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Toy Wife, The (1938)

Posted: 12/18/23 18:59
by bunniefuu
Welcome, Master. Welcome home.

Hello everybody.

Come, children.

Wake up, Frou Frou.
- Hello, Pompey.

Welcome home, Mademoiselle Louise.

Hello, Aunt Suzanne.

My, my. How the child has grown.

When she went away to that Europe place,
she didn't come to cry on my shoulder.

Where's the baby?
- There she is.

Hello, hello.

This is New Orleans?

This is the plantation.

We're home, Frou Frou.

But where is New Orleans?

New Orleans is where we
left the ship. Hours ago.

I didn't see it.

Of course you didn't, sleepy head.

Papa had to carry you ashore and put you
in the coach as you wouldn't wake up.

Where are the parrots, Pompey?

Yes, there used to be lots of parrots.

No, Mademoiselle, there
never was but one parrot.

Really? I thought there would
be at least a dozen to say:

"Welcome home, Louise.
Welcome home, Frou Frou."

Well Pompey, what's new?
- Well, let me see now.

The Parish Jury is meeting tomorrow.

Yes, everything is just the same.

But there used to be
a mirror on that wall.

I reckoned you didn't remember.

But it fell down and busted in a big
storm on the night your Mama died.

Why, these stairs aren't steep at all.

And I remember them as being so high.
- That's because you were so little.

Well, goodnight children.
- Goodnight, Papa.

Goodnight, Papa.
- Goodnight, darlings. Sleep well.

Oh, I like this.

My gracious, but she talks foreign.
- Of course she does.

You know she's been in Europe
ever since she could talk anything.

What is this for?
- To keep out flies and mosquitoes.

Well, there might be some sense in that.

But want I want to know is when
are we going to New Orleans?

Not soon. Papa has been
away for a month fetching us.

He'll be needed here.
- What a pity.

Where shall we show ourselves
in all our pretty dresses?

And how shall we ever find a husband?

So you want a husband,
Mademoiselle Frou Frou?

Above everything, Mademoiselle Louise.

And you?

You dare to look me in the eye and
tell me don't want a husband, too?

Well, not just any husband.

My word!

Do you think I want just
any husband? Oh no.

My husband must like
to dance. Tra, la, la, la!

And like to ride and buy me jewels.

And make me laugh and let
me do exactly as I please.

Oh, don't listen to her, Suzanne.

She's not half so silly as she sounds.

What's being silly in loving a
man who pleases one in every way?

Besides, loving isn't so difficult.

I love everyone!

Lordy, listen to that.

Hear that fine silk rustle.

Just like leaves a-blowing
and water running.

That's why we call her Frou Frou.

You can always hear the sound
of rustling silk wherever she is.

But she's never still except
when she's asleep.

You're not asleep now, are you darling?

She is.
- Is she?

We'll undress her.

Hello, hello.
- Frou Frou.

Aren't you going to wake up long
enough to say your prayers?


You say them for me.

Listen up. Missy is coming. I seen her.

You hear that dress a-swishing?

Lordy, how I love that sound.

Bonjour, all of you.
- Bonjour, Mademoiselle.

I don't remember your names.

But I am glad to see you. My sister
and I have presents for all of you.

Thank you.

But we must get acquainted first.
What is your name?

My name is Therese, ma'am.
- And my name is Marie.

And you?
- My name is Marie, too.

I is Yellow Marie and
her is Brown Marie.

Oh. And you?
- Yvonne, Mademoiselle.

And you?
- Margaret.

And you?
- Agatha.

Now I know you.

And you? What's yours?

I ain't got none, Mademoiselle.

No name?


They just calls me "Pick".
Short for Pickaninny.

Pick? That's good.

And please, Mademoiselle.

I wishes ..
- Yes, what?

I wishes I could be your
own particular darkie.

You do, do you?

Well, then you shall be.

But if you're going to belong to me, you
have got to wear shoes and stockings.

Shoes and stockings?

Oh me, oh my.

Your Papa and Mademoiselle Louise
are starting for the Jury meeting.

And wants to know
if you wants to go too.

A Jury meeting?

Why should anyone
go to a thing like that?

There's always lots of gentlemen
from New Orleans there.

Gentlemen from New Orleans?

Oh, that's good.

That's splendid. That's perfect.

I'll go. Come!

The facts are these.

Once or twice a year herds of horses are
brought from over the border to be sold.

Madame Vallaire has had
five slaves, each a young girl.

Who mysteriously disappear
on five separate occasions.

With the departure of
these horse dealers.

But having no proof she
made no complaint until ..

This is talk. Nothing but talk.

We know nothing about no black girls.

Hat off. Hat off in the court!

Until a witness was found recently.

Whose testimony will convict
these particular men ..

Not only of sl*ve-stealing
but also of ..

One moment, please.

Welcome home, Monsieur Brigard.

Welcome home, Mademoiselles.

Will you sit here.

And may I offer my chair
to the Mademoiselles?

Thank you, Monsieur.

Nice to see you back, sir.
- How are you, George? Thank you.

Who is that?

Monsieur George Sartoris.

You wouldn't remember him.

Oh yes. That's the boy you always liked.


Proceed, Monsieur Sartoris.

A new witness.

Whose testimony will convict these
men not only of sl*ve stealing.

But also .. of m*rder.

Bring the witness, Officer.

Don't be afraid, Rose.

Which one was it? Which one
of those men k*lled your child?

It was as neat a shot as
ever dropped a villain.

A little k*lling like that
always gives me an appetite.

To George Sartoris.

Thank you, but I'll give
you a better toast.

To Judge Rondell.
Our next senator for Louisiana.

I thought dinner was always at
two o'clock on the dot in this house.

It is, Madame.

But Gilberte is late, as usual.

Master says the gentlemen
is getting hungry.

And Mademoiselle Gilberte
is to come right on down.


Alright, alright.

Perhaps this one is more becoming?

It do rustle a lot.

That settles it. I'm changing it.

Of course, I remembered you at once.

I even have the little carved pig
you gave me when I was seven.

And didn't you in return, promise
to marry me when you grew up?

I promised you .. but you
promised to wait for me.

Well, haven't I, Mademoiselle?

I'm sorry I'm late.

Please, don't get up anybody.

Forgive me, Papa. Forgive me, Madame.

Bonjour, Mon P?re.

Your place is there, Gilberte.

You are angry, Papa?

He's always angry when
he calls me "Gilberte".

What an honor to sit next to a
gentleman who has just k*lled a man.

