it!

Let me speak to
captain chambers.

Okay, I'll wait.

Hello. Hello?

Pat? Oh, it's you.

You might want to pick
up a Butler type.

6'3". Dark hair, brown
eyes, bruise on mouth.

- You responsible?
- Yeah!

I put it there so you
could identify him.

He's called Lou or Louis,
if you prefer.

He drives a 1957
black Ford sedan.

He'll be leaving
33 harbor road pronto.

He might know something about
red or the frenchman, Jean.

What do you know about the frenchman?
Now, look, Mike,

put it on the line.
Tell me what you know.

You have no right
to throw me out like this!

There's no proof to
what this d*ck says...

Hello, hello,
Mike, are you there?

Answer me. Answer me, will you?

You'll pay for this!

I'll get even with you if it's
the last thing I ever do.

I thought she told
you to get out!

She won't give me
a character reference.

Louis, I told you I'd give
you a character reference

and I told you exactly
what it would say.

That I found your services as a
Butler satisfactory. Period.

You're lucky you've got money, so you
don't need a character reference.

Beat it!

Thank you, Mike. He was getting
a little too much for me.

They may not be able to hold him, but
he'll be out of circulation for a while.

I won't be involved
in this, will 1?

I don't think so.

I don't need any more publicity.

My life's an open book,
I've had enough.

Louis knew it,
so did everyone else.

I was in a scandal in Europe
and made the headlines.

Was he married?

Yes, he was.

Mr. hammer, is it possible to engage
your services for a few days?

It's done all the time.

I'd feel better and safer.

Okay. You've just hired
yourself a bodyguard companion.

What gives first?

Can you handle a boat?

I can handle anything.

This is what I love!

The seal

it's the only place I
feel free and at peace.

What's so tough on shore?

You just witnessed
a scene this morning.

That man. His impertinence!

Mike, I was all of 17
when I got married.

I didn't love him particularly.

It was my mistake.

Then about four years ago,
I met a man in Paris.

I fell in love for the first time.
That was a bigger mistake.

I wasn't a kid anymore.

Oh, how it hit me!

I had no idea I was capable
of anything so deep.

So passionate.
It was disastrous.

It could have been wonderful.

It was wonderful.

But he was married.

His wife found out.
She k*lled herself.

What a headline
that turned out to be.

He was a vip?

That's why they
made me the goat.

I'm not the first woman to fall
in love with a married man.

I don't suppose
I'll be the last.

True enough,

but I don't buy the "I can't
help myself" school of behavior.

You have moral objections?

About a lot of things.

You made a mistake
and you paid for it.

My whole life's mixed up with
people that make mistakes.

There are certain things that

we approach with a professional
detachment we're not supposed to have.

I approach them with
a cold, bitter rage.

That's the way I feel
about red's death.

Who'd want to destroy
a kid like that?

It's awful, just awful.

So I feel sorry for red.

I don't feel sorry for you.

Mike, I was hoping you would
be someone I could talk to.

But you can.

How do you feel
about the man now?


When did it end?

Almost two years ago.

Two years. No men?

That's right.

It's lonesome.

Oh, Mike, I feel so much better.

There's nothing like
an ocean breeze to...

I could have sworn
I saw someone in here.

Someone has been here.
I closed that door.

There has been someone here.
They dropped this.

Well, I'll be damned.

You've seen it before?

I'll say I have! Last night
it was on the hand of...

Hey, you! Stop!

They fouled up the motors.

Mike, do you feel all right?

Sure. They gave me
the easy one this time.

Who were they?
What did they want here?

The venacci jewels.


It's a long story.

But the guy that dropped that ring
probably k*lled red and the frenchman.

Why here? Why in my house, Mike?

How long were you in Europe?

Almost ten years.

You ever rent your house?

It was always rented.

You ever have a colonel holloway
as one of your tenants?

I don't know. There were
three or four tenants.

The agency handled
all that, Mike.

I've got it.

Cast off the bow line!

What did they hit me with?

Boat hook.

Boy, I sure
walked into that one.

I'm getting all the aid I need.

Smells good.
What do you call it?

It's from Paris.
It's called dangereuse.

Danger to you.

See any sign of 'em?

Not a thing.

Calling kou. Calling kou.

This is wc 441, the Nancy.

Wc 441. Come in, kou.

Will you dial Michigan
4233 for me?

Hi, beautiful.

Yes, Mike. How we doing?

I'm with Mrs. Nancy
Williams of 33 harbor road.

That figures.

Mrs. Williams' house has been
rented for the past 10 years.

Who was your agent?

The Mason whiteman company.

Real estate agent,
the Mason whiteman company.

You get me a list
of all the tenants

and all the information you can
on each one of them. Over.

Okay, Mike, will do.

Good girl, velda.
Love you, beautiful.

Kou, this is wc 441.
Off and clear.

Who's velda?

My secretary.


That's what I call her.

First week she was with me I
couldn't keep my eyes off her.

She's been with me
for five years.

She's got a brain that
figures all the angles.

Mine only figures the curves.

Hey, beautiful.


Working hard?

Just resting.

I have a date tonight.

Where do you expect to
go, roller skating?

What'd you find out?

Williams' house was rented by
fields, holloway, Anderson and...

Colonel holloway?

Colonel holloway. June '46.

And here's an old issue
of life magazine.

Interesting story about the
venacci jewels and holloway.

Well, good girl.

Good-looking man.

Too bad he had
your taste in blondes.

That's the house, all right.
I was just there.

Mike. Darling.

Maria, what are you doing here?

I hear someone looks for
me at the bluebell.

They told me what he looks like.
It wasn't you.

Mike, I'm scared.

You're the one that's
never afraid. Remember?

Don't go away.

My secretary, velda.
Velda, Maria.

And who is Maria? For
my files, of course.

She's quite a girl. You should
see her take her clothes off.

Please, spare the details.

Twice a night
at the bluebell club.

And do I file her under a or b?

That's art or business.

Do you know
any of these tomatoes?

How would she know? You're
the expert on tomatoes.

Have you ever seen this man?


Velda, I'll be back.

Can I come with you,
Mike? Please.

No, that's not possible.

Velda, see that Maria
gets some dinner.

I'll see you tonight
at the bluebell.

Ah, pretty pictures.

Why didn't you tell me when
they picked up holloway

it was here in Los Angeles?

Oh, I didn't say
he wasn't arrested here.

It's a fine point. Are we
working together or aren't we?

Our working together
always consists of

my telling you everything
and you telling me nothing.

That's a lot of bull. I gave you a hot tip.
What about it?

Is Joe there? Just came in.
He's waiting to see you.

Send him in, will you?

Hi, Mike. Hiya, Joe.
How's the kids?

Fine. Raising the devil.

Aren't they always?

Well, there goes your tip on Lou.
Double alibi.

One to the accident of the redhead
and a babe he visits with

in the house where
the frenchman lived.

Cast iron.

All right, Joe, turn him loose.

Yes, sir.

If I want to keep
track of someone,

what's better than a
babe in the same house?

Well, it's an alibi, and
we're stuck with it.

Well, where do we go from here?

Follow the leads, that's all.

Just follow the leads.

Where's holloway?

We'll know that when he checks
in with the parole officer.

You don't know now?

Come on, Patrick, give.

It's the truth.

What you're trying to tell me

is that red goes into that file back
there marked "m*rder unsolved."

Well, maybe
that satisfies you...

Yeah, the only thing that will
satisfy you is an eye for an eye.

Now, look, I'm your
friend, Mike hammer,

but if you take the law
into your own hands,

you'll be in that file under h.

"m*rder solved."

Where's Maria?
Not here, lover boy.

That I can see. What I'm
asking is, where is she?

Now, lover boy, you're not
the only man in the world.

Another one came.
She went with him.

Who was he?

Never ask questions, lover boy.

I thought she was
your star attraction.

Those kinds of attractions are
thick as bananas down here.

You want a girl?
There's lots of girls here.

I was looking for just one girl.

Oh, have a drink
and be gay, my friend.

Toujours gai, toujours gai,
as the French say.

If I had what you've got, I'd have
more girls than I've got now.

I'll tell you what.

I'll lend you one, huh?

Can I have my pick?

Sure. And your drink?

Double bourbon, straight.

Bartender. Double bourbon,
straight, for my friend.

I'll have a vodka smirnoff.
Same for me.

You know, this is
the kind of joint

the big executive
likes to play in.

Where no one knows he's a vice president
in charge of something or other.

But me, I'm nobody and I can
always have a good time.

Well, you're doing fine.

Let's play it's leap year,
and I'll choose him.

Okay, you've got me. Now what?

My name's dione.

Do you like that name?

It's okay. A little fancy.

Do you like me?

What I've seen of you.

Would you like to see more?

I'd like to see more of you.

We're doing great.

It's just the beginning.

424 north wooster.