Thank you, Mademoiselle.

I hope your wound isn't very bad.
- No, no. It's nothing.

I suppose you've been
wounded often in duels.

I've never fought a duel, Mademoiselle.

No duels?

No. Monsieur George has
something better to do.

He leaves the duels to idle
young men like my son, Andre.

Where is your son, Madame?
- In New Orleans.

Where he finds company that
suits him better than his mother's.

New Orleans.

Even in France, everyone
speaks about New Orleans.

Why I go to the table, I don't know.

For two days, I've not eaten a
thimbleful, on account of this tooth.

Why don't you go to New Orleans
and have it attended to?

Oh, if it gets worse, my blacksmith
will take it out with a hot wire.

Oh, come now. Dr Fuller is the man to
take the tooth out, not your blacksmith.

Why not go down tomorrow?

Oh, how I envy you, Madame.

You envy me, Mademoiselle
because my tooth aches?

No, but because you can go
to New Orleans to have it out.

New Orleans, where
flowers bloom all the year.

And it is fun even to
walk over the streets.

Oh, how I wish I could
go to New Orleans.


Oh ..

I have a toothache too, Papa.

Oh we are near. There is a church.

That's the chapel of St Catherine.

Is that the church you told me about?

Where everybody goes to
pray for a husband? - Yes.

I've heard of that St Catherine.

Ain't nothing she can't do when it
comes to finding you a husband.

I used to go on account of myself.

I will find you a husband
when the time comes.

But it ain't a husband
I want, Mademoiselle.

It's the kinks took out of my hair.

Hear that? Just listen.

What's going on?
- It's a party.

We're just in time.

Shall we go up and put on our party
dresses or go in the way we are?

You will neither change your dress
nor go in as you are, Mademoiselle.

We start back early tomorrow morning.

Start back?

Oh, Madame.
- Gilberte ..

Find someone to take care of us. And
Monsieur Andre is not to be informed.

If only we could go
down for a few minutes.

We won't even get to
ask St Catherine now.

I don't want to have a husband.

No girl has any fun until she's married.

We must burn a candle to St Catherine.

Tonight? Now?

Why not? Even Madame Vallaire couldn't
find fault with us for going to church.

You ain't going to wear that
dress to church is you, Missy?

Why not?

I'm going to watch for a minute.

Take some water upstairs if
you can find any. I'm thirsty.

I do not sing flat!

Then you don't sing flat.
It only sounds like it.

And I am not 28.

Then you're not 28. You only look 38!

Oh! The things I could tell about you.

Certainly. You've always
been a good liar.

Here, here, here. Ladies!

Good heavens.

Can't someone stop those women fighting?

Why? They're the best of friends.

They like fighting as well as talking.

There. See, the danger is over.

Where have you been all evening?

You really didn't notice me before?

Of course, of course.

But whenever I looked
for you, you weren't there.


Thank you.

I'm trying to remember your name.

Isn't that funny.
I'm trying to remember yours.

Oh, really?

Well .. suppose you tell me yours again?

If I do.

Will you dance with me once,
no, twice around the room?

You want to dance?
- Yes.


But .. only for a moment
and then I must go.

You haven't told me your name yet.

Frou Frou.

Frou Frou?

That's not a name.
- It's my name.

Well, is that the only name I'm to know?


Will you remember it?
- I can never forget it.

And now your name.
- Why?

I bet you'll only forget it.
- Oh, no.

I will always remember the name of the
gentleman it's a pleasure to dance with.

Well then, Frou Frou.

I'm the man that's giving the party.

You are Monsieur Vallaire?

Andre Vallaire?
- Right.

Now, we know each other.

Oh, Monsieur .. I must go now. Goodbye.

I must go, I say.
- Where? I'll take you.

Upstairs to bed.

Oh, Lordy ..


Where is Mademoiselle Frou Frou?

Ain't she here?

Frou Frou!

Pick, what are you doing up and dressed?

Mademoiselle Frou Frou got hungry.


Where have you been?

To church .. what fun.

That's right, Mademoiselle.
We've just been to church.

Frou Frou.
- Who's that?

Stop teasing and let me in.

Disgraceful .. disgraceful.
I'll call Madame Vallaire.

Oh no. It's just fun.
- Fun?

A girl's whole future may be
ruined by what you call "fun".

That's right, Missy. Ain't you said,
a lady is like a postage stamp.

The minute she got a black mark on her,
she ain't no good no more. To nobody.

Very well, my dear. Where
there's a will, there is a way.

What is all this hubbub?

Mama .. what a surprise.

I thought .. I was just looking for you.

How perfectly splendid you look.

Now try and be patient, George.

That pain may mean blood poisoning.

And there is nothing you
can do but obey the doctor.

And keep quiet until
the danger has passed.

My daughters will help
Suzanne nurse you.

I thought they were in New Orleans.
- No. They're back.

With the compliments of
Mademoiselle Louise.

I'm sorry, but Monsieur Sartoris
isn't to have any visitors today.

Well then, I'll come another time.
- Who shall I say called?

Andre Vallaire.

This here is Mademoiselle
Frou Frou's sister.

- Monsieur.

I am to be scolded.
And I deserve it. But ..

Your conduct was not that of
a gentleman the other night.

I know it .. but ..
- But it must be in the future.

If you are to be received in this house.

Please understand that.
- Oh, I do.

And it will be.
- You promise that then?

On your honor?
- On my honor.

Good morning, Mademoiselle.

Monsieur Vallaire is up there
talking to Mademoiselle Louise.

Monsieur Vallaire.
- Mademoiselle.

You have a long face, Monsieur.

And a bad conscience.


My sister says I should have one too.

But I'm not sorry I went to
your party the other night.

I however, am very sorry that
I didn't know who you were.

And that I was not quite myself.

A thousand apologies.

Good morning.

Monsieur Vallaire.

I consider what happened
entirely my own fault.

And I hope you will forgive me.

Thank you, Mademoiselle Frou Frou.

You'd better not call me that.

I am "Frou Frou" only to my family.

What a pity.

The name suits you.

I think so, too.

I'll remember and say:
"Good morning Mademoiselle Gilberte".

Do you .. ride often?

That depends.

Perhaps I'll see you sometime?


A spot of blood poisoning from the knife
wound has kept me in bed for a month.

But feeling that our country is destined
to be one of the greatest in the world.

Does that mean France or
America, Monsieur George?

America, of course.

Oh, but you can't really believe that.
- You'll see.