First floor. In one hour.

Just because I'm so attractive?


J you just don't know
how sad I feel

j 'cause without you
they're just bluebells to me

J 'cause without you they're
just bluebells Tome jq

surprise is the first element of
a successful attack, holloway.

I beg your pardon.

I should say colonel holloway, U.S.
army, now retired.

I like that, Mr. hammer!

I like a man who has
his wits about him.

You surprise me, a genuine surprise.
Good for you!

I can see we're going to be
able to do business. Sit down!

I knew she was too
good to be true.

Oh! She's good, but sad
to say, not always true.

But don't give up,
Mr. hammer. I didn't.

That's why she's
here with me now.

Don't you find that if you
want something badly enough,

you can usually get it?

Including a slug in the belly.

A very shrewd observation.

It may seem strange to you, Mr.

that a man who has
spent all his life

with g*ns should dislike them,

but I assure you, I do!

v*olence should be the last resort.
Don't you agree?

I agree.

Then why did you knock off red?

I tell you bluntly as an officer and
a gentleman, I did not k*ll her.


She was k*lled last night. I didn't
arrive in this town until today.

Why, I cannot be as disturbed
by her death as you,

since I didn't know her.

But the other death upsets me,

upsets me very much.

Now, if you will put
your cards on the table,

I'll do the same.

What cards?

Oh, I don't like that,
Mr. hammer.

Do you like that, dione?

When you first came in you
impressed me as a forthright man.

We're both forthright men.

So, let's not begin by
beating around the bush.

How about a drink?

No drink.

You see, that's what I mean.

No equivocation,
no "well, maybe,"

or "if you're having one."
I like him, dione.

He has some good points.

You see, you're popular with the ladies.
Always a good sign.

The man who doesn't get along well
with women has no self assurance.

Well, now that we're friends,

here's my question.

What do you want to know?

Where are the venacci jewels?

We're starting at the
wrong end, colonel.

Suppose you tell me where they've
been for the past 10 years.

You see, Mr. hammer, when
it comes right down to it,

you're not being fair.

You want me to put my
cards on the table,

but you won't give me
any guarantee of reciprocity.

It's your dime.

You wanted to talk to me.
That's right.

Our meeting at the
bluebell was no accident.

We're both interested
in the venacci jewels.

The great difference
between us is that

they belong to me.

I discovered them, I hid
them, and I paid for them.

10 long years in prison.

They're mine. They don't
belong to anybody else.

It happens to be
a case, colonel,

where possession is everything.

You think I like being
suckered by this babe

and then you play games?

Now, give me the
pitch, or I'll leave.

Oh. You've got a bad temper,

Mr. hammer. I'm not sure
that's a good sign.

But good or bad,
I'll split with you.

At last! How much?


In dollars? I'd say close to...

This will astonish you.

Go ahead, astonish Mel!

A quarter of a million.

Why not 50-507

superior investment on my
part, especially in time.

Okay. You've
got yourself a deal.


Now, where are they?

I don't know.

Mr. hammer, I've told you that
I abhor v*olence and pain,

but there are times in human affairs
when they become necessary.

I've spent a long time waiting.
Nothing's going to stop me.

For a philosophic gent,
you're not using your head.

You ought to know I won't cop
just 'cause you thr*aten me,

and if you do k*ll me, you won't have a
single clue as to where the venaccis are.

You're a rare one.
Dione, come here.

Give this to Mr. hammer.

Go on, go on, give it to him.

Now get out!

Oh, can't I stay?

Get out!

It's such fun! Get out!


Jean was my friend.

He'd have done anything for me.

I rescued him from the Nazis.

They made him a mute? Yes.

I gave him the jewels. For 10 years he
kept them in a bag next to his skin,

until a little tramp
smiled at him,

and he gave her a ring.
The secret was out.

A French g*ng has been after
them for a long time.

They work here on the docks.

La roche and his boys.

A one-armed man with a mustache?

That's la roche.

Have you seen him? Today.

Did they k*ll red? I don't
know and I don't care.

The thing I do care about is...

If only I'd got out
two days sooner.

That's what I can't forgive,

my timing.

That wasn't completely
in your hands.

Where are the venaccis?

I don't know.

I insist that you tell me.

I have two leads...

You must get me those jewels, Mr.
Hammer. You must.

25% is yours,

but if we don't move fast,
we'll lose them again!

So you will move fast?

You'll hear from me.

Oh, Mr. hammer, you're
forgetting something.

No, not the g*n, the key.