No. You and I may not see it.

But our children if we
ever have any, will.

I don't like that
sort of talk, Monsieur.

Oh, politics bores you?

It ain't the politics.
That's just foolishness.

Ain't no call for you to talk to my
young Missy about your children ..

Before there's talk about a wedding.
- Suzanne!

Get on with your letter
writing, Mademoiselle.

You ain't here to visit
with the gentleman.

First, have I your permission to ask the
young lady a question, Madame Suzanne?

Before I says yes, and before I says no.

I got to know just what the question is.

I want to know if she is going to
marry the Count de La Rochelle.

Good heavens, no.
- Who is that?

A certain French nobleman.

Who rumour says, was
at her feet in Paris.

But such an idea never entered my head.

Hello, hello, hello! We've come
to bring you some presents.

We found this fellow on the road.

And Mademoiselle thought he and his
small companion here might amuse you.

You might have chosen a better time.
The mail-boy is waiting for the letters.

Oh, one can write letters any time.

Look, Monsieur George,
what I have brought for you.

This rosary.

The man swears the beads are real
tortoiseshell and the chain is gold.

Yes. Very, very fine.

Thank you. Thank you
very much Mademoiselle.

And this beautiful
tortoiseshell comb is for you.

Because you have the most
beautiful hair in the world.

- Oh, thank you.

Thank Monsieur Andre. He paid for it.
I didn't have any money.

Well, it's very handsome but I ..

I'm afraid it is much too expensive a
gift for me to receive from a gentleman.

I'm sure your mother would like it.

Yes. Very, very fine.

Real tortoiseshell.

I want to have this thing
but he won't sell it.

No, no Mademoiselle. Me no sell. Oh no.

He can play for Monsieur a tune.

Look, Monsieur George.

Hello Mama.


I'm always busy.

He who wastes moments, wastes money.

- You see.

You need all I can make
and save for you.

As you know.

- Yes?

I'm going to reform.

It is time.

I, uh ..

I want to get married.

Step outside, Jacques.

- Of course.

Of course, you'd have to
choose the flighty one.

I wish it had been the sensible one.

I could have found no fault with her.

We'll find none with Frou Frou, Mama.

I'll find none if she makes
you happy, my son.

I'm going to ask her father if I may
speak to her tonight at her party.

I see.

Time to read the evening
prayer to our black people.

We believe that the most secret
thoughts of our hearts are known.

And we offer this night the
tribute of our respect and love.

Fetch me some Cognac.

Yes, Monsieur. But you take
it easy until the party starts.

Hello, Monsieur George.
- Yes, Mademoiselle.

Do you or do you not like this dress?

Isn't it perfect?

I have another one that might be better.
- No, no. Keep that on.

I will.

What a comfort to have important
matters decided by a gentleman.

Thank you, Monsieur Sartoris.
- Thank you.

There was something else.
Oh yes, this bracelet.

I can't fasten it and
Pick can't. Can you?

Well, I can try.

Hmm, the lock has sprung a little.


Now I know I will have
success in this dress tonight.

Has Monsieur Brigard gone down yet?
- Yes, Monsieur.

Master is in his study just waiting
for the guests to start getting here.

Oh, your dress has got too big running
your legs off for that Monsieur George.

Don't fuss. If it's too big, pin it.

My gracious. If I hadn't heard every
word that passed between you.

I'd think he'd already
popped the question.

Perhaps he would have, if you'd not
been all eyes and ears every moment.

I want to be all eyes and ears until
you two jumps the broomsticks, child.

Well, you'll not be tonight. At least he
can say a few words to me alone.

Before he goes tomorrow.

I hope they is the words
you've been waiting for.

Oh .. they are.

Oh, what have I done to
deserve him, Suzanne?

What has any woman done
to deserve such a man?

You've been good and sweet, pet.
Hold still, you need another pin.

You're good and sweet and nice
and that's enough for any man.

Now. Go down and show
him your pretty self.

Oh, Pompey.

Has Monsieur Sartoris come down?
- Yes, Mademoiselle.

Him's in there with Master, but I
wouldn't disrupt them yet awhile.

Oh Louise, wait.

There is something I want to say
to you before anyone else comes.


Yes, I've just spoken to your father.
And he tells me I must speak to you.

You've spoken to Papa, about ..?
- Can't you guess?

I'm in love with your sister.


Didn't you know it?

I didn't know it.
- And I thought the whole world knew it.

Why do you tell me?
Why don't you tell her?

Because your father hesitates to give
his consent without your approval.

He seems to think that we
aren't suited to each other.

Yes, I understand that.

Gilberte is so frivolous.

And you are so serious.

Too serious perhaps.
That's what I'm afraid of.

He says you decided things for her all
her life, and you ought to decide this.

So my fate is in your
hands, dear Louise.

Do say you'll approve.
- I approve. I approve.

Why yes. Yes, why shouldn't I approve?

Why you're the very person to
cure Frou Frou of her frivolity.

I don't want to cure her.

Her frivolity is the thing that
makes her so attractive.

Can I send here to you?
I advise you to speak to her at once.

You may find rivals here tonight.

Everyone loves Frou Frou it seems.

Don't think I haven't thought of that.

Frou Frou.
- Oh, Louise.

Which do you like better with this
dress? The rosebud or the gardenia?

Does it matter?

You look serious. What's happened?

Let Monsieur George tell you.

He's waiting for you now.

Monsieur George?
- Watch what he does, Frou Frou.

Be wise for once.

Be wise? What do you mean?

He loves you.

He's spoken to Papa.

He wishes to marry you.

Marry me?

Monsieur George?

Ah ..

St Catherine has done that.

I prayed for her, but now she
tells me Monsieur George.


But it is so funny.

I .. I can't get used
to the idea at all.

Monsieur George. Hoo!

Monsieur George.

Who hasn't a flaw to his name.

Whom everybody praises to the skies.
Wants to marry me .. me?

Frou Frou.


I could understand if it
would be Monsieur Andre.

That would be different.
- Perhaps.

But between the two,
surely you can't hesitate?

Frou Frou.

Even if you don't love
Monsieur George now ..

You will learn to love him
when he's your husband.

Yes, I admit that ought to be easy.

And I don't deny I like him very much.

It is so exciting to have such
a man in love with you.


Aren't you in love with him yourself?

Do you think ..

A woman in love with a man would
ask another woman to marry him?

I wouldn't.

But you might.
- But it ..

It happens however,
that .. he loves you.

And I love someone else.
- Who?

The Count de La Rochelle
who we met in Paris.

Oh yes.

That might be. Yes, he
could be just your sort.

Oh .. my head is in a whirl.

I don't know what to say. I ..

Yes, I would like to be married
and live in New Orleans.

But Monsieur Andre lives
in New Orleans, too.

Frou Frou, I beg you.

Well, if you are so serious,
I will be serious too.

Monsieur George, Monsieur Andre.

Monsieur ..
- Idiot!

You can't leave a
thing like this to chance.


Do you really feel ..?

Do you really think Monsieur George
and I could be happy together?

I think that he would
be too happy with you.

For you not be happy with him.

I don't know.

I'm not sure.

You are so much wiser than I am.

And you advise it then, huh?

Surely. Surely, it's
the best thing for you.

And he wishes it.

Yes .. I advise it.

So be it.

But he'll have to thank you,
my darling Louise.

Whether he's happy or miserable.

And I shall tell him so. Come.

Oh dear, there is no
reason for that long face.

Frou Frou has something to tell you
which will make you very happy.


You really ..?
- Yes.

Yes, she'll really promise to love,
honor and obey you, Monsieur.

That's a great load off
my mind, I can tell you.

If you only knew how glad I am.

Bless you.

Bless you both.

Isn't that sweet?

Which do you think Georgie would like
better? The Merry-Go-Round or the doll?

I don't know my dear.

And how old did Madame
Sartoris say her little boy was?

Four. Tomorrow.
- Four?

Perhaps he'd like this.

No thank you. I think he
would like this better.


Buying presents for your son's birthday?

So am I.

When did you get back from France?

This morning.

But we've heard you had
decided to live in Paris.

I did .. and then one day
I decided to come home.

Did you know each other?
Madame DeCambri.

Of course. Very well.

I didn't see you.
- I realized that.

But how did you happen to
remember George's birthday?

Oh, I'm very good at remembering things.

Christopher Columbus
discovered America in 1492.

In 1803 France sold Louisiana
to the United States.

5 years ago, on the 26th of this month,
you were married to George Sartoris.

And four years ago, on the 8th,
a son and heir was born.

One must admit you've
a good memory at least.

A good memory? Why, he's
the very man we need.

Oh, she can't look at a person without
putting him in a play she's getting up.

But it is for charity, dear. You do
want to help, don't you Monsieur?

Are you in it?

Why, she's playing the leading part.
Wouldn't you like to play her lover?


For charity.

Maybe the little boy
would like this big bear?

[ Squeak! ]

Oh, good! Make it do it again.

[ Squeak! ]

Mummy, I want to get up.

Hey, bear.

That's the wrong side of the bed.


What is it? Ahh!

What a big, fat bear.
No, no. It will get me.

Emile! Stop.

That's enough .. stop this.

I beg your pardon, Master.
We didn't know you was home.

This sort of thing can't
go on in the house.

Well, tell this man to
stay out of my kitchen.

Then ask him what's he been
doing with the Miss's keys.

Ask him.

Then ask him who's been in the wine
room lapping up all your good wine.

Where are the keys?

I put them down somewhere he seen.

I just picked them up. They
oughtn't to be laying around.

You're perfectly right. They shouldn't.

Now get back to your work, all of you.

If you can't stop this fighting,
you'll all be sold. Understand?

Yes, Master.

Oh, Pick.

This is the third morning I haven't seen
master Georgie before I go to my office.

Why is that?

Well, that Sophie,
she likes to sleep late.

And I reckon she ain't
got him dressed yet.

Is she a good nurse?

I expect she ain't no worse
than any other city trash.

Well, keep an eye on her.

And the boy too.

I'll try to keep my eye every
which way in this house, Master.

Well, Missy is too nice.
That's all that's wrong here.

Yes, perhaps.

You can't catch me! No!

Papa has saved Mama
from the big bad bear.

Why, this child's feet
are like ice, Gilberte.

Put him in bed with me,
then they will get warm.

He should be dressed and
had breakfast an hour ago.

Don't scold us. We won't listen.

Oh yes you will. There are a lot
of things I want to say to you.

I hope someone comes.

[ Door knocks ]

Come in.

The theater man just give me
these pictures for you, Missy.

The sketches for my costume.

Come on now. Take him
back to the nursery.

Dress him yourself and
give him his breakfast.

Go with Pick, darling. Give me a kiss.

Now you give Daddy a kiss.

- Goodbye.

- Bye.

Now, will you kiss me?

Now, Frou Frou.

Now come. Let's look at the
sketches for my costume.

Darling, do you realize the slaves ..
- In the first act, they fall in love.

The slaves are out of hand because you
don't see they do their work properly.

Then sell them and buy good ones.

They'd soon be just as spoiled.

I'm disguised as a page.

And, about Georgie ..

You are not going to accuse
me of neglecting Georgie?

No, but the nurse neglects him.

And you spoil him.

Don't worry about Georgie.

I adore him .. and he adores me.

Alright then, there's something else.


You bought a pair of horses yesterday.


I've told the man I wouldn't take them.


Alright, alright.

Let him keep them.

And you buy me diamonds instead.

No diamonds and no
horses until we get back.

We are going away?

Where? To Paris? Good.
- No. To the south-west.

The south-west?

What is "south-west"?
- Texas. New Mexico.

That wilderness?

Why do you laugh?

Because I am to head a
commission to revise their laws.

It's America's second
big job of this sort.

It will make the men who do it famous.

Do you want to be famous, George?

Oh, no man objects to that.

Do you have to go?

Of course I do. Don't you
understand? It's a great honor.

It's important. I want to go.

You're a funny man.

New Mexico and Texas.
I should die there.

Oh, nonsense.

The commission leaves 3 months from now.
- If you love me ..

You will not go?
- Of course I'll go.

Without me?

Without you?
- Of course.

What should I do in
New Mexico and Texas?

However, we can visit
each other now and then.

You come to see me,
and I'll go to see you.

That will be almost as much
fun as if we weren't married.

Do you mean you'd really
let me go without you?


I should miss you, of course.

As if I could leave you, Frou Frou.

When I love you as I do.

I think ..

If you love me enough ..

You'll forget the whole thing.

After five years you still
like me a little, huh?

I'm not so sure of that.


I'm not sure I like you, Frou Frou.

Oh, you are not joking.

Maybe the next time you'll
tell me you love me.

No, that's quite a different thing.

You can be quite sure I love you.

Then you shouldn't go to your office
every morning before I awake.