Who is it?


I'll be right down.

You interrupted
a beautiful dream.

Mike, you look awful!

I caught a beating, I've caught
'em before and I'll catch 'em...

Let me get you a doctor.

No, no, thank you. I'm okay.

Your garage door is up.

That would be George,
Lou's replacement.

I told him to lock up
before he went home.

Let me get a cold
compress, Mike.

No, no, I've done all that.

What about his references?

Don't worry, this time
I made real sure.

Can't be too careful who you let in here.
Of course not.

As I figure it, the venacci jewels
are hidden here in this house.

No. Mike! But how? Why?

You rented your house
to a colonel holloway.

He was one of your tenants.

That's the man who stole
the venacci jewels?


The agency should
have been more careful

who they took in as tenants.

But Mike, why should
the jewels be here now?

The one-armed fisherman and
his friends seem to think so.

That's what they were
doing here this morning?


and about an hour ago they
tried to remodel my face

in the dancer's apartment.

It was a business call.

Who is she?

A babe that strips at
the bluebell night club,

and I figure she knows
plenty about the jewels.

Boy, am I bushed.

Mike, at least let
me give you a drink.

I'd like that.

Time for all big boys to wake up

and face another
cruel, hard day.

What happened to me?

I gave you a sedative.

A Mickey, huh?
No! A mild sedative.

You were dead beat. I couldn't
stand the way you looked.

You were out on your feet.

Common sense said
you needed sleep.

Thanks for the sleep.

Do I hear bells?

That always happens when
you kiss the right one.



What kind of a man can you be
to count while I'm kissing you?

I always count when I'm kissing.

Doesn't everybody?

I don't remember
putting these on.

You didn't.

I hope it wasn't
too much trouble.

No trouble at all.

Your g*n, sir. I took the
Liberty of cleaning it.

Well, thank you, jeeves.

And thanks for the pajamas.

Not at all, sir.
The name is George.

That'll be all. Yes, madam.

Where's my clothes?

Over there.


If you need any help...

I'll ring for jeeves.
You think of everything.

You are wanted
on the telephone, sir.

Thank you, George.

Hello. Yes, pat.

What! Oh, no.

I'll be right down.

Maria Teresa Garcia!

Boy, your friends die suddenly!

I'm not so sure
she was my friend.

Come here.

What was she doing with
this copy of life magazine?

What were you doing
at this particular house?

Or is that
classified information?

Working for Mrs. Williams.


And, that, I take it, has something
to do with the venaccis?

Nothing. I see.

And your friend
colonel holloway,

did he k*ll Maria?

What are you doing, tailing me?

I'm running an investigation.

Now, let's get
this straight, Mike!

The department's doing the
investigating, not you!

All right. Who was the guy that
picked up Maria last night?

Me! Oh!

My only mistake was
in letting her go.

I guess that makes me a lousy
detective and you a stinking cop.

Just speak for yourself.

What did holloway say to you
anyhow, or is that "privileged"?

He wants the jewels.

He hasn't got them now?

No. You're sure of that?


Now, look, Mike,

I've learned one thing,

not to make any threats
I can't back up.

You know as much as I know.

You'd better be
telling me the truth.

My squad's going to
find this k*ller.

Nobody's going to
get in our way,

and that includes you.


Mike, how many times
have I told you,

I don't care where you go,

just leave the phone number!

I don't like the neighbors seeing the police
hammering on my door at four in the...

Mike, what did you run into?


Colonel holloway.


What 10 years will
do to a man's looks.

That's why I always advise
my clients to go straight.

You just wait out here
and watch the phone.

But Mike, I'm always with
you on your interviews,

a matter of legal protection.

That's just what
I'm trying to avoid.

My secretary is usually present
on these interviews, colonel,

but under the circumstances...

I understand.

You're not looking at all well, Mr.

Dione sends her love.

Sweet girl.

I put in a call last night to a man
in Amsterdam. A diamond cutter?

The best! You're sharp, Mr.

Name of teller.

But he wasn't there. He's on
a steamship, the dykerdam,

due in Los Angeles today.

Someone else has
the same idea as you.

With this exception,

they hold the venaccis
in their hot little hands.

Now, if you're smart, Mr.
Teller will lead you to them.

Why don't you tag him,
or does he know you?


Ludwig teller? Yeah.

Diamond merchant?

Yeah. Now retired.

Here on pleasure. For how long?

Maybe I pick this ship up
on its way back from Seattle.

And you're going to stay
at the Clarence hotel?