And what would happen if I didn't? The
whole day would be gone like this one.

Don't tell me that's eleven o'clock.

It is.

- Darling.

- George.

This is a surprise.

Where is Louise?
- At home.

Why didn't you bring her?

Well, she thought she should remain on
the plantation while I was in France.

That's nonsense. She must come to us.

We need her, don't we.

I'm afraid we do.

Go and fetch her if you can, but I
have an idea you can't budge her.

We will.

At least George will go. I have to
stay here to rehearse that play.

Besides, you can argue better with
her than I can. You're a lawyer.


Do you remember my saying once that ..

That I had no desire to cure
Frou Frou of her frivolity.

I remember. Well ..?

I didn't know what I was
talking about, Louise.

Have you quarrelled?
- No, no.

One doesn't quarrel with Frou Frou.

One surrenders.

But after all.

What could I do?

You could at least see that little
Georgie is properly cared for.

But surely Gilberte loves her child?
- Oh, yes. But as a playmate.

Not as a mother.

Just as she loves me.

But not as a wife.

Louise, you are the only person who
has ever had any influence over her.

And I came here today to beg you to
use that influence, for all our sakes.

Or this marriage will
certainly end in disaster.

I can't believe that.
- Well, I tell you it's true.

It's not only the sort of women who
are supposed to ruin men's lives.

Who play the most havoc
with them, Louise.

It's sometimes the wrong wives.

Perfectly virtuous, loving.


There's so many things
I could say to you.

But we won't talk about it anymore now.

I must think.

I must be alone.

Help me to see my duty clearly.

Help me to do it .. honorably.

They're coming!

Here we are.

I knew George could persuade you.

And here is Georgie.
- Here he is. Come.

Give aunt Louise a kiss.

No ..
- Oh ..

He'll get used to you.

Now that you are here, we are going
to keep you. Aren't we, George?

Even if we have to lock you in.

Oh, that reminds me.

Give me the keys. Who has them?
- I've got them, Missy.

From now on, you are taking
orders from Mademoiselle Louise.

As if this were her house.
Do you understand?

Yes, ma'am.

Alright. And here are
the keys to everything.

You will be more careful with them
than I have ever been. I'm sure of that.

But I don't want them, Frou Frou.
- Keep them.

Now let's get these things upstairs.
Where will we put Louise?

Next to the nursery. Come.

Now you sit still.
Let Pick get you undressed.

Because if you don't them
witches will come in and get you.

Where do they live?

Oh they're everywhere. Out there
in the dark, looking in and listening.

[ Crying ]

Alright, alright.

Keep on crying and them witches
will come in and get you, sure.

If you don't behave yourself
like a good boy and go to bed.


What has Monsieur told you
about frightening this child?

Men don't know nothing about children.

Georgie .. Pick was only playing.

Pick .. come here.

Now say:

There aren't any witches,
master Georgie.

But supposing there is witches?

You say what I tell you or
I'll call Monsieur Sartoris.

And get me whupped?
- Possibly.

There ain't no witches, master Georgie.

There ain't no witches.
There ain't no witches!

Did you put master Georgie to bed?

Well, I started, but Mademoiselle
Louise came in and ..

Don't speak of Mademoiselle
Louise in that tone.

Mademoiselle Louise ain't
nice like she used to be.

What is the matter with you?

She's been here going on three weeks.

And if you ain't noticed
nothing, I ain't saying nothing.

I wouldn't if I were you.

Give me my cloak.

She's got the keys and she's got the
Master thinking she knows everything.

Pick don't care if you hit her.

Because Pick loves you.

But Mademoiselle Louise acting as she's
the Missy here, and Master were her man.

That will teach you not to tell tales.

And the next time you do,
you will be whipped.

Why are you having dinner in the
sitting room instead of the dining room?

Because Louise is having all sorts
of things done to the dining room.

Rugs cleaned and so forth.
Didn't you know?


But she might have told me.

I'm sorry. I promised to dine and go to
the opera with Madame DeCambri.

She wants to rehearse
that play afterwards.


I might send word I'll join them later.
- No, no. You run along.

Only you're missing an
awfully good dinner.

Louise has taken a new cook
and she's cooking like an angel.

I'm glad.

Do you like my dress?
- Hmm?

Oh, yes of course I do.

But your dresses are always pretty.

- Goodnight, darling.

Is that all?

Oh now, Frou Frou. Be good.

There is no time for
love-making tonight.

You've got to go out, and I've
to get through some papers.

I'll put you in your carriage.

What a pretty room this is.

And someone has wound the clock.

Come on, darling.

Well go on dear, that's your exit.

Just a moment please, before we go on.

When we come to the kiss,
Madame Frou Frou.

This time, I'm really going to kiss you.

Oh no. That's not necessary.
- Oh, but it is necessary.


I refer to the prompter. Isn't it?

Well, the book says "John takes
Angeline in his arms and kisses her".

We can do that at the performance.

But I need to rehearse it first.

I think we might leave the kiss to
the inspiration of the moment.

Ah, but I don't kiss by inspiration.

Well, kiss or no kiss, I don't
care. But go on with your lines.

Very well, we'll have the kiss.

Come on, come on. Take me in your arms.

Does this mean that you love me?

No, I know I love you. Monsieur.


Why? What's the matter?

I, uh ..

We'll leave the kiss.

What do I say after the kiss?

Oh yes ..

"You are mine until death."

You are mine until death.

Well .. go on, Gilberte.

Go on. What do you say?

I've forgot.


It's half past twelve.

Don't you think it would be just as
well to do your sleeping in bed?

I wish I could.

What are you doing up so late?
- I'm worried about you.

You're getting only four
or five hours rest a night.

Go to bed now.

No, no. I'll thrash this out first.

I wouldn't sleep anyway
until Frou Frou comes in.

Let me make up the room
across from Gilberte's for you.

Then if you close your door, you
won't hear her when she comes in.

I've always waited up for her.
Someone has to.

Well, naturally the
servants can take turns.

Even slaves have to have
their rest after being up late.

You're a sensible girl, Louise.


I'll leave a note for Frou Frou
explaining and saying goodnight.

Goodnight, George.
- Goodnight, Louise.


Would you like to look over
the handyboys, Mademoiselle?


Good .. but take off you gloves
until the guests arrive.

I told them that. Get along boys.
Stand outside the pantry.

And don't be standing near the
head of the table. Remember that.

Those go over there.

And these, Mademoiselle go here.


How lovely.

And now, if you've a minute
to yourself, I want it.

But I must see that Georgie gets to bed.
- Georgie can wait.

Come now. I command
you to sit down and rest.

While I say something I've been wanting
to say to you ever since you came here.

Oh, I am tired.

I almost wish your father would stay in
France for ever so we can keep you here.

You must realize, Louise what a change
your being here has made in the house.

Things do seem to be
going well, I admit.

And you must know what that change
has meant. To my peace of mind.

That's why tonight I want to say ..

Thank you, dear Louise.

And I want to thank you, too.

For persuading me
that I was needed here.

And I shall stay as
long as I can be of use.

Well, knowing Frou Frou,
that's apt to be always.

All the same, I'm going to be very
rude to one of your guests tonight.

How do you mean?

Senator Rondell should have
put you on that commission.

And I shall tell him so.
- Oh, please don't.

I couldn't help knowing what such an
opportunity would have meant to you.

No-one was more worthy of the honor.


No, I wasn't worthy of the honor.

For ..
- For what, George?

For having to be such a fool as to
refuse the offer when it was made to me.

It was offered?

You refused it?

How could you?

Why, George?
- It doesn't matter now.

I'd rather not talk about it.

Hello, darling.
- Hello.

Where is aunt Louise?

Aunt Louise is busy.

Want a praline, darling?
- Yeah.

Mademoiselle Louise give orders he
ain't to eat too much sweet stuff.

He eats what I want him to eat.

Oh, I'm so glad you
stopped in to see Georgie.

Mama is going to give me some candy.

Oh please don't. It's not good for him.

Come and say your prayers
here, darling. Come.

No. I won't to say them for aunt Louise.

Very well.

Say them for someone else.

What would I care?
- Darling, wait.


Go to your mother, dear.
Kiss her and tell her.

You needn't be so kind.

No-one needs to make
my own child kiss me.

Bless Mama. Bless Papa.

Bless Mama and bless Papa.
And bless me. Amen.

You shouldn't sit staring at me.

Not answering when people speak to you.

I'm too busy to notice that.

Go away?
- Where?

Anywhere .. far.

If you only knew how much I loved you.

I know.

I do know.

That's the danger.
- Danger?

Does that mean there's a
chance of your caring for me?

How do I know?

How can I say?

I beg you to go away.

I'd do it if I thought you
were happy, but you're not.

I've seen that lately.

You have noticed that?

Of course.

Hasn't your husband wondered why?


He hasn't.

I've said what I have to say.

Let's go back in.

Don't try to speak to
me anymore tonight.

Your face tells so much. Come!

Still awake, darling?
- Yes.


- You ought to be.

Our friends didn't seem
to realize the time.

We certainly gave them a good dinner.

You mean, Louise did.


What a comfort she is.

I'll put out your lights
and say goodnight.


Sit down. I'd like to talk a moment.

Talking is all very well for you.
You can sleep in the morning.

No, I'll be up early, too.

You? - Hmm.
- Why?

To see to things.
- But Louise sees to things.

I know. I have to learn
to see to them myself.

Tomorrow I ask her for the keys.

Papa is coming back soon,
and he'll take her home.

We won't let him have her.
We need her, he doesn't.

But if I will take charge?

No, don't you get ambitious.
Leave well enough alone.

Goodnight darling.

- No. Go to sleep now. It's late.

Goodnight, darling.

[ Crying ]

Louise .. Louise.

Hello, Louise.

Oh, go down and see what
Papa has to say to you.

Oh, I am so glad for you my dear.

Dear, good Louise.

Where is George?
- In his room probably.

What does Papa want?

Don't stand there looking solemn.
Go down I tell you and see him.


- Yes?

Monsieur Vallaire been here, Missy.
- What?

He's going away tonight up to New York
on the new riverboat as far as St Louis.

And I promised to get him word
when he can tell you goodbye.


- Hello, darling.

How were the races?

George .. the most wonderful
thing has happened.

Don't tell me you won?
- No.

But Count de La Rochelle was in our box.

The great social lion
was there in your box?

Do you know what he wants?
- No.

He wants to marry Louise.

La Rochelle wants to marry Louise?
- Yes.

I knew it would be a match.

What does she say?

What would she say?

She's been in love with him for years.

I don't believe it.


Well she .. she hasn't acted as
if she were in love with him.

In fact she's the only young lady in New
Orleans who's not thrown herself at him.

That's probably the reason he chose her.

Come. Let's go and give her
our blessing. Now. Come.

I shall miss her.

We shall both miss her.

Georgie, too.

I suppose you are sorry.

She is going to leave us.

Naturally. I'm a very selfish man.

You might think of her
instead of yourself.

Yes, of course I should.

Rochelle is a splendid fellow,
and it's a splendid match.

I must admit that.

[ Door knocks ]

There is someone at my door.

What do you think, Gilberte?

Your sister refuses
Monsieur La Rochelle.

Refuses him.
- What?

She'll never have another opportunity
like it as long as she lives.

If you will .. talk to her, my dear.

I ..?


George is the only
one she will listen to.

Come, you talk to her.
- But what can I say?

She should know her own mind.
- You can make her realize.

That every woman should
have a home .. a husband ..

And children of her own.

George wants to try to persuade
you to change your mind, Louise.

For your own safety, Louise.

But, I'm happy here.

I'm very happy at last.

I've told you that I feel of some use.

I don't want to marry anyone.

But you are young.

You mustn't make a martyr
of yourself for others.

Someone seems anxious to be rid of me.
- Oh, don't joke, Louise.

You know what you mean to this family.

And you .. know of course the
advantages of such a marriage.


There seems nothing left for me to say.
Louise doesn't want to leave us.

But I heard ..

You have said what you
could. Please go now.

I will talk to her.

But not here.

Georgie has to go to sleep.



Let us have the real reason why
you refused this ideal marriage.

Shall I tell you what that reason is?
Or do you want to tell me?

I suppose you think I lied to you
about Monsieur La Rochelle that time.

Didn't you?

If I fancied myself in
love with him then ..

You are certain you did fancy
yourself in love with him then?

Whether I was or was not ..

I am quite certain that I don't love
him well enough to marry him now.

I didn't love my husband.

When you decided I was to marry him.

That was different.

But love came afterwards.

As you were sure it would.

So, why should I not take
your fate in my hands ..

As you did mine?

Don't you think you would love
Monsieur De La Rochelle in time?

As I love my husband?

No, Gilberte. No.
- No?