Yeah. The Clarence.

All right. Next, please.

Thank you.

I came down to meet a friend
of mine off the dykerdam.

A man named teller.

I got snarled up in
traffic and missed him.

I haven't got the slightest
idea where he's staying.

Well, let's see.

Here we are.

Teller. He's staying
at the Clarence hotel.

Thank you.

Mr. teller. Teller?

Yes. Just registered.

We're expecting a Mr. teller,

but he hasn't checked in yet.

Are you sure?

Yes, sir. I'm sure.

F one. Three to 77 end of watch.

One xl-46 clear.

P-s-r 12.
To the Nancy Williams home

at 33 harbor drive. Code three.

To the Nancy Williams home
at 33 harbor drive.

All units be on the lookout for
Mike hammer, Caucasian male,

35 years of age, 6'2" and a
half, weight 190 pounds.

Brown hair, blue eyes, wearing
gray sport coat and slacks.

Subject is wanted for questioning
by pat chambers, homicide.

Brown hair, blue eyes, wearing
gray sport coat and slacks.

Subject is wanted
for questioning.

Ppd, 12th and Broadway...

Ppd, 12th and Broadway.

All units be on lookout
for Mike hammer.

Caucasian male, 35 years of age.

6'2" and one half,
weight 190 pounds.

Brown hair, blue eyes.

Wearing gray sport coat
and slacks.

Subject is wanted
for questioning.

One xl-59.

One xl-59. Clear.

Well, I'll be... I've never
been far behind you, hammer.

Come on, man, get going!

The frenchman, la roche,
has got the venaccis.

Hurry, man, hurry!

They nearly k*lled you
this afternoon.

That's where la roche
and his friends are now.

That's where they work.

Faster! Faster!

I'll give you more money.
More than I promised.

We've got to catch them.

I've given 10 years of my
life for those jewels.

I must have them.
I must, I must.

Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster!

There. You see? The
boat's on the far side.

Wait a minute! I don't get it.
Are you scared?

Sure, I'm scared. There's
three of them, with g*ns yet.


Here you are, holloway.

The venaccis?


Mine. Mine.

That's a beautiful collection.

They all there?

Yes. All but the ring.

The police will be after
us in a few minutes.

We haven't got much time. They'll
be asking a lot of questions.

I want the whole story.

Start with red's death.

I don't know anything about it.

That was smart of you
pretending to find that ring.

You really threw me.

I believed in you
and I liked it.

I didn't tell Lou
to k*ll the girl.

Just to get the ring.

What about frenchie?

I sent Lou to get the jewels
from the mute, and he did.

We had to k*ll him. Otherwise...

He would've told holloway.

Mike, what does it matter?

We're together, and we've
got all we'll ever need.

That scene where you fired Lou.

That was very well played.

I believed that, too, until I saw him
in your living room an hour ago dead.

Mike, be kind to me.

I was alone, no money.
I had to leave Paris.

For the first time I learned that holloway
had rented my house at the beach.

He was arrested there, but the venacci
collection was still missing.

It didn't take much figuring that the
jewels were still around here somewhere.

Mike, I was desperate!

I came back determined
to find the jewels.

What I didn't know was that la roche
and company had the same idea.

And I was the middle man.

Dear Mike, we can go
straight to Mexico.

And from there, anywhere.
Anywhere you...

The Mickey you
slipped me last night,

that was real smart, too.

You got me out of the way
for a solid 10 hours.

While I was out of the way, you could go
down and silence Maria. She knew too much.

I couldn't take a chance.

Mike, don't you see?
I had to do it.

I told you I had moral
objections to m*rder.

The little girl was nothing.
She was a tramp.

And the mute, he was
less than nothing.

He was a vegetable.
They were human beings.

The world belongs to those who
have the courage to take it.

Mike, you don't win
by playing the rules.

Well, you'll be out of
the way for a long time.

That's another thing that happens
when you don't play the rules.

I don't believe you.

Mike, I counted on you.

I was sure that
you were like me.

That we belonged together.

That you saw things as I did.

A future for both of us.

Maybe I did.

But we don't have the same future.
Use your head!

How many years would it take you to
get the kind of money we've got here?

It's no use, baby,
the party's over.

We're going ashore.

You're taking me
to Mexico, Mike.

Whether you want to or not.

I have k*lled for these jewels.
You ought to know.

And I will again.

I don't want to, but I will.

You're the biggest fool of all.

Look me up in about 30 years.

We'll talk about it then.