I should not be happy. I know myself.

Not as well as I know you,
my dear sister.


You needn't use that tone.

I'm not a child anymore.

And I'm not afraid to tell you
what I think of it, I'm afraid.

You're not yourself. You may say
something you'll be sorry for.

You thief!
- Hush.

I gave you these. I trusted you.

And you have stolen
everything in this house!

Gilberte, someone will hear you.
- Let them.

I don't care. Even the
servants knew it before I did.

You have taken my home,
my husband and now my child.

No, it's not true. It's not true.

That's why you want neither home
nor husband nor children of your own.

You want mine!
- Gilberte, you must listen.

You know I've let you
love him if you can.

Well then.

I loved him .. first.

But he loved you.

It was for his sake that
I made your marriage.

And only to save that marriage
would I have come into this house.

That is a lie. We were
happy when you came.

He wasn't. Ask him.

Ask him what he said the day
you sent him for me. - What?

He said your marriage would
end in disaster unless I saved it.

Because you were incapable of caring for
your home or child as a woman should.

I don't believe. I don't believe!

And more .. he called you a "toy-wife".

A toy-wife?

So you came here.

To save this marriage.
- And I have.

If you will let well enough alone.

You think so?

You haven't very good eyes.

My wise sister.

What do you mean?

You'll see.

You'll see.


They say I'm not a very
good mother for you.

She'll never know how much I love you.

Sometime ..

You'll forgive me.

And may the blessed mother.

Watch and keep you.

That's them coming now, Missy.

Get that other bag up, Brutus.

Straight to the New York boat.
Drive fast.

Bonjour, Madame.
- Bonjour.

Send your servants away.

Go to the horse's heads.

I had a letter, dated May the 7th.

They are in New York.

You have their address?
- Yes.

A French hotel, the Van Sainte.

On 8th Street, near 5th Avenue.
- Thank you.

I'll leave tonight and bring her back.
- No, no.

Scandal we must bear.

But not m*rder.

If you're afraid her husband might
put a b*llet through your son's heart.

I don't blame you.

My son can defend himself.

But I ..

I want to spare him the sorrow of
k*lling a man who never wronged him.

Yes .. yes, that must be prevented.

But how?

You must write to your daughter that
you never want to see her again.

Which is what I shall write to my son.

Heaven forgive me.

Then perhaps ..

They'll stay away until George Sartoris
realizes that he's well rid of her.


I'd challenge any man who
spoke that way of my daughter.

Then if you had ears, you'd
challenge the whole state.

How dare you!
- Papa.

I beg your pardon, my dear.

I'm not .. I'm not well.

This has been a great shock to me.

I beg of you to excuse me.

Poor man.

He feels this as much as I do.

Go in and give him a glass
of brandy. He looked ill.



Help somebody .. Suzanne!

Help me, help!

Madame Sartoris is expecting me.

How do you do?
- Madame.

Well, it's pleasant to see
someone from home.

I have papers for Madame to sign.

Why don't you sit down.

It's hardly worthwhile.

In consideration for
the sum agreed upon.

You'll make over half
of your father's estate.

Including the plantation, to your
sister, Mademoiselle Louise.

I know, I know. Where do I sign?

Where the cross is. On each copy please.

Tell me, do you ever see my
mother, Madame Vallaire?

Yes, Monsieur.

Does everything go well with her?
- Can Monsieur ask?

What do you mean?

Madame thinks herself an
excellent businesswoman.

But I'm afraid her mind hasn't been
on business these past six months.

And here's the money.
If Madame will give me a receipt.

I want you to take it back with you.


To give to Monsieur Sartoris.

You can draw up some sort of paper.

Making it all out ..

To George, Charles ..

Humbert Sartoris.

My child.

- Frou Frou.

Frou Frou's troubles began when she ran
away with a fellow named Andre Vallaire.

Oh ..

And Andre Vallaire would still be a
happy man if he'd never met Frou Frou.

Oh, he's not sorry, but she is.

That's a bad cough.

It's only a sore throat.

You'd better take care of it.
- Hmm.

Well .. you know what's happened now?


Your father's bank has sent
back my drafts unpaid.

I am a dishonored gambler, Madame.

What does that mean? I don't understand.

That's what I have to go back
to New Orleans to find out.

New Orleans?

We can't go back to New Orleans.

You're afraid George Sartoris will
challenge me, and I'll have to k*ll him.

No, no, Andre.
- But I think you're wrong.


Why must you go back to New Orleans?
- I told you.

Besides, I ..

I want to see my mother.


I do so want to see my child.

Poor Frou Frou.

Poor Andre.

Then we'll go?



Why George, my boy. And the young man.

What a surprise.

Something's happened?
- Yes.

Those two have come back.


I've made my will.

I've brought my son to you.

I've explained to him that if ..

If I should leave him for a long time ..

He is to look too you as a father.

You understand that, don't you, Georgie?
- Yes, Papa.

Then give Senator Rondell your
hand and promise to be a good son.

I promise.

Now come.

May I have the honor of
being your Second, George?

Let one of the younger men serve.

I prefer to sanction your conduct
with my own services.

Then I accept.

I'll return to town with you at once.
- There is one thing more.

I'm putting into your hands a fortune.

Which came to him on
his Grandfather's death.

From his mother.

But spend ..

Spend every cent of it if necessary
to prevent her ever seeing him again.

You know, uncle Brutus. We're
exactly half way to the plantation.

My gracious, Master Andre.

I knowed this bayou was half way,
either way, long before you was born.

I expect old Missy will just be sitting
down to supper when we ride up.


Hello, boys.

How's your father, Leon?

Jack looks taller, even on a
horse than when I saw him last.

Monsieur Vallaire.
- What is it, Jacques?

Monsieur Sartoris is in the
coach with Senator Rondell.

They are going to town to find you.

How unfortunate.

I had hoped to see my mother today.

You can still turn back and miss them.

That's not my way, but thanks.

You were looking for me, Monsieur?
- Yes.

You will be at my disposal.
- Naturally.

With whom do you wish
me to make arrangements?

Why not with me? And now?

For once, you must conduct
yourself properly, Andre Vallaire.

For once, that is not necessary.

It is up to you to say when.

I'll leave that to you.
- Tomorrow then, at dawn. And where?

The oaks, of course.

And the weapons?

It is your privilege to name
the weapons, Monsieur.


Now remember to stay quietly in the
carriage no matter what happens.


- Uhuh.

How strange.

What is, dearest?

That I ..

Who have never thought of myself
as wicked has done so much harm.

It's not your fault if a fool loved you.

Everybody has loved me always. Too much!

I should be the one to die.
Not George or you!


Oh, Frou Frou.

That's all I am.

All I've ever been.

A pretty sound.

Like a foolish melody.

And for that, two men ..

Who have been friends all their lives,
are going out, each to k*ll the other.

No! You shouldn't do it.
I'm not worth it.

Don't say that.

I loved you.

And I wronged my friend
because I love you.

He's calling me to account, that's all.

We're ready.


You didn't choose swords, then?


Why should a good swordsman
condescend to draw against a poor one?

That is not the reason.


I've given him a chance
because you love him.

Walking in this place is like walking in
water, Missy. You ought to stay inside.


[ Two g*nshots! ]

Gratitude for benefits, spiritual and
temporal you have conferred upon us.

And especially for the blessings
bestowed upon us this day.

Grant us the light to discover the
faults into which we have fallen.

And guide us in the path of truth.


Andre has come home .. Madame.

Your master has come home.

Bring him in.

Lucien has a new boarder from the opera.

I only hope he doesn't disturb
your mistress too often.

I hope he don't.

Ah ..

You'll be glad to see I've been reciting
to your mistress while you were out.

That is mighty friendly
of you, Monsieur.

I hope she ain't no worse.

Good evening, Pick.

Your little lady, she's better
this evening. I've just been in.

I hope she didn't say anything
about the money we owes you.

You should know.
I never even think of it.

We thinks about it.

We been here seven weeks now.
Since the first two, ain't paid nothing.

Don't let that trouble
poor Madame George.

I often have guests who've had reverses.

I'm mighty glad this ain't
the North, Mademoiselle.

No .. from all I hear, the North is
a bad place for the pneumonia.

Yes, ma'am.

Lordy, Missy. What for you up?

We're going out.
- That's plum foolish, Missy.

We ain't got no carriage
to take us nowhere.

It doesn't matter, we'll walk. Look, the
theatre people brought me a newspaper.


Read this to me, please.
- You knows I can't read, Missy.

Well, listen.

Thanks to St Michael the archangel.

For favours granted to me.

Thanks to St Theresa for
the safe return of my dog.

Ha ..

Oh, here it is .. listen to this one.

"Many, many thanks to St Catherine .."

"For every favour granted."

We'll burn a candle
to her tonight again.

But we ain't got no money to
buy no candles with, Missy.

It doesn't matter. She doesn't
care if we burn candles or not.

I'll leave my garnets with my prayer
for the poor. Come, give me my bonnet.

St Catherine.

Dear St Catherine.

Forgive me my sins.

And let me live a long time.

And give me back the love of my husband.

And my child.

And Louise.

Grant me that miracle.

I beg and pray.

Let's get along.

Oh, Frou Frou.


[ Door knocks ]

Come in.

Master .. we got a visitor.

- George.

A miracle has happened.

Louise, did it take a miracle
to bring you back to us?

Yes .. it did.

Well, I found his mother tonight.

And Frou Frou, so ill and so ..

No-one mentions your sister's
name in this house, Louise.

But .. but she's been
desperately ill, George.

She wants to see you.

That means nothing to me.

Then I .. I can say no more.

At least .. as an act of mercy.

Let me take Georgie to her.


But I'll bring him back tonight.

In an hour.

In less.
- No.

But she's his mother, George.
- Such a mother has no rights.

The child has rights.
- The law is on my side, Louise.

We shall never meet again.


You can't be the George Sartoris
I've always known.

The kind boy. The patient man.

Louise, I told you once I was afraid
our marriage would end in disaster.

Only because she was
selfish and shallow and foolish.

Because I hated myself
for giving in to her always.

If I felt that then, what do
you suppose I feel now?

I'm ashamed.

Ashamed of the thing she's
made of our marriage.

Of the thing she's made of herself.

I tell you, she's out
of my life forever.

Poor Frou Frou.

How much she has to forgive us.

To forgive us?
- Yes.

Once you called her a "toy-wife".

Well .. wasn't a pretty
toy-wife what you wanted?

You say she was
selfish, shallow, foolish.

But I know a woman .. who loved you.

Who was neither selfish nor shallow.

And not often foolish.

Who had all the proper
sensible virtues that ..

Men associate with womanhood.

But, was that what you wanted?

No .. no, you never even
looked at her except as a friend.

As someone to persuade the
toy-girl to have you for a husband.

- Yes.

I was that woman.

Are you surprised?

No wonder.

You never even saw me for her.

We've both known for a long time.

That you were the woman
I should have married.

Frou Frou saved me from that.

Now that I've seen the cruelty.

Towards the one you've wronged in your
heart as much as she's wronged you.

I give thanks on my knees I'm
not the wife of such a man.


Do you think I could have told
you that I ever loved you ..

If you hadn't k*lled that love at last?


Goodbye, George.

Goodbye, Georgie.


Take him to his mother.



Your mummy is too
tired to play, darling.

Kiss her.

Oh, Georgie.

We'll play tomorrow.

Where is George?

I don't know.

He wasn't home.

I guess there ain't no use in you
waiting around anymore tonight.

If there is anything we can do,
you know to call us.

He didn't want to see me.

I know.

Don't cry, Mummy.

Frou Frou.



You did come.

Yes .. to take you home.


Home ..


Nothing has been changed.

No, of course not.

Oh, how happy I am.

Lay her down here, Monsieur
while I'll get the bed ready.


No, I want to look at everything and ..

Touch everything.

How good it is to be home.

What a beautiful home.

What a friendly home.

Thank you, St Catherine.

Now I must go and see if my
dresses are all where I left them.

Of course they are. But you must rest
now. There will be time for that, later.

I want to see them now.

Pick. The doctor. Ask him to come up.

What a pity.

Even St Catherine.

Can't make me well.

I'd be so good ..

I would surprise you all.

You will get well, darling.
- Yes, of course. The danger is passed.


The danger is all passed.

Frou Frou will never hurt anyone again.

0h my darling, my own
dearest. Don't say that.


I'll tell you a secret.

Louise loves you.

And she will.

It's so easy to love a man.

If he wants you to.

And so nice.

- Yes, child?

I ..

I want to be buried in the dress ..

Papa brought from Paris.

With the pink rosebuds.


Where is Georgie?

Tell him Mummy said ..

Hold it.


This is it, ma'am.

Frou Frou.

Frou Frou.

Frou Frou ..